  • 8/11/2019 Design and Build a Low Maintenance Perennial Fruit and Herb Front Garden



    Marcus Busby

    Permaculture News


    Design and Build a Low

    Maintenance Perennial Fruit andHerb Garden (UK)

  • 8/11/2019 Design and Build a Low Maintenance Perennial Fruit and Herb Front Garden


    Design and Build a Perennial Fruit and Herb Garden


    Design and Build a Low Maintenance Perennial Fruit

    and Herb Front Garden (UK)


    Published 15thAugust 2014

    Not many people use their front garden. Front gardens are often laid to turf. Except for mowing the

    grass, or using the front door, the front garden goes largely ignored. Some people plant a mixture of

    plants including pollen plants which bring colour and can contribute towards the local ecosystem.

    Using the following simple design, you can design and build your own garden, which will provide you

    with fresh and seasonal fruit, herbs for the kitchen, for delicious healthy teas, plus lovely fragrances

    and flowers throughout the year - with very little input. In fact this type of garden requires less

    maintenance than the regularmowing of a lawn.


    This garden design focuses upon very low maintenance, perennial fruit and herb plants and easy

    accessibility. It was an attempt at making a garden that might appeal to people even if they had not

    heard of Permaculture as an alternative to their front lawn. It is meant to be highly functional whilst

    looking attractive too. For this reason there is a wide path (90cm), quite a tall and easily accessible

    herb spiral close to the kitchen, and generally easy access to all parts of the garden. It is true that

    yield could be increased by intensive planting and introducing annual crop plants.

    All the plants have been listed below if you have no idea where to start, these will get you off to a

    good one. The names are in Latin so you can find the exact plants or very similar should you wish.The trees are specifically chosen for a small garden (on dwarfing root stocks) and are either self
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    Design and Build a Perennial Fruit and Herb Garden


    fertile or cross-pollinating. All the fruit providing plants have been chosen to give fruits throughout

    the seasonearly, mid and late. You can always add more or choose different varieties.

    The plan has a scale and orientation, why not adapt it to your front garden if you are looking for a

    design? There are many great examples of herb spirals shared on the internet made from all sorts of

    materials, choose a material which best suits you and treat yourself to a free and perpetual supply offresh and dried garden herbs.

    All of the materials and plants came to a total of 1,025 GBP (approx $1,800). Allow around 10-14

    days to gather materials and construct the garden. New materials were used throughout totaling

    550 GBP (approx $950) so to save money, use reclaimed, recycled or found materials. The trees and

    fruit bushes cost 140 GBP (approx $250) bought

    The herbs and other plants cost a total of 335 GBP (approx $600). The herbs were bought from the other perennials and seeds
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    Design and Build a Perennial Fruit and Herb Garden



    Make a rough sketch plan and annotate with measurements to make a scale drawing. Its really

    worth doing a scale drawing as this helps to calculate the quantity of materials needed and the

    number and positioning of plants. Once you have your base map drawn you can trace/photocopy it

    to do sketch concepts that are in proportion. It can be helpful to draw a little sun shining towards

    the garden to keep you orientated, and also a little stick person perhaps 1m80 tall/50cm wide on

    your sketch plan to give you a context of scale.

    Record all the information you can about the garden on your field sketch planmost important is

    the aspect (to the sun) so use a compass ideally, otherwise at least note where the sun is and record

    this on your sketch plan.

    Note landscape feature such as wall, existing shrubs, plants and hedges, gates, pathways, taps, drain

    covers, outdoor lights and plugs, it is also very helpful to know where any pipes or wires run

    underground and to avoid planting trees and shrubs near these, and if digging deep down for any

    reason, to exercise caution with your shovel!

    Make a list, or take some photos of the existing shrubs if it is a clients gardenso you can easily refer

    to these if working from home/away from the site.

    Existing Shrubs in this garden (forming the surrounding hedge)

    Hypericum perforatum

    Berberis julianae

    Viburnum tinus Rhododendron moerheim

    Mahonia aquifolium

    Buddleia davidii

    Ceonothus sp.

    Viburnum Sp.

    Cotoneaster sp.

    Syringa vulgaris

    Potentilla fruticosa

    Berberis sp.

    Spirea sp.

    Hydrangea macrophylla 'Variegata'

    Philadelphus coronarius

    Laurus nobilis

    Rosa Sp. Pink

    Rosa Sp. Red

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    Design and Build a Perennial Fruit and Herb Garden



    Consider the characteristics of the garden and site, think about all the potentials, imagine the garden

    humming and buzzing with life and flowers, bring it to life in your mind and go through all the

    features you noted in your survey, think about the potentials, whether its where and how you will

    capture/collect water, or growing plants up or on something the design principles are excellent for

    visualizing and covering all bases, plus acronyms such as PASE (Plants, Animals, Structures, Events),

    even if its a little garden, you can still imagine friends and family visiting and how they may use the

    garden, or if there is a toddlers birthday things that will delight them! Attracting animals or

    accommodating for domestic pets, you may think about features such as pergolas for shade and

    growing climbers or as in this case a herb spiral. REAP MORE (Reason, Explore, Assess, Place,

    Maintain, Observe, Refine, Enjoy), all of these factors should be considered and projected into the

    future when thinking about your design. If its not your garden you are designing, consider carefully

    the needs and hopes of your client. If they work a lot, or go away often, or if they have children, are

    active or not, social or keep themselves to themselves etc all these factors can influence your design


    Case Study

    This garden has a great aspect with the sun blessing the garden most of the day. A south facing

    garage wall just in the NE corner of the garden can be good for growing up. An existing concrete

    path gives good access to the rear garden and all along the front garden. The garden already has one

    existing triangular bed by the driveway and another bed under the kitchen window which is in shade

    most of the day. The existing hedge is well established, a great windbreak and backdrop in the right

    place - not shading the garden. Most of the existing shrubs are flowering and good for pollinators


    The soil is very dry, compacted and sandy, almost like rock! The garden has not been used for quite a

    few years judging by all the metal and plastic that is grown into the lawn.

    A few really rotten logs full of insects were placed carefully out of the way under the existing hedge

    in the shade to preserve their habitat.

    The garden already has some nice wild fennel, comfrey and a couple of roses that can all be easily

    relocated. Transplant these into the shady bed by the house until replanting the following week,

    water well when transplanting!

    The client ideally doesnt want to have to do much gardening, only harvesting. The summers can behot and dry here, and the winters are pretty chilly being next to the North Sea. The client lives alone

    and doesnt see her family much. She goes to the pub, social events and the theatre more than

    having guests round generally speaking. She loves fruit trees, butterflies and the hum of bees. She is

    very exuberant, colourful and a thespian! She is interested in herbs and the uses of them and would

    like to get to know them. She is studying esoteric philosophy and astrology. She says I can do what I

    want as long as there are fruit trees and no maintenance if possible. The budget is 10001500.

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    Design and Build a Perennial Fruit and Herb Garden


    Looking down on the newly completed garden

    The main features of this garden are:

    Herb spiral: with perennial kitchen herbs (Rosmarinus prostratus Spicata was planted at the

    top, as this is dwarfing with a trailing habit).

    Fruit Trees: Pear, Apple and Plum trees with a fan-trained Cherry, under-planted with guild

    plants (pollinator plants, mulch plants, tap rooters, N fixers) including a great variety of

    herbaceous perennials for culinary and medicinal use.

    Fruit Bushes: A range of Raspberries, Gooseberries, Blackcurrants and Rhubarb with

    cultivated and wild strawberries as groundcover.

    Herbaceous Perennials: Under the fruit trees a range of culinary and medicinal herbs are

    planted, mixed together with some of perennials which are really good for pollinating

    insects. All of the plants in this garden produce flowers and many are aromatic.

    Rose bed (with shade tolerant fragrant roses) with Sorrel, Strawberry, Garlic Chive (Allium

    tuberosum) and French Sorrel (Rumex acetosa) for ground cover.

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    Design and Build a Perennial Fruit and Herb Garden



    Before (August) and the first summer after (June)


    Below is a table with retail prices from a builders merchantin the UK as a guide. You can probably

    be more creative in how you source your materials and save yourself a load of money!

    Description Price (incl. delivery) GBP

    1500kg Type one road stone (two large builders bulk bags)

    1000kg 20mm Gravel (two large builders bulk bags)

    180 red bricks (Tanner Red Mix)

    200kg Soft sand

    100kg sharp sand

    3 bags cement

    3 rolls of landscape membrane (for under the path)

    17 x Gravel boards (22x150x3m/1x6x10)

    20 wooden pegs

    Cardboard - collected

    Large trailer of woodchipdelivered

    8 Bags Compost, Bonemeal, screws, diesel














    549.70 (approx $950)

    Garden Beds

    The clippings and brush from the initial garden clearance/tidy were shredded with an electric

    chipper and piled underneath upturned turves along with some sticks, small branches and some logs

    to form new moundedHugelkulturebedsthis provides slow release humus, retains soil moisture.

    Over time this will break down and create worm food! Adding nutrients and retaining moisture was

    very important for the sandy dry soil here. The rotten logs that were in the garden were carefully

    placed under the existing hedge to remain as insect houses. These insects are essential in the garden

    for decomposing and composting, saving you some work! You may even get mushrooms, or

    inoculate some logs/wood chippings yourself with plugs, e.g. Shiitake on Oak chips or best, Silver

    Birch logs.

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    Design and Build a Perennial Fruit and Herb Garden


    A Hugelkulture bed provides a long-term supply of organic matter and retains moisture.

    Image source: Sepp Holzers Permaculture, p.40

    Layering up the mini Hugelkulture beds: sticks, branches and logs at the bottom, chippings and clippingsnext, soil and upturned turves, followed by cardboard sheet mulch and a final layer of woodchips.

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    Design and Build a Perennial Fruit and Herb Garden


    Sheet mulching with cardboard and a layer of woodchips.

    The mounded Hugelkulture beds were sheet mulched with cardboard (collected free of charge fromCo-operative Supermarket, you can use thick layers of newspaper equally as well). They were then

    covered with 15cm of woodchip sourced from a local tree surgeon. In drier periods particularly,

    water the beds well before sheet mulching them so you are locking in moisture as opposed to

    blocking it out. When you layer the cardboard, once in position (making sure all the edges overlap by

    15cm to make sure nothing can grow between the gaps) cover it with water so it goes floppy and

    molds to the soil underneath. You can pin the cardboard down with sticks or bits of wire coat hanger

    bent into a U-shape if needed. Try to cover with your top layer of mulch before the sheet mulch

    dries out and starts to curl upwards. You are aiming to completely cover all the

    cardboard/newspaper with woodchips/mulch. If you have a limited supply of top mulch available,

    start with a thin layer all over, then top-up later once you have the whole mulch area covered to

    avoid running out too soon and having to redo any work.

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    Design and Build a Perennial Fruit and Herb Garden


    Sheet mulch to block out the old lawn and turves. A good helping of horse manure too.

    The horseshoe bed was designed so as to have easy access from both sides for harvesting thecurrants and berries. Upturned turfs were arranged in the bottom, covered with a bit of soil and

    chippings, covered in cardboard to blot out any re-growth I didnt add the manure to the bottom

    layer to avoid it feeding the old grass and encouraging it to grow. The nice helping of horse manure

    which is easily available in the locality in sacks on the side of the road was placed on top of the

    cardboard. Horse manure isnt particularly richin nutrients, but is a great source of humus; this was

    mixed with some bags of soil conditioner/municipal compost collected from a local Council Recycling

    centre and a sprinkling of organic chicken muck. If you have rotted manure itsgood for mixing in

    with the soil and feeding the roots of your new plants directly. This was fresh manure so it was

    placed on top of the sheet mulch, mixed with soil conditioner and clean soil, and covered with straw

    mulch. The idea being that the fresh manure would breakdown in situ, blending with the soil and

    conditioner, forming new topsoil for the following season. Make sure its not in contact with any of

    your plant stems as fresh manure can burn or rot the stems of plants. Yes it smells but not for long!

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    Design and Build a Perennial Fruit and Herb Garden


    Gravel boards pegged in place.

    The beds were layered as follows, from bottom to top: original soil, old lawn, turves of old lawn,

    chippings from clearance, cardboard, horse manure and chicken muck, organic soil improver, straw

    mulch. This was then ready to be planted with the berry bushes and a groundcover of strawberries.

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  • 8/11/2019 Design and Build a Low Maintenance Perennial Fruit and Herb Front Garden


    Design and Build a Perennial Fruit and Herb Garden


    Landscaping complete, ready to plant!

    Landscaped front garden, ready for planting!

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    Design and Build a Perennial Fruit and Herb Garden



    Select and plant fruits/herbs which you personally use most, and experiment with their location in

    the garden. If you plant a plant in a position where its not doing well or is a problem, try it

    somewhere else for a season in the garden. This way you will get to know the plants and your

    garden well.

    I followed Toby Hemenways book, Gaias Garden, as closely as possible. The book has excellent

    diagrams for herb spirals, mulching, and detail on guild planting; for instance constructing an apple

    tree guild, p150.

    Planting the herb spiral

    The herb spiral creates a good range of favourable conditions which can benefit a variety of species,

    from dry-sunny to moist-shade.

    Planting positions in the herb spiral depend on the position of the sun. Bear in mind that some herbs

    such as Rosemary and Thyme love dry sunny positions, and herbs such as mint and violets are okayfor the less sunny moister spots. If you find you have planted an herb in a place where its either

    taking over or hindering other plants (mint can do this!) or it's not doing so well, try moving it to

    another position. The herbs planted in this spiral are as follows, from the top to the bottom:

    Rosmarinus 'spicata' (prostratus sp.)

    Origanum vulgare compactum

    Salvia elegans 'Tangerine Sage'

    Viola sp.

    Artemesia dranunculus Thymus sp. 'Bad Hair Day'

    Thymus pulegiodides 'Broadleafed Thyme'

    Thymus pulegiodides 'Foxley'

    Chamaemelum nobile 'Flore Pleno'

    Viola sp. 'Lizzy Wooten'

    Allium - thick leaved chives

    Allium schoenoprasum polyvert

    Petroselinum crispum 'Crispum'

    Petroselinum crispum 'French'

    Mentha x piperita f.citrata 'After Eights'

    Mentha spicata 'Cyprus - Mint Sauce'

    Allium cepa var. aggregatum

    Diplotaxis muralis

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    Design and Build a Perennial Fruit and Herb Garden


    Herb and Groundcover Layer

    Companion or guild plants were chosen and planted around the fruit trees, such as chives, common

    chicory, bee balm, fennel, yarrow and comfrey. All the herbaceous perennials were planted into the

    Hugelkulture beds. Apart from the chives, which were planted right around the bases of the fruit

    trees, the guild plants were planted within the projected canopy of the fruit trees - so in close

    proximity, but not in the way of being able to get to the tree for harvesting later on.

    Make sure when planting new plants from pots that you dig a hole that is big enough, so as to not

    have to pack in or squash the roots of your new plants. When you remove the plant from the pot,

    just tap the rim of the pot and it will pop off. If not, look on the bottom of the pot and tear of any

    roots. If there are some big looking roots then cut the plastic away. Use the pots to grow more

    plants from seed, or for potting up. Portable living presents for friends and family!

    Ruffle and free up the roots which may have become pot-bound. You are generally aiming for the

    roots to be able to expand and spread out so as to gather water from a wide area, except for plants

    with a tap root such as the Cichorium intybus(Common Chicory) where you can dig a deeper holeand unwind the tap root which, if grown in a pot, has probably had to coil up. The roots are so

    important, it is essential you take care with them, dont leave plants out of their pots, else wind and

    sun will quickly dry them up and destroy them reducing the chances of the plants survival.

    Heres the list of plant species in this garden:

    Herbaceous Perennials

    Achillea millefolium 'Terracotta' -Yarrow

    Achillea millefolium 'Martina' -Yarrow

    Ajuga reptans 'Catlins Giant' -Bee Bonnet (Groundcover)

    Ajuga reptans purpurea -Bee Bonnet (Groundcover)

    Allium cepa aggregatum -Evergreen Chives

    Allium schoenoprasum -Chives

    Allium schoenoprasum 'Medium Leaf' -Chives

    Allium tuberosum -Garlic Chives

    Aquilegia vulgaris -Woodbine

    Artemisia abrotanum -Southernwood

    Astrantia major 'Buckland' -MasterwortAtriplex harimus -Sea Orach (Delicious salty salad leaf)

    Bergenia cordifolia -Elephant's ears

    Cichorium intybus -Common Chicory

    Coreopsis verticillata 'Moonbeam'

    Digitalis purpurea -Foxgloves

    Dryopteris erythrosora -Autumn Fern

    Echinacea purpurea 'Hot Summer'

    Echinacea purpurea 'Magnus'

    Filipendula ulmaria -Meadowsweet

    Foeniculum officinale -Green Fennel

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    Design and Build a Perennial Fruit and Herb Garden


    Foeniculum vulgare 'Bronze' -Bronze Fennel

    Foeniculum vulgare -Wild Fennel

    Frageria Sp. (Honeoye, Alice, Symphony) -Early, Mid, Late Strawberries (G.Cover)

    Frageria vesca -Wild Strawberry (Groundcover)

    Galium odoratum -Sweet Woodruff

    Geranium nodosum

    Geranium pyrenaicum 'Bill Wallis'

    Hemerocalis hyperion

    Hemerocalis sp. -Day Lily

    Hesperis matronalis -Sweet Rocket

    Hyssopus officinalis -Hyssop

    Lamium album 'Dead Nettle' -Dead Nettle

    Lavandula sp.

    Lavandula stoechas 'Fat Head Lavender'

    Linum perenne 'Album' -Perennial Flax, LintLupinus 'La Chatelaine' -Pink Lupin

    Lupinus 'La Pages' -Red Lupin

    Lythrum salicaria 'Robert' -Purple Loosestrife

    Melissa officinalis -Bee Balm, Lemon Balm

    Mentha x piperata -Black Peppermint

    Myrrhis odorata -Sweet Cicley

    Myrtus communis -Myrtle

    Nepeta officinalis -Catmint

    Oenothera biennis -Evening Primrose

    Origanum marjorana -Marjoram

    Penstemon 'Pink Candy'

    Phlox panniculata 'Blue Paradise'

    Physostegia virginiana alba 'Summer Snow' -Obedient Plant

    Rosmarinum officinalis 'Greek Ginger' -Rosemary

    Rumex scutatus -French Sorrell

    Salvia officinalis 'Purpurascens'

    Salvia verticillata 'Purple Rain'

    Sanguisorba minor -Salad Burnet

    Santoline chamaecyparissus -Cotton Lavender

    Satureja Montana -Winter Savory

    Satureja spicigera -Creeping Savory

    Scabiosa atropurprea -Sweet Scabious

    Scabiosa atropurprea 'Chile Black' -Scabious (Dark red)

    Sedum spectablie 'Indian Chief'

    Symphytum officinale -Comfrey

    Tanacetum parthenium -Feverfew

    Teucrium x lucydris -Hedge Germander

    Thymus herba-barona -Caraway Thyme

    Thymus pulegioides 'Tabor'Thymus serphyllum 'Pink Ripple'

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    Design and Build a Perennial Fruit and Herb Garden


    Rosa 'Gertrude Jekyll' Yellow Smelly Rose

    Rosa 'Teasing Georgia' Pink Smelly Rose

    Rosa 'Sweet Juliet' Orangey Pink Smelly Rose

    Tree Layer

    I made sure that the fruit trees were planted in a place that meant when fully grown, they would

    remain easily accessible, shaping them gradually as they mature. The key for pruning apple trees

    is little and often. The key for pruning stone fruit trees is never in winter.

    Malus 'Arthur Turner' MM106/2x/Aug-Oct Dwarf Arthur Turner Cooking Apple

    Malus 'Self-fertile Cox' MM106/2x/Oct-Jan Dwarf Self Fertile Cox

    Prunus avium 'Sunburst' Fan Trained Sunburst Cherry

    Prunus 'Victoria Plum' Pixie Dwarf/1x/Aug-Sept Dwarf Victoria PlumPyrus 'Concorde' Quince 'A'/3/Oct-Jan Dwarfing Concorde Pear

    Pyrus 'Doyene du Comice' Quince 'A'/3/Nov Dwarf Comice Pear

    The freshly planted garden (September)

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    Design and Build a Perennial Fruit and Herb Garden


    Maintain, Assess, Refine, Evolve


    Revisiting the garden ten months later, the owner advised that there had been no maintenance. I

    spent about 15 minutes pulling out some grass from around the edges, particularly the horseshoe

    bed and a couple of little patches on the surrounding hegelkulture beds, the old existing concrete

    path needed a sweep, but there was no maintenance other than that to do.

    Revisiting the garden, ten months later in June, View from South East towards North West.


    Being the first time I had used Cichorium intybus (Common Chicory), I was surprised at the size of

    the plant and its appearance - being similar to a thistle. Good leafy mulch provider and dynamic

    accumulator tap root.

    More strawberries needed planting in the horseshoe bed to get the full groundcover effect under

    the berry and currant bushes. It was good to see the herbs beginning to form their little clumps.

    There was a hole in the herb spiral where the Tangerine Sage had beenit is a really beautiful plant,

    perhaps a magpie had whisked it away!

    A watertight herb spiral shape probably serves no function with regards to growing physically

    healthier herb plants, but using mortar to fix the blocks meant a tighter and taller herb spiral could

    be constructed without risk of collapsereducing repair work later.

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    Design and Build a Perennial Fruit and Herb Garden


    Revisiting the garden, ten months later in June, view from NESW.

    YieldsTime saving per year; its easier to say that the lawn didnt need mowing anymore, and only one visit

    was necessary for maintenance, so 15 minutes for the first twelve monthsnot bad.

    No fuel or electricity used for the mower, no time needed to mow the lawn = a saving of 7 hours a

    year mowing time, no need to buy herbs; some free berries and currants the first year, gradually

    food and herb yields will increase especially when the fruit trees begin producing.


    Most important of all: install water butts in your garden to harvest rainwater! This property had a

    big one in the rear garden, however the front garden needs one too. You can never have too manywater butts for back up!

    Planting Lessons

    Dont plant rhubarb in full sun because it bolts, especially in dry soils.

    Be aware that Cichorium intybus looks like a common thistle or a weed to the naked eye, but it has

    that big tap root for drawing up and accumulating nutrients, pretty blue flowers, and it creates

    biomass/leaf mulch.

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    Design and Build a Perennial Fruit and Herb Garden



    Keep your garden evolving and growing; keep feeding it and it will keep feeding you.

    Ideally, top up the woodchips each year as they will break down gradually, and keep an eye on

    encroaching strawberries and the spread of plants generally; separate and replant their new growth.

    Its good to keep adding new plants generally to keep the garden evolving and maturing!



    Holzer, S. (2012) Sepp Holzers Permaculture A Practical Guide for Farms, Orchards & Gardens.

    Permanent Publications.

    Hemenway, T. (2000) Gaias Garden A Guide to Home-Scale Permaculture.Chelsea Green

    Publishing Company.


    Original Article:


    God on Lawns:

    Hugelkulture Beds:



    East Anglian Plant Suppliers (UK):


    Fruit trees and

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