Page 1: Decline of Feudalism Lesson (Gagne's 9 Events)

The Decline of Feudalism

Stephanie Ohtola7th Grade Social Studies

World Studies: Feudalism and Transitions

Feudalism developed as a political system based on small local

units controlled by lords bound by an oath of loyalty to a monarch.

The decline of feudalism in Europe resulted from interactions

between the Muslim world and European states. These interactions

influenced the rise of new ideas and institutions.

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Event 1: Gain Attention

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Students will understand and

reflect how the Bubonic Plague,

the signing of the Magna Carta,

and the Hundred Years War

worked together to undermine

and weaken feudalism.

Event 2: Describe the Goal

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What do you remember about Feudalism from

previous lessons? Follow THIS LINK to

contribute to the discussion and share what you

know about feudalism with the rest of the class.

Event 3: Stimulate Recall of Prior Knowledge

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Event 4: Present the Content

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The Bubonic Plague

• The Bubonic Plague first hit Europe in the mid-1300s and occurred every decade well into the 15th century, wiping out a significant portion of the population–nearly a third!

• It is believed that the disease spread through fleas carried by rats that lived on trade ships coming from Central Asia

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• During the Middle Ages, people would go for many months without bathing

• Homes were dirty and filled with rats

• Trash, human waste, and dead animals littered the crowded city streets

• The plague was a bacterial infection marked by vomiting, fever, and massive black-and-blue lumps called buboes

• With an estimated 24 million deaths, the Plague had a negative effect on trade and the general economy, feudal lords could no longer staff their land, and the workers that WERE available demanded freedom, money, and more rights. Many even rebelled.

• With a weakened economy, the manor system could no longer be sustained and thus resulted in a loss of power for the lords, shifting the control to the monarchy

Learn More About the Bubonic Plague!

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Magna Carta• In the year 1199, John became the king of

England. Immediately, he created many enemies.

– CATHOLIC CHURCH: Regularly fought with clergy and imposed high taxes on church property

– NOBLES: Heavily taxed barons and made arrests without lawful judgement

– FOREIGN RELATIONS: Lost most of the land that England had previously controlled in France

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Magna Carta

• In June of 1215, angry nobles forced King John to sign a document known as the Magna Carta, which translates to “Great Charter”

– The nobles agreed that the monarch could continue to rule and in turn, the monarch was required to observe common law and traditional rights of the Church.

– Initially, this document was intended to protect the rights of nobles and the Church, however over time, the people of England viewed it as a foundation for the protection of liberty for all

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Hundred Year’s War• England and France fought a series of battles between

1337 and 1453 over the ownership of land in France– Early English kings had initially been feudal lords over

French fiefs, but French kings began to dispute this arrangement

• The Hundred Year’s War forced monarchs on both sides to create large professional armies and no longer rely on nobles to provide knights– The common people gained influence and power as they

were needed to serve as soldiers, workers, and taxpayers

• The war created a certain sense of nationalism on both sides, replacing the loyalty that once existed for local lords

Learn More About the Hundred Years War!

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Event 5: Provide Guidance for Learning

Think about what we’ve just discussed. Practice

your understanding by participating in a

collaborative re-write of the Magna Carta!

Think about who was originally protected and

who was excluded while you write. How would

you make the Magna Carta better to truly

protects the rights of the people?

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Event 6: Elicit Practice Performance

Event 7: Provide Feedback

Play an interactive game of Battleship and test your

knowledge on the Bubonic Plague. You will be

notified of whether your answers are correct or

incorrect. You can practice as many times as you’d

like until you’ve mastered the quiz!

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Event 8: Assessment

Take this quick essay quiz to assess your

knowledge of the decline of feudalism.

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Event 9: Retention of Information

• There were many reasons why

feudalism eventually dissipated:

– Political

• Magna Carta

• Hundred Year’s War

– Social

• Bubonic plague

• Feudalism was replaced by a

stronger central government that

focused on the power of the

monarch and influence of the


• A decrease in population, shift in

job specialization due to long-

periods of war, and the

establishment of the Magna Carta

all contributed to the decline in


• No single event is responsible for

this decline; several political,

cultural, and social factors

contributed to the abolition of this



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