Page 1: · A Short and Eafy VOCABULARY, Latin and Englifli; onfifting of the moft common I PRIMITIVES of the Latin Tongue, ranged in an Alphabetical Order: hken for the mojl
Page 2: · A Short and Eafy VOCABULARY, Latin and Englifli; onfifting of the moft common I PRIMITIVES of the Latin Tongue, ranged in an Alphabetical Order: hken for the mojl
Page 3: · A Short and Eafy VOCABULARY, Latin and Englifli; onfifting of the moft common I PRIMITIVES of the Latin Tongue, ranged in an Alphabetical Order: hken for the mojl
Page 4: · A Short and Eafy VOCABULARY, Latin and Englifli; onfifting of the moft common I PRIMITIVES of the Latin Tongue, ranged in an Alphabetical Order: hken for the mojl
Page 5: · A Short and Eafy VOCABULARY, Latin and Englifli; onfifting of the moft common I PRIMITIVES of the Latin Tongue, ranged in an Alphabetical Order: hken for the mojl
Page 6: · A Short and Eafy VOCABULARY, Latin and Englifli; onfifting of the moft common I PRIMITIVES of the Latin Tongue, ranged in an Alphabetical Order: hken for the mojl
Page 7: · A Short and Eafy VOCABULARY, Latin and Englifli; onfifting of the moft common I PRIMITIVES of the Latin Tongue, ranged in an Alphabetical Order: hken for the mojl
Page 8: · A Short and Eafy VOCABULARY, Latin and Englifli; onfifting of the moft common I PRIMITIVES of the Latin Tongue, ranged in an Alphabetical Order: hken for the mojl

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Page 9: · A Short and Eafy VOCABULARY, Latin and Englifli; onfifting of the moft common I PRIMITIVES of the Latin Tongue, ranged in an Alphabetical Order: hken for the mojl


Short and Eafy

VOCABULARY, Latin and Englifli;

onfifting of the moft common I PRIMITIVES of the Latin Tongue, ranged in an Alphabetical Order:

hken for the mojl Part from the famous ■ C H R. C E L L A R i u $ his Latini-

! j tatis Liber memorialis.

the Ufe of the o/’Edinburgh.

Page 10: · A Short and Eafy VOCABULARY, Latin and Englifli; onfifting of the moft common I PRIMITIVES of the Latin Tongue, ranged in an Alphabetical Order: hken for the mojl



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Short and Eafy


Latin and Englifh, 0sc.

Subftantive Nouns*

A Bies, -etis. Fem A Fir Tree. Acer, -eris,«e«f. 4 Maple Tree,

< Acerra, -3E, f t. Confer. Acervus,-i, WJrf/c. an Heap

. S^e Edge ojany Wet* Actcs, -ici, f. f. 1 ^,3W cr Xool,

1 Acus,-eris, n. 3. Chaff. A z Acus,

Page 12: · A Short and Eafy VOCABULARY, Latin and Englifli; onfifting of the moft common I PRIMITIVES of the Latin Tongue, ranged in an Alphabetical Order: hken for the mojl

Acass 4. Ad igium, W.n. z.

Adamas, -antis,m.

Adeps, -tpis, dub. j Adminiculum,-i,». Ador, -oris,». 3. Adulter, -eri, m. i. jEdes, is, /. 3. Aer, -cris, w iErum^na, 1. Ms, aris, n if. iEftus, - As, w 4 ^ther. -eris, m. 3. jEvum, -i, n 1. Ager, -gri, m z. Agger,-eris, »J f. Agmen, -inis, n. f. Agnus, -i, m. z. Ala, -x, / 1. Alapa,-a,/ Alauda, -ae, /. 1. A lea, -a, f. 1. Alga, -os,/ 1. Allium, -ii, « 1. Alnus, i, _/ z. Alveus, -i, »J. a, Alvus,-i,/ 2.

Jhort Vocabulary Needle.

4 Proverb. San Adamant or Di4

’'i mond. Greafe or Hallow,

Z. a Prop, an Help, fine Wheat, an Adulterer, an Houfe, or Church. The Air or Weather, painful Toil. Brafs or Money, fultry Heat, or the Tide, the Sky. a long or endlefs Time, a Territory or Field, a Dam or Bympart. an Herd, or Army, a Lamb, a Wing. a Box on the Ear. a Lark. a Dye or Play at Dice. Sea Weed. Gar lick, an Alder-Tree. the Channel of a BJver, the Belly.


Page 13: · A Short and Eafy VOCABULARY, Latin and Englifli; onfifting of the moft common I PRIMITIVES of the Latin Tongue, ranged in an Alphabetical Order: hken for the mojl

Latin and En^hfh. s {The Aunt by the Fa-

ther’j Side* a I{iver, a Firkin, a Bottle or tfug. a Buie. a DucJ^ or Dral^e. a Servant-maid, an Anchor, a Snakf. a Corner, the Mind: a Bjng. an Tear, the Handle of any thing, a Goofe. a Sail-yard, a Den or Grotte. an old Woman, a wild Boar, the Top of any thing, a Bee. Par/ley, Water, an Eagle, the North Wind, an Altar. San Arbitrator or B{- C feree,

A ? ~ Arbor

mita, -ae,/. i. Imnis, -is, »J 3. mphora, -ae,/. 1. mpulla, -se,/. 1.

(.tnuffis, -is,/ 3. inas, -atis, f. 3. jkncilla,-se/ 1. fjvncora, -ae,/ i* Unguis, -is, d. nngulus, -i, m. z. Animus, -i, m z. Annulus, -i, m. i. Annus, -i, m, z. Anfa, -ae, /. 1. Anfer,-eris, »J. 3. Antenna, -ae, Z is (Antrum, -i, ». z. lAnus, -As, f. 4. A per, -pri, m. z. Apex,-icis,»». q. Apis, -is, f. q. Apium, *ii, ». z. Aqua, -x,f. i. Aquila, /. i* Aquilo, -onis, m. q. Ara, -oe, f. 1. Arbiter, -tri, m. z.

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6 A foort Vocabulary Arbor, -oris,/. 3. aTree. Area, -ae, /. r. Arcus, -As, m. 4. Ardea, -as,/. 1. Area,-ae, f. 1. Arena, -ae,/ 1. Argentum, -r,». i, Argilla, -ae,/ 1. Aries, -etis, »n. 3. Arifta,-ae,/ 1. Arma, -orum, n. ^ Armentum,-i.«. 2 Armilla,-ae, / 1. Armus,-i, m i. Arrha,-ae,/. 1. Ars, Ttis,/ Artus, -uum, m. 4. Arvina,-ae,/ 1. Arundo,-inis, / Arx, -cis, / As, aflls, m. Afcia,-ae,/ r. Afinus, -i, m. %. Afler,-eris, m. Aftrum,-i, n. x. Aftus,4. Atrium, -ii, ». A vena, -ae. jf. 1.

4 Cbeft. a Bow or Arch. IS a Heron. a Plat of Ground. I Sand. Silver. Potters Earth, a Bam. the Beard of Corn. IVeafons or Tools' a Drove of big Cattle, a Bracelet, a Shoulder, an earneft-fenny. Art or Skill, the Joints or Limbs'. Fat or Tallow, a Heed or Cane, a Tower or Citadel, a fmall Coin, an Hatchet, an Afs. a Plank: a Star or Con&ellation] Craft or Subtilty. a Court-yard, Qats.


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Latin and Englijb. ,vis,-is,/. 3. ,ula, -ae,/. 1. ura, -ae,/-. uriga, -3E, »>. 1. ^uris, -is, /.

Jiiurum, -i,». x. iiVufter, -tri, m. z. fi^utumnus, -i, m. z, Avus, iAuxilium, -ii,». x. liixis, -is, m. q.

A Bird, a Court. a Breeze or gentle Gale. 4 Carter or Charioteer, the Ear. Gold. the South-veind. the Autumn, a Grandfather. Aid. An Axle-Tree.

B a Berry] IQAcca, -ae,/. u

Baculus, -i, m. X; a Staff. jjialaena, -x,f. 1. a Whale. palneum, -i, ». x. 7 4 Bath. I Plur. -se,/. I. $ Common Baths] iplteus, -i, m. x. J 4 Bff/

1, -1, n. x. i 1 vel -um, . Ijlarba. -ae, f. 1, iiiafium, -i, n. x.' liellua, -ae,/i 1. iJellum, -i, n. u jieftia,-ae,/. 1. >eta, -ae,/. 1. iilis, -is,/. 3. iitumen, -inis, w. ^ llatta, *ae,/. ii lolus, -i, m, x.

« Beard. * Kffs. a great wild Beaff War. a Beaft. Beet. the Gall. [Slime a Kfnd of fat Clay, or a Moth, a Mouthfull.


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8 A port Vocabulary Borabyx, -yds, «*. 3. <* Silk. Worm. f. Silk* Bos, bovis, c. 3. Ox or Cow, Brachium, -ii, «. x. the Arm. Bradea, -x,f. 1. a thin Plate, Goldfoil, Branchiae, -arum,/. 1. Gills of a Pifh. Brafllca, -ae,/. 1 Bruma, -ae, /. 1. Bubo, -onis, tn. ^. Bucca,-ae,/. r. Bufo, -onis, WJ. q. Bulla, -x, / 1. Bun's, -is, /. ?• Butyrum,-i,». x. Buxus, i,/ x. Byffus, -i, /. x.

Coleworts, the Winter-SolSlice, an Owl. the Cheek a Toad. a Bubble of Water, the Plough Tail. Butter, a Box-Tree. Fine Linen.

CAchinnus, -i,»w.. x. a lowd Laughing. Cacumen,^-inis, £theTop or Height

0. Casftus, .^3, m 4. Calamus, -i, m. x. Caligo,-mis,/ Calix, icis, m, Callis, -is, m. Callus, -i, m. Callo, -onis, m ^ Calumnia,-ae,/. 1. Calx, -cis, d. ^

a thing. a Whirlebat. a Straw or Stalk °f Con Darkjiefs. a Cup a Foot Path, hard Flefh or Brawn, a Souldier's Boy. Slander, Calumny, the Heely f. Chalk-


Page 17: · A Short and Eafy VOCABULARY, Latin and Englifli; onfifting of the moft common I PRIMITIVES of the Latin Tongue, ranged in an Alphabetical Order: hken for the mojl

Latin and Englifh. a Camel. a Vault or Chamber, a Bell. a plain Field, a Channel or Kjtnneli a Crab, a Dog or Bitch, a Bread Basket, a He goat, a Coffer.

C the Hilt or Handl l of a Sword,

the Head. _ Fine Linen, The Sail

PI.. iarbo,-onis, OT. ^ •arcer, -eris, m, 3. ’ardo, -inis, m. 3. ’arduus,-i, « a. !arex,-icis,/. 3. Varies, -iei,/. y. Carina,-se, /. 1. '’-armen, -inis, n. 3 3aro, -rnis, f. 3.

'arrus, -i, m. x. ^artilago, -inis, 3 . a Grifile. :afa,-3E,/. I. a Cottage. 3afeus, -i, m, x. Cheeje.

tmelus, -i, m. x. miera, -ae,/. 1. unpana, -ae,/. I. impus,-i.ra Xi malis,-is, m. 3. mcer, -cri, m x, inis, -is, c.' 3. iniftrum, -i, n. 1.

iaper, -pri, m. z. laTpa, -ae,/. 1.

iapulus, -i, m, x. aput. -itis, «. 3. ■arbafus, -i,/. x. ?i

•a,-orum, w.x.S of a Ship. a dead Coat, a Prifon, the hinge of a Door; a Thiftle. Sedge. Upttennefs in Wood.^ the Kjel of a Ship,

, A Song or Poem. Flejh. a Carr.'


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io A Jhort Vocabulary CaiSs, -is, tn. Caffis,-idis, /. Caftrum, -i, n. x. Catena, -ae,/. i. Caterva, -a;,/, i. Catinus, -i. m x. Cauda, -ae,/. i.

a Net. an Helmet, a Caftle PI, a Cam} a Chain, a Body of Men. a Difh or Platter* a Tail.

Caudex, -ids, tn, 3. the Stem of a Tree. Caula, /.i. a Sheep coat. Caul is,-is, i», 3. ’ " “ ' Caupo, -onis, m. 3. Caufa, -ae,/. 1. Cautes, -is,/. 3. Cedrus,-i,/ x. Celia,-?e./. 1. Centrum, -i, *. x. Cepa, -ae, / 1.

Cepe,« ind. Cera, .ae,/ 1. Cerafus, -i, /. x. Cerdo, -onis, tn. Cerebrum, -i, n.x. Cerevifia, ae, / 1 •

the Stalk of an Herb, An lnn-k,eeper, a Cauje. a Crag or Cliff-, a Cedar Tree, a Cellar, a Center.

y an Onion.

Cervix,-icis,/, 3.

Cervus, -i, m x. Cerva, -ae,/ 1. Cefpes,-icis, tn.

JVax. a Cherry-Tree, a Cohler. the brain. Ale. Beer. C the hinder Part Z the Neck- a Stag a Hind, a Turf,


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Latin and Englifh. n

i”lus,-us, m. 4. a Marriage-Girdle, ;tus, -i, m. x, 7 ,

- :e, ind. S " m*‘'- flur. Cete, Malyhs, -bis,/. 3. .art a, -ae,/. 1.

.orda,-ae,/. In lorus, -i, m. %. bus, -i, m. z. cada,-as,/, r.

icatrix, - ids,/.

uconia, -x, f. 1. ucuta, -2E?/. 1.

'ilium, -ii,». i.

i nis,-eris, m, linnus, -i, m, z, IPPUS, -i, m, z. iifta, -as, /. 1. {fthara, ae,/. 1. vis, -is, c. 3,

■ ades, -is,/. 'l.affis,-is,/. i.ava, ae,/. 1. javis,-is,/ 3. avus, -i, i». z. tens, -entis, c.

1 ivus, -i, m. z. typeus,-i, ra. zi

Steel. Paper. S the String of an In~ i. ftrument.

a Company of Singer si Meat. a Cigall% or Baulm Cric- a Scar. [j^f, a Stork.. Hemlock, The Eye-lid. Ajhes. a curled Lock, of Hairi a Grave-Stone, a Cbefl. a Harp, a Citizen, an Overtbrom a Fleet, a Club, a Key; a Nail, an Helm', a Vajjal. the Side of a Hill, a Shield:


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12, A Jhort Vocabulary Cochlea,-K,/. i.• a Snail. Coelum, -i, n. x. Coena, -ae,/. i. Coenuro, -i, n. x. Coetus, -As, m4 4» Collis, -is, m. Collum, -i, n. x. Color, -oris, m. Coluber, -bri, m. x. Columbus, -i, m. x. Columen, -inis,». ^ Colus, -i,/. x. v. 4. Coma, t. Gomes, -itis, c. Compitum, -i,«. x. Contus, -i, m. x. Copia. -ae,/. i. Copula,-as,/. r. Cor, -dis, n. q. Corbis-is, rf. q. Corium,-ii,». x. Cornix,-icis,/. q. Cornu, -u, n 4. Corona, x-f. 1. Corpus,-oris, n. q. Cortex, -icis, </. q. Corvus, -i, m. x. Corylus, -i,/. x.

Heaven, Plur. hi Cos a Sup fen Mud, an AJfemlh. ^ 1 a little Hill, the Necl{. a Colour, a Snake, a Cock, pigeon.

. a Pillar, a Diflajf. Hair, a Companion ', a crofs Way or Street J. a long Pole. Plenty, Plur. Porcet.} a Bend or Tye, * the Heart, a Basket. Leather, a Crow, a Horn, a Crown, the Body, the Barker Bjnd. a Raven, a Ha/el-tree, }

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Latin and Englifh. is, *otis,/. 3. a fVhetftone.

pfta,-ae,/. i, a Hjb. iturnix, -ids,/. 3. a Quail. •xa,-ae,/. 1. abro, -onis, m. ^ •apula,-as,/. 1. •ates, -is,/, q, •epida, -se,/. 1. epido, -inis, f. 3.

kibrum, -i, w. x. rimen, -inis, ». 3. rinis,-is, w 3. rifta, -ae,/. 1. rumena, -a?,/. I. ruor, -oris, w. 3,

. -uris, n. |rufta, -x, f. 1 s rux, -ucis,/. uculus,-i, m. x. udo,-onis, m ukitra, -se, f. 1. ulex, -icis, m ulina, -as 1. 'ultnus, -i, r» x,

1,-3C,/ 1. ulter, -tri, m. x. umulus, -i, m. x. unae, -arum, ?/./. 1 Cr<?//(?,



f/je buckle-lone, an Hornet, a Surfeit, a Hurdle, a Slipper, a Bank, a Sieve, a Crime. Hair, a Crefi. a Purfel Blood, the Shank., a Shell or Bhind. a Crofs, ,1 Cuckow'.

a Leathren Cap. a Bolfter. a Gnat, a Kjtchen. a StalkofCorn. a Fault, a Knife, an Heap.


Page 22: · A Short and Eafy VOCABULARY, Latin and Englifli; onfifting of the moft common I PRIMITIVES of the Latin Tongue, ranged in an Alphabetical Order: hken for the mojl

14 A flort Cuneus, -i, m. %. Cuniculus, -i, t» i, Cura, ae,/- i. Curia, -ae,/. i. Cufpis,-idis,/ Cuftos,-odis, c. 3. Cutis, -is,/. 3. Cyathus,-i, m x, Cygnus, -i, ». x. Cymba, *ae,/. 1.

Vocabulary. a Wedge, a Rabbet, Care. a Senate koUfe. the Point of a Weapa a Keeper, the Skin, a Cup. a Swan, a Boat.

D T\Ama, -as, /, 1.

Damnum, -i,», x. Dapes, -ium, pi. f. 3. Delphin, inis, m. 3. Delubrum, -i,«. x. Dens,-tis, >w q. D E U S, -i, m. x. Diadema, -atis,». Dies, -iei, m. v.f. 5'. • Digitus, -i, m. x- Dilcusj-i, m. x, Dolibm, -ii, n x. Dolus,-i, m. x. Domus, -us,/, i.v. 4 Dominus, -i, m. x. Dgrfum, i, w. x. Dos, -otis,/

a Fallovo Deer. . Lofs or Hurt. , Fine Meats, a Dolphin, an Idol Temple, a Tooth, GOD.

a Craven, a Day. a Finger, a Dijhy a Quait, a Tub. Guile' or Deceit, a Houje. a Mafitr. the Back.. [met a Portion, an Undo


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Latin and Englijh. i

aco, -onis, m 3. a Dragon or Serpent. imus, -i, m. x. a Bramble bufh.

E Bur, 'oris, «. 3. Ivory. Elementum, \anEkmM_

-1, ». 2. i :phas, -antis, m. 3 an Elephant, fis, -is, m. a Sneord.

)bippium, -ii, M. X. « Saddhi iiftola,-ae,/. 1. )ulum -i,«. x. Blur. -lae,/. 1, |UUS, 'j, w. x» vum, -i, ». X. Vetches or Tares,

lea, ae, /. I. Meat, a Bait. Ilcamen, ^nis, n. ^ , a Svoarm of Bees. icemplum,-i, » x. Example. <ta, -orum, pi. n. x. the Intrails,

F TAba,-ae,/. 1. a Bean.

Faber, -bri, «. x. drtijl.

a Letter.

^ 4 Feajl.

a Horfe.

i ibula, -ae, f. icies, -iei,/.

lagus, -i,/. x. aix, -cis,/. V ama, x f i*

James, -is, /. amulus, -i, m. x-

Story, the Facet a Beech-tree, a Schythe or Slckje. Fame. Hunger. a'Servant. ,

B x Fanum

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16 A fiort Fanum, *!,». 2. Far, farris, n. ^ Fas. «. Ind. Fafcia, -se, /. 1. Fafcts,-is, »J Faftus, -us, m 4, FaviHa,-ae, f. i, Favus, -i, »J. 2. Faux, -cis,/. Fax- cis,/. 3. Febris,-is,/. Fel, fellis,». Felis,-is,/, q. Femur, -oris,». 3. Feneftra, se, / 1. Feri®, -arum,/>/ /. 1. Ferrum -i, «. 2. Ferula, ae,/. 1. Feliuca, -ae,/. i.’ Fex, -cis,/. Fibrq, -*,/. 1. Fibula, se, /. 1. Ficus, -i, v. tas,/ ?

a. ^ 4 i Fides,-ei,/ f.

Vocabulary a Temple or Church. Corn. Equity or Ejght, a Svoathling-band. a Bundle or Faggot. Pride. Hotajhes. an Bony comb, the Gorge or Gul/et-pi a Torch, a Fever. Gall, a Cat. the Thigh, a Window. Halj-dajrs. Iron. aBpd. a Splinter, a Mot. Dregs. a fmall Fibre, a Clafp or Button.

Fides,-is, / 3.'

Filius,-ji, m. 2.-

a Fig-tree, or Fig.

Faith or Honefly, V the String of an B 2 Jlrument.

a Son. FiliS

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x7 Latin and Etiglijb. Hx, >icis, /. ^. ilum, -it n, z. mbria, -ae,/* I. smus, -i, »M. z.

iinis, -is, m, v f. 'jifcus, -i, m. z.

ftuca, ae, /. I. tftula, -ae,/. I. amen,-inis, lamma, *ae,/.

iloccus, -i, m. z. ios,-oris, m. 3cus, -i, m. z. txdus, -eris, n. oemina, -ae,/. i. oenura, -i,«. z. ocnus,-eris, «• olium,-ii, «• z. ollis^is, tn. ons,-tis, w. ores, -ium, f l. f- 1. * Door.

a Fern, a Thread. the Skjrt of a Garment. Dung. the End. a Bag. the Exchequer, a I{ammer. a Heed or Pipe, a Priefi. a Flame, a Lock of Wool. | a Flower. a Hearth or Fire-fide, a League, a Woman. Hay. Vfurj. a Leaf. a Fair of Bellows, a Spring.

orma, -ae,^. i. ormica, -ae, f. i. ormido, -inis, f. 3* ornax, -acts,/. ornix, ids, m. 3. ors, te,/. 3. orum, -i,«.

Fafhion. an Ant. Fear, an Oven, an Arch or Vault* Luck, or Chance, a Market, B 3 Fovea*

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13 A Jbort Fovea, -%,f. i4 Fragum,-i, M i.' Frater, -tris, m. q. Fraus,-dis,/. q. Fraxinus, -i,/. z; Frenum, -i, ». z. Fretum, -i, n. z. Frigus,-oris,«. 3.’ Frons, -dis, f. Frons, -tis,/. Frugis, -i, -em, -e, ‘

ab oi/o/.Frux,/.?ii fl. Fruges.

Fruftum, -i, n. 2. Frutex, -ids, m. Fucus, -i, m. 2. Fuligo,-inis,/. q.' Fullo,-onis, m. Fumus, -i, m. zi Funda,-se,/. 1.' Fundus, -i, m. 2. Fungus,-i, m. 2. Funis, -is, w. Funus, -eris,». Fur, furls, m. Furca, -ae,/. 1. Furfur, -is, m. Furnus, -i, m, 2,

Vocabulary a Pitfall. 4 Strawberry, a Brother. Deceit, an A(b-tree. 4 Bridle, a narrow Sea. the Colds the Leaf of 4 Tree', the Fore-head.

' Fruit.

Com. a Bit or broken Piece]' a Shrub. 4 Drone. Paint. Soot', a Fuller] Smoke, a Sling] a Farm or EJlate. 4 Mu/hroom. 4 Uppe. a Burial, 4 Thief, a Fork. Brans ___ j an Oven, a Furnace.''


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Latin and Englifh. ip

I’uftis,-is, »*. 3. a Cudgel. i’ufus, -1, m. 2. 4 Swindle,

r^-Alea, -ae,/. 1. Gallus,-i, m, 2.

Gaza, -a?,/. 1, ijelu,». 4.. Gemma, -ae,Ai? Gena, -ae,/. I. Genifta, -ae,/. 1. ^jens, -tis,/. Genu, n. 4. Germen, -inis, ». 3. Sibbus, -i, »J. 2. Gigas,-antis, w. q. Gingiva,-ae/. i; ;Glacies, -iei, f. 5I Giadius, -ii, m, 2. Gians, -dis,/. Glarea,-ae,/. ii Gleba, -ae, /. 1. jlis, -iris, m, Globus, -i, m. 2. Glomus, -eris, n. Gloria,-x, / 1. gluten, -inis,». Graculus, i- m. 2.

: jramen,-inis, n,

an Helmet, a Cock, a Treafure. Froft. a Bud or Gem. the Cheek, the Eye-lid. Broom. a Nat tony a Family, the Kyiee. a Sprout. a Bunch on the Back, a Giant, the Gum. Ice. a Sword, an Acorn] Grit, coarfe Sand, a Clod, a Dtrmoufe. a Sphere or Globe, a Clew. Glory, Glue. a Jackdaw, a Jay. Graft.


Page 28: · A Short and Eafy VOCABULARY, Latin and Englifli; onfifting of the moft common I PRIMITIVES of the Latin Tongue, ranged in an Alphabetical Order: hken for the mojl

20 A fbort Vocabulary Grando,-inis,/ 3. Granura, -i\ ». 2. GrcmiLiiii,-ii, n. x, Grex,-egis, m. Grus, -uis, m v,ft ^ Gula^ae,/. 1. Gumtni, », indecL Gurges, -itis,»*. Gutta}-a2,/. 1. Gutrur, uris, w, Gyrus, -i, m. z*

TIT Abena,-oe, /. 1. Haedus, -i, m 2

Haeres, -edis, c. Hamus, -i, m. 2. Hara, -ae,/. i. Hariolus, -i, m, 2. Hafta, -ae,/. 1. _ JHebdomas, -adis,/.: Hedera, ae, f. 1. Heiluoj-onis, >». Hcrba, -ae,/. 1. Hernia, -ae, /. 1. Herus, -i, m. z. Hiems,-mis, 3. Hircus, -i, m. 2. Hirudo, -injs, /. 3.

Hail. a Grain of any Corn', a Lap. a Herd of [mail Cattle,'.

, a Crane, the Throat. Gum. a Gulf or Eddy ', a Drop, the Throat, a Circle.

d the I{ein of a Bridle] aKjd. an Heir, a Hook,, a Sxvine-fty] a Wizard, a Spear.

\. a Week, Ivy. a Glutton] an Herb. a Rupture] jjjj the Majler of a Houfe. p the Winter, a He-Goat, a Leech,


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Latin and Englifh. Hirundo. inis,/. 3 a Swallow. Hiftrio, -onis, WJ, Homo,-inis,»». Honor, -oris, m, Hora, -ac, f i, Hordeum, -i, n. zl iHorreum, -i, n. z, Hortus, -i, m. %. Hofpes, -itis, c. Hoftia,-ae,/. i, Hoftis, -is, c. 3. Humerus, -i, m. z. Humus,-i,/. 2,

TAnua, -se,/, i.’ ) Jccur, -oris, n, ^. gnis, -is, m.

idex, -icis,/. Ijlia, -ium,//.«. 3; imago,-inis,/. [mber, bris, m, 3. ;nduci3e,-arum,f/. f.i infula, -as, /. ii jnfula, -se,/ r. [nterpres, -etis, e. ocus, -i, m. 2.

I ra, -ae, / 1. i ris, -idis,/.

a Stage -player", a Man. Honour^ an Hour\ Barley, a Barn'l a Garden, an Ho/l or Gueft, « Vi Slim or Sacrifice, an Enemy, the Shoulder! the Ground.

a Gate', the Liver, the Eire, the Holm tret, the finall Guts, a Pi Bure, a Shower.

.a Truce, a Mitre, an Jjland. an Interpreter", a Jell. Anger. the Byiin-bow.

Page 30: · A Short and Eafy VOCABULARY, Latin and Englifli; onfifting of the moft common I PRIMITIVES of the Latin Tongue, ranged in an Alphabetical Order: hken for the mojl

A Jhort Vocabulary q Journey, a Mane, the Sun-beam, the Throat, a Bulrujh. Right, and Soop. a Youth,

L » -viia, »«, 3. Labour. Labium ©U-J )kt ^

Iter, -tineri$,w. ^ Juba, -sc,/, K Jubar, -aris; «. Jugulutn, *i, n. %, Juncus, -i, m. Jus, juris, n. 3. Juvenis, -is, c. 3.

T Abor, -oris, X-4 T .

brum, ■1, n. z. Lac, -tis, n. 3. Lacerta,-ae,/. ij Lacertus, -i\ m. z, Lacinia, *a?,/. r. Lacryma, -ae,/, 1. Lacusj.&s, >» 4.

Mi l hi a Lizard, the Arm, the Hem of a Garment] a Tear, a Lake.

Lamina, -ae*/. 1.

Lampas,-adi?,/. 3'. Lana,-se, /. 1. Lancea, -as /. t. Lanius, -ii, m. %. Lanx, -cis,/ Lapis, -idis. m. Laqueus, -ei, m. z.

Lar, -is, m, ^,

^ a Plate or thin piee, of Metal,

a Torch. Wool. a Spear or Javelin, a Butcher, a Plate* a Stone, a Halter. c an Houfhold \ ag Houfe,


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Latin at :Lardum, j, n. •tarva, gs./. i. Later, -eris, m

jt'arerna., -se,/. i. jLatex, -icis, m. |Latro,-onis, »j 3. |Catus, -eris, n. •Laurus, i,/ %, ;Uus, -dis,/ 3. jLebes, -etis, m. jLedtus,-i, w. x, »Legumen, inis, n 3 Lembus, -i, m. z. Leno, onis, ot,

• Lens, -dis,/. Lens,-tis,/ Leo,-onis, m.

d-tCpor, w -os, -oris, •-cpra,-ae,/. 1. Lepus, -oris, m /eturn, -3,«. z. -ex, -gis,/. -iber, -bri, m. x. Libra,-as,/, ij ‘ -iftor, -is, m.

:i4en,-enis, wj. -ignum, -i,«. x,

^ Englifh. 23 Bacon a SpeFlre, a Bric^ a Tile, a Lantern* Water, a jobbert the Side, a Law el-tree'. Praife. a Pan. a Cauldron, a Bed. all manner of Pulfe. a bijher boat, a Bar/^, a Whore-merchant, a Nit. Lentilesl a Lion.

^ a good Grace', the Leprofp. a Hare. Death, a Law, a Boo}{, the Inner lar\ a Ballancet [0/4 Jrei§ a Serjeant, the Milt. Wood,


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24 ^ fiort LigoJ-onis, m. q. LiHum,-ii, n. 2. Lima, -ae,/. i. Limbus, -i, m> z. Limen, -inis,«. Limes, -itis, m. 4. Limus,-i,»j. 2. Linea, ae-/. 1. Lingua,-ce,/. 1, Linter,-tris, m. v.f : Linum, -i,». z. Lira,-se,/* i. Lis, litis, / Litera, -ae,/. li Litus, -oris, n. q. Lituus,-i, m. z. Locus, -i. mi z. Locufta, -ae, / 1; Lolium, ii,« 2. Lorum,-i,». 2. Lucrum, -i,». 2. Lucus, -i, »>, 2. Lues--is,/ Lut^us, ;i, »« 2. Lumen,-inis, », 3* Luna, -*,/• !• Lupus,-i, w. 2. Lulcinia,-ae,/. 1.

Vocabulary a Mattocks a Lilly, a File. a Border of a Garmet r a Tbrefhold. a Land-mark, Mud. a Line, the Tongue.

». a little Boatf Flax. a Furrow, a Ridge i Strife. a Letter. the Shorei a Clarion, an Augu a Place. a Grajhopper, 4 Locufi a tVeed in Corn, a Thong. Gain, a Grove. a common Plague. - the Loin, Light. the*Moon. a Wolf. a Nightingale'.


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Latin and Englifi. lutum,-i, n. %. Mire, Clay. :ux, -ucis, /. Light. : uxus, us, m 4, Excefs. T'ympha,-ae,/. Water.

J - M LjAcdlum, -i, ». z. the Flefomarkst. Maceria, -ae, » ,<* Wall of Stones, or

/•I. C 3 Bricks without- Mor- f. f 3 1 ©aceries, -iei,/. f .J c tar.

Jiachina,-ae,/. x. (ilacula, -ae, / 1. dagifter, tri, w. x lala^ge,/. 1.

dalleus, -i, m. z. ;)|4alus, -i,/. x,. damma, *ae,/. 1.

«« Engine^ a Blot a Mafter. the Ball of the Cheek, an Hammer or Mallet. 5 an apple-tree, m, .X, c 4 Mail

Breaft or Pap. , ~i*.*.* * • M LMtSUjt, Uf t UfT. danes, -ium, pl.m 3 the Souls of the Pead, Mannus, -i, m Z. a little Horfe. j/lantica, -ae,/. 1. J/lanus,-us/. 4. dappa, *£e,/. i* ylare, -is, n. j4argarita, -£E,/. i i4argo,-inis,/. |4armor, -oris, n, 3

a Wallet, the Hand, a Table-cloth, the Sea. a Pearl, a Jewels the Brim of anj thing. Marble.

C Ma hs

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2.6 A fhort Mas, marls, m Mafia, -ae,/. I. Mater, -tris. / 3. Materia, *a?,/. 1. •

® -es,-iel,/. J Matula, -ae, 1. Maxilla,-ae,/. 1. Medulla,-as, f 1. Mel, mellis, w, Menfbrum, -i, «. 2^ Me'nda, £E,/. 1. ’

Mendum, - i, k 2.^ Mendicus, -i, m z; Mens, -tis,/ Men fa,-as,/ 1. Menfis,--is, w. Mentum, -i, n. z. Merces, -edis,/. Merx, -cis, / 3. Meta, -as,/. 1. Metallum, -i, «. 2. Mica, -a?,/ 1. Miles, -ids, c 3. Milvius,-ii, »* 2. Minar, -arum, j>Lf. 1. Mi order, -tri, w 2. Minium, -ii, ». 2. Modus,-ijW. x.

Vocabulary a Male. Dough, a Lump, a Mother.

► Matter or Timbert ■ | a Chamber-pot. i the Cheek-bone. Marrow. Honey, a Limb*

• a Fault. a Beggar, the Mind, a Table, a Month, the Chin. Hire or Wages, Merchant-Goods. ' the Goal. Metal, a Crum, a Soldier, a Kjte, Threatningt. a Servant. I{ed Lead Vermilion, a Manner


Page 35: · A Short and Eafy VOCABULARY, Latin and Englifli; onfifting of the moft common I PRIMITIVES of the Latin Tongue, ranged in an Alphabetical Order: hken for the mojl

Latin ami Englijb. *»chtK,-i, i I ola, ~ se, f. i. ■pies, -is,/ ; bnera, -ae, f. i. ■nile, is, n. ons, -ris, wj. q. ora,-ae,/. j. orbus,-i, wj, x, or's,-tis,/.

an adulterer, a Mill, a Heap, Money. a Keck]ace or Collar, a Mountain, Delay, a Difeafe, Death.


ortarium, -ii, n, x. a Mortar'. orus,-i, /. x.

moris, m. ucor, -oris, m. ucro, -onis, m. ucus, -i, m. x. ulier, -eris,/. |ulra,-x,/. i. ulus, -i, m x. undus, -i, m. x. unus, eris, n,

|!urex,-icis, ?» q.

ormur, -uris, n.q. urus, -i, m z. as, muris, m, q. lufca,-ae,/. i.

j Mulberry-tree, a Fashion. •Mouldinefs. the Point of a Sword,. Snott. a Woman, a Pine, a Mule, the World, a Gift.

Shell-Pip}, of the ^Liquor whereof Pur- yple Colour was made. (Purple.

a murmuring Noife, a Wall, a Moufe, a Fly. C 2. Mu feus*

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23 Mufcus, -j, m 7 Muftum, -i, n. z. Myrtus, -i, f. x.

A port Vocabulary Mofs. Neve Wine, a My Ytlc tree.

“VT ^.nia, x, / ^ Nxvus,-i, wj.

Nanus, -i, m. Naris, -is,/. . Nafla, -ae, f. Nafus, -i, m. Nares, -ium, pl f. Navis, -is,/. Naulea, -ae,/ Ntbula, -ae,/. Nebulo, onis, m,, oris, ». Nf pos, -otis, m. Ncrvus, i. m. Ntx, necis,/* Nidus, -i, rg. Nimbus, i, m. Nodus, -i, m. Nomen, -inis,». Norma, sc,/. No thus-, -i, m. Not us, -i, ws. Noverca, -x,f. Nox, no6lis,/.

a mournful Song, a Mtrl^ in the Body, a Dvearf. the Ncfiril, a Weel or Bove-net, the Nofe, the Buttoekj. a Ship. a Qualm or Sea-Jick.m a Cloud an idle Scoundrel, a Wood, a Grandjon. a Nerve or Bove.Jlrint a violent Death, a Nejl. a violent Storm, a Kjtot. a Name. a fquare or Bple. a Bajlard. the South-wind, a Step mother, the Night.


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29 Latin and Englijb, ,;Jubes, -is,/. a Cloud, eJugae,-arum, Trifles. ilumerus, -i, m. a Number: ilummus, -j, m. any fmall Coin. (tundinx, -arum, ? ^ Fair „

fl.f I- J jlurus, -us,/. a Daughterdn-lAW. jlux, ucis,/. a Nut.

O ABolus, m. r Ocrea, -ie,/. •cuius,-i, m.

-IMor, -oris^ m. Iffaj -x, f. i*lea, -x,/. !»lla,-3B, /. (jflor, -oris, m. flus, -cris, w. I'mafum, -i, rf. (•men, -inis, n. •nus,-eris, n. •pis, -i, em, f.

1‘ppidum,-i, »• pibnium, -ii, n. •pus, -eris, n,

f*a» -Zy fk

an Half-fenny, a Boot, the Eye', a Scent. a Bit or Morfcl. an Olive-tree, a Pot, a S wan. Harden Herbs. C the thicks Part of the t Belly, the Paunch, a Prefage. a Burthen, Help, a Town'. Food. Kitchen far el aTVorl^.

Page 38: · A Short and Eafy VOCABULARY, Latin and Englifli; onfifting of the moft common I PRIMITIVES of the Latin Tongue, ranged in an Alphabetical Order: hken for the mojl

3*. . Orbis, -is, Orcus, -i} m. Ordo, -inis, wj* Ornus, -i,/. Os, oris, n. Os oflis, rii Oftium, -ii, ». Oftrea, Ocium, ii, Ovis, -is,/. Ovum, -i, #.

Vocabulary a Circle, the Place of the DeaJjtA an Order, the PVild-afo. the Mouth, a Bone, a Door, an Oyfter. Idienefs. a Sheep,, an Egg%

P PAbulum, *i, n.

Paedor, -oris, ?wi Paenula, -ae, /: Pagus, -i, m, Pala, -ae, /. Palaeftra, -ae,/. Palatium, -ii, »=. Palatum, -U »• Palea, -ae,/. Palla, -ae,/ Pallium, -ii, »* Palma, -se,/- Palmes, -itis, «*, Palumbes,;is,»». v. Palus, mdis,/. Palusvj>

Fodder'. Slovenline ft. ^ I a thicl^ Riding-coat^ g Canten, a Shovel, a Peel, a Fencing School; a Palace, the Palate, Chaff. a Woman s. upper Rot a Cloak the Palm of the- Hand a Vine-branch,

f. a Wood-pigeon, a Pool, a Stakpi

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Lathi rampinus, .i, m, lanis, -is, m. nannus, -i, m. ;japaver, -eris, n. japilio, -onis, m. |apula, -ae,/. apyrus, -i,/. anes, -etis, m, 'arma, fi. 'ars, partis, f. 'affer, -eris, m. ‘ater, -tris, m. j ’atera, -se, /. s^tina, -ae,/. Pavo, -onis, mt ;5ax, pacis, /. re<Stus, -oris, n, :J?ecus, -oris, n. (i?ecus, -udis,f, (Pelagus, -i, », iPellis, -is,/, 'Pelvis, -is,/. Penna, ae,/.

>'Penus,-i,.rM. & i /. ^ - oris, n, tPera, -ae, f Perdix, -icis,/. Pernaj-se,/*:

and EngliJB. $ l a Vine-leaf^ Bread. iVoolen Cloth,, a Poppy, a Butterfly, a little Pimple. Paper. « Wall, a Buckler] a Part, a-Sparrow. 4 Father,] a G hlet. a Pot, a Platte*, a Peacock,. Peace, the Breahl, Cattle, a Beaflo. the Sea.

Hide. a.Bafon, i Feather.

-us, ^ a Pantry. Provifion of Viiiuah, a Scrip.

Q, m. a Partridge. a Gammon of Bacon]


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32, A Jljort Perfbna, -ae/. Pertica, a?,/. Pes, pedis, w. Peffulus, -j, m. Peftis, -is,/. Petafo, -onis, «3. Petra, -se,/, Pharetra,-ae,/. Phafelus, -i, & /. Pica, -as,/. Picus, -i, w. Pignus, -oris, n, Pjla, -ae,/. Pileus, -i, »/i, Pilum, -i, ». Piius, -i, m. Pinna, -as^/. Pinus, -i, /. Piper, -eris, «. Pirus, -i,/. Pifcis,-is, Pifiim, -i, n. Pituira, -ae, /. Pix, -icis,/. Placenta, -as,/. Plaga, ae,/. Flag,a, ae,/.

Vocabulary a Mail^. ■ • 5 <J Pole or Perch C meafure Land win't

the Foor, a Bolt, the Plague, a Leg of PorJ^dritd*. a Hoel{ a Quiver, a little Ship, a Magpie, a Speck, a Pawn or Pledge-, a Ball or Tennice. a Hat or Cap. 4 Pile or Javelin, an Hair. a Fin. a Pinnacle, a Pine tree. Pepper, a Pear-tree., a Fifh. Peafe. Phlegm. Pitch, a Cake, a Blow. a Net. a Climate.


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Latin and Englifh. iflanta, >*, f. iflatea, -32,/. a'lauftrum, -i, n. f lebs, -ebis, /. (’luma, -se,/. . rlumbum,-i, Gluteus, -i, m, ^oena, -se,/. Polenta, -ae,/ Pollen, -inis, w. pompa, -oe, fi pomus, -i,/. pondus,-eris, ». :?ons, -tis, m. Copies, -itis, rn* J?opulus, -i, m. Populus, -i,/. i?orcus, -i, m. iPorrum, -3, n. (Porta, -32./. iPortus, -As, mi •Poftis, -is, m, Prxco,-onis, m. Praeda, -ae,/. 'Prsedium, -ii, n, Pra;lium,-ii, n. 'Premium, -ii, n. ■Prses, aedis, c.

33 * p/c»f. a broad Street, a Cart or Waggorii the common People', a [mail Feather. Lead. a Prefs for Bookp', Punifhment, Malt. Fine Flower. Pomp. Ojlentation, an apple-tree. Weight, a Bridge. the Ham of the Leg. the People a Poplar-tree, a Hog. a Leek, a Gate. a Harbour. Haven, a Door po ft. a common Crier, a Booty, a Farm, a Battle, a Beveard. a Surety.


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34 A jhort Praetor,.oris, m. Prandium,-ii, Pratum, -i, n. Precis,-i, em,/, Prelum, -i, n. Pretium, -ii, ». Probrurn, -i, ». Procella, -a?,/. Procus, -i, m. Proles, is, /. Prora, -ae /* Profapia, a5,/, Pruina, -ae,/. PrQna, -ae /. Prunus, -i, /. Pubes, -is,/. Puer, -eri, w*. Pugnus,-i, m. Pulex, -icis, wt, Puilus, -i, m Pulmo, -onis, >». Pulpitum, -i, Puls, -tis,/. Pulvinar, -aris, Pulvis, -eris, m. Pumex, -icis, m, Puppis, -is,/.

Vocabulary ^ Judge, a chief Mag* a Dinner. [ftrat, >. 4 Meadow. Prayer, a Prefs. a Price, a Difgrace, a Storm. a Woer or Suitor, an Offspring, the Forecajilc of a Shifi a Family. Linage. Koar-frojl. a burning Coal. < a Plumb tree.

the firfl Hair upon the Chitti a Boy.

the Fift, a Flea. a Foal or young Bird. \ the Lungs, a Desk, or Pulpit, Water-gruel, a Cufhion or Pillow. Duft. a Pumice-Jlone. the Stern of a Ship.


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fupus, -i, m. f urpura, f. Jui, puris, n. |uteus,-i, m. hxis> -idis,/. QUalus, •!, m.

lercus, us, f. I'ics, -etis,/. i^ifquili^e,/»/. I -arum,/. ^ Abies, -iel,/.

Racemus,-i, w«. Radius, -ii, m. ladix,-icis,/. Umex, -icis, m. ■amus, -i, m. -ana, -ae,/ -apa, ae, /. •apum, -i,». -atis, is,/ •eligio,-onis, f. ■emus*, -i, m, en, renis, es. rei, /. eftis,-is, / ete, -is, n.

35- Latin and Englifh. a Babe or Baly, Purple. putrid Matter, a Draw-well,

^a Box. a Gally-pdt, a Basket, an Oal{-treet

the Sweepings, R Marinefs,

a duller of Grapes] a Bay of t he Sun. a Boot, a Bypture. a Branch, a Frog.

^ a Turnip, a Float of Timber.a Ship. Religion, an Oar. the KJdney. a Thing, a Bppe. 4 Net.


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3 6 A fiort Rhaeda, -3£, f* Rima, -x,f. Ripa, -se,/. Ritus, -us, m. Rivus,-i, »j. Rixa, Robur, -oris, n. Rogus, -i, m, Ros, roris, m. Rofa, -ae, f. Roftrum, -i, ». Rota, -ae,/. Rubus, -i, m. v.f. Ru£tus, -As, m. Rudus, -eris, n. Ruga, -ae,/7. Rumen, -inis, n. Rumor,-oris, m. Rupes, is, /. Rus, ruris,». Rufcus, -i,»». Ruta, -ae,/. C Abulum, -i) ».

Saburra, -ae, /. Saccharum, -i, n. Saccus, -i, ct.

Vocabulary a Chariot, a Chinks the Ban^of a Riveri V a Cuflom. a Stream, a Squabble. Hardefl Oak, a Funeral Pile, | Dew. • a Rofe. a Beak, a Wheel, a Thorn-bujh. a Belch. Rubbijh. a Wrinkle-

the Devtlap. the <| of Bealls. i

. a Report, a Noife, I a Rock- the Country. Butcher’’] Broom, the Herb Rye. s Gravel. Ballaft. Sugar. ^ a Sack, or Bag, Si

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Latin ;iga, -ae, /. Iigina, -ae,/. ugitta, -ae,/. Sguro, -i, n.

Jal, ms, m v. n. plebra, ■ ae, /. i iliva, -ae /. illix, -icis,/. Ulus, -utis./. timbuca, -as,/, 'anguis, -inis, m. pnies, -iei, /. •anna, -ae, /. Japo, -onis, m. rmentum, -i, n. irtago, -inis,/, itelles, -itis, m. ixum, i, n. ;ala, -ae, /.

jcamnum, -i, n. scapha, -ae, /. scapula, -ae,/, icelus,-eris, n. cena, -ae,/- ceptrum, -i, n. cheda, -ae,/- chola, -ae,/. cintilla, ■», /.

Englijh. 3jr <* wife Woman. Cramming, an Arrow, a Soldier’s Cajfock^. Salt. a rugged Way. Spittle. the Willow-tree. Health. a Dulcimer or Sackful. Blood. putrid Blood, a Mocking. Soap. a Twig, a dry Bough, a Frying pan. a Life guard-man. a Stone, a Ladder, a Bench, a Boat. the Shoulder-blade; Wickednefs. a Scaffold or Stage for a Scepter. [Players, a Scroll* a Note or Bill, a School, a Spark,

D Scipio,

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38 A fbort Vocabulary Sctpio,-onis, m. a Walking.Jlajf. Scirpus, -i, m. a Bulrufh. Sciurus,-i, »*. a Squirrel, Scobs-bis,/. Saw duft. Scop®, -arum, pl.f. a Broom, a Befom. b Scopulus, -i, Scopus, -i, m. Scortum, -i,». Scrinium, -ii,». Scrobs, -bis, Scrupus,-i, W; Scurra, -®, /. Scutica, -®,/. Scutum,-i, n, Scyphus, ~i,»». Seculum, -i, w. Securis, -is, /, Seges, -etis,/. Semen,-inis, »r. Semita, -ae, f. Sentina, -as,/. Sentis, -tis, m. Sepes,' -is,/. ~ ,-®,/ Sera, Series, -iei,/. Sermo, -onis, m, Serra, aej/.

a R,t>ck,- a Mar^. an End or V a Whore, a Catket. a Ditch, a little/harp Stem a Buffoon, a Whip, a Shield, a Cup. an Age. an Ax. an Hatchet^ a Cornfield. Seed, a Path. c a Sink or corM l Shore,

a Briar-lu/h. an Hedge, a Lock., an Order, a Di/courfe. a Saw,


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Latin ■um, -5, n.

!:a» -X, /• -vum,®. Sebum .Xus, -6s, m, ’iilus, -i," m. -a, as,/, pus, eris, n. I?num, -t, w. iler, -eris, ». fex, -ids, d.

, igo, -inis, /. iliqua, -ae,/. Iva, -a, /. mus, -us, w. tis, -is, f. :tula, -as, /. i)ccus,-i, m. i)cer, -erl, w. )dalis, -is, w. }1, foils, m. olea, -as,/. ,iUum, -ii,». alum, -i, w. amnus, -i, w. apor, -oris, w. ordes, -ium, fl.

and Lnglifi. 39 Whey a Briftle.

1,-i, n.Sewct. the Malt or Female Sex: Miffing, a Dagger. 4 Ccnftellation* a Sign. a Dwarf-fa!low. a Flint.fione. Fine Wheat. « an Hus^ a Wood. fthe Boftm. the Lap.

a Bay. Thirft. a Buc{et. C a light fort of Shoe C worn by Comedians,

a Father-in-law. a Companion, a Crony, the Sun. a Shoe, a Slipper, a Throne, the Ground, Sleep. a deep Sleep,

f, Najlinefs, D i Sorcx,

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4° A JJjort Sorex, -ids, m. Soror, -oris,/, Sors, -tis, f Spado, -onis, m'. Spatium,-ii,«. Specus, - us, d. Spes, -ei,/. Spica,-x,/. Spina, -x,/. Spinter, -eris,«. Spira, -x, /. Splen, -eni«, Spolium,-ii, ». Sponda, x,/. Spongia, -x,/. Sponte, abl. f. Sporta,‘-x,/. . Spurn a', -x, /. Squama, -x,/. Scabulum, -i, »• Stadium, -ii) Stagnum, -i, n. Stamen^-inis,«-

Vocabulary a Hat, a Field-mouft, a Si Her. a Lot. Lue^ an Eunuch. Space, a Den. Hope. an Ear of Corn, a thorn, the Bacl^ bom j< a Buckje or Clafp. a Hpundel or Circle, the Milt. Spoil. 5 a Bed-(lead or Sidek l a Bed. a Sponge. c Of himfelf, or of l own free will,

a Basl^eti Foam or Scum, a Scale, an Ox jlall. a Stable. c a Furlong, a Fla 2 for running a Eg a 5 a Pool, a ftandin L Water C Cloth in the Loci l a Threed fpun


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Latin litannum, -i,». itella, j:temma, -atis, n, lijtercus", -oris,«. jtigma, -atis,

Itilus, v. Stylus, -

ij'timulus, -i, Itipes, -itis, m. itips, -ipis,/. ll'tipula, -ae,/. i tiria, -sc,/. Itirps, -pis, d. Itiva, ae,/. i tola, -x, /. ftomachus, -i, 'trena, /. feruma, -te, /. — itudium, -ii,». itupa, -ae,/. ‘tjjprum, -i,«. iturnus, -i. m,


a urana a iv. ran Injlrume

. j with on W h mS) a Stileor

v writing.

and Englifi. Tin. a Star. a Stem or Pedigree. Dung. a Brand a Mark,

an Inftrument to write Wax Tables, or Manner of

writing, a Spur, a Stake. a fmall Penny. Alms. Stubble, an Icicle. the Stem of a Tree, a Plough-tail, a Woman's Gown. 5 the Stomach, or Paf- c fage to it.

a new Year's Gift, ca Wen or Swelling in ^ the Neck. Study. Favour. Hards Coarfe Flax. Whoredom. C the Bird called a 4 Starling. D 3 Subli-

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A Jhort Vocabulary Stake driven ini Subllca, -x, f.

Sudes, - is,/. Sulcus, -i, m, Sulphur, -uris, n,

\ the Water, Ca Stake hardened 2. the Fire, a Furrow. Brimflone:

Supellex, -le&ilis,/l Houjhold-Sluff. Sura, -a?, /. the Calf of the Leg.

a young Twig, a Boar or Sow. a Whiffet.

Surculus, -i, m, Sus,fuis, c.' Sufurrus, -i, m. 'T’Aberna, -jb,/. A Tabes,-is,/. Tabula, -ae,/. Tseda, -ae,/. Talentum, -i, n. Talpa, -se, f. Talus, Tapes, -etis, m] Taurus,-i, m. Tela, -ae,/. Tellus, -uris,/. Telum, n. Temo,-onis,»». Templum, -i, »• Tempus, -oris, ».

an Inn or Shop, a Confumptioni 4 Board or Plank* a Torch, a Talent^ a Mole. the Ancle'bone] Tapeftry. a Bull, a Web* the Earth] a Dart. the Pole of a Coach, a Temple or Church. Time.

Tenebrae, -arum, pi, AOarknef^ Terebn

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Latin and iferebra, -ae,/. fergum, -i, n. Hermes, -itis m. JPerminus, -i, ml ferra, -ae,/. refqua, -orum, fl. n\ ireflera, -32,./? iFefta, -se,/. iPeftis, -is, c. iFhalamus, -i, tn. fheatrum,-i, n. Thermae^ -arum, fl /. Thefaurus, -i, m. Thorax, -acis, ra. Thus, -urts, n, 'Tibia, -ae, /, Tignus, -i, m. 7

v. -um. -i, », 5 Tilia, -ce,/. Tinea, -ae, /. Tiro, -onis,»». Titio, -onis, m,

Enjrliflj. 43 4 Wimble, the Back. an Olive-branch, a Bound, the Earthi 5 fyugb Platts that c ly until I’d. S a Dye or Tally, a t Watch rvordi

ft Earthcn-ve(fslt * Witnefs. a Bride-chamber '. {a Place xthere Peo-

ple ajjtmble to be- hold Plays, a rearm Bathi

* ireafurc. 5 the Breaft, a Breaft- c plate. Frankincenfe. J the Shin-bone, the c Leg. a Flute or Pipe.

a Croft-beam, a Lime-tree, a Moth, a Frefh-xvater Soldien a Fire-brand.


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44 4 port Titulus, -ij m. Toga, -ae, /. Tornus, -i, m,


Truncus, -i, m. Trutina, -ae,/. Tuba, -ae,/. Tuber,-eris, w. Tubus,-!, m. Tumukus, -fis, tn. Tumulus, -j, m. Tunica,-ae, f. Turba, -ae,/. Turdus, -i, m. Turma, :x,/.

Torus, -r, w. Toxicum, -i, w»» Trabs, -abis, /. Trames, -iris, m. Tribulus, -i, m. Tribus,-As,/.

.Tricae, -arum, pi /. Triclinium,-ii, n. Triticum, -i, n, Triumphus, -i, m, Tropaeum, -i, ».

a Title, a Gown. 5 the Wheel or Ltil C that Turners

C a Bed. PJ. Brawl l Mujclei. Poifon. a Beam, a Crofs way. a Thiflle a Bramble, a Tribe or Ward. Intricacies, a Dining-room. Wheat a Triumph. $ a Trophy or Sign c Vi 8 cry,

the Body of a Tree, a Balance. a Trumpet. £room t a Swelling or a Mu(k\ a Tube, a Pipe, an Vproat. a Hillock a Grave', a Coat, a Crowd, a Thru/h. a Troop of Horje.


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Latin and Englifi. 4^ iturris, -is,/. iFurtur,-uris,«j. iTuflis, is,/. Cympanum, -i,». Typus, -i, m. Tyrannus, -i, nt.

a TorVer. a Turtles a Cough, a Taber or'Drumi a Pattern^ a Tyfe. a Tyrant, a KJngl

yAcca, -a:,/. 7 Vagina, xj.

Vail is, -is,/. Vallus, i, tn. Valvas, -arum,/ Vannus, -i, f. Vapor, -oris, m] vappa, - as, /. Varix, -icis, m. v.f. Vas, vadis, m. 1 Vas, vafis, «. ^ •Veles, -itis, »j. Velum, -i,». Vena, -ae, /. Venenum, -i, Venia, -as,/. Venter, .tris, wi. Ventus, -I, m. [Vepres, -is, m. Ver, veris, n.

a Cow. a Scabbard, a Valley. a Stake or PaliJJado. Folding Doors. * a Fan to winnow 1 Corn withall. a Vapour. Vailed Wine, a crooked Vein in the a Surety. {.Legsi

pi. X, a Veffel. a light Horfe-manl ■ a Sail, a Vein. Poifon. Pardon PermiJJipn, the Felly, the Wind, a Briar, the Spring.


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4 6 A (hort Verbena,-ae,/. Verber, -eris, n, Verbum, -i, ». Vermis, -is, m, Verna, ce, m. Verres,-is, m. Verruca, -ae,/. Veru, ».4, Vertex, -ecis, m, Vefica, -se,/ Vefpa,-ae,/. Vefper, -eris, m. Veftis,-is,/. Via. -ae, /. Vjbex, -ids,/ Vicia,-as,/. Vicis, -i, -em,/. Vi&ima, -ae,/. Vicus,-i. w. Villa, -as,/. Villus,-i, Vinum, -i, w. Viola, -se,/. Vipera, -ae,/. Vir, viri m. Virga, -*, Z

Vocabulary Vervain. Sacred Leave* a Whip, a Word, a Worm'. c a Slave horn in hk- i Mafter’s Hcufe, I

a Boar-pig, a Wart, a Spit. a Wether-Sheep, a Bladder, a Wafp. the Evening] a Garment, a Way. the Mark, of a Blows Vetches or Tares, a Change or Turn, a Sacrifice, a Street, a Country hcufe. Coarfe Shag-hair. Wine, a Violet, a Viper, a Man. A Bod.

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Latin and . Virus, -i, n. ' Vis, vh,/. Vlfcus.-i,^ Vilcus, -ens, n] Vitellus, - i, m.

' Vitis, is, f. I Vitium, -ii, Ilr1tr,CUS»"i» m' Vitrurn, - j, n.

Vi tea, -ae,/. | Vkulus, -i, w. Uicus, -ens, ». Hj'g"’ -'.nis,/. U'mus, r,f U!na,-ae,/: Jjlula, x f: Umbo, -onis, m, umbra, ae,/.

jHncus, -i. m. Unda, as,/. 1 ~nguis, -is, m.


;«nio, -onis, m. Vola. ae,/. Vomer, v. is, -eris, w; urbs, -bis, /. Urceus, -i, w, Hrina, -as, /.'

47 Poifon. Violence. Bird-lime, the Bowels, the Yolli'Of an Egg] a Vine. Vice, an ImperfeElion, a Father-in-law. Glafs, a Fillet. * Calf, a Bile Moiflnefs. Oofinefs. the Elm-tree, an EH. Sea weed, an Owl, the Bo/sofa Buckler', a Shadow, a Hool{. a Wave, a Nail, a Peart, the Palm of the Hand; the Plough-fhare. a Town. a fmall earthen Pitcher] “Urine,


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4S A fiort Urna, -ae,/. Urfus, -i, m. 1 liter, -tris, m. Uterus,-!, m. Uva, ae, /. Vulgus, -i, d, Vulnus,-eris, n. Vulpes, -is,/. Vultur, -uris._n»/ Vultus, -As, m. Uxor, -oris,/.

Vocabulary a Water Pitcher, j a Bear. a Leather Bottle, the Womb, a Grape, the common People. . a Wound, a Fox. a Vulture, the Countenance* a Wife.

Adje&ive Nouns.

A Cer, -cris, -ere. Acerbus, -a, -um

^Eger, gra, -grum. ALqutis, -a,-um. Ahenus, -a, -um. Alacer, -cris, -ere. Albus, -a, -um. Alius, -a, -ud. Alter, -a, -um, Altus,-'a,-urn,'

Sharp. Bitter, harjh,

unripe. Sickor weak. Plain, or equah Of Brafs. Chearful. White. Another of man/. One of two. High, Ama:s

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hatin and Engtijb, imarus, -a, •um. Bitter, i mbo, -ae, -o. t micus, -a, -unii fmocnus, -a, -uni. ■implus, -a -um. fpricus, -a, -um. ■^Aus, -a, -um. urduus, .a, -um, inper, -eras -erum. '^er, -tra, -truin, lUrox, -ocis, omn. ivarus, -a, -um. jlufterus, -a, -um.

4^ Both, Friendly. Kjnd; Plea/ant. Wide or, large. 5 Sunny, That lyes in c the Sun

Narrow. Clofe, High or hard. Bough. Black, Cruel. Covetous] Some or [harp]

I B [j Albus, -a, -um. Stammering. Stuttering, ( Barbarus,-a1um. ^ude Savage. >ellus, -a, -um. Pretty. 'Slasfus, -a, -um. Lifping. illandus, -a, -um. £ Flattering. Favon- , c ing. Courteous, ionus, -a, -um. Good. g[evis,-is,-e. short. isrutus, -a, -um. ^ Brutifh. H^Ecus, -a, -um. Blind.

Caetera,-erum. Therejl. oalvus, -a, -um. Bald. ^ CamiJi

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50 A Jhort Vocabulary Canus, -a, -um. Car us, - a, -urn. Cjiflus, a. -urn. Callus, ~a, *um. Gavus, a, -um. Celeber, -bris, -bre. Celer -cris, ere. Celfus, a, -um. Certus, -a. -um. Cicur, -uris, omn. Clarus, -a,-um. Claudus, -a, um. Clemens, -tis, omn. Comis, -is, -e. Corufcus, -a, -um. Craffus,-a, -um. Creber, -bra, -brum Crifpus, -a, -um. Crudus,-a, -um. CumSlus, -a, -um. Curtus, a, -um. Curvus, - a, -urn;

Grey hair'd. Dear Void Empty. Cbait. Hollow Frequented, or renowm Swift. High. Certain. Tame. Gentle. Famous Lame. Halting. Merciful. Kjnd.

/iffable, or good jli mour'd.

Shining. Glittering^ Grofs ..11 Repeated. Curled. Raw. Vnfoddeni All. Whole. Made Rump or fhorti \ \ Crooked.

D DEbilis, -is, -e. Weak

Decern, ind. Ten, Denfus,-a, um. Thick, Dexter, era, -erura. Rjgkt.

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Latin and Englijh. • 'gnus, -a, -um. ''jr'Js, -a, -u«i. Fives, -iris,.w»». i»ubius, -a, -um. .'ulcis, is, e. vuo, -ae, -o. furus, -a, -uni. 7 Brius, -a,-um.

Worthy. Direful or dreadful. Hich. Doubtful, Sweet. Two, Hard.

^ , Drunk. ■^ Elegans, -tis, cinn. Polite. Curious. xiguus,-a, urn. Small.

H'A.cetus, -a,-um. Pleajant or witty] p Facundus, -a, um. Eloquent. |acuus, -a, -urn, fauftus, -a,-um. Mix, -icis, omn. ferus, -a, -um, ffftus, -a, -um. firmus, -a, -um. Maccus, -a, -um. plavus,-a, -um. ^cundus, -a, -um. Fruitful

Simple. Fortunate. Happy, Wild, Feftival orjoyfull. Strong, Firm Hanging down. Flap' Tel low. [ear’d*

feed us, - a, - um. [’oetus, -a, - um. ortis,-is,-e. Valiant, requens^-tis, omn. Frequent or throng, retus, -a, -um, flying upon,

E i

Hafly. Big with Toung. Valiant,


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Sz -AJhort Vocabulary Frivol us, -a, um. Frivolous or trifling

>tp. Fulvus, -a, um. a deep Telloro. Furvus, -a, -um. Darl^ Brown. Dusky t Fufcus,-a,-um. Brown.

s G ^’Eminus, -a, -um. Double. Giivus,-a,-um. Flejh-coloured. Glaber,-bra, -brum. Smooth. Without M.

Glaucus, -a, -urn, Gnarus, -a, -urn. Gracilis, -is, -e. Grandis, -is, -e, Gratus,-a, -um. Gravis, -is,-e.


Gray. Sky-colour'd. ,. Knowing Experience Lean or Jlender. Greati Thankful. Acceptabh Heavy.

1J Ebes, 'etis, omn. Dull. Hie, hacc, 2 , .

hoc. pron. i 1 ”>S’ &*. Hilaris, -is, -e. Hirfutus 6? Hir-

tus, -a, -um. Hifpidus, -a, -u?h. I Dopeus, -a,-umj * Jejunus, -a, um Ille, -a, *ud,pron, Immanis, -is, -e. Imus, -a, -um,

Cbearful, | Rough. Rugged.

Rough, Frick.lj. I Suitable. Fit} Fafting, That. Cruel Dreadful. Hu Lowefl, DeepeB.


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Latin and Englijh. 53 Inam’s, -/s, -e. Empty. Void of. Induftrius, -a, *um. Laborious

, fngens, -tis, omn. integer,-gra, -grum. ilnvitus,-a, -um. ilpfe -a, -uni. pron, jucundus, -a, -um. •T Acer, -era, -eruni, j - Lastus, -a, -urn* Lacvus, -a, -um. Laevis, ris, -e. Largus, -arum.:

Lafcivus, -a, -um* Laflus, -a,-um. Latus, -a, -um. Laxus, -a, -um. Lenis, -is, -e. Lentus, -a, -urn* Levis, -is, -e. Liber, -era, -erum. Limpidus, -a,-um. Limus, -a,-umr Lippus, - a, -um.i Longus, -a, -um. L^ibricus, -a, -um. Luridus, -a,-um. Lufcus, .

Great. Whole XJpright. Vnvoilling. Him, Her. Itfelft Very'. Pleafant, Torn. Rent. Merry. Left. Vnlucky. Polifhed. Smooth. Abundant. Frolick.fcme. Wanton, Weary. Broad. Loofe. Wide'. Slack. Gentle. Slow, Pliant. Limber} Light. Free. Clear. Pure. Askew. Squinting* Blear ey'd. Long. Slippery. Pale. Wan. Ghafllyl... One ey'd.


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A Jhort Vocabulary M Vf Acer,-era,-crum.MMgrff, Lean. 1 Magnus,-a, -um. Great.

Malus, a,-um. fiaA Mancus, -a, -um- Maimed, ImperfeB. Manifeftus, -a, -um. Evident. Maniftft, Maturus,-a,-um. Hip*- i Medius, -a, -um. Menus, -a, -um. Minus, -a,-um. Mifer,-ena,-erumJ Minis, -is, -e. Mollis, -is, -e- Multus, -a, -um. Mundus, -a, -um. Mutilus, -a, -um. Mutus, -a, -um. Mutuus, -a, -um.

Middle, Arrant or mere. Strange. Wonderful. Wretched Dijlreffed. Gentle. Mild. K.ind, Soft. Much. Heat or clean, Wanting Horns. Matt Dumb. [j Mutual.

N IN NA™ 0 G"a- Ija;.'. -1- vus,-a, -um. 3 — vus, -a, -um. Niger, -gra, -grum< Blac^, Novem, ind. Nine. Novus, -a, -um. Hew. ^ Nudus, -a, -um. Naked. Bare] Nunrius, -a, -um. Bringing News, Obifquu

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Latin and Englifb. O j~..JUUS, -a, -um, Crooked.

Obururus, -at um. Dark,


V indi

i:)mnis, -is,-e. i;)pacus, -a, -um. i])pimus,-a, -um* Orbus, -a, -um* !pAr, -is, o*nn. f Parvus, -a, -um.

»puci, -x, -a, pi Pauper, -eris, omn. ^ernix, ocis, omn. herpes, -etis, omn. f'ger. -gra, -grum. rmguis, -is, -e. j/’ius, -a, -um. Manus, -a, -um* Plenus, -a,-um. rkriqueP^aequc, |

Eight. Jilli Shady or dark* Fat. Rjch. Deprived of.

P Even in Numb ft. Like. Little. Fere. Poor. Swift Fleet'. Perpetual. Lay. Slothful, Fat. Religious, Plain or level. Full.

-aque, pi. Mus, -uris,». :’otis, -is. -e.

More. P Plures, -es,-a,' Able Mighty,

’ngruns, -tis, mm " ** vi,i

Vavus, -a, -urn. Crooked Wicked. ’robus,-a,-urn. Good, Honeft.


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$6 A Jhort Vocabulary Procerus,-a,-um. Pronus, -a, -um. Groveling. Incline). Proper us, - a, - U m. Hajly. Speedy. Proprius, -a,-um. Peculiar. One's ove. Profper, -era, -erum. Succeflful. Pru dens, -tis, omn. Difcrtet or wife, Publicus,-a,-utn. Publicly Pulcer, -era,-arum. Beautiful} Fair, Pullus, .a, -um. Black.. Buffet, Purus, -a, -urn. Clean. QUalis, ■ Is, -e.' Of what Sort*

.Quantus, -a, -um. Hovo great. Quatuor, ind. Four Qui, quae, quod. Which. Who'. Quinque, ind. Five. Quot, ind. How many* IJ Arus, -a, -um.- Bare. Scarce. Thinl

Raucus, -a, -um. Hoarfe, Recens,-tis, omn. Repens, -tis, omn. Reus, -a, -um. Ruber, -bra, -brum. Rudls,-is, -e. Rufus,-a,-umi Rutilus, -a, -um*.

New, Frejh. Sudden. Hafty. Arraigned or impeach % Bed. Bude. Vjtexpcriented a reddifh Tallow. Fiery-red,..

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Latin and i j Acer, -era, 'crum. i Saevus, -a,-um. alax, -cis, omn.

ranus, -a, -um. j.aucius, -a, -um. :edulus, -a, -um, ;egnis, -is, -e. ’enex, fenis, c. ieptem,»W. lerenus, -a, -um, lerius- -a, -um. I'erus,-a, -um. '•everus,-a, -um. ex, ind. :;iccus, -a, -um. ijjmilis, -is, -e. i»jtnus, -a, - um.

M'incerus, -a, -um. winguli, -®, -a, l>inifter,-tra, -trum. (Jobrius, -a, -um. ijocius, -a, -um. ijolidus, -a, *um. Ijolus, -a, -um. ijons, -tis, omn, i»ofpes, -itis, omn,

Engli(b. $7 Holy. Cruel. Vnkind. LuRful, fVanton. Sound. Wounded, Hurt. Careful. Diligent, Dull, Sluggifh. Old. Seven. Clear. Fair, Bright. Serious. Earneft. Late. EJgorus. Stern, Six. Dry. Like. Flat- no/ed. Sincere. Pure.Ingenuous'. 5 Every. Several, or by C itfelf. One by one. Left, XJnfortunate. Sober. That is a Companion'. Majfy, Whole, Entire* Alone. Guilty. Safe and Sound.


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5 8 A Jhort Vocabulary Spiffus, -a, -urn, Thick:. Spurcus, -a-um. Spurius, -a, -urn. Sterilis, -is, -e. Stolidus, -a, -um, Strenuus, -a, -um. Stultus,-a,-um. Suavis, -is, -e. Sublimis,-is,-e.’ Subtil is,*.is, e» Superbus, -a, -um< Supinus, -a, -um. Surd us,-a, -um. rFAlis, -is, -e. Such. ^ Tantus, a, -um, So great.

Filth}. 5 Illegitimately bom 4, Counterfeit.

Barren. ‘ Dull. Foolifh. Blocks a Valiant. Atlive. Foolifh* Sweet. Fleafant. High. Subtle. Fine. Thin '. ,\ Fraud. 5 Lying on the Back,’ l LaKy. Deaf.

T Such. Tardus, -a,-um. Tener, -era, erura. Tenuis, -is, -e. Teres, -etis, omn. Teter, -tra, -trum. Torvus, -a, -um. Tot. ind.

Slow. Tender. Small. Thin. Bpund and long. Vglj. Najly. Stern. Grim. So many.

Tranquillus,-a,-um, Quiet. Still. - Fear full. Trembli , c Fearfull. 1 Trepidus,-a,-um. J for Ftar> Tr

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S9 Latin and Englifk. ires, tres, tria, j>l. Three. jrift,s» V5» -c- Sad. rux, -cis, omn. Cruel. Fierce. ,urP‘s» -is. -e. ^ Safe. Shameful.

TAfer.-fra,-frum. Crafty. Sly | Vagus,-a,-um, (pnus, -a, -um '3nus, -ar-um, ;arus, -a, -um. aftus, -a,-um.

j!3cr, -erxs, omn. Hus, -a, -um. legecus, -a, -um, phemens. tis, omn. 'Hox, octs, omn. -rus, -a, -um, !?tus, -eris, omnl

IVandring. Tnccnilant. Vain. Foolifh. Divers. Manifold.} Bandy leggedt Huge. Great. Defolate. Plentiful. Fruitful.] Moift. tVet. Frefh. Lively, Luflyl Fierce. Violent. Swift. Quic^. True, Old.

i duus, -a, -unu |gil, 'ills, omn. :ginti, ind. His, -is, -e. :lus, -a, - urn. Iicus, -a, -um.

ij»us, -a, -um. p* -tra, -trum; 1

$Left alone. Depriv'd l of Watchful, Twenty.

Mean. Cheap', Any one. Crooked. One. Whether of the two)


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6o A jhort Vocabulary VERBS.

A Ceo, -ui, , w. X. To he fame or tart. ** Acuo. -ui. -u- 2 ^ a.^— Ul^ 9 w# z»4 10 VC JUWIC ur

- Acuo, -ui, -u-Ztowhet orfharpn. turn, ?. 5 turn,

Adulor,-arus, d I. to flatter. -avi, -a- 2 to prize or eftcem.

turn, i 5 1

Ago, egi, a (Sum. to drive or do. Ap. defelt 1 to Jay, Algeo.alfi, alfum,«. x « be cold. Alo, -ui, altum, J t0 „ouriJh.

v alitum, 5 Ambulo, -avi, -a- 110 turn, i. ^ . Amicio,-ui,-i£lum. 4. to cloatb or dre/fi Amo, -avi. -atum, 1. to love. Ango, xi, 3. to ilijfle or vex* Apifcor, aptus, d.f to get. Arceo, ui- —l* to keep op-. Arceffo, -ivi,-itum,^. to fend for. Ardeo, arfi, arfum, i. to be in a Flame. Areo, - ui, »• to be parch'd or with* Arguo, -ui, -utum, ^to bewraj or accufe Aro, -avi, -atura, 1. to till. Affo, -avi, -atum, i.toroafl. Audeo, aufus,«. p. I'to darai

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Latin and Englifh. I idio, -ivi, -itum, 4. to bear. 'eo,—— *• cevet or defire. I'geo, auxi, au- 2 , .

foum, x. 5 t0 tncreafe- ijfculto,-avi,-a-7 ^ , , itum, 1. $ t0 ltflen' t0 dvi Jtumo, -avi, -a- 7 , .. , turn, 1. lt0 thinh

B lAjulo, -avi, -a- X t turn, 1. l*o carry, :ilo,-avi, -atum, i* to bleat. ■o, -avi, .atum, !• to blefs^or make happy. 'bo,-bi, -bitum, ?• todrinL rt ‘ latcro, -avi, -a- | ^ to babble, or grow itum, 1. impertinent.

L to fall. i]|Ado, cecidi, 7 t cafum, J

a-lo, -ayi, -atum, r. carve or engrave. :aleo, -ui, -itum, n, xf° be warm. jancleo.-ui, n. x.t0 be vt>hitei or to glow, 'ano, ceeini, can-?,.^,. Hum, 3. ^ to Ting. lapio, cepi, ca-1 7 . , , ptuin,?.

^ Careo»

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A (hort Vocabulary Careo, *ui, -itum, a. to want, Carpo, -pfi, -ptum, ^ to pluck- Caftigo, -avi,-atum,i.f0 chaftife. Caftro, -avi, -atum, Uo geld. r* - 5to be aware, to It Caveo, -vi.cautum, i. J Cavillor, -atus, I a to wrangle or feoff, |, Cedo, cefli, ceffum, ? • to yield. Celo,-avi,-arum, i. to conceal. Cenfeo, -fui, -jfum, judge or think', _ Cerno, crev^re- Z S to fift. to difeSi

turn, 3. j c to fee. Certo, -ari, -atiim, \.to firive, fight, wagk Cieo, civijcitum, 2,*? Z t0 r°ufe- to fiir^

Cio, civi,citum,4.5 5 raife up. Cingo,-nxi,-n<9:um, ^ to gird er furround. ! Clamo,-avi,-arum, cry. to call Clango, -xi, ^. to found a Trumpet, \ I Claudo, -fi, -fum, ^,to fhut^ up. Coepi, -ifle, defeTl. to begin. Cogito,-avi,-atum,i/0 think. Colo,-avi,-atum, 1. to fir am. I r ..•// *, mhabtm * , $ to till. Colo, -ui, -ulrum, 3. \ to honour. Como,turn, %.t0 c»mb. to drefs. , Sto ftafon or Condio,-ivi,-irum,^ ^ - Conor,-atus, d, u

Meat, to endeavour.


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Latin and Englijh. rCum Dat. to coun-

Dnfulo,-uvultum,^-^ or give Coun- J fel. Cum Aco v to ask'Counfel. pquo, coxi, co- 2 J6tum, 5 *° boil.

!tedo,-didi,-dirum,^ to believe iremo, -ayi,-atum, 1.10 burni tofet 0„ Fire, :reof -avi,-arum, 1. to create. :repo,-uj, -itum, i tomak, a No,ye. .;rdco, crevi, ere- 2 turn, 5 to grow.

’ubo, -ui, -itum, i. to ly. i- ^to hammer, to forge'. udo,-di,-fum, 3 to Jlamp, or coin

. n l Money. I'Undtor, -atus, dep. I. to dally, to linger or de- !:upio,-ivi,-itum, l-todejire. Hay. i-urro, cucurri, cur-2 . I fum. 2. S'

D 'f^Ebeo-ui,-itum, z. to owe. to be bound.

Decet, Imperf. i. itbefeems. )eleo, -evi, -qfum, blot out. to deilroyl )emo,-mfi, -mtum^^a tafe away. )epfo, -ui, -itumyjjj^B knead. )ico, -avi, -atum,^^f0 dedicate. Jico,-xi,-dtum, to fay.

F i Diribeo.

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^4 Apart Vocabulary Diribeo,^;, -itum, distribute. Difco, didici,-—3. to learn. Divido, -fi, -fum, 3. to divide. Do, dedi, datum, 1. to give. Doceo, -ui, -dum, teaclh Doleo,-ui, -itum, ii to grieve, to be forth Dolo, -avi, -arum, 1. to hen or cut. Domo, -ui, -hum, r. to tame orfubdue: Dono, -avi, -arum, befio-n. to prefent. V Dormio, •ivi.-itum^. tojleep. Duco, -xi, -dum, to lead.

E p Do, -di, -fum, ? eftum, 5 to'fit. Egeo, -ui, x. to re ant, to fland in mk Ejulo,-avi,-atum, I. to hovel, to vreep, Emo, -mi, -mtum, ^.to buy. Eo, -ivi, -hum, 4. to go. Erro, -avi, -atum, 1. to wander, to mipakjt^

■F^dui^q fa' } to do' toma^ Fallo,fefelli,falfum, ^ to deceive. Farcio, -rfi, -rtum. ^,,to cram.or fluff up.

Fateor, faflus, d. 2. to own or confefs. Fatigo, -avi, -arum, r. to maks weary.

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Latin and Englifh. 6$ S to favour, or bear L Good-mil to.

to Slrikf or hit. 5 to bear, to bring, to l fujfer, &c. to be tbot, to boil.

'avreo, favi,fautum,z, ferio,——4. :?ero, tuli. latum, i^erveo -bui, —z. ?

Cervo, -vi, 3. S jfeftino.-avi.-atum, 1. iFido, fifus, n f. 3. 1 Figo, fix;, fixum, jFindo, fidi, fiflum, IFingo, -nxi, -dum. Flo, faftus, .Flagito, -avi,-atum,i. [Flagro, -avi, -atum,i. iFleftojflexijflexum, 'Fleo, -evi, -etum, z I Fligo, objolet, Lu- Z

cretii, -xi, 1 Flo, -avi, -atum, 1. i Fluo, -xi, -xum, i Fodio, -di, -{Turn, Foeteo, -ui, z. Forem, fore, defebl.- Foro. -avi. -atum. 1.

to make haile. to truft to. to faften. ,to cleave. Stofafhion or contrive.

’ t to feign, to be made, to defire earnejlly. c to burn, to be all on \ a Flame,

to bend or bow. to weep. to beat or dajh, to blow, to flow, to dig, to ft ink? to be hereafter ', to bore.

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66 A faort Vocabulary Fragro,-avi, -aturn, i. to fmdl[xteetly.

•Faug^8i’ Fremo, -ui, -itum, tq roar, to mutter. Frendeo, -ui, X. to gnafh with the Te& Frico,-ui,-£tum, i._ torub. to/cratch. Frig° -xi, -xura, J t0 fry (3 -<Sum, Frio,-avi, -atum, , Fruor, -aus, «/ ? „

-irus, d ' S J

Fugio, fugi, -itum, I - to fly or run away. Fulcio, fi, -turn, 4 to prop, tofupporti Fulgeo, -fi, to fhine. to glitter. Fundo,fudi, fufum^ g. to pour out, to dijcharge Fungory-<Sus, d. g, Furo.- q.

{to aijcnarge an flee or Duty, execute. execute,

to be mad or wood..

Garrio, -ivi, - itum, 4. to prat, Gaudiu, gavifus, 7 > fa j » re/otce. Gemo, -ui, -itum, 3. to groan orflgh', Gero, gefii, geftum, to bear or carry,


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figno, Latin and Englijh. 6y

Jlifco, tIc

genui, ge- ? £ t0 be&et< to product. to inert aft. to groxv. to cluck as a Hen. locio,-—4.

Hubo, -bi, 1: J to flrip, to pull off the jradtor.greffiis,* lEo1,— ''b turn, r, £ to rule, to manage. ijufto, -avl, -atum, i #0 fade.

HAtb^,,U!' •i}-W iiabito, -avi, -atum, 1. to dreelU

Hxreo, -fi, -fum, x. to flick. frlO’ -av> I * to breath or bio* iiauno, -fi, -Itum, 4, to draw Umnio,-ivi,-itiini, 4. $ t0 or neigh j- . \ Hke a Horfet jio,-avi, -atum, i, to gape. iorreo. -u,,—-. 2. to tremble, to fhiver.

ortor, -atus, d. \. to exhort, to encourage" iumeo, -ui, to be wet, moifl. g '

iFAceo, -ui, -itum, x. to ly

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68 A jhort Vocabulary Jent0»-avi,-atUTTi, I. to break,faft. Imbuo, -ui, -utum, toyivea TinSlure U t . , . ^ to imitate, or fo\ Imitor, -atm, d, t. j anuh„’;Bxam; Inchoo, -avi, -atum,i. ro begin. Indago, -avi, -atum,ii *0 trace out. Indulgeo, -fi, -turn, z to cocker, to grant. Inquino,-avi,- atum, I. to defile or ftain. Invito,-avi,-atum, !• to bid. to allure. Irrito,-avi,-atum, !• to provoke. Jubeo, juffi,juflum, x> to bid. to command. "libilo, -avi, -atum, 1 • to (houtfor Joy. ungo, -xi, -£tum, to join. urgo, -avi, .atum, ? hUi nfM 1. jurgoiyatm, 1 i J

juro,-avi, -atum, 1. to/wear. Juvo,-vi, jutum, i^to help. LAbor, lapfus, d. % to fall.

Laedo, fi, -fum, to hurt. Lambo, -bi, to lick- Lamentor, atus, d. bewailfadly. Langueo,-gui,—n ^ to languifh. to be fa Lateo, ui, -hum, x. to lurk, or ly hid. Latro,-avi, - atum, i.#0 bark- Lavo, lavi, lava- ^

turn, lautum, (3 V lotum, 1, ^ ^


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Latin and EngliJB. . K*o fend an Ambafla. -ego,-avi,-atum, i. -y dor.toaffign or be.

I queath. ■-ego.-gi, -aum, q. to gather, trread. -<ibet, libmt ? . , r , . bkum eftjmperfz £ lt tleAf^h. jjbo, -avi, -atura, l. to fip or table.

j-|Ceo, -ui, -itum, z. to be rated or valued. j eft bnperf. z. ^ lt ts lawful. >igo,-avi,-atum, i. to bind. ,-igurio, -ivi.-itum, 4. 5 t0 ntceb* to eat L licoroujly. ^ngo, -xi, -aum, to lick, \ino, levi, litum, to daub, tobefmear'.

Linquo, liqui,—, to leave. -iqueo, licui, .? . L .. .. \ little ufed.z\ S tobel'elu'i- fto, -avi, -atum, 11 to pacify by Sacrifice. piveo, —Z. to be black' and blue. -oquor, locutus, </. ^..tofpea^ j^uaor, -aatus, d. I; to wreftle. Ludo, -fi, -fum to play. -ugeo, - xi, -aum, z. to mourn, to lament'. -Uo, lui, r. \to pay for it tofuf. j a ( fer Punifhment. UuItro,-avi, -atura, r. tofurvep. to purify. I^uxo, •avi, -atum, 1, to put out of Joint.


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7° A Jhort Vocabulary t* o, -avi, -a-

tum, i. Madeo, -ui,— x. to be vet. Mando, -avi.-atutn,!. to command. Mando,‘-di, -fum, to chew. Maneo, -nfi,-nfum, 2. to Stay or tarry. Mano,-avi,-atum, 1. to flow. Marceo,-ui, — 2; to wither or fhrinl^. '■", Medeor, —— d. 2. to heal. Meditor,-tatus, d. I. to mufe. to think, up Memini, -iffe, defeat, to remember, to ment». Mentior, -ticqs, d. 4. to lie, Meo, -avi, -atum, 1. to go, pafs. Mereo, -uij-itumjZ. ? 5 to deferve, to earl v Mereor, z. i 1 gain. Mcrgo,-fi,-fum, to plunge or dip, Metior, menfus, d. fa to meafure. Mfum raC(IU'' mcl' » mow.’ Metuo,-ui,— 3. to fear. tr or glance.

to go forth, to t move away.

Moereo,— n. p, 2. to be forrowfuL

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Latin and Englijh. yi

pV.ti*itu”: \toadvife' vutin^ 1 tum r. * $ to fa* or telU pprdeo, momor- ? Mi, morfum, x. S 0 blte' dovco, -vi, -otum, x. to move. (lugio, -ivi, -itum, 4. to bellow*

*• tofa< tofoothe* 'ju'geo, -fi, .(^ura. x. to milk. ! uHfr,0’ •X-’ '<?Um’ V t0wi?e or faff the Nofe. (iunio, -tvi, -itum, 4.. to fortify, J

#uto, -avi, -atum, r to change, exchange. NjAncifcor, na- ? 6tus, d. % f fo got. to obtain* Wo, -avi, -atum, 1. to relate. ajcor, natus,^. to be born. ccto,-xi vc/.xui. ? i.Xum, 5 t0 K»tt or bind, ego>*avi, atum, 1. to den}. F°» nevi, netum, x to fpin. Jngo, nirixi,—. to jnow. Jtco, -ui,- x. to fhine. to be fleck. ,(:oi\ mfus vel 7. , nixus, d. 1 S t0 endeavour,to reft upon, °» navi, natum, 1. tofwim. oceo. -Hi -Jftir*. l oceo, -ui, -itum, x. to hurt. 3lco,novi,notum,5.t0 knows


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7i A jhort Vocabulary Nubo, -pfi, -ptum, to veil, to be married. Nuncupo, -avi,

-atum, i. 5 Nuo, -ui, -utum, to nod with the Head. Nutrio, -ivi, -kum, 4./0 nottrijh.


Occo,-avi, -atum, i, to harrow. Occulo, -ui,-u!tum. ^ to hide. Odi, odifle, defeQ. to hate. Oleo, -ui, -kum, x. tofmell of. Opinor, -atus, d. 1. to mean or thinly. Opto, -avi, -atum, 1. to wifh. Ordior, orfus, d. 4. to begim Orior, ortus, d. 3. to rife, to ffring from', Orno, -avi, -atum, 1. to beautify, to decks ' live

Palleo, -ui,——— x. to be pale. Palor, -atus, d.i. t0 ftraggle. Palpo, -avi, -atum, 1 .to flroke or carefs.

Pangc :

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Latin and Englijh. 73 ifango,panxi, pa-? 5*» fix. drive in. to

aum, l l compofe. farcojpeperci,-fum ? . r *1 vel .citum, I tof?*r‘- to forgive. I’areo, -ui, -itum, to obey. fario, peperi, par- *» * , , . ^ r i turn, J» to bear or bring forth. 'aro,-avi, -atum, 1. to prepare. 'afco, -vi, -ftum, to feed. *ateo, -ui, —— a,j to be open] ’atior,-ffus, to fuffer. fatro,-avi, -atum, 1. to perform, to commit j aveo, -vi,——x. to be in great Fear ecco,-avi -atum, to fin. to do ami Cs. fedo, -xui, -xi, ? . ,

; -xum, l :o comb- fello, pepuli, pul- i fum, 3. i’endeo, pependi, j penfum, 2. 3*endo, pependi, 7 . ,

penfum, 3. 5 t0 wei&h- t0 tileem] renetro,-avi,-atum, pierce into, reto, -ivi, -itum, ^. to feek.. rjngo,-xi, -dum, paint. i’info, -ui, piftum, ? C to bruife. tofiamp] I (5 pinfitum, to knead. rlaceo, -ui, -itum, z. to pleafe.


^ to beat off. ^ to hang]

P a:o,

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74 Ajhart Vocabulary Placo, -avi, -atum, i, Plango, -xi, -£lum, Plaudo, -fi, -fum, Ple&o, on,-xum, Plico,-ui,-itum, x. Ploro,-avi,-atum, i. Pluo, -ui, Polio, -ivi, -itum, 4. PolleOj Pono, -fui, -fitum, Porto, -avi, -arum, J. Pofco, popofci, 3. Poftulo. avi, atum, 1. Poto, -avi, potum, 1. Prxbeo,-ui, -itum, z. Prandeo, -di,-fum, x. Prehcndo, -di,-fum,}. •Premo, -ffi,-ffum, Privo, -avi, -atum, 1. Probo,-avi,-atum, 1. Profidfcor, -£lus, d. Promo,-fi, -turn, Prurio, - ivi, -itum, 4. Puder, -uit, imp. 1. Pungo, pupugi,

punftum, 5 Purgo,-avi, -arum, i,

to appeafe, pacify, . to beat upon, to bemm 5 to clap Hands, t&W L joke, to plait, to punijh, to fold. to wail, to howl, to rain, to polijh. to be able, to excel, to place, to put. to carry, to demand, to require, to drinks to /will, to offer or give, to dine. to catch or fei^e. to prejs upon, to rob. to take from.] to prove, to allow of. to go a Journey, to bring out. > to itch. to be afhamed. to prick, to cleanfe.


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Latin and Englijh. uteo, -ui, a. to fiink,

futo, -avi, -atum, i. S '» (W”<- '» '"t °ff- . L t0 prune. |utreo, -ui,- z. to grow rotten. illaero, -fivi, -fi- \ $ to feek. to enquire ■ turn, l \ after. |uariovffi, -{Turn, to /hake. i>iieo,-ivi, -itum, 4. to be able'. ;iueror, queftus, d. to complain,

R \ Ado, .fi, _-fum, to (have. | Rapi0,:

uj,-tum, {natch, to takeaway, Kedimio,-ivi,-itum,4../(3 about, to adorn, Kgo,-xi, -ftum, to rule or govern. leor, ratus, d. z. to fuppofe, to judge, i.epo, -pfi, -ptum, 1 to creep or crawl. >ideo,-fi, .fum, a. to laugh. i»igeo, - ui, z, to be very cold, to beftiff,

iivigo, -avi, -atum, water or moiflen, K-ingor, 3. to grin like a Dog. :u)do, -fi, -fum, to gnaw. fogo, -avi, -atum, intreat, to ask. itudo, -dj, to bray like an Aft. .'iugio, -ivi, -itum, ^.to roar like a Lion. jlumpe, rupi, -ru ? . , ,

ptum,,. luo,-i, -itum, to fail, to rufh.

G x Salio,

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7$ A Jhort Vocabulary S C Alio, -ivi, & -ui, ? , .

° faitum, 4. St0 leaP' or hoh Sancio,-ivi, & -xi,7 , a -itum 6c 0 ena^'t0 ordatn- Sapio, -ui, -itum, to ta(ie, to be wife. Sarcio, -fi, -turn, 4. to patch or t0 me , Sarrio, -ivi, -itum, 4. torakp. weed, harrow^ Scabo,-bi, 3. to Scratch or claw. Scalpo, .fi, -turn, 3. 5 tofer^ to grave* t or carve. Scando, -dj,-fum, to climb, Scateo, -ui, r. to bubble forth a: Wal Scindo, fcidi, fcif- ? „ _

fum, V $ t0 c*' Scio, -ivi, -itum, 4. to kjiow. Screo, avi, -atum, 1. to retch in Spitring. Scribo, -pfi, -ptum, 3, to write. Scrutor, -atu.> </. I. to fearch fory pry inti Sculpo, pfi, prum, 3 to engrave. Sect),-cui, aum, \.to cut, Sedep,-edi,-effum, z to fit, Sedo, • avi, -arum, 1. to allay, pill lr appeaj. p Sentio, fi fufn,4. to feel, perceive. Sepelio,-ivi,-ultum,4. to bury. Stquor, fecutus, d. 3. to follow. Sero, fevi, fatum, %,tofow. to plant. Serpo, -pfi^-ptum, to creep.


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;rvio, ivj, -itum, 4.To ferve. :rVo,-avi, -atum, to keep, to preferve,

Vlleo, -ui, 2. to be filent■ no, fivi, firum, to let. to fuffer.

fifto, ftiti, ftatum, 3, to Jlandfiill. to ftof. tfleo, folitus, ». p z. to ufe. to be wont. plor,-atus, c. 1. to comfort. alvo,-vi,-utum, 3. to loo/e. to pay. Wo, -ui,-itum, l. to found. f ptum b

1Ui’ 'P5’ | “ /•»*/*». » ft >'»•

ipargo,-fi, »fum, q. to fcatter. to fprinkle. jperno,-revi,-return, dejpife ipiro, -avi, -atum, 1. to blow or breathe/ jplendeo,-ui,——. z. to Jhine/1

pondeo, fpopon- 7 jto promife. to be Sure- : di, fponfum, z. S 1 ^mother. ipuo,-ui,-urum, q. to/pit. iqualeo -ui, ——Z. to be foul, ill favoured. . C to Cet or place, to ap- aatuo,-ui,-utum, 3. ^ Jpoint/ :tctno, ftravi, lira- ? nrpreai. u mrtbrom. J turn, q. S r

i ternuo, -ui, -utum,q tofneeqe. I'terto, -ui,— q to fnort orfnorei kinguo,-Xi,.aum, J ' obfol. q. 5 kipo, -avi, -.atum, 1. to (luff or fill, to compafs, G z Sto,.

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7 8 A fiort Vocabulary Sto, fteti, ftatum, I. to (land. Strepo,-ui, -kum, I. to make a Noife. Strideo, -ui, ——- z. to hifs or create Stringo.-xi, -aum, ro *>' h* Struo, -xi, -&um, 3.

Studeo, -ui5 -

to firip, to dram C to build, to fra-' 2, to heap up. to mind

Stupeo, -ui,«

r» to m give one'

L it Suadeo, -fi, -fum, x, Sudo, -avi, -atum, 1 Sucfcojj-vi, -turn, 3. Sugo, -xi, -aum, 3. Sum, fui, Sumo, -ft, -turn, 3. Suo, fui, futum, 3.

to ftudp, l* to be amazed.

UTbingh fclM

to counfel or advife. to fveeat. to accufiom. to fuck- to be. to take-

, to few, tack, fttck. •TAceo, -ui, -ifunvx. to hold one't Peace. T3edet,-uit,J»3^.i. irketb. Tango, tetig!,

dum, 3. Tego, -xi, -aum, 3, to cover over, to bidd Temno,-pfi,*-ptum,3.#o de/pife. Tendo,tetendi,ten-? . a . , r j

fun., 8c -turn, ?. i “ «ft^d .Teneo, -ui, ;ntum, x. to hold.


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Latin and ITepeo, -ui, , i. iTergo, ve/tergeo, 7

•fi, -fuai, & z.S ITero, trivi, tritum, q. ITerreo, -ui, -itum, ITexo,-ui,-xtum, ITimeo, ui} 1. ITingo,-xi,-6tum, ? ITinnio, -ivi,-itum, 4. ITitilio,-avi, acum, 1. 1T itubo, -avi,-atum, 1. I Tolero, -avi, atum, j. Toilo, fuftuli, fub- 7

latum, 5

Englifh. 79 to be luke-tvarm. to wipe to wear, to rub or bruife, to frighten to weave, to plait, to fear or be afraid, to dip or.dye, to tingle, make a Sound, to tickle, to ftagger or reel, to endure.

Tondeo, totondi, 7 to lift up. h take awa/l

tonfum, j Tono,-ui,-itum, 1. Torpeo, -ui, — z< Torqueo, -fi.-rtum, z. Torreo, -ui, -ftum z. Traho, -xi, .£tum, 3 Tremo, -mui. - 3, Tribuo,-ui, utum, ^ Trudo, -fi, -fum, Tueor,-itus 6c tus, z. J Tumeo, -ui,—— z Tundo, tutudi, tun-^


to clip or Jhear. to thunder. to be benummed, latfi to wrefl to throw., to roafl. to parch, to draw

, to tremble, to give, to thrufl. to fee defendy or keep] tofwell, to knock* to pound.


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8o Jhort Turgeo^ -C, ■ ■ i.

V XT' Acillo, -avi, ? ’ -arum, i. 1

Vocabulary to be bloated or [welled


Vaco,-avi,-arum, i. Vado, -fi, -fum, Vagio, -ivi, -hum, 4 Valeo^-ui, -itum, Vapulo -are, «. /». 1. Veho. -xi, (Stum, 3. Velio, velli & vul- 7

fi, vuifum, 3 5 Veneror,-atus, 1. Venio, -ni,-turn, 4. Venpr,-atus, t. Vereur, -rkus, d z. Vergo, - ' 3. Vemv’rK&’lvfum,}. Verto, *ti,^fiun, Vefcor, d. Veftigo, avt, atum,i Veto, -ui, -itum, 1. Vibro, -avi, atum, 1 Video, vidi, (urn, x. Vieo, -evi, etum, x. yigeo, -yi, —1.

to waver, to joggle. 5 tp have Leifure. to b C empty,

to go. to cry Ukfi a Child. ) to be in Health, to i t . firong. to be worth 1

to be beaten, to carry. to plucky, to pull. to honour, to worfhip. to come, to hunt, to fear. ^ to incline towards j thing, to fweep. tofcour.

to turn, to eat or feed, to trace, jeeliafter', to forbid. to brandifh. to jhahet to fee to bind to hoof aVeJfek to be frefbj lively. ymcloi:

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8i Latin and Enghjh. yincicvxi,-naum, bind. vinco, vici,vi6tum.3*fo overcome. Vindico, -avi, -a-7 , ,

turn, i i ^ to revenge, deltver. Vireo, •ult— .. i, to be green, Vito, -avi, -atum, i. to avoid, tofhun, 'Vitupero,-avi, -a» ? ,.r ,, 1 turn i. P to dtfparage or blame. Vivo, -xi, -dum, q. to live. !jUlcifcor, ultus, d. to revenge. •lingo,-xi, -£tum, to anoint, tofmear. Voco,-avi,-atum, i. to call. Volo,-avi, -atum, i. to fly. IVolo, volui, — to be willing. Vol^voIW, v°. Vomo, -ui, -itum, to vomit, Voro, -avi,-atum, i. to devour. jVoveo, -vi, -turn, z. to devote, to makp a Vow Urgeo, urfi,— ■ z, to prefs, topufb on. Uro, uffi, uftura, to burn. Wtor, ufus, toufe.


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C 3 BOOKS Trinted by Mr. Thc

mas and Walter Ruddi mans.

'T* H E Rudiments of the Latin Tonga* or a plain and eafy Introduction t

Latin Grammar, by Tho. lUiddmam. A. M.

A new Vocabulary Latin and Englift for the Ule of Schools ; to which is addeds a Colle£Uon of the moft common Adjett dives and Verbs. By John Forreft, A. MW

Sele&a Colloquiorum Mat. Corderii Ceip turia, cum notis Anglicis Gul. PVill-jmott. .

Decerpta ex P Ovidii Ndfonis'k/letavciO’k) phofeon Libris, notis Angltcis illuftratai; Gul. Willymott ; Editio nova, multarum Fi1! bularum Additione, cum Notis itidem Ac glicis ad exemplum D. ff'illjmotti locupl^k tata.

Grammatical Exercifes adapted to tl Method of the Latin Rudiments lately p^q lifted by Mr Huddiman.

Seb. Cafialionis Dialogorum facrorum li bri IV. Notis Anglicis in rudiorum gratia* illuftrati.

Grammatics Latins Inllitutiones, facji

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[ 3 >li & ad puerorum captum accommodate fiethodo perfcriptae. Tbo. Rjiddimanno. A. M. Auftore.

C. Crifpi Salluflii Belli Catilinarii & Ju- tunhini^ hiftoriaei ex optima atque acura-' plum a Gottlieb Cortii editione expreffas. ' Cantici Solomonis Paraphrafis poetica,' Arthuro Johnfono^ medico regio, audlore. iiummo ftudio recognita, ac notis philologi- es illuftrata.

Epiftolae Jacobi IV. Jacobi V. & Marine Hegum Scotorum, eorumque Tutorum & '<cgni Gubernatorum, ad Imperatores, Re-' :l!?es, Pontifices, Principes, Civitates, & all-' js. ab anno if os: ad annum if4rix VolL

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