Page 1: DEPARTMENT OF ARCHAEOLOGY & ANTHROPOLOGY · Archaeology and Anthropology has two strategic and long-term goals, each with several constituent areas of focus: 1. Advancing Knowledge
Page 2: DEPARTMENT OF ARCHAEOLOGY & ANTHROPOLOGY · Archaeology and Anthropology has two strategic and long-term goals, each with several constituent areas of focus: 1. Advancing Knowledge


Contents Introduction to Curriculum Mapping and Renewal ................................................................... i

Vision Statement ................................................................................................................... 1

Mission Statement ................................................................................................................. 1

Statement of Strategy ........................................................................................................... 1

Undergraduate Program Goals ............................................................................................... 3

I. Subject Matter Expertise ........................................................................................................... 3

II. Skills .......................................................................................................................................... 4

III. Attitudes & Values ................................................................................................................... 6

Mapping Program Goals to College and University Goals ........................................................ 8

Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 8

I. Subject Matter Expertise ........................................................................................................... 9

II. Skills ........................................................................................................................................ 11

III. Attitudes & Values ................................................................................................................. 14

Course Alignment with Program Goals ................................................................................. 16

Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 16

I. Subject Matter Expertise ......................................................................................................... 17

II. Skills ........................................................................................................................................ 23

III. Attitudes & Values ................................................................................................................. 35

Page 3: DEPARTMENT OF ARCHAEOLOGY & ANTHROPOLOGY · Archaeology and Anthropology has two strategic and long-term goals, each with several constituent areas of focus: 1. Advancing Knowledge



College Commitment

In its third integrated plan, the College of Arts & Science committed to a process of curriculum renewal:

Individual departments and programs will engage in curricular mapping to identify existing

strengths, weaknesses, concentrations, and gaps, as well as opportunities for innovative,

collaborative, experiential and interdisciplinary courses and programs. In course design, a simple

but transformative shift in emphasis will encourage faculty … to work within the established and

emerging pedagogies of their disciplines to set carefully defined learning outcomes for both

established and new programs and courses. These targets for the acquisition of defined skills as

well as course content will facilitate student, course, and program assessment, and will enable

clearer and more coherent laddering of courses within programs. It will also encourage

interdisciplinary initiatives by identifying curricular connections and synergies that content-based

analysis alone might overlook.

College of Arts & Science Plan for the Third Planning Cycle, 2012-16, p. 11

Stages of Curriculum Renewal

The stages of curriculum renewal are defined as: (1) Set the research and curricular vision and establishing

program goals; (2) Conduct an inventory of current courses and map those courses onto the program goals; (3)

Analyze the “fit” between current curricular offerings and program goals; (4) Identify areas that need revision

and development and implement required changes; (5) Assess the curricular changes; and (6) Revisit the

framing vision.

The Department of Archaeology and Anthropology’s Process

The Department of Archaeology and Anthropology has completed the first two stages of curriculum

renewal and we are approximately half way through the third stage. We began by establishing the

departmental context for our programs by developing a vision statement, mission statement, and statement of

strategy. We then developed a set of learning outcomes that are common to both our Anthropology and

Archaeology undergraduate programs. We followed this by developing a set of program-specific objectives

that align with each overarching program goal. We then mapped our program goals and objectives onto the

learning outcomes of the College as well as those in the University’s Learning Charter. We proceeded with

course alignment, mapping all the courses that have recently been taught onto each program goal and

program-specific objective, calculating the proportion of all courses that meet each goal and objective. Based

on all this, we reviewed our curriculum and outlined a set of curricular revisions that include: (1) Changing

specified prerequisites and course descriptions to better align our courses with our Department’s vision and

mission as well as our overarching program goals; (2) Deleting courses that do not align well with our program

goals; (3) Developing new courses to continue to meet our program goals; and (4) Restructuring our programs

for greater integration and cohesion.

Student Assistants

The following students were supported through departmental funds to assist in this process: David

Bennett, M.A. Candidate (Anthropology); Candice Koblun, M.A. Candidate (Archaeology) ; Karin Steuber, Ph.D.

Candidate (Archaeology).

Page 4: DEPARTMENT OF ARCHAEOLOGY & ANTHROPOLOGY · Archaeology and Anthropology has two strategic and long-term goals, each with several constituent areas of focus: 1. Advancing Knowledge

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VISION STATEMENT: Why do we do our work? We envision a world enriched by the knowledge and understanding of the human journey in all its dimensions, including the biological, cultural, material, and political. We believe that this knowledge and understanding should challenge past and present disparities in all forms and lead toward social equality, global partnership, community well-being, and environmental responsibility.

MISSION STATEMENT: How do we do it? We work towards implementing our vision by taking advantage of our unique disciplinary opportunity:

1. To explore commonalities and differences in human experiences throughout time and across communities and environments.

2. To engage interdisciplinarity and create bridges and understanding between disciplines. 3. To produce politically, socially, and culturally responsive knowledge that addresses the

needs and issues of the communities with whom we partner in our work. 4. To steward responsible management of cultural heritage and resources. 5. To create knowledgeable, curious, critical, and concerned students, graduates, teachers,

and researchers of the future.

STATEMENT OF STRATEGY: What do we do to fulfill our mission? In order to fulfill our mission and contribute to bringing our vision to fruition, the Department of Archaeology and Anthropology has two strategic and long-term goals, each with several constituent areas of focus:

1. Advancing Knowledge of the Past Human Experience in the Plains and Boreal Forest Regions of North America and Beyond a) Cultural Archaeology

Pre-Contact Archaeology

Historical Archaeology

Eurasian Prehistory

Cultural Resource Management b) Bioarchaeology

Skeletal Anatomy


Human Evolution

Forensic Anthropology c) Environmental archaeology


Paleobotany / Paleoethnobotany


Human Impact and Sustainability

2. Advancing Knowledge of Environments and Health in Local and Global Worlds a) Applied and Public Anthropology

Structural Violence & Social Justice

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Immigrant and Refugee Studies

Policy Analysis

Knowledge Translation b) Medical anthropology

Health Ethnography

Mental Health

Indigenous Health and Healing

Social Suffering and Well-Being c) Environmental anthropology

Political Ecology and Energy

Spirituality and Landscapes

Traditional Land Use

Environmental Risk

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What attributes do we want our graduates to have?

I. SUBJECT MATTER EXPERTISE As a result of their engagement with and completion of our degree programs, graduates will possess the subject matter expertise that enables them:

1. To demonstrate an ability to think critically, creatively, and ethnographically about human diversity through time and across space.

Anthropology I-1.1 To identify and explain the central role of culture in human behaviour: in our

localized adaptations, everyday lives and social interactions, collective beliefs, political processes, institutions, community dynamics, as well as our shared and distinct pasts and anticipated futures;

I-1.2 To demonstrate knowledge of, and respect for, various ways of knowing about the

world, including those of Indigenous Peoples and local cultural communities, and to understand how to situate these ways of knowing in a global context.

Archaeology I-1.1 To demonstrate knowledge of the past human experience of the Plains and Boreal

Forest regions and beyond, and to understand how human populations culturally adapted to their changing environments;

I-1.2 To recognize the importance of the holistic nature of the archaeological record.

2. To assess and apply practical and interpretive methods and theoretical frameworks for understanding past, present and future cultural and environmental patterns, phenomena, and agency.

Anthropology I-2.1 To analyze the ways in which anthropological models of culture have changed

through time; I-2.2 To recognize cultural dimensions in domains where they are not usually

acknowledged (e.g. technology, energy, science, business, health, and medicine); I-2.3 To analyze critically the representations of culture in popular media and science,

and to demonstrate an ability to identify an over-extension of quantitative and reductionist approaches in these representations.

I-2.4 To demonstrate a critical understanding of contemporary anthropological

community engagement in all its dimensions; I-2.5 To recognize the ways in which anthropological community engagement can

address contemporary and specific social issues, particularly those affecting Indigenous communities;

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Archaeology I-2.1 To question and expand accepted paradigms regarding the past and its

interpretation; I-2.2 To recognize the challenges and stages of archaeological investigation and

interpretation; I-2.3 To recognize the multi-vocality of traditional and/or popular assumptions about

human cultural and physical development; I-2.4 To demonstrate an ability to understand past and present human behaviour based

on complex but diverse datasets typical of archaeology; I-2.5 To relate inter- and multi-disciplinary traditions to the analysis of archaeological

evidence and to the preservation of cultural heritage.

II. SKILLS As a result of their engagement with and completion of our degree programs, graduates will possess a range of skills that enables them:

1. To communicate discipline-based knowledge and interdisciplinary perspectives effectively and comprehensively.

Anthropology II-1.1 To write sophisticated academic essays that present clear, evidence-based, and

ethnographically informed arguments; II-1.2 To represent the views, perspectives, and realities of individuals and communities in

fair, informed, non-judgmental, and creative ways; II-1.3 To articulate verbally and clearly the value and application of anthropological

concepts to a variety of audiences; II-1.4 To transfer the methods and results of anthropological research to other academic

environments, and to relate these methods and results to other (inter)disciplinary traditions;

II-1.5 To transfer anthropological research knowledge to community settings, including

governmental and non-governmental organizations (such as policy forums, cross-cultural workshops, and presentations to governmental agencies);

II-1.6 To disseminate anthropological knowledge to the broader public effectively. Archaeology II-1.1 To write sophisticated academic essays that present clear, evidence-based, and

archaeologically informed arguments; II-1.2 To articulate archaeological perspectives to a wide range of audiences;

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II-1.3 To formulate clear, concise, and critically informed arguments that support not only archaeological perspectives but the views of cultural communities as well;

II-1.4 To articulate the importance of protecting and preserving the archaeological record; II-1.5 To transfer the methods and results of archaeological research to other academic

disciplines; II-1.6 To disseminate archaeological knowledge to the broader public (such as policy

forums and presentations to private agencies) and to concerned stakeholders.

2. To demonstrate comprehensive knowledge of, and experience with, field-based research.

Anthropology II-2.1 To recognize the stages of ethnographic research, and to identify the value of each

stage to the understanding of contemporary lifeways; II-2.2 To employ ethnographic methods as part of broadly defined social science research; II-2.3 To conduct ethnographically-informed policy analyses; II-2.4 To demonstrate an ability to synthesize multiple sources of data, including primary

and secondary text-based sources; ethnographic materials, such as interviews and observational notes; policy documents; community-owned materials; and social networks.

II-2.5 To employ ethnographic knowledge in building community capacity for research,

assessment, program- and policy-development.

Archaeology II-2.1 To demonstrate an ability to recover, utilize, analyze, and evaluate archaeological

data; II-2.2 To problem solve using experiential and theoretical approaches in contexts where

textual interpretations or experimental methods have limited applicability; II-2.3 To work collaboratively, productively, and constructively in team-based situations; II-2.4 To survey, record, and interpret diachronic and synchronic change in the material,

environmental, and biological records associated with human and cultural development;

II-2.5 To demonstrate an ability to synthesize multiple sources of data, including primary

and secondary text-based sources; artifacts; human remains; museum collections; soil and plant samples; and oral historical accounts.

3. To demonstrate respect for, and endeavor to preserve cultural autonomy,

diversity, and heritage.

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Anthropology II-3.1 To demonstrate informed, critical, and engaged respect for contemporary cultural

traditions and priorities, particularly those of Canada’s First Nations, Métis and Inuit Peoples;

II-3.2 To recognize and seek to mitigate the negative effects of racism, “othering”,

primitivism, and stigma, especially as these relate to Aboriginal Peoples in Canada and to international Indigenous communities;

II-3.3 To promote local and global social justice and cultural rights; II-3.4 To demonstrate knowledge of and respect for the rights of cultural communities to

be fully informed about and engaged in research that pertains to them; II-3.5 To represent cultural traditions, patterns, priorities, and events in alignment with

principles of anthropological engagement. Archaeology II-3.1 To understand the federal and provincial legislation related to the management and

conservation of archaeological sites and materials; II-3.2 To protect the public investment in the preservation of archaeological materials; II-3.3 To represent the ties that contemporary communities have to the material records

of their shared and diverse pasts; II-3.4 To assess critically the multiple interpretations of cultural resources that may be

advanced by different parties; II-3.5 To demonstrate archaeological stewardship in the responsible and sustainable

management of cultural resources.

III. ATTITUDES AND VALUES As a result of their engagement with and completion of our degree programs, graduates will have developed attitudes and values that enable them:

1. To engage creatively, ethically, and critically in our culturally complex and dynamic world.

Anthropology III-1.1 To assess the cultural and political dimensions of our local and globalizing worlds

ethnographically with integrity, flexibility, and open-mindedness; III-1.2 To engage as enlightened and informed advocates for disenfranchised,

marginalized, and under-served cultural communities and individuals so as to make the communities where we work “better” places to live.


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III-1.1 To demonstrate the desire, confidence, and ability to approach the future based on an archaeologically grounded understanding of our present and past;

III-1.2 To contribute to an understanding of the local and regional past through

archaeological research, making Saskatchewan and Canada a “better” place to live.

2. To celebrate and advance archaeological and anthropological knowledge.

Anthropology III-2.1 To advocate for greater recognition and support for anthropological research,

education, and the importance of analyzing the cultural dimensions of contemporary human life;

III-2.2 To appreciate anthropology’s unique contributions and applications to the

preservation, analysis, and representation of contemporary and emergent cultural communities;

III-2.3 To respect and give prominence to the contributions of anthropology to advances in

social justice, Indigenous cultural rights (including environmental and land rights as well as governance), human rights, equitable distribution of and access to resources, and community health and well-being.

Archaeology III-2.1 To demonstrate a reflexive understanding of, and respect for, the positions

archaeologists hold as interpreters, stewards, and curators of the past vis-a-vis groups for whom cultural heritage is a crucial element of their current identity;

III-2.2 To appreciate the breadth of archaeology and its social science, natural science, and

humanistic contributions; III-2.3 To advocate for greater recognition and support for archaeological research,

education, and the importance of our shared cultural heritage.

Page 11: DEPARTMENT OF ARCHAEOLOGY & ANTHROPOLOGY · Archaeology and Anthropology has two strategic and long-term goals, each with several constituent areas of focus: 1. Advancing Knowledge

MAPPING PRORAM GOALS TO THE COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCE PROGRAM GOALS AND THE UNIVERSITY OF SASKATCHEWAN’S LEARNING CHARTER The College of Arts & Science implemented program goals organized around the following five themes of DEEPC Learning: 1. Develop a wide range of effective communication skills. 2. Encourage personal development, growth and responsibility. 3. Engage students in inquiry-based learning, critical thinking and creative processes. 4. Prepare thoughtful, world-minded, educated, engaged citizens. 5. Cultivate an understanding of and appreciation for the unique socio-cultural position of Aboriginal Peoples in Canada. The University of Saskatchewan’s Learning Charter advances a set of core learning objectives to guide each program of studies as appropriate. These are:

1. Discovery Goals: i) Apply critical and creative thinking to problems, including analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. ii) Be adept at learning in various ways, including independently, experientially, and in teams. iii) Possess intellectual flexibility, ability to manage change, and a zest for life-long learning.

2. Knowledge Goals: i) Have a comprehensive knowledge of the applicable subject area, discipline, or profession. ii) Understand how the applicable subject area may intersect with related disciplines. iii) Utilize and apply knowledge with judgment and prudence.

3. Integrity Goals: i) Exercise intellectual integrity and ethical behaviour. ii) Recognize and think through moral and ethical issues in a variety of contexts. iii) Recognize the limits to knowledge and act accordingly.

4. Skills Goals: i) Communicate clearly, substantively, and persuasively. ii) Be able to locate and use information effectively, ethically, and legally. iii) Be technologically literate, and able to apply appropriate skills of research and inquiry.

5. Citizenship Goals: i) Value diversity and the positive contributions this brings to society. ii) Share acquired knowledge and exercise leadership. iii) Contribute to society, locally, nationally or globally. The Department of Archaeology & Anthropology teaches students to think critically about, and to explore the human journey in all its dimensions, including the biological, cultural, material, and political. This document outlines how our departmental program goals advance those of the College of Arts and Science and the University’s Learning Charter. Our intent here is to highlight the strongest connections between the Department’s program goals and those of the University and College. As a multi-field Department, Archaeology & Anthropology:

Explores commonalities and differences in human experiences throughout time;

Builds bridges and understanding between disciplines;

Produces politically responsive knowledge to address the needs and issues of the communities with whom we partner in our work;

Stewards responsible management of cultural heritage and resources;

Cultivates knowledgeable, curious, critical, and concerned students, graduates, teachers, and researchers of the future.

Page 12: DEPARTMENT OF ARCHAEOLOGY & ANTHROPOLOGY · Archaeology and Anthropology has two strategic and long-term goals, each with several constituent areas of focus: 1. Advancing Knowledge

I. SUBJECT MATTER EXPERTISE As a result of their engagement with and completion of our degree programs, graduates will possess the subject matter expertise that enables them:

1. To demonstrate an ability to think critically, creatively, and ethnographically about human diversity through time and across space.

Anthropology I-1.1 To identify and explain the central role of culture in human

behaviour: in our localized adaptations, everyday lives and social interactions, collective beliefs, political processes, institutions, community dynamics, as well as our shared and distinct pasts and anticipated futures;

I-1.2 To demonstrate knowledge of, and respect for various ways of

knowing about the world, including those of Indigenous Peoples and local cultural communities, and to understand how to situate these ways of knowing in a global context.

Archaeology I-1.1 To demonstrate knowledge of the past human experience of the

Plains and Boreal Forest regions and beyond, and to understand how human populations culturally adapted to their changing environments;

I-1.2 To recognize the importance of the holistic nature of the

archaeological record.




College of Arts & Science


University of Saskatchewan Learning Charter


Apply critical and creative thinking to problems, including analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.

Have a comprehensive knowledge of subject area, discipline, or profession.

Value diversity and the positive contributions this brings to society.

Engage students in inquiry-based learning, critical thinking and creative processes.

Cultivate an understanding of and appreciation for the unique sociocultural position of Aboriginal Peoples in Canada.

Page 13: DEPARTMENT OF ARCHAEOLOGY & ANTHROPOLOGY · Archaeology and Anthropology has two strategic and long-term goals, each with several constituent areas of focus: 1. Advancing Knowledge

I. SUBJECT MATTER EXPERTISE, Continued… 2. To assess and apply practical and interpretive methods and theoretical

frameworks for understanding past, present, and future cultural and environmental patterns, phenomena, and agency.

Anthropology I-2.1 To analyze the ways in which anthropological models of culture

have changed through time;

I-2.2 To recognize cultural dimensions in domains where they are not usually acknowledged (e.g. technology, energy, science, business, health, and medicine);

I-2.3 To analyze critically the representations of culture in popular media and science, and to demonstrate an ability to identify an over-extension of quantitative and reductionist approaches in these representations.

I-2.4 To demonstrate a critical understanding of contemporary anthropological community engagement in all its dimensions;

I-2.5 To recognize the ways in which anthropological community engagement can address contemporary and specific social issues, particularly those affecting Indigenous communities;

Archaeology I-2.1 To question and expand accepted paradigms regarding the past and

its interpretation;

I-2.2 To recognize the challenges and stages of archaeological investigation and interpretation;

I-2.3 To recognize the multi-vocality of traditional and/or popular assumptions about human cultural and physical development;

I-2.4 To demonstrate an ability to understand past and present human behaviour based on complex but diverse datasets typical of archaeology;

I-2.5 To relate inter- and multi-disciplinary traditions to the analysis of archaeological evidence and to the preservation of cultural heritage.




College of Arts & Science


University of Saskatchewan Learning Charter


Apply critical and creative thinking to problems, including analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.

Possess intellectual flexibility, ability to manage change, and a zest for life-long learning.

Have a comprehensive knowledge of subject area, discipline, or profession.

Engage students in inquiry-based learning, critical thinking and creative processes.

Prepare thoughtful, world-minded, educated, engaged citizens.

Utilize and apply knowledge with judgment and prudence.

Understand how the subject area may intersect with related disciplines.

Page 14: DEPARTMENT OF ARCHAEOLOGY & ANTHROPOLOGY · Archaeology and Anthropology has two strategic and long-term goals, each with several constituent areas of focus: 1. Advancing Knowledge


1. To communicate discipline-based knowledge and interdisciplinary perspectives effectively and comprehensively.

Anthropology II-1.1 To write sophisticated academic essays that present clear, evidence-

based, and ethnographically informed arguments;

II-1.2 To represent the views, perspectives, and realities of individuals and communities in fair, informed, non-judgmental, and creative ways;

II-1.3 To articulate verbally and clearly the value and application of anthropological concepts to a variety of audiences;

II-1.4 To transfer the methods and results of anthropological research to other academic environments, and to relate these methods and results to other (inter)disciplinary traditions;

II-1.5 To transfer anthropological research knowledge to community settings, including governmental and non-governmental organizations (e.g. policy forums and cross-cultural workshops);

II-1.6 To disseminate anthropological knowledge to the broader public.

Archaeology II-1.1 To write sophisticated academic essays that present clear, evidence-

based, and archaeologically informed arguments;

II-1.2 To articulate archaeological perspectives to a wide range of audiences;

II-1.3 To formulate clear, concise, and critically informed arguments that support not only archaeological perspectives but the views of cultural communities as well;

II-1.4 To articulate the importance of protecting and preserving the archaeological record;

II-1.5 To transfer the methods and results of archaeological research to other academic disciplines;

II-1.6 To disseminate archaeological knowledge to the broader public (such as policy forums and presentations to private agencies) and to concerned stakeholders.




College of Arts & Science


University of Saskatchewan Learning Charter


Communicate clearly, substantively, and persuasively.

Share knowledge and exercise leadership.

Understand how the subject area may intersect with related disciplines.

Contribute to society, locally, nationally, or globally.

Prepare thoughtful, world-minded, educated, engaged citizens.

Encourage personal development, growth and responsibility.

Develop a wide range of effective communication skills.

Page 15: DEPARTMENT OF ARCHAEOLOGY & ANTHROPOLOGY · Archaeology and Anthropology has two strategic and long-term goals, each with several constituent areas of focus: 1. Advancing Knowledge

II. SKILLS, continued …

2. To demonstrate comprehensive knowledge of, and experience with, field-based research.

Anthropology II-2.1 To recognize the stages of ethnographic research, and to identify

the value of each stage to the understanding of contemporary lifeways;

II-2.2 To employ ethnographic methods as part of broadly defined social science research;

II-2.3 To conduct ethnographically-informed policy analyses;

II-2.4 To demonstrate an ability to synthesize multiple sources of data, including primary and secondary text-based sources; ethnographic materials, such as interviews and observational notes; policy documents; community-owned materials; and social networks.

II-2.5 To employ ethnographic knowledge in building community capacity for research, assessment, program- and policy-development.

Archaeology II-2.1 To demonstrate an ability to recover, utilize, analyze, and evaluate

archaeological data;

II-2.2 To problem solve using experiential and theoretical approaches in contexts where textual interpretations or experimental methods have limited applicability;

II-2.3 To work collaboratively, productively, and constructively in team-based situations;

II-2.4 To survey, record, and interpret diachronic and synchronic change in the material, environmental, and biological records associated with human and cultural development;

II-2.5 To demonstrate an ability to synthesize multiple sources of data, including primary and secondary text-based sources; artifacts; human remains; museum collections; soil and plant samples; and oral historical accounts.




College of Arts & Science


University of Saskatchewan Learning Charter


Apply critical and creative thinking to problems, including analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.

Utilize and apply knowledge with judgment and prudence.

Be adept at learning in various ways, including independently, experientially, and in teams.

Be technologically literate, and able to apply appropriate skills of research and inquiry.

Engage students in inquiry-based learning, critical thinking and creative processes.

Cultivate an understanding of and appreciation for the unique sociocultural position of Aboriginal Peoples in Canada.

Page 16: DEPARTMENT OF ARCHAEOLOGY & ANTHROPOLOGY · Archaeology and Anthropology has two strategic and long-term goals, each with several constituent areas of focus: 1. Advancing Knowledge

II. SKILLS, Continued… 3. To demonstrate respect for, and endeavor to preserve cultural

autonomy, diversity, and heritage.

Anthropology II-3.1 To demonstrate informed, critical, and engaged respect for

contemporary cultural traditions and priorities, particularly those of Canada’s First Nations, Métis and Inuit Peoples;

II-3.2 To recognize and seek to mitigate the negative effects of racism, “othering”, primitivism, and stigma, especially as these relate to Aboriginal Peoples in Canada and to international Indigenous communities;

II-3.3 To promote local and global social justice and cultural rights;

II-3.4 To demonstrate knowledge of and respect for the rights of cultural communities to be fully informed about and engaged in research that pertains to them;

II-3.5 To represent cultural traditions, patterns, priorities, and events in alignment with principles of anthropological engagement.

Archaeology II-3.1 To understand the federal and provincial legislation related to the

management and conservation of archaeological sites and materials;

II-3.2 To protect the public investment in the preservation of archaeological materials;

II-3.3 To represent the ties that contemporary communities have to the material records of their shared and diverse pasts;

II-3.4 To assess critically the multiple interpretations of cultural resources that may be advanced by different parties;

II-3.5 To demonstrate archaeological stewardship in the responsible and sustainable management of cultural resources.




College of Arts & Science


University of Saskatchewan Learning Charter


Apply critical and creative thinking to problems, including analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.

Utilize and apply knowledge with judgment and prudence.

Recognize the limits to knowledge and act accordingly.

Prepare thoughtful, world-minded, educated, engaged citizens.

Encourage personal development, growth and responsibility.

Cultivate an understanding of and appreciation for the unique sociocultural position of Aboriginal Peoples in Canada.

Be able to locate and use information effectively, ethically, and legally.

Page 17: DEPARTMENT OF ARCHAEOLOGY & ANTHROPOLOGY · Archaeology and Anthropology has two strategic and long-term goals, each with several constituent areas of focus: 1. Advancing Knowledge

III. ATTITUDES AND VALUES 1. To engage creatively, ethically, and critically in our culturally

complex and dynamic world.

Anthropology III-1.1 To assess the cultural and political dimensions of our local and

globalizing worlds ethnographically with integrity, flexibility, and open-mindedness;

III-1.2 To engage as enlightened and informed advocates for disenfranchised, marginalized, and under-served cultural communities and individuals so as to make the communities where we work “better” places to live.

Archaeology III-1.1 To demonstrate the desire, confidence, and ability to approach the

future based on an archaeologically grounded understanding of our present and past;

III-1.2 To contribute to an understanding of the local and regional past through archaeological research, making Saskatchewan and Canada a “better” place to live.




College of Arts & Science


University of Saskatchewan Learning Charter


Exercise intellectual integrity and ethical behaviour.

Contribute to society, locally, nationally, or globally.

Encourage personal development, growth and responsibility.

Prepare thoughtful, world-minded, educated, engaged citizens.

Recognize and think through moral and ethical issues in a variety of contexts.

Page 18: DEPARTMENT OF ARCHAEOLOGY & ANTHROPOLOGY · Archaeology and Anthropology has two strategic and long-term goals, each with several constituent areas of focus: 1. Advancing Knowledge


2. To celebrate and advance archaeological and anthropological knowledge.

Anthropology III-2.1 To advocate for greater recognition and support for anthropological

research, education, and the importance of analyzing the cultural dimensions of contemporary human life;

III-2.2 To appreciate anthropology’s unique contributions and applications to the preservation, analysis, and representation of contemporary and emergent cultural communities;

III-2.3 To demonstrate respect for, and give prominence to, the contributions of anthropology to advances in social justice, Indigenous cultural rights (including environmental and land rights as well as governance), human rights, equitable distribution of and access to resources, and community health and well-being.

Archaeology III-2.1 To demonstrate a reflexive understanding of, and respect for, the

positions archaeologists hold as interpreters, stewards, and curators of the past vis-a-vis groups for whom cultural heritage is a crucial element of their current identity;

III-2.2 To appreciate the breadth of archaeology and its social science, natural science, and humanistic contributions;

III-2.3 To advocate for greater recognition and support for archaeological research, education, and the importance of our shared cultural heritage.




College of Arts & Science


University of Saskatchewan Learning Charter


Have a comprehensive knowledge of the subject area, discipline, or profession.

Value diversity and the positive contributions this brings to society.

Share knowledge and exercise leadership.

Encourage personal development, growth and responsibility.

Prepare thoughtful, world-minded, educated, engaged citizens.

Cultivate an understanding of and appreciation for the unique sociocultural position of Aboriginal Peoples in Canada.

Understand how the subject area may intersect with related disciplines.

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COURSE ALIGNMENT WITH PROGRAM GOALS In mapping our existing courses onto our Program Goals, the Department of Archaeology & Anthropology aimed: (1) to include only those courses that are have been recently taught; (2) to align courses with program goals only when those courses met that goal in measurable and significant ways; and (3) to assess the overall proportion of courses that meet each program goal. Initially, we intended to distinguish between those courses that meet each program goal through teaching and those that meet each program goal through evaluation/assessment. However, we found this distinction too artificial and ultimately we mapped courses to program goals on a one-to-one basis. Overall, each specific program goal is met through no fewer than five courses and as many as 24 courses. In interpreting the proportion of courses associated with each program goal, it is important to keep in mind that although we only mapped courses that have been recently taught, we used the total number of Archaeology (n=34) and Anthropology (n=26) courses currently listed in the University of Saskatchewan calendar in order to situate each program goal within the broader curricular context. This will assist us in determining what course additions and deletions we will make in the future. Additionally, some program goals – particularly those involving community engagement and fieldwork practice – have a more limited number of courses associated with them because of the limitations of community and/or laboratory capacity. We will use these results to develop proposals for additional resources.

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I. SUBJECT MATTER EXPERTISE As a result of their engagement with and completion of our degree programs, graduates will possess the subject matter expertise that enables them: 1. To demonstrate an ability to think critically, creatively, and ethnographically about human diversity

through time and across space. Anthropology

I-1.1 To identify and explain the central role of culture in human behaviour: in our localized adaptations, everyday lives and social interactions, collective beliefs, political processes, institutions, community dynamics, as well as our shared and distinct pasts and anticipated futures.

Courses that meet this goal in a measurable and significant way: ANTH 111.3: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology ANTH 224.3: North American Plains Ethnography ANTH 226.3: Business & Industrial Anthropology ANTH 227.3: Cultures of Central & Easter Europe ANTH 230.3: Introduction to Cultural Dynamics ANTH 231.3: Cross Cultural Perspectives on Health Systems ANTH 232.3: Peoples and Cultures of South Asia ANTH 233.3: Anthropological Perspectives on Contemporary Ukraine ANTH 235.3: Anthropological Approaches to Ethnicity & Ethnic Groups ANTH 240.3: Cultural Landscapes and Environments ANTH 302.3: Ethnographic Research ANTH 310.3: Anthropology of Gender ANTH 321.3: Myth, Ritual and Symbolism ANTH 326.3: Principles of Applied Anthropology ANTH 329.3: Environmental Anthropology ANTH 330.3: Oral History & Storytelling ANTH 332.3: Anthropology of Contagion & Infectious Disease ANTH 337.3: Economic Anthropology & Economic Development ANTH 339.3: Culture Change ANTH 401.3: Honours Essay ANTH 403.3 Anthropology of Healing ANTH 422.3: Contemporary Ethnological Theory ANTH 498.3 Anthropology of Experience

I-1.2 To demonstrate knowledge of, and respect for, various ways of knowing about the world, including

those of Indigenous Peoples and local cultural communities, and to understand how to situate these ways of knowing in a global context.

Courses that meet this goal in a measurable and significant way: ANTH 111.3: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology ANTH 224.3: North American Plains Ethnography ANTH 226.3: Business & Industrial Anthropology ANTH 227.3: Cultures of Central & Easter Europe ANTH 230.3: Introduction to Cultural Dynamics

Percentage of



meeting this

goal: 88%

Percentage of



meeting this

goal: 58%

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ANTH 231.3: Cross Cultural Perspectives on Health Systems ANTH 240.3: Cultural Landscapes and Environments ANTH 321.3: Myth, Ritual and Symbolism ANTH 330.3: Oral History & Storytelling ANTH 332.3: Anthropology of Contagion & Infectious Disease ANTH 329.3: Environmental Anthropology ANTH 401.3: Honours Essay ANTH 403.3: Anthropology of Healing ANTH 422.3: Contemporary Ethnological Theory ANTH 498.3: Anthropology of Experience


I-1.1 To demonstrate knowledge of the past human experience of the Plains and Boreal Forest regions and beyond, and to understand how human populations culturally adapted to their changing environments.

Courses that meet this goal in a measurable and significant way: ARCH 112.3: The Human Journey (Introduction to Archaeology and Biological Anthropology) ARCH 116.3 : Introduction to Near Eastern and Classical Archaeology ARCH 244.3: Archaeology and Cultural Development Ancient Israel and Syria Late Bronze Age to Hellenistic Period ARCH 250.3: Introduction to Archaeological Science ARCH 257.3: Archaeology of Ancient Egypt ARCH 258.3: Archaeology of Ancient Mesopotamia ARCH 270.3: Human Evolution ARCH 344.3: Archaeology of Gender ARCH 350.3: Introduction to Boreal Forest Archaeology ARCH 353.3: Plains Archaeology ARCH 354.3 The Archaeology of Culture Contact ARCH 356.3: Development of Complex Cultures in Eastern Mediterranean and Near Eastern Regions ARCH 357.3: The Archaeology of Prairie Settlement ARCH 383.3: Career Internship in Cultural Resource Management ARCH 457.3: Introduction to Prehistoric Pottery Technology ARCH 459.3: Geoarchaeology

I-1.2 To recognize the importance of the holistic nature of the archaeological record.

Courses that meet this goal in a measurable and significant way: ARCH 112.3: The Human Journey (Introduction to Archaeology and Biological Anthropology) ARCH 116.3: Introduction to Near Eastern and Classical Archaeology ARCH 244.3: Archaeology and Cultural Development Ancient Israel and Syria Late Bronze to Hellenistic Period ARCH 251.3: Archaeological Interpretation ARCH 252.3: Near Eastern Archaeological Field Work ARCH 257.3: Archaeology of Ancient Egypt ARCH 258.3 Archaeology of Ancient Mesopotamia ARCH 270.3: Human Evolution ARCH 350.3: Introduction to Boreal Forest Archaeology

Percentage of



meeting this

goal: 47%

Percentage of



meeting this

goal: 50%

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ARCH 352.3: Historical Archaeology ARCH 353.3: Plains Archaeology ARCH 356.3: Development of Complex Cultures in Eastern Mediterranean and Near Eastern Regions ARCH 398.3: Practical Problems in Archaeological Interpretation ARCH 458.6: Zooarchaeology ARCH 459.3: Geoarchaeology ARCH 462.3: Contemporary Archaeological Theory ARCH 465.3: Spatial Analysis of Archaeological Data

2. To assess and apply practical and interpretive methods and theoretical frameworks for understanding

past, present and future cultural and environmental patterns, phenomena, and agency. Anthropology

I-2.1 To analyze the ways in which anthropological models of culture have changed through time.

Courses that meet this goal in a measurable and significant way: ANTH 111.3: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology ANTH 231.3: Cross Cultural Perspectives on Health Systems ANTH 235.3: Anthropological Approaches to Ethnicity & Ethnic Groups ANTH 310.3: Anthropology of Gender ANTH 321.3: Myth, Ritual, and Symbolism ANTH 329.3: Environmental Anthropology ANTH 332.3: Anthropology of Contagion & Infectious Disease ANTH 337.3: Economic Anthropology & Economic Development ANTH 339.3: Cultural Change ANTH 403.3: Anthropology of Healing ANTH 421.3: Historical Perspectives on Ethnological Theory ANTH 422.3: Contemporary Ethnological Theory ANTH 498.3: Anthropology of Experience

I-2.2 To recognize cultural dimensions in domains where they are not usually acknowledged (e.g.

technology, energy, science, business, health, and medicine).

Courses that meet this goal in a measurable and significant way: ANTH 111.3: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology ANTH 226.3: Business & Industrial Anthropology ANTH 231.3: Cross Cultural Perspectives on Health Systems ANTH 235.3: Anthropological Approaches to Ethnicity & Ethnic Groups ANTH 244.3: Political Ecology ANTH 302.3: Ethnographic Research ANTH 321.3: Myth, Ritual, and Symbolism ANTH 326.3: Principles of Applied Anthropology ANTH 329.3: Environmental Anthropology ANTH 332.3: Anthropology of Contagion & Infectious Disease ANTH 337.3: Economic Anthropology & Economic Development ANTH 332.3: Anthropology of Contagion & Infectious Disease ANTH 401.3: Honours Essay ANTH 498.3: Anthropology of Experience

Percentage of



meeting this

goal: 50%

Percentage of



meeting this

goal: 54%

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I-2.3 To analyze critically the representations of culture in popular media and science, and to

demonstrate an ability to identify an over-extension of quantitative and reductionist approaches in these representations.

Courses that meet this goal in a measurable and significant way: ANTH 111.3: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology ANTH 231.3: Cross Cultural Perspectives on Health Systems ANTH 235.3: Anthropological Approaches to Ethnicity & Ethnic Groups ANTH 302.3: Ethnographic Research ANTH 310.3: Anthropology of Gender ANTH 332.3: Anthropology of Contagion & Infectious Disease ANTH 329.3: Environmental Anthropology ANTH 401.3: Honours Essay ANTH 403.3: Anthropology of Healing ANTH 422.3: Contemporary Ethnological Theory

I-2.4 To demonstrate a critical understanding of contemporary anthropological community engagement

in all its dimensions.

Courses that meet this goal in a measurable and significant way: ANTH 226.3: Business & Industrial Anthropology ANTH 231.3: Cross Cultural Perspectives on Health Systems ANTH 240.3: Cultural Landscapes and Environments ANTH 244.3: Political Ecology ANTH 302.3: Ethnographic Research ANTH 310.3: Anthropology of Gender ANTH 332.3: Anthropology of Contagion & Infectious Disease ANTH 321.3: Myth, Ritual, and Symbolism ANTH 326.3: Principles of Applied Anthropology ANTH 329.3: Environmental Anthropology ANTH 330.3: Oral History & Storytelling ANTH 332.3: Anthropology of Contagion & Infectious Disease ANTH 337.3: Economic Anthropology & Economic Development ANTH 339.3: Cultural Change ANTH 403: Anthropology of Healing ANTH 498: Anthropology of Experience

I-2.5 To recognize the ways in which anthropological community engagement can address

contemporary and specific social issues, particularly those affecting Indigenous communities.

Courses that meet this goal in a measurable and significant way: ANTH 224.3: North American Plains Ethnography ANTH 240.3: Cultural Landscapes and Environments ANTH 244.3: Political Ecology ANTH 302.3: Ethnographic Research

Percentage of



meeting this

goal: 39%

Percentage of



meeting this

goal: 62%

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ANTH 321.3: Myth, Ritual, and Symbolism ANTH 326.3: Principles of Applied Anthropology ANTH 329.3: Environmental Anthropology ANTH 330.3: Oral History & Storytelling ANTH 332.3: Anthropology of Contagion & Infectious Disease ANTH 231.3: Cross Cultural Perspectives on Health Systems ANTH 339.3: Cultural Change ANTH 403: Anthropology of Healing


I-2.1 To question and expand accepted paradigms regarding the past and its interpretation.

Courses that meet this goal in a measurable and significant way: ARCH 112.3: The Human Journey (Introduction to Archaeology and Biological Anthropology) ARCH 116.3: Introduction to Near Eastern and Classical Archaeology ARCH 244.3: Archaeology and Cultural Development Ancient Israel and Syria Late Bronze to Hellenistic Period ARCH 251.3: Archaeological Interpretation ARCH 252.3: Near Eastern Archaeological Field Work ARCH 270.3: Human Evolution ARCH 344.3: Archaeology of Gender ARCH 352.3: Historical Archaeology ARCH 356.3: Development of Complex Cultures in Eastern Mediterranean and Near Eastern Regions ARCH 385.3: Computer Applications in Archaeology ARCH 462.3: Contemporary Archaeological Theory ARCH 472.3: Paleopathology

I-2.2 To recognize the challenges and stages of archaeological investigation and interpretation.

Courses that meet this goal in a measurable and significant way: ARCH 116.3: Introduction to Near Eastern and Classical Archaeology ARCH 244.3 Archaeology and Cultural Development Ancient Israel and Syria Late Bronze Age to Hellenistic Period ARCH 250.3: Introduction to Archaeological Science ARCH 251.3: Archaeological Interpretation ARCH 252.3: Near Eastern Archaeological Field Work ARCH 257.3: Archaeology of Ancient Egypt ARCH 258.3: Archaeology of Ancient Mesopotamia ARCH 350.3: Introduction to Boreal Forest Archaeology ARCH 352.3: Historical Archaeology ARCH 356.3: Development of Complex Cultures in Eastern Mediterranean and Near Eastern Regions ARCH 361.6: Archaeological Field School ARCH 385.3: Computer Applications in Archaeology ARCH 398.3: Practical Problems in Archaeological Interpretation ARCH 459.3: Geoarchaeology ARCH 452.3: Selected Topics in Archaeology: Archaeological Survey in Theory and Practice

Percentage of



meeting this

goal: 41%

Percentage of



meeting this

goal: 35%

Percentage of



meeting this

goal: 50%

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ARCH 462.3: Contemporary Archaeological Theory ARCH 465.3: Spatial Analysis of Archaeological Data

I-2.3 To recognize the multi-vocality of traditional and/or popular assumptions about human cultural

and physical development.

Courses that meet this goal in a measurable and significant way: ARCH 112.3: The Human Journey (Introduction to Archaeology and Biological Anthropology) ARCH 116.3 Introduction to Near Eastern and Classical Archaeology ARCH 244.3 Archaeology and Cultural Development Ancient Israel and Syria Late Bronze Age to Hellenistic Period ARCH 257.3: Archaeology of Ancient Egypt ARCH 258.3: Archaeology of Ancient Mesopotamia ARCH 270.3: Human Evolution ARCH 344.3: Archaeology of Gender ARCH 398.3: Archaeology of Human Environmental Impact ARCH 462.3: Contemporary Archaeological Theory

I-2.4 To demonstrate an ability to understand past and present human behaviour based on complex but

diverse datasets typical of archaeology.

Courses that meet this goal in a measurable and significant way: ARCH 116.3 Introduction to Near Eastern and Classical Archaeology ARCH 244.3 Archaeology and Cultural Development Ancient Israel and Syria Late Bronze Age to Hellenistic Period ARCH 250.3: Introduction to Archaeological Science ARCH 251.3: Archaeological Interpretation ARCH 252.3 Near Eastern Archaeological Field Work ARCH 257.3 Archaeology of Ancient Egypt ARCH 258.3 Archaeology of Ancient Mesopotamia ARCH 270.3: Human Evolution ARCH 350.3: Introduction to Boreal Forest Archaeology ARCH 353.3: Plains Archaeology ARCH 356.3 Development of Complex Cultures in Eastern Mediterranean and Near Eastern Regions ARCH 357.3: Archaeology of Prairie Settlement ARCH 385.3 Computer Applications in Archaeology ARCH 398.3: Archaeology of Human Environmental Impact ARCH 452.3 Selected Topics in Archaeology: Archaeological Survey in Theory and Practice ARCH 465.3 Spatial Analysis of Archaeological Data ARCH 472.3: Paleopathology

I-2.5 To relate inter- and multi-disciplinary traditions to the analysis of archaeological evidence and to

the preservation of cultural heritage.

Courses that meet this goal in a measurable and significant way: ARCH 112.3: The Human Journey (Introduction to Archaeology and Biological Anthropology)

Percentage of



meeting this

goal: 27%

Percentage of



meeting this

goal: 50%

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ARCH 116.3 Introduction to Near Eastern and Classical Archaeology ARCH 270.3: Human Evolution ARCH 352.3: Historical Archaeology ARCH 357.3: Archaeology of Prairie Settlement ARCH 385.3: Computer Applications in Archaeology ARCH 361.6: Archaeological Field School ARCH 398.3: Practical Problems in Archaeological Interpretation ARCH 452.3: Selected Topics in Archaeology: Archaeological Survey in Theory and Practice ARCH 459.3: Geoarchaeology ARCH 462.3: Contemporary Archaeological Theory ARCH 465.3: Spatial Analysis of Archaeological Data ARCH 472.3: Paleopathology

II. SKILLS As a result of their engagement with and completion of our degree programs, graduates will possess a range of skills that enables them: 1. To communicate discipline-based knowledge and interdisciplinary perspectives effectively and

comprehensively. Anthropology

II-1.1 To write sophisticated academic essays that present clear, evidence-based, and ethnographically informed arguments.

Courses that meet this goal in a measurable and significant way: ANTH 224.3: North American Plains Ethnography ANTH 226.3: Business & Industrial Anthropology ANTH 227.3: Cultures of Central & Eastern Europe ANTH 230.3: Introduction to Cultural Dynamics ANTH 231.3: Cross Cultural Perspectives on Health Systems ANTH 232.3: Peoples and Cultures of South Asia ANTH 235.3: Anthropological Approaches to Ethnicity & Ethnic Groups ANTH 240.3: Cultural Landscapes and Environments ANTH 244.3 Political Ecology ANTH 302.3: Ethnographic Research ANTH 310.3: Anthropology of Gender ANTH 321.3: Myth, Ritual, and Symbolism ANTH 326.3 Principles of Applied Anthropology ANTH 328.3: Political and Legal Anthropology ANTH 329.3: Environmental Anthropology ANTH 330.3: Oral History & Storytelling ANTH 332.3: Anthropology of Contagion & Infectious Disease ANTH 337.3: Economic Anthropology & Economic Development ANTH 339.3 Cultural Change ANTH 401.3: Honours Essay ANTH 403.3 Anthropology of Health ANTH 421.3: Historical Perspectives on Ethnological Theory ANTH 422.3: Contemporary Ethnological Theory

Percentage of



meeting this

goal: 38%

Percentage of



meeting this

goal: 92%

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ANTH 498.3 Anthropology of Experience II-1.2 To represent the views, perspectives, and realities of individuals and communities in fair,

informed, non-judgmental, and creative ways.

Courses that meet this goal in a measurable and significant way: ANTH 111.3: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology ANTH 224.3: North American Plains Ethnography ANTH 226.3: Business & Industrial Anthropology ANTH 227.3: Cultures of Central & Eastern Europe ANTH 230.3: Introduction to Cultural Dynamics ANTH 231.3: Cross Cultural Perspectives on Health Systems ANTH 232.3: Peoples and Cultures of South Asia ANTH 235.3: Anthropological Approaches to Ethnicity & Ethnic Groups ANTH 240.3: Cultural Landscapes and Environments ANTH 302.3: Ethnographic Research ANTH 310.3: Anthropology of Gender ANTH 332.3: Anthropology of Contagion & Infectious Disease ANTH 321.3: Myth, Ritual, and Symbolism ANTH 329.3: Environmental Anthropology ANTH 330.3: Oral History & Storytelling ANTH 332.3: Anthropology of Contagion & Infectious Disease ANTH 337.3: Economic Anthropology & Economic Development ANTH 339.3: Cultural Change ANTH 403.3: Anthropology of Healing

II-1.3 To articulate verbally and clearly the value and application of anthropological concepts to a variety

of audiences.

Courses that meet this goal in a measurable and significant way: ANTH 111.3: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology ANTH 226.3: Business & Industrial Anthropology ANTH 227.3: Cultures of Central & Eastern Europe ANTH 230.3: Introduction to Cultural Dynamics ANTH 236.3 Principles of Applied Anthropology ANTH 244.3 Political Ecology ANTH 302.3: Ethnographic Research ANTH 310.3: Anthropology of Gender ANTH 330.3: Oral History and Storytelling ANTH 332.3: Anthropology of Contagion & Infectious Disease ANTH 321.3: Myth, Ritual, and Symbolism ANTH 329.3: Environmental Anthropology ANTH 332.3: Anthropology of Contagion & Infectious Disease ANTH 422.3: Contemporary Ethnological Theory ANTH 403.3: Anthropology of Healing

Percentage of



meeting this

goal: 73%

Percentage of



meeting this

goal: 58%

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II-1.4 To transfer the methods and results of anthropological research to other academic environments, and to relate these methods and results to other (inter)disciplinary traditions.

Courses that meet this goal in a measurable and significant way: ANTH 226.3: Business & Industrial Anthropology ANTH 227.3: Cultures of Central & Eastern Europe ANTH 244.3: Political Ecology ANTH 302.3: Ethnographic Research ANTH 310.3: Anthropology of Gender ANTH 321.3: Myth, Ritual, and Symbolism ANTH 326.3: Principles of Applied Anthropology ANTH 329.3: Environmental Anthropology ANTH 330.3: Oral History & Storytelling ANTH 332.3: Anthropology of Contagion & Infectious Disease ANTH 403.3 Anthropology of Healing ANTH 422.3: Contemporary Ethnological Theory ANTH 498.3 Anthropology of Experience

II-1.5 To transfer anthropological research knowledge to community settings, including governmental

and non-governmental organizations (such as policy forums, cross-cultural workshops, and presentations to governmental agencies).

Courses that meet this goal in a measurable and significant way: ANTH 226.3: Business & Industrial Anthropology ANTH 244.3: Political Ecology ANTH 302.3: Ethnographic Research ANTH 310.3: Anthropology of Gender ANTH 326.3 Principles of Applied Anthropology ANTH 332.3: Anthropology of Contagion & Infectious Disease

II-1.6 To disseminate anthropological knowledge to the broader public effectively.

Courses that meet this goal in a measurable and significant way: ANTH 111.3: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology ANTH 244.3: Political Ecology ANTH 302.3: Ethnographic Research ANTH 326.3 Principles of Applied Anthropology ANTH 310.3: Anthropology of Gender ANTH 332.3: Anthropology of Contagion & Infectious Disease ANTH 403.3: Anthropology of Healing


II-1.1 To write sophisticated academic essays that present clear, evidence-based, and archaeologically informed arguments.

Courses that meet this goal in a measurable and significant way: ARCH 116.3 Introduction to Near Eastern and Classical Archaeology

Percentage of



meeting this

goal: 50%

Percentage of



meeting this

goal: 23%

Percentage of



meeting this

goal: 27%

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ARCH 244.3 Archaeology and Cultural Development Ancient Israel and Syria Late Bronze Age to Hellenistic Period ARCH 250.3: Introduction to Archaeological Science ARCH 252.3 Near Eastern Archaeological Field Work ARCH 257.3 Archaeology of Ancient Egypt ARCH 258.3 Archaeology of Ancient Mesopotamia ARCH 344.3: Archaeology of Gender ARCH 350.3: Introduction to Boreal Forest Archaeology ARCH 352.3 Historical Archaeology ARCH 353.3: Plains Archaeology ARCH 356.3 Development of Complex Cultures in Eastern Mediterranean and Near Eastern Regions ARCH 357.3 Archaeology of Prairie Settlement ARCH 385.3 Computer Applications in Archaeology ARCH 398.3: Practical Problems in Archaeological Interpretation ARCH 452.3 Selected Topics in Archaeology: Archaeological Survey in Theory and Practice ARCH 462.3: Contemporary Archaeological Theory ARCH 465.3 Spatial Analysis of Archaeological Data

II-1.2 To articulate archaeological perspectives to a wide range of audiences.

Courses that meet this goal in a measurable and significant way: ARCH 112.3: The Human Journey (Introduction to Archaeology and Biological Anthropology) ARCH 116.3 Introduction to Near Eastern and Classical Archaeology ARCH 244.3 Archaeology and Cultural Development Ancient Israel and Syria Late Bronze Age to Hellenistic Period ARCH 252.3 Near Eastern Archaeological Field Work ARCH 257.3 Archaeology of Ancient Egypt ARCH 258.3 Archaeology of Ancient Mesopotamia ARCH 356.3 Development of Complex Cultures in Eastern Mediterranean and Near Eastern Regions ARCH 361.6: Archaeological Field School ARCH 462.3: Contemporary Archaeological Theory

II-1.3 To formulate clear, concise, and critically informed arguments that support not only archaeological

perspectives but the views of cultural communities as well.

Courses that meet this goal in a measurable and significant way: ARCH 244.3 Archaeology and Cultural Development Ancient Israel and Syria Late Bronze Age to Hellenistic Period ARCH 257.3 Archaeology of Ancient Egypt ARCH 258.3 Archaeology of Ancient Mesopotamia ARCH 344.3: Archaeology of Gender ARCH 350.3: Introduction to Boreal Forest Archaeology ARCH 356.3 Development of Complex Cultures in Eastern Mediterranean and Near Eastern Regions ARCH 360.3: Archaeological Resource Management ARCH 385.3 Computer Applications in Archaeology

Percentage of



meeting this

goal: 50%

Percentage of



meeting this

goal: 27%

Percentage of



meeting this

goal: 32%

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ARCH 452.3 Selected Topics in Archaeology: Archaeological Survey in Theory and Practice ARCH 462.3: Contemporary Archaeological Theory ARCH 465.3 Spatial Analysis of Archaeological Data

II-1.4 To articulate the importance of protecting and preserving the archaeological record.

Courses that meet this goal in a measurable and significant way: ARCH 112.3: The Human Journey (Introduction to Archaeology and Biological Anthropology) ARCH 244.3 Archaeology and Cultural Development Ancient Israel and Syria Late Bronze Age to Hellenistic Period ARCH 257.3 Archaeology of Ancient Egypt ARCH 258.3 Archaeology of Ancient Mesopotamia ARCH 356.3 Development of Complex Cultures in Eastern Mediterranean and Near Eastern Regions ARCH 360.3: Archaeological Resource Management ARCH 385.3 Computer Applications in Archaeology ARCH 361.6: Archaeological Field School ARCH 452.3: Selected Topics in Archaeology: Archaeological Survey in Theory and Practice ARCH 462.3: Contemporary Archaeological Theory ARCH 465.3 Spatial Analysis of Archaeological Data

II-1.5 To transfer the methods and results of archaeological research to other academic disciplines.

Courses that meet this goal in a measurable and significant way: ARCH 385.3 Computer Applications in Archaeology ARCH 398.3: Archaeology of Human Environmental Impact ARCH 452.3 Selected Topics in Archaeology: Archaeological Survey in Theory and Practice ARCH 459.3: Geoarchaeology ARCH 462.3: Contemporary Archaeological Theory ARCH 465.3: Spatial Analysis of Archaeological Data ARCH 470.3: Human Osteology ARCH 471.3: Forensic Anthropology ARCH 472.3: Paleopathology

II-1.6 To disseminate archaeological knowledge to the broader public (such as policy forums and

presentations to private agencies) and to concerned stakeholders.

Courses that meet this goal in a measurable and significant way: ARCH 360.3: Archaeological Resource Management ARCH 361.6: Archaeological Field School ARCH 385.3 Computer Applications in Archaeology ARCH 452.3 Selected Topics in Archaeology: Archaeological Survey in Theory and Practice ARCH 462.3: Contemporary Archaeological Theory

Percentage of



meeting this

goal: 32%

Percentage of



meeting this

goal: 27%

Percentage of



meeting this

goal: 18%

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ARCH 465.3 Spatial Analysis of Archaeological Data 2. To demonstrate comprehensive knowledge of, and experience with, field-based research. Anthropology

II-2.1 To recognize the stages of ethnographic research, and to identify the value of each stage to the understanding of contemporary lifeways.

Courses that meet this goal in a measurable and significant way: ANTH 224.3: North American Plains Ethnography ANTH 302.3: Ethnographic Research ANTH 310.3: Anthropology of Gender ANTH 326.3: Principles of Applied Anthropology ANTH 329.3: Environmental Anthropology ANTH 330.3: Oral History & Storytelling ANTH 403.3 Anthropology of Healing ANTH 498.3 Anthropology of Experience

II-2.2 To employ ethnographic methods as part of broadly defined social science research.

Courses that meet this goal in a measurable and significant way: ANTH 240.3: Cultural Landscapes and Environments ANTH 302.3: Ethnographic Research ANTH 321.3: Myth, Ritual, and Symbolism ANTH 326.3: Principles of Applied Anthropology ANTH 330.3: Oral History & Storytelling ANTH 403.3 Anthropology of Healing ANTH 498.3 Anthropology of Experience

II-2.3 To conduct ethnographically-informed policy analyses.

Courses that meet this goal in a measurable and significant way: ANTH 227.3: Cultures of Central & Eastern Europe ANTH 310.3: Anthropology of Gender ANTH 326.3: Principles of Applied Anthropology ANTH 329.3: Environmental Anthropology ANTH 332.3: Anthropology of Contagion & Infectious Disease ANTH 403.3 Anthropology of Healing

II-2.4 To demonstrate an ability to synthesize multiple sources of data, including primary and secondary

text-based sources; ethnographic materials, such as interviews and observational notes; policy documents; community-owned materials; and social networks.

Courses that meet this goal in a measurable and significant way: ANTH 227.3: Cultures of Central & Eastern Europe

Percentage of



meeting this

goal: 31%

Percentage of



meeting this

goal: 27%

Percentage of



meeting this

goal: 23%

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ANTH 302.3: Ethnographic Research ANTH 310.3: Anthropology of Gender ANTH 326.3: Principles of Applied Anthropology ANTH 330.3: Oral History & Storytelling ANTH 332.3: Anthropology of Contagion & Infectious Disease

II-2.5 To employ ethnographic knowledge in building community capacity for research, assessment,

program- and policy-development.

Courses that meet this goal in a measurable and significant way: ANTH 310.3: Anthropology of Gender ANTH 326.3: Principles of Applied Anthropology ANTH 332.3: Anthropology of Contagion & Infectious Disease ANTH 403.3: Anthropology of Healing


II-2.1 To demonstrate an ability to recover, utilize, analyze, and evaluate archaeological data.

Courses that meet this goal in a measurable and significant way: ARCH 116.3 Introduction to Near Eastern and Classical Archaeology ARCH 244.3 Archaeology and Cultural Development Ancient Israel and Syria Late Bronze Age to Hellenistic Period ARCH 250.3: Introduction to Archaeological Science ARCH 252.3 Near Eastern Archaeological Field Work ARCH 257.3 Archaeology of Ancient Egypt ARCH 258.3 Archaeology of Ancient Mesopotamia ARCH 270.3: Human Evolution ARCH 352.3: Historical Archaeology ARCH 356.3 Development of Complex Cultures in Eastern Mediterranean and Near Eastern Regions ARCH 361.6: Archaeological Field School ARCH 385.3: Computer Applications in Archaeology ARCH 398.3: Practical Problems in Archaeological Interpretation ARCH 452.3: Selected Topics in Archaeology: Archaeological Survey in Theory and Practice ARCH 458.6: Zooarchaeology ARCH 459.3: Geoarchaeology ARCH 465.3: Spatial Analysis of Archaeological Data ARCH 470.3: Human Osteology ARCH 472.3: Paleopathology

II-2.2 To problem solve using experiential and theoretical approaches in contexts where textual

interpretations or experimental methods have limited applicability.

Courses that meet this goal in a measurable and significant way: ARCH 116.3 Introduction to Near Eastern and Classical Archaeology ARCH 244.3 Archaeology and Cultural Development Ancient Israel and Syria Late Bronze Age to Hellenistic Period

Percentage of



meeting this

goal: 23%

Percentage of



meeting this

goal: 16%

Percentage of



meeting this

goal: 53%

Page 33: DEPARTMENT OF ARCHAEOLOGY & ANTHROPOLOGY · Archaeology and Anthropology has two strategic and long-term goals, each with several constituent areas of focus: 1. Advancing Knowledge

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ARCH 252.3 Near Eastern Archaeological Field Work ARCH 257.3 Archaeology of Ancient Egypt ARCH 258.3 Archaeology of Ancient Mesopotamia ARCH 354.3: Archaeology of Culture Contact ARCH 350.3: Introduction to Boreal Forest Archaeology ARCH 352.3 Historical Archaeology ARCH 356.3 Development of Complex Cultures in Eastern Mediterranean and Near Eastern Regions ARCH 361.6: Archaeological Field School ARCH 385.3: Computer Applications in Archaeology ARCH 398.3: Practical Problems in Archaeological Interpretation ARCH 452.3: Selected Topics in Archaeology: Archaeological Survey in Theory and Practice ARCH 459.3: Geoarchaeology ARCH 462.3: Contemporary Archaeological Theory ARCH 465.3 Spatial Analysis of Archaeological Data

II-2.3 To work collaboratively, productively, and constructively in team-based situations.

Courses that meet this goal in a measurable and significant way: ARCH 244.3 Archaeology and Cultural Development Ancient Israel and Syria Late Bronze Age to Hellenistic Period ARCH 252.3 Near Eastern Archaeological Field Work ARCH 257.3 Archaeology of Ancient Egypt ARCH 258.3 Archaeology of Ancient Mesopotamia ARCH 352.3 Historical Archaeology ARCH 357.3: The Archaeology of Prairie Settlement ARCH 361.6: Archaeological Field School ARCH 398.3: Practical Problems in Archaeological Interpretation ARCH 452.3 Selected Topics in Archaeology: Archaeological Survey in Theory and Practice ARCH 459.3: Geoarchaeology ARCH 462.3: Contemporary Archaeology Theory ARCH 465.3 Spatial Analysis of Archaeological Data ARCH 471.3: Forensic Anthropology ARCH 472.3: Paleopathology

II-2.4 To survey, record, and interpret diachronic and synchronic change in the material, environmental,

and biological records associated with human and cultural development.

Courses that meet this goal in a measurable and significant way: ARCH 250.3: Introduction to Archaeological Science ARCH 252.3: Near Eastern Archaeological Field Work ARCH 270.3: Human Evolution ARCH 350.3: Introduction to Boreal Forest Archaeology ARCH 353.3: Plains Archaeology ARCH 361.6: Archaeological Field School ARCH 385.3: Computer Applications in Archaeology

Percentage of



meeting this

goal: 47%

Percentage of



meeting this

goal: 41%

Percentage of



meeting this

goal: 41%

Page 34: DEPARTMENT OF ARCHAEOLOGY & ANTHROPOLOGY · Archaeology and Anthropology has two strategic and long-term goals, each with several constituent areas of focus: 1. Advancing Knowledge

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ARCH 398.3: Practical Problems in Archaeological Interpretation ARCH 452.3: Selected Topics in Archaeology: Archaeological Survey in Theory and Practice ARCH 459.3: Geoarchaeology ARCH 462.3: Contemporary Archaeological Theory ARCH 465.3: Spatial Analysis of Archaeological Data ARCH 470.3: Human Osteology ARCH 472.3: Paleopathology

II-2.5 To demonstrate an ability to synthesize multiple sources of data, including primary and secondary

text-based sources; artifacts; human remains; museum collections; soil and plant samples; and oral historical accounts.

Courses that meet this goal in a measurable and significant way: ARCH 116.3 Introduction to Near Eastern and Classical Archaeology ARCH 244.3 Archaeology and Cultural Development Ancient Israel and Syria Late Bronze Age to Hellenistic Period ARCH 252.3 Near Eastern Archaeological Field Work ARCH 257.3 Archaeology of Ancient Egypt ARCH 258.3 Archaeology of Ancient Mesopotamia ARCH 344.3: Archaeology of Gender ARCH 352.3: Historical Archaeology ARCH 354.3: Archaeology of Culture Contact ARCH 356.3: Development of Complex Cultures in Eastern Mediterranean and Near Eastern Regions ARCH 357.3: The Archaeology of Prairie Settlement ARCH 361.6: Archaeological Field School ARCH 385.3: Computer Applications in Archaeology ARCH 398.3: Practical Problems in Archaeological Interpretation ARCH 452.3: Selected Topics in Archaeology: Archaeological Survey in Theory and Practice ARCH 459.3: Geoarchaeology ARCH 462.3: Contemporary Archaeological Theory ARCH 465.3 Spatial Analysis of Archaeological Data

3. To demonstrate respect for, and endeavor to preserve cultural autonomy, diversity, and heritage. Anthropology

II-3.1 To demonstrate informed, critical, and engaged respect for contemporary cultural traditions and priorities, particularly those of Canada’s First Nations, Métis and Inuit Peoples.

Courses that meet this goal in a measurable and significant way: ANTH 111.3: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology ANTH 224.3: North American Plains Ethnography ANTH 230.3: Introduction to Cultural Dynamics ANTH 231.3: Cross Cultural Perspectives on Health Systems ANTH 240.3: Cultural Landscapes and Environments ANTH 244.3: Political Ecology ANTH 302.3: Ethnographic Research

Percentage of



meeting this

goal: 50%

Percentage of



meeting this

goal: 62%

Page 35: DEPARTMENT OF ARCHAEOLOGY & ANTHROPOLOGY · Archaeology and Anthropology has two strategic and long-term goals, each with several constituent areas of focus: 1. Advancing Knowledge

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ANTH 310.3: Anthropology of Gender ANTH 321.3: Myth, Ritual and Symbolism ANTH 326.3: Principles of Applied Anthropology ANTH 329.3: Environmental Anthropology ANTH 332.3: Anthropology of Contagion & Infectious Disease ANTH 339.3: Cultural Change ANTH 401.3: Honours Essay ANTH 403.3 Anthropology of Healing ANTH 422.3: Contemporary Ethnological Theory

II-3.2 To recognize and seek to mitigate the negative effects of racism, “othering”, primitivism, and

stigma, especially as these relate to Aboriginal Peoples in Canada and to international Indigenous communities.

Courses that meet this goal in a measurable and significant way: ANTH 111.3: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology ANTH 224.3: North American Plains Ethnography ANTH 230.3: Introduction to Cultural Dynamics ANTH 231.3: Cross Cultural Perspectives on Health Systems ANTH 235.3: Anthropological Approaches to Ethnicity & Ethnic Groups ANTH 240.3: Cultural Landscapes and Environments ANTH 244.3: Political Ecology ANTH 302.3: Ethnographic Research ANTH 310.3: Anthropology of Gender ANTH 321.3: Myth, Ritual and Symbolism ANTH 326.3: Principles of Applied Anthropology ANTH 329.3: Environmental Anthropology ANTH 330.3: Oral History & Storytelling ANTH 332.3: Anthropology of Contagion & Infectious Disease ANTH 337.3: Economic Anthropology and Economic Development ANTH 339.3: Cultural Change ANTH 403.3 Anthropology of Healing ANTH 422.3: Contemporary Ethnological Theory ANTH 498.3: Anthropology of Experience

II-3.3 To promote local and global social justice and cultural rights.

Courses that meet this goal in a measurable and significant way: ANTH 111.3: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology ANTH 224.3: North American Plains Ethnography ANTH 227.3: Cultures of Central & Eastern Europe ANTH 230.3: Introduction to Cultural Dynamics ANTH 231.3: Cross Cultural Perspectives on Health Systems ANTH 232.3: Peoples and Cultures of South Asia ANTH 235.3: Anthropological Approaches to Ethnicity & Ethnic Groups ANTH 244.3: Political Ecology ANTH 310.3: Anthropology of Gender

Percentage of



meeting this

goal: 73%

Percentage of



meeting this

goal: 65%

Page 36: DEPARTMENT OF ARCHAEOLOGY & ANTHROPOLOGY · Archaeology and Anthropology has two strategic and long-term goals, each with several constituent areas of focus: 1. Advancing Knowledge

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ANTH 326.3: Principles of Applied Anthropology ANTH 329.3: Environmental Anthropology ANTH 330.3: Oral History & Storytelling ANTH 332.3: Anthropology of Contagion & Infectious Disease ANTH 337.3: Economic Anthropology & Economic Development ANTH 339.3: Cultural Change ANTH 403.3 Anthropology of Healing ANTH 422.3: Contemporary Ethnological Theory

II-3.4 To demonstrate knowledge of and respect for the rights of cultural communities to be fully informed about and engaged in research that pertains to them.

Courses that meet this goal in a measurable and significant way: ANTH 111.3: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology ANTH 224.3: North American Plains Ethnography ANTH 231.3: Cross Cultural Perspectives on Health Systems ANTH 244.3: Political Ecology ANTH 302.3: Ethnographic Research ANTH 310.3: Anthropology of Gender ANTH 321.3: Myth, Ritual and Symbolism ANTH 326.3: Principles of Applied Anthropology ANTH 329.3: Environmental Anthropology ANTH 330.3: Oral History and Storytelling ANTH 332.3: Anthropology of Contagion & Infectious Disease ANTH 403.3: Anthropology of Healing ANTH 498.3: Anthropology of Experience

II-3.5 To represent cultural traditions, patterns, priorities, and events in alignment with principles of

anthropological engagement.

Courses that meet this goal in a measurable and significant way: ANTH 226.3: Business & Industrial Anthropology ANTH 231.3: Cross Cultural Perspectives on Health Systems ANTH 244.3: Political Ecology ANTH 302.3: Ethnographic Research ANTH 310.3: Anthropology of Gender ANTH 321.3: Myth, Ritual and Symbolism ANTH 326.3: Principles of Applied Anthropology ANTH 329.3: Environmental Anthropology ANTH 330.3: Oral History & Storytelling ANTH 332.3: Anthropology of Contagion & Infectious Disease ANTH 339.3: Cultural Change ANTH 403.3 Anthropology of Healing

Percentage of



meeting this

goal: 50%

Percentage of



meeting this

goal: 46%

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II-3.1 To understand the federal and provincial legislation related to the management and conservation of archaeological sites and materials.

Courses that meet this goal in a measurable and significant way: ARCH 360.3: Archaeological Resource Management ARCH 361.6: Archaeological Field School ARCH 452.3 Selected Topics in Archaeology: Archaeological Survey in Theory and Practice ARCH 462.3: Contemporary Archaeological Theory ARCH 471.3: Forensic Archaeology

II-3.2 To protect the public investment in the preservation of archaeological materials.

Courses that meet this goal in a measurable and significant way: ARCH 360.3: Archaeological Resource Management ARCH 361.6: Archaeological Field School ARCH 385.3 Computer Applications in Archaeology ARCH 452.3 Selected Topics in Archaeology: Archaeological Survey in Theory and Practice ARCH 462.3: Contemporary Archaeological Theory ARCH 465.3 Spatial Analysis of Archaeological Data

II-3.3 To represent the ties that contemporary communities have to the material records of their shared and

diverse pasts.

Courses that meet this goal in a measurable and significant way: ARCH 112.3: The Human Journey (Introduction to Archaeology and Biological Anthropology) ARCH 244.3 Archaeology and Cultural Development Ancient Israel and Syria Late Bronze Age to Hellenistic Period ARCH 257.3 Archaeology of Ancient Egypt ARCH 258.3 Archaeology of Ancient Mesopotamia ARCH 350.3: Introduction to Boreal Forest Archaeology ARCH 357.3: Archaeology of Prairie Settlement ARCH 361.6: Archaeological Field Methods ARCH 462.3: Contemporary Archaeological Theory

II-3.4 To assess critically the multiple interpretations of cultural resources that may be advanced by

different parties.

Courses that meet this goal in a measurable and significant way: ARCH 112.3: The Human Journey (Introduction to Archaeology and Biological Anthropology) ARCH 244.3 Archaeology and Cultural Development Ancient Israel and Syria Late Bronze Age to Hellenistic Period ARCH 257.3 Archaeology of Ancient Egypt

Percentage of



meeting this

goal: 15%

Percentage of



meeting this

goal: 18%

Percentage of



meeting this

goal: 24%

Page 38: DEPARTMENT OF ARCHAEOLOGY & ANTHROPOLOGY · Archaeology and Anthropology has two strategic and long-term goals, each with several constituent areas of focus: 1. Advancing Knowledge

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ARCH 258.3 Archaeology of Ancient Mesopotamia ARCH 354.3: Archaeology of Culture Contact ARCH 356.3 Development of Complex Cultures in Eastern Mediterranean and Near Eastern Regions ARCH 398.3: Practical Problems in Archaeological Interpretation ARCH 462.3: Contemporary Archaeological Theory

II-3.5 To demonstrate archaeological stewardship in the responsible and sustainable management of

cultural resources.

Courses that meet this goal in a measurable and significant way: ARCH 244.3 Archaeology and Cultural Development Ancient Israel and Syria Late Bronze Age to Hellenistic Period ARCH 252.3 Near Eastern Archaeological Field Work ARCH 257.3 Archaeology of Ancient Egypt ARCH 258.3 Archaeology of Ancient Mesopotamia ARCH 356.3 Development of Complex Cultures in Eastern Mediterranean and Near Eastern Regions ARCH 360.3: Archaeological Resource Management ARCH 361.6: Archaeological Field School ARCH 452.3 Selected Topics in Archaeology: Archaeological Survey in Theory and Practice ARCH 462.3: Contemporary Archaeological Theory ARCH 465.3 Spatial Analysis of Archaeological Data

III. ATTITUDES AND VALUES As a result of their engagement with and completion of our degree programs, graduates will have developed attitudes and values that enable them: 1. To engage creatively, ethically, and critically in our culturally complex and dynamic world. Anthropology

III-1.1 To assess the cultural and political dimensions of our local and globalizing worlds ethnographically with integrity, flexibility, and open-mindedness.

Courses that meet this goal in a measurable and significant way: ANTH 111.3: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology ANTH 224.3: North American Plains Ethnography ANTH 226.3: Business & Industrial Anthropology ANTH 227.3: Cultures of Central & Easter Europe ANTH 230.3: Introduction to Cultural Dynamics ANTH 231.3: Cross Cultural Perspectives on Health Systems ANTH 235.3: Anthropological Approaches to Ethnicity & Ethnic Groups ANTH 240.3: Cultural Landscapes and Environments ANTH 244.3: Political Ecology ANTH 302.3: Ethnographic Research ANTH 310.3: Anthropology of Gender ANTH 321.3: Myth, Ritual and Symbolism

Percentage of



meeting this

goal: 24%

Percentage of



meeting this

goal: 29%

Percentage of



meeting this

goal: 89%

Page 39: DEPARTMENT OF ARCHAEOLOGY & ANTHROPOLOGY · Archaeology and Anthropology has two strategic and long-term goals, each with several constituent areas of focus: 1. Advancing Knowledge

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ANTH 326.3: Principles of Applied Anthropology ANTH 328.3: Political and Legal Anthropology ANTH 329.3: Environmental Anthropology ANTH 330.3: Oral History & Storytelling ANTH 332.3: Anthropology of Contagion & Infectious Disease ANTH 337.3: Economic Anthropology & Economic Development ANTH 339.3: Cultural Change ANTH 401.3: Honours Essay ANTH 403.3: Anthropology of Healing ANTH 422.3: Contemporary Ethnological Theory ANTH 498.3: Anthropology of Experience

III-1.2 To engage as enlightened and informed advocates for disenfranchised, marginalized, and under-

served cultural communities and individuals so as to make the communities where we work “better” places to live.

Courses that meet this goal in a measurable and significant way: ANTH 111.3: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology ANTH 224.3: North American Plains Ethnography ANTH 227.3: Cultures of Central & Easter Europe ANTH 231.3: Cross Cultural Perspectives on Health Systems ANTH 232.3: Peoples & Cultures of South Asia ANTH 235.3: Anthropological Approaches to Ethnicity & Ethnic Groups ANTH 240.3: Cultural Landscapes and Environments ANTH 244.3: Political Ecology ANTH 302.3: Ethnographic Research ANTH 310.3: Anthropology of Gender ANTH 326.3: Principles of Applied Anthropology ANTH 329.3: Environmental Anthropology ANTH 330.3: Oral History & Storytelling ANTH 332.3: Anthropology of Contagion & Infectious Disease ANTH 337.3: Economic Anthropology & Economic Development ANTH 339.3: Cultural Change ANTH 403.3 Anthropology of Healing ANTH 422.3: Contemporary Ethnological Theory


III-1.1 To demonstrate the desire, confidence, and ability to approach the future based on an archaeologically grounded understanding of our present and past.

Courses that meet this goal in a measurable and significant way: ARCH 112.3: The Human Journey (Introduction to Archaeology and Biological Anthropology) ARCH 116.3 Introduction to Near Eastern and Classical Archaeology ARCH 244.3 Archaeology and Cultural Development Ancient Israel and Syria Late Bronze Age to Hellenistic Period ARCH 251.3: Introduction to Archaeological Interpretation ARCH 252.3 Near Eastern Archaeological Field Work

Percentage of



meeting this

goal: 69%

Percentage of



meeting this

goal: 41%

Page 40: DEPARTMENT OF ARCHAEOLOGY & ANTHROPOLOGY · Archaeology and Anthropology has two strategic and long-term goals, each with several constituent areas of focus: 1. Advancing Knowledge

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ARCH 257.3 Archaeology of Ancient Egypt ARCH 258.3 Archaeology of Ancient Mesopotamia ARCH 270.3: Human Evolution ARCH 344.3: Archaeology of Gender ARCH 356.3 Development of Complex Cultures in Eastern Mediterranean and Near Eastern Regions ARCH 385.3 Computer Applications in Archaeology ARCH 452.3 Selected Topics in Archaeology: Archaeological Survey in Theory and Practice ARCH 462.3: Contemporary Archaeological Theory ARCH 465.3 Spatial Analysis of Archaeological Data

III-1.2 To contribute to an understanding of the local and regional past through archaeological research,

making Saskatchewan and Canada a “better” place to live.

Courses that meet this goal in a measurable and significant way: ARCH 350.3: Introduction to Boreal Forest Archaeology ARCH 353.3: Plains Archaeology ARCH 357.3: Archaeology of Prairie Settlement ARCH 361.6: Archaeological Field School ARCH 459.3: Geoarchaeology ARCH 452.3: Selected Topics in Archaeology: Archaeological Survey in Theory and Practice ARCH 462.3: Contemporary Archaeological Theory ARCH 465.3: Spatial Analysis of Archaeological Data

2. To celebrate and advance archaeological and anthropological knowledge. Anthropology

III-2.1 To advocate for greater recognition and support for anthropological research, education, and the importance of analyzing the cultural dimensions of contemporary human life.

Courses that meet this goal in a measurable and significant way: ANTH 111.3: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology ANTH 224.3: North American Plains Ethnography ANTH 226.3: Business & Industrial Anthropology ANTH 227.3: Cultures of Central & Easter Europe ANTH 230.3: Introduction to Cultural Dynamics ANTH 231.3: Cross Cultural Perspectives on Health Systems ANTH 232.3: Peoples & Cultures of South Asia ANTH 244.3: Political Ecology ANTH 302.3: Ethnographic Research ANTH 310.3: Anthropology of Gender ANTH 321.3: Myth, Ritual and Symbolism ANTH 326.3: Principles of Applied Anthropology ANTH 329.3: Environmental Anthropology ANTH 332.3: Anthropology of Contagion & Infectious Disease ANTH 339.3: Cultural Change

Percentage of



meeting this

goal: 24%

Percentage of



meeting this

goal: 69%

Page 41: DEPARTMENT OF ARCHAEOLOGY & ANTHROPOLOGY · Archaeology and Anthropology has two strategic and long-term goals, each with several constituent areas of focus: 1. Advancing Knowledge

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ANTH 403.3 Anthropology of Healing ANTH 422.3: Contemporary Ethnological Theory ANTH 498.3 Anthropology of Experience

III-2.2 To appreciate anthropology’s unique contributions and applications to the preservation, analysis,

and representation of contemporary and emergent cultural communities.

Courses that meet this goal in a measurable and significant way: ANTH 111.3: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology ANTH 224.3: North American Plains Ethnography ANTH 226.3: Business & Industrial Anthropology ANTH 227.3: Cultures of Central & Easter Europe ANTH 230.3: Introduction to Cultural Dynamics ANTH 231.3: Cross Cultural Perspectives on Health Systems ANTH 232.3: Peoples & Cultures of South Asia ANTH 240.3: Cultural Landscapes and Environments ANTH 244.3: Political Ecology ANTH 302.3: Ethnographic Research ANTH 310.3: Anthropology of Gender ANTH 321.3: Myth, Ritual and Symbolism ANTH 326.3: Principles of Applied Anthropology ANTH 329.3: Environmental Anthropology ANTH 330.3: Oral History & Storytelling ANTH 401.3: Honours Thesis ANTH 403.3 Anthropology of Healing ANTH 422.3: Contemporary Ethnological Theory

III-2.3 To respect and give prominence to the contributions of anthropology to advances in social justice,

Indigenous cultural rights (including environmental and land rights as well as governance), human rights, equitable distribution of and access to resources, and community health and well-being.

Courses that meet this goal in a measurable and significant way: ANTH 111.3: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology ANTH 224.3: North American Plains Ethnography ANTH 231.3: Cross Cultural Perspectives on Health Systems ANTH 240.3: Cultural Landscapes and Environment ANTH 244.3: Political Ecology ANTH 310.3: Anthropology of Gender ANTH 326.3: Principles of Applied Anthropology ANTH 329.3: Environmental Anthropology ANTH 330.3: Oral History & Storytelling ANTH 332.3: Anthropology of Contagion & Infectious Disease ANTH 339.3: Cultural Change ANTH 403.3 Anthropology of Healing

Percentage of



meeting this

goal: 69%

Percentage of



meeting this

goal: 46%

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III-2.1 To demonstrate a reflexive understanding of, and respect for, the positions archaeologists hold as interpreters, stewards, and curators of the past vis-a-vis groups for whom cultural heritage is a crucial element of their current identity.

Courses that meet this goal in a measurable and significant way: ARCH 116.3 Introduction to Near Eastern and Classical Archaeology ARCH 244.3 Archaeology and Cultural Development Ancient Israel and Syria Late Bronze Age to Hellenistic Period ARCH 252.3 Near Eastern Archaeological Field Work ARCH 257.3 Archaeology of Ancient Egypt ARCH 258.3 Archaeology of Ancient Mesopotamia ARCH 350.3: Introduction to Boreal Forest Archaeology ARCH 353.3: Plains Ethnography ARCH 356.3 Development of Complex Cultures in Eastern Mediterranean and Near Eastern Regions ARCH 360.3: Archaeological Resource Management ARCH 361.6: Archaeological Field School ARCH 462.3: Contemporary Archaeological Theory

III-2.2 To appreciate the breadth of archaeology and its social science, natural science, and humanistic


Courses that meet this goal in a measurable and significant way: ARCH 112.3: The Human Journey (Introduction to Archaeology and Biological Anthropology) ARCH 116.3 Introduction to Near Eastern and Classical Archaeology ARCH 244.3 Archaeology and Cultural Development Ancient Israel and Syria Late Bronze Age to Hellenistic Period ARCH 250.3: Introduction to Archaeological Science ARCH 251.3: Archaeological Interpretation ARCH 252.3 Near Eastern Archaeological Field Work ARCH 257.3 Archaeology of Ancient Egypt ARCH 258.3 Archaeology of Ancient Mesopotamia ARCH 270.3: Human Evolution ARCH 353.3: Plains Archaeology ARCH 344.3: Archaeology of Gender ARCH 350.3: Introduction to Boreal Forest Archaeology ARCH 352.3: Historical Archaeology ARCH 356.3 Development of Complex Cultures in Eastern Mediterranean and Near Eastern Regions ARCH 357.3: Archaeology of Prairie Settlement ARCH 385.3 Computer Applications in Archaeology ARCH 398.3: Archaeology of Human Environmental Impact ARCH 452.3 Selected Topics in Archaeology: Archaeological Survey in Theory and Practice ARCH 459.3: Geoarchaeology ARCH 462.3: Contemporary Archaeological Theory ARCH 465.3 Spatial Analysis of Archaeological Data ARCH 472.3: Paleopathology

Percentage of



meeting this

goal: 32%

Percentage of



meeting this

goal: 65%

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III-2.3 To advocate for greater recognition and support for archaeological research, education, and the importance of our shared cultural heritage.

Courses that meet this goal in a measurable and significant way: ARCH 112.3: The Human Journey (Introduction to Archaeology and Biological Anthropology) ARCH 116.3 Introduction to Near Eastern and Classical Archaeology ARCH 244.3 Archaeology and Cultural Development Ancient Israel and Syria Late Bronze Age to Hellenistic Period ARCH 251.3: Archaeological Interpretation ARCH 252.3 Near Eastern Archaeological Field Work ARCH 257.3 Archaeology of Ancient Egypt ARCH 258.3 Archaeology of Ancient Mesopotamia ARCH 344.3: Archaeology of Gender ARCH 350.3: Introduction to Boreal Forest Archaeology ARCH 353.3: Plains Archaeology ARCH 356.3 Development of Complex Cultures in Eastern Mediterranean and Near Eastern Regions ARCH 360.3: Archaeological Resource Management ARCH 361.6: Archaeological Field School ARCH 385.3: Computer Applications in Archaeology ARCH 452.3 Selected Topics in Archaeology: Archaeological Survey in Theory and Practice ARCH 462.3: Contemporary Archaeological Theory ARCH 465.3 Spatial Analysis of Archaeological Data

Percentage of



meeting this

goal: 50%

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