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Mozambique Tourism Authority Tel: +258 21 307320/1 Fax: +258 21 307322/3 Email: [email protected]

Destination Mozambique Is published by:

Land & Marine Publications Ltd 1 Kings Court, Newcomen Way Severalls Business Park, Colchester Essex, CO4 9RA, UK Tel: +44 (0)1206 752902 Email: [email protected] Office:Land & Marine Publications (Kenya) Ltd Suite A5, 1st floor, Ojijo Plaza Plums Lane, off Ojijo Road, Parklands PO Box 2022, Village Market 00621 Nairobi, Kenya Tel: (wireless) 020 232 4343 Email: [email protected]

Printed by: Buxton Press

The opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the editor nor of any other organisation associated with this publication.

No liability can be accepted for any inaccuracies or omissions.

ISSN 2045-6468 © 2013 Land & Marine Publications Ltd


3 Foreword Comeandsharethebeautyofourwonderfulland

4 IntroduCtIon Idyllicbeaches,superbwildlife

9 AFroArtArenA Wonderfulartiswelcomelegacyofturbulenttimes

13 rhythmInblue Varietyisspiceoflifefornation’smusiclovers

17 seennowhereelse Thrillingencounterswithrarespecies

19 InsIdertIps KeyadviceforvisitorstoMozambique

21 hoteltrAInIngsChool Traineesaimtobe‘thehostwiththemost’

23 Foodlovers’pArAdIse Somanygreatflavourstosavour

25 AFrICAneden Gloriousgame-viewinginrevitalised nationalparks

27 herebemonsters Mozambique’sbigfishattractavidanglers

29 mICeIsnICe Maputohastopstatusasconference destination

30 IslAndsAndbeAChes Aperfectblendofislandgemsand sleepylagoons

32 ArChIteCture Maputo’sarchitecturalheritageisajoy

34 loCAtIonmozAmbIque36 hotelIndex

38 hotellIstIngs38 MaputoCity41 MaputoProvince43 GazaProvince44 InhambaneProvince48 SofalaProvince48 ManicaProvince49 TeteProvince50 ZambeziaProvince51 NampulaProvince53 CaboDelgadoProvince55 NiassaProvince

56 dIreCtory

Page 5: Destination Mozambique 2013


COME AND ShARE ThE BEAUTyoFourwonderFullAnd

Welcome to the second edition of Destination Mozambique, a truly comprehensive tourism

guide to our beautiful and remarkable country.

Mozambique is one of the world’s most intriguing and

delightful destinations, a colourful fusion of languages,

cultures, vistas and landscapes, all influenced for hundreds of

years in one way or another by the Portuguese.

As a nation we have been through some tough times, but in

a comparatively short period Mozambique has been dramati-

cally transformed in almost every way. And over the last 10

years or so Mozambique has performed as one of the world’s

fastest-growing economies. Our tourism sector has

experienced similar development.

yet fast development does not mean we do not care for our

environment. That’s why we have placed strict controls over

hotel construction at the coast


Hiuane Abacar

Director General

Mozambique Tourism Authority

and over the building of lodges and camps in our truly

amazing wildlife reserves.

So, restored and revitalised, Mozambique has chosen to

remain exclusive as a destination and not just to chase visitor


CoAstlIneWe have an almost endless coastline stretching for 2,600

km, so it’s only natural that our beaches and islands are

unspoilt – and we plan to keep them this way.

I believe our hotels and the services we provide are among

the best in the world, while our mouth-watering cuisine –

especially our abundant seafood – brings visitors back time

after time.

In fact, Mozambique is truly amazing. I hope you will come

and find out just how amazing it is.

Page 6: Destination Mozambique 2013



Few destinations compare with Mozambique – home to a vibrant and forward-thinking nation

that is newly emergent from a difficult recent past and ready to extend the broadest of smiles to visi-tors. A warm welcome lies in store for those keen to discover a remarkable combination of deserted beaches, Robinson Crusoe islands, big game and cities where the fun never seems to stop.

Mozambique boasts one of the world’s last truly untouched

tropical coastlines – all 2,600 km of it. This wild and exten-

sive shoreline is dotted with coral reefs and magical islands.

here, visitors will find sleepy lagoons and soft-sand white

beaches where footprints are still an oddity, all set against

an Indian Ocean backdrop where an occasional fisherman is

the only life form.


Moreover, the influence of Portugal, the former colonial power,

has left an intriguing legacy in its language, extraordinary

cuisine and, of course, architecture. As the only lusiphone

(Portuguese-speaking) country in southern Africa, Mozambique

offers something different from its immediate neighbours.

herItAgeA centuries-old heritage can be found in historical and

unspoilt locations such as the Island of Mozambique (a

Unesco World heritage site), once the capital of Portuguese

East Africa, where some of the stone buildings date from the

early 1600s. The Portuguese influence is at its strongest in the

major cities of Maputo, Beira, Nampula and Nacala; but in the

past 20 years a post-colonial, made-in-Mozambique vibrancy

has taken hold. This is best illustrated by the charming resto-

ration of many fine old buildings and also in the completion

of many smart new hotels for

both leisure and business, the

building of better roads and

the construction of gleaming

new airport terminals.



Page 7: Destination Mozambique 2013

ling six-island Bazaruto

Archipelago and the national marine

park. For many, this is Mozambique’s

jewel in the crown location, with

untouched islands and an easy-

going atmosphere.

pArAdIseBut Bazarato’s iconic paradise status

is more than matched, however,

by the 32 islands to the north that

make up the Quirimbas Archi-

pelago and its own national marine

park. Touched by Arab influences

of the kind that can also be seen

in Zanzibar and elsewhere along

the East African coast, Quirimbas

is an ultra-low-impact destination

and the location for several eco-

friendly properties.

Modernity has not dented the love of life

for which Mozambicans are rightly famed. Soaking up the

atmosphere, both day and night, Mozambique’s pulsating Art

Deco capital, Maputo, is a special attraction. Come and enjoy

some of Africa’s finest cooking, with seafood so delicious that

many South Africans drive hundreds of kilometres across the

border each weekend just

to sample the delicious ‘LM

prawn’. There is no better

place to try a plate of these

than the city’s legendary

Costa do Sol restaurant –

perhaps accompanied by

an ice-cold glass of 2M or

Laurentina Clara beer.

Elsewhere, two destina-

tions dominate. With

its good international

connections, Vilankulo

is the preferred gateway

to the truly compel-


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Beyond the Bazarato and

Quirimbas archipelagos, the mainland has its fair share of

exotic locations including still more of those powder-white

beaches. There are plenty from which to choose. Praia da

Macaneta can be reached by boat from Maputo. Then there is

Ponta do Ouro, which involves a trip in a 4x4 vehicle and has

some really nice properties. Close by are Ponta Malongane,

sheltered Xai-Xai and the 27 km long Bilene Lagoon. The list is

almost endless and every one of Mozambique’s coastal prov-

inces can claim its own special slice of oceanside paradise.

restoredAway from the coast, Mozambique can rival any destina-

tion for the quality of its game. Once-abandoned national

parks and reserves have been and are being restored to their

former pre-civil war glory. Gorongosa is easily Mozambique’s

best-known national park – so spectacular and dramatic that

it attracts wildlife film-makers from across the world. It was

once southern Africa’s greatest game park and today is busy

reclaiming that hard-won accolade.


Others are also gaining a reputation for their

growing numbers of game – with some of the animals

being translocated from elsewhere in the region to restock

depleted parks – and Mozambique has formed close ties

with its neighbours in South Africa, Zimbabwe and Swazi-

land to create a series of truly immense

Transfrontier Parks and Transfrontier

Conservation Areas that allow animals

to migrate over huge areas as they did

long before official borders existed.

More still needs to be done in some

areas, but the country is once again

able to offer spectacular wildlife

viewing. When this is coupled with

the allure of nearby beach attractions,

Mozambique really does offer bush

and beach as a seamless destination.

Surely, it’s impossible to resist.



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Mozambique’s turbulent history has given rise to an inspiring range of visual art that began

long before independence in 1975 and is still going strong.

The culture of Mozambique has been enriched by many

experiences, from its early beginnings as a port of call for

Chinese and Persian traders, through the days of the Portu-

guese and the struggle for independence to the civil war that

finally ended in 1992.

Much of this story is manifested in the contemporary

paintings, drawings, sculptures and other works contained

in Maputo’s National Museum of Art. Among the artists

represented are Bertina Lopes, Chichorro, Chissano, Estevão

Mucavele, Celestino Tomás, Macamo, Malangatana Ngwenya,

Naguib, Samate and Victor Sousa.

The museum includes a workshop where

visitors can watch Mozambican artists at


ChArIsmAtICMozambique’s best-known visual artist

was the charismatic Malangatana

Ngwenya, who died in January 2011

aged 74.

The artist, who often exhibited work

under his first name alone, received

various honours during his lifetime. he

was awarded the Nachingwea Medal

for his contribution to Mozambican

culture and in 1997 he was named

Unesco Artist for Peace and received

a Prince Claus Award.


his works have always projected a bold vision of life, depicting

a communion between human, animal and plant life.

Malangatana spent his early life attending mission schools

and helping his mother on the farm. At 12 he found work in

Lourenço Marques (now Maputo) as a ball boy at a tennis

club, went to night classes and developed an interest in art.

A member of the tennis club gave him materials and helped

him to sell his art.

Malangatana staged his first solo exhibition at the age of 25.

The artist was very much involved in politics. As a member

of Frelimo, he was detained by the Portuguese secret police

in 1964 and spent 18 months in jail. After independence, he

openly rejoined Frelimo, which now ruled Mozambique, and

helped with political campaigns.



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From 1981 he worked full-time

as an artist. he has exhibited in half a dozen countries and his

work is in collections around the world. his public commis-

sions include murals for Frelimo and Unesco.

Malangatana helped establish various cultural institutions

including the National Museum of Art.

pIoneerIngThe sculptor Alberto Mabungulane Chissano is considered

one of Mozambique’s most important and influential artists,

along with the painter Malangatana.

Chissano, who died in February 1994, was best known for

his work using indigenous woods and his sculptures in rock,

stone and iron. his works say much about the nature of

Mozambicans – both their struggles and suffering, and also

their joy and pride.


he was a pioneer for a genera-

tion of sculptors in the 1970s, a decade that spanned the last

years of the colonial period and the beginning of Mozam-

bican independence.

Chissano was awarded the Nachingwea Medal in 1982 in

recognition of his ‘extraordinary merit’.

he turned his family home in Matola into a museum and

gallery, Museu Galeria Chissano. here, visitors can see many

of Chissano’s own sculptures as well as paintings by Malanga-

tana and other artists.

revolutIonAryThe artists of the colonial period shared a powerful sense of

history which they expressed in their art. Symbols of colonial

domination and the superior, even mystical, power attributed

to Europeans can be found in their works.

A national culture of resistance sprang up among

artists in what is now Maputo in the 1950s. The

dominant figure in this group was Malangatana. his

paintings, and the sculptures of Alberto Chissano,

became powerful symbols of resistance to the

intelligentsia during the last years of colonial rule.

After independence, the government encouraged

revolutionary art.

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Music and dance have always been a promi-nent aspect of Mozambican life, serving as

a natural and spontaneous way of expression. Reflecting the rich diversity of Mozambican culture, music and dance serve many purposes, acting as a kind of communion between the people and all they believe in.

The country has many manifestations of music and dance, all

taking place at different times, with different meanings. They

include Tufo, a manifestation of praise from the northern

regions of the country; and Mapiko, related to male initiation

rites and the celebration of manhood.

Various events have sprung up to celebrate this diversity and

culture lovers have ever more opportunities to indulge their

passion. One example is the annual AZGO Festival, which

embraces a range of multicultural events, bringing different


people together and giving them a taste of Mozambican

music and dance. The musical heritage has been well

preserved and pulses through the everyday life of the people.

The musical scene in Mozambique is a melting pot of styles,

reflecting the history of migration to the country, from the

early Arab traders and Zulu warriors to the Latin influences

of the colonial Portuguese and the Cuban doctors who

arrived after independence.

elementsThe traditional African elements of voice and percussion

are particularly strong in Mozambican music. An early musical

tradition can be found in the timbila orchestras of the Chopi

people, in the Zavala district of Inhambane province, which

are said to date back over 500 years and include complex

musical arrangements. The ability to play the timbila, a

traditional wooden xylophone, has been passed down

from one generation to

the next. Orchestras may

include up to 30 timbilas

of varying size and pitch.

The importance of this

music was recognised in

2005 when it was declared

an Intangible Cultural

heritage of humanity.

One of the best places to

enjoy these powerful and

infectious rhythms is the

annual timbila festival,

held in August in Inham-

bane province. The venue

is an amphitheatre in the

centre of Quissico with a






© Zeca de Oliveria

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spectacular backdrop of blue lagoons

framed by rolling green dune forests.

The rhythms of the coastal provinces

of Nampula and Cabo Delgado are

heavily influenced by the musical traditions of Arab traders

who passed through these areas. The music has a distinctive,

sometimes melancholic sound, with a strong emphasis on

the voice.

mArrAbentAThe Marrabenta style of music is celebrated annually in the

Marrabenta Festival, which is held in Maputo. The festival

consists of musical events in the capital, with the highlight

being an acoustic musical train trip to

Marracuene. The train picks up music fans along the way, free

of charge, taking them to the festival’s finale, a lively outdoor

concert that lasts until dawn.

The Marrabenta style merges traditional Mozambican

rhythms, Portuguese folk music and instruments such as the


bandolin, with influences from Western popular music that

came from radio.

Early Marrabenta artists such as Fany Mpfumo, Dilon Djindji

and Wazimbo helped establish the genre, which then evolved

over time and remains popular. Dilon Djinji, now in his early

eighties, is still going strong, while Wazimbo took part in the

acclaimed Festival Sauti za Busara Music Festival in Zanzibar

in February. While Marrabenta began to decline during the

civil war (1977 to 1992), it never completely disappeared, as is

demonstrated by the popularity of Marrabenta bands from

the 1980s such as Eyuphuro and Orchestra Marrabenta Star de

Moçambique. In its contemporary form, it is combined with

other pop genres. The Mozambican band Mabulu blends the

Marrabenta style with hip hop music.

ClAssICAlmusICFestIvAlAndoperAA strong tradition of dance is reflected in the regular dance

performances and in the Kinani Dance Biennale, which

will take place in November 2013.

Watch out for the Festival Nacional da Cultura, show-

casing the best of Mozambican culture, which will take

place in Inhambane province in 2014.

JAzzSaxophonist Jimmy Dludlu and bass guitarist Moreira

Chonguica are among the regular jazz entertainers at

various live music venues.



© Z


de O



Zeca de Oliveria

Page 19: Destination Mozambique 2013

Seen nowhere elSe

Thrilling encounTers wiThrare and unique SpecieS

When it comes to spectacular wildlife, there’s nowhere quite like Mozambique, home to

a vast range of bird and animal species, many of them unique and all of them worth seeing.

not only that, but a trip to Mozambique offers visitors a huge

choice of thrilling wildlife encounters and experiences, from

swimming with whale sharks to observing such colourful

exotic birds as the green-headed oriole.

The reason for this diversity lies in the variety of ecosystems,

from mangrove forests and wetlands to the gorongosa Massif

and the Mozambican side of the chimanimani Mountains.

dwellerSsome of Mozambique’s most spectacular creatures are the

ocean dwellers, with whales and dolphins topping the ‘must

see’ list for many visitors.

The Mozambican coast, with its abundance of coral reefs,

is home to a great variety of tropical fish and other marine

life, most notably the humpback whale and various types of

dolphin – spinner, humpback, striped and bottlenose.


The coast is also a breeding ground for five species

of turtle: loggerhead, leatherback, green, olive

ridley and hawksbill.

Another notable resident is the dugong or

sea cow, an endangered species found in the

Bazaruto and Quirimbas archipelagos.

abundantMozambique is a paradise for birdwatchers. There

are over 700 species, with many rare and endan-

gered birds such as the dappled mountain robin,

swynnerton’s robin, green-headed oriole, east coast akalat,

green tinkerbird, long-billed tailorbird, violet-backed sunbird,

double-collared sunbird, wattled crane, cape vulture and

olive-headed weaver.

The best opportunities for birdwatching

can be found in the Bazaruto Archipelago,

gorongosa national Park, Mount namuli,

the chimanimani Mountains of the chimani-

mani Transfrontier conservation Area and

the wetland areas of Banhine national Park.

FaScinating Mozambique is home to some fascinating

animals including the blue niassa wilde-

beest and Bohm’s zebra as well Johnston’s

impala and lichtenstein’s hartebeest. it also

contains 170 species of reptile and 40 species

of amphibian. An area of particular interest

is the Mozambican side of the chimanimani

Transfrontier conservation Area with 60

reptile species, including the endemic flat

rock lizard.


Mozambique produces the marula fruit beer, or canju, derived from Amarula liqueur.

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inSider tipS

Key Advice for visiTorsto MozaMbique

MotoriStS:if you are driving into Mozambique, it’s best to consult the

Mozambique corridor logistics initiative website:

in brief, motorists should be aware of the following:

• drive on the left-hand side of the road.

• you must take all original car documents with you to

Mozambique. if the vehicle is owned by the bank, an

original letter of authorisation from the bank is required.

• compulsory vehicle insurance must be taken out at

the border.

in general:• Keep your passport on your person at all times.

• visas for Mozambique should be

obtained in advance in your country

of origin. Most nationalities can purchase

a 30-day single entry visa at the border

or airport, with considerable delay, but

we don’t recommend this option. Those

nationals who do not have Mozambican

consular representation in their country

of origin should be able to purchase

visas at entry points and one should

expect to pay between $85 and $125

for a single entry visa. if you do obtain

your visa at the border, it will cost

$82. ensure you have change. notes

issued before 2006 and notes with

markings are not accepted.


• visa and Mastercard are generally accepted in hotels and

some restaurants. do not bring traveller’s cheques, diners

club or American express cards.

• The local unit of currency is the metical (plural: meticais).

• Money can be changed at banks or bureaux de change.

do not change money in the street or with unlicensed

operators. ATM machines are available for cash withdrawals,

but only in local currency.

• Maputo has private clinics. comprehensive medical

insurance should be obtained in advance.

• Malaria prophylaxis should be taken if visiting


if you have visited a yellow fever infected area, be sure to

bring your yellow card as proof of having the vaccine.

By Natalie Tenzer-Silva

fedor selivanov /


Scenes in the film ‘Blood Diamonds’ were shot in Maputo. For example, the Estação Caminhos de Ferro de Maputo (the railway station) masqueraded as a Sierra Leone hotel.

Page 23: Destination Mozambique 2013

hotel training School

TrAinees AiM To Be ‘the hoSt with the MoSt’


A private training school at Bilene has a key role to play in driving up stand-

ards in the country’s hospitality sector.

The centro de formação Profissional at Praia do

Bilene offers basic training in hospitality and hotel

management. its vision is to become an institu-

tion of reference with the aim of enhancing the

quality of services in Mozambique’s hospitality


The purpose of the school is to prepare trainees

for work in the local hospitality industry; to

promote human resources knowledge, skills

and attitudes; and to play a part in raising the

standard of tourism services.

claSSrooMSThe school has two classrooms, a computer lab, a library, a

reception area and accommodation for trainers and trainees.

The main courses are:

• cooking & Pastry

• restaurant & Bar

• housekeeping & reception

• Training of Trainers

• small Business Management

• entrepreneurship

• organisation of events

• english and computer literacy.

These are short-term technical modular courses for basic,

intermediate and upper level. The basic course is mainly for

teenagers with no professional experience, while the inter-

mediate and upper levels are for those who want to improve

their skills but in a focused working environment. Training is

also offered for specific groups or organisations. The training

cycle runs from March to october and is undertaken on a

modular basis.

Practical classes take place at the Tutinegra chales complex,

which includes a restaurant, bar and executive rooms. guests

are served by students, supervised by their trainers. At the

end of their training, students are given certificates to show

they are technically qualified and able to perform such tasks.

other related courses and activities:

• children’s holiday closed campsite

• catering services

• social events

• corporate Business events

• Thematic Activities

• workshops.

Page 25: Destination Mozambique 2013

Food loverS' paradiSe

so MAny greAT flAvours to Savour

The sights and sounds of Mozambique are not the only reason to visit this diverse country. The

aroma of freshly cooked fish and the zingy flavour of peri-peri entice visitors to sample the cuisine of a country with a growing reputation for delicious food.

Mozambique has a rich history that has produced an array

of cultural influences – and these are very much on display

when it comes to creative cooking. Many visitors have heard

of the justly renowned lM prawn, huge in size and bursting

with succulent flavour, traditionally served with peri-peri

sauce for a truly Mozambican taste, while another classic dish

is spicy chicken cooked peri-peri style.

FuSionBut this is not all Mozambique has to offer lovers of good

food. search a little further and it is soon evident that trade

routes and colonialism have led to Portuguese, indian,

Middle eastern and African food combinations. This fusion

of influence is evident

throughout the nation’s

dishes and can be found

even in the european-

influenced café culture

on the streets of Maputo.

one of the most popular

dishes, for example, is

salada Pera de Abacate

(salad with avocado

and tomatoes), fresh and

light, made with huge seasonal avocados and served with a

delicious lemon dressing. other speciality dishes well worth a

try include:

Matapa – made from cassava leaf (a starchy root) and cooked

in a peanut sauce with prawns or crab meat.


Galinha Zambezia – chicken prepared

with traditional peri-peri chilli in a lime


Caril – curry dishes including stews

and samosas.

Pãozinho (pronounced ‘pow-zing-

yo’) – Portuguese-style bread rolls,

freshly baked each morning.

As can be seen from the speciality

dishes, freshness and seasonality

of ingredients ensure variety and

full flavour. The Mozambican coast

provides a bounty of excellent fresh

seafood, from crayfish, lobster and

calamari to the catch of the day,

which is often the very popular

chambo, a part of the tilapia family.

celebratedThese fresh ingredients are celebrated at gastronomy fairs, a

‘must’ visit for any food lover, and in particular at the food fair

held on ilha de Moçambique. visitors can enjoy the beautiful

surroundings of the island, while the food fair offers small

portions at modest prices so that guests can sample the many

tastes of Mozambique, often including treats such as coconut

sweets, caril de orico (sea urchin stew) and caril de castanha

(cashew nut stew). Many dishes make liberal use of coconut milk

and the world famous piri-piri sauce as an accompaniment.

for a refreshing drink to go with these gastronomic

delights, 2M is a popular and widely available beer, while

rum and raspberry (usually referred to as r&r) has a fresh and

lively taste that is Mozambican to the core.


Maputo is the home of the famed LM prawn, named when the city was known as Lourenço Marques, or LM, and renowned for their delicious flavour. LM prawns are usually served with a peri-peri marinade and grilled.

Page 27: Destination Mozambique 2013

aFrican eden

glorious gAMe-viewing in revitaliSed national parkS

Mozambique may be best known for its delightful beaches and its romantic islands,

but the country can easily match Africa’s top safari destinations in terms of wildlife viewing and in the sheer scale, variety and size of its national parks and reserves.

Mozambique has three large trans-frontier conservation areas

which are variously shared with neighbouring south Africa,

swaziland and Zimbabwe. it also has six national parks wholly

within its borders and eight wildlife reserves as well as several

marine parks, including the new coastal marine park in

Primeiras and segundas in northern Mozambique, the largest

of its kind in Africa.

The nation’s wildlife areas struggled through tough times

in the 1980s and 1990s. Many are almost fully rehabilitated,

while work is going ahead on others.



Mozambique has some 26 million coconut palms – or one for each Mozambican.

The best example

of Mozambique’s

re-emergence as a

game-viewing destina-

tion is gorongosa

national Park, covering

5,370 sq km, some-

times described as

the nation’s greatest


outStandingA public-private partnership, gorongosa is easily Mozambique’s

best-known park. formerly, this was one of Africa’s great wild-

life areas with arguably the continent’s densest animal popula-

tions. Thankfully, as part of Africa’s greatest-ever restoration,

the park has now returned to its former outstanding glory with

its truly amazing biodiversity

Mozambique’s 42,000 sq km niassa national reserve

is one of the largest such areas in Africa, but there

is a range of parks worth a visit, offering a variety of

landscapes, animal populations and climates.

fully rehabilitated or unaffected, either by the

civil war or neglect, are Bazaruto (a marine

park), limpopo and Quirimbas. Those parks still

requiring time and investment to bring fully

back to life are Banhine and Zinave. work is

also proceeding apace to restock and improve

Mozambique’s eight reserves and these are at

various stages of rehabilitation. Kudu, giraffe,

zebra and other mammals have recently been

reintroduced into Maputo elephant reserve,

which is becoming very popular with visitors to

the capital and from nearby south Africa.

Page 29: Destination Mozambique 2013


Mozambique is the birthplace of hot peri-peri sauce.

here be MonSterS

MoZAMBiQue’s Big fish attract avid anglerS

The coast of Mozambique offers some of the most indisputably fabulous deepsea sport fishing

anywhere in the world. Its warm waters abound with record-breaking black marlin, yellowfin tuna and sailfish. Unsurprisingly, it has earned a reputation as a dream location for the avid angler.

The Mozambique channel between Mozambique and Mada-

gascar – 1,600 km long and up to 2,292 metres deep – is a

haven for some of the world’s most exciting game fish, with

a perfect environment provided by the warm current flowing

from north to south.

equipMentThe area is ideal for both recreational and specialist fish-

ermen, with both deepsea and fly-fishing options available.

Many lodges offer instruction to novices and have

equipment available for hire. Boats

generally come fully equipped

with navigational and fish-

finding aids as well as safety


whatever the time of year,

there is always something to

catch. while the best season

for black marlin runs from

october to January, the

main sailfish season is from

June to september.

species include barracuda,

bludger, dorado, green

jobfish, kawakawa, prod-

igal son, rainbow runner,

skipjack, wahoo and


yellowfin tuna. fly-fishing for queenfish, ladyfish, bonefish,

pompano and kingfish is also unsurpassed. The best season is

from March to July.

The most popular locations are inhaca, nacala, Pemba,

Ponto do ouro, the Quirimbas islands and Xai-Xai, while the

Bazaruto Archipelago is regarded as one of the world’s top

destinations for black marlin.

Marlin weighing up to 450 kg are not uncommon, but sailfish

probably attract a greater number of anglers, with catches

of up to 58 kg. other target species such as wahoo can reach a

speed of 70 km per hour, while the smaller dorado often takes

to the air when hooked, putting up a hard-fought battle.

Most operators have a strict catch and release – or tag and

release – policy so that fish can live to fight another day.

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Mice iS nice

MAPuTo hAs ToP sTATus AsconFerence deStination

The city may have come late to the party, but Maputo has now established itself as one of

southern Africa’s top venues for meetings, confer-ences and exhibitions – able to compete with and match more established and longer-standing desti-nations across the region.

There are various reasons for the growing attractiveness of

Maputo. They include an agreeable climate, a location only

an hour from Johannesburg, some truly international-class

hotels, superb seafood, a wide selection of pre- and

post-event tours and a destination that is just that little

bit different from what is available elsewhere in Africa.

in addition, and providing the centrepiece of Maputo’s

venue city status, is the impressive Joaquim chissano

international conference centre, with a plenary capacity

of up to 1,000 delegates and a full selection of the latest

electronic wizardry.

dynaMicMozambique’s fast-growing and dynamic regional

economy has generated a wealth of trade shows

to cover a range of business sectors. Moreover, the

economic success of Mozambique has led to a growing

number of local business events.

Maputo also plays host to an amazing variety of arts

and music festivals that draw performers and visitors

from across the continent. easily the biggest of these

is the umoja festival, held each october/november at

the Praça de independência, which regular attracts a

live audience of around 100,000.

By successfully hosting the 10th All-Africa games in

2011, Maputo showed its ability to organise at short


notice – after the original host city had to withdraw – a major

continent-wide sporting event comprising 20 sports and


on a smaller scale, cities such as Beira and nampula are also

carving a niche in the conference and meetings sector thanks

to rapidly improving air connections and a growing choice

of quality local accommodation and facilities provided by

recognised international-class hotel brands.INTERESTING FACT:

Mozambique was one of the world’s top 10 fastest-growing economies from 2000 to 2012.

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A PerfecT Blend of islAnd geMs and Sleepy lagoonS

Mozambique’s dazzling and seemingly endless 2,600 km coastline is just waiting to be

discovered; a coastline of powder-white beaches, sleepy lagoons, exquisite islands and near-deserted archipelagos. It all adds up to a heavenly melange – one of Africa’s truly awesome destinations.

still largely undiscovered, Mozambique attracts the

discerning few rather than the many. This is a destination

where, save for a fisherman


iSlandS and beacheS

or two, the shores are uncrowded, the sand and shells

untouched and the turquoise water warm and inviting.

Populated here and there by small, stylish resorts seem-

ingly at one with their surroundings, the Mozambique

coast attracts those travellers eager to try some

outstanding fishing and world-class diving; those

who enjoy whale watching, horse riding in the surf

and dunes, kite surfing and snorkelling; and those

who just want to relax and unwind. here, the food,

the sunshine, the landscape and the

genuine culture treat guests to a state

of pure bliss for their entire stay.

 Many of Mozambique’s most luxu-

rious top-end properties are located

on its delightful archipelagos. The

best known and most visited of these

archipelagos are the Bazaruto and the

Quirimbas, also proclaimed national

marine reserves.

gatewayThe Bazaruto lies opposite the

gateway resort town of vilankulo

for visitors arriving from within

Mozambique and south Africa. it

comprises four main islands:

Bazaruto, Benguerra, Magaruque

and santa carolina.

further north, right at the tip,

you’ll find the Quirimbas, a cluster

of 30 or so islands with Pemba city

as its gateway for visitors arriving

Page 33: Destination Mozambique 2013

from within Mozam-

bique itself and also from south Africa,

Tanzania and Kenya.  The Quirimbas

are becoming famous for their unique

culture as well as their untouched and

unexplored marine treasures.

retreatfor those who love Mozambique – and

there are many – and who want a more

permanent relationship with the country,

there are opportunities to invest in

building a hotel or buying a beach-front

villa, or part of a villa, even on a private

island. vilankulo, with its good air links to

Johannesburg and Maputo, is especially

popular with those seeking to buy such

an away-from-it-all retreat.



Mozambique has some of the world’s largest reserves of rubies and emeralds.

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MAPuTo’s ArchiTecTurAl heriTAge iS a joy

Exploring the architecture of Mozambique can be a truly eye-opening experience as you come

face-to-face with the nation’s history, ethos, politics and peoples.

The railway station in Maputo may look familiar to many visi-

tors, having appeared in the film ‘Blood diamond’, starring

leonardo dicaprio and djimon hounsou; but this city land-

mark has an aesthetic charm apart from its cinematic links. its

turn-of-the-century pillars, verandas, dome and wrought-iron

lattice work – designed by Alexandre gustav eiffel, creator of

the eponymous Parisian tower – are a joy to behold.

venueThe station is also home to chez rangel Jazz café Kumufu.

on friday nights the whole station turns into a live music

venue and visitors dance on the platforms.


for those arriving by train, the colonial-era station is just the

beginning of Maputo’s architectural Art deco treats, with

other examples to be found throughout the city. one notable

example is the catedral Metropolitana de nossa senhora da

conceição (the Metropolitan cathedral of our lady of the

immaculate conception), a fine example of 1920s ziggurat

style. This concrete-built cathedral, with its commanding

single spire, dominates independence square, which also

contains the neo-classical city hall. for a further Art deco

treat, the wonderfully pink fading cine Africa Theatre has

delightful interiors including hand-painted wallpaper, vast

lamps and glorious stairs leading to the auditorium. it is now

home to the national dance company, and visitors may have

a chance to see rehearsals in progress.

Maputo is an eclectic mix of architectural styles and many

young architects visit the city for inspiration. The city was in

a time warp during the civil war (1977 to 1992).

salazar’s new era public buildings sit next

to stalinist ones, evoking memories of the

revolutionary past, while the brash colours

and functionality of Art deco are surrounded

by modern tropical gems such as the smiling

lion apartment block, which captured inter-

national attention in the 1960s. This building,

with its pleasing mixture of African-inspired

murals, mosaics, curves and spikes, is the

creation of artist, sculptor, painter and archi-

tect Pancho guedes, born in Portugal in

1925. The 100-plus buildings, ranging from

the old houses of Alfama to those inspired

by Antoni gaudi and frank lloyd wright,

have truly moulded the face of the city.

The Portuguese-style architecture of

Maputo owes much to the work of

Amancio guedes, whose influence can be

Page 35: Destination Mozambique 2013

felt as you walk along streets

where the skyline is dominated by modernist structures. The

biggest selection of the 1950s creations of this architect are

to be found in Mozambique.

unitywhile the passage of time is exemplified in the buildings of

Maputo, the original capital, ilha de Moçambique (island of

Mozambique), has an architectural unity that can make

visitors feel as if they are stepping into the past.

The island is linked to the mainland by a 3.5 km causeway

built in the 1960s. This former Portuguese trading post

and colonial capital city has been listed as a unesco world

heritage site. offering a wonderful contrast with Maputo,

the island is a place of pastel-coloured colonial buildings,

interesting fortifications and traditional structures. Building

techniques, materials, styles and decorative aesthetics date

from the 16th century, when the Portuguese first arrived, and

below the dividing line of the Portuguese city is the Mozam-

bican settlement of reed-built structures. here, building

techniques, materials, styles and decorative aesthetics have

barely changed since the 16th century and the two distinct

architectural areas, the stone-built colonial town and the

traditionally built houses, combine to create a hauntingly

beautiful monument to the heritage of Mozambique.



Mozambique is home to former president Joachim Chissano, one of only three winners of the Mo Ibrahim prize for transparency and integrity.

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Lake Bangweulu

Lakke Nyasa



Lake Kariba




Zambeze Licungo
























Niassa National Reserve

Gilé Reserve

Quirimbas Reserve



Zinave National Park

Limpopo National


Pomene Reserve

Gorongosa NationalPark

Marromeu Reserve

Ponta do Ouro beach

Praia do Xai-Xai

Bazaruto National ParkBazaruto Archipelago

Vilankulos beach

Mozambique Island

Praia de Zalala

Tofo beach

Inhaca Island


Ibo IslandQuirimbas Archipelago

Praia do Wimbe

Praia de Fernão Veloso

Chocas beach



0 50


100 150mi

100 150 250km

















Maputo City A tropical savannah climate, elements of Portuguese colonial architecture mixed with soaring skyscrapers, wide leafy avenues and magnificent views of the Indian Ocean – no wonder Maputo, the capital of Mozambique, is generally considered one of the most beautiful cities in Africa.

AttrActions: Inhaca Island, Jardim Tunduru (botanical garden), Cathedral of Our Lady of Conception, Praça dos Trabalhadores, the Iron House, Natural History Museum, the Railway Station and the Fort.


Maputo provinCeVisitors to the capital do not have to venture far to experience the diversity and beautiful landscape of Mozambique. Maputo Province has a beautiful coastline stretching from the border with South Africa to Gaza Province. The contrast between urban and rural ways of life provides Maputo with a rare charm.

AttrActions: Maputo Elephant Reserve, traditional open-air markets, dolphin trips, Ponta do Ouro beach.

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tete provinCe One of the hottest areas of the country, Tete province is elevated on a plateau 500 metres above sea level. Rich in minerals, this area’s main products are coal and iron, rather than tourism. How-ever the old Boroma church mission is fascinating for visitors.

AttrActions: The Tete Suspension Bridge, Boroma Church and Cabora Bassa Dam.

ZaMbÉZia provinCeZambézia is an incredibly diverse province with endless white sandy beaches, extensive mountains in the north and vast coco-nut and tea plantations.

AttrActions: Tea plantations, a mosque and the old cathedral (both at Quelimane), Praia de Zalala, Gilé Game Reserve.

ManiCa provinCeThis land-locked province is an important producer of a wide range of fruits and vegetables. Lake Chicamba is an ideal spot for ardent fishermen and keen birdwatchers.

AttrActions: Chicamba Real (hydroelectric dam), Lake Chi-camba, crocodile farm.

inhaMbane provinCeInhambane Province is characterised by its extensive coconut palms and cashew trees. This province has one of the most famous tourist destinations of the country, the Bazaruto Archi-pelago, as well as many famous and breathtaking beaches.

AttrActions: Bazaruto Archipelago, Zinave National Park, Bazaruto National Park, dhow safaris plus Tofo and Vilankulos beaches.

niassa provinCe Bordered by Tanzania in the north and Malawi in the west, Niassa Province is the largest and most sparsely populated region in Mozambique. The surrounding countryside is characterised by extensive pine forests.

AttrActions: Niassa Reserve, Lake Niassa

sofala provinCeSofala is one of the richest Mozambican provinces, producing primarily shrimps and sugar for export. The provincial capital is Beira, a sprawling and fascinating coastal city. For game viewing, there is the famous Gorongosa National Park and the Marromeu Buffalo Reserve.

AttrActions: Largo do Município, Casa Portugal, Macuti Light-house, Gorongosa National Park, Marromeu Buffalo Reserve.

Cabo DelgaDoThe most northerly province of Mozambique, Cabo Delgado is home to the Makonde population. The Makonde are artists, known particularly for their wood and ivory carvings. The city of Pemba has preserved its natural beauty and is untouched by pol-lution or mass tourism.

AttrActions: Quirimbas Archipelago, Praia do Wimbe, Ibo Island

loCation MoZaMbique

gaZa provinCeGaza Province is extensively used for cereal farming and rice cultivation. It also is a first-rate safari destination, embracing both Banhine National Park and the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park within its borders. The provincial capital, Xai-Xai, located on the beautiful shoreline, is bustling with markets, shops, restaurants and bars. A coral reef running parallel to the shore offers good opportunities for snorkelling.

AttrActions: Praia do Xai-Xai, the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park, Banhine National Park plus Bilene and Chidenguele beaches.

naMpula provinCeNampula Province presents contrasting scenery and an expansive shoreline. The capital, Nampula, is an inland town surrounded by flat plains.

AttrActions: Mozambique Island (Unesco World Heritage Site), Praia de Fernão Veloso, St Paul’s Palace, the Museum of Sacred Art, Fortress of St Sebastian, Miombo forest, Chocas beach.

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hotel inDex

MaputoHotel Africa Maputo Business 38

Hotel Africa Residencial 38

Afrin Prestige Hotel 38

Hotel Avenida 38

Hotel Cardoso 38

Catembe Gallery Hotel 38

Residencial Duqueza de Connaught 38

Girassol Bahia Hotel 38

Girassol Indy Congress Hotel & Spa 39

Residencial Hoyo-Hoyo 39

Residencial Kaya Kwanga 39

Marhaba Residencial 39

Pensão Martins 39

Hotel Moçambicano 39

Hotel Monte Carlo 39

Mozaika Guest House 39

My Guest 40

Pestana Rovuma Hotel 40

Pestana Inhaca Lodge 40

Polana Serena Hotel 40

Radisson Blu Hotel 40

Southern Sun Maputo 40

Hotel Terminus 40

Hotel Tivoli 40

Hotel Turismo 41

Villa dos Arabias Boutique Hotel 41

Villa das Mangas Boutique Hotel 41

VIP Executive Suites 41

Hotel VIP Grand Maputo 41

Hotel 2001 41

Maputo provinCeCoco Rico Resort 41

Kapulana Guesthouse 41

Kaya Kweru Resort 42

Machangulo Beach Lodge 42

Motel do Mar Beach Resort 42

Ntsuty Lodge 42

Parque de Malongane 42

Praia de Ouro Sol 42

Hotel Phaphalati 42

Tartaruga Maritima 42

Vista Alta Spa & Lodge 43

White Pearl Hotel Resort 43

gaZa provinCeComplexo Aquarius 43

Humula Hotel Resorts 43

Covane Fishing & Safari Lodge 43

Kapulana Motel Chilembene 43

Lake View Resort 43

Mahelane Lodge 43

Machampane Wilderness Camp 44

Paraiso de Chidenguele 44

Xai-Xai Eco Estate 44

Zongoene Lodge 44

inhaMbane provinCeAguia Negra 44

Azura at Gabriel’s 44

Archipelago Resort 44

Baia Sonambula 44

Bamboozi Beach Lodge 45

Hotel Barra Beach Club 45

Barra Lodge Beach Resort 45

Benguerra Lodge 45

Hotel Casa do Capitão 45

Casa Rex Lodge 45

Casa Luna Lodge 45

Hotel Dona Ana 45

Dugong Beach Lodge 46

Indigo Bay Island Resort & Spa 46

Flamingo Bay Water Lodge 46

Marlin Lodge 46

Massinga Beach Lodge 46

Pescador Boutique Hotel 46

Nyati Beach Lodge 46

Pestana Bazaruto Lodge 46

Pomene Bay Lodge 47

Sailaway Dhow Safaris 47

Tofo Mar Hotel & Leisure 47

Rio Azul Fishing Lodge 47

Vilanculos Beach Lodge 47

Villas do Indico Ecoresort & Spa 47

Vista do Mar 47

sofala provinCeExplore Gorongosa 48

Girassol Gorongosa Lodge & Safari 48

Jardim das Velas 48

Hotel Tivoli 48

Sena Hotel 48

Hotel VIP Inn Beira 48

Kubatana Camp 48

provinCes of MoZaMbiqueMaputo City 38Maputo Province 41Gaza Province 43Inhambane Province 44Sofala Province 48Manica Province 48Tete Province 49Zambezia Province 50Nampula Province 51Cabo Delgado Province 53Niassa Province 55


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ManiCa provinCeHotel Residencial Castelo Branco 48

Residencial Dabhad 49

Motel Garuso 49

Hotel Milpark 49

Hotel Inter-Chimoio 49

Ndzou Camp 49

tete provinCeMasolosolo Lodge 49

Hotel Nhungue 49

Park Inn By Radisson 49

Villa Habsburg 50

Ugezi Tiger Lodge 50

Hotel Zambeze Tete Business 50

ZaMbÉZia provinCeHotel Chuabo 50

Hotel Flamingo 50

Ilha do Fogo Island Resort 50

Hotel Milénio 50

Kapulana Motel 50

Pebane Fishing Charters 51

Residential Villa Nargadas 51

Zalala Beach Lodge 51

naMpula provinCeAparthotel Bamboo 51

Coral Lodge 15.41 & Spa 51

Executivo Hotel 51

Hotel Girassol Nampula 51

Libélula Dive-Lodge 52

Hotel Maiaia 52

Hotel Lúrio 52

Hotel Milénio 52

Nuarro Eco-Lodge 52

Hotel Omuhipiti 52

O Escondidinho 52

Guesthouse Pátio dos Quintalinhos 52

Guesthouse Terraco das Quitandas 53

Villa Sands 53

Cabo DelgaDo provinCeAzura at Quilalea Private Island 53

Chuiba Palms, Beach Lodge 53

Chuiba Bay Lodge 53

Guludo Lodge 53

Il Pirata Lodge 53

Kauri Resort 53

Ibo Island Lodge 54

Londo Lodge 54

Matemo Island Resort 54

Pemba Aparthotel Pemba 54

Medjumbe Private Island Resort 54

Pemba Beach Hotel & Spa 54

Pemba Dive & Bush Camp 54

Situ Island Resort 54

Pieter’s Place 55

Vamizi Island Lodge 55

niassa provinCe Hotel Girassol Lichinga 55

Lugenda Wilderness Camp 55

Nkwichi Lodge 55

Hotel Vision 2000 55


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MAPUTOHotel AfricA BusinessAv. Agostinho Neto 1103, Maputo Tel: +258 21 319 191 • Fax: +258 21 319 494 e-mail: [email protected] rooms, 2 suites 6 km from Maputo International AirportThe new 12 storey hotel has a light, colourful interior styling thatis a mix of contemporary modern and African pieces. The rooms feature a mini-fridge, cable TV, safe, hairdryer, direct-dial telephone and air conditioning.Hotel Africa Maputo Business entertains and delights guests with its restaurant that offers wonderful breakfast spreads, lunch and dinner.The reception/lounge area is equipped with an internet café where guests can make use of office facilities. Wireless internet access is available in all rooms.Conference facilities are perfect for business functions. Car hire can be arranged as well as airport transfers.

Afrin Prestige HotelRua Marquês de Pombal 56, Maputo Tel: +258 21 358 900 • Fax: +258 21 358 901 e-mail: [email protected] rooms, 5 suites 11km from Maputo International AirportThe Afrin Prestige is located in the city centre just 50 metres from the beach in a central and commercial area – perfect for family holidays, business meetings or conferences. Extreme care has been taken with the decoration of all areas with various works by Mozambican artists.The hotel offers 99 rooms, four suites and a presidential suite.There are conference facilities for 120 people, a spa with sauna, gym and swimming pool. Guests can use the internet café and business centre or buy gifts atthe curio shop.The hotel provides a personalised service, comfort and quality which goes hand in hand with a desire to serve the wishes of all hotel guests.

Hotel cArdosoAv. Martires de Mueda 707, Maputo Tel: +258 21 491 071 • Fax: +258 21 491 804 e-mail: [email protected] rooms, 5 suites 10 km from Maputo International AirportThis well known hotel offers an ideal venue for both business and leisure travellers. The hotel has 130 guest rooms, including five luxury suites and 10 superior executive rooms as well as spacious open public areas and gardens.All rooms are newly refurbished and contain state-of-the-art TVs, wireless internet, spacious showers and some of the most comfort-able beds in Maputo.The Fiamma restaurant extends across the hillside offering unbeat-able views over Maputo Bay and a delectable à la carte menu as well as extensive, sumptuous buffets.

residenciAl duquezA de connAugHtAv. Julius Nyerere 290, Maputo Tel: +258 21 492 190 • Fax: +258 21 492 191 e-mail: [email protected] rooms 8 km from Maputo International AirportResidencia Duquesa de Connaught is a beautiful guesthouse offer-ing a home from home feeling with warm hospitality in the heart of Maputo city centre, opposite the Polana Shopping Center. The property is surrounded by various restaurants - all within walking distance.Set in park-like grounds, offering eight well appointed en-suite double bedrooms, lounge, swimming pool and garden.Minimalist yet elegant with light tones, natural wood finishes, pure cotton linen, king or twin beds and simple clean lines. Sophisticated bedrooms offer the comforts of TV, air conditioning, safe, hairdryer and tea/coffee trays.

Hotel AfricA residenciAlAv. Paulo Samuel Kankhomba 789, Maputo Tel: +258 21 312 437/8 • Fax: +258 84 306 0620 e-mail: [email protected] rooms, 6 suites 6 km from Maputo International AirportCalming colours, contemporary florals and ambient lighting greet guests to the six luxury suites and 24 en-suite rooms.Architecturally inspiring and thoughtfully designed, the boutique hotel reopened in late 2012 after a major renovation.Rooms feature a mini-fridge, cable television, safe, hairdryer, direct-dial telephone and air conditioning. Wireless internet access is available in all rooms.Car hire can be arranged as well as airport transfers.

Hotel AvenidAAv. Julius Nyerere 627, Maputo Tel: +258 21 484 400 • Fax: +258 21 499 600 e-mail: [email protected] www.tdfhotels.pt159 rooms, 15 suites 7 km from Maputo International AirportSituated in a safe, upmarket and central area of Maputo, the Hotel Avenida combines five-star luxury with the convenience of a busi-ness centre.The hotel’s six conference rooms can accommodate up to 320 people. The restaurant offers Mozambican specialities and rich international cuisine.Guests can have a drink at the Piano Bar and listen to live music or enjoy views of the city and Maputo Bay from the top floor at Mira-mar Bar. The Health Club includes a gym and a beauty clinic with a variety of treatments to improve health and general well-being. Facilities include a swimming pool, 24-hour room service, laundry service and parking. A hairdresser is also available.

cAtemBe gAllery HotelTalhão 77, Rua B, Bariro Chali, Catembe Tel: +258 21 380 050/1 • Fax: +258 21 380 003 e-mail: [email protected] www.catembe.net14 rooms, 2 penthouses 23 km from Maputo International AirportThis inspirational hotel has six luxury rooms all individually deco-rated featuring items of Mozambican art and with en-suite facilities, balconies facing the Indian Ocean and panoramic views of the islands and the Maputo skyline. For the budget traveller there are also eight compact artistic rooms available with double bed and en-suite. Two trendy penthouses are ideal for the jet-set, larger groups, families and for longer-term stays.The hotel features one of the most famous seafood restaurants from the old days, Marisol, where “LM” prawns earned there fame. The newly added Marisol Baia, tapas and cocktail bar on the hotel’s jetty is the “must” place to visit. Take a direct 10 minute boat ride and moor at the hotel jetty or call for the hotel’s transfer schedule.

girAssol BAHiA HotelAv. Patrice Lumumba 737/9, Maputo Tel: +258 21 360 360 • Fax: +258 21 360 330 e-mail: [email protected] rooms, 14 suites, 7 apartments 15km from Maputo International AirportLocated in the centre of Maputo, the hotel is unique due to its cylindrical-shaped building and its fabulous views over the bay.Truly an icon of Mozambican hospitality and specially designed for the holding of events and banquets, the restaurant Girassol Bahia enjoys the beautiful environment of the scenic bay.Known for its excellent catering associated with the its famous cod fish and Wednesday night buffets.The atmosphere of comfort and the highly professional service invites guests to enjoy a varied and tasty gastronomic selection.Three fully equipped meeting rooms are perfect for all kinds of busi-ness and private events.

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girAssol indy congress Hotel & sPARua Macombe Nongué-Nongué, R 1373 Sommerscheid Tel: +258 21 498 765; 21 483 156 • Fax: +258 21 499 643 e-mail: [email protected] rooms, 55 villas 7 km from Maputo International AirportLocated in Sommerscheid, one of the nicest parts of Maputo, the Girassol Indy Congress Hotel & Spa is the ideal place for a private or business trip – near to the main tourist and commercial areas. All rooms are equipped with air conditioning, private bathroom, TV, mini-bar, safe and internet. All villas have a fully equipped kitchen, LCD TV in the living-room, TV, safe, air conditioning and internet.The restaurant offers a welcoming environment in a modern and sophisticated setting where the big attraction is the cuisine prepared in a firewood oven as well as grill specialities. Two swim-ming pools with bar, plus inside bar at the health club. There is also a tennis club and conference congress to create a pleasant stay.

residenciAl KAyA KwAngARua D. João de Castro 321, Maputo Tel: +258 21 492 706/7 • Fax: +258 21 492 215 e-mail: [email protected],mz rooms, 2 suites, 18 houses 7 km from Maputo International AirportThe Residencial Kaya Kwanga is situated at the famous Costa do Sol – Avenida Marginal –a short drive from Maputo city centre and next to restaurants, shopping, a casino and disco. For visitors attending the international conference centre Joaquim Chissano it is within walking distance or just two minutes’ drive. Each room, single, double or suite with kitchenette, is equipped with air conditioning, TV and telephone.Book for a sophisticated private event or hire facilities for a confer-ence, corporate meet or gala.

Pensão mArtinsAv. 24 de Julha 1098, Maputo Tel: +258 21 301 429 • Fax: +258 21 301 435 e-mail: [email protected] rooms, 2 suites 8 km from Maputo International AirportThe Pensão Martins is ideally located in the heart of Maputo city and near the Polana Shopping Centre, banks, markets and restaurants. All rooms, single, double, executive or suite are well equipped. Every room is air conditioned and has TV, telephone, fridge, safe and en-suite bathroom.Unwind after a long day with a sundowner at the bar, outside at the swimming pool area or enjoy a workout at the gym. The restaurant and bar are open all day for light meals, lunches, afternoon teas and dinner.The well equipped conference room has a seating capacity for up to 50 persons and is ideal for conferences, business meetings and events as well as private brunches, lunches or dinners.

Hotel monte cArloAv. Patrice Lumumba, 620 Tel: +258 21 304 048 • Fax: +258 21 308 959 e-mail: [email protected] rooms 10 km from Maputo International AirportThe hotel is a 20 minute drive from the airport and five minutes from some of Maputo’s largest shopping centres. Contemporary colour schemes and soft furnishings in a spacious environment with Wi-Fi connectivity fill the rooms with warmth. Guests also have access to 24 hour business centre facilities. The highly awarded food and beverage outlet offers a variety of delectable Portuguese, continental, local vegetarian and non-vegetarian cuisine. The swimming pool is a great place to unwind after a busy day. Round-the-clock laundry service, and valet parking services will make any stay enjoyable and memorable.

residenciAl Hoyo-HoyoAv. Francisco Orlando Magumbwe 837, Maputo Tel: +258 21 491 500 • Fax: +258 21 491 500 e-mail: [email protected] www.hoyohoyo.odline.com35 rooms, 2 suites 8 km from Maputo International AirportResidencial Hoyo-Hoyo is situated at the heart of Polana in Maputo, offering excellent lodging conditions in a family environment at very competitive prices for either business or leisure trips. Located in one of the nicest neighbourhoods in the capital it is surrounded by the best restaurants in town, the shopping centre, cinema and lots of places to visit.All rooms are equipped with private bathrooms and direct-dial telephone, air conditioning, satellite television and a safe. The hotel also has a restaurant and a car park with 24-hour security.The 50-seat modern conference hall with its serene ambience is ideal for meetings and seminars.

mArHABA residenciAlAv. Ahmed Sekou Touré 1706, Maputo Tel: +258 21 303 145 • Fax: +258 21 303 149 e-mail: [email protected] rooms, 3 suites 7 km from Maputo International AirportMarhaba Residencial is an affordable pension close to the city but offers travellers or business executives a haven for relaxation and rejuvenation in a tranquil oasis within secure surroundings.Eight rooms and three suites are all air conditioned with en-suite facilities, TV, fridge, in-room safe and telephone.The kitchen prepares a full breakfast.The Marhaba Residencial provides a personal service.

Hotel moçAmBicAnoAv. Filipe Samuel Magaia, 961 Tel: +258 21 310 600 • Fax: +258 21 323 124 e-mail: [email protected] wvvw.hotelmocambicano.com60 rooms, 3 suites 6 km from Maputo International AirportThe hotel Moçambicano is one of the most comfortable in its class. Located in the centre of Maputo, 10 minutes from the airport, the hotel offers a personalised and elegant service, providing a pleasant stay whether on business, holiday or a short leisure trip. Two conference rooms are available with capacity for 50 and 100 delegates. There are also banqueting facilities, a swimming pool, a 24 hour lobby bar, 24 hour room service, gourmet restaurant, à la carte and buffet with Mozambican and intentional cuisine. Elegantly furnished en-suite rooms with every comfort and free Internet access make guests feel at home.

mozAiKA guest House Av. Agostinho Neto, 769 Tel: +258 21 303 939 • Fax: +258 21 303 956 e-mail: [email protected] rooms, 1 suite 6 km from Maputo International AirportMozaika guesthouse is a friendly home environment with a fun, funky and laid back atmosphere and wonderful Mozambican hospitality. Mozaika offers nine refurbished rooms and one suite with personalised decor. All have en-suite bathrooms, air conditioning, cable TV, telephone and tea & coffee facilities, internet corner at reception, wireless connection, laundry service, swimming pool, an exclusive bar and lounge and secure parking. Weather permitting buffet breakfasts can be served on the terrace offering a selection of freshly baked breads, jams, cereals, fresh fruit salad, juice and English breakfast. Lunch and dinner available on request.


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my guestRua Antonio Boccaro, 50 Cell: +258 82 673 2264 Tel/Fax: +258 21 497 834 e-mail: [email protected] rooms, 1 apartment 5 km from Maputo International AirportLocated at Sommerschield residential area with a view over the Bay of Maputo, My Guest is a guesthouse that offers a truly stylish ‘home away from home’ experience in the heart of Maputo. Its six en-suite bedrooms and one apartment are elegantly fur-nished in a mix of Mozambican and European styles and equipped with air conditioning, LCD TV screens and safes. The spacious veranda, garden and swimming pool are ideal for relaxing after a busy day. The guesthouse provides a bed & breakfast service, including free wifi wireless internet access and the reception is at hand 24 hours to provide assistance to guests.

PestAnA inHAcA lodge Inhaca Island Tel: +258 21 305 000 • Fax: +258 21 305 305 e-mail: [email protected] 40 rooms 40 km from Maputo International AirportThe beautiful island of Inhaca – truly an Indian Ocean paradise – is a mere 20 minutes by plane from Maputo international airport. Daily flights will take guests to the lodge, which is charmingly situated on the beachfront between bushy coconut trees and tropical vegetation. The picturesque lodge offers 20 standard and 20 family rooms, all equipped with comfort in mind: air conditioning, DSTV, mosquito nets and beautiful en-suite bathrooms with showers. The saltwater pool is the ideal setting for a lazy lunch or sunset cocktail.A secure and tranquil location, the island is an excellent stopover for yachts and cruises.

rAdisson Blu Hotel Av. Marginal, 141 Tel: +258 21 242 400 • Fax: +258 21 242 401 e-mail: info. [email protected] rooms, 20 suites 6 km from Maputo International AirportA testament to ultra-modern design, the new Radisson Blu Hotel, Maputo is located on the beachfront overlooking the majestic Indian Ocean. Cutting-edge style and unique features are the hallmark of this first-rate hotel where guests can look forward to luxuriously modern guest rooms, superb dining and state-of-the-art conferencing facilities. With a fitness centre and elegant outdoor swimming pool, the hotel will be an ideal base for mixing business with pleasure. The hotel is conveniently located next to the Joaquim Chissano International Conference Centre, and centrally located in relation to the Maputo International Airport and city centre.

Hotel terminusRua Francisco Orlando Magumbwe, 587 Tel: +258 21 491 333 • Fax: +258 21 491 284 e-mail: [email protected] rooms, 6 suites 8 km from Maputo International AirportThe Hotel Terminus is centrally located in the heart of Maputo within the central business district. The hotel provides a sensible alternative in offering affordable accommodation in 47 air condi-tioned rooms all with en-suite bathroom, radio, 17 channel satellite TV, DVD program, telephone, fax, electronic door locks and safes. Each room offers direct access to the internet keeping guests in touch with the rest of the world without leaving the comfort of their room. The Terminus Restaurant offers full English or continental breakfast buffet, à la carte lunches and dinner. Enjoy a relaxing swim in the pool and relax at the pool bar.

PestAnA rovumA Hotel Rua da Seƒ114 Tel: +258 21 305 000 • Fax: +258 21 305 305 e-mail: [email protected] www.pestana.com117 rooms 8 km from Maputo International AirportAll rooms are equipped with air conditioning, satellite TV, private bathroom, hair dryer and a safety deposit box. Rooms with balco-nies overlook the heart of Maputo, giving a glimpse of life in the famous historic city. Enjoy superb cuisine in the Monomotapa Restaurant and relax in the atmospheric Seseka Bar, where guests will be welcomed in true African style. Rovuma offers a superb convention centre catering for up to 400 delegates. Long-term accommodation is also available for the business sector, with access to the in-house fitness and business centre. Arrange-ments can also be made for golf, tennis, squash, flying lessons and sky-diving courses.

PolAnA serenA HotelAv. Julius Nyerere, 1380 Tel: +258 21 241 700 • Fax: +258 21 491 480 e-mail: [email protected] 133 rooms, 9 suites 7 km from Maputo International AirportBuilt in 1922 in the heart of Maputo, one of the city’s most exclusive residential areas, the Polana Serena Hotel belongs to the elite of the most famous hotels in the world. Its splendid colonial lines are a blend of tradition and art, making each stay an unforgettable journey through the past, looking to the future. Faithful to the Serena Group philosophy of integrating architecture with cultural heritage, the refurbished Polana Serena Hotel offers a mix of elegance, grandeur and ethnicity, in a space equipped with the most modern solutions, luxurious facilities and excellent service.

soutHern sun mAPuto Avenida da Marginal, 4016 Tel: +258 21 495 050 • Fax: +258 21 497 700 e-mail: [email protected] 158 rooms, 2 suites 6 km from Maputo International AirportThe hotel is magnificently situated on the beachfront, which overlooks the glistening Indian Ocean and offers a haven for both business and leisure travellers. The high standards of quality and service expected from Southern Sun world wide are combined with a welcome that is always warm and friendly. The rich Portuguese heritage of this attractive city is echoed in the hotel’s continental decor. All rooms offer free internet access and many have spectacular sea views. Relax at the sun-soaked pool deck, light meals and sundowners are available on the outdoor ter-race and bar or enjoy a delicious à la carte dinner in the restaurant.

Hotel tivoliAv. 25 de Setembro, 1321 Tel: +258 21 307 600 • Fax: +258 21 307 609 e-mail: www.tivoli.odline.com40 rooms, 32 suites 10 km from Maputo International AirportSituated in the heart of the Maputo business area and just 10 min-utes from the airport, beach and harbour, the Hotel Tivoli Maputo is ideally situated for the business or leisure traveller and offers personalised service. The Hotel will be closed for a major renovation from the 1st of Feb-ruary 2012 and expects to reopen, fully refurbished, in July. All rooms will include LCD Satellite TV, air conditioning, direct dial telephone, tea/coffee facilities, private safe and hairdryer. The Hotel’s facilities include an à la carte restaurant, bar, 24-hour room service, paid wireless Internet, transfers to and from the airport and three conference rooms with capacity up to 220 delegates.

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Hotel turismoAv. 25 de Setembro, 1743 Tel: +258 21 352 200 • Fax: +258 21 352 220 e-mail: [email protected] www.hturismo.com161 rooms, 4 suites 9 km from Maputo International AirportAt Hotel Turismo the rooms are designed to provide a comfortable stay and decorated to provide a relaxing environment with lots of space and colour. The hotel offers a total of 165 rooms including four suites, 54 execu-tive rooms and 108 standard rooms. The restaurant República offers an à la carte menu inspired by the best of Mozambican gastronomy with a handful of Portuguese cui-sine and a dash of Indian flavours. The two air conditioned meeting rooms are specifically created for small & medium sized meetings or conferences, banquets, dinners, cocktail parties, group interviews and business lunches.

villA dAs mAngAs Boutique Hotel Av. 24 de Julho, 401 Tel: +258 21 497 078 • Fax: +258 21 497 507 e-mail: [email protected] www.hipchichotels.com30 rooms, 5 suites 8 km from Maputo International AirportHotel Villa das Mangas, open since 2000, is an excellent accom-modation option for those looking to combine the best of two worlds: the tropical atmosphere of Maputo and its urban dynamism. Despite its central location, guests will feel far away from the city rush thanks to the tropical garden and irresistible swimming pool. During the summer months guests are invited to taste some of the most delicious mangoes from the majestic mango tree that gives the name to this hotel. All rooms enjoy WIFI, safe, air conditioning, cable TV and a working area. Guests can choose between superior suites, which have more space, and standard suites.

Hotel viP grAnd mAPuto Avenida 25 de Setembro, 692 Tel: +258 21 351 000 • Fax: +258 21 351 001 e-mail: [email protected] VIP Hotels190 rooms, 6 suites 10 km from Maputo International AirportVIP Grand Maputo is the preferred hotel address for the discern-ing business traveller visiting Maputo. The hotel is conveniently located in Maputo’s bay, in one of the most prestigious commercial avenues, the “Avenida 25 de Setembro”. With 196 rooms the hotel is just 15 minutes from the International Airport. The hotel offers six conference rooms with different features to hold any meeting. The auditorium is equipped with audiovisual equipment, as are all the conference rooms. The meeting rooms can be adapted to any set up, and it is also possible to serve coffee breaks and afternoon tea.

coco rico resort Ponta do Ouro Tel: +27 34 413 1488 • Fax: +27 34 413 1515 Cell: +258 848 758029 [email protected] rooms 125 km from Maputo International AirportCoco Rico Resort provides a unique opportunity for rental of luxuri-ous log cabins at a remarkable exotic destination, where shops, fuel and nine restaurants are available within walking distance.Coco Rico Resort has 20 units that are air conditioned and fully equipped with kitchen appliances and cutlery. DSTV, a small safe, linen and a stainless steel braai are also provided. All units are serviced daily. A swimming pool, restaurant, gym and games room is available and activities famous in the area, diving, snorkelling, quad biking, deep sea and shore angling, paragliding and jet-skiing.

villA dos ArABiAs Boutique HotelAv. 24 de Julho, 698 Tel: +258 21 328 945 • Fax: +258 21 328 944 e-mail: [email protected] www.hipchichotels.com20 rooms, 8 suites 8 km from Maputo International AirportArabias Boutique Hotel is the first of its kind in Maputo. Opened in 2007, this charming hotel is oriented towards people who enjoy a modern yet warm environment. Arabic decoration provides a trendy touch to the atmosphere and relates to the ancient history of Mozambique’s Arab traders.An Arabic room facing the aquarium swimming pool constitutes the ultimate indulgence – called “The Oasis”. Guests can relax enjoy-ing their favorite drink or light meal while sun bathing on one of the available sun beds.

viP executive suitesAv. Martins da Machava, 1309 Tel: +258 21 486 668/9 • Fax: +258 21 486 667 e-mail: [email protected] 56 rooms, 2 suites 7 km from Maputo International AirportThe VIP Executive Suites Maputo is a four star aparthotel, with a total of 58 apartments of which 56 are T1 apartments and two are T2 apartments. All of the apartments are completely equipped with en-suite facili-ties, kitchenette and living room. The VIP Executive Suites Maputo Aparthotel is located in the area called “Polari of the city of Maputo and just five minutes from the “Costa do Sol” beach, making it the perfect place to enjoy the beautiful view of Maputo’s bay.

Hotel 2001Av. Fernao de Magalhaes, 586 Tel: +258 21 308 080 • Fax: +258 21 304 640 E-mail: [email protected] rooms, 3 suites 8 km from Maputo International AirportHotel 2001 offers true Mozambican hospitality and comfort and is located in the heart of Maputo city, 15 minutes from the Maputo International Airport, five minutes from Maputo railway station and 8 minutes from the Maputo shopping mall. The rooms at Hotel 2001 are comfortable and modern furnished with air conditioning and en-suite bathrooms. Each room has a TV, fridge, and tea and coffee making facilities. There is a coffee shop in the foyer of the Hotel 2001 and an internet café next door. Other facilities include a modern equipped conference room.

KAPulAnA guestHouseMoamba Tel/Fax: +258 21 520 110 Cell: +258 82 704 4850 e-mail: [email protected] rooms 80 km from Maputo International AirportThe new guesthouse Kapulana is located on the main road to Moamba. Guests are accommodated comfortably in modern furnished rooms with restful colours, air-conditioning and en-suite bathroom. Enjoy an excellent breakfast as well as a variety of local and international cuisine in the restaurant. Simply relax and watch the beautiful sunset in the garden area while having sundowners or step in to the lounge to watch TV or curl up with a book for ultimate peace of mind. Cars are parked and protected by 24-hour security. The guesthouse promises a home from home atmosphere with warm and friendly service.


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KAyA Kweru resort Ponta do Ouro Tel: +258 21 758 403 Cell: +258 82 527 6378; 84 763 5081 e-mail: [email protected] www.kaya-kweru.com24 rooms 125 km from Maputo International AirportAt Kaya Kweru Resort guests forget about daily life and relax to the sound of the Indian Ocean. Kaya Kweru means “Our Home” or “The Home of Everybody” and this is exactly how each stay will be. Amenities include a swimming pool, braai area, lounge area, restaurant and sports bar with DSTV. Comfort is a priority and Kaya Kweru is an upmarket friendly resort with 24 en-suite rooms. All suites are complete with bed linen, duvets, air conditioning, en-suite with shower and tiled flooring. The resort caters for small and larger groups.

motel do mAr BeAcH resort Ponta do Ouro Tel/Fax: +258 21 650 000 Cell: +258 82 764 0380 e-mail: [email protected] apartments 125 km from Maputo International AirportWith the beach on the doorstep the serviced apartments sleep up to four people and have bedding crockery and cutlery for four people. En-suite bathrooms grace each cabaña and there is a kitchenette with a small fridge/freezer, 24 hour electricity services and park-ing for vehicles. All rates include breakfast. The restaurant serves aromatic and sumptuous meals. The beach bar overlooks the Indian Ocean. There are braai facilities available. The various activities nearby include swimming with dol-phins, whale watching and scenic 4x4 trails. A luxury 4x4 bus service transports guests from Catembe to the Motel and back.

PArque de mAlongAne Ponta Malongane Tel: +258 21 900 414 • Fax: +258 21 900 434 e-mail: [email protected] www.parquedemalongane.com33 rooms 130 km from Maputo International AirportLooking for some exciting deep sea or offshore fishing, exhilarating diving, magnificent cuisine, white beaches, 4x4 adventures, fun-filled family holidays, romantic beach weddings? Parque de Malongane is the place to be. With a variety of accommo-dation to suit everyone’s needs and pockets from camping to self-catering. There is also a wide variety of birds for all bird-watchers.

Hotel PHAPHAlAtiPonta Malongane Tel: +258 21 900 704 • Fax: +258 21 022 413 Cell: +27 814 714 394 e-mail: hotel [email protected] rooms 130 km from Maputo International AirportHotel Phaphalati has easy access to all nearby facilities. Situated within a short distance of Ponta Do Ouro, 3km north of Ponta Malongane among coastal bush forest and fronted by unspoiled beach, it is a tranquil heaven for families, adventurers and pleasure seekers. Phaphalati embraces the architectural elements of coastal living. With cool, comfortable open spaces, large verandas and modern liv-ing, all rooms consist of three quarter twin beds, en-suite bathroom, air conditioning, linen, towels and complimentary soap, shampoo and body location. The hotel has a large communal lounge area, restaurant, bar and swimming pool.

mAcHAngulo BeAcH lodgeSanta Maria Peninsula, Machangulo Cell: +258 84 722 7699; +27 82 218 0057 e-mail: [email protected] www.machangulobeachlodge.com16 suites 150 km from Maputo International Airport 15 km from Inhaca AirfieldMachangulo Beach Lodge is located on the channel between Inhaca Island and the dunes of the Santa Maria Peninsula.Just one hour by boat from Maputo or 15 minutes to Inhaca village. The lodge features 16 private luxury chalets with an en-suite bathroom, air conditioning, mosquito nets and private deck. Nine chalets have a breathtaking view of the ocean and Inhaca Island, the other seven are intimately situated among the pristine Mozam-bique dune forest. All the chalets are connected by walkways and staircases to the main buildings and the beach. Relax at the bar or unwind in the spa.

ntsuty lodgePonta do Ouro Cell: +258 84 603 3663 e-mail: [email protected] chalets 125 km from Maputo International AirportNtsuty Lodge is situated in a magnificent area that is a perfect destination for the whole family. Located on the dunes overlooking Thandi Campsite, Ntsuty Lodge offers comfortable accommoda-tion between the many indigenous trees that grow here in wild profusion. Each chalet consists of one main bedroom with en-suite bathroom and a double sleeper couch in the kitchen/lounge area. The chalets also have their own braai deck and dinner tables for outside dining. The kitchenettes are fully equipped with fridges, air conditioning, microwaves and a small stove. There are dozens of water activities, beautiful beaches, deep-sea fishing and diving.

PrAiA de ouro sol Ponta do Ouro Tel: +258 21 900 701 Cell: +258 84 260 3215 e-mail: [email protected] rooms, 16 suites 125 km from Maputo International AirportThis is a secluded, eco-friendly lodge, situated on the seashore in the first row of forested dunes. With privately owned logwood houses overlooking the sea and luxury, permanent tents, situated on the forest side of the dune. Swimming pool, conference centre, restaurant, bar and beauty salon are available at the main complex. Praia de Ouro Sol offers stylish and comfortable accommodation for a relaxed stay. Activities include water-sports, fishing and diving at the resort. Praia deOuro Sol is the place for unforgettable weddings, fishing and diving groups.

tArtArugA mAritimA Ponta Malongane Cell: +258 84 373 0067 • Fax: +27 866 214 991 e-mail: [email protected] suites 125 km from Maputo International AirportTartaruga Luxury Tented Camp is situated in southern Mozambique. The en-suite, luxury tents have an overhead fan above the bed and a coffee and tea station. All linen, shower and beach towels, as well as basic toiletries, are provided and the rooms are serviced daily. The fully equipped, self-catering kitchen has everything required to cook the family a hearty meal, all guests need to bring is food. The kitchen is fully serviced. Tartaruga dining/ bar area is situated on an elevated wooden deck that overlooks the coastal forest and has an exquisite view of the ocean. Come and experience the tranquility.


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vistA AltA sPA & lodge Ponta Do Ouro Main Road to Ponta Malongane Cell: +258 84 603 3663 e-mail: [email protected] rooms, 1 family suite 105 km from Maputo International AirportBe surrounded by nature in tranquil luxury and mesmerized by the most amazing sunrises from the balcony at Vista Alta Spa & Lodge. Each spacious room is complete with air conditioning, quality linen on comfy beds, TV, tea and coffee making facilities, en-suite bathroom and a verandah with a breathtaking views. Delicious meals are served in the famous 360° restaurant, or enjoy a cocktail next to the pool with a view of the ocean. Spa therapists will take care of all aches, pains and muscle spasms, or pick any treatment to feel pampered. For the fitness minded there is a fully equipped gym.

comPlexo AquArius Av. Marginal, Bilene Beach Tel: +258 282 590 00 • Fax: +258 282 590 00 e-mail: [email protected] rooms 185 km from Maputo International AirportThe Aquarius lodge is located in a privileged area with magnificent views over the beach and lagoon. A paradise for those travelling on business or pleasure. The lodge offers comfortable rooms with air conditioning, satellite TV, entertainment system and refrigerator. Start each day with a healthy breakfast, later on guests can enjoy a delicious lunch or dinner served to suit guests’ tastes in the famous restaurant. Meanwhile guests can relax at the swimming pool set in a natural garden and enjoy splendid sunbathing with the soothing breeze from the sea.

covAne fisHing & sAfAri lodge Massingir Dam Tel: +258 21 451 376; +27 21 701 7860 e-mail: [email protected] www.covanelodge.com6 rustic Shangaan units, 2 houseboats 364 km from Maputo International AirportCovane Fishing & Safari Lodge provides traditional rustic Shangaan units and camping sites. Units have two single beds, rustic en-suite bathroom with hot and cold shower, basin and flush toilet, linen, towels and mosquito nets provided. The houseboats, sleep five, available for self-drive hire on the Massingir Dam and provide ideal accommodation for self-catering holidays or fishing trips. Boat-based game, bird-viewing or sunset safaris on the dam or up the Rio Elefantes Gorge are a must for nature lovers. Covane Fishing & Safari Lodge is owned by the local Canhane Community.

lAKe view resort Chidenguele, Lake Nhambavale Tel: +258 21 748 827 • Fax: +258 21 748 828 e-mail: [email protected] suites, 9 houses 281 km from Maputo International AirportLake View Resort lies in a pristine paradise at Lake Nhambavale just four km from the Indian Ocean and its unspoiled beaches – a perfect place to relax and unwind with the family. Accommodation consists of 30 comfortable suites and nine fully equipped houses. All ensure privacy for a memorable stay. Enjoy typical local cuisine in the restaurant with breathtaking views over the lake, sundowners or just lounging by the pools. The property is especially suited for conferences of up to 120 per-sons, meetings for small groups, cocktails, weddings and galas.

wHite PeArl Hotel resortPonta Mamoli Tel: +27 35 592 8100 Cell: +258 84 605 8112 e-mail: [email protected] www.whitepearlresorts.com22 suites 100 km from Maputo International AirportWhite Pearl Resorts, Ponta Mamoli, offers ultimate barefoot luxury in Africa and promises to earn the reputation for being the jewel of the Indian Ocean.The resort is situated on a magnificent stretch of coastline in southern Mozambique – a 30 minute scenic helicopter flight from Maputo. Sophisticated simplicity is the order of the day and the stylish 22 air conditioned suites, with private plunge pool, offer beautiful views of the Indian Ocean. Guests are offered laid-back beachside chic in a space designed for relaxation and enjoyment.

HumulA Hotel resorts Bilene Beach Tel/Fax: +258 21 314 576 Cell: +258 82 820 6537 e-mail: [email protected] www.humulahotel.com31 rooms, 8 suites 185 km from Maputo International AirportHumula Hotel Resorts located in the heart of Bilene Beach is one of the few places that can offer tourists both a calm beach along a 27km long lagoon for water sports and a rougher Indian Ocean beach facing the open sea. Modern comfortable rooms and suites are all en-suite with fridge, satellite TV and air conditioning. Humula Resorts offers a thatched restaurant with a capacity for 220 guests and a pool area reserved for guests. There are two fully equipped, air conditioned conference rooms, one with a capacity for 250 people, and one with a capacity for 90 people.

KAPulAnA motel cHilemBeneCentro de Conhecimento e Desenvolvimento Samora Machel – CCDSM Cell: +258 82 380 143612 rooms 290 km from Maputo International AirportThe new motel Kapulana is located in the home village of the first Mozambican President Samora Moises Machel and nearby the historical monument to pay homage to Samora Machel. Guests are accommodated comfortably in modern furnished rooms with restful colours, air conditioning and en-suite bathroom. A daily breakfast will be served. Simply relax in the garden area while hav-ing sundowners or step into the lounge to watch TV or curl up with a book for ultimate peace of mind. The reception is open 24 hours a day and cars are parked and pro-tected by 24 hour security. The motel promises a home from home atmosphere with warm and friendly service.

mAHelAne lodgeBilene Beach Tel: +258 28 259 048 Cell: +258 82 786 9669 e-mail: [email protected] chalets 185 km from Maputo International AirportThe Lodge is privately situated on the eastern banks of the Uembje Lagoon in Bilene. The Lodge offers privacy to all guests so that they can experience a tranquil holiday getaway. Guests can enjoy the many kinds of exciting water activities, from jet-skis to boat rides and more. Enjoy long walks along the white sandy beaches, while taking in the breathtaking views of the sunsets in Bilene. All chalets are lagoon facing with splendid views and equipped with air conditioning. The restaurant offers the best Portuguese cuisine and is sure to tantalise the taste-buds.


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mAcHAmPAne wilderness cAmP Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park Tel: +27 21 701 7860 Cell: +27 82 5656 569 e-mail: [email protected] www.dolimpopo.com5 en-suite tents 410 km from Maputo International AirportMachampane Wilderness Camp is situated in Mozambique’s Parque National do Limpopo, adjacent to the Kruger National Park, and offers an unforgettable bushveld experience in this truly unspoiled, pristine wilderness area. The luxurious 10 bed en-suite tented camp, overlooking the Machapane river, is nestled between the fever trees where bird and wildlife abound and the African sun sets as a punctuation mark on days spent absorbing the tranquil surroundings. Immerse yourself in the tranquillity and seclusion or explore this undiscovered corner of Southern Africa on a “have to do in one’s lifetime” wilderness adventure trail.

xAi-xAi eco estAteXai-Xai Beach Cell: +258 82 367 9990 e-mail: [email protected] Villas 250 km from Maputo International AirportPerfectly positioned at the unpopulated paradise of Xai-Xai beach is the fabulous self-catering Xai-Xai Eco Estate. The 35 villas ranging from budget to luxury have three to four bedrooms, sleep eight to 10 and are located on the first dune with 180° sea-views, 50m from the ocean’s edge. All units boast air conditioning, fully equipped kitchens, lounge/dining area with TV and large decks, some with private pool. Alternatively guests can enjoy the communal pool and entertain-ment area. All units are serviced daily and supplied with linen and towels. Activities on offer at this great family venue are quad tours, snorkelling excursions, dune sand-boarding, archery, deep sea fish-ing charters and whale watching.

AguiA negrAVilankulo Beach Tel: +258 293 82387 • Fax: +258 293 82422 e-mail: [email protected] www.amazingmozambique.com10 rooms, 12 chalets 8 km from Vilankulo AirportAguia Negra is situated on the beach at Vilankulo and has views across the sea to the islands of Margaruque and Benguerra. Aguia Negra caters for guests who seeking all the advantages of an Island experience at affordable rates. The 12 tall A-framed thatched chalets have been built from indigenous material and blend with the natural surroundings, all are designed to accommodate a maximum of four people. The 10 luxury rooms are all equipped to suit the comfort of guests. The restaurant and bar have extensive views and enable guests to relax and enjoy their meals and sundowners. Fresh seafood is a specialty in the restaurant which provides meals and light snacks.

ArcHiPelAgo resort Chibuene, Vilankulo Tel: +258 293 84022 • Fax: +258 847 758 433 Cell: +258 847 128 180 e-mail: archipelago.resort@gmail+com www.archipelago-resort.com18 chalets 6 km from Vilankulo AirportArchipelago Resort is 6 km south of Vilankulo and is one of the most amazing beachfront properties in Mozambique. The resort consists of 18 casas, restaurant, bar and swimming pool all with magnificent views of the constantly changing views of the Bazaruto Archipelago. Each casa consists of two bedrooms, plus one loft bedroom. The restaurant serves divine seafood plus Portuguese cuisine. Horse riding, deep sea diving, snorkelling, fishing and dhow excursions to the islands. This is Mozambique at its finest.

PArAiso de cHidenguele Chidenguele Beach Cell: +258 843 90 9999 • Fax: +27 13 750 2801 e-mail: [email protected] www.chidbeachresort.com9 rooms, 3 chalets 247 km from Maputo International AirportFrom the village of Chidenguele, a scenic sand track meanders to the spectacular coastline only five km away from paradise. Here the azure waters are home to whales, dolphins and turtles while preda-tory game fish prowl colourful reefs below. The thatched chalets each sleep up to four, six or eight people and are isolated from one another, tucked into indigenous forest. Each is serviced daily, fully furnished and has an equipped kitchenette and bathroom with shower, toilet and basin. Each of the nine en-suite units are a perfect night-stop for the weary traveller. Enjoy fabulous seafood dinners or light meals in the open-air restau-rant with a stunning ocean view.

zongoene lodgeLimpopo River Mouth Tel: +258 82 402 6791 • Fax: +27 15 295 039 e-mail: [email protected] www.zongoene.com21 rooms 247 km from Maputo International AirportWhere the Limpopo River bends and winds to meet the sea guests will find an unspoiled paradise nestled between the dunes awaiting their arrival. The ideal getaway for families, romantic couples and adventurers alike. Zongoene Lodge has left no stone unturned to provide guests with the ultimate in luxury and relaxation during each stay. The perfect venue for training sessions, workshops or conferences. Opt for Zongoene Lodge to celebrate a day of romance and pledge wedding vows in the most breathtaking and imaginable surroundings.

AzurA At gABriel’sBenguerra Island, Bazaruto Archipelago Tel: +27 767 050 599 • Fax: +27 11 476 1347 e-mail: [email protected] www.azura-retreats.com17 villas 14 km from Vilankulo AirportAzura is Benguerra Island’s luxurious multi- award winning ‘eco’- boutique retreat. Built and operated in partnership with the local community, it has just 17 spacious ‘beach chic’ designer villas with private infinity pools, kingsize beds, indoor and outdoor bathrooms, air conditioning and Mozambican butler service. Cuisine at Azura is considered an art form with spectacular candle-lit beach dining a favourite. A vast range of activities and experi-ences includes world class fishing, snorkelling and diving (PADI dive training centre), island hopping, community visits, star gazing and a unique African Spa.

BAiA sonAmBulATofo Beach, Tofo Village Tel: +258 293 29032 Cell: +258 82 8215587 e-mail: [email protected] www.baiasonambula.com2 rooms, 3 bungalows 20 km from Inhambane AirportIn the heart of Tofo, Baia Sonambula guesthouse offers an irreplace-able spot, five minutes’ walk from any activity. There are three spacious bungalows with terraces facing the sea. The decoration is pleasant and soothing. Two inside rooms without terrace or particular view offer a comfortable and more affordable alternative to bungalows. Two spacious terraces are availble to sunbathe and share the view while taking breakfast. Or enjoy the living room, a comfortable space to relax, and feel at home. The property has a daily laundry service. Baia Sonambula guesthouse is a wifi hot spot.


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BAmBoozi BeAcH lodge Tofo Beach, Tofo Village Tel: +258 293 29040 Cell: +258 823 030 413 e-mail: [email protected] 25 rooms 25 km from Inhambane AirportBamboozi Beach Lodge is situated at the famous Tofo beach outside Inhambane and is home to the most spectacular diving in Mozambique with whale sharks and manta rays being our specialty. The lodge has an onsite dive centre, restaurant, bar, activity centre and swimming pool. The lodge offers a variety of budget accom-modation options and camping sites. Transfers from airport and Inhambane can be arranged. Come and enjoy a young and vibrant environment with the best views in Tofo.

BArrA lodge BeAcH resort Barra Beach, Barra Village Tel: +258 293 20561 • Fax: +258 293 20561 e-mail: 43 rooms 22 km from Inhambane AirportBarra Lodge is set in one of the most picturesque areas in Mozam-bique. From the historical city of Inhambane it is only a 30 minute drive to Barra Lodge and airport transfers are available from lodge staff. Barra has secluded, unspoilt beaches, and is bordered by the Inhambane estuary on one side and the sea on the other. The lodge is nestled among groves of coconut trees and the warm Indian Ocean offers safe bathing all year round. Wide open, sun-drenched beaches offer endless hours of strolling pleasure. Barra Lodge caters for families with children and is geared towards fun and activities for the whole family.

Hotel cAsA do cAPitãoAv. Maguiguana, Inhambane Town Tel: +258 293 21408/9 • Fax: +258 293 21413 e-mail: [email protected]; www.signaturelifehotels.com18 rooms, 6 suites 3 km from Inhambane AirportThe hotel can be defined as a modern property on an exclusive setting that was once the Port Captain’s residence nestling amongstthe town’s rustic colonial architecture. 18 double rooms, five luxury and one presidential suite extend along the shore facing the lagoon. Tastefully decorated in natural fabrics and woods, Casa do Capitão is by far the finest accommodation in the area. Casa do Capitão also hosts a magnificent restaurant that extends 80 metres over the lagoon. The feeling of sitting on the restaurant terrace watching the sun set over the lagoon whilst sipping a chilled glass of vinho verde is a once in a lifetime experience. The hotel has fantastic conference facilities for up to 160 people.

cAsA lunA lodge Inhassoro Tel: +27 21 976 9655 • Fax: +27 21 976 5597 e-mail: [email protected] 12 chalets, 4 luxury tented rooms 85 km from Vilankulo International AirportCasa Luna is a lodge situated on the most beautiful and idyllic tropical shores of Inhassoro, a tourist town opposite the pristine Bazaruto Islands. The lodge consists of 12 spacious thatched chalets to accommodate two people. The chalets have a private full bathroom and an additional outside shower feature, ceiling fans and air conditioning. Casa Luna offers four luxury tented rooms each with their own private deck and ocean views. Each room, sleeps two with en-suite bathroom and a ceiling fan. Breakfast is on an inclusive basis served at the popular restaurant or on the beautiful decks overlooking the warm Indian Ocean.

Hotel BArrA BeAcH cluB Barra Beach, Barra Village Tel: +258 293 56076 • Fax: +258 293 21413 [email protected] e-mail: 8 rooms, 1 suite 25 km from Inhambane AirportThe sister hotel to Casa do Capitão in town, the Beach Club is a pri-vate Hotel on Barra Beach, easily accessible from Inhambane. Guests from Casa do Capitão are brought daily to the club or guests can select to reside at the Beach Club if they do not wish to stay in town. Four sea facing and four mangrove facing superb double rooms and one master suite are under thatch with all amenities. Luxurious down to the last detail and decorated in a stunning beach style using natural woods and materials. The hotel has a dining veranda, swimming pool and beach bar. During each stay the hotel creates a menu exclusively for guests and serves dinner for two on the beach.

BenguerrA lodgeBenguerra Island Island, Bazaruto Archipelago Tel: +27 11 452 0641 • Fax: +27 11 452 1496 e-mail: [email protected] casitas, 1 villa 30 km from Vilankulo International Airport Open from March to JanuaryBenguerra Lodge is situated on an African island paradise, washed by the turquoise waters of the Mocambique channel. The lodge is small and intimate, offering personalized service and barefoot luxury at its best. Accommodation consists of two elegant cabanas, ten luxurious casitas, each with private plunge pool, outdoor shower and one exclusive villa, with two double rooms, private pool, and personal chef. All rooms merge naturally into the surrounding indigenous forest, only metres from the beach. Dive, snorkel, fish, or just relax in the paradise.

cAsA rex lodge Bairro 19 de Outubro, Vilankulo Tel: +258 293 82048 Cell: +258 84 389 8602 e-mail: [email protected] rooms 10 km from Vilankulo International AirportLocated in Vilankulo, Casa Rex is an extremely comfortable lodge with 15 charmingly decorated rooms each with a breezy perspec-tive of the bay. Surrounded by lush gardens and overlooking the turquoise crystal blue waters of the Indian Ocean towards the islands of the Bazaruto Archipelago, Casa Rex is the perfect place to relax and unwind. Casa Rex has an excellent open air à la carte restaurant, Wi-Fi access is available throughout the lodge, and an abundance of activities are available including scuba diving, snorkelling, fishing, kitesurfing, dhow sailing, safaris, horse riding, shopping, culture or pampering and relaxing.

Hotel donA AnA Rua de Marginal, Vilankulo Tel: +258 293 82372 • Fax: +258 293 82233 e-mail: [email protected] www.thehoteldonaana.com19 rooms, 3 suites, 32 beach units 10 km from Vilankulo International AirportThere are 22 rooms in the main art deco style hotel, including a presidential suite and two executive suites, as well as 32 units which open directly onto the sparkling white beach. All offer unrivalled hospitality and comfort including air condition-ing, mosquito screens, en-suite bathrooms, mini-bars, room service, 24-hour power, satellite TV, telephone access and data connection points. Take a dip in the cool waters of the pool with a waterfall cascade, or just relax with a drink at the pool bar. The restaurant offers à la carte dining. A private dining room is also available for conferencing or special events.


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PestAnA BAzAruto lodgeBazaruto Island, Bazaruto Archipelago Tel: +258 21 305 000 • Fax: +258 21 305 305 e-mail: [email protected] 40 bungalows 35 km to Vilankulo AirportThe 40 A-frame thatched bungalows are charmingly decorated island style andset among tropical gardens with breathtaking views of the Indian Ocean. All the rooms – 12 standard, one standard fam-ily, 22 superior, one superior family and four suites – are equipped with comfort in mind. Each has air conditioning, ceiling fans and private bathrooms with enclosed outdoor showers. The chefs at the lodge will satisfy appetites enhanced by sun, sea and fresh air as they encourage guests to savour the delicacies from land and sea. Discover idyllic beaches with gazebos, decks for relax-ing and sipping cocktails, wind surfing, canoeing, paddling, fishing, snorkelling and water skiing, the list seems endless.

flAmingo BAy wAter lodge Barra Beach, Barra Village Tel: +258 293 56005 • Fax: +258 293 20561 e-mail: [email protected] 20 water chalets 22 km from Inhambane AirportFlamingo Bay Water Lodge is situated in the pristine tidal bay of Inhambane 485km north of Maputo, the capital of Mozambique. The lodge is situated on stilts on the crystal clear waters of the warm Indian Ocean. This eco-paradise is home to flocks of flamingos, tropical fish and the very rare dugong. The luxury water chalets are spacious and well appointed with balcony, wide opening sliding doors and air conditioning. The chalets and furniture are constructed from beautiful local hardwoods.

mAssingA BeAcH lodgeMassinga Tel: +27 11 796 5029 Cell: +27 82 854 4521 e-mail: [email protected] chalets 80 km from Inhambane AirportThe 30 double, en-suite, freestanding units all enjoy 180-degree breathtaking ocean views. The spacious units are ideally nestled to ensure absolute privacy. Stylish bathrooms with rain shower and bath open onto a private deck, where guests can enjoy a sundowner in the tranquil water of a private plunge pool. In the evenings guests can simply relax and enjoy the wonders of the galaxy. Spectacular ocean views, an exquisite underwater diving experi-ence, excellent local cuisine and luxurious accommodation will make the rest of the world fade away. Honeymoons and special occasions are a specialty.

PescAdor Boutique HotelBeach Road, Vilankulo Tel: +258 293 82312 • Fax: +258 293 82422 e-mail: [email protected] www.amazingmozambique.com14 rooms 10 km from Vilankulo AirportPescador Hotel offers exclusive luxury accommodation and fine dining in the vibrant coastal town of Vilankulo. Boasting a full restaurant and catering to the business traveller and holiday makers alike, this upmarket retreat is the perfect setting when looking for a hotel service which offers en-suite bathrooms throughout as well as air conditioning. The dining and relaxation area is extensive – rich colours blend with dark wood and a stylish bar, limited to diners only. There is also a swimming pool available for use by residents. Situated near the International Airport and the harbour transfers to the Islands and simple, be it for a day trip or an extended stay.

indigo BAy islAnd resort & sPA Bazaruto Island, Bazaruto Archipelago Tel: +258 21 301 618 • Fax: +258 21 301 625 e-mail: [email protected] www.indigobayresort.com30 chalets, 14 suites 35 km from Vilankulo International AirportIndigo Bay Island Resort & Spa offers world-class luxury and facilities, its elegant yet natural design and construction perfectly compli-ments the beauty of its tropical location overlooking Indigo Bay. The beach chalets and bay view villas offer complete luxury, with air conditioning, mosquito screens, sumptuous en-suite bathrooms, mini-bars, 24-hour power, satellite TV and telephone access. There are spectacular restaurants specialising in seafood, character-ful bars, a beach snack bar, a beautiful swimming pool, a state-of-the-art dive training pool and a refreshingly cool business centre are available. For ultimate hedonism the Sanctuary Spa offers a range of pampering treatments.

mArlin lodgeBenguerra Island, Bazaruto Archipelago Tel: +27 12 940 4212 • Fax: +27 (0)86 645 5113 e-mail: [email protected] luxury chalets, 3 executive suites 25 km from Vilankulo AirportIn December 2012 a wildfire caused some damage to some of the Lodge’s suites and main building. All guests were safely evacuated and relocated.Due to the damage sustained, Marlin Lodge is currently closed andunder reconstruction.

nyAti BeAcH lodgeSan Sebastian Peninsula, Vilankulo Cell: +258 84 213 2999 e-mail: [email protected] chalets, 3 villas 20 km from Vilankulo AirportThe beautiful lodge buildings reflect a deep respect for the area’s natural values and centuries old traditions while combining the best of modern Western comfort with local craftsmanship and natural raw materials – exotic woods, reed, bamboo and straw. The rustic architecture of the lodge is inspired by the ocean and its colours and is protected by a 10km private beach. Each one bedroom beach chalet offers privacy and intimacy with a private terrace and is just steps away from sea and swimming pool. The two bedroom executive beach villas offer a luxury family suite, large enough to serve every family member’s need for personal space.

dugong BeAcH lodgeSan Sebastian Peninsula, Vilankulo Tel: +258 293 84203 • Fax: +258 842291227 e-mail: [email protected] chalets 20 km from Vilankulo International AirportDiscover the tranquillity and unspoiled paradise of Dugong Beach Lodge situated within the Vilankulo Coastal Wildlife Sanctuary. It is one of the few sites in the world where the near-extinct Dugong is found. The Lodge offers 14 comfortable, air conditioned chalets, with direct access to the beach via individual walkways. Each chalet has a private deck furnished with day beds for relaxation or massages and where private dinners can also be enjoyed. Inter-flowing swimming pools with an island-style bar and martini seats offers spectacular views of the ocean.The facilities and activities on offer will ensure that guests experi-ence the ultimate in barefoot luxury in this magnificent, unique wilderness.

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sAilAwAy dHow sAfAris Rua Marginal, Vilankulo Tel: +258 2938 2385 • Cell: +258 8238 76350 E-mail: [email protected] in 1997, Sailaway Dhow Safaris offers a choice of great adventures within the Bazaruto Archipelago National Park. Consisting of five beautiful islands lined with sand dunes and palm trees, the Bazaruto Archipelago is home to a wide variety of birds and marine life, including the rare and endangered dugong.Sailaway Dhow Safaris offers both day and overnight excursions, including visits to beautiful Magaruque Island. All safaris include park entry fees, meals, refreshments, snorkelling equipment and accommodation (for overnight safaris). The company is keen to educate visitors on the importance of marine conservation and actively supports local economic and social development.

vilAnculos BeAcH lodge Vilankulo Tel: +258 21 301 618 • Fax: +258 21 301 625 e-mail: [email protected] rooms, 1 suite 12 km from Vilankulo International AirportVilanculos Beach Lodge is situated on a strech of white sand amid lush palm trees and giant strelitzias in the small coastal town. The lodge enchants with its 24 air conditioned en-suite rooms and spectacular sea views. Succumb to the bare-foot beauty and charm of this lodge, where families and honeymooners alike may delight a magical experience. Whether the sun is setting or rising there is an abundance of activi-ties to choose from sail on one of the lodges luxury catamarans or yachts, take a dive course from the in-house dive centre, enjoy various non-motorized and motorized watersports, deep sea or salt water fly fishing, island-hopping, horse riding or camel riding.

Pomene BAy lodge Pomene, Pomene Beach Cell: +258 82 369 8580 e-mail: [email protected] www.barraresorts.com40 rooms 125 km from Inhambane AirportThe lodge is situated on a narrow peninsula with the Indian Ocean lapping at its front doorstep and crystal clear waters of a spectacular mangrove estuary lapping on the other. lt is remote, with a very low local population assuring pristine and unspoilt conditions. Pomene Bay Lodge is 605km north of Maputo and 170km south of Vilankulo. Guests can fly to Inhambane on the regular schedule flight from O.R.Tambo (JNB) and then be transferred to Pomene by the Barra shuttle vehicle which is a 4x4 minibus. This scenic road transfer takes approximately 4 hours and can be arranged with Barra bookings in Johannesburg or at Barra Lodge at Inhambane.

tofo mAr Hotel & leisure Tofo Beach, Tofo Village Tel: +258 293 29043 • Fax: +258 293 29044 e-mail: [email protected] www.hoteltofomar.com8 rooms, 2 suites 25 km from Inhambane AirportTofo Mar is situated in one of the best spots, just short steps from Tofo village centre. All rooms are smart, clean and comfortable with en-suite bathrooms, mosquito nets, air conditioning and telephone. Choose from twin room, double room or suite (double bed and extra single bed). The beachfront restaurant with large outside veranda offers tasty regional Mozambican dishes and the bar is an ideal venue to enjoy live music, traditional dance or theatre and allows magnificent views to Tofo beach and entire bay. Conferences and banquets can be arranged and a business centre with computer, printer, fax and internet access is available.

rio Azul fisHing lodge Bartholomew Dias Point Tel: +27 11 467 2853 • Fax: +27 11 467 4758 e-mail: [email protected] chalets, 2 villas 80 km to Vilankulo International AirportRio Azul offers holiday accommodation for the whole family and is a truly unforgettable luxury beach resort located on the banks of the Govuro River. The beach resort overlooks the estuary and is about 2km from the river mouth, 80km north of Vilankulo. Rio Azul offers visitors a chance to view the abundant birdlife in this mangrove region as well as beautiful, unspoilt beaches to be explored in this paradise setting. The lodge accommodation consists of six thatched luxury chalets and two luxury villas. The main area consists of a lounge, dining room and bar area with a large wooden deck and a plunge pool. A small shop supplies the essentials.

villAs do indico ecoresort & sPA Chigamane Parcela 32, Vilankulo Cell: +258 82 874 1915; 84 713 2018 e-mail: [email protected] www.villasdoindico.com10 villa suites Open all year 15 km from Vilankulo AirportThe thatched beachfront bungalows are charmingly decorated to European parameters of comfort and blended with elements from African cultural influence resulting in a comfortable natural environment. The rooms have breathtaking views over Bazaruto Islands and are prepared to lodge couples and families with children. There are also two honeymoon suites. Guests can enjoy a daily breakfast served at the restaurant or the terrace next to the swimming pool which enjoys extensive decking. The eco resort’s spa offers a choice of a relaxing massages, or stimulant therapy treatments.

vistA do mArBarra Beach, Barra Tel: +258 293 56223 Cell: +258 82 744 2326 e-mail: [email protected] rooms 25 km from Inhambane AirportVista do Mar is an upmarket lodge located on the Barra beachfront near Inhambane City. The nine luxury air conditioned, en-suite bedrooms give guests a breathtaking view of the Indian Ocean, and leads out on a wooden deck and entertainment area. The lodge is fully equipped and serviced daily. Vista do Mar can be reached by car or flight to Inhambane airport which is only 30 minutes away. A fishing boat, two jet-skis and four quad bikes are also available.


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JArdim dAs velAsAv. FRIL.M., 282, Beira Tel: +258 23 312 209 Cell: +258 84 784 1193 e-mail: [email protected] rooms 4 km from Beira International AirportJardim das Velas is located on the beach front of VI Beach not far from the famous Estoril lighthouse. This Mediterranean-style complex has 12 rooms, six double rooms with beautiful ocean views and private verandahs, and six family rooms with a kitchenette and bunk beds for children. All rooms are equipped with air conditioning, TV, comfortable beds with mosquito nets and fresh clean towels every day. After a joyful day relax or “braai” in the pretty garden facing the sea which is exclusively for customer use. Jardim das Velas is well situated, a five minute drive from the airport and 10 minute drive to the city centre.

senA HotelAv. Martires Revoluoo, 189, Beira Tel: +258 23 311 070/1 • Fax: +258 23 311 072 e-mail: [email protected] www.senahotel.net37 rooms, 3 suites 8 km from Beira International AirportThe Sena Hotel stands out for its modern architecture and bold interior design that creates the environment ofa “Design Hotel”. Its privileged location in the city with contemporary spaces and luxury services create the ideal place for those who come to Beira for business or pleasure. All rooms are equipped with air conditioning, minibar, desk and safe. The Sena gourmet restaurant serves international cuisine in a refined setting. With a modern, sophisticated design each meal is an experience to remember. Guests can also enjoy a meal on the terrace or take advantage for a quiet moment with a drink.

KuBAtAnA cAmPTel: +27 214 180 468 e-mail: [email protected] www.asiliaafrica.com6 tentsAsilia Africa will open its newest camp, Kubatana Camp, on July 1st in a beautiful, remote location deep within Gorongosa.The six luxurious tents will have en-suite bathrooms and there will be a comfortable mess area for relaxing. The camp will adhere to Asilia Africa’s high eco credentials. Activities will include game drives and walking safaris, boating, visiting the rainforest on Mount Gorongosa, hiking and birding. A safari at Gorongosa offers the unique opportunity to be part of the restoration project which seesthe relocation of rare species. 

girAssol gorongosA lodge & sAfAriGorongosa National Park Tel: +258 23 535 010 • Fax: +258 23 535 011 e-mail: [email protected] rooms 230 km from Beira International AirportOpen from 1 April to 15 December Gorongosa National Park, at the heart of Sofala Province, is located in the southernmost part of the Great Rift Valley of East Africa. The park’s sweeping landscapes and magnificent wildlife makes this a perfect destination whether seeking adventure or relaxation. Girassol Gorongosa Lodge offers 18 newly constructed thatched rooms, with a choice of twin or king-sized beds. Each room has mosquito nets, air conditioning and an en-suite toilet, including shower facilities with hot water. Buffet style and à la carte meals are served in the newly constructed restaurant and are prepared by the chef. Trained guides can take guests on early-morning or sunset game drives in the lodge’s Land Cruiser with raised safari seats.

exPlore gorongosAChitengo, Gorongosa National Park Cell: +258 82 862 4975 e-mail: [email protected] www.exploregorongosa.comEn-suite safari tents 230 km from Beira International AirportExplore Gorongosa will not be operating during 2013.

Hotel tivoliRua do Bagamo, 363, Beira Tel: +258 23 320 300 • Fax: +258 23 320 301 e-mail: [email protected] www.tdhotels.pt74 rooms, 10 suites 8 km from Beira International AirportBeira is a hospitable and impressive city. Hotel Tivoli Beira reflects those characteristics, providing high quality services. As the second major economic centre in Mozambique, Beira receives numerous business visitors. At Tivoli, guests will find all the support needed, in a paradise setting. The beaches in the region are stunning. The Hotel was totally refurbished in 2011 and all rooms have air condi-tioning, telephone, radio, satellite TV and a balcony. The Hotel has full conference facilities for up to 100 delegates and a restaurant serving Mozambican and international cuisine. Wireless access is available throughout the hotel. Hotel Tivoli Beira offers quality service and takes care of the needs of business and leisure guests.

Hotel viP innRua Luis Inacio, 172, Beira Tel: +258 23 340 100 • Fax: +258 23 322 002 e-mail: [email protected] 50 rooms, 4 suites 8 km from Beira International AirportThe VIP Inn Beira Hotel is a three star hotel, with a total of 54 rooms, three are suites and there is also one junior suite. All rooms enjoy en-suite facilities, and are equipped with air conditioning, direct dial telephone, digital safe and mini bar. Also available is a 56 person room for meetings and conferences. The hotel offers transfers from airport/hotel and vice versa free of charge. The VIP Inn Beira Hotel, is located in the centre of Beira city, just a few metres from the Portuguese consulate. It offers a stunning view over the historical buildings of the railway station.

Hotel residenciAl cAstelo BrAncoRua Sussendenga, Bairro 25 de Junho, Chimoio Tel: +258 251 23 934 • Fax: +258 251 23 439 e-mail: [email protected] rooms, 3 suites 12 km from Chimoio Airport/198 km from Beira International AirportHotel Residencial Castelo Branco is the perfect stopover for business and leisure travellers or people travelling between the provinces Tete and Sofala. There are 27 superior rooms, one master suite, one executive suite and one junior suite, all rooms have en-suite bathrooms with air conditioning, satellite TV, mini-bar, teaand coffee making facilities and free wireless internet access. Continental breakfast will be served every morning. Conferences and functions with personal attention are a specialty. Enjoy sun-downers in the garden area with swimming pool. Vehicles are safe in the private car park.


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Hotel milPArKEstrada National, 6, Cafumpe Tel: +258 251 22 707 • Fax: +258 251 22 862 e-mail: [email protected] www.milparkhotel.piczo.com12 km from Chimoio Airport 191 km from Beira AirportExcellent hospitality and personal attention awaits guests at the delightful country hotel Milpark, set amidst the scenic countryside and conveniently located to Chimoio, Gondola and all routes. The rooms and suites are all en-suite with modern comforts and beauti-ful countryside or pool views. The hotel offers a range of activities with a pool, children’s play-ground, mini-golf, walks and guided horse riding. Evenings can be spent with business partners, family and friends in the restaurant and bar. The modern conference centre is ideal for corporate conferences and events, weddings and honeymoons, galas and private events.

ndzou cAmPMoribane Forest Reserve, Sussundenga District Cell: +258 82 025 8483; 82 147 9284 e-mail: [email protected] www.mozecotours.com4 rondavels, 1 house, 2 fixed tents 80 km from Chimoio Airport/280 km from Beira International AirportNdzou Camp, in the heart of the beautiful Moribane Forest Reserve, part of the Chimanimani National Reserve, is a true eco-camp with solar energy, local building materials and an emphasis on learning about the forest and community. A mix of eight prepared and served campsites, two fixed tents, four rondavels and a family lodge serves a diverse market. The small restaurant and bar offer a menu making the most of seasonal local produce. There is no specific con-ference room, but the camp is an ideal place for team building, plan-ning and other small group workshops. One of the main attractions is the opportunity to track elephants in the forest as well as visits to viewing sites, walks, nature trails and bird watching.

Hotel nHungueRua Agostinho Neto, Tete City Tel: +258 252 240 69/71 Cell: +258 84 749 3547 e-mail: [email protected] www.teteadventures.com31 rooms 6 km from Tete International AirportHotel Nhungue in Tete – a home away from home – is well situated in a safe and quiet courtyard. All rooms have en-suite bathrooms, air conditioning, WiFi internet access, non- smoking rooms, room service and full DSTV package. The hotel has a friendly multilingual staff and a professional atmos-phere. Full breakfast, salads, fresh fruit juices and a variety of home cooking is served in the restaurant with a fully licenced bar. Other amenities are 24-hour reception, conference and meeting fa-cilities, currency exchange, laundry, valet, dry cleaning, newspapers, parking, residents’ lounge and secretarial services.

motel gArusoGaruso, ENS Tel: +258 251 10 039 • Fax: +258 251 10 039 Cell: +258 82 434 3328 e-mail: [email protected] rooms 46 km from Chimoio Airport/244 km from Beira AirportIf guests prefer bird-calls at dawn to early-morning traffic, mountain silhouettes at sunset to city outlines here’s the destination they have imagined for their next holiday, week end getaway, conference or private event. Situated in a picturesque landscape near the Chicamba dam lake and between Chimoio and the famous Penha Longo mountains guests will find the Motel Garuso with its stylish furnished en-suite garden rooms surrounded by a lovely private garden with swimming pool and views of the Garuso mountains and forest. Superb hospitality, sumptuous country lunches or dinners and breakfasts are served in beautiful, natural surroundings.

Hotel inter-cHimoioAv. 25 de Setembro, 18b Tel: +258 251 24 200 • Fax: +258 251 24 202 e-mail: [email protected] rooms, 10 suites 12 km from Chimoio Airport/198 km from Beira AirportHotel Inter-Chimoio has 42 guest rooms designed with comfort in mind and furnished with the essentials to make them a home away from home. The rooms consist of 32 standard rooms, eight junior suites and two VIP suites. Each includes coffee & tea making facilities, cable TV, WiFi (complimentary), international direct-dial telephone, in-room electronic safe, bathrobes and slippers. Room service is available daily during restaurant hours. The Vila Pery Restaurant presents a quality selection of International cuisine. Be it a seminar, banquet, workshop, product launch, gala dinner, birthday, wedding, family reunion, dinner or simply a busi-ness meeting in Chimoio, unparalleled meeting and event facilities are offered.

mAsolosolo lodgeTete City Tel: +258 252 240 69/71 Cell: +258 84 749 3547 e-mail: [email protected] www.teteadventures.com9 chalets 5 km from Tete International AirportMasolosolo Lodge lies directly on the banks of the Zambeze river and offers the best views over the river and city. All non-smoking rooms have en-suite bathrooms with solar heated showers, air con-ditioning, fan, double beds with mosquito nets, Wifi internet access, room service and full DSTV package. The hotel has a friendly multilingual staff and a professional at-mosphere. Full breakfast, salads, fresh fruit juices, a variety of home cooking are served in the restaurant. Other amenities are 24-hour reception, currency exchange, laundry, secure parking and a lovely garden area.

PArK inn By rAdisson Bairro Chingodzi, Tete City Tel: +258 21 328 463 • Fax: +258 21 328 499 e-mail: [email protected] rooms 4 km from Tete International AirportGuests at the new Park Inn Tete hotel enjoy easy access to the devel-oping commercial hub of Moatize, as well as the Tete International Airport. The hotel is perfect for commuters and business guests as it eliminates the need to cross the Samora Machel Bridge. Unwind in a modern, well-equipped guest room with high-speed Internet access. RBG Bar & Grill and on-site meeting facilities, which boast a pre-meeting facility and business centre that creates an ideal environ-ment for work or leisure. Relax by the outdoor pool, enjoy a cocktail at the pool bar or stay in shape in the hotel’s fitness centre.

residenciAl dABHAd Rua do Barue 32, Chimoio Tel: +258 251 23 264 • Fax: +258 251 23 264 e-mail: [email protected] rooms 12 km from Chimoio Airport/198 km from Beira AirportSpend some time in the quiet garden after a busy day while discuss-ing experiences of the day. This bed & breakfast Pension is situated in a tranquil area of Chimoio. Residencial Dabhad’s bedrooms have all comforts with modern conveniences. All rooms are en-suite and have air conditioning and TV. There are 12 single rooms and five double rooms available. Friendly staff will serve a breakfast to set guests up for the day. Cars can be parked in the private parking area.


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villA HABsBurgBairro Matundo, Tete City Tel: +258 252 20323 • Cell: +258 84 724 6435 e-mail: [email protected] www.villahabsburg.com4 rooms 6 km from Tete AirportVilla Habsburg is an exquisitely designed bed and breakfast in a charming manor house, nestled on the banks of the Zambezi River. The villa offers four well equipped rooms each with individual decor and ambiance. The Basil room and the Gardenia room offer spectacular views of the Zambezi River, while the Lavender room and Jasmine room offer private access and garden views. All rooms are equipped with luxury linen, mosquito nets, wireless internet, desks and en-suite bathroom facilities.This well-appointed riverside manor is a favourite for business or leisure travellers looking for modern amenities available in a warm and friendly environment.

Hotel zAmBeze tete Business Av. Eduardo Mondlane, 15 Tete City Tel: +258 252 23101 • Fax: +258 252 23100 e-mail: [email protected] rooms, 18 suites 6 km from Tete AirportHotel Zambeze Tete Business is one of the properties of Africa Hotels and Resorts. The hotel consists of 84 rooms, three are presi-dential suites, three executive suites, 12 junior suites, 58 standard rooms and eight economic rooms, some with marvellous views of the river Zambeze, others with views over the beautiful city. The facilities offered in the rooms and suites are room service, air conditioning, 24 hour WiFi, telephone, private bathroom, satellite television, minibar, a comfortable private verandah and in-house laundry. Hotel Zambeze Tete Business has a roof restaurant and bar as well a conference hall with the capacity of 100 people.

Hotel flAmingoAv. 1° de Julho, Quelimane Tel: +258 242 15 602 • Fax: +258 242 55 023 e-mail: [email protected] www.hotelflamingoquelimane.com14 rooms, 5 suites 10 km from Quelimane AirportThe Hotel Flamingo is situated in the centre of the city of Quelimane and is the ideal place for business or family vacation. Stay in a warm and friendly atmosphere of privacy, tranquillity and with all the comfort guests need surrounded by a pool and garden in the heart of the city. Business travellers will find that this location is privileged, as it close to all major public structures such as the Provincial Government and the City Council among others. The rooms are spacious and full of light, tastefully decorated and with en-suite facilities. Relax on the balcony overlooking the pool and garden. An English breakfast will be served every morning.

Hotel milÉnioAv. Zedequias Manganhela, 84 Quelimane Tel/Fax: +258 242 13 314 • Cell: +258 82 305 6331 [email protected] rooms 10 km from Quelimane AirportThe Hotel Milénio with its relaxing atmosphere in a quiet but central area with a lush garden, offering privacy and luxury whether guests are on a business or private trips. All rooms have en-suite facilities with TV, air conditioning, balcony and some are equipped with kitchenette. The facilities include a restaurant, a fully equipped conference room for up to 65 persons, a beauty salon, a laundry and a convenience shop. Enjoy warm hospitality and superb cuisine in the restaurant, open for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Relax and refresh batteries on the balcony overlooking the garden.

ugezi tiger lodge Songo-Kaliote, Cahora Bassa Dam Tel: +27 27 825 396 411; 836 276 058 e-mail: [email protected] chalets, 2 houses 10 km from Songo Airfield/140 km from Tete AirportUgezi Tiger Lodge is situated against the picturesque slopes of the mountains and gorge area of the Lake Cahora Bassa. The Lake provides unlimited fishing for various species especially tiger fish, bream, vundu, chessa and Cornish jack. Ugezi offers accommodation in air conditioned stone-and-thatch chalets with en-suite bathrooms, two self-catering units, campsite with ablutions facilities, a terrace area with restaurant and well stocked bar with satellite television and a small swimming pool. There are conference facilities available. Ugezi especially caters for fishermen and offers boats with experienced skippers.

Hotel cHuABoAv. Samos Machel, 498 Quelimane Tel: +258 242 13 181 • Fax: +258 242 13 812 e-mail: [email protected] rooms, 6 suites 10 km from Quelimane AirportIdeal for business meetings, conferences, private events or special functions the Hotel Chuabo is located in the heart of Quelimane, close to shops, the cathedral and the port. The 64 rooms and six suites, all with TV, air conditioning and telephone, have amazing views to the bay and the old cathedral. Surround by with old world charm with vintage decor. The conference rooms are well equipped. A full continental breakfast will be served at the top floor restaurant which has a beautiful view to the river and old cathedral. The restaurant with an à la carte menu has become a popular venue for business meetings and social gatherings.

ilHA do fogo islAnd resort Fogo Island Tel: +27 21 863 4488 • Cell: +27 84 843 7380 e-mail: [email protected] chalets, 5 luxury tents 90 minute flight from Beira AirportIlha do Fogo – Island of Fire – is a rare find, a pristine tropical island, uninhabited and malaria free with a wrap-around beach surrounded by an unspoiled coral reef that abounds with every species of tropical fish imaginable. The area is also a renowned breeding ground for leatherback turtles. The island provides deep sea game fishing, kitesurfing, windsurfing, superb fishing, snorkelling and diving. Chalets and luxury tents are equipped with all comforts, each individually decorated and with en-suite bathrooms. The lounge and restaurant/bar area is an unvit-ing and relaxing environment after a fantastic day.

KAPulAnA motelAlto Molocue Tel: +258 21 307 320; 21 307 321 e-mail: [email protected] rooms 344 km from Quelimane Airport/210 km from Nampula AirportThe new motel Kapulana is located in the northern Zambezia prov-ince. Guests are accommodated comfortably in modern furnished rooms with restful colours, air-conditioning and en-suite bathroom. Enjoy an excellent breakfast and a variety of local and international cuisine in the restaurant. Simply relax and watch the beautiful sunset in the garden area while having sundowners or step into the lounge to watch TV or curl up with a book for ultimate peace of mind. Cars can be parked and will be protected by 24-hour security. The guesthouse promises a home from home atmosphere with warm and friendly service.


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zAlAlA BeAcH lodge Supinho, Zambezia c/o Avenida da Liberdade No 288 CP 228, Quelimane, Zambezia Tel: +258 24 217 055 • Cell: +258 84 390 1630; 84 390 1615 e-mail: [email protected] www.zalalabeach.com10 bungalows 35 km from Quelimane airportZalala Beach Lodge, with its elegantly furnished bungalows, is located just a few metres from a beautiful unspoilt beach.The sea-facing restaurant serves fresh fish and other delicious local specialities.Guests can relax by the pool or enjoy various beach activities. These include kayaking and boat rides to beaches and a beautiful island a short distance away. Day trips can also be arranged to other places of interest, such as the famous Gurue tea plantations; and also the hot springs, where guests can bathe in the river and see a wide array of flora and fauna.

corAl lodge 15.41 & sPA Varanda, Cabaceira Pequena Mossuril Tel: +258 262 40239 • Cell: +258 829 023612 e-mail: [email protected] www.coraIlodge1541.com10 villas 180 km from Nampula AirportCoral Lodge 15.41 combines one of Mozambique’s most stunning beach locations with the country’s rich culture and trade history. This exceptional contemporary beach-front retreat is located on a peninsula almost touching the north tip of the UNESCO World Heritage city Ilha de Moçambique. Enjoy a luxurious stay at a stylish villa, designed by the Dutch designer Edward van Vliet who has tastefully combined the latest luxury and comfort with the authentic feel of Mozambican style and pureness. End the day wth a signature treatment in the African spa. Be castaway, with inspirational food and excellent service.

residentiAl villA nArgAdAsPraça do Bonga 79, Quelimane Tel: +258 242 12 046 • Fax: +258 241 17 084 e-mail: [email protected] suites 10 km from Quelimane Airport“Harmony, comfort, and harmony” remains its theme after opening doors 10 years ago. The Residential Villa Nagardas offers luxury bed and breakfast accommodation. The villa is an oasis of peace and tranquility situated in a quiet and pristine area of the provincial capital of Quelimane. The spacious and comfortable chalets and the honeymoon suites, open directly onto the garden and are loved by all. All the bedrooms, each with its own unique decor, offer en-suite bathrooms, TV with seven local and international channels, safe, bar fridge, air conditioning, tea/coffee, top of the range beds and laun-dry service. The property is famous for weddings and honeymoons as well for its restaurant.

APArtHotel BAmBoo Estrada de Rapale, 1465 Nampula – Natiquin Tel: +258 262 16 595 • Fax: +258 262 17 803 e-mail: [email protected] rooms 10 km from Nampula AirportBamboo Hotel is the ideal place for a total relaxing experience, of-fering guests the typical Mozambique vibe in a African atmosphere. The hotel is located five km from Nampula centre on the main road to Niassa Province and Malawi. The Bamboo offers 72 rooms (suites, doubles and singles), a modern conference centre, a reception area, esplanade, restaurant and bar, swimming pool, gardens, and tennis court. All rooms are equipped with air conditioning, satellite TV, private bathroom and refrigerator. The swimming pool and the relaxing gardens are the ideal relief on a hot day at this hotel in Nampula.

executivo HotelRua de Tete, 370 Nampula City Tel: +258 262 19 001 • Fax: +258 262 19 004 e-mail: [email protected] rooms, 3 suites 5 km from Nampula AirportThe Hotel Executivo in Nampula offers 51 well-equipped and well-furnished guest rooms. The various in-room facilities include flat screen plasma TV with satellite channels, telephone, mini bar, air-conditioning and a digital safe deposit box. The 39 standard rooms, nine executive rooms and three suites face the swimming pool. Guests can work out at the health club, dine in the two restaurants, visit the café or relax at the bar. The business centre and conference room are equipped with most of the facilities and technologies. Conferences of up to 150 delegates can be organized.

Hotel girAssol nAmPulAAv. Eduardo Mondlane, 326, Nampula Tel: +258 262 16 000 • Fax: +258 262 17 638 e-mail: [email protected] rooms, 8 suites 3 km from Nampula AirportThe Girassol Nampula is part of a complex consisting of a business centre and a shopping centre in downtown Nampula, 3 km from the airport. The hotel possesses an inviting restaurant with terrace dedicated to the best of Mozambican and international cuisine, considered one of the town’s best. It’s the ideal spot for a pleasant evening, a cocktail or a sophisticated meal. All rooms are equipped with air conditioning, minibar, safe, satel-lite TV, private bathroom, direct telephone and internet access. A meeting room with a capacity up to 110 people is perfect for conferences, meetings, banquets and weddings. The bar, with a magnificent terrace offers various possibilities of use and service.

PeBAne fisHing cHArters Pebane Beach Cell: +258 82 950 2505; 84 766 0037 e-mail: [email protected] www.pebane.com7 chalets 300 km from Quelimane AirportPebane Fishing Charters is an African fishing lodge, situated 200 km north of the mighty Zambezi River, on the East Coast of Mozam-bique, right at an estuary of the Indian Ocean, just 100 metres from the unspoiled beach. The lodge consists of an “open air” central dining room, lounge and bar overlooking the sea. Spread along the beachfront area are seven free standing, thatched, wooden en-suite chalets that are connected to the main building by wooded lit walkways. The chalets are furnished with air conditioning and comfortable twin accommodation, with en-suite bathrooms including a flush toilet and shower. An eight-seater Islander is available for flying from Quelimane airport to Pebane airstrip.


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liBÉlulA dive-lodge Nacala Bay, Nacala-Porto Cell: +258 82 306 6473; 82 304 2909 e-mail: [email protected] www.divelibelula.com5 chalets 200 km from Nampula AirportAt Libélula, a bohemian paradise, guests will find a warm welcome, personal atmosphere, comfortable beds in clean rustic rooms and fantastic fresh food. Dive in the marine reserve with an enormous variety of marine life including frog fish, leaf fish, nudibranchs and even sea-horses and listen to the sound of the humpback whales -in season- breaching right off the beach. Above the waters guests will find an array of rare and beautiful insects, countless dragonflies as well as the many nocturnal stick in-sects and colourful butterflies. The property invites guests to enjoy the peace, tranquillity, endless starry skies and clear waters.

Hotel lúrioRua da Independencia, 544 Nampula Tel: +258 26 212 898 • Fax: +258 26 212 898 e-mail: [email protected] rooms, 2 suites 7 km from Nampula AirportWhether in Nampula for business, pleasure or both Lúrio offers a beautiful oasis of comfort and tranquility. A central location offers convenient access to shopping, restaurants and sightseeing.An ideal venue for conferences, galas, banquets or any private or business event. All 64 rooms, with private balcony, are equipped with satellite TV, telephone, mini bar, air conditioning, digital safe deposit box, hairdryer and free WiFi access. The suites are like small apartments, with lounge, bedroom and a small kitchen. On-site facilities include a fully equipped conference room, a restaurant, lounge, reception area and an internet café.

nuArro eco-lodge Nanatha Beach Baia de Memba Cell: +258 82 304 4049 e-mail: [email protected] www.nuarro.com12 beachfront chalets 280 km from Nampula AirportNuarro consists of a luxury beach lodge with centralized marine activity facilities facing the pristine Memba Bay. 12 luxury beach-front chalets are made of pure, natural materials, all with indoor and outdoor showers, lounge area, a large wooden verandah and a sun-deck close to the ocean water. There is a panoramic high-class restaurant and cocktail bar with views to “Nanatha Island Rock” and the bay beyond. Fresh seafood and salads will form a creative menu that incorporates traditional and international cuisine. Nuarro offers tropical private beaches, world class diving and unspoiled bush where amazing hidden secrets can be found. The perfect ingredients for an authentic holiday experience.

o escondidinHoPraça dos Amoreiras, Mozambique Island Tel: +258 266 10 078 • Fax: +258 266 10 057 e-mail: [email protected] www.escondidinho.net10 rooms 170 km from Nampula International AirportO Escondidinho, Stone Town, a tastefully renovated double-storey building from the beginning of the 19th century with ten rooms, swimming pool and restaurant. The pension offers airy and com-fortable rooms, decorated in a personal style with wooden furniture and light fabrics. All bedrooms have mosquito nets and fans and seven rooms are with air-conditioning. A safe is available at the reception. Refresh in our pool in its private courtyard or relax on our outdoor terraces and enjoy O Escondidinho’s excellent seafood cuisine.

Hotel mAiAiA Nacala-Porto, 2831 Tel: +258 265 26 842/3 • Fax: +258 265 26 356 [email protected] rooms, 4 suites 180 km from Nampula AirportVisiting Nacala for business or maybe waiting for a ship and need a place to shore up? Hotel Maiaia – a safe port in Nacala – welcomes guests at any time, day and night. If travelling for leisure or just passing by, from Hotel Maiaia guests can start their visit to some of the most beautiful and unspoiled beaches of the country like Naherenque, Fernão Veloso and Chocas among many others. In this three-star hotel the weather will not influence the comfort of guests. All rooms are air-conditioned and fully equipped to make guests feel right at home. What is the point of having the most important and safe deep sea port of the region for ships, if there is no shelter for those who move them – the people.

Hotel milÉnioAv. 25 de Setembro, 842 Nampula Tel: +258 26 218 877 • Fax: +258 26 218 990 [email protected] rooms, 1 suites 4 km from Nampula AirportHotel Milénio is centrally located, ideal to enjoy Nampula and explore all the attractions Nampula and surroundings have to offer. Accommodation consists of 114 stylish rooms, five executive rooms and one presidential suite accessorized in warm tones. All rooms and suites are en-suite with TV, air conditioning, safe and telephone. A well equipped conference facility caters for up to 50 delegates, ideal for business or private events. Enjoy lunch and dinner in the restaurant where a delicious breakfast will be served every morning. Relax and refresh in the newly built swimming pool or build fitness in the new gym.

Hotel omuHiPitiRua dos Continuadores, Mozambique Island Tel: +258 266 10 101/3 • Fax: +258 266 10 105 E-mail: [email protected] rooms, 4 suites 170 km from Nampula AirportThe Omuhipiti Hotel is just a few steps from natural beauty, discover the masterpiece of different civilizations. Open to all, the island and its people gained visible marks of different costumes and traditions and this diversity led into being recognised as a World Cultural Heritage site. All rooms are fully equipped and the four-star rating makes guests feel at home. Taste typical delicious cuisine from a shrimp curry to sensational lobster or other international platters in the restaurant, watch the most beautiful sunsets and end each day at the bar. Book organized eco-excursions and swim with dolphins in clear blue waters or watch the spawn of giant sea turtles.

guestHouse Pátio dos quintAlinHos Rua do Celeiro 17, Mozambique Island Tel: +258 266 10 090 • Cell: +258 82 419 7610 e-mail: [email protected] www.mozambiqueguesthouse.com5 rooms, 1 suite 170 km from Nampula AirportGabriele Melazzi, an Italian architect who lives and works in Mozambique, has spent three years restoring a beautiful ancient Portuguese house which is now a lovely place to take a rest and enjoy the island’s life. The old water tank is now a salt water swimming pool surrounded by a relaxing garden. The guesthouse offers tastefully decorated en-suite rooms, sleeps two or four, double and single rooms and a suite with bathroom, patio and private terrace. The rooms are arranged around an internal courtyard and garden. Pátio dos Quintalinhos offers bicycles, a jeep, a boat, diving and fishing equipment rentals.

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AzurA At quilAleA PrivAte islAndQuilalea Island – Quirimbas National Park Tel: +27 767 050 599 • Fax: +27 11 476 1347 e-mail: [email protected] www.azura-retreats.com9 villas 100 km from Pemba AirportAzura at Quilalea is a private, wholly uninhabited island paradise surrounded by the pristine waters of a marine sanctuary. Azura at Quilalea is a hidden gem, somewhere to retreat from the hustle and bustle of daily life, with a relaxed and understated ‘Robinson Crusoe’ castaway style that belies the comforts and experiences on offer. Attention to detail is paramount in the design, the finishes, and the overall wow factor of the island experience. The nine villas all offer king-size beds, indoor and outdoor showers, air-conditioning and Mozambican butler service. The range of activities includes snorkel-ling and diving which can be can be enjoyed directly off the beach.

cHuiBA BAy lodgePemba – Chuiba Beach Cell: +258 82 305 0836; 82 305 0838 e-mail: [email protected] www.chuibabaylodge.com6 bungalows 7 km from Pemba International AirportNestled on the dunes, with its amazing coral reef coastline, a dazzling sandy beach spreading for kilometres and its transpar-ent warm waters -a natural jaccuzzi and Tolosa Spa – Chuiba Bay Lodge is the romantic getaway retreat with beach-side comfort. Its ecological construction – earth brick walls and makuti roofs, blend-ing with nature – this is the destination for those wanting to unwind from busy daily life. All six one-bedroomed bungalows feature luxury suites with gor-geous bathrooms and alfresco patios. Spacious lounges, large ter-races, two swimming pools and a gym, complete this idyllic setting.

ii PirAtA lodgeMurrebue Beach, Pemba Bay Cell: +258 82 380 5790 e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] www.murrebue.com3 bungalows 10 km from Pemba AirportOn beautiful Murrebue Beach guests will find a little “Island Style” resort on the mainland. Just 20 minutes of 4x4 driving south from the hustle and bustle of Pemba. II Pirata’s three en-suite, self-contained beach bungalows and fabu-lous restaurant hide away on the endless and unspoilt velvet-white sands of Murrebue. The chill-out bar welcomes with good music while sipping drinks. Murrebue Beach is the best kitesurfing spot in Mozambique. Visit this haven of peace and tranquillity, take off the shoes, feel the warm white sand under the feet, and embark on a truly East African experience.

villA sAndsMozambique Island Cell: +258 82 744 7178 e-mail: [email protected] www.villasands.com11 rooms, roof top suite 170 km from Nampula AirportWelcome to the newly remodelled and rebuilt Villa Sands, a bou-tique hotel formed from three 16th century warehouses. Villa Sands opened in 2011 with eight chic double rooms available on the ground floor, each beautifully decorated, and all with comfortable king size beds, air conditioning, ceiling fan, en suite bathrooms and a television. Located one flight up is the exclusive rooftop suite with a further three double rooms, its own private pool and terraces. Hotel facilities include a seafront terrace with swimming pool, sun beds and bar service, restaurant and bar, seating areas for enjoying a drink or a good book and conference facilities for up to 24 guests.

cHuiBA PAlms, BeAcH lodge Pemba – Chuiba Beach Tel: +258 272 291 23 • Cell: +258 82 709 5400 e-mail: [email protected] www.chuibapalms.webs.com4 villas 10 km from Pemba AirportChuiba Palms, a brand new self-catering and bed and breakfast development on a beautiful calm beach offering safe swimming and many small pools to explore at low tide. Four beautiful and fully equipped beach villas are the only accommodation for over five km of truly unspoilt beachfront. Chuiba Palms is a great choice for families, small groups and those wishing to enjoy the best of Mozambique’s coastline while remain-ing within easy reach of the facilities of Pemba. Dolphin safaris, scuba diving, sport fishing, city tours, day trips and more can be organised through other local operators.

guludo lodgeMucojo – Quirimbas National Park Tel: +258 269 60 536 • Cell: +258 82 723 4470 e-mail: [email protected] www.guludo.com9 rooms 240 km from Pemba AirportGuludo is a small, intimate and exclusive lodge in the Quirimbas National Park, perfectly positioned to show off all Mozambique’s greatest treasures. The accommodation provides everything guests need and nothing they don’t. With high roofs, gentle sea breezes, beach views, alfresco en-suite bathrooms with a stunning “loo with a view”; barefoot luxury never felt more indulgent. The essence of Guludo is relaxation and discovery. Time is spent diving over magnificent coral reefs, watch-ing humpback whales, visiting islands and mingling in the local village. Guludo has also won a plethora of international awards for its design and integrity.

KAuri resortAv. Marginal, Pemba Tel: +258 272 20 936 • Fax: +258 272 20939 Cell: +258 82 151 4222 e-mail: [email protected] www.kauriresort.com41 rooms 6 km from Pemba AirportKauri Resort, just 15 minutes’ drive from the airport and Pemba city centre, offers 14 quality rooms with verandas, four fully equipped apartments and facilities situated in a prestigious beach front loca-tion within the Pemba Bay. The Kauri Resort Restaurant offers a perfect gastronomic experi-ence to remember. What’s more, the service at the restaurant is well known in Pemba as attentive, friendly and professional. The Resort’s small guests have fun in the kids’ playground and swim-ming pool. Kauri Resort has conference facilities and arranges events.

guestHouse terrAco dAs quitAndAs Mozambique Island Tel: +258 266 10 115 • Cell: +258 84 613 1243 e-mail: terraco.das www.terracodasquitandas.com6 suites 170 km from Nampula AirportTerraco das Quitandas is a quaint guesthouse overlooking the beach, with a small garden to the front. The rich architecture and interior decorations are an eclectic mix of Asian and European influ-ences. There are six spacious air conditioned suites each with private bathroom. There are also tranquil settings where guests can relax – such as the reading room, balconies and an inner private courtyard. The terrace has an excellent vantage point from where guests can watch dhows sail past into the sunset. Or book a relaxing massage either in the privacy of a suite or on the top terrace to enjoy the secular makua wisdom of harmonising the body with the mind.


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iBo islAnd lodgelbo Island – Quirimbas National Park Tel: +27 21 702 0285 • Fax: +27 21 702 0692 e-mail: [email protected] www.iboisland.com9 rooms 180 km from Pemba Airportlbo Island Lodge is the perfect place to explore the Quirimbas Archipelago National Park in northern Mozambique accessed via a short 30 minute light aircraft transfer from Pemba airport. lbo Island’s magic is overwhelming. Steeped in history, rich in culture and nominated as a potential World Heritage Site, the island dates back to the early 1600s making it one of the most ancient settlements in Mozambique. lbo is a unique island. Idyllic beaches, ancient history & culture, wa-ter sports, birding, mangrove forests, sumptuous seafood, romance, luxury and tranquility

mAtemo islAndMatemo Island – Quirimbas National Park Tel: +258 21 301 618 • Fax: +258 21 301 625 e-mail: [email protected] www.matemoresort.com24 beach chalets 120 km from Pemba AirportSurrounded by dazzling azure blue sea, Matemo offers a heady combination of exclusive sophistication and laid-back Mozambique island style living. There are 24 beautifully appointed and air-conditioned beach chalets are just a few steps across the unspoilt beach to the sea. Private alfresco showers, en-suite bathrooms and deck hammocks offer uninterrupted views of passing local dhows and sunsets. Relax and unwind in sophisticated simplicity. Sense it with an in-room or alfresco rejuvenation and wellness treatments. Dive, snorkel, sail and fish – play from dawn ‘til dusk. Or relax on the Zanzibar daybeds before dining on fresh seafood and toasting the end of another perfect day.

medJumBe PrivAte islAndMedjumbe Island – Quirimbas National Park Tel: +258 21 301 618 • Fax: +258 21 301 625 e-mail: [email protected] www.medjumberesort.com13 beach chalets 140 km from Pemba AirportMedjumbe Private Island has earned the enviable reputation as Mozambique’s best kept secret. This tiny pristine island in the Quir-imbas Archipelago with its breathtaking coral reefs and unparalled hospitality, is world-renowned for barefoot luxury and privacy. With stylish guest areas and just 13 beautifully appointed beach chalets luxuriantly furnished in crisp blues and whites each with private plunge pool, air-conditioning, en-suite bathrooms and alfresco showers – all only a few steps from the warm Indian Ocean. Delicious seafood, gracious hospitality, bewitching ocean views, exceptional diving and romantic moments are all on the menu at our unique and exclusive private island.

PemBA dive & BusH cAmP Wimbi Beach & Nacole Drive, Pemba Cell: +258 82 669 7050; 82 661 1530 e-mail: [email protected] www.pembadivecamp.com7 chalets 3 km from Pemba AirportWelcome to an eco-friendly island style resort. Pemba Dive & Bush Camp is nestled inside a valley of baobabs and sandwiched be-tween isolated white sandy beaches and the unspoilt rustic beauty of the savanna. Discover coral reefs close to the beach front chalets (B&B), sea view, backpackers and camping. PADI & DAN Dive Center offers adven-ture whale and dolphin encounters and scuba diving on the edge of the Quirimbas Islands. Facilities include restaurant or self-catering, beach barbecue, free internet, backpacker shop with groceries, medicines and curios, beach lounges, games and activity room and a beach bar.

londo lodgeLondo – Metuge – Quirimba Archipelago Tel: +258 272 29 034• Cell: +258 82 699 5070 e-mail: [email protected] www.londolodge.com6 villas 90km from Pemba Airport Open from March to February 15 minute boat ride from PembaLondo Lodge is a unique beach and bush boutique hotel, located on a peninsula on the southern border of the Quirimbas National Park overlooking the azure waters of the Indian Ocean. This authentic luxury hideaway retreat offers privacy, barefoot luxury, excellent award-winning food and multiple activities such as a breathtaking outdoor spa, PADI dive centre, deep sea fishing and small game walks. The resort offers five spacious standard ocean view villas and two luxury ocean view villas which have a private plunge pool and an extra lounge room.

PemBA APArtHotel PemBAWimbi Beach Tel: +258 21 301 618 • Fax: +258 21 301 625 e-mail: [email protected] rooms 6 km from Pemba AirportPemba Aparthotel located on Pemba’s most famous beach address Wimbi Beach and just five minutes from the heart of Pemba town. The modern hotel rooms all have sweeping panoramic views of the bay. Our attentive and friendly staff will supply guests with the tastiest breakfast and serve 24 hours in-room. The facilities include a restaurant, a garden with swimming pool and terrace, satellite TV, Internet access, shops and direct beach access. Relax on deck watching the sunset or enjoy a swim in the sparkling pool. Sky diving, windsurfing, canning and volley ball on the beach can be arranged.

PemBA BeAcH Hotel & sPAAv. Marginal, Pemba Tel: +258 21 301 618 • Fax: +258 21 301 625 e-mail: [email protected] www.pembabeachresort.com87 rooms, 3 suites 6 km from Pemba AirportLocated on the rugged coastline of Pemba Bay, gateway to the Quirimba Archipelago and one of the world’s largest deep water bays, is Pemba Beach and Spa. A fusion of East African and Arabic influences, the resort offers warm local hospitality, delicious seafood, a world of activities and all-encompassing wellness. Endless ocean views and striking architecture make the hotel unique. Guests have a choice of classic rooms, luxury courtyard rooms, a variety of suites or self-catering villas. All rooms are air conditioned with en-suite bathrooms, satellite TV, personal bar and alfresco patios. Fitness enthusiasts are invited to take advantage of the fully equipped gym and floodlit tennis courts.

situ islAnd resortSitu Island – South Quirimba Archipelago Tel: +27 437 044 900 • Fax: +27 437 044 907 e-mail: [email protected] www.situisland.com7 chalets 35 km from Pemba AirportIf visitors are looking for a truly special holiday destination far away from the crowds, they will love this resort on the north-western tip of Situ Island. Situated in the most southern section of the spectacular Quirimbas National Park, Situ Island forms part of the Quirimbas Archipelago – 28 islands of which 11 are coral islands between the towns of Pemba in the south and Palma in the north. All chalets come with mosquito nets and have their own en-suite shower, basin and toilet. The Clubhouse has all the amenities required on a tropical island. Situ Island Resort – a fishing and diving paradise.


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Pieter’s PlAceAv. Marginal, 130 Wimbe Beach, Pemba Tel: +258 272 20 102 • Cell: +258 82 682 2700 e-mail: [email protected] www.cidivers.com4 rooms 4 km from Pemba AirportAll rooms and the garden restaurant are under a 1,000 year old baobab tree in a tropical garden setting. Enjoy a drink or meal in the tree house. The property is just two minutes’ walk from the beach. All rooms have bathroom with hot shower, fridge and kettle with coffee and tea. There is a large lounge with DSTV, wireless internet and a library. The property offers scuba diving, all PADI courses up to divemaster, snorkelling, fishing trips, dolphin watching and humpback whale watching in season and kayaking.

vAmizi islAnd lodgeVamizi Island, North Quirimba Archipelago Tel: +44 1285 762218 • Fax: +44 1285 762210 e-mail: [email protected] www.vamizi.com13 villas, 2 private houses 190 km from Pemba AirportOn the northern reach of Mozambique, in the Quirimbas archi-pelago, lies Vamizi Island, a unique luxury hideaway with thirteen romantic timber villas strung along a beautiful white sand beach. Part of one of the biggest ecotourism projects of its kind, Vamizi Island is home to abundant marine life and thick untouched coral reefs, ensuring world-class fishing and scuba diving. Snorkelling, guided walks to see the rare fauna and flora. Therapy treatments are also available to ensure a perfect retreat.

Hotel girAssol licHingAAv. Filipe Samuel Magaia, Lichinga Tel: +258 271 21 280 • Fax: +258 271 21 247 e-mail: [email protected] rooms, 4 suites 3 km from Lichinga AirportIn the centre of Lichinga, capital of the Niassa Province, just 3 km from the airport, this hotel features all the comfort and amenities for business or holiday trips, with great access to the Natural Reserves of Niassa and Lake Niassa, and Malawi. All rooms are equipped with air conditioning, cable TV, private bath-room and direct telephone. In a cosy and pleasant environment, guests can enjoy the best of Mozambican and international cuisine at the Girassol Lichinga Hotel Restaurant. There is also a bar with giant screen, a swimming pool, a tennis court and a meeting room with a capacity up to 150 people for business, events, banquets and weddings.

nKwicHi lodgeLake Niassa, Cóbuè e-mail: [email protected] www.mandawilderness.org6 chalets, 2 private houses 170 km from Lichinga AirportNkwichi Lodge forms the cornerstone of the Manda Wilderness area – combining eco-tourism, conservation and sustainable community development on the remote and pristine shore of Lake Niassa Reserve.Accommodation is offered in six luxurious open plan chalets with bathrooms under the trees, looking out on to the lake shore and with rock pools filled with crystal clear water, team with fluorescent coloured fish darting along smooth ancient boulders. Fine food, attentive service and activities ranging from snorkelling, canoeing, walking and camp-outs to total relaxation combine with a friendly approach from local staff trained to the highest level.

lugendA wilderness cAmPNiassa Reserve Tel: +258 21 301 618 • Fax: +258 21 301 625 e-mail: [email protected] www.lugenda.com8 luxury tents 580 km from Pemba Airport Open from June to NovemberIntimate and understated yet offering every luxury guests could wish for, Lugenda is the definitive wilderness camp experience. The luxury tents are discreetly situated on the banks of the Lugenda River beneath towering fig trees, each with its own patio deck and stunning wide-angle views. The tents offer every modern comfort – from king-size beds to en-suite bathrooms with bath and shower, double basins, ceiling fans, personal safes and hairdryers. Our skilled chefs invite guests to enjoy delicious high teas on the cool verandas and specially prepared fireside boma dinners. Qualified guides will reveal the wonders of an undiscovered region, to discerning safari and birder’s enthusiasts.

Hotel vision 2000Av. 3 de Fevereiro, 198, Cuamba Tel: +258 271 62 632 • Fax: +258 271 62 713 e-mail: [email protected] rooms 358 km from Nampula AirportThe town of Cuamba is the convergence point of roads to several locations in the north of Mozambique, whether guests want to go to Lake Niassa, Niassa Reserve, Lichinga or Malawi. Vision 2000 offers air-conditioned rooms with satellite TV, WiFi, en-suite bathroom and fridge. The restaurant is known to be one of the best in town offering buffet and continental food à la carte. On weekends the restaurant offers live music and hosts other cultural events. Conference room for up to 60 delegates available. For guests Vision 2000 can arrange swimming at the dam on the mountain and visits to Cuamba’s Garnet Mine.


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HOTEL/TOURISM ASSOCIATIONSFEMOTUR – Federação Mocçambi-cana de Turisom e HotelariaRua da Sé 114, 6˚ andar, porta 608, Maputo Tel +258 2131 4970 Fax: +258 2131 4969 E-mail: [email protected]

AHSM – Associação dos Hoteis do Sul de MoçambiqueRua da Sé 114, 6˚ andar, pora 608, Maputo Tel: +258 2131 4970 Fax: +258 2131 4969 E-mail: [email protected]

AVITUM – Associação das Agencias de Viagens de MoçambiqueE-mail: [email protected]

AMAR – Associação dos Mergul-hadores Activos para os Recursos Marinhos Fax: +258 2932 9047 E-mail: [email protected]

AMOHTUR – Associação Moçambi-cana de Hotelaria e TurismoTel: +258 2142 5582 E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected]

ASINHOS – Associação da Industria Hoteleira e Similares de GazaE-mail: [email protected]

AHTPI – Associação de Hotelaria e Turismo de Província de InhambaneTel: +258 2932 0649 E-mail: [email protected]

ACB – Associação Comercial de BeiraPraça do Município no. 17, 1˚ e 2˚ andares C. Postal 286 Fax: +258 2332 7650 E-mail: [email protected]

AHOTUMA – Associação de Hotel-aria e Turismo de ManicaRecinto de Fepom, Himoio Tel: +258 827 786 230

Mrs. Delcia MateusTeteTel: +258 825 621 230

AIHTURZA – Associação de Indus-tria Hoteleira Turismo de Zambézia435 Avenida Samora Machel E-mail: [email protected]

CDTUR – Associação de Hotelaria e Turismo de Cabo Delgado Rua de ACLLIN, Pemba, Bairro de Cariaco Tel: +258 272 201 84 E-mail: [email protected]

ASSHOTUR – Associação de Hotel-aria I Turismo de Nampula1014 Rua de Cuamba Fax: +258 2621 8378

AIHTUN – Associação da Industria Hoteleira e Turismo do NiassaCell: +258 820 550 830 E-mail: [email protected]

AIRLINESKAYA AirlinesAv. Marien Ngouabi, No. 112, MaputoTel: +258 2146 5108Fax: +258 2146

Kenya AirwaysTel: +254 206 422 000

LAM Mozambique AirlinesInternational Airport, MaputoTel: +258 2146 8800Fax: +258 2146

MEX – Moçambique ExpressoAerodromo de Inhambane Tel: +258 2932 1078 E-mail: [email protected]

South African AirwaysTel: 0861 606 606

AirlinkInternational Airport, MaputoTel: +258 2146

TAP PortugalCentro Cemercial do Hotel Rovuma Ioja 28 Tel: +258 2130 3927Fax: +258 2130 3847

TRAVEL AGENCIESAfrica UnlimitedTel: +27 157 812 466 E-mail: [email protected]

Allworld TravelTel: +258 2148 6380Fax: +258 2148 6379E-mail: [email protected]

AmadeusTel: +258 2132 8369Fax: +258 2132 8369E-mail: [email protected]

AquariumTel: +258 2132 0337/8E-mail: [email protected]

Atlantic TravelTel: +258 2130 2203Cell: +258 823 061 833Fax: +258 2130 2204E-mail: [email protected]

A ViagemTel: +258 2141 9738Cell: +258 824 276 790Fax: +258 2141 9738E-mail: [email protected]

Benguera TravelTel: +258 2141 9423Fax: +258 2141 8952E-mail: [email protected]

BS Travel Tel: 202 6765 E-mail: [email protected]

CoturTel: +258 21733/4/5Fax: +258 2132 7336E-mail: [email protected]

Dana AgencyTel: +258 21 484300Fax: +258 21 494042E-mail: [email protected]

Dana ToursTel: +258 21 495514Fax: +258 21 497428E-mail: [email protected]

Dynamic TravelTel: +258 2130 4491Fax: +258 2130 4491E-mail: [email protected]

Fly WellTel: +258 2130 2932Fax: +258 2132 8297E-mail: [email protected]

Future TravelTel: +258 2132 9975Fax: +258 2132 9948E-mail: [email protected]

GalileoTel: +258 2130 9140/329490Fax: +258 2149 9534E-mail: [email protected]

Golden TravelTel: +258 826 730 590E-mail: [email protected]

InterturTel: +258 2130 6430Fax: +258 2130 4699E-mail: [email protected]

JF TravelTel: +258 2133 3902Fax: +258 2133 3903E-mail: [email protected]

Kasakzini TravelTel: +258 823 096 990 E-mail: [email protected]

K.D.D.S EmpreendimentosTel: +258 2141 4172Fax: +258 2141 4178E-mail: [email protected]

Limpopo TravelTel: +258 2149 3455Fax: +258 2149 4015E-mail: [email protected]

Luso GloboTel: +258 2130 8068Fax: +258 2130 3596E-mail: [email protected]

MexturTel: +258 2142 8427Fax: +258 2142 8430E-mail: [email protected]

Mozaic TravelTel/fax: +258 2145 1380Cell: +258 823 280 520E-mail: [email protected]

Mozambique AdviserCell: +258 820 000 005Fax: +258 2102 0010E-mail: [email protected]

Mozambique City ToursTel: +258 2133 3531Cell: +258 823 161 160E-mail: [email protected]

Mozambique VoyagesTel: +27 137 412 409Fax: +27 137 411 063E-mail: [email protected]

Mozwelcome Tel: +258 2312 7621 Fax: +258 2132 7619 E-mail: [email protected]

Muhimbi AfricaTel: +258 2148 6600Fax: +258 2149 0047E-mail: [email protected]

Musta TourTel: +258 2132 9880E-mail: [email protected]

Nar ServiceTel: +258 2130 6731/55/6899Fax: +258 2130 6899E-mail: [email protected]

Novo MundoTel: +258 2130 6202Fax: +258 2130 6206E-mail: [email protected]

Novo ToursTel: +258 2149 8074Fax: +258 2149 2498E-mail: [email protected]

Orient TravelTel: +258 2130 0862Fax: +258 2130 0862E-mail: [email protected],mz

PlanetTel: +258 2132 2060Fax: +258 2132 6470E-mail: [email protected]

Quinta EssenciaTel: +258 2148 3410E-mail: [email protected]

Safe TravelTel: +258 2130 2774Fax; +258 2130 2775E-mail: [email protected]

Shama TravelTel: +258 2130 0077Fax: +258 2130 0079E-mail: [email protected]

SimaraTel: +258 2130 3825Fax: +258 2130 3830 E-mail: [email protected]

Sky TravelTel: +258 2148 7861/3Fax: +258 2148 7863E-mail: [email protected]

Tara TravelTel: +258 2148 6461Fax: +258 2148 6462E-mail: [email protected]

Top ToursTel: +258 2148 6689/32Fax: +258 2149 5055E-mail: [email protected]

Tours AgencyCell: +258 8230 42082Fax: +258 2621 7080E-mail: [email protected]

TropicalTel: +258 2132 5078E-mail: [email protected]

Trust TravelTel: +258 2142 8592Fax: +258 2142 9228E-mail: [email protected]

Vege TravelTel: +258 2141 4425Fax: +258 2141 4425E-mail: [email protected]

Zmelia TravelTel: +258 2132 8960Fax: +258 2132 8572E-mail: [email protected]

4 ToursCell: +258 823 250 500Email: [email protected]

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Mozambique Tourism Authority Tel: +258 21 307320/1 Fax: +258 21 307322/3 Email: [email protected]

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