
Design and Technology Grades 4 – 9 Mainstream and ASP

Assessment Guide

Academic Year 2017 – 2018

DT Assessment Guide V.1. Term 2 (2017-18)

Table of Contents

1. Overview ............................................................................................................................ 1

2. Assessment Framework .................................................................................................... 3

3. Continuous Assessment .................................................................................................... 4

3.1 Task Sheets ................................................................................................................ 4

3.2 Pop Quizzes ............................................................................................................... 5

3.3 Projects ....................................................................................................................... 5

4. End of Term Examination .................................................................................................. 6

5. Mark Entry .......................................................................................................................... 6

6. Assessment Weighing ....................................................................................................... 7

7. Reference Glossary ........................................................................................................... 7

8. Appendix: ........................................................................................................................... 8

8.1 Task Sheet Template ................................................................................................. 8

8.2 Project Template......................................................................................................... 8

8.3 Mark Tracking ............................................................................................................. 9

8.4 Design and Technology Assessment Planner for Term 2 ....................................... 10

8.5 EOT Test Specifications ........................................................................................... 11

DT Assessment Guide V.1. P a g e | 1 Term 2 (2017-18)

1. Overview

The assessment framework for group B subjects is a Hybrid of TVET [Technical, Vocational Education and Training] and formal academic assessment adapted within the context of young learners.

Group B EMI (English Medium Instruction) subjects include:

• Computer Science

• Creative Design and Technology

• Design Technology

• Business Studies

• Life Skills

• Physical Education and Health

The underlying concepts within the assessment system for EMI subjects are based upon the

best practices of TVET systems used globally. 

In general, TVET is:  

• Practical Training directed towards occupational / practical skills. 

• Theoretical Training directed towards workplace related knowledge. 

The assessment method in TVET is based on the concept of ‘Competency Based Training’, so the assessment targets competency first and knowledge second. If students can perform a task to the required standard, it is anticipated that the student has acquired the appropriate knowledge. 

The assessment tools for Group B subjects are intended to focus on 'Curriculum-embedded Assessment' - incorporating both formative assessment and assessment as pedagogy.

70% of the annual grade is extracted from assessment tools which allow students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills through practical tasks, projects or portfolio work using task sheets or marking rubrics and competency descriptors. Pop quizzes are also provided for teachers to administer and gauge their students’ understanding of the underlying key terminology or fundamental concepts. This tool is designed to support teachers in identifying common knowledge gaps across class groups where these essential theoretical concepts or vocabulary may need to be re-taught or re-enforced to support key skill acquisition.

The remaining 30% of the students’ annual grade is assessed through a summative exam such as a pen and paper end of term exam.

DT Assessment Guide V.1. P a g e | 2 Term 2 (2017-18)


The purpose of this document is to provide guidance on the Assessment Framework to be implemented alongside the Design and Technology curriculum.

This guide has been produced to inform the following people:

• Assessment Department Staff

• Classroom Teachers

• Heads of Department and other relevant school managers

• Teacher Trainers

• Parents

Accessing Assessment material:

Assessment material will be shared through the SharePoint as and when they are approved and made available. They can be found in the EMI Department SharePoint under Subjects – Design & Technology –Term 2 – Assessment.

DT Assessment Guide V.1. P a g e | 3 Term 2 (2017-18)

2. Assessment Framework

The assessment approach in this framework is organised around the assessment of subject knowledge, practical skills and the specific technical vocabulary required. The assessment breakdown for Term 2 is as follows:

Assessment Marking Breakdown

Summative Assessment (SA) (10% of annual mark)

Continuous Assessment (CA) (20% of annual mark)

End of Term Examination (EOT)

(100% of SA mark)

Project (60% of CA mark)

Task Sheet (35% of CA mark)

Pop Quizzes (5% of CA mark)

Continuous Assessment (

Continuous Assessment (CA) in Term 2 consists of:

• Project (60%)

• Task Sheet (35%)

• Pop Quizzes (5%)

DT Assessment Guide V.1. P a g e | 4 Term 2 (2017-18)

Student textbooks include some tasks that will be used directly in assessment tasks like task sheets and projects. Pop quizzes will be used to reinforce learning and to ensure that students have understood and participated in the tasks set. This will allow teachers to adjust the pace and content lessons according to student needs. These tasks require the teacher to review student projects throughout the term and allow for collaboration & feedback during the weekly lessons.

Summative Assessment (30%):

The end-of-term examination for each grade will take place in Week 8 of Term 2 and will seek to assess unit specific skills like-

• The understanding of key words and terminology learned from the chosen unit(s).

• Theoretical knowledge and interpretation of information.

• Students ability to apply cognitive skills through application.

Although the Design and Technology curriculum is taught through the medium of English, grammatical structures will not be assessed. However, it will be necessary to show an understanding of essential keywords and terminology.


3. Continuous Assessment

3.1 Task Sheets

There will be one task sheet in Term 2.

Task Sheets are an opportunity to test student competency and whether practical learning has been achieved. They will act as a formative assessment tool

Teachers need to use these as guided learning sessions. The task sheet activities are designed to give opportunities for students to become more familiar with the software and apply their theoretical learning in practical situations. They can be used in place of textbook activities and done as open-book guided activities.

The task sheets will be marked out of 10 with guidance about marking to be included along with a teacher version. Every task sheet will be planned so that student activities and the grading can all be completed in the space of a single lesson.

(Task Sheets will be provided to teachers by the ADU through SharePoint)

DT Assessment Guide V.1. P a g e | 5 Term 2 (2017-18)

3.2 Pop Quizzes

Pop quizzes will be used to reinforce learning and ensure that students have understood and participated in the tasks set. This feedback allows teachers to adjust the pace and content of lessons according to student needs.

Teachers are to have pop quizzes at different points as they progress through the teaching plan. They will do this through the LMS. The teachers will download the pop quiz (SCORM) files which they will then upload to the LMS before administering them for their students.

It is the responsibility of the teacher and school management to ensure all students are enrolled in the LMS, so please liaise with IT to achieve this in good time. If for some reason the LMS is not accessible or teachers who have not received training in time to administer tests using the LMS, a paper version will be available for download through SharePoint under EMI Department – Subjects – Design & Technology – Term 2 - Assessment.

Pop quizzes are marked based on attendance, so they will receive the full mark for each pop quiz they have attempted. Pop quiz attendance will contribute to 5% of the CA mark for the term.

The actual results of the pop quizzes allowing the teacher to get a better picture of class understanding while also providing feedback to students. This is a part of Assessment for Learning (AFL) approach being undertaken.

3.3 Projects

Projects will commence after the EOT examinations (week commencing 11th March).

The projects will be practical-based and will be part of the continuous assessment that seeks to actively engage learners with the content.

Projects help provide a teaching, learning and assessment style that will motivate students to achieve the best possible outcomes and encourage students to focus on improving their own learning, through self-evaluation and peer assessment.

The project will be out of 20 marks, with marks being awarded by the teacher as per the marking rubric that will be included in the teacher version. Each student must be marked individually through their respective project documentation.

The topics for projects are provided through the Assessment Planner.

(Further guidance on projects will be released to teachers from the ADU)

DT Assessment Guide V.1. P a g e | 6 Term 2 (2017-18)

4. End of Term Examination

The End of Term examination will be conducted in Week 8 (week commencing 4th March). Please do note that this can be subject to change as per ministerial decree.

The examinations will be out of 20 marks for all grades. Marking will be done as per the marking rubrics that will be provided. Although the Design and Technology curriculum is taught through the medium of English, grammatical structures will not be assessed. However, it will be necessary to show an understanding of essential keywords and terminology.

A sample paper will be released at least one week before the exam. The sample paper is not a mock exam but merely a guide to show the format and types of questions students will experience in the final examination. Test specifications, sample papers and all other assessment guidance will all be made available through SharePoint.

The theoretical concepts that will be assessed come from the given units:

Grade Examination

Week 8

Grade 4 Units 1, 2

Grade 5 Unit 1, 2

Grade 6 (& 6 ASP) Unit 1, 3

Grade 7 (& 7 ASP) Units 1, 3

Grade 8 (& 8 ASP) Units 1, 4

Grade 9 (& 9 ASP) Units 1, 3

5. Mark Entry

Teachers must enter all the marks obtained by each of the students in each of the planned assessment tasks directly into the Student Information System. For the pop quiz the teacher must simply mark if the student was present (1) or not (0). A mark tracking sheet is provided to help teachers record marks, but use of this is optional.

Please note that there is no SIS calculation tool for Term 2.

DT Assessment Guide V.1. P a g e | 7 Term 2 (2017-18)

6. Assessment Weighing

The following is the assessment breakdown for Design and Technology for the academic year 2017-18.

TERM Continuous Assessment

End of Term Examination

Contribution to Annual Mark

Term 1 25% 10% 35%

Term 2 20% 10% 30%

Term 3 25% 10% 35%

OVERALL 70% 30% 100%

7. Reference Glossary

Abbreviation Full Form

ADU Assessment Development


CA Continuous Assessment

DT Design and Technology

EMI English Medium


EOT End of Term

LMS Learning Management


Abbreviation Full Form

PD Professional Development

PQ Pop Quiz

SIS Student Information


SLO Student Learning


TS Task Sheet

SP SharePoint

DT Assessment Guide V.1. P a g e | 8 Term 2 (2017-18)

8. Appendix:

8.1 Task Sheet Template

8.2 Project Template

DT Assessment Guide V.1. P a g e | 9 Term 2 (2017-18)

8.3 Mark Tracking

It is suggested that all teachers keep detailed records of student marks and of completed assessment tasks.

The key thing to remember is that each class and students’ efforts are recorded consistently, so that when SIS is available grades can be quickly and accurately uploaded officially. This is one of the main responsibilities of your role as a teacher.

An example of a possible mark tracking sheet is provided below and on the SharePoint.

Pop Quiz 1 Pop Quiz 2Task Sheet


EOT Exam




SIS Number Names Marks Marks Marks Marks Marks












DT Assessment Guide V.1. P a g e | 10 Term 2 (2017-18)

8.4 Design and Technology Assessment Planner for Term 2

Design Technology Assessment Planner V.1 P a g e | 11 Term 2 (2017 – 18)

8.5 EOT Test Specifications



Grade 4 (Mainstream

and ASP)

Grade 5 (Mainstream

and ASP)

Grade 6 (Mainstream

and ASP)

Grade 7 (Mainstream and


Grade 8 (Mainstream and


Grade 9 (Mainstream and


1 Matching - (4) Matching - (4) Matching - (4) Matching - (4) Matching - (4) Matching - (4)

2 Labelling - (4) Labelling - (4) MCQ - (4) MCQ - (4) MCQ - (4) MCQ - (4)

3 MCQ - (4) MCQ - (4) True or False - (4) True or False - (4) True or False - (4) Sequencing - (4)

4 X X Sequencing - (4) Short Answer Question - (4) Short Answer Question - (4) Short Answer Question - (4)

Design & Technology End of Term Test Specifications for T2

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