Download - Demon of Montreal

  • 8/12/2019 Demon of Montreal


    The Demon of Montreal

    A Novella by

    A. Michael Schwarz

  • 8/12/2019 Demon of Montreal


  • 8/12/2019 Demon of Montreal


    /0 see you!1 she whispered.

    'e neeled to her! a silhouette in the shadows! and opened his palm. $hen she

    accepted! he brou#ht her to wobblin# nees and stared into her eyes. Those eyes. )hey

    spo e to him as words never could. 2leamin# 3ewels perfect for the cause.

    'er clothes hun# on her as if she were a scarecrow. 'er bac curled li e a twi# in

    the fire. 'er sa##in# breasts hun# flat beneath her blouse.

    'e opened his arms completin# the final invitation.

    She hesitated. 'e could feel her doubt! her sudden realization4 yes, this is

    happening right now. )ears soa ed the papery s in of her blac face and reflected the

    moonli#ht! illuminatin# pieces of her soul. 'er doubt turned to decision.

    /5ou ta e me now.1 )he &uiet resi#nation of deletion.

    'e need only wait.She #ave into him. )he heat of her body burned a#ainst his. She shoo for a

    moment and no more as he crushed her. She did not cry or plead or protest as he

    s&ueezed the life from her! moldin# her croo ed body to the contours of his! snappin#

    her nec and vertebrae li e dusty twi#s! throttlin# that haltin# heart.

    She did not weep! but he did.

    'e lifted her! one arm under her bent nees! the other under her lollin# nec and

    wal ed with the same unfalterin# footsteps out of Saint-Michel.

    %o one saw him. %o one could have. %ot because he absorbed any trace of li#ht!

    but because any would-be-o#ler had lon# since slipped under warm &uilts and drifted

    into dreams. Any midni#ht watcher had replaced spectacles for a ni#htcap! and coffee

    for chamomile. And so he wal ed carryin# this one for the )hin# and the ultimate

    service to everythin#.

  • 8/12/2019 Demon of Montreal


    Chapter )wo

    Abby po ed her for into her 6un# 7ao Chic en. )oni#ht she d mana#ed to eat

    two bites. Two bites too many ! she thou#ht.

    )he din of the crowd! the clan in# of dishes! the clamor of conversation,all

    served as insulation from the *aters at the table. 5es! that s what they were4 Eaters . %ot

    family! not friends! not really even people. (ust *aters. )hey ate and when finished!

    prattled amon#st themselves without re#ard for Abi#ail $inston.

    %o matter. Re#ard had been dropped for Abby in most places! almost as if she

    were fadin# from the world! one microscopic bit by bit. She peered out from under her

    downcast brow at the *aters.)o Abby s ri#ht perched her sister! )risha. *verybody s favorite. Loud! happy!

    pretty,everythin# Abby wasn t. Midni#ht dar hair fell about )risha s shoulders li e

    crushed velour! iridescent in the lamp li#ht! caressin# the tops of her swellin#! white

    breasts. 8nli e Abby s drab! split ends that hid her #aunt face and accentuated nothin#!

    let alone breasts that did not swell! but rather drooped.

    2oin# cloc wise met her father! a ind man! who never failed to find the #ood in

    thin#s. 'ere was a man who was deeply loved and respected by everyone who new him.

    Certainly! the cast mold for )risha,the two were perfect to#ether. "addy s little over-

    achiever! )risha had always been "addy s perfect baby.

    )hen came Abby s mother. A hopeless victim who d failed in life before she d

    started. 0f not for Abby s father! her mother would have lon# since eroded to sand si

    feet under! but the man breathed life into her. Abby s father had ept her afloat on the

    sea of humanity. 'er mother had no idea! never appreciatin# her husband for the savior

    that he was.

    Abby too after her mother and hated herself for it. 8nli e her mother! however!she did not have a stron# redeemer to salva#e her from the human wrec a#e pile9


    )he rest of the table was a sprin lin# of a few :friends of the family ! one uncle

    and one cousin. 7eople Abby rarely spo e to! if ever.

  • 8/12/2019 Demon of Montreal


    She san bac in her seat lettin# the ta# of her blouse di# into her s in,a

    reminder that she was! in some way! still here. She smiled a wry smile that had no mirth!

    but would pass her off as normal! for a little while anyway.

    She twirled her for in the #reasy sauce of her entr;e. $hat if she spilled the

    contents of her plate atop her head< 7robably no one would even notice. She smir ed. A

    silver nife #listened to the ri#ht of her plate. She wondered if these *aters would even

    notice if she held it to her wrist. $hat if she #rated it across her delicate s in and spilled

    a #ravy-boat-load of blood into her 6un# 7ao Chic en< $ould they notice then

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