Download - DDRR Chapter Eight

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Dawn sat across from Elliot, trying to ignore the disapproving scowl on his face."You have to tell him Cherie""I know.""You are afraid he will take the news badly, which I don't think he will, but he has a right to know regardless.""I know" she repeated, the tears beginning to form in her eyes. She dismissed them; they were useless. She could no longer hide the pregnancy from him. Dawn knew Gabe was a good man; that he would understand she had made a mistake with Don. But there was still that small part of her that was scared he would reject her. Dawn had been back in Champs Les Sims for six weeks and she and Gabe had spent most on their free time together. When she wasn't at the nectary and he wasn't at work, they were together.

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They explored his tomb. She was still uneasy underground, but she drew from his courage and enthusiasm.

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She shared with him her passion for nature and he helped her tend the garden at the nectary and collect seeds and samples of local fruits for her to take home.

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They shared countless meals together, sometimes at the cafe, but more often she would cook for them at the base camp.

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Dawn fully realized she'd grown to depend on Gabe for a kind word, a touch, his very presence. God! She loved him. She had been so wrong to think what she had felt before for Don Lothario had been love. What she felt now was so much…bigger, so much fuller and deeper than anything she felt before. She was petrified that would be yanked away from her the moment she told him she was pregnant with another mans child.

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"Tonight!" Elliot insisted."Gabe's working tonight. I'll see him tomorrow afternoon. I'll tell him then."Dawn looked over at Elliot's unconvinced face."Tomorrow, I promise."

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The next afternoon came too soon for Dawn. She dragged herself out of bed and into the shower trying to muster the strength she needed to make it through the day; what she had to tell Gabe, and what his reaction to the news would be. She had spent most of the morning in bed, recovering from the terrible bout of morning sickness her doctor had assured her would go away once she reached her second trimester. Here she was closing in on month four and she was still sick as a dog some mornings.

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Dawn walked into the bedroom and opened her dresser. She recently discovered she cold no longer button any of her jeans, so she pulled out one of the only outfits that still fit her. The layer skirt's waistband was elastic and very comfortable.She walked back into the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror, the black roots of her hair a reminder that she desperately needed a dye job. She barely had time to run a brush through it and over her teeth before Gabe knocked on her door.

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"What are you wearing?" Dawn asked, taken back by Gabe's outfit."It's World Cup" he said, as if that explained everything. "I have to support my team.""You look silly!" she giggled at him.

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"Not you" Gabe answered, pulling her into his arms. "You look like a ripe peach." he said as he nuzzled into her neck. "I wonder if you taste as good as you look." He absorbed himself in her scent, in her taste as he lightly licked and scraped his teeth over the sensitive area he had discovered below her ear and was rewarded with a low purr. The time they spent together grew more and more affectionate, more passionate, but she still wouldn't come to his bed. She had made excuses about going too fast, taking things slowly. Gabe was willing to wait if that was the case, but he didn't think it was. He knew she wanted him as much as he wanted her. He could sense it in her gentle surrender each time he pushed them a little bit further intimately.

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His mouth continued it's path down her neck and over her shoulders as his hands encircled her waist. He slowly raised them up under her shirt and over the naked skin of her belly. He brushed his thumb on the underside of her breast, covered in thin cotton. His mouth met hers in an urgent battle of tongue and teeth. His own arousal increased as he listened to Dawn's breathing become shallow and quick, evidence of her own desire. His clever hands quickly unhooked the cotton barrier, her breasts spilled into them, firm and full. This time it was his own moan that filled his ears. Like a sultry dance he guided her towards the bed in the middle of the room.

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When Dawn felt the back of her legs hit the bed, her mind snapped."No! Gabe, stop! Please!" Dawn pleaded, pushing away from him and straightening out her clothes. He couldn't suppress the expletives that escaped his mouth at his frustration. His erection was straining against the material of his shorts, begging to be released and she stood there, her lips still swollen, her chest heaving quickly from her own desire, begging him to stop.

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He watched as her arms came around her body defensively, and he instantly regretted his harsh words. He walked to her, his hands rested lightly on her shoulders, forehead upon hers. "I'm not ready, Gabe." she whispered. "I understand that you feel that you're not ready to go further. Maybe if we talked about what was worrying you, you would feel more comfortable."This was it. She needed to tell him now. Instead, she panicked."I'm just not ready, Gabe. Why can't you understand that?""I could if it were that simple, but I don't believe it is. I can tell you want it as much as I do but then suddenly you put a stop to it. Your whole demeanor changes it just makes me think there is more to it than you just not being ready."He sounded so reasonable to her. Why did it make her even more upset, she wondered."Dawn I'm not trying to upset you, but we should be able to talk about this."

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"Are you saying you are no longer willing to wait?" she accused.Gabe looked at her. He could see she was frightened, and wondered what she was so scared of."I won't hurt you like he did." he said, trying to understand her sudden change of mood. "Can we just go please?" she begged, panic in her voice. Gabe was starting to piece together the feelings she was so desperately trying to hide. Gabe sighed. "Yes."

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He decided to drop it, for now. They had all day together and he planned to get behind what was holding her back from him, and not just physically. There was a barrier between them that needed to be brought down before they could reach the next step in their relationship. He was sure it had to do with some unresolved issues with the man she had a brief affair with back home. She hadn't told him much, only that she had given herself to him, believing she was in love and then had discovered he had just used and betrayed her. She said it was over between them, but he was beginning to wonder if that was really true. Dawn was relieved he didn't press her further and was suddenly excited to spend the rest of the day with him. She knew she would have to tell him eventually, but not today.

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