Page 1: Dear connoisseurs, - Miele

Steam ovensThe cookbook

Page 2: Dear connoisseurs, - Miele


Page 3: Dear connoisseurs, - Miele



Dear connoisseurs,

Shared meals lead to good conversa-tion and memorable occasions. Enjoy-ing time with each other in this wayconnects us – especially wheneverything comes together perfectly.But surely this should be something foreveryday life and not just for those spe-cial moments.

Your new steam oven has been de-signed to achieve just that. This perfectall-rounder is not only ideal for prepar-ing quick and healthy favourites butalso for conjuring up the kinds of culin-ary delights you might expect from atop-class restaurant.

We hope that this book will inspire youand give you a genuine helping hand.Day in, day out, our Miele test kitchen isa hot pot of knowledge, curiosity,routine and the unexpected. From theseingredients, we have put together somehandy tips and reliable recipes for youto use. For even more recipes, inspira-tion and exciting topics, have a look atour Miele@mobile app.

If you have any questions or comments,we would love to hear from you. Ourcontact details can be found at the endof this book.

We hope you enjoy many happy hoursin the kitchen and around the table.

Kind regards, The Miele test kitchenteam

Page 4: Dear connoisseurs, - Miele



Foreword ............................................................................................................ 3About this book ................................................................................................. 7Before you start ................................................................................................. 8Important information on the recipes.............................................................. 9Operating modes ............................................................................................... 11Special applications .......................................................................................... 12Menu cooking .................................................................................................... 13Notes .................................................................................................................. 14Miele accessories.............................................................................................. 17Vegetables and side dishes .............................................................................. 19Antipasti vegetables ............................................................................................ 20Red cabbage with apple ..................................................................................... 21Dim sum with pak choi filling............................................................................... 22Fennel with walnut vinaigrette ............................................................................. 23Fennel with vegetables........................................................................................ 24Vegetable soufflé ................................................................................................. 25Gnocchi ............................................................................................................... 26Houmous............................................................................................................. 27Potato bake with bacon ...................................................................................... 28Potato dumplings ................................................................................................ 29Mashed potato .................................................................................................... 30Potato soufflé ...................................................................................................... 31Pumpkin risotto ................................................................................................... 32Lentil salad .......................................................................................................... 33Carrots with glazed shallots ................................................................................ 34Pilaf...................................................................................................................... 35Mushroom yeast dumplings with squash sauce................................................. 36Swiss polenta ...................................................................................................... 38Courgette and feta rolls....................................................................................... 39Braised cucumbers ............................................................................................. 40Bread dumplings ................................................................................................. 41Greek tomatoes................................................................................................... 42Stuffed courgettes............................................................................................... 43Fish ..................................................................................................................... 44Sea bream with vegetables ................................................................................. 45Fish curry with peaches ...................................................................................... 46Trout in a white wine broth .................................................................................. 47Salmon with leeks and a white wine sauce......................................................... 48Mussels in sauce................................................................................................. 49Monkfish with a porcini mushroom sauce........................................................... 50Tuna on tomato rice............................................................................................. 51Meat .................................................................................................................... 52Meatballs with Chinese cabbage ........................................................................ 53

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Chicken breast with sundried tomatoes.............................................................. 54Chicken stroganoff with peppers ........................................................................ 55Fillet of veal with herbs........................................................................................ 56Cabbage rolls ...................................................................................................... 57Braised lamb with prunes.................................................................................... 59Lamb loin with green beans ................................................................................ 60Stuffed turkey breast ........................................................................................... 61Fillet of beef......................................................................................................... 63Poached fillet of beef with vegetables................................................................. 64Beef hash ............................................................................................................ 65Beef casserole..................................................................................................... 66Saucisson............................................................................................................ 68Pork medallions with mushrooms and apples .................................................... 69Topside of beef with apple and horseradish sauce............................................. 70Viennese silverside.............................................................................................. 71Tikka masala with rice ......................................................................................... 72Soups and stews ............................................................................................... 74Bean stew with lamb ........................................................................................... 75Fish stew ............................................................................................................. 76Goulash soup ...................................................................................................... 77Chicken soup ...................................................................................................... 78Potato soup ......................................................................................................... 79Australian pumpkin soup..................................................................................... 80Cream of carrot soup .......................................................................................... 81Rice and meat one-pot........................................................................................ 82Spring vegetable soup ........................................................................................ 83Dessert ............................................................................................................... 84Summer pudding................................................................................................. 85Christmas pudding.............................................................................................. 86Crema Catalana................................................................................................... 88Sweet steamed dumplings with apricot compote............................................... 89Yeast dumplings .................................................................................................. 91Semolina soufflé.................................................................................................. 92Crème caramel .................................................................................................... 93Sticky date pudding ............................................................................................ 94Cherry compote with amaretto............................................................................ 95Poached pears .................................................................................................... 96Lime cheesecake................................................................................................. 97Mocha flan........................................................................................................... 98Quark dumplings ................................................................................................. 99Quark soufflé ....................................................................................................... 100Quince mousse ................................................................................................... 101Pears poached in red wine.................................................................................. 102

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Treacle sponge pudding...................................................................................... 103Walnut and chocolate pudding ........................................................................... 104Preserving and more ......................................................................................... 105Preserving in the Miele steam oven................................................................. 106Juicing in the Miele steam oven....................................................................... 108Defrosting in the Miele steam oven ................................................................. 110Blanching in the Miele steam oven.................................................................. 113Reheating in the Miele steam oven ................................................................. 114Cooking in the Miele steam oven..................................................................... 116

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About this book


A bit of background: steamcooking then and nowCooking with steam is a longstandingtradition in China. In the home of steamcooking, double-skinned vessels havebeen used to keep the food separatefrom the water for more than 1000years. In Europe, this cooking methodstarted to take off in the 1970s, whencommercial steam ovens were firstused in restaurant kitchens. A little later,the technology then found its way intothe home. Now, as awareness aboutdiet increases, more and more peopleare discovering the advantages of thisgentle way of cooking.

Steam cooking with MieleThe Miele steam oven is truly multi-tal-ented and an ideal supplement to youroven and hob. Whether you're makingindividual side dishes or a completemeal, the steam oven can cope with allthis and more. What's more, you canalso defrost, heat up, blanch, preserve,juice and disinfect with your Mielesteam oven.

The principle behind the Miele steamoven is just as simple as it is effective –unlike boiling, the food is not placed inthe water, which means that it does notleach and the amount of minerals lostremains low.

The water required for cooking isheated outside the oven compartment.Only pure steam flows into the ovencompartment. This surrounds the foodgently from all sides. This means thatthe food cannot oxidise as the steamforces the oxygen out of the oven com-

partment. The result? Colours, flavoursand vitamins are retained as effectivelyas possible.

Thanks to the precise electronic tem-perature regulation and individual tem-perature settings, every item is alwayscooked at the right temperature. Youcan therefore enjoy delicate foods, suchas fish, pâtés or soufflés. The quickheat transmission and automatic cook-ing process ensure precise preparation– with no risk of burning or overcooking.

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Before you start


The fully automatic cookingprocess – ultimate conveni-enceYour steam oven features an intelligentelectronic unit for maximum user con-venience. You do not need to supervisethe cooking process, as it runs fullyautomatically. The set temperature ismaintained precisely, meaning that re-adjustment is not required. What'smore, you cannot burn or overcookfood in the steam oven. Put your feet upand relax – at the end of the cookingtime, the appliance will switch off auto-matically.

Cooking durations and pre-heatingThe cooking duration remains the same,regardless of how much food you arecooking and whether the food is freshor frozen. How does it work? The cook-ing duration does not begin until the settemperature is reached. This meansthat fresh food cooks in the sameamount of time as frozen food – it's justthe heating-up time which varies. Andbecause the appliance adjusts thisautomatically, you don't need to give ita second thought.

Enjoy success with your ownrecipes in the steam ovenWith the Miele steam oven, you canalso cook any food that you would nor-mally cook on the hob. Simply take alook at the cooking tables at the end ofthis book. They contain informationabout the temperature, the cooking dur-ations and the necessary cooking con-tainers.

You can use these tables to convertyour own recipes very easily. After just acouple of attempts, using your Mielesteam oven will come just as naturallyas using your other cooking appliances.

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Important information on the recipes


About the cooking durations– If a period of time is specified in a re-

cipe, then this is to cater for differentdegrees of doneness or the conditionof the food. Choose short durationsfor smaller pieces or a more al denteresult and longer durations for largerpieces or a softer result.

- The average programme duration isspecified for the automatic pro-grammes (function depends onmodel). However, the actual durationof many programmes will depend onhow well done you want the food tobe. Simply select the setting youwant before starting the automaticprogramme.

About the ingredients– If an ingredient is followed by a

comma (,), the subsequent section oftext is a description of that ingredi-ent. In most cases, the ingredient inquestion can be bought in the condi-tion described, for example: eggs,medium; milk, whole.

- If the individual ingredient is followedby a vertical slash (|), the text afterthe slash describes how to prepare it.As a general rule, you will need toprepare it yourself as part of thecooking process. This preparationstep will not be repeated as part ofthe recipe method, for example:cheese, mature | grated; onions |finely diced; milk, whole | lukewarm

- Unless stated otherwise, the weightindicated for meat is the trimmed,uncooked weight.

- The weight information for fruit andvegetables always refers to the un-peeled weight.

- Even if the instructions do not expli-citly tell you to do so, all fruit and ve-getables must be rinsed or washedand peeled if necessary prior tochopping.

About the recipes with anautomatic programmeThere is a suitable recipe for each auto-matic programme. The available auto-matic programmes vary depending onthe model. If your steam oven does nothave the corresponding automatic pro-gramme, you can also prepare all re-cipes using the manual settings. Thepreparation steps take both methodsinto account.

About the cooking containers– Each recipe specifies the cooking

containers which are to be used. Thesize of the cooking container de-pends on the steam oven modelused.

- For the steam oven, place the con-densate tray on the lowest shelf levelwhen using perforated containers.

- For the steam oven with microwave,always place the glass tray (condens-ate tray) on shelf level 1 (lowest shelflevel).

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Important information on the recipes


Special features of the indi-vidual steam oven modelsThis cookbook is included with steamovens with different functions. Whenthe settings deviate from one another,the settings to be selected are specifiedin the recipes in the following order:

– Steam oven and steam oven withmicrowave

- (Steam pressure oven) in roundbrackets

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Operating modes


Your Miele steam oven can domore

Steam cookingFor cooking food gently.

Most food is cooked at 100 °C. You cantherefore cook vegetables and pota-toes, soups and stews, bakes andpulses without impairing the colour,shape, structure and flavour. Steamingrice comes with particularly good res-ults, as it stays fluffy and al dente ifthat's how you like it. The steam ovencan also provide invaluable supportwhen you are preparing baby food.

Fish is ideally suited to steam cooking.While it loses its delicate consistencyquickly when the temperature is toohigh, its taste and consistency are re-tained in the steam oven as you can setthe temperature precisely between 40and 100 °C. Seafood and shellfish willalso come out perfectly – a little bit ofgourmet cuisine at home.

You can also cook poultry, meat andsausages in your Miele steam oven. Attemperatures between 90 and 100 °C,you will get a piece of meat with a par-ticularly delicate and tender consist-ency. Even lean poultry, which can dryout otherwise, remains beautifully suc-culent.

Sous-videPlease note that this function dependson the model. With this gentle cookingmethod, food is cooked slowly and at alow, constant temperature in vacuumpackaging. With vacuum cooking, nomoisture evaporates during cooking

and all nutrients and flavours are re-tained. Look forward to the result – anintense taste and evenly cooked food.

Discover even more recipes for sous-vide cooking and other exciting topicson our Miele@mobile app.

Steam cooking with pressurePlease note that this function is onlyavailable on the steam pressure oven.Steam cooking with pressure uses tem-peratures of up to 120 °C, so you canhalve the cooking time for vegetableswhich are not sensitive to heat, pulsesand lots of meats. The flavour and vit-amins are retained, just as with steamcooking without pressure. Discoverwhich dishes are suitable for steamcooking with pressure in the recipesand the cooking tables at the end ofthis book.

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Special applications


DefrostingDefrost food much quicker in the steamoven than at room temperature. Youcan gently defrost all common frozenfoods, such as vegetables, fruit, fish,meat, poultry and ready-meals at tem-peratures between 50 and 60 °C. Evenfrozen dairy products or baked goodswill be ready to eat again in record time.

ReheatingWhen it comes to reheating in thesteam oven, the pros don't talk about“regenerating” for nothing – the foodlooks and tastes freshly cooked. Re-heating rounds off the unparalleled foodpreparation process in the Miele steamoven perfectly. Ideally, heat up ready-cooked dishes at 100 °C – you caneven heat up several plated meals atthe same time. After approximately8 minutes, the food will be heated up –and the plate too. So you'll have time toenjoy everything in peace.

BlanchingSo you want to freeze fruit or veget-ables? By blanching them, you can en-sure that they retain their quality whilethey are in the freezer. Blanch them for1 minute at 100 °C. Heating them brieflyreduces the enzymes in fruit and veget-ables which break down flavours andvitamins while they are in the freezer.

JuicingYou can also use your steam oven forjuicing, to get fruit juice for drinks orjelly, etc. Berries are ideal for juicing.The steam softens the cell walls of thefruit until they split and the juice es-

capes. You can find the recommendedsettings in the cooking tables at the endof this book.

BottlingYour Miele steam oven offers you theconvenience of preserving without theannoying task of decanting hot liquids.Fruit and vegetables can be bottled,and you can also sterilise the jars in thesteam oven. Refer to the information onthis in the operating instructions.

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Menu cooking


You might not be able to doeverything at once ...

... but your Miele steam ovencan!You can cook on up to three levels in aMiele steam oven and prepare a wholemeal consisting of fish, rice and veget-ables, for example. We usually recom-mend selecting a temperature of 100 °Cfor this.

No matter how different the individualdishes may be, the constant supply offresh steam prevents odour and tastetransfer. You can therefore preparesweet and savoury dishes together.What's more, the steam ensures aneven cooking result on all levels and –when the oven compartment is full –saves time and energy compared tocooking on the hob or in a conventionaloven.

With automatic menu cooking, you onlyneed to select up to three menu ingredi-ents on your steam oven's display andfollow the instructions. The steam ovenpredetermines the time at which thevarious components need to be addedto the oven compartment and informsyou with an acoustic signal. With theMiele steam oven, all components areready to serve at the same time, withminimal effort on your part.

By the way, you can also cook an entiremeal without a special application –start with the food requiring the longestcooking time. You can add other disheswithout any problems during the cook-ing process. If your meal consists of,say, fish, rice and broccoli, the riceneeds 20 minutes and the fish and

broccoli need 6 and 4 minutes respect-ively. First, place the rice in the ovenand cook for 14 minutes. Once this timehas passed, insert the fish and cook therice and fish together for another2 minutes. Then add the broccoli andcook all three ingredients together for afurther 4 minutes.

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Unimaginable possibilitiesYou will be amazed at what a Mielesteam oven can do. Boiled eggs arecooked to perfection. Chocolate ismelted at 90 °C without burning or get-ting lumpy. Jars and baby bottles needjust 15 minutes at 100 °C to be steril-ised. The process removes just as manygerms as conventional boiling. Enjoysuccess with desserts, such as light,airy soufflés with minimal effort. What'smore, you can make yoghurt and proveyeast dough at 40 °C.

Steam reductionIf you are cooking at a temperature ofapprox. 80 °C, the steam oven door willautomatically open a little shortly beforethe end of the cooking time to allowsome of the steam to escape.

Quantity-independent cookingRegardless of whether you're cookingfor one person or four, the cooking dur-ations in your steam oven remain thesame. The cooking duration does notbegin until the oven compartment hasbeen sufficiently preheated and the re-quired temperature has been reached.

Your favourite recipes in theMiele steam ovenTo prepare your own recipes in thesteam oven, use the cooking tables inthe appendix to this book. In general:

At 100 °C, dishes in the Miele steamoven require the same cooking time ason the hob. This means that you cantranslate your favourite recipes effort-

lessly and conveniently. Simply getstarted and enjoy – everything will workperfectly in the Miele steam oven.

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Quantities and weights


tsp = teaspoon

tbsp = tablespoon

g = gram

kg = kilogram

ml = millilitre

pinch = a small amount

1 teaspoon is approx.:

– 3 g baking powder- 5 g salt/sugar/vanilla sugar- 5 g flour- 5 ml liquid

1 tablespoon is approx.:

– 10 g flour/cornflour/breadcrumbs- 10 g butter- 15 g sugar- 10 ml liquid- 10 g mustard

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The ABC of cooking


Term Explanation

Barding The process of wrapping meat, poultry or fish in thin layersof bacon to prevent it from drying out while cooking.

Boned Meat or fish that has had all bones removed.

Poaching The process of cooking food in hot, but not boiling liquid.

Ready to cook Food that has been trimmed/prepared ready for cooking. Itis used, for example, for meat where the fat and sinew hasalready been removed, fish that has been gutted and thescales scraped away, or fruit and vegetables that have beenpeeled and trimmed ready for use.

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Miele accessories


To get the best results with steam cook-ing, you need the right accessories –and Miele has an extensive range avail-able for you. Each component has beendesigned specifically for Miele appli-ances in terms of size and functionality.And all have undergone rigorous testingto ensure that they meet exacting Mielestandards. All products can be easilypurchased from the Miele online shop,from Miele directly or from specialist re-tailers.

Solid cooking containersOur solid cooking containers are idealfor cooking dishes in sauces, stocksand water, such as rice, soups or stews.

You can choose between differentdepths and sizes. The flat cooking con-tainers are used for smaller quantities ordishes which do not need to be com-pletely covered with liquid. The deepercooking containers are suitable for lar-ger quantities or food which needs tobe completely covered with liquid, suchas stews, braised meat or soups.

Perforated cooking containersThe perforated cooking containers areideal for direct steam cooking orblanching. The steam can reach thefood on all sides thanks to the perfora-tions. As a result, food should be as flatas possible and placed so that it doesnot overlap in the cooking containers.

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Miele care products


Regular cleaning and care will help youget the most from your appliances bykeeping them in good working orderand maximising their lifespan. GenuineMiele care products are perfectlytailored to our appliances. Theseproducts can be easily purchased fromthe Miele online shop, from Miele dir-ectly or from specialist retailers.

Descaling tabletsMiele has developed special descalingtablets for the water pipework and con-tainers. These do not just descale yourappliance highly effectively, but also ina way that is particularly gentle on thematerials.

MicroCloth kitThis set of cloths, made up of a univer-sal cloth, a glass cloth and a polishingcloth, effortlessly removes finger marksand light soiling. The hard-wearingcloths are made from finely woven mi-crofibres and offer high cleaning per-formance.

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Vegetables and side dishes


Potatoes, rice and pasta are an ex-tremely important part of most dishes.Side dishes are not usually the centre ofattention and yet choosing the right onecan be crucial to the whole menu. Thepreparation options are virtually limit-less. All three accompaniments have ahigh nutritional value and are key com-ponents of a balanced diet. Plus, allthree combine a huge range of differentcultures, customs and traditions at onetable.

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Vegetables and side dishes


Antipasti vegetables

Total time required:35–40 minutes + at least 3 hours for marinatingServes 4

For the vegetables2 peppers (200 g each), yellow | sliced2 peppers (200 g each), red | sliced1 aubergine (200 g) | sliced2 courgettes (200 g each) | sliced500 g mushrooms

For the marinade6 tbsp olive oil4 tbsp wine vinegar4 tbsp white wine, dry1 clove of garlic | choppedSaltPepperA pinch of sugar2 tbsp herbes de Provence | finelychopped

AccessoriesPerforated cooking container

MethodPlace the peppers, aubergine, cour-gettes and mushrooms in a perforatedcooking container and cook.

Mix the olive oil, wine vinegar, whitewine, garlic, salt, pepper, sugar andherbs to make a marinade.

Place the vegetables on a plate, pourover the marinade and leave to marin-ate for at least 3 hours.

SettingsTemperature: 100 °CCooking duration: 3–4 minutes

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Vegetables and side dishes


Red cabbage with apple

Total time required:165 (95) minutesServes 4

Ingredients125 g onions | diced50 g lard700 g red cabbage | sliced150 ml apple juice50 ml wine vinegar1 bay leaf3 cloves25 g sugarSaltPepper1 apple | diced30 g cranberries50 ml red wine

AccessoriesSolid cooking container

MethodPlace the onions and lard in a solidcooking container, cover and braise asindicated for cooking stage 1.

Add the red cabbage, apple juice, winevinegar, bay leaf, cloves and sugar tothe onions. Season with salt and pep-per and continue cooking as indicatedfor cooking stage 2.

Add the apple, cranberries and redwine to the remaining ingredients andfinish as indicated for cooking stage 3.

Season with salt, pepper and sugar totaste.

SettingsCooking stage 1Temperature: 100 (120) °CCooking duration: 4 (2) minutes

Cooking stage 2Temperature: 100 (120) °CCooking duration: 60 (30) minutes

Cooking stage 3Temperature: 100 (120) °CCooking duration: 60 (30) minutes

TipYou can use redcurrant jelly instead ofthe cranberries.

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Vegetables and side dishes


Dim sum with pak choi filling

Total time required:75 minutesServes 4

For the dough200 g plain white flourA pinch of salt100 ml water

For the filling800 g pak choi1 bunch of spring onions (150 g) | slicedinto fine rings2 cloves of garlic | finely sliced20 g ginger | grated50 g cashew nuts, salted | chopped4 tbsp soy sauce3 tsp sesame oil, dark2 tsp forest honey2 tsp lime juiceSaltPepper

For rolling out1 tbsp plain white flour

Accessories2 perforated cooking containersFine grater

MethodFor the dim sum dough, knead the flour,salt and water into a smooth dough,shape into a ball, cover and leave torest for 30 minutes.

Meanwhile, trim the pak choi and put4 large outer leaves to one side. Re-move the white ribs from the remainingpak choi and cut the leaves into verythin strips. Place the pak choi, spring

onions and garlic in a perforated cook-ing container and cook as indicated forcooking stage 1.

After cooking, mix the ginger andcashew nuts with the vegetables andseason generously with the soy sauce,sesame oil, honey, lime juice, salt andpepper.

Divide the dough into 12 portions, dustthe worktop with a little flour, roll outthe dough balls into very thin circlesand pull into shape (Ø approx. 14 cm).Place around 2 teaspoons of filling inthe centre of each dough circle, bringthe edges of the dough together andtwist to form little pouches. Line 2 per-forated cooking containers with the re-maining pak choi leaves, place 3–4 dimsum on each leaf and steam as indic-ated for cooking stage 2.

SettingsCooking stage 1Temperature: 100 (120) °CCooking duration: 5 (2) minutes

Cooking stage 2Temperature: 100 °CCooking duration: 35–40 minutes

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Vegetables and side dishes


Fennel with walnut vinaigrette

Total time required:40 (30) minutesServes 4

For the fennel4 fennels (250 g each) | bulb only150 ml white wine, dry50 ml vermouth, dry100 ml vegetable stock1 bay leaf5 peppercorns

For the vinaigrette50 g walnuts1 egg, mediumA pinch of salt3 tbsp olive oil2 tbsp nut oil1 tbsp balsamic vinegar, white1 tsp mustard1 tbsp parsley | chopped1 tbsp fennel fronds | chopped

AccessoriesSolid cooking container

MethodQuarter the fennel bulbs and cut out allof the core. Place in a solid cookingcontainer.

Mix together the white wine, vermouthand vegetable stock and add to thefennel. Add the bay leaf and pepper-corns and cook.

Toast the walnuts in a pan and chopcoarsely. Hard-boil the egg and chop.

Mix together the remaining ingredientsto make a vinaigrette and pour over thefennel. Scatter the walnuts and egg ontop and serve warm.

SettingsTemperature: 100 (120) °CCooking duration: 12–15 (6–8) minutes

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Vegetables and side dishes


Fennel with vegetables

Total time required:50–55 (45) minutesServes 4

Ingredients2 fennel bulbs2 carrots | in slices ½ cm thick1 leek, small | sliced into rings 1 cmthick2 sticks of celery | sliced into pieces½ cm thick1 tsp lemon juice½ tsp salt½ tsp sugar2 onions | diced2 tbsp butterPepper150 ml double cream

AccessoriesPerforated cooking containerSolid cooking container

MethodQuarter the fennel bulbs and cut out thecore in a wedge-shaped piece. Finelychop the fennel fronds and set aside forthe garnish.

Put the carrots, leek and celery in aperforated cooking container and placethe fennel on top.

Mix the lemon juice, salt and sugar andpour over the fennel. Place the cookingcontainer in the oven compartment andplace a solid cooking container under-neath to catch the resulting broth.

In a pan, sauté the onions in butter andadd 150 ml vegetable stock. Seasonwith salt and pepper. Stir in the doublecream. Serve the fennel and vegetablesand garnish with the fennel fronds.

SettingsTemperature: 100 (120) °CCooking duration: 10–12 (5–6) minutes

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Vegetables and side dishes


Vegetable soufflé

Total time required:85–90 (75–80) minutesServes 4

For the cauliflower mixture500 g cauliflower | in florets4 eggs, mediumSaltPepperNutmeg

For the soufflé ramekins1 tbsp butter

For the sauce2 shallots | diced20 g butter20 g plain white flour20 ml white wine, dry100 ml vegetable stock100 ml double creamPepper

For the garnish1 tbsp parsley | chopped

AccessoriesPerforated cooking containerHand blender4 soufflé ramekinsRack

MethodPlace the cauliflower in a perforatedcooking container and cook as indic-ated for cooking stage 1.

Leave the cauliflower to cool, thenpurée with a hand blender. Separate theeggs and put the whites to one side forlater. Stir the egg yolks into the cauli-flower and season with salt, pepper andnutmeg to taste.

Beat the egg whites until stiff with awhisk and fold into the cauliflower mix-ture.

Grease the soufflé ramekins, pour in themixture and cook as indicated for cook-ing stage 2.

In a pan, sauté the shallots in butter.Add the flour and deglaze with whitewine.

Mix with the vegetable stock and stiruntil smooth. Fold in the cream andseason with salt and pepper to taste.

Place the vegetable soufflé on a plate,surround with the sauce and garnishwith parsley.

SettingsCooking stage 1Temperature: 100 (120) °CCooking duration: 14 (6) minutes

Cooking stage 2Temperature: 90 °CCooking duration: 15–18 minutes

Tips- You could use broccoli or carrots in-

stead of cauliflower.

- Instead of soufflé ramekins you coulduse cups.

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Vegetables and side dishes



Total time required:70 (55) minutesServes 4

For the gnocchi600 g potatoes, floury, small50 g plain white flour50 g semolina1 egg, medium | yolk only1 tsp salt½ bunch of basil (15 g) | leaves finelychopped ½ bunch of parsley, flat-leaf (30 g) |finely chopped5 sprigs of oregano | leaves finelychopped50 g sundried tomatoes, in oil | puréed1 tsp tomato purée30 g plain white flour

For dusting1 tbsp plain white flour

For the dish1 tbsp butter

For the sage butter50 g butter20 sage leavesSalt

AccessoriesPerforated cooking containerPotato ricerSieve

MethodWash the potatoes and steam in a per-forated cooking container until soft asindicated for cooking stage 1.

Let the potatoes cool a little, peel andpress through a potato ricer while stillhot. Knead into a dough with the flour,semolina, egg yolk and salt. Halve thedough, knead one half with the herbsand the other half with the sundried to-matoes and the tomato purée. Knead alittle flour into each half of dough.

Shape each dough half into a roll (each60 cm long) on a floured worktop andcut each roll into 30 gnocchi. Gentlypress each one flat with a lightly flouredfork on one of the cut sides.

Grease the perforated cooking con-tainer and cook as indicated for cook-ing stage 2.

Melt the butter in a pan. Fry the sageleaves briefly and add a little salt.

Serve the sage butter with the gnocchi.

SettingsCooking stage 1Temperature: 100 (120) °CCooking duration: 28 (15) minutes

Cooking stage 2Temperature: 100 °CCooking duration: 10 minutes

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Vegetables and side dishes



Total time required:65 (30) minutes + 12 hours for soakingServes 4

Ingredients200 g chickpeas, dried2 cloves of garlic | peeled½ tsp cumin, ground3 tbsp lemon juice4 tbsp sesame paste (tahini)¼ tsp paprika, hot1 tsp saltPepper1 tbsp olive oil

AccessoriesSolid cooking containerSieveHand blender

MethodSort the chickpeas, cover with plenty ofcold water and soak overnight.

Place the chickpeas and the soakingwater in a solid cooking container, mak-ing sure the chickpeas are covered withwater. Add the garlic cloves, seasonwith cumin and cook.

Drain the chickpeas, retain 125 ml ofcooking liquid and leave both to cool.

Purée the chickpeas with the cooking li-quid, the lemon juice and the tahini us-ing a hand blender. Add enough cook-ing liquid until you get the required con-sistency. Season generously withpaprika, salt, pepper and cumin.

Drizzle with olive oil and serve.

SettingsTemperature: 100 (120) °CCooking duration: 50 (15) minutes

TipYou can make the houmous evensmoother by removing the light-col-oured outer skin from the chickpeas be-fore puréeing.

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Vegetables and side dishes


Potato bake with bacon

Total time required:50 minutesServes 4

For the bacon and onions100 g bacon | sliced1 onion | sliced2 cloves of garlic | sliced

For the potato bake500 g potatoes, waxy | in slices ½ cmthick1 pepper, red | thinly sliced1 pepper, green | thinly sliced1 sprig of rosemary | needles only,plucked and finely chopped6 eggs, largeSaltPepper

For the dish1 tbsp butter

AccessoriesSolid cooking container

MethodFry the bacon in a non-stick pan withthe onions until crispy and add the gar-lic at the end. Put the pan to one side.

Grease the solid cooking container.Scatter the potatoes and bacon andonion mixture, including the frying fat,inside and cook as indicated for cook-ing stage 1.

Whisk the rosemary with the eggs, saltand pepper and add to the potato mix-ture with the peppers. Cover the cook-ing container and leave to thicken as in-dicated for cooking stage 2.

Cut the bake into pieces and serve hotor cold.

SettingsCooking stage 1Temperature: 100 °CCooking duration: 5 minutes

Cooking stage 2Temperature: 100 °CCooking duration: 25 minutes

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Vegetables and side dishes


Potato dumplings

Total time required:105–110 minutesServes 4

For the potato dumplings1 kg potatoes, floury2 eggs, mediumSaltNutmeg50 g plain white flour50 g potato starch

For the dish1 tbsp butter

AccessoriesPerforated cooking containerPotato ricer

MethodWash the potatoes and cook them in aperforated cooking container as indic-ated for cooking stage 1.

Peel the potatoes while still hot andpress them through a potato ricer im-mediately.

Add the eggs to the potatoes and sea-son with salt and nutmeg. Stir in theflour and potato starch.

Shape the dough into a roll, divide into12 pieces and shape into dumplings.

Grease the perforated cooking con-tainer, place the dumplings inside andcook as indicated for cooking stage 2.

SettingsCooking stage 1Temperature: 100 °CCooking duration: 28–34 minutes

Cooking stage 2Temperature: 100 °CCooking duration: 15–18 minutes

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Vegetables and side dishes


Mashed potato

Total time required:40–45 (30–35) minutesServes 4

Ingredients1 kg potatoes, floury | peeled andquartered250 ml double cream100 ml vegetable stock20 g butterSaltPepper

For the garnish1 tbsp parsley | finely chopped

AccessoriesPerforated cooking containerSolid cooking containerPotato ricer

MethodPlace the potatoes in a perforatedcooking container. Place the cream andvegetable stock in a solid cooking con-tainer underneath the potatoes andcook.

Press the potatoes through the potatoricer and stir with the cream and stockuntil smooth. Fold in the butter and sea-son with salt and pepper to taste.

Sprinkle parsley over the top and serve.

SettingsTemperature: 100 (120) °CCooking duration: 15–17 (5–6) minutes

TipInstead of the liquid described, use25 g soaked dried porcini mushroomswith the soaking liquid. Then chop themushrooms finely and fold into themash.

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Vegetables and side dishes


Potato soufflé

Total time required:80–85 (75–80) minutesServes 4

Ingredients300 g potatoes, floury | diced3 eggs, medium30 g chervil | coarsely chopped150 ml soured cream100 g peas, frozenSaltPepperNutmeg50 g Parmesan, grated

For the dish1 tbsp butter1 tbsp cornflour

AccessoriesPerforated cooking containerPotato ricer4 soufflé ramekins

MethodCook the potatoes in a perforatedcooking container as indicated forcooking stage 1.

Press the potatoes through a potatoricer.

Separate the eggs and put the whites toone side for later. Mix the egg yolks,chervil, soured cream and peas andseason with salt, pepper and nutmeg.

Beat the egg whites until stiff and foldinto the mixture.

Grease the soufflé ramekins, sprinklewith cornflour and pour in the mixture.Sprinkle Parmesan on top.

Place the soufflé ramekins in the cook-ing container and cook as indicated forcooking stage 2.

SettingsCooking stage 1Temperature: 100 (120) °CCooking duration: 9–10 (4–5) minutes

Cooking stage 2Temperature: 90 °CCooking duration: 30–35 minutes

TipInstead of soufflé ramekins you coulduse cups.

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Vegetables and side dishes


Pumpkin risotto

Total time required: 30 minutesServes 6

Ingredients300 g risotto rice60 g butter2 cloves of garlic | finely diced1 onion, small | finely diced70 ml white wine625 ml chicken stock500 g pumpkin flesh | in 1 cm cubes85 g Parma ham (prosciutto) | finelychopped1 lemon | zest only20 g oregano, fresh | finely chopped75 g spinach, fresh50 g Parmesan, grated70 g mascarponeSaltPepper

AccessoriesSolid steam oven container

MethodPlace the risotto rice, butter, garlic,onion, white wine, chicken stock,pumpkin, Parma ham and lemon zest ina solid steam oven container. Start theautomatic programme or cook usingthe manual settings as indicated forcooking stage 1.

Fold the spinach, Parmesan and mas-carpone into the risotto rice.

Automatic programme:Finish as indicated by the automaticprogramme.

Manual settings:Finish as indicated for cooking stage 2.

Season with salt and pepper beforeserving.

SettingsAutomatic programmeRice| Round grain rice| Pumpkin risottoProgramme duration: 20 minutes

Manual settingsCooking stage 1Oven functions: Steam cookingTemperature: 100 °CDuration: 19 minutes-Cooking stage 2Oven functions: Steam cookingTemperature: 100 °CDuration: 1 minute

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Vegetables and side dishes


Lentil salad

Total time required:25 minutesServes 6

For the salad1 onion | chopped180 g carrots | in thin strips, 5 cm long50 g apricots, dried | chopped200 g red lentils1 cardamom pod1 bay leaf1 cinnamon stick2–3 pinches of coriander seeds, groundSaltPepper300 ml vegetable stock

For the dressing150 g natural yoghurt, full-fat2 tsp olive oil1 tsp lime juicePepper2 tsp honey½ head of leaf lettuce (350 g) | finelysliced

AccessoriesSolid cooking container

MethodMix the onion, carrots and apricots withthe lentils in a solid cooking container.Add the spices, season with salt andpepper, pour in the vegetable stock andsteam.

Mix the yogurt with the oil and limejuice and add salt, pepper and honey totaste.

Let the lentil salad cool down a little, re-move the cardamom pod, bay leaf andcinnamon stick.

Fold in the lettuce and serve warm,drizzled with the dressing.

SettingsTemperature: 100 °CCooking duration: 10–12 minutes

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Vegetables and side dishes


Carrots with glazed shallots

Total time required:25 minutesServes 4

Ingredients500 g carrots | sliced4 shallots | peeled and halved2 tbsp butterSaltPepper1 tbsp parsley | chopped

AccessoriesPerforated cooking containerSolid cooking container

MethodPlace the carrots in a perforated cook-ing container.

Place the shallots and butter in a solidcooking container and cover. Cookboth cooking containers at the sametime.

Add the carrots to the shallots and sea-son with salt and pepper.

Sprinkle with parsley before serving.

SettingsTemperature: 100 (120) °CCooking duration: 6 (3) minutes

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Vegetables and side dishes



Total time required:35 (20) minutesServes 6

Ingredients4 shallots | finely diced2 cloves of garlic | finely chopped200 g carrots | thinly sliced1 chilli, red | in rings3 cardamom pods1 bay leaf250 g bulgur wheatSalt600 ml vegetable stock3 tbsp butter2 tbsp parsley, flat-leaf | chopped

AccessoriesSolid cooking container

MethodPlace the shallots, garlic, carrots andchilli in a solid cooking container.

Crush the cardamom pods gently, addto the other ingredients in the cookingcontainer along with the bay leaf andbulgur wheat. Pour the vegetable stockon top and cook.

Remove the spices from the pilaf andbreak it up with a fork.

Fold in the butter and parsley and servehot.

SettingsTemperature: 100 (120) °CCooking duration: 20 (6) minutes

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Vegetables and side dishes


Mushroom yeast dumplings with squash sauce

Total time required:60 minutesServes 4

For the dumplings20 g yeast, fresh150 ml milk, whole | lukewarm300 g plain white flourA pinch of sugar1 tsp salt1 egg, medium | yolk only30 g butter | softened

For the mushroom mixture400 g mushrooms | finely chopped2 tbsp butter1 onion, small | choppedSaltPepperNutmeg15 g parsley | chopped

For the squash sauce1 red kuri squash (1 kg)1 onion, small | chopped150 ml apple juice150 ml vegetable stock250 ml cooking liquid

For dusting2 tbsp plain white flour

For the dish1 tbsp butter

For refining100 ml crème fraîche

AccessoriesSolid cooking containerPerforated cooking containerFine sieveHand blender

MethodDissolve the yeast in the milk and addthe flour, sugar, salt, egg yolk and but-ter and knead for approx. 7 minutes toform a smooth dough. Shape thedough into a ball. Place in an un-covered bowl and place the bowl in theoven compartment. Leave to prove asindicated for cooking stage 1.

For the mushroom mixture, lightly sautéthe mushrooms in portions in some hotbutter until the liquid has completelyevaporated. Sauté half of the onion withthe last portion, season generously withsalt, pepper and nutmeg, fold in twothirds of the parsley and leave to cool.

Peel and halve the squash, remove theseeds and the fibrous interior. Dice theflesh, place in a solid cooking containerwith the onion, apple juice and veget-able stock. Season with salt and pep-per. Slide the cooking container into theupper part of the oven compartment.

Dust the worktop with flour. Divide theyeast dough into 8 portions and shapeinto balls. Press the balls flat and rollthem into discs with a diameter of13 cm. Place 1 heaped tablespoon ofthe mushroom mixture onto each discand shape them into balls. Cover andleave to prove again for 15 minutes.

Grease the perforated cooking con-tainer and place the balls inside. Slidethe cooking container into the ovencompartment under the cooking con-

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Vegetables and side dishes


tainer with the squash and vegetablesand cook as indicated for cookingstage 2.

Drain the squash and collect the liquid.Purée the squash with the cooking li-quid until smooth in the cooking con-tainer using a hand blender and add thecrème fraîche. Season to taste and stirin more cooking liquid if necessary.

Serve the squash sauce with the mush-room yeast dumplings and garnish withthe remaining mushrooms and parsley.

SettingsCooking stage 1Temperature: 40 °CCooking duration: 20 minutes

Cooking stage 2Temperature: 100 °CCooking duration: 20 minutes

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Vegetables and side dishes


Swiss polenta

Total time required:15–35 minutesFor 1 porcelain oven dish, 2-litre capacity

Ingredients500 ml chicken stock500 ml milk, whole2 tsp saltA pinch of pepper20 g butter250 g polenta (fine, medium, coarse)

AccessoriesPorcelain oven dish, 2 litresRack

MethodPut the chicken stock, milk, salt, pep-per and butter in the porcelain ovendish. Place the porcelain oven dish onthe rack in the oven compartment. Startthe automatic programme or cook us-ing the manual settings as indicated forcooking stage 1.

Automatic programme:Stir the polenta into the liquid as indic-ated in the programme sequence andstir as indicated in the programme se-quence.

Manual:Gradually add the polenta to the liquid,stirring constantly and continue to cookas indicated for cooking stage 2.

Stir halfway through cooking and finishcooking.

Then stir the polenta well again.

Settings Automatic programmeGrain | Swiss style polenta | Fine/Me-dium/Coarse/Programme duration depending on typeof polenta:7/23/29 minutes (fine/medium/coarse)

ManualCooking stage 1Operating mode: Steam cookingTemperature: 100 °CCooking duration: 3 minutes

Cooking stage 2Operating mode: Steam cookingTemperature: 100 °CCooking duration:Fine polenta: 4 minutesMedium polenta: 20 minutesCoarse polenta: 26 minutes

TipYou can use water instead of chickenstock.

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Vegetables and side dishes


Courgette and feta rolls

Total time required:35–40 minutesServes 4

Ingredients1 courgette (200 g)200 g fetaSaltPepper1 tbsp olive oil

AccessoriesPerforated cooking container

MethodCut the courgette lengthways into thinslices, place in a perforated cookingcontainer and cook as indicated forcooking stage 1.

Cut the feta into strips 2 cm wide andseason with salt and pepper.

Remove the courgette from the cookingcontainer. Wrap the feta in the cour-gette and season with salt and pepper.Drizzle with olive oil, place in a perfor-ated cooking container in the ovencompartment and cook as indicated forcooking stage 2.

SettingsCooking stage 1Temperature: 100 °CCooking duration: 1 minute

Cooking stage 2Temperature: 100 °CCooking duration: 3 minutes

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Vegetables and side dishes


Braised cucumbers

Total time required:55–60 (50–55) minutesServes 4

Ingredients2 onions | diced200 g bacon, lean | diced6 cooking cucumbers (500 g each)400 ml soured cream1 tbsp dill | choppedA pinch of sugarSaltPepper

AccessoriesSolid cooking container

MethodPlace the onions and bacon in a solidcooking container, cover and cook asindicated for cooking stage 1.

Peel and halve the cucumbers. Scrapeout the seeds with a spoon and thinlyslice the cucumbers. Add the cucum-bers and soured cream to the baconand onions.

Season with dill, sugar, salt and pepperand cook as indicated for cookingstage 2.

After cooking, season with more saltand pepper to taste and serve.

SettingsCooking stage 1Temperature: 100 (120) °CCooking duration: 4 (2) minutes

Cooking stage 2Temperature: 100 °CCooking duration: 15–20 minutes

TipYou can use salad cucumbers insteadof cooking cucumbers.

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Vegetables and side dishes


Bread dumplings

Total time required:110–115 minutesServes 4

For the bread dumplings8 bread rolls | diced into ½ cm pieces500 ml milk, whole1 onion | diced20 g butter2 eggs, medium1 tbsp parsley | chopped

For greasingButter

AccessoriesSolid cooking containerPerforated cooking container

MethodWarm the milk in a solid cooking con-tainer as indicated for cooking stage 1.

Pour the milk over the pieces of breadand leave to soak for half an hour.

Place the onion and butter in a solidcooking container, cover with alu-minium foil and braise as indicated forcooking stage 2.

Add the braised onions, eggs and pars-ley to the bread and mix.

Dampen your hands and shape thedough into 12 dumplings, grease theperforated cooking container, place thebread dumplings inside and cook as in-dicated for cooking stage 3.

SettingsCooking stage 195 °C; 2–3 minutes

Cooking stage 2Temperature: 100 (120) °CCooking duration: 4 (2) minutes

Cooking stage 3Temperature: 100 °CCooking duration: 15–18 minutes

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Vegetables and side dishes


Greek tomatoes

Total time required:25–30 minutesServes 4

Ingredients4 tomatoes | halved crosswise2 cloves of garlic | finely choppedSaltPepper4 stalks of basil | finely chopped100 g feta | finely diced

AccessoriesPerforated cooking container

MethodPlace the tomatoes in a perforatedcooking container with the cut surfacefacing upwards.

Scatter the garlic over the cut surfaceof the tomatoes. Season with salt andpepper.

Scatter the basil over the tomatohalves.

Place the feta on top of the tomatoesand cook.

SettingsTemperature: 100 °CCooking duration: 3–4 minutes

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Vegetables and side dishes


Stuffed courgettes

Total time required:40 minutesServes 4

For the stuffing1 onion, red | chopped1 clove of garlic | chopped½ pointed pepper (80 g), red | finelydiced40 g olives, black, pitted | chopped75 g olives, green, pitted | chopped150 g feta | crumbled6 sprigs of thyme | leaves plucked100 ml soured creamPepper2 tsp lemon juice

For the courgettes4 courgettes (320 g each)Salt

For the garnish1 tbsp parsley | chopped2 sprigs of thyme | leaves plucked

AccessoriesPerforated cooking container

MethodMix the onion, garlic, pointed pepper,olives, feta and thyme with the souredcream. Season with pepper and lemonjuice to taste.

Halve the courgettes lengthwayswithout peeling them and scoop out theinside with a small spoon. Season theinside of the courgette with a little salt,fill with the feta mixture, place in theperforated cooking container and cook.

Garnish with parsley and thyme andserve.

SettingsTemperature: 100 °CCooking duration: 10–12 minutes

TipYou could use pointed peppers insteadof courgettes.

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Fish benefits both the mind and body.Salt-water fish is rich in iodine, vitam-ins, protein, and omega 3 fatty acids,which boost health and physical fitness,concentration levels, powers of obser-vation and general well-being. Low incalories, versatile, and sophisticated,fish dishes will win you complimentsevery time. It is no wonder that we areadvised to eat at least two portions offish per week.

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Sea bream with vegetables

Total time required:50 minutesServes 4

Ingredients1 orange, unwaxed2 cloves of garlic | crushed1 bunch of basil (30 g) | finely chopped3 tbsp olive oilSaltPepper250 g courgette | in thin batons, 5 cmlong250 g celery | in thin batons, 5 cm long400 g carrots | in thin batons, 5 cm long4 sea bream (450 g each), ready tocook

Accessories2 perforated cooking containers

MethodWash the orange in hot water, dry,finely grate the zest and squeeze outthe juice. Mix the garlic with the basil,orange zest, 3–4 tablespoons of orangejuice, olive oil, salt and pepper.

Spread out the courgette, celery andcarrots in the 2 perforated cooking con-tainers and season with a little salt andpepper.

Drizzle 1 tablespoon of the basil sauceinto the belly of each sea bream andseason the outside with salt. Place thesea bream on the vegetables and cook.

Serve the sea bream and vegetableswith the rest of the basil sauce.

SettingsTemperature: 90 °CCooking duration: 25–30 minutes

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Fish curry with peaches

Total time required:50–55 minutesServes 4

For the fish400 g firm white fish, ready to cook |diced3 tbsp soy sauce1 tbsp lime juiceSaltPepper

For the curry10 g ginger | finely grated1 clove of garlic | finely chopped1 chilli | deseeded and finely sliced2 tbsp desiccated coconut200 ml coconut milk2 tbsp curry powder1 bunch of spring onions (150 g) | slicedinto fine rings2 peaches, ripe | skinned | diced

AccessoriesSolid cooking container

MethodSeason the fish with the soy sauce,lime juice, salt and pepper.

Place all of the ingredients, except forthe spring onions and peaches, in asolid cooking container and cook as in-dicated for cooking stage 1.

Add the spring onions and peaches tothe rest of the ingredients and cookeverything together as indicated forcooking stage 2.

SettingsCooking stage 1Temperature: 100 °CCooking duration: 10 minutes

Cooking stage 2Temperature: 100 °CCooking duration: 5 minutes

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Trout in a white wine broth

Total time required:35–40 minutesServes 4

4 trout, whole (250 g each), ready tocook450 ml white wine, dry150 ml balsamic vinegar, white150 ml water1 lemon, untreated | zest only120 g carrots | slicedSaltPepper4 sprigs of parsley4 sprigs of thyme1 tsp peppercorns, black7 cloves

For the garnish75 g butter1 lemon, unwaxed | sliced

AccessoriesSolid cooking container

MethodPlace the trout in a solid cooking con-tainer, cover with the white wine, bal-samic vinegar, water, lemon zest, car-rots, herbs and spices, then cook.

After cooking, heat the butter in 6 table-spoons of broth, pour over the troutand garnish with lemon slices.

SettingsTemperature: 90 °CCooking duration: 12–15 minutes

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Salmon with leeks and a white wine sauce

Total time required:45 (40) minutesServes 4

For the salmon with leeks2 leeks (200 g each) | sliced into thinrings2 shallots1 tbsp butter500 g salmon fillet, ready to cookSaltPepper

For the white wine sauce125 ml white wine, dry4 tbsp fish stock30 g butter | chilled

For the garnish1 tbsp dill | chopped

AccessoriesSolid cooking container

MethodPut the leeks, shallots and butter in asolid cooking container, cover and cookas indicated for cooking stage 1.

Cut the salmon fillet into 4 portions andplace on top of the leeks and shallots.Season with salt and pepper and cookas indicated for cooking stage 2.

Heat the white wine in a pan with thefish stock, stir in knobs of butter andseason with salt and pepper. Pour overthe salmon fillet and leeks.

Garnish with dill and serve.

SettingsCooking stage 1Temperature: 100 (120) °CCooking duration: 4 (2) minutes

Cooking stage 2Temperature: 100 °CCooking duration: 6 minutes

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Mussels in sauce

Total time required: 40 minutesServes 4

For the sauce2 shallots | finely diced3 cloves of garlic | finely diced1 tomato, large | finely diced125 ml white wine350 ml tomato passata180 g bacon | sliced1 pinch of saffron1 splash of Tabasco1 lemon | a large wedge3 stalks of parsley6 sprigs of thyme

For the mussels700 g mussels, ready to cookSaltPeppercorns, black | freshly ground

For the garnish2 tbsp parsley | chopped

AccessoriesSolid steam oven containerKitchen twine

MethodPlace the shallots, garlic, tomato, whitewine, passata, bacon, saffron, Tabascoand lemon wedge in a solid steam ovencontainer.

Tie together the sprigs of thyme andparsley into a bundle, add to the steamoven container and cover. Start theautomatic programme or cook usingthe manual settings as indicated forcooking stage 1.

Automatic programme:Add the mussels to the sauce as indic-ated in the automatic programme andcontinue to cook uncovered.

Manual settings:Add the mussels to the sauce as indic-ated for cooking stage 2 and continueto cook uncovered.

Remove the herbs, squeeze the lemonwedge and season with salt and pep-per.

Garnish with parsley, then serve.

SettingsAutomatic programmeMussels and clams| Mussels in sauceProgramme duration: 30 minutes

Manual settingsCooking stage 1Oven functions: Steam cookingTemperature: 100 °CDuration: 25 minutes

Cooking stage 2Oven functions: Steam cookingTemperature: 100 °CDuration: 5 minutes

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Monkfish with a porcini mushroom sauce

Total time required:45 (40) minutes + 12 hours for soakingServes 4

Ingredients30 g porcini mushrooms, dried100 g shallots | diced20 g butter4 monkfish fillets (150 g each) | skinned1 lemon | juice only150 ml vegetable stock2 tbsp white wine, dry150 ml soured cream50 ml double creamSaltPepper

Accessories2 solid cooking containers

MethodSoak the porcini mushrooms overnight,then drain and chop finely.

Put the shallots and butter in a solidcooking container, cover and braise asindicated for cooking stage 1.

Add the porcini mushrooms and leaveto stand for 2 minutes.

Drizzle the monkfish with lemon juice.Place in a separate solid cooking con-tainer with the vegetable stock andwhite wine and cook as indicated forcooking stage 2. Keep the monkfishwarm.

Mix the broth, shallots, soured creamand cream on the hob to make a sauce.Season with salt and pepper and pourover the monkfish.

SettingsCooking stage 1Temperature: 100 (120) °CCooking duration: 4 (2) minutes

Cooking stage 2Temperature: 90 °CCooking duration: 8–10 minutes

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Tuna on tomato rice

Total time required:55 (105) minutes + 4 hours for marinatingServes 4

For the marinade1 bunch of lemon thyme (30 g)2 cloves of garlic2 shallots80 ml olive oil5 peppercorns, black

For the tuna4 tuna steaks (125 g each), ready tocook

For the tomato rice500 g tomatoes200 g long-grain rice1 tsp mustard seeds250 ml vegetable stock1 tbsp tomato puréeSaltPepper100 g peas, frozen

For the garnish5 stalks of basil | finely chopped

AccessoriesPerforated cooking containerSolid cooking container

MethodPluck the leaves from the lemon thyme.Set a few leaves aside for the garnish.Peel the garlic and shallots, chop finelytogether with the lemon thyme leavesand mix with the olive oil and pepper-corns.

Place the tuna in the marinade, coverand leave to marinate for 4 hours in therefrigerator.

Score a cross in the tomatoes, place ina perforated cooking container andsteam as indicated for cooking stage 1.

Let the tomatoes cool a little, then peeland dice.

Place the long-grain rice, mustardseeds and vegetable stock in a solidcooking container with the tomatopurée, season with salt and pepper andcook as indicated for cooking stage 2.

Fold the tomatoes and peas into thelong-grain rice, place the tuna on top,salt lightly, drizzle the marinade overeverything and cook as indicated forcooking stage 3.

Garnish with lemon thyme and basil,then serve.

SettingsCooking stage 1Temperature: 95 °CCooking duration: 1 minute

Cooking stage 2Temperature: 100 (120) °CCooking duration: 12 (6) minutes

Cooking stage 3Temperature: 100 °CCooking duration: 10 minutes

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Meat dishes from your Miele steamoven are particularly tender, juicy anddelicate – success is guaranteed. Thenutrients – valuable protein, vitaminsand minerals in poultry, B vitamins inpork and iron in beef – are generally re-tained. When you steam-cook meat,some of the meat and fat is released,which makes a great base for a sauce.If you want to brown the meat, you'llneed to sear it on the hob and then fin-ish cooking with steam.

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Meatballs with Chinese cabbage

Total time required:40 minutesServes 4

For the meatballs15 g root ginger | crushed2 cloves of garlic | crushed750 g pork mince1 tsp Chinese 5-spice powder½ tsp cinnamon, ground2 tbsp soy sauceSalt

For the Chinese cabbage100 g carrots | in thin batons1 Chinese cabbage (750 g) | leavesseparated200 g Chinese egg noodles (Mienoodles)

AccessoriesPerforated cooking containerSolid cooking containerSieve

MethodKnead the ginger and garlic with themince, 5-spice powder, cinnamon andsoy sauce, season with salt and shapeinto 32 balls.

Spread out the carrots and Chinesecabbage in a perforated cooking con-tainer, place the meatballs on top andcook as indicated for cooking stage 1.

Place the egg noodles in a solid cook-ing container and add salt. Add enoughwater to cover the egg noodles. Placein the oven compartment with themeatballs and cook as indicated forcooking stage 2.

Drain the egg noodles in a sieve. Servein bowls with the Chinese cabbage,carrots and meatballs.

SettingsCooking stage 1Temperature: 100 °CCooking duration: 6–7 minutes

Cooking stage 2Temperature: 100 °CCooking duration: 6–7 minutes

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Chicken breast with sundried tomatoes

Total time required:35–40 minutesServes 4

For the chicken breasts4 chicken breasts (150 g each), ready tocookSalt

For the cream cheese filling75 g cream cheese, full fat30 ml crème fraîche15 g basil15 g oreganoSaltPepperCoriander50 g tomatoes, sundried, in oil

AccessoriesSievePerforated cooking container4 wooden skewers

MethodMake a pocket in the side of eachchicken breast and salt.

Mix together the cream cheese, crèmefraîche, basil and oregano and seasonwith salt, pepper and coriander.

Drain the tomatoes well in a sieve, chopfinely and stir into the cream cheesemixture.

Fill the chicken breasts with the creamcheese filling and close with a woodenskewer if necessary.

Place in a perforated cooking containerand cook.

SettingsTemperature: 100 °CCooking duration: 8 minutes

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Chicken stroganoff with peppers

Total time required:55–60 minutes + 15 minutes for marinatingServes 4

For the chicken stroganoff3 chicken breasts (150 g each), ready tocook2 peppers, red | thinly sliced

For the marinade3 tbsp oil2 tsp paprika, hot3 tsp curry powder

For the sauce100 ml double cream100 ml crème fraîcheSaltPepperCurry powder

AccessoriesSolid cooking container

MethodSlice the chicken breasts into slices1 cm wide. Place the peppers in a solidcooking container with the meat.

Mix the oil, paprika and curry powderinto a marinade and leave the meat tomarinate for 15 minutes.

Mix the cream and crème fraîche andseason with salt and pepper. Pour overthe meat and vegetables and cook.

After cooking, season with more salt,pepper and curry powder to taste.

SettingsTemperature: 100 °CCooking duration: 12–14 minutes

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Fillet of veal with herbs

Total time required:55 (35) minutesServes 4

Ingredients600 g fillet of veal, ready to cookSaltLemon pepper½ bunch of parsley (30 g)½ bunch of chervil (15 g)½ bunch of basil (15 g)½ bunch of tarragon (15 g)2 tsp capers100 ml white wine, dry100 ml vegetable stock¼ lemon, unwaxed | zest only | grated100 ml double cream1 tbsp water1 tbsp cornflour

AccessoriesSolid cooking containerFine graterSieve

MethodRub the fillet of veal with salt and lemonpepper and place in a solid cookingcontainer.

Wash the herbs, pat dry, pluck theleaves and put to one side. Add thestalks of the herbs to the fillet of vealwith the capers, pour over the whitewine and vegetable stock and cook.

Meanwhile, finely chop the herb leavesand mix with the lemon zest.

After cooking, take out the fillet of vealand keep it warm. Pour the resultingstock into a pan through a sieve, addthe cream and bring to the boil. Simmer

for around 5 minutes, then season totaste. Stir the cornflour into the waterand then add it to the sauce to aidthickening a little if necessary.

Toss the fillet of veal in the herbs andlemon zest.

Slice the fillet of veal and serve with thesauce.

SettingsTemperature: 100 (120) °CCooking duration: 25–30 (15) minutes

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Cabbage rolls

Total time required: 85 minutesServes 4

For the white cabbage1 white cabbage (1.2 kg)

For the stuffing2 bread rolls1 onion | finely diced30 g clarified butter450 g mince, half beef and half pork1 egg, medium2 cloves of garlic | finely choppedSaltPepperMarjoram2 tsp parsley | chopped

For the vegetables4 shallots | finely diced2 cloves of garlic | finely chopped2 peppers (175 g each), yellow | roughlydiced2 peppers (175 g each), red | roughlydiced100 ml soured cream1 lemon | juice only

AccessoriesSolid steam oven containerHand blender

MethodRemove the stalk from the cabbageand blanch the cabbage in a solidsteam oven container as indicated inthe settings.

Remove the outer leaves and lay on thework surface.

For the stuffing, soak the bread in alittle water, squeeze out a little andstrain.

Sauté the onion in clarified butter.

Mix the mince, bread mixture, egg, gar-lic, spices, parsley and onion togetherwell.

Press the cabbage leaves flat andspread the filling over the top. Wrapand roll up the cabbage leaves.

Put the shallots, garlic and pepper in asolid steam oven container, place thecabbage rolls on top of the bed of ve-getables with the sealed side facingdownwards and start the automaticprogramme or cook as indicated in themanual settings.

Take the cabbage rolls out of the solidsteam oven container and keep themwarm.

Pour the soured cream and lemon juiceover the vegetables, purée with a handblender and season with salt to taste.

Automatic programme and manual set-tings:Place the cabbage rolls in the peppersauce and finish cooking as indicatedfor the cooking stage.

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SettingsAutomatic programme and manualsettingsBlanching the cabbageOven functions: Steam cookingTemperature: 100 °CCooking duration: 10–15 minutes

SettingsAutomatic programmeCooking the cabbage rollsMeat| Beef| Cabbage rollsProgramme duration: 30 minutes

Manual settingsCooking the cabbage rollsOven functions: Steam cookingTemperature: 100 °CDuration: 30 minutes

Automatic programme and manualsettingsFinishingOven functions: Steam cookingTemperature: 100 °CDuration: 5 minutes

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Braised lamb with prunes

Total time required:100 (70) minutesServes 4

For the lamb800 g lamb (leg), ready to cook | diced

For frying4 tbsp clarified butter

For the lamb stock3 onions, red | slicedSalt½ tsp cinnamon, ground½ tsp cumin, ground½ tsp coriander, ground½ tsp cayenne pepper, ground150 ml lamb stock3 bay leaves

For the prunes600 g carrots | sliced1 lemon, unwaxed | in eighths250 g prunes

For the couscous200 g couscous

For the sesame yoghurt30 g sesame seeds2 cloves of garlic | crushed300 g natural yoghurt, full-fat

For the garnish2 sprigs of coriander, fresh

AccessoriesSolid cooking container

MethodHeat the clarified butter in a pan andsear the lamb on all sides in batches.

Place the lamb in a solid cooking con-tainer with the onions and season withthe salt, cinnamon, cumin, corianderand cayenne pepper. Add the lambstock and bay leaves and cook thelamb as indicated for cooking stage 1.

For the sesame yoghurt, set a bit of thelemon juice aside.

After cooking, add the carrots, lemonand prunes to the lamb and cook as in-dicated for cooking stage 2.

After cooking, add the couscous andcook as indicated for cooking stage 3.

Meanwhile, lightly toast the sesameseeds in a pan without any fat. Mix thegarlic with the natural yoghurt and ses-ame and season with salt and lemonjuice to taste.

After cooking, remove the bay leaves,season with salt and spices to taste,garnish with the coriander sprigs andserve with sesame yoghurt.

SettingsCooking stage 1Temperature: 100 (120) °CCooking duration: 35 (17) minutes

Cooking stage 2Temperature: 100 (120) °CCooking duration: 20 (8) minutes

Cooking stage 3Temperature: 100 (120) °CCooking duration: 5 (2) minutes

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Lamb loin with green beans

Total time required:50 minutesServes 4

For the beans750 g green beans1 bunch of summer savory (30 g)1 onion, red | finely choppedSalt30 g butter100 ml lamb stock250 g cherry tomatoes

For the lamb loins4 lamb loins (150 g each), ready to cook2 cloves of garlic | crushedPepper

For frying3 tbsp olive oil

For the cooking juices4 tbsp balsamic vinegar100 ml lamb stock

For thickening1 tbsp water1 tbsp cornflour

For seasoningA pinch of sugar

AccessoriesSolid cooking container

MethodPlace the beans in a solid cooking con-tainer with the summer savory andonion and season with salt. Scatterknobs of butter on top, pour over thelamb stock and cook as indicated forcooking stage 1.

Rub the lamb loins with garlic, salt andpepper. Heat the olive oil in a pan andsear the lamb loins all over. Take thelamb loins out of the pan. Deglaze thecooking juices with the balsamic vin-egar and lamb stock.

Add the lamb loins and cherry tomatoesto the beans, drizzle with the cookingjuices and cook as indicated for cook-ing stage 2.

Pour the sauce from the beans into apan and bring to the boil. Season withbalsamic vinegar, salt, pepper andsugar to taste. Mix the cornflour withwater and add it to the sauce to aidthickening a little.

Serve with the lamb and beans.

SettingsCooking stage 1Temperature: 100 °CCooking duration: 10 minutes

Cooking stage 2Temperature: 100 °CCooking duration: 8–10 minutes

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Stuffed turkey breast

Total time required:120 (90) minutesServes 6

For the apricot mixture1 onion | chopped120 g apricots, dried | diced1 tbsp butter50 ml sherry, drySaltCayenne pepper

For the turkey breast1 turkey breast (1.5 kg), ready to cook

For the vegetables1 kg carrots | in thick slices2 bunches of spring onions (150 g) |sliced into fine ringsPepper

For the stuffing100 g cream cheese, full fat1 tsp honey100 g bacon | sliced

For frying3 tbsp sunflower oil

For the cooking juices100 ml sherry, dry100 ml chicken stock100 ml double cream30 ml sherry, dry1 tbsp water1 tbsp cornflour

Accessories2 solid cooking containersCling filmKitchen stringMeat tenderiser

MethodMix the onions and apricots with thebutter, sherry, salt and cayenne pepperin a solid cooking container and cookas indicated for cooking stage 1.

Cut the turkey breast open into onelarge, flat piece (butterflying). Place itbetween two pieces of cling film, flattenwith a meat tenderiser and season withsalt and pepper.

Place the carrots and spring onions in asolid cooking container and seasonwith salt and pepper.

Let the apricot mixture cool a little, mixwith the cream cheese and season withsalt, cayenne pepper and honey totaste. Spread on to the meat and topwith slices of bacon. Roll up the meat,tie up with cooking string and sear onall sides in hot sunflower oil.

Place the stuffed turkey breast on topof the vegetables in the cooking con-tainer. Deglaze the cooking juices withsherry and chicken stock, pour thisover the vegetables and cook as indic-ated for cooking stage 2.

Pour the cooking juices into a pan, addthe cream and bring to the boil. Reducefor 5 minutes and add salt, pepper andthe rest of the sherry to taste. Stir thecornflour into the water and then add itto the sauce to aid thickening.

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SettingsCooking stage 1Temperature: 100 (120) °CCooking duration: 4 (2) minutes

Cooking stage 2Temperature: 100 (120) °CCooking duration: 80–90 (55–60) minutes

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Fillet of beef

Total time required:40–90 minutesServes 4

Ingredients450–650 g fillet of beef, ready to cook |individual joint or medallions3 tbsp oil250 ml soured cream70 g mayonnaise3 tsp horseradish cream2 tsp mustard, coarse-grained3–4 tomatoes, sundried | finelychoppedSaltPepper1–2 baguette rolls | split lengthways

For the garnish100 g rocket

AccessoriesKitchen stringSolid cooking container

MethodTie up the fillet of beef (individual jointor medallions) to make a uniformly thickpiece.

Heat the oil in a pan and sear the filletof beef (individual joint or medallions)until light brown. Place in a solid cook-ing container and cook as indicated forthe automatic programme or by themanual settings.

Allow the fillet of beef (individual joint ormedallions) to rest for 5–10 minutesafter cooking. Meanwhile, mix togetherthe soured cream, mayonnaise,

horseradish cream, mustard, finelychopped tomatoes, salt and pepperand spread on the halved baguettes.

Carve the fillet of beef (medallions) intovery thin slices and place on thebaguettes. Garnish with rocket.

Settings Automatic programmeMeat | Beef | Fillet of beef | Piece/MedallionsProgramme duration – individual joint:60 minutesProgramme duration – medallions:20 minutes

ManualOperating mode: Steam cookingTemperature for all meat sizes: 53/63/75 °C | rare/medium/well doneCooking duration:For an individual joint: 70/60/50 minutes| rare/medium/well doneFor medallions – 1 cm thick: 10 minutesFor medallions – 2 cm thick:30/20/20 minutes | rare/medium/well doneFor medallions – 3 cm thick:40/30/30 minutes | rare/medium/well done

TipThe degree of doneness will depend onthe thickness of the piece of meat. Ashort duration is recommended for thin-ner cuts.

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Poached fillet of beef with vegetables

Total time required:50 (45) minutesServes 2

For the vegetables250 ml beef stock200 g carrots | cut into bite-sizedpieces200 g cauliflower | in florets2 courgettes (200 g each) | cut into bite-sized pieces8 spring onions | white parts only100 g sugar snap peas

For the fillet of beef500 g fillet of beef, ready to cookParsley | chopped

AccessoriesSolid cooking container

MethodCook the beef stock in a solid cookingcontainer together with the carrots andcauliflower as indicated for cookingstage 1.

Add the courgettes, spring onions andsugar snap peas and cook as indicatedfor cooking stage 2.

Remove the vegetables from the stockand keep warm.

Cut the fillet of beef into 1 cm slicesand poach in the stock as indicated forcooking stage 3.

Serve the meat with the vegetables anda sprinkling of parsley.

SettingsCooking stage 1Temperature: 100 (120) °CCooking duration: 8 (4) minutes

Cooking stage 2Temperature: 100 °CCooking duration: 4 minutes

Cooking stage 3Temperature: 100 (120) °CCooking duration: 4 (2) minutes

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Beef hash

Total time required: 250 minutesServes 8

Ingredients30 g butter3 tbsp oil1.2 kg beef, ready to cook | dicedSaltPepper500 g onions | finely diced2 bay leaves4 cloves1 tbsp brown sugar2 tbsp plain white flour1.2 l beef stock70 ml vinegar

AccessoriesSolid cooking container

MethodHeat the butter in a pan. As soon as itbegins to bubble, add a dash of oil andheat.

Season the beef with salt and pepperand sear it on all sides.

Add the onions, bay leaves, cloves andsugar and cook for a further 3 minutes.

Dust the beef with flour and fry for afurther 2–3 minutes.

Add the beef stock and vinegar, stirringconstantly until you have a smoothsauce.

Place the beef in a solid cooking con-tainer and cook.

Season with salt and pepper and serve.

SettingsAutomatic programmeMeat | Beef | Beef hashProgramme duration: 180 minutes

ManualOperating mode: Steam cookingTemperature: 100 °CCooking duration: 180 minutes

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Beef casserole

Total time required:150 minutesServes 4

For the beef60 g plain white flourPepper | freshly ground1 kg beef (shoulder) | finely diced3 tbsp oil1 onion, large | in thin rings1 leek, large | in thin rings350 g carrots | diced3 sticks of celery | diced250 g mushrooms | quartered2–3 sprigs of thyme2 bay leaves200 ml beef stock200 ml German schwarzbier or darkbeer2 tbsp ketchup

For the dumplings100 g plain white flour3 g baking powder50 g clarified butter1 tsp parsley | chopped½ tsp chives | choppedSaltPeppercorns | freshly ground4–5 tbsp water | cold

AccessoriesSolid cooking container

MethodSeason the flour with the pepper andcoat the meat in it.

Heat half of the oil in a frying pan andsear the meat on all sides in batches,then set aside.

Heat the other half of the oil in a fryingpan and sauté the onions for 3 minutes.Add the leek, carrots and celery and fryfor another 5 minutes.

Add the mushrooms, thyme and thebay leaves.

Add the beef, beef stock, beer andketchup, bring to the boil briefly, put ina solid cooking container and cover.Start the automatic programme or cookusing the manual settings as indicatedfor cooking stage 1.

Meanwhile, put the flour and bakingpowder in a bowl, add the clarified but-ter, parsley and chives, season with saltand pepper and stir in the cold water tomake a soft dough.

Divide the dough into 8 portions andshape into little balls with flouredhands.

Automatic programme:Briefly stir the casserole, add thedumplings, baste with a little stock andcontinue to cook as indicated in theprogramme sequence.

Manual:Briefly stir the casserole, add thedumplings, baste with a little stock andcontinue to cook. Finish cooking as in-dicated for cooking stage 2.

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Settings Automatic programmeSoups and casseroles | Beef casseroleProgramme duration: 120 minutes

ManualCooking stage 1Operating mode: Steam cookingTemperature: 100 °CCooking duration: 90 minutes

Cooking stage 2Operating mode: Steam cookingTemperature: 100 °CCooking duration: 30 minutes

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Total time required:25 minutes

Ingredients100–750 g saucisson

AccessoriesPerforated cooking container

MethodPlace the saucisson in a perforatedcooking container and cook.

Settings Automatic programmeSausages | SaucissonSetting depends on quantity:100–200 g200–300 g300–400 g400–750 gProgramme duration: 10–20 minutes

ManualOperating mode: Steam cookingTemperature: 95 °CCooking duration: 10–20 minutes

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Pork medallions with mushrooms and apples

Total time required:60 minutes + 3 hours for marinatingServes 4

For the marinade1 onion, red | chopped4 tbsp Calvados2 tsp mustard, medium-hot150 ml apple juice150 ml meat stockPepper, black

For the pork medallions8 pork medallions (75 g each)

For the mushrooms and apples700 g chestnut mushrooms, small4 apples, sharp | sliced

For frying1 tbsp clarified butter

For refining and binding the marinade150 ml double creamSaltPepper | freshly ground1 tbsp water1 tbsp cornflour1 tsp parsley | chopped

AccessoriesSolid cooking containerSieve

MethodFor the marinade, mix the onion withthe Calvados, mustard, apple juice,meat stock and pepper. Place the porkmedallions in the marinade, cover andleave for 3 hours in the refrigerator.

Spread the mushrooms and applesover a solid cooking container.

Take the pork medallions out of themarinade and drain well in a sieve.

Heat the clarified butter in a pan andsear the pork medallions on both sideson a high heat in 2 batches.

Meanwhile, mix the marinade with thecream, season with salt and pour oventhe mushrooms and apples. Place thepork medallions on top, pour over thecooking juices, grind pepper on top andcook.

Pour the resulting sauce into a pan andkeep the pork medallions and veget-ables warm briefly in the oven compart-ment. Bring the sauce to the boil, stirthe cornflour into the water and thenadd it to the sauce to aid thickening alittle. Season to taste.

Serve with the pork medallions, mush-rooms, apples and parsley.

SettingsTemperature: 100 °CCooking duration: 10–12 minutes

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Topside of beef with apple and horseradish sauce

Total time required:155–165 (80–90) minutesServes 4

For the topside200 g carrots | diced200 g celeriac | diced50 g Hamburg parsley root | diced800 g topside, ready to cook2 tsp salt5 peppercorns2 bay leaves

For the vegetables250 g potatoes, small, waxy | in ovalslices250 g bunched carrots | in oval slices250 g kohlrabi | in oval slices

For the sauce2 apples, sharp | coarsely grated200 ml soured cream1 bunch of chives (20 g) | chopped1 tbsp horseradish | gratedPepper

Accessories2 solid cooking containers

MethodPlace the carrots, celeriac and parsleyroot in a solid cooking container withthe topside of beef, salt, peppercornsand bay leaves and cook as indicatedfor cooking stage 1.

Once the cooking time has finished,take 6 tablespoons of the resultingjuices and leave the cooking containerwith the topside in the oven compart-ment. Add the juices to the potatoes,carrots and kohlrabi in a solid cookingcontainer. Slide this cooking container

into the oven compartment with the firstcooking container and cook as indic-ated for cooking stage 2.

Mix the apples with the soured cream.Add the chives and horseradish. Sea-son with salt and pepper.

Slice the meat thinly against the grainand serve with the vegetables andsauce.

SettingsCooking stage 1Temperature: 100 (120) °CCooking duration: 110–120 (45–50) minutes

Cooking stage 2Temperature: 100 (120) °CCooking duration: 15 (8) minutes

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Viennese silverside

Total time required: 160 minutesServes 10

Ingredients2 kg silverside, in one piece, ready tocook2 onions | halved1 bunch of soup vegetables | roughlychopped15 g lovage7 peppercorns2 bay leaves5 juniper berriesSalt

AccessoriesSolid steam oven container

MethodPlace the meat in a solid steam ovencontainer with the fat facing down-wards.

Place the onions in an iron skillet withthe cut side down and brown withoutany fat.

Add the soup vegetables, herbs, onionsand spices to the meat and cook.

Allow the meat to rest a little beforeslicing.

SettingsAutomatic programmeMeat | Beef | Viennese silversideProgramme duration: 150 minutes

Manual settingsOven functions: Steam cookingTemperature: 100 °CDuration: 150 minutes

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Tikka masala with rice

Total time required:60 minutes + 30 minutes for marinatingServes 4

For the chicken4 cloves of garlic | finely diced2.5 cm root ginger | finely diced1 chilli, red, large | finely diced2 tsp cumin, ground2 tsp coriander, ground1 tsp turmeric1 tsp paprika1 tsp garam masala1 tsp salt1½ tbsp oil100 g natural yoghurt500 g chicken breast, ready to cook |diced2 onions | sliced1 tbsp oil1 tbsp butter1 tin of chopped tomatoes (400 g)1 tbsp tomato purée1 tbsp mango chutney100 ml double cream

For the rice300 g basmati rice450 ml water

For the garnish½ bunch of coriander | chopped

Accessories2 solid cooking containersHand blender

MethodBlitz the garlic, ginger, chilli, spices, saltand oil to a paste with the handblender. Stir the paste into the natural

yoghurt and leave the chicken to marin-ate in the mixture for at least30 minutes.

Sauté the onions in oil and butter for10–12 minutes until transparent. Addthe chicken and marinade and continueto cook on a medium heat for3–4 minutes.

Add the tomatoes, tomato purée,mango chutney and cream and bring tothe boil briefly. Pour into a solid cookingcontainer and cover. Start the auto-matic programme or cook using themanual settings as indicated for cook-ing stage 1.

Put the basmati rice in a solid cookingcontainer and cover with water.

Automatic programme:Add the basmati rice as indicated in theprogramme sequence and continue tocook.

Manual:Add the basmati rice and finish cookingas indicated for cooking stage 2.

Garnish with coriander.

SettingsAutomatic programmeMeat | Poultry | Chicken | Chicken tikkamasala + riceProgramme duration: 30 minutes

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ManualCooking stage 1Operating mode: Steam cookingTemperature: 100 °CCooking duration: 15 minutes

Cooking stage 2Operating mode: Steam cookingTemperature: 100 °CCooking duration: 15 minutes

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Soups and stews


These dishes are incredibly practical toprepare, as the name suggests. Onepot is all you need for all of the ingredi-ents – meat, vegetables, potatoes, etc.,cook together to form a tasty, fillingmain meal. The simple preparation isparticularly beneficial when you arecooking for lots of people. One-potdishes and stews are wonderfully ver-satile and vegetarian versions taste justas good as those with meat, sausages,fish or mussels. In many cultures, thesemeals, sometimes hearty, sometimesrefined, are a permanent fixture on mealplans.

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Soups and stews


Bean stew with lamb

Total time required:55–60 (45–50) minutesServes 4

Ingredients500 g lamb, ready to cook | diced intosmall pieces2 tbsp sunflower oil1 onion | chopped200 ml vegetable stock400 g potatoes, waxy | diced200 g green beans | halved3 carrots (60 g each) | diced1 sprig of rosemary | needles only,chopped300 ml vegetable stockSaltPepper

For the garnish2 spring onions | sliced into fine rings

AccessoriesSolid cooking container

MethodSear the lamb in the sunflower oil in apan. After a little while, add the onionsand sauté. Deglaze with the vegetablestock.

Put the lamb in a solid cooking con-tainer together with the liquid. Add thepotatoes, green beans, carrots androsemary and cook as indicated forcooking stage 1.

After cooking, add the remaining veget-able stock, season with salt and pepperand cook as indicated for cookingstage 2.

Sprinkle the spring onions over the topshortly before serving.

SettingsCooking stage 1Temperature: 100 (120) °CCooking duration: 15 (7–8) minutes

Cooking stage 1Temperature: 95 °CCooking duration: 2 minutes

TipYou could use beef, pork meatballs orsausages instead of lamb.

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Soups and stews


Fish stew

Total time required:35–40 minutesServes 4

For the fish500 g rosefish or other firm white fishfillets, ready to cook2 tbsp lemon juiceSalt200 g carrots | diced200 g peas

For the sauce100 ml crème fraîche100 ml double cream2 tbsp white wine, dry1 tbsp cornflourPepperSugar1 tbsp dill | finely chopped

AccessoriesSolid cooking container

MethodRub the fish with lemon juice and sea-son with salt.

Place the fish in a solid cooking con-tainer. Add the carrots and peas to thefish and cook as indicated for cookingstage 1.

Meanwhile, mix all of the other ingredi-ents together to make a sauce, pourthis over the fish at the end of the cook-ing time and cook as indicated forcooking stage 2.

Season with salt and pepper to tasteand serve.

SettingsCooking stage 1Temperature: 100 °CCooking duration: 8 minutes

Cooking stage 2Temperature: 100 °CCooking duration: 4 minutes

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Soups and stews


Goulash soup

Total time required: 125 minutesServes 4

Ingredients250 g potatoes, waxy25 g clarified butter200 g onions | finely diced250 g beef (chuck steak) | in 1–1½ cmcubes20 g plain white flour20 g tomato puréeSaltPepper20 g paprika, sweet3 cloves of garlic | crushed1 tbsp marjoram, dried1 pinch of caraway seeds, ground1 tbsp vinegar1 l vegetable stock

AccessoriesSolid steam oven container

MethodPeel the potatoes, cut them into1 x 1 cm cubes and put in a bowl withcold water so that they do not turnbrown.

Heat the clarified butter in a pan andslowly fry the onions until they aregolden brown.

Put the onions in a solid steam ovencontainer and add the beef, flour, to-mato purée, all of the spices and thevinegar.

Pour over the vegetable stock, stir welland start the automatic programme orcook using the manual settings as in-dicated for cooking stage 1.

Automatic programme:Add the potatoes as indicated in theautomatic programme and finish cook-ing.

Manual settings:Add the potatoes as indicated for cook-ing stage 2 and finish cooking.

Season with salt to taste.

SettingsAutomatic programmeMeat| Beef| Goulash soupProgramme duration: 105 minutes

Manual settingsCooking stage 1Oven functions: Steam cookingTemperature: 100 °CDuration: 60 minutes

Cooking stage 2Oven functions: Steam cookingTemperature: 100 °CDuration: 45 minutes

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Soups and stews


Chicken soup

Total time required:125 (90) minutesServes 6

Ingredients1 chicken (1.5 kg), ready to cook200 ml water1 kg soup vegetables120 g vermicelli800 ml waterSaltPepper1 tbsp parsley | chopped

AccessoriesSolid cooking containerSieve

MethodPlace the chicken and water in a solidcooking container.

Trim and peel the soup vegetables, cuthalf of them into rough pieces, add tothe chicken and cook as indicated forcooking stage 1.

Finely chop the remaining soup veget-ables, slice the leek into rings and thecarrots and celeriac into thin batonsand set aside.

Once it is cooked, take the chicken outof the liquid, pass the stock through asieve and put it back in the solid cook-ing container.

Remove the meat from the bone, cutinto bite-sized pieces, place in the solidcooking container together with thefinely diced soup vegetables, the vermi-celli and the rest of the water, and cook

as indicated for cooking stage 2. If thesoup is too thick, you can increase theamount of water if you wish.

Season with salt and pepper, garnishwith parsley and serve.

SettingsCooking stage 1Temperature: 100 (120) °CCooking duration: 50 (25) minutes

Cooking stage 2Temperature: 100 °CCooking duration: 10 minutes

TipYou could use a poularde instead of achicken.

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Soups and stews


Potato soup

Total time required:50 (45) minutesServes 4

Ingredients180 g leek | in rings250 g potatoes, floury | diced500 ml vegetable stockSaltPepper100 ml double cream2 tsp basil | chopped2 tsp parsley | chopped2 tsp chives | chopped

AccessoriesSolid cooking containerHand blender

MethodPut the leek and potatoes in a solidcooking container with the vegetablestock and cook as indicated for cook-ing stage 1.

Purée the soup in the cooking containerwith the hand blender and season withsalt and pepper to taste. Stir in thecream and heat as indicated for cook-ing stage 2.

Mix the basil, parsley and chives, scat-ter over the soup and serve.

SettingsCooking stage 1Temperature: 100 (120) °CCooking duration: 16 (8) minutes

Cooking stage 2Temperature: 95 °CCooking duration: 2 minutes

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Soups and stews


Australian pumpkin soup

Total time required:35 minutesServes 4

Ingredients1 kg pumpkin flesh | diced400 g sweet potatoes | diced2 onions | diced250 ml chicken stockSaltPepper

For the garnish250 g chorizo | finely diced250 ml soured cream10 g coriander | chopped

AccessoriesPerforated cooking container

MethodPlace the pumpkin flesh, sweet pota-toes and onions in a perforated cookingcontainer and cook.

Sear the chorizo.

Purée the vegetables, add the chickenstock and approx. 250 ml of water, stirand season with salt and pepper.

Pour the soup into a pre-warmed soupbowl. Garnish with cream, chorizo andcoriander.

Settings Automatic programmeSoups and casseroles | Pumpkin soupProgramme duration: 25 minutes

ManualOperating mode: Steam cookingTemperature: 100 °CCooking duration: 25 minutes

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Soups and stews


Cream of carrot soup

Total time required:45–50 (40) minutesServes 4

Ingredients500 g carrots | diced50 g onions | diced½ clove of garlic | finely chopped40 g butter750 ml vegetable stock1 tsp paprika, sweet125 ml soured creamSaltPepper

For the garnish1 tbsp parsley | chopped

AccessoriesSolid cooking containerHand blender

MethodPut the carrots, onions, garlic, butter,vegetable stock and paprika in a solidcooking container and cook as indic-ated for cooking stage 1.

Purée the ingredients in the cookingcontainer with a hand blender. Fold inthe soured cream and heat the creamof carrot soup as indicated for cookingstage 2.

Season with salt and pepper to taste,garnish with parsley and serve.

SettingsCooking stage 1Temperature: 100 (120) °CCooking duration: 12–15 (6–8) minutes

Cooking stage 2Temperature: 95 °CCooking duration: 2 minutes

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Soups and stews


Rice and meat one-pot

Total time required: 90 minutesServes 4

Ingredients250 g onions | finely diced2 tbsp clarified butter2 tbsp paprika1 tbsp tomato purée250 g beef (chuck steak) | in 1 cmcubes250 g tomato passata1 tbsp white wine vinegar1 clove of garlic | finely chopped1 tsp marjoramCaraway seedsSaltPepper½ pepper (175 g), red | finely diced½ pepper (175 g), yellow | finely diced250 g long-grain rice500 ml vegetable stock

AccessoriesSolid steam oven container

MethodIn a pan, sauté the onions in the clari-fied butter.

Stir the paprika and tomato purée intothe onions.

Place the beef in a solid steam ovencontainer. Add the onions, passata,white wine vinegar, garlic and spices.Start the automatic programme or cookusing the manual settings as indicatedfor cooking stage 1.

Automatic programme:Add the peppers, long-grain rice andvegetable stock as indicated in theautomatic programme and finish cook-ing.

Manual settings:Add the peppers, long-grain rice andvegetable stock and finish cooking asindicated for cooking stage 2.

SettingsAutomatic programmeSoups and casseroles| Meat with riceProgramme duration: 70 minutes

Manual settingsCooking stage 1Oven functions: Steam cookingTemperature: 100 °CDuration: 45 minutes

Cooking stage 2Oven functions: Steam cookingTemperature: 100 °CDuration: 25 minutes

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Soups and stews


Spring vegetable soup

Total time required:55 (50) minutesServes 4

Ingredients150 g celeriac | in thin strips3 carrots (60 g each) | in thin strips200 g spring onions | sliced at an angle100 g sugar snap peas600 ml vegetable stock1 egg, medium1 tbsp breadcrumbsSaltPepperNutmeg1 tbsp chervil | chopped1 tbsp parsley | chopped

For the garnish1 tbsp parsley | chopped

AccessoriesSolid cooking container

MethodPut the celeriac, carrots, spring onions,sugar snap peas and half of the veget-able stock in a solid cooking containerand cook as indicated for cookingstage 1.

At the end of the cooking time, add theremaining vegetable stock and continueto cook as indicated for cookingstage 2.

Mix together the egg, breadcrumbs,salt, pepper, nutmeg and choppedherbs, add to the spring vegetable soupand cook as indicated for cookingstage 3.

Season the soup with salt and pepperto taste, garnish with chopped parsleyand serve.

SettingsCooking stage 1Temperature: 100 (120) °CCooking duration: 10 (5) minutes

Cooking stage 2Temperature: 95 °CCooking duration: 2 minutes

Cooking stage 3Temperature: 95 °CCooking duration: 2 minutes

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What would a menu be without an enti-cing finale? A dessert is a way of sayingthank you to your guests, showing loveto your family – and giving a little re-ward to the chef. Whether you'reserving something healthy containingfresh fruit, something with a kick of al-cohol or something sweet that includessugar and cream, a dessert is a real in-dulgence; a flight of fancy that stirs upthe senses. And the more creative anddecorative its serving style, the moredelighted your guests will be when itreaches the table. So take a little timeto enjoy the finer things in life!

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Summer pudding

Total time required:105 minutesServes 6

For the mixture225 g melba toast50 g butter40 g honey, clear300 ml milk, whole

For the berries200 g strawberries | quartered125 g raspberries125 g blackberries1 apple, small, sharp | finely diced1 vanilla pod | seeds only40 g sugar

For the ice cream6 scoops of vanilla ice cream

For the dish1 tbsp butter

AccessoriesPudding basin with lid, approx. 1.25 lcapacityRack

MethodCrush or coarsely grind the melbatoast. Melt the butter with the honeyand stir into the melba toast with themilk.

Mix the strawberries and apple with theberries, vanilla seeds and sugar.

Grease the pudding basin and fill with¾ of the melba toast mixture, pressingthe mixture up at the sides. Add theberries and press down gently. Coverwith the remaining mixture and seal the

edge firmly. Cover the pudding basinwith the lid. Place on the rack in theoven compartment and cook.

Allow to rest in the basin for at least15 minutes after cooking.

Turn out onto a plate, divide into por-tions and serve with the ice cream.

SettingsTemperature: 100 °CCooking duration: 60 minutes

TipInstead of a pudding basin, you couldalso use a tall ovenproof dish. Seal theovenproof dish by double-folding bak-ing paper, placing it over the dish andtying it with cooking string.

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Christmas pudding

Total time required: 380 minutes + 24 hours for marinatingServes 4

For the Christmas pudding170 g plain white flour¾ tsp cinnamon¾ tsp mixed spices115 g breadcrumbs115 g suet115 g sugar, brown30 g almonds, whole115 g raisins115 g currants115 g sultanas55 g glacé cherries55 g candied fruits1 apple, small | grated1 lemon, unwaxed | zest only1 orange, unwaxed | zest only½ orange | juice only2 tbsp brandy2 eggs, medium1 tbsp black treacle75 g dark beer, e.g. Guinness

For the pudding basin1 tbsp butter

AccessoriesPudding basin, 1.2 l capacityBaking parchmentAluminium foilWire rack

MethodSift the flour and spices into a largebowl. Add the breadcrumbs, suet,sugar, almonds, fruit, zest and orangejuice. Make a well in the middle of thebowl and pour in the brandy, beateneggs and treacle. Gradually add the

beer and stir until you get a thick andsticky mixture. Cover the bowl and al-low to rest overnight.

Grease the pudding basin, pour in themixture and press it flat. Cover thebasin with baking parchment and alu-minium foil, place on the rack in theoven compartment and cook as indic-ated by the settings.

Cover the basin with new baking parch-ment and aluminium foil and store in acool, dark, dry place until you are readyto use it.

Heat before serving.

Settings Automatic programmeCooking:Dessert | Christmas pudding | CookProgramme duration: 360 minutesReheating:Dessert| Christmas pudding| ReheatProgramme duration: 105 minutes

Manual settingsCookingOven functions: Steam cookingTemperature: 100 °CDuration: 360 minutes

ReheatingOven functions: Steam cookingTemperature: 100 °CDuration: 105 minutes

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TipChristmas pudding is traditionally eatenon Christmas day. It can be made 6–12months in advance and is often “fed”with brandy.

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Crema Catalana

Total time required:50–55 minutes + 4 hours for coolingServes 6

Ingredients450 ml double cream1 tsp vanilla sugar4 eggs, medium | yolks only2 tbsp almonds, chopped3 tbsp brown sugar

Accessories6 soufflé ramekinsRack

MethodHeat the cream in a pan until it has al-most boiled.

Take off the hob and stir in the vanillasugar, egg yolk and chopped almonds.

Pour the mixture into the souffléramekins, cover, place on the rack inthe oven compartment and cook.

Leave to cool and then chill for approx.4 hours. Sprinkle brown sugar over thetop.

Pre-heat the grill.

Caramelise under the grill for 4 minutes.

SettingsTemperature: 90 °CCooking duration: 30–35 minutes

TipInstead of soufflé ramekins you coulduse cups.

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Sweet steamed dumplings with apricot compote

Total time required:90 minutesServes 6

For the dough21 g yeast, fresh125 ml milk, whole | lukewarm250 g plain white flour35 g sugarA pinch of salt1 egg, medium | yolk only40 g butter | softened

For the apricot compote500 g apricots | pitted | quartered20 g sugar½ vanilla pod | seeds only50 ml apricot syrup

For the milk mixture100 ml milk, whole25 g sugar20 g butter

For dusting1 tbsp plain white flour

For the crumble25 g butter8 g vanilla sugar1 tbsp sugar

AccessoriesFine sieveOvenproof bowlRack2 solid cooking containers

MethodSift the flour into a bowl and add thesugar, salt, egg yolk and butter. Dis-solve the yeast in the milk and add tothe flour mix.

Knead the ingredients for approx.7 minutes until you have a smoothdough. Shape the dough into a ball andplace in an uncovered bowl on the rackin the oven compartment. Leave toprove as indicated for cooking stage 1.

For the apricot compote, place theapricots in a solid cooking containerwith the sugar, vanilla seeds andapricot syrup and mix.

For the milk mixture, put the milk, sugarand butter in a separate solid cookingcontainer. Take the yeast dough out ofthe oven and divide into 6 portions.Sprinkle flour on the worktop andshape the dough into balls. Cover thedough and leave to prove for15 minutes in a warm place.

Heat the milk mixture in the oven com-partment as indicated for cookingstage 2.

Place the dumplings into the hot milkside by side and cover the cookingcontainer. Place in the oven compart-ment with the apricots and cook to-gether as indicated for cooking stage 3.

Remove the apricot compote and con-tinue cooking the dumplings as indic-ated for cooking stage 4.

Melt the butter with the vanilla sugar.Brush this over the dumplings andsprinkle with sugar if desired.

Serve with the apricot compote.

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SettingsCooking stage 1Temperature: 40 °CCooking duration: 15 minutes

Cooking stage 2Temperature: 100 °CCooking duration: 5 minutes

Cooking stage 3Temperature: 100 °CCooking duration: 20 minutes

Cooking stage 4Temperature: 100 °CCooking duration: 10 minutes

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Yeast dumplings

Total time required:65–70 minutesServes 8

For the dough42 g yeast, fresh250 ml milk, whole | lukewarm500 g plain white flour1 tsp sugarA pinch of salt50 g margarine | softened

For the sauce4 tbsp plum purée250 ml double cream8 g vanilla sugar½ tsp cinnamon, groundA pinch of salt

For the dish1 tbsp butter

AccessoriesFine sieveOvenproof bowlRackPerforated cooking container

MethodDissolve the yeast in the milk and addthe flour, sugar, salt and margarine andknead for approx. 7 minutes to form asmooth dough. Shape the dough into aball. Place in an uncovered bowl andplace the bowl on the rack in the ovencompartment. Leave to prove as indic-ated for cooking stage 1.

Divide the dough into 8 pieces, shapeinto balls, cover and leave to prove in awarm place for another 15 minutes.

Grease the perforated cooking con-tainer, place the dumplings inside andcook as indicated for cooking stage 2.

Bring the plum purée, cream, vanillasugar, cinnamon and salt to the boilbriefly in a pan on the hob, stirring con-stantly and serve this with the dump-lings as a sauce.

SettingsCooking stage 1Temperature: 40 °CCooking duration: 15 minutes

Cooking stage 2Temperature: 100 °CCooking duration: 14 minutes

TipLeave frozen yeast dumplings to defrostfor 15 minutes at room temperature andthen cook as described in the recipe.

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Semolina soufflé

Total time required:70–75 minutesServes 8

For the milk mixture1 vanilla pod250 ml milk, whole50 g butter

For the semolina mixture50 g semolina5 eggs, medium60 g sugar

For the dish1 tbsp butter1 tbsp sugar

AccessoriesSolid cooking container8 soufflé ramekinsRack

MethodHalve the vanilla pod lengthways andscrape out the seeds.

Pour the milk, butter, vanilla seeds andvanilla pod into a solid cooking con-tainer and heat as indicated for cookingstage 1.

Take the milk mixture out of the ovencompartment. Sprinkle in the semolinawhile stirring and leave to stand for 1–2 minutes.

Stir again and cook as indicated forcooking stage 2. Stir once halfwaythrough cooking.

Take the semolina mixture out of theoven compartment, pour it into a bowl,stir, cover and leave to cool. Then re-move the vanilla pod.

Separate the eggs and collect the eggwhites. Stir the egg yolks into the se-molina mixture. Beat the egg white andsugar with a whisk until stiff, then foldinto the semolina.

Grease the ramekins and dust withsugar. Pour in the semolina mixture,place the soufflé ramekins on the rackin the oven compartment and cook asindicated for cooking stage 3.

SettingsCooking stage 1Temperature: 100 °CCooking duration: 5 minutes

Cooking stage 2Temperature: 100 °CCooking duration: 1 minute

Cooking stage 3Temperature: 90 °CCooking duration: 25–30 minutes

TipInstead of soufflé ramekins you coulduse cups.

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Crème caramel

Total time required: 25 minutesMakes 8 x 100 ml ramekins or 6 x 150 ml ramekins

For the caramel100 g caster sugar50 ml water

For the vanilla cream500 ml milk, whole1 vanilla pod | halved lengthways4 eggs, medium

For the garnish200 ml double cream | whipped

AccessoriesSolid steam oven containerWire rack

MethodCaramelise the sugar and the water in apan and divide evenly between theramekins.

Automatic programme:Put the milk and vanilla pod in a solidsteam oven container as indicated inthe automatic programme and heat.

Manual settings:Put the milk and vanilla pod in a solidcooking container and heat as indic-ated for cooking stage 1.

Remove the vanilla pod after cooking.

Beat the eggs with the sugar until fluffy,then gradually stir in the hot vanilla milk.Distribute between the ramekins.

Place on the rack in the oven compart-ment and continue cooking as indic-ated in the automatic programme or asindicated for cooking stage 2 and 3 forthe manual settings.

Chill the crème caramel in the refriger-ator for two to three hours.

To serve, turn out onto a plate and gar-nish with the cream if you wish.

Settings Automatic programmeDessert| Crème caramelProgramme duration:For 8 x 100 ml ramekins: 17 minutes

For 6 x 150 ml ramekins: 18 minutes

Manual settingsCooking stage 1Oven functions: Steam cookingTemperature: 100 °CDuration: 3 minutes

Cooking stage 2Oven functions: Steam cookingTemperature: 85 °CDuration:For 8 x 100 ml porcelain ramekins:9 minutesFor 6 x 150 ml porcelain ramekins:12 minutes

Cooking stage 3Oven functions: Steam cookingTemperature: 40 °CDuration: 5 minutes

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Sticky date pudding

Total time required: 60–100 minutes, depending on mould usedServes 12 (steam oven container or muffin cases)

For the dough275 g dates, dried, pitted | finelychopped1 tsp bicarbonate of soda250 ml water | boiling25 g butter160 g sugar, brown2 eggs, medium½ tsp vanilla essence3 g baking powder195 g plain white flour

For the caramel sauce225 g sugar, brown250 ml double cream40 g butter

AccessoriesSolid steam oven container (as largemould)Baking parchmentor 12 muffin cases, Ø 5 cmWire rack

MethodPlace the dates in a bowl with the bi-carbonate of soda and pour boiling wa-ter over them. Set aside to cool.

Cream the butter and sugar together ina large bowl, then gradually stir in theeggs and vanilla essence. Mix the flourand baking powder and add these to-gether with the dates and liquid.

Line the solid steam oven containerwith baking parchment or set out 12muffin cases inside and fill with the mix-ture. Cover, place on the rack in theoven compartment and cook.

For the toffee sauce, heat the ingredi-ents in a pan on a medium heat, stirringconstantly. Simmer for 3 minutes until itthickens.

Serve the warm sticky toffee puddingwith the toffee sauce.

SettingsAutomatic programmeDessert| Sticky date pudding|One large/Several smallProgramme duration:For the large mould (solid steam ovencontainer): 70 minutesFor the muffin cases: 30 minutes

Manual settingsOven functions: Steam cookingTemperature: 100 °CDuration:For the large mould (solid steam ovencontainer): 70 minutesFor the muffin cases: 30 minutes

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Cherry compote with amaretto

Total time required:75 minutesServes 4

Ingredients2 kg sour cherries | pitted200 ml cherry nectar200 ml red wine, dry300 g brown sugar1 tsp cinnamon, ground50 ml amaretto

Accessories4 preserving jars with lids, rings andfasteners

MethodRinse the jars in hot water and put thecherries inside in layers.

Bring the cherry nectar to the boil withthe red wine, brown sugar and cinna-mon and season with amaretto to taste.

Pour the hot liquid over the cherries sothat they are covered. Wipe the edgesof the jars to dry them if necessary.Seal the jars with the ring, lid andfasteners and cook.

Take the jars out, leave to cool, removethe fasteners and check that the jarsare sealed. Use any unsealed jarsquickly. Store the jars in a cool, darkplace.

SettingsTemperature: 85 °CCooking duration: 40 minutes

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Poached pears

Total time required: 35–85 minutesServes 12

For the liquor2 cinnamon sticks3 cloves½ lemon | zest only1 bay leaf400 ml red wine300 ml water400 ml redcurrant juice100 g caster sugar

For the poached pears1 kg cooking pears

AccessoriesSolid steam oven container

MethodFor the liquor, put the ingredients in apan and bring to the boil.

Peel the pears but do not remove thestalks. You can cook the pears whole,halved or in quarters.

Place the pears in a solid steam ovencontainer and pour in the liquor so thatthe pears are completely covered.Place the pears in the oven compart-ment and start the automatic pro-gramme or cook as indicated by themanual settings.

Automatic programme:Select the programme sequence de-pending on the size of the pears or theway they are cut.

Manual settings: Select the duration depending on thesize of the pears or the way they arecut.

Place the pears in the oven compart-ment and cook.

SettingsAutomatic programmeFruit| Poached pears| Small/Medium/LargeProgramme duration: 21–75 minutes

Manual settingsOven functions: Steam cookingTemperature: 100 °CDuration:Whole pears: 50 minutes (Small),70 minutes (Medium), 75 minutes(Large)Pear halves: 35 minutesPear quarters: 27 minutes

TipFor the perfect result, leave the pears tosteep in the liquor overnight in the refri-gerator.

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Lime cheesecake

Total time required:75 minutes + 120 minutes for coolingMakes 12 pieces (springform tin) or 6 portions (soufflé ramekins)

Ingredients200 g digestive biscuits100 g butter | melted750 g cream cheese225 g sugar4 eggs, medium4 limes | juice and grated zest

For the garnish1 mango | peeled and sliced3 passion fruits | pulp only

AccessoriesHand blenderBaking parchmentSpringform cake tin, Ø 26 cmor 6 soufflé ramekinsRack

MethodBlitz the biscuits with a hand blender,add the butter and mix well. Spread themixture over the base of a springformtin lined with baking parchment or theramekins, press it flat and then chill.

Mix together the cream cheese, sugar,eggs, lime zest and juice and spreadover the biscuit base(s).

Cover the springform tin or souffléramekins, place on the rack in the ovencompartment and cook.

Remove the cover and chill for around2 hours.

Garnish with the mango slices and pas-sion fruit before serving.

Settings Automatic programmeDessert | Lime cheesecake |One large/Several small-Programme duration:For the springform tin: 60 minutesFor the soufflé ramekins: 20 minutes

ManualOperating mode: Steam cookingTemperature: 100 °CCooking duration:For the springform tin: 60 minutesFor the soufflé ramekins: 20 minutes

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Mocha flan

Total time required:45 minutesServes 4

For the mocha milk200 ml milk, whole100 ml double cream6 g espresso powder, instant

For the flan mixture1 egg, medium3 medium eggs | just the yolk60 g brown sugar

To serve4 tbsp coffee liqueur250 g raspberries

AccessoriesSolid cooking containerSieve4 soufflé ramekinsRack

MethodMix the milk and cream with the es-presso powder, place in a solid cookingcontainer and heat as indicated forcooking stage 1.

Whisk together the egg, egg yolks andbrown sugar and slowly add the hotmocha milk while stirring. Pour the flanmixture into the soufflé ramekinsthrough a sieve, cover, place on therack in the oven compartment and cookas indicated for cooking stage 2.

Take the soufflé ramekins out of theoven compartment and leave to cool.

Before serving, turn the mocha flansout onto plates, drizzle with the coffeeliqueur and garnish with raspberries.

SettingsCooking stage 1Temperature: 100 °CCooking duration: 5 minutes

Cooking stage 2Temperature: 100 °CCooking duration: 20 minutes

TipInstead of soufflé ramekins you coulduse cups.

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Quark dumplings

Total time required: 50 minutes + 60 minutes for chillingServes 10

For the quark dumplings200 g butter1 tbsp icing sugar1 tbsp rum1 tsp lemon zest | grated750 g low-fat quark2 eggs, medium180 g breadcrumbs1 pinch of salt

For the breadcrumbs150 g butter250 g breadcrumbs

For the tin1 tbsp butter

AccessoriesPerforated steam oven container

MethodBeat together the butter, icing sugar,rum and lemon zest in a bowl untilfluffy.

Add the quark, eggs, breadcrumbs andsalt and mix well.

Chill the quark mixture for at least1 hour.

Start the automatic programme or pre-heat the oven compartment.

Shape the quark mixture into 20 dump-lings. Grease the perforated steam ovencontainer, place the quark dumplingsinside and cook.

For the breadcrumbs, heat the butter ina pan and add the breadcrumbs. Toastthe breadcrumbs until golden brown,stirring constantly.

Sprinkle the breadcrumbs over thedumplings before serving.

SettingsAutomatic programmeDessert| Quark dumplingsProgramme duration: 25 minutes

Manual settingsOven functions: Steam cookingTemperature: 95 °CDuration: 25 minutes

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Quark soufflé

Total time required:30–35 minutesServes 8

Ingredients280 g quark, 20 % fat4 eggs, medium1 tsp lemon zest | grated80 g sugar

For the dish1 tbsp butter1 tbsp sugar

Accessories8 soufflé ramekinsRack

MethodSeparate the eggs and put the whites toone side for later. Mix the quark withthe egg yolks and add the lemon zest.

Beat the egg white and sugar with awhisk until stiff, then fold into the quarkmixture.

Grease the ramekins and dust withsugar. Add the quark mixture, place onthe rack in the oven compartment andcook.

SettingsTemperature: 90 °CCooking duration: 20–25 minutes

TipInstead of soufflé ramekins you coulduse cups.

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Quince mousse

Total time required:35 (30) minutes + 12 hours for coolingServes 5

Ingredients600 g quinces | diced1 lemon | juice only4 leaves of white gelatine8 g vanilla sugar50 g caster sugar100 ml soured cream250 ml double cream

For the garnish5 tsp quince jelly50 g chocolate, white | grated

AccessoriesPerforated cooking containerSieveHand blender

MethodMix the quince flesh with the lemonjuice. Place in a perforated cookingcontainer and cook until soft.

Soak the gelatine in cold water. Puréethe quinces until smooth with the handblender and strain through a sieve if de-sired. Add vanilla sugar and sugar totaste. Squeeze out the gelatine and dis-solve in the warm mixture. Stir in thesoured cream. Chill the cream mixtureuntil it starts to set.

Whip the cream until stiff and fold intothe cream mixture.

Leave the quince mousse to setovernight in the refrigerator.

To serve, shape the mousse into que-nelles.

Serve with the quince jelly and scatterchocolate over the top.

SettingsTemperature: 100 (120) °CCooking duration: 10 (5) minutes

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Pears poached in red wine

Total time required:45 minutes + 12 hours for coolingServes 4

For the red wine liquor1 orange, unwaxed | juice and 2–3 thinstrips of zest500 ml red wine, dry60 g brown sugar¼ tsp cinnamon, ground

For the vanilla cream75 g sugar1 vanilla pod | seeds only50 ml double cream

For the pears4 pears, firm

To serve250 g mascarpone100 g quark, low-fat

Accessories2 solid cooking containers

MethodPut the orange juice, red wine, brownsugar, cinnamon and orange zest in asolid cooking container and heat as in-dicated for cooking stage 1.

To make the vanilla cream, mix thesugar, vanilla pulp and cream in a solidcooking container.

Peel the pears but do not remove thestalks. Place the pears into the red wineliquor whole.

Cook the two cooking containers – onewith the vanilla cream and one with thepears in the red wine liquor – as indic-ated for cooking stage 2.

After cooking, take the vanilla creamout of the oven compartment and leaveto cool.

Turn the pears in the wine mixture onceand keep poaching until they are soft asindicated for cooking stage 3.

After poaching, remove the orange zeststrips from the red wine liquor. Leavethe pears in the red wine liquor and thevanilla cream in the refrigeratorovernight.

Before serving, mix the mascarponeand low-fat quark with the vanillacream. Drizzle the pears with some ofthe red wine liquor and serve with thevanilla cream.

SettingsCooking stage 1Temperature: 100 °CCooking duration: 5 minutes

Cooking stage 2Temperature: 100 °CCooking duration: 8 minutes

Cooking stage 3Temperature: 100 °CCooking duration: 8 minutes

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Treacle sponge pudding

Total time required: 70–120 minutes, depending on mould usedServes 6 (bowl or ramekins)

For the tin1 tbsp butter

For the pudding3 tbsp golden syrup125 g plain white flour5 g baking powder125 g butter | softened3 eggs, medium125 g caster sugar1 tbsp black treacle3 tbsp golden syrup

Accessories1 large pudding basin (1 l)6 x 150 ml ramekinsBaking parchmentAluminium foilKitchen twineSolid steam oven container

MethodGrease the pudding basin or ramekins.Add the golden syrup.

Sift the flour and baking powder into alarge bowl, add the butter, eggs, sugarand black treacle, beat for 2 minutesuntil smooth and pour into the puddingbasin or ramekins. Smooth with thebottom of a spoon.

Cut a circle or several small circles (lar-ger than the outer edge of the puddingbasin or ramekins respectively) out ofbaking parchment. Create a fold in themiddle and place on top of the puddingbasin/ramekins. Cover with aluminium

foil, fold down the foil at the sides andfasten around the edge of the bowl/ramekins with kitchen string.

Place the pudding basin/ramekins in asolid steam oven container and cook.

To serve, loosen the pudding(s) using aknife. Turn out onto a warm dessertplate and pour golden syrup over thesponge.

Serve immediately.

Settings Automatic programmeDessert| Treacle sponge| One large/Several smallProgramme duration:For the pudding basin: 90 minutesFor the ramekins: 40 minutes

Manual settingsOven functions: Steam cookingTemperature: 100 °CDuration:For the pudding basin: 90 minutesFor the ramekins: 40 minutes

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Walnut and chocolate pudding

Total time required:65–70 minutesServes 8

For the pudding100 g dark chocolate5 eggs, medium80 g butter80 g sugar8 g vanilla sugar80 g walnuts, ground80 g breadcrumbs

For the dish1 tbsp butter1 tbsp icing sugar

Accessories8 soufflé ramekinsRack

MethodMelt the chocolate and separate theeggs. Put the whites to one side forlater. Cream the butter, sugar andvanilla sugar until fluffy, add the eggyolks and stir.

Leave the chocolate to cool and foldinto the butter mixture with the walnutsand breadcrumbs.

Whisk the egg whites until stiff and foldinto the mixture.

Grease the ramekins and dust withicing sugar.

Pour the mixture into the souffléramekins, place on the rack in the ovencompartment and cook.

SettingsTemperature: 90 °CCooking duration: 30 minutes

TipInstead of soufflé ramekins you coulduse cups.

Page 105: Dear connoisseurs, - Miele

Preserving and more


A Miele steam oven comes into its ownwith such a variety of functions and ad-ditional uses. It is a valuable helperwhen blanching food before freezingand for preserving. It is also ideal forgently defrosting frozen food. And whenit comes to reheating cooked food, thisappliance showcases another of itsmany talents with short, gentle regener-ation times.

Page 106: Dear connoisseurs, - Miele

Preserving in the Miele steam oven


The process of preserving is used tomaintain and store different types offood. Fruit and vegetables are suitablefor preserving. Gardeners with extens-ive harvests, large families and thosewho love to host are all aware of the ad-vantages of preserving. Ideally, youshould preserve your fruit and veget-ables while they are still in season asmost vitamins and minerals will be re-tained and the prices will be at theirlowest. This will mean you won't haveto buy these items further down the lineand they'll be ready for your family andguests when you need them. Preservinginhibits or even stops biochemical andmicrobiological processes, which causethe food to spoil over time. It thereforeretains the flavour and extends the shelflife of the food when done correctly.

BottlingOnly use unblemished, fresh producewhich is in good condition.

JarsOnly use sterilised jars and accessories.You can use jars with twist-off lids orwith glass lids and a rubber seal. Makesure that all the jars are the same sizeso that the preserving process is carriedout evenly. After you have filled the jarswith the produce, clean the glass rimswith a clean cloth and hot water andthen seal the jars.

FruitRemove the blemished fruit, wash anddry the produce thoroughly. Berriesneed to be washed carefully as they arevery sensitive and are easily squashed.Remove any peel, stems, pips or stones

if necessary. Cut up large fruit; for ex-ample, cut apples into slices. If you arepreserving large fruit with stones (e.g.plums, apricots), pierce the fruit severaltimes with a fork or wooden skewer asotherwise it will burst.

VegetablesRinse, clean and cut up vegetables. Ve-getables should be blanched beforepreserving to help them retain their col-our. See the “Blanching in the Mielesteam oven” section.

Fill volumeWhen you fill the jars with the produce,make sure that it is loose and a max-imum of 3 cm below the rim. Pressingon the food will destroy the cell walls.Knock the jar gently on a cloth to betterdistribute the contents. Fill up the jarswith liquid. The produce must becovered. Use a sugar solution for fruitand a salt or vinegar solution for veget-ables.

TipsMake use of residual heat by leavingthe jars in the oven compartment for 30minutes after it has switched off. Thencover the jars with a cloth and allow tocool for approx. 24 hours.

Procedure– Place the rack on the lowest shelf

level.- Place the jars (all the same size) on

the rack. The jars must not toucheach other.

Page 107: Dear connoisseurs, - Miele

Preserving in the Miele steam oven


Produce Temperaturein °C

Duration*in minutes


Redcurrants/blackcurrants 80 50

Gooseberries 80 55

Cranberries 80 55

Fruit with stones

Cherries 85 55

Mirabelle plums 85 55

Plums 85 55

Peaches 85 55

Greengages 85 55

Fruit with pips

Apples 90 50

Apple sauce 90 65

Quinces 90 65


Beans 100 120

Broad beans 100 120

Gherkins 55

* These figures refer to 1 l jars. For ½ l jars, shorten the total time by 15 minutes. For ¼ l jars,shorten the total time by 20 minutes.

Page 108: Dear connoisseurs, - Miele

Juicing in the Miele steam oven


You can use the steam oven to extractjuices from soft fruit, such as berriesand cherries. It is best to use overripefruit, as the riper the fruit, the greaterthe quantity of juice produced. Very ripefruit will also produce a more intenseflavour.

PreparationSort and clean the fruit. Cut out anyblemishes. Remove the stalks fromgrapes and morello cherries as theseare bitter. The stalks do not need to beremoved from raspberries, etc.

TipsMix mild and bitter fruits for a well-roun-ded flavour. Adding sugar will increasethe quantity of juice produced and im-prove the flavour. Sprinkle the fruit withsugar and leave to absorb for a fewhours before juicing. We recommendadding 50–100 g of sugar for 1 kg ofsweet fruit and 100–150 g of sugar for1 kg of sour fruit. If you wish to bottlethe juice rather than consume it straightaway, pour it into hot, sterilised bottleswhile it is still hot, and then seal imme-diately with sterilised tops.

Procedure– Put the prepared fruit into a perfor-

ated cooking container.- Place a solid container or the con-

densate tray underneath to catch thejuice.

SettingsTemperature: 100 °C

Cooking duration: 40–70 minutes

Page 109: Dear connoisseurs, - Miele

Juicing in the Miele steam oven


Juicing Temperature* in °C

Duration* in minutes

Soft fruit

E.g. berries 100 40–70

Firm fruit

E.g. apples, pears 120 30–45

Hard fruit

E.g. quinces 120 40–50

* These figures apply to steam ovens and steam pressure ovens.

Page 110: Dear connoisseurs, - Miele

Defrosting in the Miele steam oven


Deep-freezing food is the most naturaland perhaps most convenient preserva-tion method. When you freeze food, thevitamin loss is minimal and minerals arecompletely retained. As freezing doesnot completely deactivate micro-organ-isms, frozen food should be preparedand consumed immediately after it isremoved from the freezer. Dependingon the type and size, food can becooked frozen or partially or fully de-frosted. When it comes to defrosting,you'll find the steam oven's gentle ap-proach very helpful. Select the “De-frost” operating mode (depending onthe model). Set the temperature andtime as per the defrosting table. Do letthe food stand to allow even heat distri-bution.

Please note:– Use shallow dishes for defrosting

wherever possible as these speed upthe process considerably.

- Freeze food in smaller, handy por-tions. Several smaller portions can al-ways be defrosted more gently andfaster than a single large portion.

- Frozen food of a similar size andnature (e.g. several chicken legs) canbe defrosted together without anychanges to the temperature setting orthe defrosting time compared to onesingle item, providing the items werefrozen individually.

- Take the food which needs defrostingout of its packaging (exceptions:bread and baked goods) and placeon a flat plate or in the shallow cook-ing container.

- You can turn the food halfwaythrough and separate it out. This isparticularly relevant to thick items be-ing defrosted (e.g. joints of meat).

- Once the defrosting time has fin-ished, allow the food to stand atroom temperature for a little while.This standing time (see table below)is required to ensure that the itemcan defrost all the way through.

Page 111: Dear connoisseurs, - Miele

Defrosting in the Miele steam oven


Food to be defrosted Weightin grams

Temperat-ure*in °C


in minutes


in minutes

Milk/dairy products

Sliced cheese 125 60 15 10

Quark 250 60 20–25 10–15

Cream 250 60 20–25 10–15

Soft cheese 100 60 15 10–15


Apple sauce 250 60 20–25 10–15

Apple chunks 250 60 20–25 10–15

Apricots 500 60 25–28 15–20

Strawberries 300 60 8–10 10–12


300 60 8 10–12

Cherries 150 60 15 10–15

Peaches 500 60 25–28 15–20

Plums 250 60 20–25 10–15

Gooseberries 250 60 20–22 10–15


E.g. kale, spinach;frozen in a block

300 60 20–25 10–15


Fish fillets 400 60 15 10–15

Trout 500 60 15–18 10–15

Lobster 300 60 25–30 10–15

Small shrimps 300 60 4–6 5

Roast meat Sliced 60 8–10 15–20

Minced meat250 50 15–20 10–15

500 50 20–30 10–15

Goulash500 60 30–40 10–15

1000 60 50–60 10–15

Liver 250 60 20–25 10–15

Page 112: Dear connoisseurs, - Miele

Defrosting in the Miele steam oven


Food to be defrosted Weightin grams

Temperat-ure*in °C


in minutes


in minutes

Saddle of hare 500 50 30–40 10–15

Saddle of venison 1000 50 40–50 10–15

Cutlets/chops/sausages 800 60 25–35 15–20


Chicken 1000 60 40 15–20

Chicken legs 150 60 20–25 10–15

Chicken escalopes 500 60 25–30 10–15

Turkey legs 500 60 40–45 10–15

Ready meals

Meat, vegetables, side dish 480 60 20–25 10–15

Stews, soups 480 60 20–25 10–15

Baked goods

Puff pastry items – 60 10–12 10–15

Yeast dough items – 60 10–12 10–15

Cakes 400 60 15 10–15

Bread rolls/bread

Bread rolls – 60 30 2

Rye bread, sliced 500 60 75 20

250 60 40 15

125 60 20 10

Wholegrain bread, sliced 250 60 65 15

White bread, sliced 150 60 30 20

* These figures apply to steam ovens and steam pressure ovens.

Page 113: Dear connoisseurs, - Miele

Blanching in the Miele steam oven


Blanching is a method used to preparevegetables and fruit for preservation.The brief heat treatment disables theenzymes contained in plant-basedfoods and therefore prevents changesto the colour and flavour, as well as theloss of vitamins. To ensure that the fooddoes not continue cooking, you need tocool it in iced water immediately afterblanching.

How it's done:Trim and wash the vegetables or fruitand chop up large items (cauliflowerand broccoli into florets; leeks, carrotsand kohlrabi sliced). Place them in aperforated cooking container in thesteam oven. At a temperature of100 °C, the blanching time is around1 minute for all foods. Once blanched,plunge the items into ice water to coolthem down quickly.

The following should beblanched:Apples, apricots, pears, peaches, cauli-flower, beans (green or yellow), broc-coli, peas, kale, kohlrabi, carrots, as-paragus, spinach, leeks

The following should not beblanched:Berries, herbs

Page 114: Dear connoisseurs, - Miele

Reheating in the Miele steam oven


You can reheat in the perforated or solid cooking containers, as well as in servingdishes. The advantage of reheating in the serving dish is that you are heating thedish at the same time, which helps to retain the temperature. The reheating timecan vary depending on the type of serving dish.

We recommend reheating sauces separately, except for with meals such asgoulash, where the sauce is part of the dish.

Page 115: Dear connoisseurs, - Miele

Reheating in the Miele steam oven


Food For steam ovenTime in minutes*

at 100 °C

For steam pressure ovenTime in minutes*

at 95 °C


E.g. carrots, cauliflower, kohlrabi,beans 6–7 3–4

Side dishes

E.g. pasta, rice 3–4 4–5

Potatoes, halved lengthways 12–14 4–5

Dumplings 15–17 4–5

Meat and poultry

E.g. sliced roast meat, 1½ cm thick 5–6 5–6

Roulades, sliced 5–6 5–6

Goulash 5–6 5–6

Lamb stew 5–6 5–6

Meatballs 13–15 5-6

Chicken escalopes 7–8 5-6

Turkey escalopes 7–8 5-6


Fish fillets, 2 cm thick 6–7 3–4

Fish fillets, 3 cm thick 7–8 3–4

Plated meals

E.g. spaghetti, tomato sauce 13–15 4–5

Roast pork, potatoes, vegetables 12–14 5-6

Stuffed pepper (halved), rice 13–15 5-6

Chicken fricassee, rice 7–8 5-6

Vegetable soup 2–3 4–5

Creamy soup 3–4 4–5

Consommé 2–3 4–5

Stew 4–5 5-6

* These times apply to food heated on a plate. Cover the food with a deep plate to ensure that nosteam condenses on the crockery.

Page 116: Dear connoisseurs, - Miele

Cooking in the Miele steam oven


The cooking time for an item of food depends on a variety of factors, including thefreshness, size, origin and the required degree of cooking. As the size and extentto which they are chopped up can vary considerably with fruit and vegetables, anaverage piece size and an average degree of cooking (al dente) are assumed forthis category. When it comes to pulses, these can be further processed in a multi-tude of ways depending on the type. As a result, the cooking times for peas,beans and lentils have been determined in such a way that the food is cooked butstill retains its shape.

The durations specified in the table are guidelines only. We recommend selectingthe shorter duration initially. You can cook further if necessary. The cooking dura-tion only begins when the set temperature is reached.

Page 117: Dear connoisseurs, - Miele

Cooking in the Miele steam oven


Food For steam oven For steam pressureoven



in °C

Durationin minutes


in °C

Durationin minutes






Artichokes 100 32–38 120 12–14 •

Cauliflower, whole 100 27–28 100 27–28 •

Cauliflower, florets 100 8 120 2 •

Beans, green 100 10–12 120 2 •

Broccoli, florets 100 3–4 100 3–4 •

Carrots, chopped 100 6 120 1 •

Chantenay carrots,whole

100 7–8 120 3 •

Chantenay carrots,halved

100 6–7 120 3 •

Chantenay carrots,chopped

100 4 120 1 •

Chicory, halved 100 4–5 100 4–5 •

Chinese cabbage,chopped

100 3 120 1 •

Peas 100 3 100 3 •

Sugar snap peas 100 5–7 100 5–7 •

Fennel, halved 100 10–12 120 4–5 •

Fennel, sliced 100 4–5 120 2 •

Kale, chopped 100 23–26 120 4–6 •

Potatoes, waxy,peeled, whole

100 27–29 100 27–29 •

Potatoes, waxy,peeled, halved

100 21–22 120 9 •

Potatoes, waxy,peeled, quartered

100 16–18 120 6 •

Potatoes, fairlyfirm, peeled, whole

100 25–27 100 25–27 •

Potatoes, fairlyfirm, peeled, halved

100 19–21 120 7 •

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Cooking in the Miele steam oven


Food For steam oven For steam pressureoven



in °C

Durationin minutes


in °C

Durationin minutes





Potatoes, fairlyfirm, peeled,quartered

100 17–18 120 5 •

Potatoes, floury,peeled, whole

100 26–28 100 26–28 •

Potatoes, floury,peeled, halved

100 19–20 120 7 •

Potatoes, floury,peeled, quartered

100 15–16 120 5 •

New potatoes, firm 100 30–32 100 30–32 •

Kohlrabi, cut intobatons

100 6–7 120 2 •

Pumpkin, diced 100 2–4 100 2–4 •

Corn on the cob 100 30–35 120 15 •

Chard, chopped 100 2–3 100 2–3 •

Peppers, diced orsliced

100 2 100 2 •

Mushrooms 100 2 100 2 •

Leeks, sliced 100 4–5 120 1 •

Leeks, halvedlengthways

100 6 100 6 •

Romanesco, whole 100 22–25 100 22–25 •

Romanesco, florets 100 5–7 120 2 •

Brussels sprouts 100 10–12 120 3–4 •

Beetroot, whole 100 53–57 120 24–26 •

Red cabbage,chopped

100 23–26 120 4 •

Black salsify, whole 100 9–10 120 3–4 •

Celeriac, cut intobatons

100 6–7 120 2 •

Asparagus, green 100 7 100 7 •

Page 119: Dear connoisseurs, - Miele

Cooking in the Miele steam oven


Food For steam oven For steam pressureoven



in °C

Durationin minutes


in °C

Durationin minutes





Asparagus, white 100 9–10 100 9–10 •

Spinach 100 1–2 100 1–2 •

Spring cabbage,chopped

100 10–11 120 2–3 •

Celery, chopped 100 4–5 120 1–2 •

Swede, chopped 100 6–7 120 2–3 •

White cabbage,chopped

100 12 120 2 •

Savoy cabbage,chopped

100 10–11 120 2 •

Courgettes, sliced 100 2–3 100 2–3 •


Beans, not soaked, at a ratio of 1:3 beans to water

Kidney beans 100 130–140 100 130–140 •

Adzuki beans 100 95–105 100 95–105 •

Black beans 100 100–120 120 15–16 •

Pinto beans 100 115–135 100 115–135 •

Haricot beans 100 80–90 100 80–90 •

Beans, soaked, covered with water

Kidney beans 100 55–65 120 7 •

Adzuki beans 100 20–25 120 3 •

Black beans 100 55–60 120 7 •

Pinto beans 100 55–65 120 7 •

Haricot beans 100 34–36 120 7 •

Peas, not soaked, at a ratio of 1:3 peas to water

Yellow split peas 100 110–130 100 110–130 •

Green split peas 100 60–70 100 60–70 •

Peas, soaked, covered with water

Yellow split peas 100 40–50 120 11 •

Page 120: Dear connoisseurs, - Miele

Cooking in the Miele steam oven


Food For steam oven For steam pressureoven



in °C

Durationin minutes


in °C

Durationin minutes





Green split peas 100 27 120 9 •

Lentils, not soaked, at a ratio of 1:2 lentils to water

Brown lentils 100 13–14 100 13–14 •

Red lentils 100 7 100 7 •


Apple chunks 100 1–3 100 1–3 •

Pear chunks 100 1–3 100 1–3 •

Cherries, sweetand sour

100 2–4 100 2–4 •

Mirabelle plums 100 1–2 100 1–2 •


100 1–2 100 1–2 •

Plums 100 1–3 100 1–3 •

Quinces, diced 100 6–8 120 3–4 •

Rhubarb chunks 100 1–2 100 1–2 •

Gooseberries 100 2–3 100 2–3 •

Hen's eggs

Eggs, medium,soft-boiled

100 4 100 4 •

Eggs, medium,between soft-boiled and hard-boiled

100 6 100 6 •

Eggs, medium,hard-boiled

100 10 100 10 •

Eggs, large, soft-boiled

100 5 100 5 •

Eggs, large,between soft-boiled and hard-boiled

100 6–7 100 6–7 •

Page 121: Dear connoisseurs, - Miele

Cooking in the Miele steam oven


Food For steam oven For steam pressureoven



in °C

Durationin minutes


in °C

Durationin minutes





Eggs, large, hard-boiled

100 12 100 12 •


Melting chocolate 65 20 65 20 •

Blanching veget-ables

100 1 100 1 •

Blanching fruit 100 1 100 1 •

Sweating onions 100 4 120 2 •

Rendering bacon 100 4 120 2 •

Reheating liquids,cup/mug

100 2 100 2 •

Making yoghurt,yoghurt jars

40 300 40 300 •

Proving dough,container/bowl

40 min. 15 40 min. 15 •

Skinning tomatoes 95 1 95 1 •

Skinning peppers 100 4 100 4 •

Heating damp flan-nels

70 2 70 2 •


60 60 •

Preserving apples 50 5 50 5 •

Custard royale 100 4 120 2 •

Grains (ratio to water)

Amaranth (1:1.5) 100 15–17 120 8 •

Bulgur (1:1.5) 100 9 120 4 •

Green spelt, whole(1:1)

100 18–20 120 9 •

Green spelt,cracked (1:1)

100 7 120 4 •

Oats, whole (1:1) 100 18 120 9 •

Page 122: Dear connoisseurs, - Miele

Cooking in the Miele steam oven


Food For steam oven For steam pressureoven



in °C

Durationin minutes


in °C

Durationin minutes





Oats, cracked (1:1) 100 7 120 4 •

Millet (1:1.5) 100 10 100 10 •

Polenta (1:3) 100 10 100 10 •

Quinoa (1:1.5) 100 15 120 7 •

Rye, whole (1:1) 100 35 120 18 •

Rye, cracked (1:1) 100 10 120 5 •

Wheat, whole (1:1) 100 30 120 15 •

Wheat, cracked(1:1)

100 8 120 4 •


Sweet steameddumplings

100 30 100 30 •

Yeast dumplings 100 20 100 20 •

Boil-in-the-bagpotato dumplings,covered with water

100 20 100 20 •

Boil-in-the-bagbread dumplings,covered with water

100 18–20 100 18–20 •


Tagliatelle, coveredwith water

100 14 120 8 •

Vermicelli, coveredwith water

100 8 100 8 •

Rice (ratio to water)

Basmati rice (1:1.5) 100 15 120 7 •

Parboiled rice(1:1.5)

100 23–25 120 11 •

Brown rice (1:1.5) 100 26–29 120 13 •

Wild rice (1:1.5) 100 26–29 120 13 •

Short-grain rice (ratio to liquid)

Page 123: Dear connoisseurs, - Miele

Cooking in the Miele steam oven


Food For steam oven For steam pressureoven



in °C

Durationin minutes


in °C

Durationin minutes





Pudding rice (1:2.5) 100 30 100 30 •

Risotto rice (1:2.5) 100 18–19 120 11 •

Binding agents

Gelatine 1 1 •

Beurre manie 100 3 100 3 •


Stirring once 100 20 – – •

Without stirring – – 120 6 •

Fish and shellfish

Eel 100 5–7 100 5–7 •

Perch fillet 100 8–10 100 8–10 •

Shrimps 3 3 •

Seabream fillet 85 3 85 3 •

Trout, 250 g 10–13 10–13 •

Prawns 3 3 •

Halibut fillet 85 4–6 85 4–6 •

Scallops 5 5 •

Cod fillet 100 6 100 6 •

Carp, 1.5 kg 100 18–25 100 18–25 •

King prawns 4 4 •

Salmon fillet 100 6–8 100 6–8 •

Salmon steak 100 8–10 100 8–10 •

Rainbow trout 100 14–17 100 14–17 • •

Langoustines 95 10–15 95 10–15 •

Mussels 12 12 • •

Basa fillet 85 3 85 3 •

Rosefish fillet 100 6–8 100 6–8 •

Haddock fillet 100 4–6 100 4–6 •

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Page 127: Dear connoisseurs, - Miele

Cooking in the Miele steam oven


Food For steam oven For steam pressureoven



in °C

Durationin minutes


in °C

Durationin minutes





Plaice fillet 85 4–5 85 4–5 •

Monkfish fillet 85 8–10 85 8–10 •

Sole fillet 85 3 85 3 •

Turbot fillet 85 5–8 85 5–8 •

Tuna fillet 85 5–10 85 5–10 •

Venus clams 4 4 • •

Pike perch fillet 85 4 85 4 •

Meat and sausages

Leg steak, coveredwith water

100 110–120 120 45–50 •

Frankfurters 6–8 6–8 • •

Pork knuckle 100 135–145 120 75–80 •

Chicken breast 100 8–10 100 8–10 • •

Hock 100 105–115 120 58–63 •

Top rib, coveredwith water

100 110–120 120 38–43 •

Veal strips 100 3–4 100 3–4 •

Gammon slices 100 6–8 120 3–4 • •

Lamb stew 100 12–16 120 6–8 •

Turkey roulades 100 12–15 100 12–15 •

Turkey escalopes 100 4–6 100 4–6 • •

Poularde 100 60–70 120 30 •

Short rib, coveredwith water

100 130–140 120 50–55 •

Beef goulash 100 105–115 120 30–35 •

Whole chicken,covered with water

100 80–90 120 40 •

Topside 100 110–120 120 45–50 •

Veal sausage 6–8 6–8 • •

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