Page 1: Describing people disney


NAME: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ CLASS : __________________


A. Read the following text and complete the table below.

This is one of my best friends. Her

name is Aurora. She is 15 years old. She got

black, wavy hair and sparkling bright eyes.

Even though Aurora loves eating and hates

exercising, she is a slim girl. I envy her figure

because at the same time she is of average

height. I believe she can become a model

someday as she is elegant and attractive. She

is able to make friends very quickly. Most of

my friends love her too. She is the apple of

everyone’s eye.

Aladdin is one my friend. He is a 13 years old

Egyptian. He is well built and of medium height even

though in the picture he looks rather skinny. Unlike

Aurora, Aladdin has black, unkempt and dishevelled

hair. He foolishly believes that it will make more girls

like him but until now he still does not have one.

Instead he has a monkey pet. Aladdin cares for his pet

and any other animals that he sees really well. Just

like his dreamy eyes, Aladdin is absent minded. This

sometimes lands him in the teacher’s black book. I still

like him though because he is very lively and always

as happy as lark.

My next friend is Hercules. As you can

see that he is muscular and broad-chested. He

likes to work out and do sports very much. He is as

fit as a fiddle. He is only 13 but he had won many

sports medals. He is the college’s athlete.

Hercules has red, thick wavy hair. He is the tallest

boy in his form. He is charming and handsome.

Many girls admire him. During Valentine’s Day he

received many cards and presents. However, he

knows he need to excel in academic and co-

curriculum. He is also well-respected among his

friends. He always put everyone in a good mood

with his jokes and stories. I wish I can be as

confident as him.

This is my last friend named Violet. As you

can see, she has black, long straight hair. Her hair is

at shoulder length. Violet takes good care of her

health and tries to be as slim as possible. Her hazel

eyes always look alert. That is probably why she

always knows what’s happening around her. She is

studios and a bookworm. She had read all Harry

Potter’s book and Twilights. She is optimistic and

always thinks that “Things happen for a reason”. She

is of average height. She has a strange hobby of

dressing up according to cartoon characters. Her

favourite would be from The Incredibles. Sometimes

people talk about her behind her back but she does

not mind as she is as cool as cucumber.

Page 2: Describing people disney


B. Complete the table below by using the text you have read.










Page 3: Describing people disney





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