
Depression & Anxiety TOP TIPS…

Presenter:Relaxation Coach, Nikki Ward and

Disclaimer: This presentation does not replace medical advice

Depressed or Just Sad?

TOP TIPSStop Multi-Tasking, Just do ONE THING

Practice Presence by using mindfulness: – stand on one foot and close your eyes – this keeps you in this moment, right here right now

Wash the dishes / shower with presence… stay here now and don’t go project forward or backward

Types of Depression

Has many causes and can be categorised into different types of depression

The most common mood complaint on the planet.

Is linked to our thoughts and beliefs – self-limiting, and negative beliefsHow we form conclusions about experiences that are not realistic.

Happens when we think our thoughts match our reality.


COGNITIVE DISTORTIONS – Checklist – develop skills of discriminationWorkshop – works with Anxiety & Depression

EAT RAW FATTY FISH e.g. SALMON A relationship was found between eating fish and depression levels in a recent international study.

WATCH YOUR FATTY ACIDS: Eat OMEGA 3s; Banish OMEGA 6s Walnuts, Avocado, Flaxseed Oil, Salmon, Sardines

Thinking Styles


What do about it…

Different solutions work for different people


•Counselling..... with Jeanne, meet her at the Rayid iridology stall•Counselling and hypnotherapy with Sanela, meet her at the reiki stall•Hypnotherapy with Tony ( meet him on the guided tour, see reception to join the next one)•Kinesiology with Tahlia, meet her at the Kinesiology tent•Homeopathy with Pam, meet at the desk next to the massage tent•Food intolerances and allergies, see Shivani at the Naturopath tent•Acupuncture with Yan , see reception to book your free half hour session•Meditation with Nikki – can significantly improve mood – first session free•Yoga with Irina - gentle exercise to support your journey – first session free


LET US SUPPORT YOU ON YOUR WELLNESS JOURNEY•Check out the Wellness Centre treatments•Join us in our Meditation classes at Axial•Come on our retreats…


Got any questions?…•See us at the Axial Tent outside!We would love to hear from you…


• Discovery of seafood turning point in human evolution

Richards, M.P.; Pettitt, P.B.; Stiner, M.C.; Trinkaus, E. Stable isotope evidence for increasing dietary breadth in the European mid-Upper Paleolithic. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 2001, 98, 6528–6532.

x• DHA unique structural molecule providing optimal conditions for

wide range of cell membrane functionsCrawford, M. Cerebral evolution. Nutr. Health 2002, 16, 29–34


• Multi-generational exploitation of seafood• Expansion of membrane-rich grey matter in the cerebral cortexBroadhurst, C.L.; Wang, Y.; Crawford, M.A.; Cunnane, S.C.; Parkington, J.E.; Schmidt,

W.F. Brain-specific lipids from marine, lacustrine, or terrestrial food resources: Potential impact on early African Homo sapiens. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B Biochem. Mol. Biol. 2002, 131, 653–673

The evolution of the big human brain

Bradbury, J. (2011). Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA): An ancient nutrient for the modern human brain. Nutrients, 3(5), 529-554. doi: 10.3390/nu3050529

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