  • Geralt of Rivia and image copyright of CD Projekt.

    Class concept inspired by Andrzej Sapkowski and The

    Witcher and The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings video

    games by CD Projekt.

    Homebrew created and edited by Moses Nester

    (El_Karlos), 2010

    . WITCHER.

    Im no avenger of orphans No executioner

    for hire Im a Witcher. Geralt of Rivia


    Role: Striker. You use your extensive

    knowledge of monster anatomy, weapon

    skill, and inhuman reflexes to hunt and

    slay your prey. Using Alchemy and Signs,

    you lean towards Controller as a

    secondary role.

    Power Source: Martial and Arcane. You rely

    on years of weapons training backed by

    alchemic infusions and knowledge of

    basic magic Signs.

    Key Abilities: Strength, Dexterity,


    Armor Proficiencies: Cloth, Leather

    Weapon Proficiencies: Simple melee,

    Military melee

    Implement: Ki Focus

    Bonus to Defense: +1 Reflex, +1 Willpower

    Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + Constitution


    Hit Points per Level Gain: 5

    Healing Surges per Day: 6 + Constitution


    Trained Skills: Arcana.

    From the class skills list below, choose

    four more trained skills at 1st level.

    Class Skills: Acrobatics (Dex), Arcana

    (Int), Athletics (Str), Dungeoneering

    (Wis), Endurance (Con), History (Int),

    Intimidate (Cha), Nature (Wis),

    Perception (Wis), Religion (Int), Stealth


    Build Options: Slayer witcher, learned


    Class Features: Witcher Training, Monster

    Lore, Meditation, Mutant Physiology ,

    Witcher Alchemy

  • Witchers are wandering professional monster

    slayers who have endured years of relentless

    training and passed through hellish secret trials

    that change their very physiology. Through

    voluntary exposure to mutagenic alchemical

    compounds, witchers-in-training are granted

    inhuman speed and reflexes, an altered

    metabolism, and the golden irises and vertical

    pupils characteristic of all witchers. That is, if

    they survive the process

    As a witcher, you can draw upon the

    knowledge collected and compiled by scholars

    and witchers alike on the habits, tactics, and

    weaknesses of all manner of beasts both magical

    and mundane to track, exploit, and slay those

    that endanger the lives of innocents.

    Complimenting your weapons training, your

    knowledge allows you to create powerful potions

    that only your mutant metabolism can processes,

    as well as an array of bombs and blade coatings

    for nearly any situation. Your training allows you

    to call upon simple combat magics known as

    Witcher Signs to catch foes off-guard turn the

    battle to your favor.

    Because of their appearance, altered by

    mutant characteristics and disfigured by scars

    from dangerous beasts, and their profession,

    witchers are normally met with fear, if not

    outright hostility from those that they protect.

    Nonetheless, they continue to provide their

    expertise to those in need For a price, of


    Creating A Witcher

    Witchers rely on Strength for both their melee

    attacks and Signs. Depending on the build,

    Dexterity or Intelligence makes a solid secondary

    attribute. Wisdom is a useful tertiary to both

    builds, as it increases a Witchers willpower

    defense, increases perception, and supports

    Monster Lore checks with Nature and


    Slayer Witcher Witchers who follow this path are adept at

    taking down single creatures in melee, relying on

    swordplay and using their Signs defensively or to

    gain an advantage over their chosen enemy.

    Make Strength your highest ability score with

    Dexterity as a close second, both to improve your

    AC and to strengthen your melee attacks, as well

    as use ranged weapons such as throwing knives.

    Suggested Feat: The Deadliest Game

    (Human feat: Action Surge)

    Suggested Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics,

    Endurance, Stealth, Nature

    Suggested At-Will Powers: Vipers Strike,

    Rivian Feint

    Suggested Encounter Power: Aard Sign

    Suggested Witcher Alchemy Recipes:

    Crinfrid Oil, Devils Puffball

    Learned Witcher Learned witchers have spent countless hours

    refining their alchemical skills and empowering

    their Signs. While still able to hold their own in

    melee, experience have taught these witchers to

    plan ahead, set traps, and position the weakened

    prey exactly where they want it, before dealing

    the final blow. As a learned witcher, make

    Strength your highest ability score and

    Intelligence your second to improve your AC and

    boost the effectiveness of your Signs.

    Suggested Feat: Learned Preparation

    (Human Feat: Monster Knowledge)

    Suggested Skills: Athletics, Endurance,

    History, Religion, Dungeoneering

    Suggested At-Will Powers: Group Style,

    Expose Weakness

    Suggested Encounter Power: Yrden Sign

    Suggested Witcher Alchemy Recipes:

    Spectre Oil, Zerrikanian Sun

    Class Features

    Witcher Training Traditionally, witchers carry two swords, a two-

    handed steel broadsword for fighting humans

    and mundane creatures, and a silver longsword

    for fighting monsters. Some schools have broken

    from this tradition, embracing different

    weaponry, but the core tradition remains the


    While wielding a non-silvered weapon, you

    gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls against

    humanoids and beasts with the Natural keyword.

    While wielding a silvered weapon, you gain a

    +1 bonus to attack rolls against humanoids and

    beasts without the Natural keyword.

  • In addition, choose one of the following

    schools of training and gain its benefit.

    School of the Viper: Gain the Quickdraw feat

    as a bonus feat. You gain a bonus to Monster

    Lore damage equal to your Dexterity modifier.

    School of the Owl: Gain the Alchemist feat as

    a bonus feat, even if you do not meet the

    prerequisites. Your Witcher Signs gain additional

    benefits tailored to each sign.

    Monster Lore You gain a +5 bonus to Monster Knowledge

    checks with untrained knowledge skills.

    Once per encounter as a free action, you pick

    a target creature and attempt a Monster

    Knowledge check. If you succeed well enough to

    learn its powers (not just identify it), you deal

    extra damage to that type of creature for the rest

    of the encounter. The extra damage is based on

    your level. If you can make multiple attacks in a

    round, you decide which attack to apply the

    extra damage to after all the attacks are rolled.

    If you fail, you may try again after you drop

    the creature to 0 hit points, gaining insight from

    its defeat. Once all creatures of the same type

    have been defeated, you regain the use of this

    ability and may select a new target.

    Level Monster Lore Extra Damage

    1st-10th +1d8

    11th-20th +2d8

    21st-30th +3d8

    MEditation Rather than sleep, you may enter a state of

    meditation. In this state, you remain aware of

    your surroundings, and you require only 4 hours

    of meditation to gain the benefits of an extended

    rest. While meditating you may create both

    Witcher Alchemy items and normal Alchemy

    items, but any other action cancels the


    Mutant Physiology You gain a +1 bonus to AC while wearing

    light or no armor and have low-light vision.


    Witchers traditionally use trophies taken from

    slain monsters as Ki Focuses for their attacks. A

    witcher can add the enhancement bonus of a Ki

    Focus to melee attacks with weapons, but doing

    so replaces the enhancement bonus and any

    magical properties of the weapon for the attack.

    Witcher Alchemy

    All witchers are trained in alchemy recipes

    usable only by other witchers. Because of their

    mutant metabolisms, only witchers can safely

    handle the ingredients for the bombs and oils

    they create. Likewise, normal individuals would

    find witcher potions to be toxic rather than


    Witcher poisons, bombs, and potions are

    equivalent to the Daily Powers of other classes,

    in that the items created expire after each

    extended rest if not used and only a certain

    number of items may be prepared during an

    extended rest. A poisoners kit is required to

    make the items.

    A witcher may learn additional recipes of his

    level or lower and may pick from those when

    preparing items during an extended rest.

    Level Recipes Known Items Prepared

    1st 2 1

    5th 3 2

    9th 4 3

    15th 5 3 (one up to 15th level)

    19th 6 3 (two up to 15th level)

    25th 7 4 (one up to 25th level)

    29th 8 4 (two up to 25th level)

    Starting at 6th level, you may choose 2 Witcher

    Potion recipes of your level or lower instead of

    picking a utility power but prepare only one per

    day. Duplicates of the same type of potion may

    not be prepared as they would be toxic, even to a

    witcher, if consumed within the same day.

    Level Recipes Known Potions Prepared

    6th 2 1

    10th 4 2

    16th 6 3

    22nd 8 4

  • Witcher Powers Your at-will powers are martial exploits, while

    your Witcher Sign encounter powers are spells.

    Your Witcher alchemy items are considered


    Level 1 At-Will Exploits

    Expose Weakness Witcher Attack 1

    Youve studied this creatures anatomy and know

    precisely where to strike to render it vulnerable.

    At-Will Martial, Weapon

    Standard Action Melee weapon

    Target: One creature

    Attack: Strength vs. AC

    Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage and the

    target takes a -2 penalty to saving throws until

    the beginning of your next turn.

    Increase damage to 2[W] + Strength modifier at



    Group Style Witcher Attack 1

    You know precisely how to act when surrounded

    by enemies and turn their numbers against them.

    At-Will Martial, Weapon

    Standard Action Close burst 1

    Target: All enemies in burst

    Attack: Strength vs. AC

    Special: This attack does extra damage equal to

    twice the number of enemies adjacent to you.

    Hit: 1[W] damage.

    Increase damage to 2[W] at 21st


    Rivian Feint Witcher Attack 1

    As you pretend to drop your guard, your foe moves

    to attack. You tumble and strike, staggering him

    into position.

    At-Will Martial, Weapon

    Standard Action Melee weapon

    Target: One creature

    Attack: Strength vs. AC

    Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage. You shift 1

    square and slide the target 1 square into the

    space you occupied.

    Increase damage to 2[W] + Strength modifier at



    Vipers Strike Witcher Attack 1

    After wounding your foe, you wait patiently like a

    coiled viper, ready to strike.

    At-Will Martial, Weapon

    Standard Action Melee weapon

    Target: One creature

    Attack: Strength vs. AC

    Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage. If the target

    attacks you before the start of your next turn,

    you may make a melee basic attack against it as

    an immediate interrupt.

    Increase damage to 2[W] + Strength modifier at



    Witcher Signs Witcher encounter attack powers are limited to

    4 different signs. You may learn a new sign at 1st,

    3rd, and 7th levels. Afterwards, they scale in

    damage and effect with your level. In addition,

    you may learn the Quen Sign at level 2 in place of

    a level 2 utility power.

    Aard Sign Witcher Attack 1

    You thrust your hand forward and a ripple of force

    energy tears through the air towards your foe.

    Encounter Arcane, Implement, Force

    Standard Action Close blast 3 (Close blast 5 at



    Target: One creature in blast

    Level 11: 2 creatures in blast

    Level 17: All creatures in blast

    Attack: Strength vs. Fortitude

    Hit: 2d6 + Strength modifier damage and the target

    is pushed 3 squares and knocked prone.

    Level 11: 3d6 + Strength modifier damage.

    Level 17: 4d6 + Strength modifier damage.

    Level 27: 5d6 + Strength modifier damage.

    School of the Owl: The target is dazed until the

    end of your next turn instead of knocked prone.

    Level 11: Dazed (Save ends).

    Level 17: Dazed (Save ends) and knocked prone.

    Level 27: Stunned (Save ends).

    Special: You may use this power to make a

    Strength check to break an object with a +5 bonus.

    If you do, you must take a short rest to regain the

    use of this power.

  • Axii Sign Witcher Attack 1

    You make a series of gestures with one hand and

    send your will coursing into that of another.

    Encounter Arcane, Implement, Psychic, Charm

    Standard Action Ranged 5 (Ranged 10 at 17th


    Target: One creature

    Attack: Strength vs. Will

    Hit: The target makes a basic attack against one of

    its allies.

    Aftereffect: The target takes a -2 penalty all

    defenses and attack rolls until the end of your next


    Level 11: Save ends.

    Level 27: -3 penalty.

    School of the Owl: The target gains a bonus to

    the damage roll of the basic attack equal to your

    Intelligence modifier.

    Level 11: Slide the target a number of squares

    equal to one-half your Intelligence modifier

    before the attack.

    Level 17: Instead of inflicting the aftereffect, you

    may choose to dominate the target (save ends).

    Special: You may use this power to make an arcana

    check in place of a diplomacy check. If you do so,

    you must take a short rest to regain use of this


    Quen Sign Witcher Utility Power 2

    Flickering blue sparks of electrical energy

    surround you and shield you from harm.

    Encounter Arcane, Lightning

    Minor Action

    Effect: You gain temporary hit points equal to 10 +

    one-half your level. While you have these

    temporary hit points, any creature that hits you

    takes lightning damage equal to your Strength


    School of the Owl: You gain additional

    temporary hit points equal to your Intelligence

    modifier. Creatures who hit you take additional

    lightning damage equal to your Intelligence


    Igni Sign Witcher Attack 1

    You raise your hand and incinerate the target

    with a gesture.

    Encounter Arcane, Implement, Fire

    Standard Action Ranged 5 (Ranged 10 at



    Target: One creature

    Attack: Strength vs. Reflex

    Hit: 2d8 + Strength modifier fire damage and

    ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends).

    Level 11: 3d8 + Strength modifier fire damage

    and 10 ongoing fire damage (save ends).

    Level 17: 4d8 + Strength modifier fire damage

    and 15 ongoing fire damage (save ends).

    Level 27: 5d8 + Strength modifier fire damage

    and 20 ongoing fire damage (save ends).

    School of the Owl: You deal extra ongoing fire

    damage equal to your Intelligence modifier.

    Level 11: Area burst 1 within 5 squares.

    Level 27: Area burst 2 within 5 squares.

    Special: You may use this power to ignite or douse

    a small fire, such as a torch or campfire. Doing so

    does not expend this power.

    Yrden Sign Witcher Attack 1

    You kneel and trace a ward on the ground which

    will deliver a nasty surprise when tread upon.

    Encounter Arcane, Implement, Zone

    Standard Action Close blast 2

    Effect: You create a zone within the blast that lasts

    until the end of your next turn. Make the following

    attack against any creature that enters or starts its

    turn within the zone.

    Free Action

    Target: The triggering creature

    Attack: Strength vs. Reflex

    Hit: 2d8 + Strength modifier damage and the target

    is immobilized (save ends).

    Level 11: 3d8 + Strength modifier damage.

    Level 17: 4d8 + Strength modifier damage.

    Level 27: 5d8 + Strength modifier damage.

    School of the Owl: The target is restrained

    instead of immobilized (save ends).

    Level 17: Close blast 3

    Level 27: You may sustain the zone as a minor


  • Level 1 WItcher Alchemy

    Crinfrid Oil Level 1

    Blades coated with this poison cause crippling

    pain to wounded creatures.

    Witcher Alchemy Item

    Power (Consumable Poison): Minor action. You

    apply the poison to your melee weapon. Until the

    end of the encounter, whenever you hit a target

    with a weapon attack using the poisoned item, the

    target takes 4 extra poison damage, and it is

    slowed until the end of your next turn.

    Cold Iron Powder Level 1

    A thin application of this powder makes weapons

    deadly to creatures of the feywild.

    Witcher Alchemy Item

    Power (Consumable Poison): Minor action. You

    apply the poison to your melee weapon. Until the

    end of the encounter, your melee attacks with the

    poisoned weapon deal an extra 2d6 damage

    against creatures with the Fey origin.

    Devils Puffball Level 1

    This bomb explodes and showers the area with

    poisonous gasses.

    Witcher Alchemy Item

    Power (Consumable Bomb, Implement, Poison):

    Standard action. Effect: You make the following


    Area burst 1 within 5 squares

    Target: Each creature in burst.

    Attack: Strength vs. Reflex

    Hit: 3d6 + strength modifier damage and

    ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends).

    Miss: Half damage and ongoing 5 poison

    damage (save ends).

    Insectoid Oil Level 1

    A blade coating that ravages the innards of

    creatures with exoskeletons.

    Witcher Alchemy Item

    Power (Consumable Posion): Minor action. You

    apply the poison to your melee weapon. Until the

    end of the encounter, your melee attacks with the

    poisoned weapon deal an extra 2d6 damage

    against insects, spiders, and other creatures with


    Spectre Oil Level 1

    This alchemical coating is the bane of ghosts and


    Witcher Alchemy Item

    Power (Consumable Posion): Minor action. You

    apply the poison to your melee weapon. Until your

    next extended rest, your melee attacks ignore the

    insubstantial quality.

    Zerrikanian Sun Level 1

    This powder ignites with a brilliant flash.

    Witcher Alchemy Item

    Power (Consumable Bomb, Implement): Minor

    action. Effect: You make the following attack.

    Area burst 1 within 5 squares

    Target: Each creature in burst.

    Attack: Strength vs. Reflex

    Hit: The target is blinded and deafened (save


    Miss: The target is deafened (save ends).

    Celestial Powder Level 1

    This compound mimics the essence of the Astral

    Sea and is effective against creatures from the

    Elemental Chaos or beyond.

    Witcher Alchemy Item

    Power (Consumable Poison): Minor action. You

    apply the poison to your melee weapon. Until the

    end of the encounter, your melee attacks with the

    poisoned weapon deal an extra 2d6 damage

    against creatures with the Elemental or Aberrant


  • Level 15 WItcher Alchemy

    Dancing Star Level 15

    This bomb explodes and ignites the surrounding


    Witcher Alchemy Item

    Power (Consumable Bomb, Implement, Fire,

    Zone): Standard action. Effect: You make the

    following attack.

    Area burst 1 within 5 squares

    Target: Each creature in burst.

    Attack: Strength vs. Reflex

    Hit: 4d6 + Strength modifier damage and

    ongoing 10 fire damage (save ends).

    Miss: Half damage and ongoing 10 fire damage

    (save ends).

    Effect: You create an area 1 zone centered on

    the burst. Any creature who enters or starts

    their turn in the zone takes damage equal to

    your Intelligence or Dexterity modifier.

    Hanged Mans Venom Level 15

    This deadly paralytic was once offered to those

    facing the gallows.

    Witcher Alchemy Item

    Power (Consumable Poison): Minor action. You

    apply the poison to your melee weapon. Until the

    end of the encounter, whenever you hit a creature

    with a weapon attack using the poisoned item, the

    target takes 8 extra poison damage and is

    immobilized until the end of your next turn.

    Necrophage Oil Level 15

    Originally created for fighting Ghouls and

    Zombies, this poison disintegrates undead flesh.

    Witcher Alchemy Item

    Power (Consumable Potion): Minor action. Until

    the end of the encounter, whenever you hit a

    creature with the undead keyword with a weapon

    attack using the poisoned item, the target takes 12

    extra damage, and is weakened until the end of

    your next turn.

    Samum Level 15

    This bomb explodes with concussive force,

    stunning enemies.

    Witcher Alchemy Item

    Power (Consumable Bomb, Implement):

    Standard action. Effect: You make the following


    Area burst 1 within 5 squares

    Target: Each creature in burst.

    Attack: Strength vs. Fortitude

    Hit: 3d8 damage + Strength modifier damage

    and the target is stunned (save ends).

    Miss: Half damage and the target is dazed (save


    Brown Oil Level 15

    This compound prevents blood from clotting,

    making even minor cuts potentially lethal.

    Witcher Alchemy Item

    Power (Consumable Poison): Minor action. You

    apply the poison to your melee weapon. Until the

    end of the encounter, whenever you hit a creature

    with a weapon attack using the poisoned item, the

    creature takes ongoing damage equal to your

    Dexterity or Intelligence modifier (save ends).

    Argentia Level 15

    This oil shines with a silver-blue radiance, lethal to

    the denizens of the Shadowfell.

    Witcher Alchemy Item

    Power (Consumable Poison): Minor action.

    Minor action. Until the end of the encounter,

    whenever you hit a creature of Shadow origin with

    a weapon attack using the poisoned item, the

    target takes 12 extra damage, and is dazed until

    the end of your next turn.

  • Level 25 WItcher Alchemy

    Essence of Mortality Level 25

    This legendary oil renders even the most resilient

    foes vulnerable.

    Witcher Alchemy Item

    Power (Consumable Poison): Minor action. You

    apply the poison to your melee weapon. Until the

    end of the encounter, whenever you hit a creature

    with the Immortal keyword with a weapon attack

    using the poisoned item, the target takes 12 extra

    damage, and loses all resistances until the end of

    your next turn.

    Falkas Blood Level 25

    This magical reddish oil makes any weapon


    Witcher Alchemy Item

    Power (Consumable Poison): Minor action. You

    apply the poison to your melee weapon. Until the

    end of the encounter, whenever you hit a creature

    with a weapon attack using the poisoned item, the

    target takes 14 extra damage.

    King and Queen Level 25

    This bomb explodes and releases psychoactive

    substances with unpredictable results.

    Witcher Alchemy Item

    Power (Consumable Bomb, Implement, Fear,

    Charm): Standard action. Effect: You make the

    following attack.

    Area burst 1 within 5 squares

    Target: Each creature in burst.

    Attack: Strength vs. Reflex

    Hit: 6d6 + Strength modifier damage. Roll a d6

    for each target to determine the attacks effect.

    1: The target is unaffected.

    2: The target moves its speed away from you

    and falls prone.

    3: The target makes a melee basic attack

    against all of its allies in range.

    4: The target moves its speed away from you

    and is dazed (save ends).

    5: The target is stunned (save ends).

    6: The target falls unconscious (save ends).

    Miss: Half damage and roll a d4 to determine

    the attacks effect.

    Level 6 WItcher Potions

    Blizzard Level 6

    Time seems to slow as you drink this potion and

    supercharge your reflexes.

    Witcher Alchemy Item

    Power (Consumable Potion): Minor action. You

    gain +2 AC and Reflex and a +1 to all melee attack

    rolls until the end of the encounter.

    Cat Level 6

    The night holds no secrets for those who imbibe

    this potion.

    Witcher Alchemy Item

    Power (Consumable Potion): Minor action. You

    gain darkvision until your next extended rest.

    Petris Philter Level 6

    This potion almost hums with magical energy.

    Witcher Alchemy Item

    Power (Consumable Potion): Minor action. Until

    the end of the encounter, you gain a +1 to attack

    rolls with your Witcher Signs and deal extra

    damage equal to your Dexterity or your Intelligence

    modifier whenever you hit with a Sign.

    Swallow Level 6

    This potion sends your bodys natural

    regenerative abilities into overdrive.

    Witcher Alchemy Item

    Power (Consumable Potion): Minor action. You

    lose a healing surge. Gain regeneration equal to

    half your healing surge value until the end of the


  • Level 10 WItcher Potions

    Bindweed Level 10

    This concoction neutralizes even the strongest


    Witcher Alchemy Item

    Power (Consumable Potion): Minor action. You

    automatically save against any ongoing damage

    and/or effects with the acid keyword. In addition,

    you gain immunity to acid damage until the end of

    the encounter.

    Golden Oriole Level 10

    This mixture acts as an antidote to almost every

    known toxin.

    Witcher Alchemy Item

    Power (Consumable Potion): Minor action. You

    automatically save against any ongoing damage

    and/or effects with the poison keyword. In

    addition, you gain immunity to poison damage until

    the end of the encounter.

    Kiss Level 10

    This potion stanches any current bleeding and

    prevents against further blood loss.

    Witcher Alchemy Item

    Power (Consumable Potion): Minor action. You

    automatically save against any untyped ongoing

    damage. Until the end of the encounter you have a

    +5 bonus to saving throws against untyped ongoing

    damage and may make saving throws against

    untyped ongoing damage at the beginning of your


    White Raffards Decoction Level 10

    Traditional healing potions pale in comparasion

    to this powerful draught.

    Witcher Alchemy Item

    Power (Consumable Potion): Minor action. You

    may use your Second Wind without expending it

    and regain 3d6 additional hitpoints. You can use

    this ability even if youve already used your Second

    Wind this encounter.

    Level 16 WItcher Potions

    De Vries Extract Level 16

    This potion reveals the unseen.

    Witcher Alchemy Item

    Power (Consumable Potion): Minor action. Until

    your next extended rest, you gain darkvision and

    ignore penalties to attack rolls from partial or total

    concealment. Once per encounter, you can make a

    perception check to detect hidden creatures or

    objects as a free action with a +5 bonus.

    Full Moon Level 16

    Witchers drink this fortifying draught before

    facing foes worthy of their respect.

    Witcher Alchemy Item

    Power (Consumable Potion): Minor action. You

    gain temporary hit points equal to your bloodied

    value. Until the end of the encounter, you gain

    resist 10 all while bloodied.

    Thunderbolt Level 16

    Drinking this brew temporarily dulls your reflexes

    but greatly boosts your strength.

    Witcher Alchemy Item

    Power (Consumable Potion): Free action.

    You take a -4 penalty to AC and Reflex until the

    beginning of your next turn. You gain a +4 bonus all

    attack rolls until the beginning of your next turn

    and your next attack power deals double damage if

    it hits.

  • Level 22 WItcher Potions

    Tawny Owl Level 22

    A potent potion that rids the body of the fatigue of


    Witcher Alchemy Item

    Power (Consumable Potion): Minor action. You

    regain the use of a single Witcher encounter power

    that you have expended.

    Wolf Level 22

    This potion gives you the insight to get the most

    out of your attacks.

    Witcher Alchemy Item

    Power (Consumable Potion): Minor action. Until

    the end of the encounter, you can score a critical

    hit on a roll of 18-20.

    Willow Level 22

    This potion strengthens your constitution and

    focus, giving you indomitable resilience.

    Witcher Alchemy Item

    Power (Consumable Potion): Minor action. Until

    the end of the encounter you cannot be dazed or

    knocked prone. Whenever you are stunned by an

    attack or effect, you may make a saving throw as a

    free action. If you succeed, you are no longer


    . Paragon paths.

    Legendary Slayer Only death can finish the fight, everything else

    only interrupts the fighting.

    Prerequisite: Witcher class

    You represent the pinnacle of the martial

    prowess of Witchers. Those that see you fight

    can barely make out the blur of your weapon as

    you deliver lightning fast strikes to your prey.

    Legendary Slayer Features Slayer Action (11th level): When you spend

    an action point to take an extra action, you gain a

    +4 bonus to attack rolls against all creatures who

    are currently subject to your Monster Lore class

    feature until the end of your next turn.

    Deft Hands (11th level): Choose two

    weapons you carry. You may swap between the

    two as a free action. You can choose two other

    weapons for this purpose after an extended rest.

    Deflect Projectiles (11th level): You gain a

    +1 bonus to AC and Reflex against ranged attacks

    while not using a shield.

    Deadly Blades (16th level): While wielding a

    non-silvered weapon, you deal +4 damage with

    melee attacks against creatures with the Natural

    keyword. While wielding a silvered weapon, you

    deal +4 damage with melee attacks against

    creatures without the Natural keyword.

    Legendary Slayer Powers

    Addan Anye Legendary Slayer Attack 11

    You strike twice in rapid succession, leaving your

    opponent reeling in pain.

    Encounter Martial, Weapon

    Standard Action Melee weapon

    Target: One creature.

    Attack: Strength +1 vs. AC, two attacks

    Hit: 1[W] + Strength Modifier damage per attack.

    Special: If both attacks hit, the target is weakened

    (save ends).

  • Deadly Momentum Legendary Slayer Utility 12

    As your prey falls, you seize to opportunity to turn

    on those that remain.

    Encounter Martial

    Free Action Personal

    Trigger: One of your attacks drops an enemy

    subject to your Monster Lore class feature to 0 hit

    points or fewer.

    Effect: You gain an action point that you must

    spend before the end of your next turn.

    Temerian Devil Legendary Slayer Attack 20

    You drive one of your weapons into a foe, then the

    other, before ripping both of them free.

    Encounter Martial, Weapon

    Standard Action Melee weapon

    Target: One creature.

    Attack: Strength vs. AC (main weapon)

    Hit: 2[W] + Strength Modifier damage. Make a

    secondary attack against the target using the other

    weapon chosen for your Deft Hands path feature.

    Secondary Attack: Strength +1 vs AC (other


    Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage. Make a

    tertiary attack against the target.

    Tertiary Attack: Strength vs AC (main weapon)

    Hit: 1[W] (main weapon) + 1[W] (other weapon)

    + Strength modifier damage.

    Expert Witcher A manticore, wyvern, fogler, aeschna, ilyocoris, chimera, leshy, vampire, ghoul, graveir, were-wolf, giant scorpion, striga, black annis, kikimora, vypper... so many I've killed..

    Prerequisite: Witcher class

    Your peerless knowledge of monster slaying,

    signs, and alchemy are better weapons than any

    blade. Other witchers seek your expertise and

    advice, hoping to be as efficient of a killer as you

    one day.

    Expert Witcher Features Alchemy Action (11th level): When you

    spend an action point to take an extra action, you

    may consume a potion or apply a poison to your

    weapon as a free action before or after the extra


    Witcher Medallion (11th level): You gain a

    bonus to active and passive perception checks to

    detect creatures and arcana checks to detect

    magic equal to 2 + the enhancement bonus of

    your neck slot item.

    Improved Signs (11th level): You may learn

    a new Witcher Sign.

    Improved Potions (12th level): You may

    learn two additional witcher potion recipes of

    your level or lower. You may prepare one

    additional witcher potion during an extended


    Killers Insight (16th level): Once per

    encounter, when an ally hits a creature subject to

    your Monster Lore class feature, they deal

    additional damage equal to your Monster Lore


    Expert Witcher Powers

    Heliotrope Sign Legendary Slayer Attack 20

    This powerful sign distorts time around you,

    slowing your enemies to a crawl and leaving them

    open to attacks.

    Encounter Arcane, Zone

    Standard Action Close burst 2

    Target: Each enemy in burst.

    Attack: Strength vs. Reflex

    Hit: The target is slowed and takes a -2 penalty to

    attack rolls and defenses (save ends).

    School of the Owl: The penalty equals your

    Intelligence modifier.

    Effect: Until the end of the encounter, any enemy

    that starts its turn adjacent to you takes 1[W]


    School of the Owl: Until the end of the

    encounter, any that starts its turn adjacent to

    you takes 1[W] + Intelligence modifier damage.

  • . Witcher feats .

    Heroic Tier Feats

    Altered Metabolism Prerequisite: Witcher

    Benefit: You gain a +2 feat bonus to saving

    throws against disease and poison effects. This

    bonus increases to +3 at 11th level, and +4 at 21st


    Witchers Action Prerequisite: Witcher, Monster Lore class


    Benefit: If you spend an action point to take

    an extra action and have already dealt Monster

    Lore damage during this round, you can deal the

    extra damage a second time during this turn.

    Learned Preparation Prerequisite: Witcher, School of the Owl

    class feature

    Benefit: You may use your Intelligence

    modifier instead of your Dexterity modifier to

    determine your Initiative.

    Monster Knowledge Prerequisite: Witcher

    Benefit: You gain a +3 feat bonus to all

    monster knowledge checks.

    Slayer of Men Prerequisite: Witcher, Monster Lore class


    Benefit: You may use your Monster Lore

    class feature against humans and humanoid

    enemies. Note: It is up to the DMs discretion as to

    whether this feat is necessary or if Monster Lore

    can innately be used against humanoids.

    Paragon Tier Feats

    Nocturnal Predator Prerequisite: Witcher, School of the Viper

    Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls

    with melee attacks at night. This bonus increases

    to +3 at 21st level.

    Potion Recycling Prerequisite: Witcher

    Benefit: Once per day, you may break down

    and swap one of your prepared witcher potions

    for a different witcher potion of the same level or


    Professionalism Prerequisite: Witcher

    Benefit: Enemies take a -2 penalty to saving

    throws against effects you impose upon them

    with your Witcher Signs, Bombs, and Poisons.

    Rising Moon Prerequisite: Witcher, School of the Owl

    Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls

    with Witcher Signs at night. This bonus increases

    to +3 at 21st level.

    Epic Tier Feats

    Alchemic recycling

    Prerequisite: Witcher

    Benefit: Once per day, you may break down and

    swap one of your prepared witcher posions or

    bombs for a different witcher poison or bomb of

    the same level or lower.

    Trophy Hunter Prerequisite: Witcher

    Benefit: Each time you or your allies slay a Solo

    monster, you may harvest a trophy from it. While

    displaying this trophy, you deal extra damage

    with all attacks equal to your Dexterity or

    Intelligence modifier against creatures of the

    same type. In addition, you gain a bonus to

    intimidate checks against creatures of the same

    type equal to your Strength modifier. Only one

    trophy can be displayed per day.

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