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Design Principles for Internet & Wireless

Mobile Systems

Page 2: Design Principles for Internet & Wireless Mobile Systems

Outline• Big picture

• The Problem

• The Design Goals

• The Solution: design principles– Wired Internet– Wireless and mobility

• The future

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Automobiles663 Million

Telephones1.5 Billion

Electronic Chips30 Billion


Big Picture for global net: “X-Internet” Beyond the PC

Forrester Research, 2001


407 Million

Internet Computers

Internet UsersToday’s Internet

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“X-Internet” Beyond the PC

Forrester Research, May 2001










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Success of a technology

• ENABLER: portable devices– Smart phones, PDAs, portable

computers, …

• DRIVER: new computing paradigm– Mobile computing, Pervasive

computing, ubiquitous computing

– Internet Web engineering

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Enabler: Popularity of portable devices• Worldwide shipment of smart mobile

devices (wireless handhelds, handhelds, smart phones) (src: canalys estimates)– Nearly 19 millions shipment (Q2, 2006),

increased 55.5% from Q2, 2005.

• US (2005 data)– 350 million units in the shape of smartphone

(90%) or a handheld computer (10%).

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Evolution of the Computer

Eniac, 1947


Computer+ Modem


Early WirelessPhones, 1978

First Color TVBroadcast, 1953

HBO Launched, 1972

Interactive TV, 1990

Handheld PortablePhones, 1990

First PCAltair,1974












PentiumPC, 1993

Red Herring, 10/99

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Game ConsolesPersonal Digital Assistants

Digital VCRs (TiVo, ReplayTV)

CommunicatorsSmart Telephones

E-Toys (Furby, Aibo)

Evolution of the Computer

PentiumPC, 1993

Atari HomePong, 1972

AppleiMac, 1998

Pentium IIPC, 1997

Palm VIIPDA, 1999



FreePC, 1999



Internet-enabledSmart Phones,


Red Herring, 10/99

Proliferation of diverseend devices and access networks

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Infrastructure Options of Wireless networks

• Cellular networks– Single first/last-hop wireless– Wired backbone– Examples: 2/3G, 802.11 WLAN

• All-wireless– Multihop wireless– Examples: mesh networks, sensor networks,

ad hoc networks

• Hybrid– UCAN, ICAR, …

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Cellular Infrastructure

2G/3G WANInfrastructure


• Wireless WAN: 2G/3G cellular infrastructure

• Wireless LAN: IEEE 802.11

802.11 LAN

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Multihop Ad-Hoc Infrastructure

• Resource-constrained sensors• Potentially large population

Wireless Sensor Networks Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

Low-End Middle-Ground

• Nodes with reasonable amount of resources

• Data rates upto 10s Mbps

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High-End: Wireless Mesh Networks

• High-speed wireless backbone at >100Mbps

• Resource abundant• Promises to have both wide coverage and

high rate

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The Problem: what is new from the wired Internet???• Fundamental challenges for wireless

and mobile networking design: – WIRELESS– MOBILITY

– Is it so obvious and too trivial???

• Map into each layer of the protocol stack

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Wireless Impact on Protocol Stack

Partial network connectivity

Changing network quality: delay, throughput

Diverse data losses

Opportunistic connectivity

Time-varying link bandwidth

o Location-dependent error

o Hidden terminals


Middleware and OS

Transport Layer

Network Layer

Link sublayer

MAC sublayer

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Mobility Impact on Protocol Stack

Connection, disconnection

Disconnection, reconnection

Mobility-induced data losses

Topology change Time-varying capacity

o Link-layer handoffo Varying link quality


Middleware and OS

Transport Layer

Network Layer

Link sublayer

MAC sublayer

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The Goals

• Hide nasty impact of wireless– SAME QUALITY AS WIRED LINK !!

• Offer seamless services while mobile

Overall, “Anytime, anywhere” services

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The Design Principles

How to develop the solution?

• The foundation for wireless is the Internet design principles

• The foundation for sensor networks is Wireless and Mobile design

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Internet design principles

• #1: End to end argument

• #2: prioritized goals

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Principle 1: End-to-end arguments for Internet

Problem statement: How to place the various solution components?

– given the freedom to implement a few functionalities in multiple “places” of the system (physical devices, or layers of protocols), where to implement them?

Goal: correctness, completeness, and performance tradeoff

Approach: end-to-end arguments

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Possible Approaches

• Telcom approach: “Smart CORE, Dumb Terminal”– The core ensures reliability

• TCP/IP approach: “Smart Terminal, Dumb CORE”– The terminal ensures reliability– Implicit assumption made: terminals have

more capabilities: computing power, storage, memory, etc.

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What is end-to-end argument?• System: application, communication

subsystem and the rest

• End-to-end: – the function can completely and correctly

be implemented ONLY with the knowledge and help of the application standing at the endpoints of the communication system.

– Providing the function as a feature of the communication system is not feasible

– appeals to application requirement– Move a function upward in a layered system

closer to the application that uses the function

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Example: reliability• Problem: transfer a file from host A

to B• Steps:

– At A, file system reads and passes the file to ftp

– At A, ftp passes it to data comm. System

– Packets of the file are transferred from A to B

– At B, ftp retrieves the file– At B, file system writes the data to

the disk

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Example (continued)

• Threats:– Read error from the disk at A– Software errors in buffering and

copying data by file system, ftp, or network, at A or B

– Hardware errors at A or B– Transfer error in the network part– Host crashes at A or B

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Options to handle threats• Option 1: reinforce EVERY step

– Using duplicate copies, timeout and retry, error detection, crash recovery, etc.

– Maybe Not feasible– Uneconomical

• Option 2: end-to-end check and retry– Implement “end-to-end” error

checking at Steps 1 and 5– Retry if checking fails

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end-to-end approach in the example• Guarantee correctness and

completeness of reliable file transfer

• Reliability is the composite effects of all the components

• Reliability in the network alone is not sufficient for end-to-end reliability

• Application requirement is the key• Works if the error is not frequent

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Two Forms of E2E Principle

• Horizontal: Push complexity outside the network core, into the end systems– Simple IP router, complex TCP end hosts

• Vertical: Push design to higher layers of the protocol stack– End-to-end reliability at the transport layer

in TCP/IP– Hop-by-hop reliability at the link layer in


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When to use e-2-e?• A functionality should be pushed to

higher layers if possible, motivated by– Correctness and completeness– Reduced redundancy– Incremental deployment– More flexibility exposed to applications

• Unless implementing it at lower layers can achieve large performance gains that outweigh the cost of additional complexity at lower layers• IP multicast

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More examples• Multicast: IP versus end-system

– Case against IP multicast• Stateful multicast architecture: Requires IP

routers to maintain group state• Vulnerable to flooding attack• Multicast address is needed for each group• Calls for infrastructure-level changes• Slow deployment• Implementing multicast congestion control at

higher layers?

– Case against end-system multicast• Performance penalty

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Another example: security

• Security in a networking system• Bruce Schneier wrote in “Secrets and

Lies: Digital security in a networked world” (John Wiley & Sons, Inc; 2000)– Cryptography is not the Answer.– Cryptography is not sufficient from the

system perspective– “Security is a chain; it is only as secure as

the weakest link”– “Security is a process, not a product”

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End-to-end Summary• Motivation:

– Correctness and completeness– Reduced redundancy– Incremental deployment– More flexibility exposed to applications

• Forms:• Vertical layer: push to higher layers• Horizontal layer: push outside the

network core• When not: Unless implementing it at

lower layers can achieve large performance gains that outweigh the cost of additional complexity at lower layers

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Principle #2: Prioritizing Goals

• Prioritized Goals– Achieve the most important goal first– Make it working first, no optimization please

• Find a working solution first• Effectiveness is more import than efficiency

Case study: Internet & telephone network

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List of Design Goals for Internet

• Connectivity: interconnection of distinguishable networks

• Robustness and survivability: communication continues in the presence of various degree of failures

• Flexible service: meet diverse application requirements

• Distributed management• Cost effectiveness• Ease for Plug-in: Easy to attach for new hosts• Accounting issue• Security ….

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Fundamental Goal for Internet• Connectivity: Multiplexed utilization of existing

interconnected networks– Design choices: “Network of networks” or “multi-

modal network”• Internet: internetworking• Telcom: multi-modal operations (B-ISDN)

– Solution choices: Multiplexing versus integrating/unifying

• Overthrowing versus re-using existing solutions

– Internet level protocol must be independent of the hardware medium and hardware addressing

• Encourage/discourage diversity and heterogeneity

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How IP achieves connectivity

• Guideline 1: If you cannot solve the problem at one layer, solve it at a higher layer– Global connectivity at the IP layer, not

the link layer or below• No need to discard link-layer

technologies, such as Ethernet, FDDI, radio, satellite, ….

– Gluing heterogeneous networks: IP address and IP router

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Robust Connectivity: IP’s View1. Failures: Node and network outages

• Simple “Fail-Stop” Failure model: mainly physical device failures • Guideline 1: Reduce the scope of damage via limiting inter-

dependency (decoupling or loosely coupling) 1. Within each application– Problems: (1) how to handle application data– (2) select routes– Solution choices: (1) packetization; (2) packet switching versus circuit

switching» Inspired by the postal mail system

2. Among IP routers: Reduce the potential cascaded failures via less dependent on operations of other components in the system

– Problem: IP router may fail– Solution: “connectionless” within the network: no connection state

management for IP routers• Guideline 2: Notify others when things are wrong

– ICMP error report messages– Light signaling versus heavy signaling

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Robust Connectivity: Scaling

• Guideline: “Divide & Conquer”– Solution: Hierarchical Routing– Routing to the network first, then the

host• Net-ID, (Subnet-ID), Host-ID

• No per-connection state within the network: keep the CORE DUMB!– push such states to the edge (end

hosts) of the network

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What about other goals?

• So far so good for robust connectivity

• But how much do we weigh other goals?– Not bad at all

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Flexible Service

• Simplicity implies flexibility

• Built on top of basic IP best-effort service

• Discard the approach of unified transport service design:– UDP, TCP, RTP, … …

• Remember: no performance assurances

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What about efficiency?• Multiplexing is good

– Bursty data traffic --> on-demand service

• Header contributes overhead– Small packets

• Recovery from lost packets:– End-to-end retransmissions– Not link-by-link retransmissions

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IP as a good show case

• It is a product of engineering art– The result is not rigorous, but the design process is

deliberate & scientific!• Full cycle: Design, Prototype, Experiment, Refine…

• Packet-switching system that allows for different realizations

• Live with failures: Not to prevent failures but how to react to them properly– Assume that failure is a norm rather than

exception on the Internet

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Other Guidelines?

Many, but secondary, less visible

(Source: T. Anderson, et al, “Design guidelines for robust Internet protocols,” HOTNET)#1: value conceptual simplicity#2: minimize your dependency on others (receiver dependence in TCP fast recovery)#3: verify whenever possible (ECN) #4: protect your resources (TCP SYN Flood)#5: limit the scope of vulnerability#6: expose errors

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Key Guideline for Wireless & Mobile Networking Design: Adaptation

• Many concrete forms/instantiations of adaptations• Adaptation to handle different dimensions of dynamics• Adapt to channel variations• Adapt to mobility

• Adaptation at different layers of protocol stacks• From PHY, LINK, to TRANSPORT and APP layers

• Numerous solutions/papers published• 38400 entries for google search “wireless adaptation”• 95800 entries for google search “mobility adaptation”• 40200 entries for google search “802.11 adaptation”

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Forms for Adaptation• Model-referenced design

– Ideal model to capture expected performance/behaviors under idealized situ.

• Typically wired case: error-free, static settings

– Track the reference model under realistic conditions/scenarios

• Mobility, wireless channel dynamics, new features, …

• Opportunistic design approach– Make each perform under peak conditions– Exploit the system population– Leverage system diversity

• Multiple receivers, multiple devices, multiple applications/flows, …

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Forms of Adaptation

• Horizontal coordination via “indirection”– Adaptation-aware proxy provides

indirection: act as converter/translator

• Vertical cross-layer interactions– Exchange information across layers– Make informed, concerted decision

among layers– Vertical cooperation in the protocol stack

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What is NEXT for Wireless and mobile technology?

• It is not the end of the world, it is the end of the beginning

• Many new fronts for technology innovation!!!

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Drivers for Wireless Research

Transport Layer

Network Layer

Link Layer

New Applications, Services, Requirements

New Wireless Communications Technology


Down Bottom


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Bottom Up Driver: Wireless CommunicationsMany of them:

– Sector Antenna, antenna arrays, Smart antennas – Adaptive modulation, OFDM, MIMO – Spectrum sharing, cognitive radio, channel management– Multi-interface radios, device heterogeneity– …

Challenge: How to exploit these new PHY communication capabilities in the protocols?

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Top Down Driver: User DemandMany of them:

• New applications– MMS, P2P image/video sharing, IP TV streaming, …

• New requirements– Security, privacy, robustness/dependability, distributed


• New services– Location-based service, Personalized service, …

• New trends– Interoperability of different wireless technologies

Challenge: How to support such new demands?

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New Design Goals1. High Performance: #1: Does the system work?#2: How well does the system work?

Technical side: Deliver performance via exploiting PHY capability

2. Resilience#3: How long does the system work under failures?#4: Will the system continue to work under attacks?

Technical side: Renovate the protocols to ensure robustness and security

3. Tradeoff between performance & resilience

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