Page 1: December 24, · 2018. 9. 5. · Please note “Dominick the Donkey” is not a Christmas hymn! Immaculate Heart of Mary

Celebration of the Eucharist Saturday Vigil—4:00PM, Sunday—8:30 AM and 11:00 AM

Weekday Schedules: Communion Service: Monday & Friday, 9:00 AM Mass: Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday, 9:00 AM


Fr Don Rutherford, Sacramental Minister Deacon Al Manzella, Parish Life Director Deacon Mark Leonard

Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday prior to the 4:00pm Mass

Sacrament of Baptism Please contact the Parish Office to make arrangements. Baptisms are generally on the 2nd weekend of the month.

Sacrament of Matrimony Couples should make arrange-ments as soon as the engagement is announced.

Anointing of the Sick The Anointing of the Sick will be administered the first full weekend of each month, immediately after each Mass.


2416 7th Avenue Watervliet, NY 12189 (518) 273-6020 Fax: (518) 273-3978 Email: [email protected] Website:


Mon—Thurs: 8:30am—3:30pm Friday—10:30am—3:30pm

Administrative Assistant

Judith Pope [email protected]


Mary Beth Knapik


Thomas Hanley: [email protected]

Facility Manager

Matthew Carabis



2425 7th Avenue (518) 328-0427

Coordinator Sharon Kowalski [email protected] Call for appointment

Deacon Al’s Corner ~

The Gospel for the Fourth Sunday of Advent is the same Gospel we heard on the

Feast of the Immaculate Conception December 8th and for Our Lady of Guadalupe

which was December 12th! It is the announcement by the Angel Gabriel to Mary that

she was going to be the mother of the Most High God. And it contains Mary’s re-

sponse “Behold I am the handmade of the Lord. May it be done to me according to

your word.” This Gospel, which is repeated three times in less than three weeks, con-

tains two very essential facts of our faith. First Mary was chosen to be the mother of

God; and second she accepted her responsibility with humility and grace. We are

blessed to be a part of the Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the mother of God.

As we approach the birth of Jesus it would be good to reflect on how we re-

ceive Jesus; and who we believe it is we are receiving. Each one of us who receives the

Eucharist carries Jesus in us as Mary carried Jesus. We are carrying within us the Most

High God! We bring Jesus into the world around us just as Mary did. Will others see

Jesus in us at Christmas?

IHM Blood Drive – The IHM Blood drive will be held from 1:00pm to 6:00pm on

Wednesday December 27th. Please donate blood, the “Gift of Life” if you are able.

Parish Christmas Party and Shout Out! – Save the Date – January 7th! It’s not over

till it’s over!? More Christmas celebrating!? We will have our Parish Christmas Party

on Sunday January 7th after the 11:00am Mass. Please join us for food, fun and fellow-

ship in the Parish Life Center. Followed by the Shout Out in the Church – where you

will have an opportunity to “shout out” the name of a Christmas Hymn you would like

to hear sung. Please note “Dominick the Donkey” is not a Christmas hymn!

Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Watervliet/Green Island NY

December 24, 2017




Christmas Eve Family Mass: 4:30pm Shepherds, innkeepers, angels, animals at the manger…who

else would you expect to see on Christmas Eve?? Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus will encounter them all as they follow their

journey which ends at the manger in “Bethlehem”. Our young people in Faith Formation

will present the Christmas story as a simple play - complete with six Christmas carols.

Mass for Christmas day, december 25, 2017 At 10:00 am


May Peace dwell in your hearts at the birth of Jesus. Have a Joyous Christmas!

Page 2: December 24, · 2018. 9. 5. · Please note “Dominick the Donkey” is not a Christmas hymn! Immaculate Heart of Mary

Faith Formation - For All Ages Sharon C. Kowalski, Coordinator of Faith Formation

and Youth Ministry — [email protected]

From all of us in Faith Formation: We wish all of our families a Christmas Season filled

with love, joy and peace. The love, joy and peace that God intends for each of us

and for all the world.

Christmas Eve Family Mass: 4:30, December 24 All young people and their families participating in the Christmas Eve play, whether singing, playing instruments or as characters in the play – please be in church by 3:30pm.

December 24 & 31: No AM or PM Faith Formation Sessions There will be no AM or PM sessions on December 24 & 31 because of the Christmas break. Sessions will resume at the regular time on January 7.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) Following the opening prayer at the 11am Mass, Father will invite all children from Pre-K to grade 3 to go to with our catechists to hear and discuss the readings for that Sun-day’s Mass. They will return to you in the church after the Prayer of the Faithful.

Older siblings may participate in a different role as helpers to Mrs. Pontari. She also welcomes parent’s help. If you would like to accompany your little ones and see what it’s all about, please feel free to join them.

Here’s What’s Coming Up in December/January December 24: 4:30pm, Christmas Eve Family Mass January 7: Parish Christmas party, following the 11am Mass in the Parish Life Center January 7: 1pm, Christmas Shout Out (Christmas carols in the church)

IHM Prayer Ministry—if you would like the prayer team

to pray for you or a loved one, please contact Brenda Persons at 518 271-6184 .

Rosary Society—Giving Tree - WOW!! Once again your gen-erosity is amazing! Christmas presents were distributed to 44 families. We are truly blessed to have so many caring people in our Parish. God bless you all. Next meeting of the Rosary Society will be January 10th at 6 PM in the PLC.

Cookie Drop—Thank you for your donations to the annual Cookie Drop. Even though the temperature was freezing, many of you dropped off cookies and breads which were sorted and distributed to the Food Pantry and Soup Kitchen clients. Thanks also to Brenda, Gerri, Jane, Jeanne, Kay, Linda, Peg, Sharon and Theresa for sorting and bagging. Believe me, a lot of will power was necessary. It was difficult not to sample these delicious look-ing cookies and breads.

Giving Tree; Christmas Food Pick up: Thanks to All—Thanks to our young people in Faith Formation who helped with bringing the gifts and food to our client’s cars. Kudos to all on a job well done!! The abundance of gifts around the tree was truly amazing. To quote Jennifer’s (our 4pm organist) young daughter “Wow!!.

A brief message from Mary Beth: The Christmas meals with turkey and the Christmas gifts were distributed Saturday, December 16th. All went well! Thank you to all of our very generous parishioners who always help us to make the holidays so special for our neighbors in need. I would also like to thank the following area businesses and organizations who have continually supported the IHM Food Pantry: St Gobain Corp. Foundation Watervliet Housing (Matt Ethier) The Regional Food Bank Hudson Shores rotary Club The Food Pantries Clark Moving & Storage of Albany Bimbo Bakeries Watervliet Lodge #1500 BPOE Watervliet Elementary School Capital Area Council of Churches The Stewart’s Shops … Thank You, you ALL make this possible!!

BLOOD DRIVE at IHM Parish on Wednesday, December 27, 2017, 1:00PM to 6:00PM — To schedule an appointment

please call 1-800-RED CROSS or visit The blood drive will be at

the Parish Life Center, 2416 7th Ave. LIFE’S A GIFT. GIVE MORE OF IT. DONATE BLOOD.

PASTORAL CARE—As noted in The Evangelist “the winter months can be really hard on the homebound. They are isolated, inactive, discouraged, lonely and some are even depressed”. If you know of someone who is in need of a visit at the hospital, nursing home or even their residence, please call Linda at 518 785-6670 or 518 209-6446. we have a team of people waiting to help.

The Best Christmas Party is Happening in January!! Preparations have begun for the Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Christmas Party on January 7 following the 11AM Mass in the

Parish Life Center. There will be food, games, singing - don't miss it. Let it be one of the first dates you circle on the 2018 calendar!!! We have a sign up list in the back of the church for people to bring their Christmas specialties.

At 1pm, we’ll head over to the church for a “Christmas Shout Out”. We’ll gather in the church, pick our favorite Christmas carols from Breaking Bread (#74 to #111), give a shout out with the number and Angela will lead us in the song. How fun is that!!

Scripture Sharing: The Psalms, Thursdays 3 to 4pm—Please note: There will be no Scripture on December 28. Join us

Thursday, January 4 in the Parish Life Center for questions and a discussion of session 7 Psalms of Pilgrimage and Ascent. You don’t have to be a Scripture scholar to join us; we are all learning and sharing together. For more information, please contact Sharon at 328-0427 or [email protected]

Page 3: December 24, · 2018. 9. 5. · Please note “Dominick the Donkey” is not a Christmas hymn! Immaculate Heart of Mary


In loving memory of Adam & Katherine Novak

John G Novak & Florence Szpot requested by the Family

In loving memory of James D Langford

requested by Lilia Langford & Christine Callahan


In Memoriam - 2017-18


In loving memory of the Edward Brooks Family, Foglia Family

& Monticup Family requested by Rose Brooks & Family


In loving memory of The Barron & Rys Families

requested by the Family


In loving memory of William T, Sr, Julia F

and Robert A Fahr requested by the Family

In loving memory of John A O’Brien


In loving memory of John T Sherlock

requested by his wife and Family 4/22/18

Mary’s Kitchen Hours: 3pm to

5:00pm—Mary’s Kitchen will be closed

on December 25 and January 1. We will re-open at the regular time on Monday, January 8. Recently, we had our annual inspection by a representative from the Albany County Department of Health. Our young people from the PM session cleaned the refrigerators, stove, hood and other areas of the kitchen. We passed the inspection with flying colors!! Many thanks for all their hard work and for the assistance of Keith Slupski and Bob Passonno. One of our Mary’s Kitchen volunteers remarked that the refrigerators looked brand new!! All members of the community are invited – both parishioners and non-parishioners alike - enjoy an eat in meal, chat and relax with friends or to pick up a meal to take out. Questions?? Contact Sharon at 518 328-0427 for more information.


In loving memory of Bryan T Roberts (son)

Raymond & Helen Werner (parents) requested by Judith Pope

In loving memory of Norman A & Marion E Persons

requested by dgtr. Brenda, sons Norman M & Edgar Persons


Mass Intentions for Week Sat., Dec 23 4:00pm—The Gethins Family, req by the family The Deck Family, req by Karl & Joan Michael Krajick, req by a friend

Sun., Dec 24 8:30am—Lv’g & Dec’d mem. of IHM

11:00am—Jean Ryan Bryce, req by Craig/Sue Carlson Raymond Hess, req by Lilia Langford


Joseph Germano/Helen McNamara/Margaret Oaksford, Req by the family Carol Lansing, req by the family


10:00AM—The Bulger Family

Tues., Dec 26 9:00am—Charles Bulson, req by Lorraine Bulson Ann-Delia Bayer, req by Lorraine Bulson

Wed., Dec 27 9:00am—James Vince Cocca, req by wife & children

Thurs., Dec 28 9:00am—Intentions rescheduled for Jan 4, 2018 due to funeral on this day

Fri., Dec 29 9:00am—COMMUNION SERVICE

Sat., Dec 30 4:00pm—Teresa Gethins Hanley, rq by her children David LiBurdi, req by Andera & Gloria Colarusso Sr Thomasine Boncaldo,RSM, req by Ginny/Diane Jaku-bics (cousins)

Sun., Dec 31 8:30am—Living & deceased members of IHM

11:00am—Carol Vogel, req by Mary Vogel

In loving memory of J. Vince Cocca

requested by his wife and Children


In loving memory of Francis X Lacosse, Sr

requested by wife Lucille, Toni & Frank, Jr



Weekly Collection (incl mail-in/E.G.) Dec 10-11, 2016…………..$7293.00 Dec 9-10, 2017……………$6455.00

Immaculate Conception, Holy Day Dec 8, 2016………$1031.00 Dec 8, 2017………$1149.00

Rosary Society—The Rosary Society will be selling ANGEL

ORNAMENTS for $5.00 each after Mass.

RCIA & Sacramental Preparation for Adults and Older Chil-

dren — Need to receive sacraments –Baptism, Eucharist or Confirmation;

for yourself, an older teen or young adult? Something to consider - Do you know that in order to be a godparent for Baptism or a sponsor for Confir-mation, you must have received all three Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation)???

Whatever your needs may be, we are here to help you make it happen. We are able to work around your schedule and your individual area of need. Want more information?? Contact Sharon at 518 328-0427 or [email protected].

Social Justice-Caring of the Environment- Romans 16: “but now manifested

through the prophetic writings and, according to the command of the eternal God, made known to all nations to bring about the obedience of faith”.

Pope Francis, Laudato Si: — “if the simple fact of being human moves people to care

for the environment of which they are a part, Christians in their turn realize that their responsi-bility within Creation, and their duty toward nature and the Creator, are an essential part of their faith.”

Vocation Ministry— Please pray for an increase in vocations to the Priesthood, Religious life, Deaconate and Lay Ecclesial Ministry.

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