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ImpCam what else is a camera supposed to be? (working title)

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processgo straight to the source

MAKING CAMERA CONCEPTS WITH PLAY DOUGH (some of the ideas generated by the 20 students)

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processgo straight to the source

Have them complete a worksheet for me

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I want to show my pictures to my family and friends (all 21 kids had the same answer)

I want my pictures and drawings framed

I want to send my pictures to a PhotoFrame

I camera that looks 'gadget-y'

I want to see the picture when I hold the camera up to the sun.

I want to project my images into a frame and use my camera as a remote

I want to share and view my pictures inside a tree trunk because it's cosy and in nature

Put the camera into the oven then put it into a washing machine and then put it into a com-puter to view the images

I want a shared device with my mother

I want a protective cover around my camera, the closes the camera

A camera inside a dog bone. So I can see inside his mouth

Interesting that every kid only picked family and friends. It probably goes to show kids aren't as interested in 'social networking' like everybody else. Relationships and feedback is immediate.

Wants to be able to do things with the camera that one normally wouldnt be able to do. Technology can tend to be very delicate at times

A sense of secrecy, want something that is a secret, something only you know how to do. It's a unique and personal viewing experience specific to you.

It feels good to have a physical and tangible outcome.

Very comfortable with technology and they can 'visualise' and imagine the transmission of data.

Interested in something that can do many things and has many functions – or atleast look like it can

How might we turn viewing photographs in a social experience? what tools can we provide to achieve this?

How might we develop new ways to share and view images? If we could, how can we make it a tangible experience?

How might we create game using cameras?educational gamesexercise gamesplain old funor anything you can think of!

How might we link more than one camera together? Is there a benefit to have buddy cameras?

How might we enable the act of photography to be more than just clicking a button?

Again comfortable with technology and also comfortable with ubiquitous technology

viewing and sharing pictures is an event, its a time to gather and feel cosy – like around the family photo album

go through many processes to then view your image. It takes more than clicking to 'prepare' the photo

a device that updates the other device on the go.

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conceptsbrainstorm session

How might we turn viewing photographs in a social experience? what tools can we provide to achieve this?

How might we develop new ways to share and view images? If we could, how can we make it a tangible experience?

How might we create game using cameras?educational games, exercise games, plain old fun, or anything you can think of!

How might we link more than one camera together? Is there a benefit to have buddy cameras?

How might we enable the act of photography to be more than just clicking a button?

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The camera gives you a challenge. Make the ball fall into the hole! You need to find the appropriate path in

your environment. It can be anything. How creative you want to be is upto you!!!

Challenge completed!!!

Why not plug into existing systems kids are comfortable with? And also bring about the Wii culture - family play

“ Can I get kids to notice more about the Environment around them? Is it fun to head outside and use the wolrd around you?”


Challenges get harder as you progress.Can be a Wii game that requires you to use the environment around you.

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Take a picture of anything.shake it to send to your friends!!!

Bring them togetherAnd then the image shows itself to them

What are secrets? Is there a special bond between kids and sharing?


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Take a picture of anything.Your dog? something in your house? shake it up!!

*shake shake*

your own puzzle

Play with with the Wii, or Xbox. challenge others in the house

“Fun games”


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“ Send custom puzzles and challenges to your friends?”


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go around taking pictures

organize into a hunt? a challenge

send it to your friendslet them go around and shoot similar things“Scavenger hunts”


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your friends go around trying to match your pictures

you can check if they got the right items.

friend 1 friend 2 friend 3

everyone needs to come together!

“Scavenger hunts”


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next stepswhat is it?

Hardware - base platformsimple functionsmultiple functions - “APP STORE”


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