
Design and Creativity

Design and CreativityAcademics SupportINIFD CorporateIs this Creative?Is this Creative?

Is this More Creative?

So what does it mean to

When I say Peacock, what comes to your mind in terms of Creativity?



Or This?So what does this imply?Creativity means different things to different people.Creativity is a point of view.Creativity is thecombiningof old bits & pieces to produce unexpected new and useful ideas.It consists of the conversion of old ideas into new ideas. It is NOT the creation of new ideas out of nothing; that doesnt happen.Creativity is a process.

Creative Placement

Creative Placement

Creative InterpretationA brave snake saving a fish from drowning.

Creative InterpretationAre you still angry with me?

Creativity in Context

Creativity in everyday life

Creativity and talent

Creative Point of View

Creative Point of ViewLets find out how creative we are.

How does Creativity effect Design?

Creative Techniques

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