Page 1: Design Logo- Focus Group Data


Design of Logo- Focus Group Data

• Pie charts and graphs to show the percentage of the focus group which chose those particular features to

include on my own logo.

Page 2: Design Logo- Focus Group Data

4oD Logo

I wanted to discuss how the logo was constructed with my focus group, as I wanted to explore the different features of the logo and whether

applying some of the features to create my own logo was an idea.





Page 3: Design Logo- Focus Group Data

The construction of the 4

When discussing the construction of the 4 with my focus group, they can to the conclusion that 80% liked how the 4 was constructed and then the thought came to me, that this could be a certain feature to add to my own logo.

•The team also thought that the construction was very contemporary, which linked in with the audience they were trying to target.

•The Logo is also very distinctive, making it recognisable to the public.

•The 20% of the group disliked the logo because, they thought that the 4 construction though cleverly done, could not be as mainstream as possible, as it could be targeting an older audience, therefore gaining the full majority of the public.•It was then suggested, to make it more appealing to a larger audience, to add some colour.

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Colour of the logo

When discussing colour of the logo it came to 50% on both liking the colour and disliking the colour. Which similarly came with injunction to the audience aspect with the construction of the 4.• The 50% of the group who thought the black and white colour thought it looked modern and professional. As with the preferred reading of the audience, black and white are seen as neutral colours, which do not have a particular meaning behind them, creating an appealing aspect to the public. •As some may argue that having a particular colour associated with the logo can limited its accessibility to an audience.

•However with this in mind, the other half of the group, thought that colour would make it more ‘current’. As the colour could be changed by for specific programmes and aims, to make it more interesting.

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The construction of the O

When reviewing the construction of the O, 60% of the group thought that the concept was very clever and effective, and adding the idea that the D was over the O was interesting. A few of the group members are interested in graphic design, of those, they thought it worked well as a concept and opened up the subconscious to an appealing reference to 4oD.

•This construction is very modern and links in which what the target audience can relate to.

•The 40% of the group disliked the construction of the O because, they thought that it limited the appeal to an older age group. Though the 4oD target audience would be suggested to be young adults.

•The content which is shown on 4oD and on Channel 4, is targeted at a very larger audience, raging through the ages. Therefore, thought it would be less appealing to those of an older age.

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The construction of the D

As on the construction of the O, it would have been thought that the majority of the group were going to like this construction. However, found 11/20 did not like how the D was constructed and 9/20 liked the construction.

•Those that liked the D construction thought, it was very interesting and a clever concept.

•Those who did not like the idea of the construction because, from some of them they did not like the idea of the D being of one complete colour, especially black as they thought would appear to be too harsh, and not inviting enough to the audience.

•Those of the group which did not like the construction, thought that you always break up the black, and have the D in sections.

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The overall effect of the logo on an audience

When reviewing the logo with the team, we discovered that 85% of the group liked the overall logo and 15% did not.

•This may seem strange due the other data that we have collected, though it seems that when the two features are apart from each other, they do not work as logo as themselves. However brought together they work well as a logo.

•When looking at the construction of the D, the negative points were that, the bold colour seemed too harsh and would be better if it was broken down.•Therefore, when teamed with the 4, which has a deconstructed element to it, it detracts from the boldness of the D; working well together.

•There were 3 out of 20 people from the group whom did not like the logo as one. The reason for this was because, they did not thing that such different designs worked together.

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Sky Atlantic

I wanted to discuss how the logo was constructed with my focus group, as I wanted to explore the different features of the logo and whether

applying some of the features to create my own logo was an idea.






Page 9: Design Logo- Focus Group Data

Construction of the word sky

When over viewing the construction of the word Sky, it came to be that 15 people like how it had been constructed and 5 did not like it. They thought that it was modern and looked professional, which is something that the creates of the logo wanted to achieve.

• By making this section of the logo look professional and ‘polished’, it reiterates back to the audience, that Sky is something that you have to subscribe to and have to subscribe to certain channels.

•Those who did not like that aspect of the logo, commented on the colour and how simple it is. Though you would think that simple is better however, they thought that it did not bring enough attention, hence a lack of interest.

•The colour was also commented on and they thought that the blue was more appealing to one type of gender and did not have an appeal on a larger scale.

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Colour of the logo

When discussing the colour, similar aspects came up which arose when discussing the construction of the Sky. Here it seems 80% of people liked the colour, than the 20% who did not.

•Those whom did not like the colour of it said it was too plain and wanted more colour. This is something that will be taken into consideration when creating our logo.•The colour however, is not made to be seen as a sexist statement, but to reference back to the word Sky, as the sky is blue. This does no just work as an obvious sign but as a double meaning, as they want to link it back to the company, so that people when looking at the sky, will subconsciously thing of Sky the company.

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Construction of the word HD

When reviewing the construction of the HD, it came to 75% liking how it was constructed and 25% did not like the construction. The feature of HD is seen as a fairly modern concept, therefore, if a channel wants to keep the customers it has but also wants to appeal to others, it has to have the lasted features on there channels.

• The Sky Atlantic logo did not always have the HD on the end, but by displaying this it shows to the audience that they some features which other channel may not have. This is one of the aspects which the focus group liked.

•Also, how the whole logo is laid out, as the colour scheme matches with the Sky at the beginning, linking those together. Relaying to the public that with sky you get HD programmes.

•Those that did not like it thought that it did not add anything extra to the logo, and found it to b smaller than the other font, which made it less appealing to the eye.

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Construction of the word Atlantic

After discussing the construction of the word Atlantic, we found that 11/20 people disliked the construction and 9/20 liked it. Though there is not much difference between the data, it still shows that Atlantic of the logo, was less liked then the Sky and the HD.

•Of those who liked it, thought that the idea of having alternative colours within the logo, which worked well and the font emphasising the word Atlantic. Making it recognisable that it was a logo created for specifically that certain channel.

•The majority of the group did not like the construction as they thought, it did not link well together with the other aspects to the logo (Sky and HD).

•Also thought, that it was clever in the design to make the font larger, however, to make it stand out even more and appear more interesting was to add a different colour behind the Atlantic as well.

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Font used for the logo & overall effect of the logo

When over looking the Font, 65% of people did not like it and 35% did like the font that was chosen. The font as usually in a logo which will be shown world wide needs to be to read and simple, so that it is accessible to the public.•From the 65% that did not like the font was because, even though is the

same font, it is in different sizes which makes it less appealing to the eye, and could potentially lose customers because they do no like the look of the font.

•The 35% of the group liked the font, because it is simple to read and bold so that it can stand out grab attention. This is the preferred reading which the company were aiming for.

•The logo to the focus group does not work for what audience we are trying to target, as it is too plain and would need to be more eye catching in order to gain the attention of the particular audience you are trying to target.

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I wanted to discuss how the logo was constructed with my focus group, as I wanted to explore the different features of the logo and whether

applying some of the features to create my own logo was an idea.






Page 15: Design Logo- Focus Group Data

Construction of the M

When looking at the logo, we found that 50% liked it and 50% did not like the M. This logo is very distinctive and particular to its audience. This is an element which I would like to apply to my logo but also to the website and auxiliary tasks as well.

• From those who disliked the construction of the M said that thought the bold black, distracted from the logo as a whole, which therefore, makes the logo not work.

•From those who said that they liked the M, feedback highlighted that as a logo it needs to be bold, in order to grab the attention of the public.

•Also having a logo so bold but simple, it is recognisable to viewers, as the M is larger than the other features to the logo, it makes a reference to what the channel promotes which is music as the logo stands for, Music Television.

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Colour of the logo

While reviewing the colour of the logo, it came to the decision that 13 people disliked the colour and 7 whom did not.

•The majority of people elaborated that they did not like the colour of the logo because they thought it was too plain, and needed to add some interest to it in order to gain more viewers.

•Another element to which the group did not like was the fact that there were many different logo from other companies which, use the same two colours; this then puts those logos into a majority rather than a niche, so that they logo is unique to them.

•Those 5 who liked the colour of the logo, explained that they liked the fact it was simple and bold so it would stand out.

•They did think colour would increase the interest. However, looking into the different logos that MTV now have, they are very animated and colourful which are always changing, this will ensure that they is new interest into the channel.

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Construction of TV

After viewing how the TV was constructed, the majority (80%) liked the construction, as 20% disliked it.

•Of the 80% that liked the construction they went on to explain that, compared to the M, the TV was in a very different style. As the style was very peculiar, making it unique to that channel.

•After looking at the other logo which MTV had created, they commented on the fact that the white TV could be used in all design, to displayed how versatile this section of the logo was.

•Those whom said they did not like the logo was because,

together as a logo, the to sections are completely different in style and font, this they thought did not bring both of the designs together, as they did relate well together.

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Font of the logo

Again like the construction of the M, there was a split in the group to what people liked and disliked. The dislikes of the font are similar to those when describing the M and the TV .

•50% of the group did not like the font because, on the M and the TV

The font was very different, which they thought did not link the two aspects together, the only way they have linked it together is with the Music Television underneath. As they decided as the logo by itself it would not work well.

•Of those who did like the font, they thought that it was nice to have a different of font, as the channel is trying to promote music but not just one style, but many.

•Therefore, have the link word underneath and the font of a different styles, portrays to us an audience that they show different genres of music and not specifically one type.

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Effect of the logo altogether

After collecting all the data and reviewing all the elements together, the results displayed that 11/20 people of the group liked the logo altogether and 9/20 people did not like the logo together.There is not much of a difference between them however, there are some points which explain the like and dislike of this logo.

•The 11 members of the group which liked the logo altogether, explained that they liked how the fonts were different which enhanced the fact that the channel presents variety.

•The 9 members which did not like the logo altogether thought it was too different and did not link together very well.

•But overall as a group we decided that we wanted to have the aspect of uniqueness about our logo, and be sure to add colour as this will give us more hope of grabbing the attention of the public.

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