  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


    Desktop As A Service (DAAS)

    Implementation Using VMware VIEW 4.5


    Submitted By

    Rajesh Para


    Under the supervision of

    Mr. Sujith Jose (Operations and Tech. onsu!tant" #!!ied $i%ita!&


    School of Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (SOST)


    MT'T (Ju!y )*&

    $epartment of #dvanced +et,or-in% and Te!ecommunication


  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


    nternationa! nstitute of nformation Techno!o%y"

    P/01" Rajiv 2andhi nfoTech par-" inje,adi" PU+' 3 100)45



      P-14, Pune Infote! P"#$, H%n&"'"(%, Pune-411)*+, In(%"



    This is to certify that Mr. Rajesh Para  of NO% *atch has satisfactorily co+pleted

    the Thesis entitled, 6 $es-top #s # Service ($##S& mp!ementation usin% 7M,are

    7ie, 1.4 8 in partial f-lfill+ent of the re.-ire+ents for the a/ard of 01Tech in

    #danced Infor+ation Technology /ith speciali3ation in +et,or-in% 9


     Signat-re of 'O$ Signat-re of Internal 0entor




  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5



    Thesis #pprova! Sheet

     Thesis entitled 6$es-top #s # Service ($##S& mp!ementation usin% 7M,are 7ie,

    1.478 *y Rajesh Para (105344385) 

    is approed for the 01Tech in #danced Infor+ationTechnology /ith speciali3ation in +et,or-in% 9 Te!ecommunications.

     $ate4 9999999999999999 E:a+iners





  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5




    I e:press +y deep sense of gratit-de to +y +entor, Mr. Sujith Jose (Operations and

    Tech. onsu!tant" #!!ied $i%ita!&" for the adroit g-idance, profo-nd interest,

    constr-ctie s-ggestions, critical eal-ations and percept-al enco-rage+ent d-ring the

    cond-ct of inestigation and the preparation of +an-script1 I shall re+ain gratef-l to hi+

    for the sa+e foreer1

    It is profo-nd pleas-re to e:press +y deep sense of gratit-de to o-r Internal g-ide

    (International Instit-te of Infor+ation Technology) Prof. Ba!aram Saha for her s-pport,

     profo-nd interest, s-ggestions in the fr-itf-l co+pletion of this pro

  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5



    " Rajesh Para , a *onafide st-dent of International Instit-te of Infor+ation Technology,

    5-ne, here*y declare that the pro

  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5



     0any co+panies hae t-rned to irt-ali3ation technologies for their serers and in their 

    data centers to si+plify ad+inistration and to red-ce +anage+ent chores and operating

    costs /hile +aintaining relia*ility and safeg-arding against disasters1 Seeing the

    significant *enefits irt-ali3ation deliers in those eniron+ents, co+panies are no/

    loo;ing to apply the sa+e technology to their des;top co+p-ters1

    The idea *ehind /hat is called a $es;top #s # Serice ($##S) is to r-n des;top

    operating syste+s and applications inside irt-al +achines that reside on serers in the

    data center1 $es;top operating syste+s inside irt-al +achines are also referred to as

    irt-al des;tops1 Users access the irt-al des;tops and applications fro+ a des;top 5C

    client or thin client -sing a re+ote display protocol and get al+ost the f-ll feat-res as if 

    the applications /ere loaded on their local syste+s, /ith the difference *eing that the

    applications are centrally +anaged1

    Si+ilar to serer irt-ali3ation, $##S offers +any *enefits1 Specifically, des;top

    ad+inistratie and +anage+ent tas;s are significantly red-ced8 applications can .-ic;ly

     *e added, deleted, -pgraded, and patched8 sec-rity is centrali3ed8 and data is easier to

    safeg-ard and *ac; -p1 0anaging des;top 5Cs has al/ays *een a ti+e=cons-+ing and

    challenging tas;1 #nd recently, it has *eco+e eer +ore so as co+panies hae had to deal

    /ith ne/ sec-rity ris;s and s-pport increasing n-+*ers of re+ote and +o*ile -sers1

    Co+panies also hae to s-pport an increasing -se of e+ployee o/ned reso-rces


  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


    On top of all of these iss-es that +a;e des;top +anage+ent so challenging to red-se

    effort inoled in +anaging des;tops in seeral aspects, for e:a+ple data sec-rity, -ser 

    +anage+ent, disaster recoery and +any $##S is the sol-tion1

    ;ST O<

  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


    ig1D11 #dding Center serer to the ie/ ad+inistrator 2

    ig11>1 Creating ne/ OU to the actie directory do+ain controller 2

    ig1121 #dding ne/ -ser to actie directory do+ain controller @

    ig11@1 #dding ne/ data*ase instance for ie/ co+poser @>

    ig11D1 #dding data*ase details to config-re ie/ co+poser @>

    ig111 0icrosoft SF" serer $NS config-ration for ie/ co+poser @2

    ig11B1 %ie/ co+poser installation /i3ard @@

    ig111 #dding $ata*ase infor+ation d-ring ie/ co+poser installation @D

    ig11?1 #dding %ie/ co+poser to the Center Instance in ie/ #d+inistrator @

    ig1B1>1 "ogging in to the Center serer thro-gh Sphere client @B

    ig1B121 opening a console of the $es;top on /hich ie/ agent is going to *e installed @

    ig1B1@1 %ie/ #gent Installation /i3ard @

    ig1B1D1%ie/ #gent installation C-sto+ Set-p options /indo/ @?

    ig11>1 #dd pool /i3ard in the ie/ ad+inistrator @

    ig1121 type of pool to *e assaigned to the -ser D

    ig11@1 Selecting type of irt-al des;top to *e assaigned to the -ser D

    ig11D1 #ssaigning I$ for the ne/ pool that is creating D>

    ig111 Choosing the pool seeting fro+ the aaila*le options D>

    ig11B1 %ie/ co+poser $is;s settings /indo/ D2

    ig1115roisining Settings Aindo/ D2

    ig11?1 %center settings /indo/ D@

    ig111G-est C-sto+i3ations /indo/ DD

    ig11>1 S-++ary of the options selected to create a des;top pool D

    ig11>>1$es;top pools listed inside the ie/ #d+inistrator DB

    ig1?1>1 ie/ client installation /i3ard D?


  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


    ig1?121 ie/ client installation, c-sto+e set-p options /indo/s D?

    ig1?1@1 #dding connection serer instance details to ie/ client installation D?

    ig11>1 Entitling the -ser to the pool >

    ig1121 logging in to ie/ client 2

    ig11@1 Choosing the respectie pool fro+ the list of pools that are assigned to -ser 2


  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5



    C'#5TER 5age No

    hapter 0

     Introd-ction >

    >1>1 Introd-ction to %irt-ali3ation >

    >121 Ahat is %irt-ali3ation >

    >1@1 Oerie/ of %0/are %ie/ D1 2

    >1D1 #dantages of -sing %0/are %ie/ @

      >1D1>1 Relia*ility and Sec-rity @

      >1D121 Conenience D

      >1D1@1 0anagea*ility D

      >1D1D1 'ard/are Independence D

      >11 %0/are %ie/ eat-res

      >11>1 Usa*ility

      >1121 Sec-rity

      >11@1 Centrali3es #d+inistration B

      >11D1 Scala*ility B

     hapter =

     $efining # Use Case


  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


      21>1 Use Case


    2121 'o/ the %0/are %ie/ Co+ponents it Together ?

      2121>1 Client $eices ?

      212121 %ie/ Connection Serer

      2121@1 %ie/ Client >

      2121D1 %ie/ agent >>

    21211 %ie/ #d+inistrator >>

      2121B1 %ie/ Co+poser >>

      21211 %center Serer >2

      2121?1 %ie/ Transfer Serer >2

    hapter >

    Center Serer >D

      @1>1 Gathering 5rere.-isites >D

      @121 $ata*ase Re.-ire+ent >D

      @1@1 Operating Syste+ Re.-ire+ents >

      @1D1 Installation of Center Serer >

      @1D1>1 Step *y step installation 5roced-re >

    hapter 1

    %ie/ Connection Serer 22

      D1>1 5reparing for ie/ D1 connection serer Installation 22

      D121 %ie/ +anager or ie/ connection serer re.-ire+ents 22

      D1@1 Step *y Step Installation 5roced-re 2@


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      D1D1 Using %ie/ #d+inistrator 2

    hapter 4

    %ie/ Co+poser 2?

      1>1 5reparing #ctie $irectory 2?

      121 $ata*ase Settings @

      1@1Installing the %ie/ Co+poser Serice @2

      1D1 Config-ring %ie/ Co+poser @D

    hapter ?

    %ie/ #gent @B

      B1>1 Step *y Step Installation of %ie/ #gent @B

    hapter 5

    Creating The "in;ed Clone $es;top 5ool @

      1>1 Creating a lin;ed clone des;top pool in ie/ #d+inistrator @

    hapter @

    %ie/ Client D

      ?1>1 #*o-t ie/ Client D

      ?121 %ie/ Client Installation D


    hapter *

    Connecting to the %0/are %ie/ %irt-al $es;tops

      1>1 Entitling The Users to 5ool


  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


      121 "ogging in To %ie/ Client >

    onc!usion D



  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5



  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


    C'#5TER >


    0.0. ntroduction to the 7irtua!iAation

    There7s a ne/ /ind of change in the IT ind-stry today1 It7s called irt-ali3ation1

    %irt-ali3ation is the process of i+ple+enting +-ltiple operating syste+s on the sa+e

    set of physical hard/are to *etter -tili3e the hard/are1 The great adantage of this is

    that yo- can ta;e a physical serer that is r-nning at >(  percent -tili3ation and

    transfor+ it into one r-nning at B to ? percent -tili3ation *y loading it -p /ith

    +-ltiple irt-al +achines1 Co+panies /ith strong plans to i+ple+ent irt-ali3ed

    co+p-ting eniron+ents loo; to gain +any  *enefits, incl-ding easier syste+s

    +anage+ent, increased serer -tili3ation, and red-ced datacenter oerhead1 Traditional

    IT +anage+ent has incorporated a one=to=one relationship *et/een the  physical serers

    i+ple+ented and the roles they play on the net/or;1 Ahen a ne/ data*ase is to *e

    i+ple+ented, /e call o-r hard/are endor of choice and order a ne/ serer /ith

    specifications to +eet  the needs of the data*ase1 $ays later /e +ay order yet another 

    serer to play the role of a file serer1 This process of ordering serers to fill the needs

    of ne/ net/or; serices is oftenti+es cons-+ing and -nnecessary gi2en the e:isting

    hard/are in the datacenter1 To ens-re stronger sec-rity, /e separate serices across

    hosts to facilitate the process of hardening the operating syste+1 The *yprod-ct of this

    separation of serices has *een the e:ponential gro/th of o-r datacenters into large

    n-+*ers of rac;s filled /ith serers, /hich in +ost cases are *arely -sing the hard/are

    /ithin the+1

    0.=. hat is virtua!iAation

    efore defining irt-ali3ation, let7s loo; at ho/ a co+p-ter syste+ /or;s /itho-t


  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


    irt-ali3ation in place1 Operating syste+ r-ns directly on top of the hard/are, incl-ding the

    C5U, +e+ory, NIC, and dis;1 In this case, the operating syste+ and hard/are are tightly

    co-pled, and applications often interfere /ith each other1 Gien the *o-ndary of the

     physical +achine, e:pensie reso-rces cannot *e shared and often are -nder-tili3ed1

     No/ let7s loo; at a irt-ali3ed syste+1 The operating syste+ is detached fro+ physical

    hard/are and is r-nning on a irt-al +achine1 0-ltiple operating syste+s can *e installed

    and r-n si+-ltaneo-sly on the sa+e +achine1

    H%irt-ali3ation is an architect-re that allo/s yo- to r-n +-ltiple operating syste+s

    si+-ltaneo-sly on a single co+p-ter1 Each copy of an operating syste+ is installed on its

    o/n irt-al +achine

    0.>. Overvie, of 7M,are 7ie, 1.4

    %0/are %ie/ D1 is the leading des;top irt-ali3ation sol-tion, *-ilt for deliering

    des;tops as a +anaged serice1 Aith %0/are %ie/, IT organi3ations can -nloc; a -ser7s

    data, applications and Operating Syste+ fro+ the end deice and +anage these

    co+ponents centrally in the datacenter to proide a sec-re and c-sto+i3ed des;top to

    -sers /ith a s-perior end=-ser e:perience fro+ any location, on any co+pati*le deice1

    The %0/are %ie/ client is a natie Aindo/s client and proides access to the %ie/

    infrastr-ct-re1 The client is also aaila*le for the 0acintosh and the "in-: platfor+ as

    open so-rce1 The %0/are %ie/ agent r-ns in the irt-al des;top and can *e c-rrently

    hosted in Aindo/s !5, Aindo/s %ista, or Aindo/s 1 It proides a +anage+ent pointfor the %ie/ Connection 0anager1 The %ie/ Connection Serer (also ;no/n as the %ie/

    0anager) can r-n in either Aindo/s 2@ or Aindo/s 2? (as either a irt-al +achine

    or a physical +achine)1 It proides *ro;ering serices to the end -ser accessing the %ie/

    infrastr-ct-re fro+ the %ie/ client1 It also proides +anage+ent serices to the %ie/


  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


    ad+inistrator1 #n optional %0/are %ie/ Sec-rity Sere is installed in the $0J1 This is

    a hardened installation of the %0/are %ie/ Connection Serer and proides access for 

    -sers connecting to the %ie/ infrastr-ct-re fro+ the p-*lic Internet1 inally, an optional

    %0/are %ie/ Transfer Serer proides the a*ility to transfer des;top irt-al +achines to

    a-thori3ed %0/are %ie/ clients1 The %0/are %ie/ eniron+ent r-ns on top of the

    %0/are Sphere infrastr-ct-re, /hich proides the irt-ali3ation serices necessary to

    delier the irt-al des;top1 The +anage+ent of Sphere is acco+plished ia %0/are

    Center, /hich proides a single pane of glass for setting -p, +onitoring and +anaging

    the irt-al infrastr-ct-re1 0anage+ent of the %0/are %ie/ eniron+ent is

    acco+plished thro-gh the %ie/ ConnectionK+anage+ent Serer1

    0.1. #dvanta%es of Usin% 7M,are 7ie,

    Ahen yo- +anage enterprise des;tops /ith %0/are %ie/, the *enefits incl-de increased

    relia*ility, sec-rity, hard/are independence, and conenience1

    0.1.0. Re!iabi!ity and Security

    %irt-al des;tops can *e centrali3ed *y integrating /ith %0/are Sphere and irt-ali3ing

    serer, storage, and net/or;ing reso-rces1 5lacing des;top operating syste+s and

    applications on a serer in the datacenter proides the follo/ing adantages4

    >1 #ccess to data can easily *e restricted1

    2. Sensitie data can *e preented fro+ *eing copied onto a re+ote e+ployeeLs

    ho+e co+p-ter1

    3. $ata *ac;-ps can *e sched-led /itho-t considering /hen end -sersL syste+s

    +ight *e t-rned off1

    D1 %irt-al des;tops that are hosted in a datacenter e:perience little or no do/nti+e1

    5. %irt-al +achines can reside on high=aaila*ility cl-sters of %0/are serers1


  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


    6. %irt-al des;tops can also connect to *ac;=end physical syste+s and Aindo/s

    Ter+inal Serices serers1

    0.1.= onvenience

    The -nified +anage+ent console is *-ilt for scala*ility on #do*e le:, so that een the

    largest %ie/ deploy+ents can *e efficiently +anaged fro+ a single %ie/ 0anager 

    interface1 Ai3ards and dash*oards enhance the /or;flo/ and facilitate drilling do/n to

    see details or change settings1

    0.1.>. Mana%eabi!ity

    5roisioning des;tops for end -sers is a .-ic; process1 No one is re.-ired to install

    applications one *y one on each end -serLs physical 5C1 End -sers connect to a irt-al

    des;top co+plete /ith applications1 End -sers can access their sa+e irt-al des;top fro+

    ario-s deices at ario-s locations1 Using %0/are Sphere to host irt-al des;tops

     proides the follo/ing *enefits4

    >1 #d+inistration tas;s and +anage+ent chores are red-ced1

    21 #d+inistrators can patch and -pgrade applications and operating syste+s /itho-t

    to-ching a -serLs physical 5C1

    @1 Storage +anage+ent is si+plified1 Using %0/are Sphere, yo- can irt-ali3e

    ol-+es and file syste+s to aoid +anaging separate storage deices1

    0.1.1. ard,are ndependence

    %irt-al +achines are hard/are=independent1 eca-se a %ie/ des;top r-ns on a serer in

    the datacenter and is only accessed fro+ a client deice, a %ie/ des;top can -se

    operating syste+s that +ight not *e co+pati*le /ith the hard/are of the client deice1

    or e:a+ple, altho-gh Aindo/s %ista can r-n only on %ista=ena*led 5Cs, yo- can install


  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


    Aindo/s %ista in a irt-al +achine and -se that irt-al +achine on a 5C that is not

    %ista=ena*led1 %irt-al des;tops r-n on 5Cs, 0acs, thin clients, and 5Cs that hae *een

    rep-rposed as thin clients1

    0.4 7M,are 7ie, 1 5rint fro+ a irt-al des;top to any local or net/or;ed printer that is defined on

    the client deice, or -se the location=*ased printing feat-re to +ap to printers that

    are physically near the client syste+1 The irt-al printer feat-re soles

    co+pati*ility iss-es and does not re.-ire yo- to install additional print driers in a

    irt-al +achine1

    21 Use +-ltiple +onitors1 Aith 5CoI5 +-ltiple=+onitor s-pport, yo- can ad1 Use RS# Sec-rI$ t/o=factor a-thentication or s+art cards to log in1

    21 Use SS" t-nneling to ens-re that all connections are co+pletely encrypted1

    @1 Use %0/are 'igh #aila*ility to host des;tops and to ens-re a-to+atic failoer1


  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


    0.4.>. entra!iAes #dministration

    The follo/ing feat-res proide centrali3ed ad+inistration and +anage+ent4

    >1 Use 0icrosoft #ctie $irectory to +anage access to irt-al des;tops and to

    +anage policies1

    21 Use the Ae*=*ased ad+inistratie console to +anage irt-al des;tops fro+ any


    @1 Use a te+plate, or +aster i+age, to .-ic;ly create and proision pools of 


    D1 Send -pdates and patches to irt-al des;tops /itho-t affecting -ser settings, data,

    or preferences1

    0.4.1. Sca!abi!ity

    Scala*ility feat-res depend on the %0/are irt-ali3ation platfor+ to +anage *oth

    des;tops and serers4

    >1 Integrate /ith %0/are Sphere to achiee cost=effectie densities, high leels of 

    aaila*ility, and adanced reso-rce allocation control for yo-r irt-al des;tops1

    21 Config-re %ie/ Connection Serer to *ro;er connections *et/een end -sers and

    the irt-al des;tops that they are a-thori3ed to access Use %ie/ Co+poser to

    .-ic;ly create des;top i+ages that share irt-al dis;s /ith a +aster i+age1

    @1 Using lin;ed clones in this /ay conseres dis; space and si+plifies the

    +anage+ent of patches and -pdates to the operating syste+1


  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


    C'#5TER 2


    =.0.Use ase

    The design process for c-sto+er *ased on %0/are %ie/ D1 *egins /ith the definition of 

    a -se case1 In this scenario, ass-+e an eniron+ent that is *ased in one location1

    E+ployees or -sers /ill access the irt-al Infrastr-ct-re fro+ the %0/are %ie/ client,

    /hich /ill *e installed in either a Aindo/s des;top or proided thro-gh a certified end

    client deice s-ch as a thin ter+inal deice1 The ass-+ption is that this eniron+ent is

    li+ited to > to @ end=-ser=deices1 Scaling *eyond this si3e /ill re.-ire a re=

    architect-re of the ES!KES!i eniron+ent1 or instance, /e ass-+e that all -ser and

    +anage+ent traffic flo/s oer a single >G* lin;1 This, and other ass-+ptions, +ay

    change in a real=/orld deploy+ent1

    %0/are %ie/ leerages a concept of $es;top 5ools, /hich are logical containers that

    represent a -ni.-e -se case1 In this case, the -se case is a s+all e+ployee eniron+ent1

    $es;top type, access +ode, -ser e:perience, perfor+ance and application set /ill *e

    characteri3ed in the $es;top 5ool1 Use cases align to $es;top 5ools1 #n i+portant

    .-estion to consider is /hether a partic-lar -se case re.-ires a statef-l or stateless

    des;top i+age1 Stateless architect-res hae significant adantages s-ch as *eing easier to

    s-pport, ena*ling %ie/ Co+poser=*ased +anage+ent and red-cing storage costs1Statef-l des;top i+ages re.-ire traditional i+age +anage+ent techni.-es1 They are

    created *y assigning a dedicated pool of f-ll irt-al +achines1 In this scenario, /e /ill

    deploy stateless des;top i+ages *y -tili3ing %0/are %ie/ Co+poser and leerage

    floating assign+ent pools of lin;ed clone irt-al +achines1 5lease note that the


  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


     perfor+ance of the 5roof of Concept (5OC) /ill *e highly dependent on a n-+*er of 

    factors, incl-ding the host config-ration (C5U, +e+ory, net/or;) and storage1 Center 

    Serer re.-ires 2 physical BD=*it C5U cores (21 G'3 or faster), D G of R#0, G of 

    dis; space, and a one=Giga*it or faster net/or;ing connection1

    =.=. o, the 7M,are 7ie, omponents 1 sho/s the relationship *et/een the +a

  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


    =.=.0. !ient $evices

    # +a1 #-thenticating -sers

    21 Entitling -sers to specific des;tops and pools

    @1 #ssigning applications pac;aged /ith %0/are Thin#pp to specific des;tops and


    D1 0anaging local and re+ote des;top sessions

    1 Esta*lishing sec-re connections *et/een -sers and des;tops

    B1 Ena*ling single sign=on

    1 Setting and applying policies


  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


    Inside the corporate fire/all, yo- install and config-re a gro-p of t/o or +ore %ie/

    Connection Serer instances1 Their config-ration data is stored in an e+*edded "$#5

    directory and is replicated a+ong +e+*ers of the gro-p1 O-tside the corporate fire/all,

    in the $0J, yo- can install and config-re %ie/ Connection Serer as a sec-rity serer1

    Sec-rity serers in the $0J co++-nicate /ith %ie/ Connection Serers inside the

    corporate fire/all1 Sec-rity serers offer a s-*set of f-nctionality and are not re.-ired to

     *e in an #ctie $irectory do+ain1 Mo- install %ie/ Connection Serer in a Aindo/s

    Serer 2@ or 2? serer, prefera*ly on a %0/are irt-al +achine1

    =.=.>. 7ie, !ient

    The client soft/are for accessing %ie/ des;tops r-ns either on a Aindo/s or 0ac 5C as

    a natie application or on a thin client if yo- hae %ie/ Client for "in-:1 #fter logging

    in, -sers select fro+ a list of irt-al des;tops that they are a-thori3ed to -se1

    #-thori3ation can re.-ire #ctie $irectory credentials, a U5N, a s+art card 5IN, or an

    RS# Sec-rI$ to;en1 #n ad+inistrator can config-re %ie/ Client to allo/ end -sers to

    select a display protocol1 5rotocols incl-de 5CoI5, 0icrosoft R$5, and '5 RGS for %ie/

    des;tops that are hosted on '5 lades1 The speed and display .-ality of 5CoI5 rial that

    of a physical 5C1

    %ie/ Client /ith "ocal 0ode (for+erly called Offline $es;top) is a ersion of %ie/

    Client that has *een e:tended to allo/ end -sers to do/nload irt-al +achines and -se

    the+ on their local syste+s regardless of /hether they hae a net/or; connection1

    eat-res differ according to /hich %ie/ Client yo- -se1 This g-ide foc-ses on %ie/

    Client for Aindo/s and %ie/ Client for 0ac1 The follo/ing types of clients are not

    descri*ed in detail in this g-ide4

    0. %ie/ Client for "in-:, aaila*le only thro-gh certified partners1


  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


    =. %ario-s third=party clients, aaila*le only thro-gh certified partners1

    >. %ie/ Open Client, /hich s-pports the %0/are partner certification progra+1

    1. %ie/ Open Client is not an official %ie/ client and is not s-pported as s-ch1

    =.=.1. 7ie, #%ent

    Mo- install the %ie/ #gent serice on all irt-al +achines, physical syste+s, and

    Ter+inal Serice serers that yo- -se as so-rces for %ie/ des;tops1 This agent

    co++-nicates /ith %ie/ Client to proide feat-res s-ch as connection +onitoring,

    irt-al printing, and access to locally connected US deices1 If the des;top so-rce is a

    irt-al +achine, yo- first install the %ie/ #gent serice on that irt-al +achine and then

    -se the irt-al +achine as a te+plate or as a parent of lin;ed clones1 Ahen yo- create a

     pool fro+ this irt-al +achine, the agent is -to+atically installed on eery irt-al

    des;top1 Mo- can install the agent /ith an option for single sign=on1 Aith single sign=on,

    -sers are pro+pted to log in only /hen they connect to %ie/ Connection Serer and are

    not pro+pted a second ti+e to connect to a irt-al des;top1

    =.=.4. 7ie, #dministrator

    This Ae*=*ased application allo/s ad+inistrators to config-re %ie/ Connection Serer,

    deploy and +anage %ie/ des;tops, control -ser a-thentication, and tro-*leshoot end -ser 

    iss-es1 Ahen yo- install a %ie/ Connection Serer instance, the %ie/ #d+inistrator 

    application is also installed1 This application allo/s ad+inistrators to +anage %ie/

    Connection Serer instances fro+ any/here /itho-t haing to install an application on

    their local co+p-ter1

    =.=.?. 7ie, omposer

    Mo- install this soft/are serice on a Center Serer instance that +anages irt-al


  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


    +achines1 %ie/ Co+poser can then create a pool of lin;ed clones fro+ a specified parent

    irt-al +achine1 This strategy red-ces storage costs *y -p to percent1 Each lin;ed

    clone acts li;e an independent des;top, /ith a -ni.-e host na+e and I5 address, yet the

    lin;ed clone re.-ires significantly less storage *eca-se it shares a *ase i+age /ith the

     parent1 eca-se lin;ed=clone des;top pools share a *ase i+age, yo- can .-ic;ly deploy

    -pdates and patches *y -pdating only the parent irt-al +achine1 End -sersL settings,

    data, and applications are not affected1 #s of %ie/ D1, yo- can also -se lin;ed=clone

    technology for %ie/ des;tops that yo- do/nload and chec; o-t to -se on local syste+s1

    =.=.5. venter Server

    This serice acts as a central ad+inistrator for %0/are ES! serers that are connected

    on a net/or;1 Center Serer, for+erly called %0/are %irt-alCenter, proides the

    central point for config-ring, proisioning, and +anaging irt-al +achines in the

    datacenter1 In addition to -sing these irt-al +achines as so-rces for %ie/ des;top pools,

    yo- can -se irt-al +achines to host the serer co+ponents of %0/are %ie/, incl-ding

    Connection Serer instances, #ctie $irectory serers, and Center Serer instances1 Mo-

    can install %ie/ Co+poser on the sa+e serer as Center Serer to create lin;ed=clone

    des;top pools1 Center Serer then +anages the assign+ent of the irt-al +achines to

     physical serers and storage and +anages the assign+ent of C5U and +e+ory reso-rces

    to irt-al +achines1 Mo- install Center Serer in a Aindo/s Serer 2@ or 2? serer,

     prefera*ly on a %0/are irt-al +achine1

    =.=.@. 7ie, Transfer Server

    This soft/are +anages and strea+lines data transfers *et/een the datacenter and %ie/

    des;tops that are chec;ed o-t for -se on end -sersL local syste+s1 %ie/ Transfer Serer is

    re.-ired to s-pport des;tops that r-n %ie/ Client /ith "ocal 0ode (for+erly called


  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


    Offline $es;top)1 Seeral operations -se %ie/ Transfer Serer to send data *et/een the

    %ie/ des;top in Center Serer and the corresponding local des;top on the client syste+1

    Ahen a -ser chec;s in or chec;s o-t a des;top, %ie/ 0anager a-thori3es and +anages

    the operation1 %ie/ Transfer Serer transfers the files *et/een the datacenter and the

    local des;top1

    >1 %ie/ Transfer Serer synchroni3es local des;tops /ith the corresponding

    des;tops in the datacenter *y replicating -ser=generated changes to the datacenter1

    Replications occ-r at interals that yo- specify in local=+ode policies1 Mo- can

    also initiate replications in %ie/ #d+inistrator1 Mo- can set a policy that allo/s

    -sers to initiate replications fro+ their local des;tops1

    21 %ie/ Transfer Serer ;eeps local des;tops -p=to=date *y distri*-ting co++on

    syste+ data fro+ the datacenter to local clients1 %ie/ Transfer Serer do/nloads

    %ie/ Co+poser *ase i+ages fro+ the i+age repository to local des;tops1

    @1 If a local co+p-ter is corr-pted or lost, %ie/ Transfer Serer can proision the

    local des;top and recoer the -ser data *y do/nloading the data and syste+

    i+age to the local des;top1

    +OT': efore *eginning the installation off all ie/ co+ponents /e ass-+e that a

    dedicated actie directory do+ain controller is installed on any one of BD=*it or @2=*it

    /indo/s 2@ or /indo/s 2? r2 operating syste+1

    MPORT#+T:  No other ie/ co+ponents sho-ld *e installed on this actie directory



    The -se case is defined and also introd-ced all co+ponents that +a;e %0/are ie/ D1

    eniron+ent and descri*ed the+ *riefly


  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


    #PT'R >

    v'+T'R S'R7'R 

    >.0. 2atherin% PrereCuisites

    The installation of the Center Serer is coered in detail in the HES!i Installa*le and

    Center Serer Set-p G-ide1 The +an-al is aaila*le for do/nload on the %0/are

    s-pport site located at4 http4KK///1+/are1co+Ks-pportKp-*s1 Mo- can follo/ the ES!i

    Installation +an-al for detailed step=*y=step instr-ctions, can *e fo-nd *elo/1


    >.=.$atabase ReCuirements

    Center Serer re.-ires data*ases to store and organi3e serer data1 Mo- do not need to

    install a ne/ data*ase serer for the Center Serer installation to /or;1 Mo- can point

    the installation progra+ to -se any e:isting s-pported data*ase (I0 $2, Oracle, or 

    0icrosoft SF" Serer)1 or infor+ation a*o-t s-pported data*ases see the Sphere

    Co+pati*ility 0atri: at http4KK///1+/are1co+Ks-pportKp-*s1

     Note that for the p-rposes of this installation /e can -se the *-ndled 0icrosoft SF"

    Serer 2 E:press data*ase1 This sho-ld *e s-fficient for the p-rposes of the 5OC1 The

    data*ase tho-gh sho-ld *e -pgraded for a prod-ction eniron+ent1 Unless yo- are

     planning to -se the *-ndled SF" Serer 2 E:press data*ase, hae a s-pported

    data*ase created1 The detailed steps and prere.-isites for installing the Center Serer are

    fo-nd in Chapter 2 and Chapter > of the HES!i Installa*le and Center Serer Set-p


     NOTE4 The syste+ yo- -se for the installation of Center Serer +-st *elong to a


  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


    do+ain and not si+ply a /or;gro-p, and sho-ld hae a static I5 address1 The I5 address

    +-st hae a alid $NS registration that resoles properly fro+ all +anaged hosts1

    >.>. Operatin% System ReCuirements

    The Center Serer can *e either irt-al (hosted on the %0/are hyperisor) or physical1

    It can *e either Aindo/s Serer 2@ BD=*it, !5 5ro BD=*it or Aindo/s Serer 2?

    (Enterprise BD=*it, Standard BD=*it, $atacenter BD=*it) and Aindo/s Serer 2? R21

    0a;e s-re that yo-r operation syste+ is BD=*it ena*led1 #lso note that if yo- are -sing an

    e:isting data*ase that a BD=*it $SN is re.-ired for Center Serer to connect to its

    data*ase1 or a c-rrent list of s-pported Operating Syste+s for Center Serer see the

    HSphere Co+pati*ility 0atri: fo-nd on the s-pport /e*site4


    >.1. nsta!!ation of venter

    The Center serer sho-ld *e a +e+*er serer in the do+ain1 0o-nt the Center Serer 

    D1> iso on the BD=*it or @2=*it syste+1 The +o-nt can *e acco+plished in seeral /ays1 If 

    the proposed Center Serer is a physical syste+, then +o-nt the i+age on the physical

    C$K$%$ drie1 If the proposed serer is a irt-al +achine, the Center Serer D1> iso

    can *e +o-nted fro+ the a C$ on the local client C$K$%$ drie /hich is r-nning the

    %irt-al Infrastr-ct-re Client, or the ES!i host C$K$%$ drie or the S#N datastore itself1

    These options can *e specified in the edit irt-al +achine properties in the %I Client1

    #nother possi*ility is to r-n a third=party soft/are pac;age that /ill +o-nt the Center 

    Serer D1> iso as a local drie1

    >.1.0 Step by step insta!!ation procedure

    >1Once the Center iso is +o-nted, r-n the #-tor-n co++and on the $%$ if it hasn7t


  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


    already r-n1 Mo- /ill see the follo/ing GUI1 The na+e of the Center i+age at the ti+e

    of p-*lication is %0/are=%I0Set-p=all=D1>1=22>1iso1 The na+e /ill change /ith the

    ne:t release of patching1

    ig1@1>1 Center Serer Installer Aindo/

    21 Select the first option, Center Serer1 #fter selecting the appropriate lang-age option,

    select Ne:t seeral ti+es and agree to the license ter+s1 Mo- /ill see the follo/ing

    display as;ing for the Aindo/s -ser na+e, organi3ation and license ;ey1 Mo- can safely

    o+it the licensee ;ey in this step since the installer /ill -se an eal-ation ;ey, /hich /ill

    last B days1 Mo- can enter a per+anent ;ey at a later date1


  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


    ig1@121 Center serer installation, c-sto+er infor+ation /indo/

    @1 Choose either an e:isting data*ase or hae the installer place a SF" Serer 2

    E:press instance on the local +achine1 In o-r case, /e7ll choose the latter1 This E:press

    data*ase is appropriate for s+all=scale deploy+ents only (+a:i+-+ of ES!i hosts and

    irt-al +achines)

    ig1@1@1 Center Serer $ata*ase options /indo/

    D1 Mo- can r-n the Center Serer Serice as either a -ser=specified acco-nt in the

    do+ain or the defa-lt SMSTE0 acco-nt1 Ae7ll -se the defa-lt SMSTE0 acco-nt1


  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


    ig1@1D1 Center Serer Serice acco-nt infor+ation /indo/

    1 Ne:t, choose the folder /here yo- /ish to install Center Serer1 Ae7ll select the


    ig1@11 Center serer installation defa-lt destination folder 

    B1 Ahen as;ed if Center Serer sho-ld *e standalone or

  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


    ig1@1B1 Selecting Center serer +ode fro+ lin;ed +ode or standalone +ode

    1 The ne:t display sho/s the defa-lt ports that Center Serer -tili3es1 Ae /ill -se the


    ig1@11 Connection infor+ation for Center Serer /indo/

    ?1 Clic; Install to *egin the installation1

    1 Clic; finish to co+plete the installation

    Ahen the installation is co+plete yo- can ie/ the Center Serer 0anager thro-gh the

    Sphere Client1 The Sphere client can *e loaded fro+ the sa+e iso that deliered the

    Center Serer 0anager or do/nloaded fro+ the Center Serer 0anager /e* serer1


  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


    Si+ply point yo-r *ro/ser to the I5 address of the Center Serer 0anager and hit the

    $o/nload Sphere Client UR"1 Ne:t yo- /ill need to add the ES!i host to the Center 

    Serer1 This is done *y *ringing -p the Sphere Client and logging into the Center 

    Serer 0anager1 irst, add a ne/ datacenter1 Select the Center Serer 0anager in the

    selection pane in the -pper left hand part of yo-r Sphere Client display after yo-7e

     *ro-ght -p the client and logged into the Center Serer1 No/ right +o-se *-tton and

    select Ne/ $atacenter1 In o-r case, /e7ll na+e o-r datacenter %ie/1

    ig1@1?1 #dding ne/ data center to the Center serer thro-gh Sphere Client

    Once the display is presented, select the 'osts ta*1 Then clic; the right +o-se *-tton and

    select H#dd 'ost1 Enter the host na+e or the I5 address of the ES!i serer and the

    credentials to log into the serer1


  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


    ig1@11 #dding a host to the Center serer 

    Once Center Serer has the ES!i host connected s-ccessf-lly it /ill loo; li;e the

    follo/ing in the Sphere Client

    ig1@1>1 ES!i host added s-ccessf-lly to the Center serer 


    Installation of %center serer is co+pleted and added a host to it s-ccessf-lly1 Ne:t step

    is the installation of ie/ conection serer1


  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


    #PT'R 1

    7' O++'TO+ S'R7'R 

    1.0. Preparin% for 7ie, 1.4 onnection server nsta!!ation

    There are seeral %0/are doc-+ents that /ill *e referenced in this doc-+ent1 The first

    is the %0/are %ie/ D1 Eal-ators G-ide1 # detailed +an-al for the installation of %ie/

    D1 0anager and Co+poser can *e fo-nd in the %ie/ D1 Installation g-ide at4


    The p-rpose of this %0/are %ie/ D1 Installation g-ide is to proide step=*y=step

    instr-ctions for installing and config-ring %ie/ D1 for the eniron+ent1 If there are any

    .-estions or iss-es that co+e -p d-ring the installation, please cons-lt the a-thoritatie

    H%0/are %ie/ D1 Installation G-ide fro+ the follo/ing lin; 


  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5



    1.=. 7ie, mana%er or vie, connection server ReCuirements

    The %ie/ 0anager can *e installed on a @2=*it or BD=*it dedicated physical or irt-al

    +achine (a syste+ hosted on %0/are ES! or ES!i hyperisor)1 The hard/are

    re.-ire+ents are listed in Chapter > of the %ie/ installation +an-al8 *-t *riefly, the

    syste+ sho-ld s-pport at least d-al processors, hae +-ltiple net/or; interface cards,

    DG of R#0 (Aindo/s Serer 2?) or 2 G of R#0 (Aindo/s Serer 2@ @2=*it)1

    Aindo/s Serer 2@ @2=*it, Aindo/s Serer 2@ R2 @2=*it and Aindo/s Serer 2?

    R2 BD=*it are s-pported for the %ie/ 0anager1 Note that the %ie/ 0anager proides a

    /e* serer interface /hich s-pports Internet E:plorer or greater1 Mo- +ay need to

    -pdate the %ie/ 0anager 'ost /e* *ro/ser if yo- are r-nning an older Operating


    Ens-re that yo- hae a alid license ;ey for the %0/are %ie/ Connection Serer1 Mo-

    can re.-est an eal-ation ;ey as /ell as do/nload the %ie/ and ES!i soft/are fro+ the

    %0/are /e*site at4!t 1

     NOTE4 The %ie/ connection serer +-st *e . Step by Step insta!!ation procedure

    >1 The %ie/ D1 0anager can *e installed on either a Aindo/s 2? Serer or Aindo/s

    2@ Serer1 Mo- can do/nload the necessary %ie/ D1 co+ponents fro+ the %0/are

    S-pport do/nload site4


    or reference p-rposes, a ideo of Hho/ to install and config-re the %0/are %ie/ D1

    0anager can *e fo-nd at4 http4KK///1yo-t-*e1co+K/atchePM'dU

  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


    21 #fter do/nloading the %0/are=ie/connectionserer=:?BQ i+age, r-n the installation

    as an ad+inistrator 

    ig1D1>4 /elco+e to the Installation /i3ard for %0/are %ie/ connection serer 

    @1 #fter accepting the defa-lts for the agree+ents, accept the defa-lt install folder or 

    change it as appropriate and clic; ne:t1

    ig1D121 ie/ connection serer defa-lt destination folder 

    D1 Since this is the first %ie/ 0anager installation, select the Standard Serer *-ild (#s

    /e are installing the first connection serer /e need to select standard serer1)


  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


    ig1D1@1 %ie/ connection Serer Installation options

    1 If yo- receie the follo/ing +essage, follo/ the directions indicated and change the I5

    fro+ $'C5 to a static I51 Mo-7ll need to start the %ie/ 0anager installation again after 

    the change

    ig1D1D1 Error +essage that sho/s ie/ connection serer re.-ire a static I5

    B1 Mo- /ill see the follo/ing /indo/ as the installation +a;es progress4

    ig1D11 %ie/ connction serer installation in progress

    1 If yo- are installing on a Aindo/s 2? Serer yo- /ill see the follo/ing /indo/1


  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


    Clic; Ne:t and contin-e the installation1

    ig1D1B1 ire/all config-ration /indo/

    ?1 Ahen the %ie/ D1 0anager installation is co+plete clic; on finish to e:it the

    installation /i3ard

    1.1. Usin% 7ie, #dministrator

    Mo- can confir+ the installation *y *ringing -p the %ie/ 0anager Config-ration display

     *y typing in the %ie/ 0anager I5 address into an Internet *ro/ser as *elo/1

     ( http4KKI59#$$RESS9%IEA90#N#GERKad+in )1

     Note that the %ie/ ad+inistration interface /ill re.-ire lash (yo- /ill receie a notice

    the first ti+e yo- *ring -p the ad+in GUI along /ith a do/nload option)1 Mo- can also

     *ring -p a /e* *ro/ser to the sa+e address *y do-*le clic;ing on the H%ie/

    #d+inistrator Console icon on the %ie/ 0anager des;top1 Clic; on HContin-e to this

    /e*site to accept the defa-lt sec-rity certificate1


  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


    ig1D11 %ie/ #d+inistrator "ogin screen

    >1 "og in to the %ie/ ad+inistratie interface *y pointing yo-r /e* *ro/ser to the I5

    address follo/ed *y Kad+in (for e:a+ple, http4KK>21>B?112>Kad+in)1 "ogin -sing the

    credentials of a do+ain ad+inistrator1

    ig1D1?1 %0/are ie/ ad+inistrator *asic interface

    21 Select 5rod-ct "icensing and Usage on the left=hand part of the display and select the

    HEdit "icense *-tton1 Enter the %0/are %ie/ D1 "icense Pey and clic; OP1 #s noted

    a*oe, an eal-ation ;ey can *e re.-ested fro+ the %0/are /e*site



  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


    ig1D11 #dding Center serer to the ie/ ad+inistrator 

    @1 #dd the Center Serer to the %ie/ 0anager1 Select %ie/ Config-ration = Serers in

    the left hand selection /indo/1 Then select #dd in the right res-lt pane1 Enter the Center 

    Serer address, -ser na+e and pass/ord1 Select OP1


    The Center serer is installed on a dedicated serer s-ccessf-lly1 #n host is added to the

    Center serer for the centrali3ed +anage+ent1 The Center instance is added to the ie/

    ad+inistrator1 So that the +anaged irt-al +achines /hich are -nder Center serer can

     *e -sed to create a des;top pool and can *e assigned to the -ser1 # ie/ co+poser 

    instance can also *e added to this Center serer to create lin;ed clones of +aster irt-al

    +achine te+plate1


  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5



    %IEA CO05OSER 

    or the p-rposes of this eniron+ent, /ill *e deploying lin;ed=clone des;tops fro+ a

    single des;top i+age1 %ie/ Co+poser proides this capa*ility and has a fe/

    re.-ire+ents1 Na+ely, a SF" data*ase +-st reside on or *e aaila*le to the Center 

    Serer instance that /ill *e integrated /ith the %ie/ 0anager1 If an SF" data*ases

    already e:ists for Center Serer, %ie/ Co+poser can -se that e:isting data*ase instance1

    If not, %ie/ Co+poser can -se the 0icrosoft SF" Serer 2 E:press instance proided

    /ith Center for .-ic; proof of concept deploy+ent1 In act-al prod-ction, /e

    reco++end that yo- hae a standalone SF" serer instance that can also *e -sed later for 

    logging the %0/are %ie/ eent data*ase1 This SF" Serer E:press data*ase sho-ld *e

    -pgraded if the %ie/ syste+ is going into prod-ction -se1 The %0/are hyperisor, ES!

    or ES!i +-st *e Sphere D or later to ta;e adantage of %ie/ Co+poser1

    4.0. Preparin% #ctive $irectory

    %0/are %ie/ -tili3es 0icrosoft #ctie $irectory for -ser a-thentication and

    +anage+ent1 Aindo/s 2 #$, Aindo/s 2@ #$, and Aindo/s 2? #$ are

    s-pported1 #gain, ens-re that the %ie/ 0anager syste+ is

  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


    allo/s gro-p policies to *e applied -ni.-ely to the irt-al des;tops1 G5Os can *e

    +anaged ia the Gro-p 5olicy +od-le for 5o/erShell (incl-ding in Aindo/s Serer 

    2? or /ith 0icrosoft7s Re+ote Serer #d+inistration Tools)1

    >1 Create a ne/ #ctie $irectory Organi3ational Unit that /ill store all of yo-r la* lin;ed

    clone des;tops1 Open #ctie $irectory Users and Co+p-ters (r-n dsa1+sc) and create the

    ne/ OU1 or the p-rposes of this la*, it is na+ed the ne/ OU Hla* lin;ed clones1

    ig11>1 Creating ne/ OU to the actie directory do+ain controller 

    21 Create a -ser acco-nt in #ctie $irectory for the %ie/ Co+poser1 This -ser sho-ld

    hae the follo/ing capa*ilities to the OU

  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


    ig1121 #dding ne/ -ser to actie directory do+ain controller 

    @1 "og in into Center and create a ne/ folder to hold the la* lin;ed clone des;tops

    (right=clic; on yo-r datacenter o*g, Oracle >>g or a SF" Serer data*ase)1 The %ie/ Co+poser 

    serice does not incl-de a data*ase1 The %ie/ Co+poser data*ase stores infor+ation

    a*o-t the des;tops deployed *y %ie/ Co+poser1 or o-r p-rposes, /e /ill add a ne/

    %ie/ Co+poser data*ase to the e:isting Center Serer SF" Serer 2 e:press

    data*ase1 To create the data*ase, first do/nload and then la-nch the SF" Serer 

    0anage+ent St-dio E:press (this is a free -tility fro+ 0icrosoft)1 Since Center is

    r-nning on a BD=*it Operating Syste+ *e s-re to do/nload the BD *it pac;age1 In o-r case

    that is SF"Serer29SS0SEE9:BD1+si fro+ http4KKdo/nload1+icrosoft1co+1

    >1 The proced-re on the Center Serer is to select Start = #ll 5rogra+s = 0icrosoft

    SF" 0anage+ent St-dio E:press 21 Right clic; on the data*ases folder and clic; 


  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


     Ne/ $ata*ase1 Ae7ll -se the na+e %ie/Co+poser1 Clic; OP1

    ig11@1 #dding ne/ data*ase instance for ie/ co+poser 

    21 No/ that the data*ase e:ists, yo- +-st config-re an O$C connection to the

    Co+poser serer1 On the Center Serer, select Start = #d+inistratie Tools = $ata

    So-rce (O$C)1 Select Syste+ $SN ta*1 Clic; #dd and select SF" Natie Client fro+

    the list and clic; finish1

    @1 Co+plete the for+1 In this case /e7ll -se the na+e %ie/Co+poser to descri*e the

    O$C $SN and specify the irt-al serer hostna+e in the serer field drop do/n *o:1

    Clic; on Ne:t1


  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


    ig11D1 #dding data*ase details to config-re ie/ co+poser 

    Mo- can specify either Aindo/s NT a-thentication (for a local SF" serer as in o-r 

    specific case) or SF" Serer a-thentication (if yo- are -sing a re+ote instance of SF"


    D1 Clic; Ne:t1 Change the defa-lt data*ase to the na+e of the %ie/ Co+poser data*ase

    fro+ the dropdo/n list1

    ig111 0icrosoft SF" serer $NS config-ration for ie/ co+poser 

    Ens-re yo- hae *oth HUse #NSI .-oted identifiers ena*led and HUse #NSI n-lls,

     paddings and /arnings ena*led as /ell1

    1 Select Ne:t and then inish1 Select the Test $ata So-rce to erify that the connection is

    esta*lished properly1 $on7t proceed -ntil the test co+pletes s-ccessf-lly1


  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


     NOTE4 If yo- /ill *e -sing an Oracle >>g or >g $ata*ase for %ie/ Co+poser instead of 

    SF", please see the %ie/ Installation G-ide for details on the set-p1

     No/ that the %ie/ Co+poser data*ase and %ie/ Co+poser $SN are config-red, yo- can

    +oe on to the installation of the %ie/ Co+poser serice on the Center Serer1

    4.>. nsta!!in% the 7ie, omposer Service

    >1 If yo- hae not already done so, do/nload and r-n the %0/are %ie/ Co+poser 21

    e:ec-ta*le on the Center Serer1 The installer filena+e is %0/are=ie/co+poser=

    ::::::1e:e, /here :::::: is the *-ild n-+*er1 This installer file installs the %ie/

    Co+poser serice on BD=*it and @2=*it Aindo/s Serer Operating Syste+s1

    ig11B1 %ie/ co+poser installation /i3ard

    21 #ccept the End User #gree+ent *y clic;ing Ne:t and accept the ter+s1 or o-r case,

    /e7ll install the Co+poser in the defa-lt directory *y clic;ing Ne:t1 Select the $SN for 

    the %ie/ Co+poser data*ase that yo- proided in the 0icrosoft or Oracle O$C $ata

    So-rce #d+inistrator Ai3ard1 In o-r case, /e7ll -se %ie/ Co+poser1 If yo- hae not

    already created a $SN for the %ie/ Co+poser data*ase, clic; on O$C $SN Set-p to

    config-re a na+e no/1


  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


    ig111 #dding $ata*ase infor+ation d-ring ie/ co+poser installation

    @1 #ccept the defa-lt SO#5 5ort and clic; Ne:t1 Either proide an SS" certificate or 

    select the radio *-tton to create a defa-lt SS" certificate1 Clic; Install and inish to

    co+plete the Co+poser serice installation1

    It /ill *e i+portant to ens-re that the Sphere eniron+ent has eno-gh C5U, +e+ory,

    and IKO reso-rces to host the des;tops that yo- re.-ire1 It is a *est practice to -se theSphere client to +onitor those reso-rces1 There are seeral other i+portant practices to

    follo/1 Stagger the r-n ti+es of the antiir-s soft/are1 #lso ens-re that the $yna+ic

     Na+e Serice ($NS) is operating correctly and that the des;top irt-al +achine na+es

    can *e resoled in $NS1 To test $NS operation, ping the #ctie $irectory and %ie/

    Connection Serers *y na+e1

    4.1. onfi%urin% 7ie, omposer

    To -se %ie/ Co+poser, yo- +-st config-re %ie/ 0anager /ith initial settings1 Earlier in

    the proced-re, a do+ain -ser /as created /ith per+issions to add and re+oe irt-al

    des;top +achines fro+ the #ctie $irectory do+ain that contains the lin;ed clones1


  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


    Ae7ll no/ config-re that sa+e -ser in the %ie/ 0anager1 In the %ie/ 0anager 

    ad+inistration /indo/ (http4KKI59#$$RESS9O9%IEA90GRKad+in) select %ie/

    Config-ration=Serers1 In the Center Serers panel, select the Center Serer already

    config-red1 No/ clic; Edit1 Ena*le the %ie/ Co+poser1 %ie/ 0anager no/ atte+pts to

    co++-nicate /ith the %ie/ Co+poser serice r-nning on the Center Serer1

    ig11?1 #dding %ie/ co+poser to the Center Instance in ie/ #d+inistrator 


    %ie/ co+poser instance is installed in the Center serer s-ccessf-lly1 #nd also it is

    added to the Center serer details -nder ie/ ad+inistrator1 'ence it is possi*le to

    create lin;ed clones of a +anaged irt-al +achine1


  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


    #PT'R ?

    7' #2'+T

    The %ie/ #gent co+ponent assists /ith session +anage+ent, single sign=on, and deice

    redirection1 Mo- +-st install %ie/ #gent on all irt-al +achines, physical syste+s, and

    ter+inal serers that /ill *e +anaged *y %ie/ 0anager1 Refer the follo/ing ta*le for the

    list of s-pported operating syste+s for the ie/ agent installation

    Ta*le1B1> lists the operating syste+s s-pported for %ie/ #gent1

    ?.0. Step by step insta!!ation of vie, a%ent

    >) "a-nch the %0/are Sphere Client fro+ the shortc-t on the des;top of the HControl

    Center +achine1


  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


    ig1B1>1 "ogging in to the Center serer thro-gh Sphere client

    2) Chec; the *o: la*eled HUse Aindo/s session credentials1 Clic; "ogin1

    @) ro+ the left col-+n of the %I Client interface, select the 5arent Aindo/s %0

    na+ed HA and open console1

    ig1B121 opening a console of the $es;top on /hich ie/ agent is going to *e installed

    D) In the console select %0 fro+ the tool *ar, clic; G-est and clic; the Send

    Ctrl#lt$el option1

    ) "ogin as Had+inistratorH

    B) R-n the H%0/are=ie/agent=D11=2D@1e:e fro+ the des;top1 Ahen pro+pted


  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


    for the Hopen sec-rity – sec-rity /arning clic; R-n1

    ) Clic; Ne:t to start the installation1

    ig1B1@1 %ie/ #gent Installation /i3ard

    ?) #ccept the End User 5atent #gree+ent and then clic; Ne:t1

    ) Under c-sto+ set-p leae the options defa-lt1 Clic; Ne:t to contin-e1

    ig1B1D1%ie/ #gent installation C-sto+ Set-p options /indo/

    >) Clic; Install to *egin the installation1 Mo- /ill see seeral screens flash *y in the

     *ac;gro-nd as the ario-s co+ponents are installed1

    >>) If yo- hae any /arnings a*o-t driers, please clic; Contin-e #ny/ay1

    >2) Clic; inish /hen the /i3ard co+pletes and re*oot the des;top


  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5



    The ie/ agent is installed on a des;top /hich +eans the des;top is ready to assign a

    -ser or to create a lin;ed clone des;top pool1

    #PT'R 5

    R'#T+2 T' ;+D'$ ;O+' $'SDTOP POO;

     No/ that yo- hae created the 5arent irt-al +achine, and config-red %0/are %ie/ to

    -se the Co+poser -ser, /e /ill ne:t create a pool of lin;ed clones1

    5.0. reatin% a !in-ed c!one des-top poo! in vie, #dministrator

    >1 Open the %0/are %ie/ #d+inistrator console1 Select Inentory = 5ools and then the

    #dd *-tton1 #nd Select the #-to+ated 5ool option in the res-lting #dd 5ool Ai3ard


  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


    ig11>1 #dd pool /i3ard in the ie/ ad+inistrator 

    21 %irt-al des;top -sers can either hae dedicated or floating des;tops1 $edicated +eans

    that each ti+e a -ser logs in they /ill get the sa+e irt-al +achine1 loating proides the

    end -ser /ith a rando+ des;top fro+ the pool1 In o-r -se case, the la* eniron+ent, /e

    /ill assign des;tops to la* -sers rando+ly so /e /ill -se the Hloating -ser assign+ent1

    ig1121 type of pool to *e assaigned to the -ser 

    %irt-al +achines can *e deployed as either f-ll irt-al +achines created fro+ a Center 

    Serer te+plate or as Co+poser lin;ed clones1 Ae /ill *e -sing Co+poser lin;ed clones

     *eca-se they share the sa+e *ase i+age (5arent) and therefore -se significantly less

    storage space1 The -ser profile can *e redirected to persistent dis;s that /ill *e -naffected


  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


     *y OS -pdates and refreshes

    ig11@1 Selecting type of irt-al des;top to *e assaigned to the -ser 

    @1 #fter hitting Ne:t, specify the attri*-tes of the 5ool1 5roide a na+e for the pool,

    display na+e (/hich the -sers /ill see /hen they connect to the %ie/ 0anager fro+ the

    %ie/ client), the %ie/ older (/hich can *e -sed for organi3ing the pool and delegating

    ad+inistration and a description to *e sho/n in the S-++ary ta* for the %ie/


    ig11D1 #ssaigning I$ for the ne/ pool that is creating

    D1 No/ specify the pool settings1 These settings are detailed in the %0/are %ie/ D1

    #d+inistrator G-ide1 or o-r p-rposes /e /ill set the a-to+atic logoff after disconnect

    to B +in-tes1 'it the Ne:t *-tton1


  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


    ig111 Choosing the pool seeting fro+ the aaila*le options

    1 The follo/ing config-ration screen gies yo- the option to redirect disposa*le files

    s-ch as page files and te+p files to a HNon=persistent dis;1 This non=persistent dis; /ill

     *e deleted a-to+atically /hen a -ser session ends1 Ae /ill -se the defa-lt DB 0

    al-e1 'it the Ne:t *-tton1

    ig11B1 %ie/ co+poser $is;s settings /indo/

    B1 The ne:t screen proides the a*ility to assign na+es to the irt-al des;tops1 Ena*le the

     *asic settings of Ena*le 5roisioning and Stop proisioning on error1 Ae hae set the

    na+ing conention to incl-de t/o digits (>, 2, 1) *eginning /ith "in;edClone==1 The

    si3e of the pool is also specified here1 In o-r case, /e are setting -p > des;tops1 These


  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


    des;tops can *e proisioned /heneer they are needed (on de+and) or -p=front1 Up=front

    /ill ens-re the des;tops are ready /hen the -sers log in1 #lso note the n-+*er of spare

    des;tops (/hich refers to the spare po/ered=on des;tops)1 Ae /ill set the n-+*er to the

    +a:i+-+ pool si3e to ens-re that the des;tops are all aaila*le i++ediately for the la*



    ig1115roisining Settings Aindo/

    1 The ne:t screen is -sed to specify the defa-lt 5arent i+age1 'it ro/se and select the

    5arent irt-al +achine prepared earlier1 Ne:t specify the irt-al +achine folder in

    Center Serer that yo- /ish to place the des;top irt-al +achines /ithin1 Select the

    ES!i host (or Cl-ster) and the Center Serer reso-rce pool yo- /ish to -se1 #nd finally,

    select the datastore yo- /ish to place the ne/ $es;top irt-al +achines /ithin1


  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


    ig11?1 %center settings /indo/

    ?1 The ne:t screen allo/s yo- to specify /hich #ctie $irectory Container to place the

    irt-al +achines /ithin1 Mo- can also specify /hether yo- /ish to -se either 0icrosoft7s

    Sysprep or F-ic;5rep for preparing the irt-al +achines for la* -se1 #s the na+e

    i+plies, F-ic;5rep is designed to /or; efficiently /ith %ie/ Co+poser and is generally

    faster than 0icrosoft Sysprep1 Sysprep generates a -ni.-e SI$ and F-ic;5rep does not1

     Note that Sys5rep is only s-pported on Sphere D1>1 Mo- can also specify the -se of a

    different datastore for the %ie/ Co+poser replica dis;s (5arent irt-al +achine)1 This is

    acco+plished -nder the datastore7s *ro/se *-tton1 If yo- hae a high speed datastore

    s-ch as a Solid State $rie or fast "UN yo- /ish to -se, this /o-ld *e appropriate to host

    the 5arent irt-al +achine1 The %ie/ D1 reference architect-re proides +ore

    infor+ation on ho/ to opti+i3e %ie/ D1 deploy+ents *y -tili3ing tiered storage1 The

    i+age *elo/ proides a snapshot of the screen1 or the la* deploy+ent, consider -sing

    the stateless or non=persistent des;tops and hae lin;ed clone replica stored in a solid

    state drie (SS$)1

    The Replica is the 5arent i+age that the lin;ed clones -se as their *ase i+age1 It

    considered a *est practice to place this 5arent i+age on a high=speed datastore s-ch as a

    solid state drie on the ES!i serer1 If a higher speed datastore is not an option, then

    don7t select the HUse different datastore for %ie/ Co+poser replica dis;s1

    1 The ne:t screen lets yo- set the g-est c-sto+i3ation options1 Specify the do+ain and

    #$ container yo- /ish to add the %ie/ des;tops into1 Mo- can -se the defa-lt OU

    (CNCo+p-ters) or -tili3e the OU created earlier to contain the la* irt-al des;tops1 Mo-

    can also specify /hether yo- /ant to -se F-ic;5rep (/ith optional po/er=off and post=

    synchroni3ation scripts) or 0icrosoft7s Sysprep1 If yo- choose to -se Sysprep, follo/ the

    directions in the %0/are ES!i #d+inistrators g-ide1 or the p-rposes of o-r la*, /e

    /ill choose to -se F-ic;5rep1


  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


    ig111G-est C-sto+i3ations /indo/

    >1 inally, the last screen s-++ari3es the options selected1 'it inish after reie/ing the


    ig11>1 S-++ary of the options selected to create a des;top pool

    The %ie/ 0anager /ill no/ *egin to create the la* pool1 Mo- can /atch the pool irt-al

    +achines *eing created *y *ringing -p the Center client1 "oo; -nder HInentory =

    irt-al +achines and Te+plates and note the tas;s in the lo/er part of the screen1 Note

    also that the %ie/ 0anager is in charge of creating and destroying the des;top irt-al

    +achines1 $ON7T create or destroy the des;top irt-al +achines fro+ /ithin Center1

    The entire lifecycle of the des;top irt-al +achines /ill *e handled *y %0/are %ie/



  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


     NOTE4 If yo- find errors /ith the c-sto+i3ation process, see the %0/are Pno/ledge

    ase article fo-nd online at4 http4KK;*1+/are1co+K;*K>2B

     No/ that the pool is *eing created, the ne:t step is to entitle la* -sers to access the

    des;top irt-al +achines1 This is done fro+ /ithin the %ie/ #d+inistrator interface1

    >>1 Go to the %ie/ #d+inistrator (https4KKWna+e9of9%ie/90anagerXKad+in) and select

    the HInentory = 5ools ta*1 Select the ne/ly created 5ool and select the Entitle+ents

     *-tton1 No/ hit the #dd *-tton1 Enter the la* -ser actie directory na+e into the Hind

    User or Gro-p screen1 Mo- can enter as +any -sers or gro-ps as yo- /ish1 These -sers

    /ill hae access to the irt-al des;top +achines1 #fter entering and then selecting the

    -ser na+e or gro-p, hit the OP *-tton1 This /ill ret-rn yo- to the Entitle+ents interface1

    'it OP1 Mo- sho-ld no/ note that the pool I$ has a green arro/ -nder the entitle+ents

    col-+n indicating that the pool is entitled1 Note also that the Ena*led col-+n is also

    chec;ed1 If chec;ed, the pool is ena*led for end -sers to access their entitled des;tops1

    Mo- can chec; on the stat-s of the ne/ly created des;tops *y going to the %ie/

    #d+inistrator interface and selecting Inentory = $es;tops1 The des;top na+e, pool I$,

    $NS na+e, host and so forth are presented here1 Note in partic-lar the $es;top Stat-s1 It

    /ill read #aila*le /hen %ie/ is ready to present the des;top to the end -ser1


  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


    ig11>>1$es;top pools listed inside the ie/ #d+inistrator


    # lin;ed clone des;top pool has *een created and entitled to a -ser1 The final step is to

    connect the -sers to the ne/ly created irt-al des;top1 This connection is acco+plished

    ia the %0/are %ie/ Client1 This client is s-pported on a n-+*er of end -ser deices

    s-ch as 3ero clients, laptops, des;tops, thin clients, and other +o*ile deices1

    #PT'R @

    7' ;'+T

    @.0. #bout vie, c!ient

    Users r-n %ie/ Client to connect to their %ie/ des;tops1 Mo- +-st install %ie/ Client or 

    %ie/ Client /ith "ocal 0ode on a s-pported operating syste+1 Ta*le ?1> lists the

    0icrosoft Aindo/s operating syste+s s-pported for %ie/ Client1 or infor+ation a*o-t

    operating syste+s s-pported *y other %ie/ Clients, s-ch as %ie/ Client for the 0ac and

    %ie/ Client for i5ad, Go to



  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


    MPORT#+T4 %ie/ Client /ith "ocal 0ode is s-pported only on Aindo/s syste+s

    and only on physical co+p-ters1 In addition, to -se this feat-re, yo-r %0/are license

    +-st incl-de %ie/ Client /ith "ocal 0ode

    Tab!e @.0. %ie/ Client Operating Syste+ S-pport for Aindo/s=ased Clients

    @.=. 7ie, !ient nsta!!ation

    >) R-n the %0/are=ie/client=ersion1e:e file1

    2) Clic; R-n1

    @) Clic; Ne:t

    ig1?1>1 ie/ client installation /i3ard

    D) #ccept the End User "icense #gree+ent

    ) Clic; Ne:t


  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


    ig1?121 ie/ client installation, c-sto+e set-p options /indo/s

    B) Mo- can add the connection serer1 Then clic; Ne:t

    ig1?1@1 #dding connection serer instance details to ie/ client installation

    ) Clic; Ne:t , on the enhanced single sign on /indo/

    ?) Clic; Ne:t, *y accepting the defa-lts on the config-ring short c-ts /indo/

    ) Reie/ Installation and Clic; Install to start the installation

    >) Clic; inish /hen co+plete1


    'ence /e co+pleted the installation of ie/ client *y r-nning this /e are a*le to connect

    the pool *y proiding the credentials in the login screen1


  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


    #PT'R *

    O++'T+2 TO T' 7M#R' 7' 7RTU#;


    The final step is to connect the -sers to the ne/ly created irt-al des;top, /hich is

    acco+plished ia the %0/are %ie/ Client1 This client is s-pported on a n-+*er of end=

    -ser=deices s-ch as laptops, des;tops, thin clients and others1 Ae /ill start *y testing the


  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


    connection fro+ a Aindo/s 5C or laptop1 $o/nload the %0/are %ie/ Client onto the

    end=-ser=access point and *egin the installation1 There are seeral types of the %ie/

    Client1 The larger %ie/ client i+age s-pports the a*ility of chec;ing o-t the des;top

    irt-al +achine1 Install the s+aller i+age, /hich instead si+ply proides access to the

    la* des;tops1 Once the %0/are %ie/ Client is installed, r-n the client1 5oint the client to

    the -lly F-alified $o+ain Na+e or I5 address of the %ie/ 0anager1 Enter the login

    credentials of the entitled la* -ser1 'it OP1 No/ select the 5ool I$1

     No/ that the pool is *eing created, the ne:t step is to entitle la* -sers to access the

    des;top irt-al +achines1 This is done fro+ /ithin the %ie/ #d+inistrator interface1

    *.0. 'ntit!in% the users to poo!

    >1 Go to the %ie/ #d+inistrator (https4KKWna+e9of9%ie/90anagerXKad+in) and select the

    HInentory = 5ools ta*1 Select the ne/ly created 5ool and select the Entitle+ents

     *-tton1 No/ hit the #dd *-tton1 Enter the la* -ser actie directory na+e into the Hind

    User or Gro-p screen1 Mo- can enter as +any -sers or gro-ps as yo- /ish1 These -sers

    /ill hae access to the irt-al des;top +achines1 #fter entering and then selecting the

    -ser na+e or gro-p, hit the OP *-tton1 This /ill ret-rn yo- to the Entitle+ents interface1

    'it OP1 Mo- sho-ld no/ note that the pool I$ has a green arro/ -nder the entitle+ents

    col-+n indicating that the pool is entitled1 Note also that the Ena*led col-+n is also

    chec;ed1 If chec;ed, the pool is ena*led for end -sers to access their entitled des;tops1


  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


    ig11>1 Entitling the -ser to the pool

    Mo- can chec; on the stat-s of the ne/ly created des;tops *y going to the %ie/

    #d+inistrator interface and selecting Inentory = $es;tops1 The des;top na+e, pool I$,

    $NS na+e, host and so forth are presented here1

    *.=. ;o%%in% in to vie, c!ient

     Note in partic-lar the $es;top Stat-s1 It /ill read #aila*le /hen %ie/ is ready to

     present the des;top to the end -ser1 The final step is to connect the -sers to the ne/ly

    created irt-al des;top1 This connection is acco+plished ia the %0/are %ie/ Client1

    This client is s-pported on a n-+*er of end -ser deices s-ch as 3ero clients, laptops,

    des;tops, thin clients, and other +o*ile deices1


  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


    ig1121 logging in to ie/ client

     No/ select the 5ool I$ and clic; on Connect1

    ig11@1 Choosing the respectie pool fro+ the list of pools that are assaigned to -ser

    Mo- sho-ld no/ *e attached to the irt-al des;top1 If yo- +oe yo-r +o-se to the top of 

    the screen yo- sho-ld see the Options +en- aaila*le1 Note there are seeral options to

    disconnect1 Mo- can disconnect or disconnect /ith logoff1 $isconnecting fro+ the

    des;top /ill leae the state of the des;top in place1 $isconnecting /ith logoff /ill *oth

    disconnect the -ser fro+ the irt-al des;top as /ell as logoff the -ser fro+ the session as

    /ell1 There is a Connect US $eice +en- pane at the top of the fra+e as /ell1 This /ill


  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5


    allo/ the -ser to connect ario-s US deices to the irt-al des;top1


    y this chapter /e acco+plished o-r +ain ai+ and the i+ple+entation of $es;top #s #

    Serice ($##S) is acco+plished s-ccessf-lly -sing %0/are ie/ D1


  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5



    To acco+plish $es;top #s # Serice, a ne/ or e:isting actie directory do+ain

    controller is installed and

  • 8/20/2019 Desktop as a Service (DAAS) Implementation Using VMware View 4.5



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