
The Foxhole


D E T A C H M E N T 6 8 6 S A N T A R O S A , C A

Jan—Mar 2015

Volume 15 No.1

Officers for 2015


Larry Williams

(707) 569-0244

[email protected]

Sr. Vice Commandant

Randy Phillips

(707) 849-2811

[email protected]

Jr. Vice Commandant

Jim Loorya

(707) 338-2410

[email protected]


Bob Young

(707) 585-8719

[email protected]


Matt Smith

(707) 486-5213

[email protected]

Judge Advocate

John Hendrickson

(707) 849-7439

[email protected]

Sergeant at Arms

Wally Stewart

(707) 824-9967

[email protected]


Steve Wiegert

(707) 542-8400

[email protected]

Newsletter Editor

Jim Loorya

(707) 338-2410

[email protected]

“The raising of that flag on Suribachi means a Marine

Corps for the next five hundred years.”

James Forrestal, Secretary of the Navy; 23 February 1945 referencing the flag-raising on Iwo Jima had been immortalized

in a photograph by Associated Press photographer Joe Rosenthal.

Jim Loorya—Newsletter Editor

Matt Smith—Assistant Editor

Article Pg.

Commandant 2

Sr. Vice 4

Jr. Vice 5

Toys for Tots 6

Devil Dogs 7

Veteran's Day 8

Calendar 9

Uniform 11

The Foxhole Volume 15 No.1 Page 2


Comments Santa Rosa Detachment 686

Santa Rosa, California

Happy New Year to all the

Marines, FMF Corpsmen and Associate Members of

Marine Corps League Detachment 686. As I said last

year, thank you to all who supported me and the new

slate of officers during the recent election. And a

special “at-a-boy “ thanks to those officers who

stepped aside to allow other Marines to move up the

chain of command or assume important roles as

leaders within the detachment. Matt Smith – past Sr.

Vice Commandant; Robert Fisher – past Paymaster

and George Sager – past Judge Advocate all deserve

special recognition for the jobs they did.

Much was accomplished during this past year with

the opportunity for our members to display many of

the best attributes of Marines. The detachment once

again lead the way working tirelessly to put up then

take down 1000 casket flags for the Avenue of Flags

on Memorial Day. And once again, the Detachment

organized and lead the ceremony in front of at least

1000 caring citizens.

Turnout was good for the Butter and Egg Days

parade, the Santa Rosa Rose parade and especially for

the Veterans’ Day parade in Petaluma.

As detachment membership has grown, so too has

participation in annual events throughout Sonoma

County. I am pleased at how the Marines in

Detachment 686 continue to turn out in numbers for

activities that are traditionally lots of fun and increase

the local awareness the of this strong veterans service


The recently completed Toys For Tots program is an

annual source of great pride. This year Bob Young

and his hardworking team of volunteers collected

more than 10,000 toys for needy children identified

by nearly 30 pre-qualified churches, non-profits and

social welfare agencies. The local support for Toys

For Tots seemed greater this year than ever. I look

forward to making certain we have yet another

successful year in 2015.

John Jordan receiving the Christmas " Toys

For Tots

traveling trophy " from



The trophy was won by the Alexander Valley for collecting more toys than the

Russian River & Dry Creek Valley


Last year one of my primary goals was to find new

sources of funding allowing us to increase reserves in

our detachment’s bank accounts.

We have begun discussions along these lines but to

date no new fund raising activities have been

instituted. I pledge to give this a higher priority in

2015. Any suggestions from members would be


The annual scholarship program continued into its

second year with two Marines, Matt Smith and

Guillermo Zaragoza being the most recent recipients.

The scholarship committee consisting of myself,

Cindy Love Claudio Calvo and Bob Young I have

learned a great deal about the needs and interests of

veteran students in local colleges. We vow to explore

the addition of trade schools when looking for

veterans in need of financial help but are not really

seeking college degrees.

An ongoing goal I have for the new group of officers

is to continue to focus attention on membership

retention, recruitment and meeting attendance. We

enjoyed a good member turnout for meetings with

new members being sworn in at nearly every month

the number of younger Marines joining the

detachment is especially gratifying.

I look to you fellow Marines to attend meetings,

volunteer to help with events like the Marine Corps

Birthday luncheon, Memorial Day Avenue of Flags,

Toys for Tots, membership recruitment, parades and

many other activities throughout the coming year.

December Dinner meeting and Elections

The annual December meeting for Detachment 686 is

traditionally a dinner meeting that adds a measure of

holiday festivities for Marines and their loved ones.

Once again this year the Union Hotel in Occidental

won the favor of members as the site for the party.

The big difference this year was the terrific rainstorm

that hit the North Coast dumping record breaking

amounts of rain and causing flooding all over Sonoma


My decision to go ahead with the dinner was based on

back and forth discussions with the owners and

managers of the restaurant right up until the morning

of December 11th. Not only was I concerned with our

reservations for some 68 people but also their safety

in getting to and from the restaurant.

Upon learning that most roads in the area were

passable plus the restaurant had its own backup

generator I decided things were a go. Despite the

weather, 48 people managed to get to the restaurant

Once again the food and drink was plentiful. Bread,

salads, soup, pasta, and large portions for your chosen

entrée plus a desert were an absolute bargain for the

price we paid. No way anyone went home hungry.

As Commandant, I have made the decision that those

who had prepaid for the dinner but were unable to

attend shall be re-imbursed. Simply make your

request known to Steve Bosshard or me.

Now for the business portion of the dinner meeting.

As usual, the December meeting is always the time

when new Detachment 686 officers are elected.

Congratulations to the following newly elected


Sr. Vice Commandant – Randy Phillips

Jr. Vice Commandant – Jim Loorya

Judge Advocate – John Hendrickson

Commandant - Larry M. Williams (2nd term)

Yearlong Sonoma County Transit program

offers free rides for college students,


For the next year, veterans and college students in

Sonoma County will be able to ride Sonoma County

Transit buses free of charge.

The initiative, approved by the Board of Supervisors

in September, is aimed at creating incentives to ride

public transportation, easing traffic congestion in

school zones and eliminating barriers veterans may

face in transit to care facilities. The program went

into effect Jan. 1. Students and veterans just need to

show a valid identification card to ride.

Supervisors agreed to pay for the subsidies out of the

general fund. The program is expected to provide

nearly 300,000 free rides per year. Total cost is

projected to be $311,000 for the yearlong program.

Future funding largely depends on approval of the

county’s sales tax initiative to pay for road repairs, set

to go before voters this June. A portion — 10 percent

— would be set aside for public transportation


Semper Fidelis,

Larry M. Williams


Marine Corps League Detachment 686

Page 3 The Foxhole Volume 15 No.1

Volume 15 No.1 Page 4

Good day Marines and FMF Corpsmen,

This is my final article as Senior Vice Commandant for Santa Rosa De-

tachment 686. With this issue of the Foxhole, I want to thank each and every

Marine who made my term in office as successful as it was. Next year I am look-

ing forward to taking over the responsibilities as Detachment Adjutant. No doubt

I will be looking to each of you to provide me with your support and assistance in

this new post.

As we move forward in the new year, I would like to share with you a philosophy

about Marines how have earned the title Marine. That is:

Once a Marine, always a Marine……...

Semper Fidelis,

Matthew S. Smith

Sr. Vice Commandant

From the Senior Vice Commandant: Matthew Smith

The Foxhole

Volume 15 No.1 Page 5 The Foxhole

From the Junior Vice Commandant: Randy Phillips

Marines and FMF Corpsmen:

Greetings! Thank you for your continuing service in our detachment. I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving

and a great time at the Marine Corps Birthday.

The Drill instructor competition has always been my fa-

vorite time at the Marine Corps Birthday Luncheon in the Santa Rosa Vets Building. I get a kick out of watching

other Marines participating in it. As for myself I won the

competition twice.

This past year there were four of us who gave it our all.

The victims were Santa Rosa Poolees (Future Marines), bless their little hearts and souls. They all got a taste of

what their future Hard Hats have in store for them once

they hit those yellow foot prints.

Each and every one who competed in the event gave it their all. Most likely the future Poolees got a taste of

what is to come to a Marine Recruit and the wrath of a

Drill Instructor once they come off a bus and are instruct-

ed to stand on the yellow foot prints as we all have done in the past. In next years to come at our Birthday lunch-

eons, I look forward to seeing this competition with two

different styles combined in the DI contest: One with volunteers acting as Mad Hat Drill Instructors and the

other volunteers calling traditional cadence .

This year, there were other Marines who well deserved a

Dill Instructor Smokey involved in the DI Contest at the

2014 Birthday Luncheon. They included:

PFC Barrett Reiter (home on boot leave)

Brian Kestler (GWT Vet JC Student)

Jeffrey Ahlers (GWT Vet JC /Student) all Hard Charg-


As you know it's been a year of challenges for all of us. Even though it rained on

the evening of our Christmas

meeting/dinner it was nice to

see all of you that made it. I also want to give thanks to all

of you for supporting me as

Junior Vice Commandant and for voting me in as Senior

Vice Commandant.

I want to acknowledge Matt

Smith, our former Senior Vice

Commandant, for all that he has done for our Detachment.

What a great Role Model. I wish him God Speed for

2015 while I follow in his footsteps as I fill the Senior

Vice Commandant position.

As 2015 is upon us, let's work as one to continue our re-

cruitment on membership and service for the good of the

league. I would like to say thank you for renewing your

membership in our league and for your service; past ,

present and the years to come.

As you know Sonoma County has quite a few Marines

and FMF Corpsmen who come across our path every

day. Let's continue to seek them out and motivate them to meet with us by extending our invitation to them and

bring them home to our meetings and make them feel

welcome to our league. Marines, I hope you had a Merry

Christmas and are having a Happy, Prosperous and

Healthy New Year this coming 2015.

Semper Fi,

Randy Phillips , Junior Vice Commandant

New Members in Q4:

October- Jim Jones and Joan Aquistapace. Jason Diaz (Transfer from Napa


November— Jerry Caine

December - None to report

Volume 15 No.1 Page 6

Photo Courtesy of Brooke McKusick

MISSION: The mission of the U. S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program is to collect new, unwrapped toys during October, November and December each year, and distribute those toys as Christmas gifts to less fortunate children in the community in which the campaign is conducted.

GOAL: The primary goal of Toys for Tots is to deliver, through a new toy at Christmas, a message of hope to less fortunate youngsters that will assist them in be-coming responsible, productive, patriotic citizens.

OBJECTIVES: The objectives of Toys for Tots are to help less fortu-nate children throughout the United States experi-ence the joy of Christmas; to play an active role in the development of one of our nation’s most valuable re-sources – our children; to unite all members of local communities in a common cause for three months each year during the annual toy collection and distri-bution campaign; and to contribute to better commu-nities in the future.

ACTIVITIES: The principal Toys for Tots activity which takes place each year is the collection and distribution of toys in the communities in which a Marine Corps Reserve Unit is located. In communities without a Reserve Unit, the campaign can be conducted by a Marine Corps League Detachment or group of men and women, generally veteran Marines, authorized by Marine Toys for Tots Foundation to conduct a local Toys for Tots campaign. Local Toys for Tots Cam-paign Coordinators conduct an array of activities throughout the year, which include golf tournaments, foot races, bicycle races and other voluntary events

designed to increase interest in Toys for Tots, and concurrently generate toys and monetary donations.

We had another banner year for TFT. More than 75 people helped round up, sort and distribute more than 22,000 toys in Sonoma and Mendocino Coun-ties to more than 10,000 Children.

In Sonoma County we 32 MCL members and spouses working on the project put out boxes at 308 collec-tion sites. These same members and spouses collect-ed the toys and brought them to the collection and sorting facilities in both Santa Rosa and Petaluma. For the first time, 23 Key Club members and two adult Kiwanians sorted nearly all of the toys that had been brought in by December 13th. The remainder of the toys and those received later in the week were sorted by a dedicated group of volunteers from MCL, their families, the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office and the Sonoma County District Attorney’s Office, who put together orders for 24 agencies in Sonoma County that then distributed those toys to the fami-

lies. Bob Young and Crew organize toys in Salvation Army warehouse.

In Mendocino County, there were volunteers from the general public, veterans and active duty Coast Guard involved in collection and distribution of toys both inland and on the coast for about 2,000 chil-dren. We also received cash donations of a little over $14,000 which went to buy toys for certain categories where donations were less than what was needed.

The Foxhole


The Foxhole Volume 15 No.1 Page 7

Military Order of Devil Dogs (MODD) Sonoma Pound #257

The Fun and Honor Society of the Marine Corps League

Dog Robber’s Scratchings

Woof Woof Dogs,

Happy New Year to all you Pups, dogs and Es-teemed Pedigree Dogs. Our next Sonoma Pound #257 growl will be Tuesday January 20th with biscuits and water at 1800 and growl at 1900 in the club room at the SR Vets. This will be the first growl for our new Pound leader DD Jim Loorya so give him the support he needs and at-tend. Hopefully the dogcatchers will also drag in a mongrel or two to be initiated into the Order. All you dogs out there keep your eyes open and if you see a likely candi-date drag them to the growl. Re-member the mongrel must have one year in grade as a member of the MCL. Choke chains/shock col-lars are permissible. Make sure you have your passports and dog tags.

For those of you that are extremely senior pups, there is a Pack growl coming up during the De-partment Spring conference March 27th-28th at the Best Western Grosvenor Hotel at SF Interna-tional Airport 380 South Airport Blvd SSF CA 650-873-3200. Mention MCL while registering and get $109 room rate. That is fairly close and if

you would like to elevate to Devil dog please let me know ASAP. I need time to obtain your shot records, delousing and neutering certificates for submission to the Pack Dog Robber. This ad-vancement trick can be learned at any Pack growl just let me know early.

Well time to take a hydrant break and check out the full moon. Will be sniffing you soon.

Semper Fleadelis,

Steve Bosshard Dog Robber


I am an American; I was born in France. I have held the title of United States Marine, and under-stand the commitment of holding the title, Devil Dog. It is a tradition

born at Belleau Wood in the year 1918, of a force in readiness and the "First to Fight". As a Devil Dog, I ask no quarter and give no quarter. I will do everything in my power to uphold the objec-tives of the Military Order of Devil Dogs and to carry out my duties to a swift and satisfactory completion.

MODD Officers 2015

Pound Keeper DD Jim Loorya

Sr. Vice Pound Keeper PDD Charles Hansen

Jr. Vice Pound Keeper PDD El Shaw

Dog Robber PDD Steve Bosshard

Mad Dog DD Doug Martin

Dog Trainer DD George Sager

Barking Dog Pup Randy Phillips

Smart Dog DD Rich Robbins

Police Dog DD Matt Smith

Watch Dog DD Robert Fisher

Semper Fi

The Foxhole Volume 15 No.1 Page 8

Subject: Petaluma Veterans Day parade

From: "Dave Krueger" <[email protected]>

Date: Tue, November 11, 2014 7:54 pm

To: "[email protected]"

<[email protected]>

Cc: "[email protected]"

<[email protected]>


Steve and Larry,

I wanted to drop you nice gents a note to tell that the

Parade event in Petaluma was a whole bunch of

things to the 2 recruited Marines that ventured over

from Napa to partake in the day's festivities.

First, the number of Parade entries was incredible.

The participants were all polite and friendly, the vol-

unteers actually made the event come off without a

serious hitch. The crowd was quite impressive in size

and even more so in their exuberance and patriotism.

In short, you have to understand that over the years,

some of us have had to deal with the ever constant

drumbeat of the Left Wing, the apathetic and drones

who distain military service as some sort of mental

deficiency that only the downtrodden or ignorant

would ever undertake. People like Carter, Clinton,

Kerry, Gore, and BHO have done little to inspire

Americans to serve in anything that would remotely

resemble military service. I have often wondered

what the hell the country

was eventually going to

end up like in the future

as it is in complete mess


Today's event set aside

some of my concerns

about the future of our

great Republic. Today I

saw a thousands of

Americans, with their

youngsters waving small

flags and shouting thank

you to a bunch of old, salty & generally crusty Ma-

rines who were sauntering down the road in- step or

in circa period motorized vehicles. To say that this

event took my breath away would be an understate-

ment. I was astonished and quite humbled by the dis-

play of affection shown to us. I half joked to my

brother Marine, Ed , driving our deuce and ½ truck,

“Just where the hell were all these wonderful people

at in 1968?”

We both

laughed out


For me per-

sonally, I

want to

thank you

for inviting

us. It was


and inspir-

ing for 2 combat grunts to see this display of over-

whelming support and love from the general public

that I thought had forgotten just how much effort

and/or sacrifice is required to become a US Marine.

Today's event made all the crap we had to endure,

seem worthwhile.

For me personally, it was my homecoming parade of

sorts. I was truly moved.....

Finally, to the good people of Petaluma, and to the

folks that volunteer their precious time to put this

event on each year, “Bravo and Well Done” seems

rather inadequate. Your event is a

throwback to the days when common sense prevailed,

and if you were really weird, you just never told any-

one or bragged about it.

Semper fidelis,

Dave Krueger

USMC 2140311

1st platoon , Mike Company

3rd Battalion 5th Marines

1 Marine Division, FMF

Semper Fi—Veterans Day 2014

Volume 15 No.1 Page 9

Upcoming Events/ - Mark on your calendar

January 2015 - April 2015


January 8th : MCL Meeting: Installation of Officers and new mem-

bers. Potluck Dinner Meeting in Club Room. Chow and Mingle

1800. Food break down by last name. A-F Main Dish, G-S side dish or

salad, T-Z dessert. Eating utensils and libations provided. Meeting at

1900. Wives and loved ones included and encouraged to attend.

January 20th: MODD Growl: Chow 1800, Growl 1900 Club Room

January 19th-24th: 1st Marine Division 74th Anniversary (Camp Pendleton)(Including Fri-

day Boot-camp graduation)

go to for registration info. Jan 5th cutoff

January 28th-29th : Marine West Exposition (Camp Pendleton)


February 12th: MCL Meeting 1900 set up meeting 1930 North Room


March 12th: MCL Meeting set up 1900 meeting 1930 North Room

March 27th-28th: Department MCL Spring Conference San Francisco, CA go to mcl- for reservation info


April 9th: MCL Meeting set up 1900 meeting 1930 North Room

April 21st: MODD Growl: Chow 1800, Growl 1900 Club Room

The Foxhole

The Foxhole Volume 15 No.1 Page 10

Birthdays For The Quarter

If your birthday isn’t listed, but should be, send your DOB to Jim Loorya at [email protected] or call at 338-2410 so Jim can update our roster.


James Curran 1/1

Rick Huggins 1/6

Steve France 1/7

Richard Stevenson 1/7

Chris Meza 1/7

Vince Rigoni 1/8

James Colucci 1/16

Jeff Rhea 1/17

Nicholas Evanson 1/18

Charles Medcalf 1/20

Sikeli Nale 1/28

Doug Newton 1/30

Jerry Caine 1/31

2014 - TAPS — Rest in Peace, Marines Gunnery Sgt Stanley H. Wychocki, passed 7-6-14, Korea/


Michael Torrens, passed 2-18-14, USMC

Patrick Gibbard, passed 3-23-14, Korea & VN Marine

Dan Richards, passed 3-31-14, Chosen Marine

Donald D. Dial, passed 8-3-14, Chosen Marine

Cyle W. Rippey, Passed 9-19-14, Afgan Marine

Dean G. Atwood, passed 11-21-14, VN Marine

March Juan Gonzalez 3/3

Nick Lindquist 3/5

Dave Vogel 3/6

Carol Deter-Lesher 3/14

Josiah Cabezud 3/14

Doug Martin 3/16

John Poliakevich 3/17

Ward“Van”Van Alstine 3/19

Brian Diklich 3/19

Fred Unsworth 3/28

Ted Wong 3/31


Jared Nixon 2/1

Michael Madriz 2/3

Curtis Binz 2/5

Vincenzo Chambrone 2/8

Anthony Cunha 2/9

Erick Madrigal 2/9

Bill Perkins Sr. 2/10

Matthew Culhane 2/10

Michael Bundock 2/11

Larry Severns 2/13

Jim Loorya 2/13

Primo Magday 2/14

Robert Taylor 2/14

“Tem” Phalavong 2/14

Roy Brown 2/17

David Hernandez 2/18

Daniel Glosser 2/19

James Lyons 2/22

Ken Tomsen 2/26

Wally Stewart 2/27

Art Koenig 2/28

Paul Husby 2/29

The Foxhole Volume 15 No.1 Page 11

The regulations regarding the Formal Uniform for

both regular and associate male members is provided


Scarlet Mess Jacket or Scarlet Blazer: The scarlet

mess jacket is worn with this uniform, but the red

blazer may be worn as an option due to the high cost

of the scarlet mess jacket. The jacket or the blazer

should fit properly and should not "pull" when

buttoned. Both the mess jacket and blazer are

available either through the Ship's store or through

private clothiers.

Buttons and Accessories: The mess jacket requires

a special set of eight Marine Corps League buttons

which are sewn onto the jacket—three on each side

of the front of the jacket and one on each

epaulette. Regular or associate member collar

devices, as appropriate, are affixed to the mess jacket

in the locating holes on the jacket's collar. In

addition, the jacket is fastened in the front with a

linked pair of Marine Corps League buttons known

as a "chain link." If the scarlet blazer is worn in lieu

of the mess jacket, there will be two (2) large Marine

Corps League buttons on the front of the blazer, and

three (3) small Marine Corps League buttons on each

sleeve. Collar devices are not worn on the scarlet

blazer, even when it is worn as part of the formal


Blazer Crest: The Marine Corps League blazer crest

is worn only by regular members and is not

authorized for wear by associate members. As part

of the formal uniform, it is only worn on the scarlet

blazer and is optional when medals are worn. The

blazer crest is worn on the left breast pocket, about ¼

-inch below the lower half of the breast pocket cuff

and centered on the pocket. The bullion-

embroidered blazer crest may be attached using the

three pin and clutch-back fasteners that are affixed to

the back of the crest, or through the use of a blazer

crest pocket insert. In lieu or an embroidered crest, a

commercially sold plastic sleeve insert with a

permanently set Marine Corps League seal may be

worn in its place.

Lapel Pin: The Marine Corps League Member, Life

Member, Commandant, and Associate Member pins

may be worn in the left lapel button hole. Other pins

are authorized, but never more than two (2) at a

time. Consult section VIII of the current edition of

the Marine Corps League Uniform Code for a

detailed listing of authorized lapel pins.

Gold Cummerbund or Gold Vest: When the

scarlet mess jacket is worn a gold cummerbund or

gold vest shall be worn. Both of these items are

available through the Ship's Store or The Marine


Formal Shirt and Accessories: The shirt will be a

formal pleated shirt, with a standard collar and no

ruffles. Accessories to be worn with the formal shirt

are a set of three gold studs and a pair of gold cuff

links which are adorned with the Marine Corps


Bow Tie: The bow tie should be a solid-color black

tie. A clip-on tie may be worn in lieu of a standard

bow tie.

Trousers and Belt: Black tuxedo trousers are worn

with the scarlet mess jacket, but plain black trousers

are an accepted option. As another option, regular or

associate member blue trousers, as appropriate, may

be worn with the scarlet mess jacket. However,

when the scarlet blazer is worn as part of the formal

uniform, blue trousers are not authorized and only

black trousers shall be worn. The belt to be worn

with the black trousers can be either be a 1½-inch or

¾-inch wide black leather belt. The wide leather belt

is worn with the large square buckle, while the

narrower belt is worn with the rectangular

buckle. Both buckles are gold in color and have the

Marine Corps emblem on them. If blue trousers are

worn with the scarlet mess jacket, a Marine Corps

khaki web belt and brass buckle should be worn. As

with all other uniforms, the length of the trousers

should be such that the bottom cuff of the trousers

just touches the top of the heel sole of the shoes.

The Formal Uniform


The Foxhole Volume 15 No.1 Page 12

Shoes and Socks: Black socks should be worn. Shoes should be black oxfords, either of Corfam, or highly

shined leather. The uppers on the toes of the shoes should be flat, with no seams. Rubber or leather soles

may be worn,

however, taps are

not authorized.

Other: Miniature

medals may be

worn on either the

mess jacket or the

blazer, the latter

only when being

worn as part of the


uniform. Three full

-size medals may

also be worn on the

scarlet blazer in

lieu of miniature

medals, however,

the full-size medals

must be mounted

on a single ribbon

bar. In any case,

the medals worn

must either be

those of official

military awards or

those of Marine

Corps League

awards since

commingling of

these two types is

never authorized.


Marine Corps League

Application for Membership Full Name_________________________________Phone(_____)__________________

Street Address_____________________City_____________State_____Zip______+____

Date of Birth___/___/__E-Mail Address___________________Service# or Last 4 SS______

Date of Enlistment/Commissioning ________Date of Discharge/Retirement/Separation_______

Type of Application-New ( ) Renewal ( ) Membership Type- Regular ( ) Associate ( ) Dual ( )

Have you ever been convicted of a felony? Yes ( ) No ( ) If yes is checked, I agree to waive my rights under

the Privacy Act and disclose the nature of the felony conviction for consideration of membership in the Marine

Corps League.

( ) I hereby apply for membership in the Santa Rosa Detachment #686, Marine Corps League and enclose

$40.00 for one year’s membership.

I hereby certify that I am currently serving or have served honorably in the U.S. Marine Corps, on active duty,

for not less than ninety (90) days * and earned the Eagle , Globe and Anchor, or have served or am currently

serving in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve and have earned no less than ninety(90) Reserve Retirement Credit

points or that I have served or am currently serving as a U.S. Navy Corpsman who has trained with the Marine

FMF Units in excess of ninety (90) days and earned the Marine Corps Device or Warfare Device worn on the

service Ribbon Authorized for FMF Corpsmen.

If discharged, I am in receipt of a DD Form 214 or Certificate of Discharge indicating “Honorable Service”.

(“Honorable Service” will be defined by the last DD Form 214 or Certificate of Discharge that the applicant

received). General Discharge under Honorable Conditions is acceptable.

By signature on this application, I hereby agree to provide proof of honorable service/discharge upon request. I

hereby authorize the National Executive Director, Marine Corps League to obtain an un-redacted copy of my

latest DD Form 214 from the Marine Corps custodian of Official Military Personnel Files (IMPF, and /or

verification of honorable service if deemed necessary to verify my eligibility for regular membership in the

Marine Corps League. I understand the DD Form 214 may contain information such as military awards,

training and character of service.

(* Korean War Era marines See national Bylaws, Article 6, Section 600)

____________________________________ ____________________________________

(Sponsor where applicable) Applicant’s Signature (see reverse side)

@ 2013 Marine Corps League. For Official Marine Corps League use only. All other use is prohibited. Page 1 of 2


I, _________________________________, in the presence of Almighty God, and the members of the Marine Corps League here

assembled, being fully aware of the symbols, motto, principles and purposes of the Marine Corps League, do solemnly swear or

affirm that I will uphold and defend the Constitution and Laws of the United States of America and the Marine Corps League. I will never knowingly wrong, deceive or defraud the League as to the value of anything. I will never knowingly wrong, injure or permit

any member’s family to be wronged or injured if to prevent the same is within my powers. I will never purpose for membership, one

known to me to be unqualified or unworthy to become a member of the League. I further promise to govern my conduct in the

League’s affairs and in my personal life in a manner becoming a decent honorable person and will never knowingly bring discredit

to the League, so help me God.

Signature __________________________________________________________________________________.


I, _________________________________, in the presence of Almighty God, and the members of the marine Corps League here

assembled, being fully aware that as an Associate Member, I will not be permitted to hold an elective office or to vote on Marine

Corps League Policy, a membership application, or an election of officers, do solemnly swear or affirm that I will uphold and

defend the Constitution and Laws of the United States of America and of the marine Corps League. I will never knowingly wrong,

deceive or defraud the League as to the value of anything. I will never knowingly wrong or injure or permit any member or any

member’s family to be wronged or injured if to prevent the same is within my power. I will never purpose for membership, one known to me to be unqualified or unworthy to become a member of the League. I further promise to govern my conduct in the

League’s affairs and in my personal life in a manner becoming a decent and honorable person and will never knowingly bring

discredit to the League, so help me God.

_________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

Sponsor (where applicable) Applicant’s Signature

NOTE: If you are applying for “Regular Membership”, please also include a photo copy of your last DD-214, Certificate

of Discharge, Active Duty or Current Reserve ID Card.

Dues are $40.00 a year, afterwards you may apply for a Life Membership which is determined by your age. Returning

Iraq/Afghan Vets and recently discharged first year free.

Upon completion of this application form, return with payment to:

Paymaster: Robert S. Young 3823 Louis Krohn Dr.

Santa Rosa, CA 95407-2519

707-585-8719 or 707-570-5766

Email: [email protected]

We meet on the second Thursday of the month at 1900 hrs in the North room of the Santa Rosa Veterans Building, 1351 Maple Ave. We march in Butter and Egg Parade, SR Rose Day Parade, and Petaluma Veterans Day Parade. We also put

on the Marine Corps Birthday Luncheon and run the Toys for Tots program in Sonoma County.

Come join us and swap sea stories and lies with Marines from over the last sixty plus years. Free liquid refreshments at our meetings. OOORRRAAAHHHH!

@2013 Marine Corps League. For Official Marine Corps League use only. All other use is prohibited. Page 2 of 2

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