Page 1: DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL - Report... · Shilparamam is a Kaleidoscope of India’s colour , diversity and talent show casing ethnic, art, craft and skills of the rural folk



Zuzu returned from his holidays rejuvenated and fresh. The first day of the second term in school started with a lot

of hustle and bustle with extremely energetic bunch of students and teachers. The first day assembly saw our principal and

teachers welcoming us. The second term seemed extremely busy for zuzu as there were a host of sporting activities lined

up and the cultural festival of UDBHAV around the corner.

Smiley day

I had an extra smilef

When i left the house today I thought i’d give it to someone

I passed along the way. I tried to give the smile away But incredibly

Each time i gave it to someone They’d give it to back me.

So now i have a bunch of smiles What am i to do? I think i’ii keep a couple

And give the rest to others.

Page 2: DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL - Report... · Shilparamam is a Kaleidoscope of India’s colour , diversity and talent show casing ethnic, art, craft and skills of the rural folk

Bubbling with joy, engulfed in happiness and booming with effervescence were Zuzu and his buddies. World

smile day was celebrated with vigour and vitality by my class 1 and 2 friends. The eclectic smiles turned to sheer laughter

with peppy dance steps. The laughing exercise definitely sent a wave of laughter travelling in every brick of our school.

Smiles can definitely conquer hearts and make anything beautiful that touches it. Bustling with joy, filled with fun and

frolic Zuzu and his friends had a gala time celebrating smiley day with their infectious smiles.

PTM : Parent Teacher Meeting

“Try to be a rainbow in someone’s life”

Zuzu and his parents definitely had a chance to meet the teachers who adhere to this motto ardently in DPS

Nadergul during PTM. The trio bond of teachers, parents and students was strengthened during the PTM.


The 6 acre campus of my school bustled with energy as ZUZU and his friends bearing the scorching heat braced

for taekwondo belt test. Taekwondo means, the way of the foot and the fist, it is a Korean martial art form dating back to

2000 years. A form of self-defense using only bare hands and feet helping inculcate self-confidence, discipline and respect

among Zuzu and his friends. It was a delight to watch the taekwondo demonstration by Zuzu and his friends. Each child

was awarded a deserving belt by the chief guest making the children feel special.Ever enthusiastic parents were spectacular

spectators enjoying every bit, cheering and supporting children.

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The celebration of Diwali, the festival of lights came alive when my school wore a festive look decorated with

fantastic lights. We had a special assembly in school. Children got many decorative items and decorated the diyas.

Lighting a festive mood with love, peace and joy we bid adieu for the holidays.


United Nations declared October 11 as the International Girl Child Day. Zuzu and his friends definitely

understand that the girls are their greatest buddies with no difference between them. There was a huge roar heard outside

our classrooms with great zeal in children shouting the “slogans of save girl child”. My teachers took it upon themselves to

explain about the importance of this day. This definitely gave us an opportunity to raise awareness and highlight various

aspects addressing the tough conditions faced by girls.

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Food in Indian culture is compared with God and called as Anna Brahma. Anna means Food and Brahma means

creator. In the same way offering food is a pious act. Hence a lot of emotions are attached to food. This international food

day was special since we asked children to bring food from their homes to share with their friends like the grade 1 and 2

were asked to bring parathas, 3 and 4 sandwiches and so on. This definitely gave us the scope to understand the different

kinds of cuisines by sharing. Zuzu and his friends definitely enjoyed the amazing food brought by their friends. This was

definitely an amazing opportunity for children to understand the importance of not wasting food. Several videos related to

food safety were shown to children. Bringing about a huge wave of change in children regarding food wastage, it was nice

to see they understand how some people are effected due to lack food.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened". an extremely ushering quote to remind

us the importance of having animals in our life. School is a place that enables children to dwell into every aspect of their

Page 5: DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL - Report... · Shilparamam is a Kaleidoscope of India’s colour , diversity and talent show casing ethnic, art, craft and skills of the rural folk

personality. It is extremely important to help them achieve a sense of bonding with other warm beings around us. So, my

tiny tots took it upon themselves to bring their pets to introduce them to their friends. There was a beautiful parrot, loving

dogs, catty cats the most amazing aspect was how comfortable Zuzu and his friends were with turtles. Of course cheerily,

chirpily and keenly they observed and loved their pets. It was an occasion to celebrate the joy pets bring to our lives and to

create public awareness about the plight of many different kinds of animals it was definitely a day to honour mans best

friend with lots of hugs and kisses to our four-legged friends.


On 31st October I enter the school and I see all classes selling tickets and seats being numbered. It was a

sheer delight to see all classrooms being converted to movie halls, I had my cutie pies lined up to buy tickets and enter

the hall, what an happy sight it was indeed!., With little guidance they went into the halls and took their seats. Children

enjoyed the movie popping their popcorns. After making it to the end of full week, this was sheer delight for children as

they watched the movie, Tom and Jerry. I was very keen to observe their behavior and pleasantly amazed at how they

followed instructions. The purpose of introducing these everyday life experiences to children is to help them analyze real

life situations and behave appropriately.


Childhood is the age of learning and it is the time when a child starts developing practices and attitude towards health. So

Zuzu and his friends had an opportunity have a health check up as part of our healthcare outreach, the school health

programme was conducted for a weak. All the children right from pre-primary to class VII were facilitated with health

check up. It was a perfect platform for children and parents to know of their overall health conditions. The school strives

to provide a healthy environment by contributing to the maintenance and improvement of the health of pupils and school

personnel. Many doctors conducted various tests and immediately issued health cards to students.

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We had an eminent personality from the DPS society Professor Mohammad Miyan, who graced the school with his august

presence. Addressing the teachers he reiterated the fact that teachers have to be innovative, take examples which are

relevant and close to children while teaching, and to maintain a sense of humour in the teaching learning process. His

presence added a sense of energy to all my teachers.


Imagination is more important than knowledge. It is the door to possibility. It is where pragmatism, ingenuity and creative

thinking begins for a child’s development. DPS made an endeavor to enable kids to discover their creative potential in the

PVA week. All the participants from classes 1 – 7 were energetic and happy to be a part of this creative and innovative

endeavor. Zuz and his friends showed their creativity and talent in Pencil Shading, Block Painting, Collage Work and

Spray Painting.

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Zuzu and his friends were eagerly waiting to perform on various dance forms like Kuchipudi, Bharatanatyam,

Contemporary and Hip – Hop were performed. All the students reached excellence in their choreography, rhythm. The

fluid body movements and skills were a treat to watch.

In the music category the students participated in Hindustani and Classical soothing our souls.

Respecting their hard work and with an intention to elevate their abilities Zuzu and their friends were awarded certificates

by our Principal Mam.

Field Trip:

Crucial to education is hands on involvement: - Showing, not just telling. Real experiments and Field Trips are not

just “virtual reality” – Stephen Hawking.

Zuzu and his friends knew no bounds to their happiness on the day of Field Trip to Shilparamam. As part of their

curriculum this extended trip on housing gave them glimpses of everything in their books. Shilparamam is a Kaleidoscope

of India’s colour , diversity and talent show casing ethnic, art, craft and skills of the rural folk from all parts of the country.

Zuzu and his friends were mesmerized while looking at the live size models of rural artisans depicting day to day activities

like weaving, carpentry, etc. Everything was etched and imprinted on their minds eliciting incredible knowledge.

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