Page 1: Demystifying the Grant Review Process...Demystifying the Grant Review Process VGN and VT EPSCoR Grant Writing Workship November 5, 2016 Jeralyn Haraldsen, PhD Grant Proposal Manager

Demystifying the Grant Review Process

VGN and VT EPSCoR Grant Writing WorkshipNovember 5, 2016

Jeralyn Haraldsen, PhDGrant Proposal Manager

UVM, Office of the Vice President for Research

Page 2: Demystifying the Grant Review Process...Demystifying the Grant Review Process VGN and VT EPSCoR Grant Writing Workship November 5, 2016 Jeralyn Haraldsen, PhD Grant Proposal Manager

Grant Writing is its Own Genre of Scientific Writing

What do you need to know about the procedural aspects of grant review?

Who are your reviewers? AUDIENCE ANALYSIS

How do you write to meet your reviewers needs?

Presentation Notes
Writing a grant application is quite different from writing a journal manuscript. Effective communication is your main goal. To be effective, one of the most critical aspects is audience analysis.
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How is my grant reviewed? Peer review is the process by which your grant is

evaluated by a group of appropriate experts in your field.

However, the process can vary significantly between different funding agencies.

A full understanding of the review process, including who will review your proposal, will help you to write a more effective proposal

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Possible Decision-Making Scenarios

1. Program officials review proposals directly and make funding decisions. (No “peer” reviewers.)

2. External peer reviewers and program officials review proposals together.

3. External peer reviewers discuss proposals and make recommendations on merit, and program officials make subsequent funding decisions.

Multi-level Review = Multiple Audiences

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Review Process at NSF

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NIH “Dual Review” ProcessCenter for Scientific Review


Scientific Merit – initial peer review

Programmatic Relevance

IC Advisory CouncilSecondary review

IC DirectorFunding Decisions

Scientific Review Group

Scientific Review Officer (SRO)

ProgramOfficer (PO)

Presentation Notes
Most, but not all, proposals are reviewed by SRG’s [some proposals (usually for a particular RFA, and often mentioned within the RFA) are reviewed by special emphasis panels (SEPs), which can be convened either by the Institute/Center or Center for Scientific Review (CSR)]
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Composition of Review Panels Peers who take grant review very seriously, and

make a genuine effort to provide a fair review

Typically, recipients of funding from that agency

Review panels can include: Peers with relevant expertise in your field Peers with expertise slightly outside of your field Patient advocates, Community members, Lay

people, Industry colleagues

Program Officers/Managers

Presentation Notes
Because reviewers must have experience, and prior funding, panels tend to be weighted to contain more senior faculty NSF often recruits junior people to perform “ad hoc” reviews (including postdocs) because of unique, topical expertise
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How Are Review Panels Assembled?

SRO or PO recruits reviewers

Some agencies have “chartered” or “standing” review panels, by topic with “permanent” members

Other panels are assembled for a particular funding opportunity announcement, or based on applications received and vary from cycle to cycle

Grants may be reviewed only by “ad hoc” review with no meeting

Presentation Notes
NIH, AHRQ: Standing panels develop a “culture” – what they value NIH SRG Rosters are published – permanent members, and actual attendance at last 3 meetings NSF: vary each time, hybrid panel/ad hoc review – so there is no “institutional memory” or “culture” that develops. However…panels often have ** frequent flyers ** people who review often for a particular core program. Important to write for, and cite, known members on your review panel
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How Are Reviewers Selected? Program Officer’s knowledge of research area

References listed in your proposal

Recent professional society meetings

Authors of journal articles related to the proposal

Former reviewers

Reviewer recommendations included in proposal

Research Institutions AND Primarily Undergrad Inst.

BUT…NO conflict of interest

Presentation Notes
Conflicts = Same institution Family or business partner Past/present thesis advisor or student Collaborators w/in last 48 months Co-editors w/in last 24 months
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Assignment of Your Proposal to a Review Panel

Do NOT leave assignment of your proposal to chance!

If you have the option, tell your funding agency:

the review panel you think is the best fit for your research

the Institute (IC)/Division you would like the application assigned to

what types of expertise would be needed on the panel to review your application

Names of appropriate or inappropriate reviewers

If you have spoken to a particular Program Official

Presentation Notes
NIH – this info used to be provided in the cover letter * starting for deadlines May 25, 2016 there is a new PHS Assignment Request Form – no longer include a cover letter * If you don’t know which review panel is the best fit – speak to the Scientific Review Officer (NIH) or Program Officer (NSF, others)
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Peer Review is Confidential

Review materials and proceedings of meetings are privileged info to be used only by funding agency

Reviewers are asked to destroy/return review material

Reviewers should not discuss review proceedings with anyone except the Scientific Review Officer (or Program Officer)

YOU should NOT contact any of the reviewers

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Prior to the Peer Review Meeting

Assigned reviewers evaluate your proposal using defined review criteria

Typically, reviewers are assigned roles of “primary,” “secondary,” or “discussant”

Reviewers confidentially submit preliminary critiques, and preliminary scores for each review criterion

SRO/PO may use preliminary scores to rank order the proposals prior to the review meeting

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How are Review Meetings Conducted?

In-person review meeting Reviewers convene for 1-2 days, up to a week

Electronic review meeting Online “chat room” review meeting, threaded message board

“Hybrid” review meeting Some participants meet in person, but others included via

phone, video/skype May also include mail-in reviews (w/ or w/o phone


“Ad hoc” only – no meeting

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Review Meeting is Convened Reviewers convene for 1-2 days

One reviewer serves as chair and assists the SRO or PO in running the meeting

Presentation Notes
NIH Proposals pre-ranked based on preliminary reviewer scores Only the top half of proposals are discussed
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Review of Applications

Assigned reviewers lead discussion - present preliminary overall impact score, strengths/weaknesses

General discussion from whole panel …even the people who didn’t read your whole grant

Assigned reviewers re-state their overall impact score (possibly changed due to discussion) – this sets the “range” of scores for the other reviewers

Rest of reviewers privately submit overall impact scores

Scores sent to Program Officer Advisory Council

Presentation Notes
Discussion of each proposal ~ 10-30 mins., longer at beginning of meeting to “calibrate” Every member scores every discussed application
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Review Panel Meetings Could Also Look Like This…

Presentation Notes
More akin to some NSF peer review meetings. All proposals discussed Ranked during discussion
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Review of Applications Assigned reviewers lead discussion – present


Secondary or scribe reads reviews from ad hoc (not present)

General discussion from whole panel …even the people who didn’t read your whole grant

Preliminary ranking as discussion proceeds

Scribe writes Panel Summary – consensus from panel

Reviewers rank proposals

Program Officer Division Director

Presentation Notes
Discussion of each proposal ~ 10-30 mins. Ranking categories: Must fund (high), Should fund (medium), may fund (low), Do not fund
Page 18: Demystifying the Grant Review Process...Demystifying the Grant Review Process VGN and VT EPSCoR Grant Writing Workship November 5, 2016 Jeralyn Haraldsen, PhD Grant Proposal Manager

Understanding the “Culture” of a Review Panel

What are the dynamics like? Frequent critiques?

Talk to: Grant writing mentor Other successfully funded investigators Unsuccessful applicants to same panel Program Officers or Scientific Review Officers Reviewers (prior) Become a reviewer

Presentation Notes
Programs within an agency can vary significantly, and…. Priorities can shift over time. Talk to multiple people. Past and recent awardees, reviewers, etc.
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Procedural Aspects of Review Meetings

Are different types of applications discussed during the same meeting?

Are ALL applications discussed? (NSF Panels)

Are only the most competitive applications discussed? (NIH) SRO has already ranked applications based on prelim scores Bottom half are “streamlined,” or “triaged” = not discussed Any panel member can object and request discussion

Top half are discussed in order from “best” to “worst”

Are reviews “clustered” in any way? new and early-stage investigator applications are reviewed together clustered by mechanism: R01, R21, etc.

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Many (Most?) Funders Provide Applicants with a Score/Ranking

and Reviewer Critiques Within a few days after the review meeting you will receive your

overall impact/priority score and percentile ranking

Critiques (Summary Statement) are available approx. one month after the review panel meeting New investigator Summary Statements are expedited – usually

available within 10 days after the meeting

Contain reviewer scores and bulleted critiques for each review criterion

Contain a resume of discussion

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Grant Writing is its Own Genre of Scientific Writing

What do you need to know about the procedural aspects of grant review?

Who are your reviewers? AUDIENCE ANALYSIS

How do you write to meet your reviewers needs?

Presentation Notes
Writing a grant application is quite different from writing a journal manuscript. Effective communication is your main goal. To be effective, one of the most critical aspects is audience analysis.
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BEFORE You Write: Contact a Program Officer(s)

Your grant is a part of their programmatic portfolio

POs want good quality proposals that fit their program, so they are motivated to provide guidance

HOWEVER, their roles vary considerably at the different funding agencies

Important to understand the role of the Program Officer/Director/Manager at YOUR funding agency of interest

Presentation Notes
DOD – nearly impossible to get funded if you don’t contact the PO NSF – Program Directors serve as mentors to new faculty NIH – many PIs funded without talking to PO Also varies by: agency culture, personality, how busy they are
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When to Approach a Program Officer

Under some circumstances it may be REQUIRED


To determine the programmatic interest in your research

To help you identify the right funding mechanism

To clarify ambiguities in a particular funding opportunity announcement, or gain insight into a program

Relationship building

SRO (NIH) – to determine fit with expertise of a particular review panel

Presentation Notes
Relationship building is important – your program officer is your link to understanding how your work aligns with the funding agency Also, REALLY important for foundations
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How to Approach a Program Officer

DO send a brief email: requesting phone call to discuss programmatic relevance Attach “pitch” page (Specific Aims, Project Summary, Executive


DO seek out in-person meetings when the opportunity presents itself: at mutual events, e.g., professional conferences when you are nearby for other reasons

DON’T ask FAQs

DON’T become a “black hole of need”

Presentation Notes
Don’t ask questions that can be answered by a careful reading of the RFA. Don’t have unrealistic expectations – they probably don’t have time to read your full proposal prior to submission (with exceptions! National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Program Directors often do!)
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So…How Do I Write for My Peer Reviewers?

First, remember that your reviewers are human….

….and very busy (just like you).

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First, remember that your reviewers are human….

….and very busy (just like you).

So…How Do I Write for My Peer Reviewers?

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Writing for your reviewers is part scholarship/science and part psychology…

Why are your reviewers reading your grant? What’s their motivation?

So…How Do I Write for My Peer Reviewers?

Presentation Notes
Want to learn about grantsmanship, review process Service Voice in the scientific direction of the funding agency But…..
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Writing for your reviewers is part scholarship/science and part psychology…

Why are your reviewers reading your grant? What’s their motivation?

It was assigned to them. They have to read it.

So…How Do I Write for My Peer Reviewers?

Presentation Notes
It’s not the same as if they chose to read your publication (inherent interest). You need to quickly make them want to read your application.
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What NOT to Do:Don’t Annoy Your Reviewer

Unclear writing – don’t make them reread

Figures too small, or don’t “stand alone”

Wall-to-wall text

Grammatical errors and typos

Grumpy reviewers start mentally “taking points off.”

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Your Writing Has to be Engaging The first page of your grant is critically important

It needs to be engaging, and tell the reviewer why they should be excited about your work

Make the reviewer want to keep reading

What is the gap in knowledge that your work addresses?

How will your work move the field forward?

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Make Their Job Easy Understand the review

criteria and give them the words they need to defend your proposal to the rest of the panel

Make their job easy

Explicit statements

Presentation Notes
Don’t make them guess. Don’t make them work too hard.
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What Are They Looking For?Review Criteria










Scientific merit



Intellectual Merit

Broader Impacts

Advance knowledge

Creative, Original, Transformative

Sound rationale Investigators Resources

Presentation Notes
It boils down to: Significance, importance, and impact Investigator qualifications, track record Approach – feasibility, appropriate Environment – resources, and intellectual Innovation -
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Make Your Proposal “Reviewer Friendly”

DO: Engage the reviewer quickly – on the first pageDON’T: Start with “throat clearing” statements

DO: Bring the reviewer “up to speed”DON’T: Ramp up technical detail too quickly

DO: Provide sufficient contextDON’T: Assume your reviewer knows how your work

fits within the field

Presentation Notes
Most reviewers will have already made up their mind about your grant after reading the first page. ** Write your grant the same way in which you would give a seminar in another department ** - Don’t assume expertise in your niche area.
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Guide the Reviewer Through Your Proposal

Follow expected structure (example proposals)

Headings, subheadings tell the reviewer the main point Example: Unhealthy Personal Behaviors Undermine U.S.

Individual and Population Health

Tell reviewers how preliminary data relates to the new proposal Led to a new question, new hypothesis Shows feasibility

Use figures to improve understanding

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Write in Plain Language Use common, everyday words where possible.

Define necessary technical terms.

Use the active voice.

Use logical organization.

Use design features such as figures, bulleted lists, and tables.

“Write for a scientist in another field. Don't underestimate your readers' intelligence, but don't overestimate their knowledge of a particular field. When writing about science, don't simplify the science; simplify the writing.” - Julie Ann Miller, Editor, Science News

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Don’t Forget Your Program Official

(2nd Level of Review) Within your text, tell the Program Official(s) how the

research/scholarship aligns with priorities of the funding agency

Give them reasons to advocate funding your proposal to the Advisory Council/Division Director

Other factors can potentially come into play besides merit: Portfolio balance Budget

● geographic distribution● IDEA / EPSCoR co-funding

Presentation Notes
Other potential factors…. Impact on institution / state Special programmatic considerations
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Don’t Take Negative Reviews Personally

Distinguishing between excellent science/ scholarship and slightly less excellent science/ scholarship is exceedingly difficult

Excellent Very Good Good

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Responding to Critiques Read the critique thoroughly and dispassionately

Respect the reviewers’ opinions and assume their comments are intended to be helpful

Discuss with: Collaborators Grant writing mentor Other colleagues Program Officer

Determine strategy to revise and resubmit or complete rewrite

Presentation Notes
Program Officer - To discuss reviewer critiques, resubmission How to better align with program Have realistic expectations – they might not be able to help you read between the lines
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Responding to Critiques

“the reviewer is always right” (even if you disagree with them!) Errors in clarity and grantsmanship

Be appreciative, not defensive

Respond to all critiques if possible, but FOCUS on the Panel Summary / Resume of Discussion Reflects the discussion of the review panel

Presentation Notes
“....we appreciated the recommendation and considered the approach, however, for the following reasons we choose to ..”
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The Best Way to Gain Insight: Volunteer to be a Reviewer

Contact the relevant Program Official or Scientific Review Officer Brief description of expertise Biographical sketch Stay in touch if you don’t hear back immediately

NIH has an Early Career Reviewer Program - apply online

NIH is interested in recruiting reviewers from PUIs “To volunteer to serve as a reviewer at CSR, send your

biosketch to [email protected] with “R15” in the email subject.”

Presentation Notes
NIH – early career reviewers – 2 years faculty position, independent research, 2 senior-author pubs
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Videos of Mock Review PanelsNIH Peer Review Revealed (four videos)

American Heart Association

Conquer Cancer Foundation (Q&A, not actual mock review)

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Thank you!

Jeralyn Haraldsen, PhDGrant Proposal Manager

UVM, Office of the Vice President for [email protected]

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