Page 1: Details of subjects of civil engg

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SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd.

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Page 2: Details of subjects of civil engg

SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. have developed Multimedia based eLearning Software

Solutions for the Civil / Agricultural /Architectural Engineering subjects.

Mechanics of Structure (Strength of Materials) (CE01)

Concrete Technology (CE02)

Soil Mechanics (CE03)

Surveying – I (CE04)

Building Construction (CE05)

Building Material (CE06)

Civil Engg. Drawing (CE07)

Theory of Structure (CE08)

Estimation & Costing (Quantity Survey & Estimation) (CE09)

Hydraulics /Fluid Mechanics (CE10)

Irrigation Engineering (CE11)

Sanitary Engineering (CE012)

Surveying - II (CE13)

Transportation Engineering (CE14)

Foundation Engineering (CE15)

Environmental Engineering (Water Supply Engg.) (CE16)

GIS & Remote Sensing (CE17)

Design of Structure (CE18)

Earth Quake Engineering (CE19)

NDT- Non Destructive Testing (CE20)

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Mechanics of Structure (Strength of Materials) (CE01) Audience: Students of Second Year Civil Engineering

Objective: : At the end of the course the student will learn about concepts of stress and strain,

elastic constants, principle planes and stresses, strain energy, moment of inertia, shear force and

bending moments, bending stresses and shear stresses in beams, torsion.


Stress & Strain

1. Concept of Elastic, Plastic and Rigid body

2. Types of loads

3. Concept of axial load

4. Concept of Stress

5. Tensile stress and strain

6. Compressive stress and strain

7. Hooke’s Law

8. Volumetric strain

9. Behavior of Ductile Material Under Tension

10. Definitions

11. Measurement of Ductility

12. Deformation of a Body Due to Self Weight

13. Principle of Superposition

14. Modular Ratio

15. Stress and strain in composite member subjected to axial load

16. Stress and strain in composite members connected rigidly together in parallel

17. Stress and strain in compound bars

18. Temperature stresses and strains

19. Shear stress and strain

20. Simple shear and Complementary shear

21. Bars of Varying Sections

22. Extension of a Uniformly Tapering Circular Section

23. FEM Illustrations

Elastic Constants

1. Linear strain

2. Lateral strain

3. Poisson’s Ratio

4. Concept of uni-axial loading

5. Concept of Bi-axial loading

6. Concept of Tri-axial loading:

7. Bulk Modulus (K)

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8. Relation between Bulk Modulus and Young's Modulus

9. Shear Modulus or Modulus of Rigidity

10. Relation between Modulus of Elasticity and Modulus of Rigidity

Principal Planes And Stresses

1. Different states of stresses

2. Definitions

3. Analytical Method for stresses acting on an inclined plane.

4. Graphical Method For Stresses On Oblique Section

5. Mohr’s Circle Method

Strain Energy

1. Introduction

2. Strain energy stored in a body due to gradually applied load

3. Impact loading

4. Suddenly applied load

Moment of Inertia 1. Centre of Gravity or Centroid of lamina

Centroid of a uniform lamina

Centroid of a triangular lamina

Centroid of a Trapezium

2. Moment of Inertia of a Lamina

The Perpendicular Axes Theorem

The Parallel Axes Theorem

Moment of Inertia of lamina of different shapes

Shear Force and Bending Moment

1. Types of beams

2. Concepts of loads

3. Statically determinate structure

4. Support reactions

5. Shear force

6. Bending Moment

7. Concept of Shear force and Bending Moment

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8. Relation between Shear force , Bending moment and rate of loading.

9. Shear force and Bending moment diagram

10. FEM Illustrations

Bending Stresses in Beams 1. Introduction

2. Concept of Pure Bending

3. Theory of Simple Bending

4. Assumptions in the Simple Theory Of Bending

5. Neutral Axis

6. Moment of Resistance (MR)

7. Section Modulus (Z)

8. Section Modulus For Various Shapes Of Beam Sections

Shear Stresses in Beams 1. Shear Stress Distribution For a Beam

2. Horizontal Shear load per unit length of a beam at a section, at a certain level

3. Shear stress distribution for beam sections of various shapes


1. Torsional Stresses and Strains

2. Solid Shaft

3. Hollow Shaft

4. Composite Shaft

5. Polar Moment Of Inertia

6. Power Transmitted by a Shaft.

7. Strain Energy Due to Torsion

8. Combined Bending and Torsion

9. Combined bending and torsion along with Axial Thrust

10. Shaft Couplings

11. Springs

12. Closely-coiled helical spring subjected to an axial load

13. FEM Illustrations

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Concrete Technology (CE02) Audience: Students of Second Year Civil Engineering

Objective: At the end of the course the student will learn about the properties, testing of materials

used in concrete, processes involved in concreting, curing and also the mix design of the concrete.


Introduction of concrete

1. Introduction

2. Advantages of Concrete


1. Introduction

2. Manufacture of Cement

3. Chemical Composition of Cement

4. Hydration of Cement

5. Heat of Hydration

6. Structure of Hydrated Cement

7. Types of Cement

8. Storage of Cement

9. Testing on Cement


1. Introduction

2. Classification of Aggregates

3. Physical Properties

4. Mechanical Properties

5. Alkali-Aggregate Reaction

6. Absorption and Moisture Content

7. Bulking of Aggregates

8. Soundness of Aggregate

9. Thermal Properties of Aggregate

10. Grading of aggregates

11. Testing of Aggregates

12. Testing for Mechanical Properties

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1. Introduction

2. Tests on Water

3. Water-cement ratio

4. Effect on Strength

5. Gel-space ratio

6. Summary

7. Assessment


1. Introduction

2. Consistency

3. Bleeding

4. Segregation

5. Factors Affecting Workability

6. Measurement of Workability


1. Batching Methods

2. Ready-mix concrete (RMC)

3. Quality control of concrete


1. Mixing Methods

2. Mixer

3. Mixing Time

4. Maintenance of Mixer

5. Summary

6. Assessment


1. Introduction

2. Mortar pan

3. Wheel barrow

4. Crane, bucket and Rope way

5. Truck mixer and dumpers

6. Belt conveyors

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7. Chute

8. Skip and hoist

9. Transit mixer

10. Pumps and pipelines

11. Different Modes, Precaution

Placement of Concrete

1. Placing Concrete

2. Special Concrete Techniques

3. Requirement of good Formwork

4. Economy in Formwork

5. Materials and Sizes for Forms

6. Types of Forms for different Structural Members

7. Removal of Formwork

8. Reinforcement

Compaction of Concrete

1. Introduction

2. Use of Vibrator

3. Self Compacting Concrete

4. Vacuum Concrete

5. Roller Compacted Concrete


1. Introduction

2. Various tools required for finishing of concrete

3. Processes in Finishing of Concrete

4. Rules to Finish Concrete


1. Introduction

2. Methods of Curing

3. Effect of Duration of Curing on Properties of Concrete

Joints in Concrete

1. Introduction

2. Construction Joints

3. Expansion Joints

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4. Contraction Joints

5. Isolation Joints

6. Evaluation of Cracks

7. Repair of Cracks


1. Introduction

2. Functions of Admixture

3. Classification of Admixture

4. Platicizers

5. Superplasticizers

6. Accelerators

7. Retarders

8. Air Entraining Admixtures

9. Air Detraining Agents

10. Gas Forming Admixtures

11. Pozzolanic or Mineral Admixtures

Mechanical Properties

1. Elastic Property of Concrete

2. Modulus of Elasticity

3. Relation between Modulus of Elasticity and Strength

4. Factors Affecting Modulus of Elasticity

5. Creep

6. Factors affecting Creep

7. Shrinkage

8. Factors Affecting Shrinkage

Durability of Concrete

1. Definition of Durability

2. Strength and Durability Relationship

3. Permeability

4. Factors Contributing to Cracks in Concrete

5. Shrinkage

6. Mass Concrete

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7. Deterioration of Concrete by Abrasion, Erosion and Cavitation

8. Effects of Some Materials on Durability

9. Freezing and Thawing

10. Sulphate Attack

Testing of Concrete

1. Analysis of Fresh Concrete

2. Compression Test

3. Indirect Tension Test

4. Flexural Strength of Concrete

5. Non Destructive Testing (NDT)

6. Schmidth's Rebound Hammer

7. Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Method

8. Pullout Test

Concrete Mix Design

1. Introduction

2. Nominal Mixes, Standard Mix and Design Mix

3. Factors influencing the choice of Mix Design

4. Various Methods of Proportioning

5. American Concrete Institute Method of Mix Design

6. Road Note No. 4 Method

7. DOE Method of Concrete Mix Design

8. Indian Standard Method

9. Statistical Quality Control

10. Sampling procedure

11. Examples

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Soil Mechanics (CE03) Audience: Students of Second Year Civil Engineering

Objective: At the end of the course the student will learn about physical properties of soils, tests on

soil, permeability, strength, bearing capacity, earth pressure, stability of slopes and sub-soil

exploration etc.


Introduction to Soil Mechanics

1. Definitions

2. Application Areas of Soil Engineering

3. Types of Foundation

4. Different super-structure and sub-structure patterns

Physical Properties of Soils

1. Soil as a Three Phase System

2. Water Content (Moisture Content)

3. Volume Mass Relationships

4. Volume Weight Relationship

5. Specific Gravity

6. Voids Ratio

7. Porosity

8. Relationship Between Voids Ratio and


9. Degree of Saturation

10. Air Content

11. Density Index (Relative Density)

12. Relative Compaction

13. Functional Relationships

14. Inter - Relationships in terms of Densities

15. Determination of Index Properties

16. Classification of Soils

17. Unified Soil Classification

18. Indian Standard Classification System

19. Ground Water Depth

20. Soil Structure and Clay Mineralogy

21. Soil Water

22. Stress Conditions in Soil

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Permeability of Soil & Seepage Analysis

1. Introduction

2. Darcy's Law

3. Coefficient of Permeability

4. Factors Affecting Permeability

5. Permeability of Stratified Soil Deposits

6. Permeability of Stratified Soils

7. Permeability and Seepage

8. Seepage through Earthen Dams

Strength of Soil

1. Introduction

2. Mohr's Stress Circle

3. Stress System with Principle Planes

4. Mohr-Coulomb Failure Theory

5. The Effective Stress Principle

6. Measurement of Shear Strength

7. Different Types of Tests

8. Factors affecting the Shear Strength of Cohesionless Soils

9. Factors affecting the Shear Strength of Cohesive Soils

10. Skempton's Pore Pressure Parameters

11. FEM illustrations

Bearing Capacity of Soil

1. Definitions

2. Minimum Depth of Foundation: Rankine's Analysis

3. Criteria for the Determination of Bearing Capacity

4. Factors Affecting Bearing Capacity

5. Methods of Determining Bearing Capacity

6. Types of Bearing Capacity Failures

7. Terzaghi’s Method

8. Skempton's Values For Nc

9. General Bearing Capacity Equation: Brinch

Hansen's Analysis

10. Meyerhof's Analysis

11. Vesic's Bearing Capacity Equation

12. Comparison of Bearing Capacity Factors

13. IS Code method for Bearing Capacity

14. Plate Load Test

15. Bearing Capacity from Penetration Tests

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Earth Pressure

1. Introduction

2. Types of Earth-Retaining Structures

3. Plastic Equilibrium in Soils: Active and Passive States

4. Lateral Earth Pressures

5. Rankine's Theory

6. Cases of Cohesionless Backfill

7. Active Earth Pressure of Cohesive Soils

Stability of Slopes

1. Introduction

2. Stability Analysis of Infinity Slopes

3. Slope Failure Factors

4. Stability Analysis of Finite Slopes

5. Planer Failure Surface : Culmann's Method

6. Swedish Circle Method

7. Stability of Slopes of Earth Dam

8. Friction Circle Method

9. Taylor's Stability Number and stability Curves

10. Bishop's Method of Stability Analysis

Compaction of Soil

1. Introduction

2. Field Compaction Control

3. Standard Proctor Test

4. Modified Proctor Test

5. Factors Affecting Compaction

6. California Bearing Ratio Test

7. Consolidation (soil)

8. Analogy Consolidation Settlement

9. Pavement Construction

10. Subgrade Preparation

11. Effect of Compaction on Soil Properties

12. Coefficient of Compressibility.

13. Consolidation Settlement

14. Terzaghi’s Theory of One-Dimensional Consolidation

15. The Odometer Test

16. Methods of Coefficient. of consolidation by height of Solids Methods

17. Effective Stress

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Soil Stabilization

1. Introduction

2. Objectives of Soil Stabilization

3. Methods of Stabilization

4. Improving Soil by Excavation & Replacing and

Mixing Additives

5. In-situ Ground Improvement

6. Methods for in - situ Densification of Soil

7. Geosynthetics

8. Functions of Geosynthetics

9. Applications of geosynthetics

Site Investigation & Sub Soil Exploration

1. Introduction

2. Depth of Exploration

3. Number and Disposition of Pits and Boring

4. General Exploration

5. Detailed exploration

6. Methods of Site Exploration

7. Record of Pits and Borings

8. Types of Samplers

9. Disturbed Sampling

10. Penetration and Sounding Tests

11. Standard Penetration Test

12. Other Methods of In-situ Testing

13. Subsoil Investigation Report

14. Geophysical Methods

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Surveying-I (CE04) Audience: Students of Second Year Civil Engineering

Objective: At the end of the course the student will learn about basics of surveying, various

surveying instruments, their use and methods used in surveying.


Introduction to Surveying

Linear Measurement 1. Introduction

2. Units of Measurement

3. Instruments for Measurements

4. Ranging a Line

5. Methods of Ranging

Direct Method of Ranging

Indirect Method of Ranging

6. Chaining the Line

Chaining on Sloping Ground

Direct Method of Chaining (Stepping Method)

Indirect Method of Chaining

Errors in Chaining

7. Electronic Distansometer

Chain & Cross Staff Surveying

1. Introduction

2. Principle of Chain Surveying

3. Technical Terms Used

4. Selection of Survey Station

5. Selection of Base Line

6. Offsets

8. Locating Corners, Point of Intersections of Buildings

9. Error Due to Incorrect Ranging

10. Combined Error in Length And Direction

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11. Field Book

12. Recording Field Books

13. Field Work for Chain Survey

14. Instruments for Setting Out Right-Angles

15. Field Problems and their Solution

16. Obstacles in Chaining

17. Cross Staff Survey

Chain & Compass Survey

1. Introduction

2. Types of Traverse

3. Dip of Magnetic Needle

4. Compass

5. Temporary Adjustments of Compass

6. Permanent Adjustments

7. Bearing & Meridian

8. Designation of Bearing

9. Fore & Back Bearing

10. Included Angles from Bearings

11. Bearings from Included Angles

12. Local Attraction

13. Declination

14. Traversing with Chain and Compass

15. Plotting of Traverse

16. Closing Error Adjustment

17. Errors in Compass Surveying

18. Precautions in Compass Survey

Levelling 1. Introduction

2. Principle of Levelling

3. Important Definitions

4. Instruments for Levelling

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5. Comparison of Self Reading & Target Staff

6. Temporary Adjustments of Dumpy Level

7. Bench Mark

8. Principles of Levelling

9. Simple Levelling

10. Differential Levelling

11. Reduction of the Levels

Rise and fall method

Height of collimation method.

12. Classification of Levelling

13. Difficulties in Levelling

14. Errors in Levelling

15. Sensitiveness of a Level Tube

16. Measurement of the Sensitiveness

17. Principle of Reversal

18. Fundamental Lines of Level

19. Permanent Adjustments of a Level

20. Methods of Adjustment

21. Barometric Levelling


1. Introduction

2. Representation of Relative Heights

3. Concept of Contour and Contour interval

4. Characteristics of Contour

5. Contour of Natural Features

6. Methods of Contouring

7. Interpolation of Contour

8. Contour Gradient

9. Uses of Contour Maps

10. Practical Example of uses of contour map

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Plane Table Surveying 1. Introduction

2. Instruments for Measurements

3. Setting up the plane Table

4. Sighting the Ground Station

5. Technical Terms

6. Methods of Plane Table Survey

7. Advantages and Disadvantages

8. Errors in Plane Tabling

Theodolite (Angular Measurement)

1. Introduction

2. Parts of Transit Theodolite

3. Telescope

4. Technical Terms Used

5. Fundamental lines and geometry of Transit

6. Temporary Adjustments of Theodolite

7. Permenant Adjustments of Theodolite

8. Uses of Theodolite

9. Precautions In Handling Theodolite

10. Errors In Theodolite Work

11. Total Station

12. Theodolite Traversing


1. Introduction

2. Instruments Used

3. System of Tacheometry

4. Principle of Stadia Method

5. Determination of Tacheometric Constants

6. Analytic Lens

7. Fixed Hair System

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8. Reduction of Stadia Observations

9. Field Work of Tacheometric Survey

10. Errors In Stadia Surveying

Measurement of Area

1. Introduction

2. Determination of Area

3. Determination of Area between a Straight Line and Irregular Boundary

4. Simpson's Rule And Trapazoidal Rule

5. Planimeter

6. Area of Zero Circle

7. Methods of Finding Area Of Zero circle

8. Precautions of Using Planimeter

Simple Curves

1. Curve and Its Types

2. Elements of Curve

3. Relation between Degree of a Curve and its Radius

4. Peg Interval

5. Location of Tangent Point

6. Method of curve Setting

7. Setting Out Curves (Offset From Long Chord)

8. Setting Out Curves (Rankine's Method)

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Building Construction (CE05) Audience: Students of Second Year Civil Engineering

Objective: At the end of the course the student will learn about the methods and processes involved in

construction of various building components.



1. Introduction

2. Building Components

3. Group 1 - Building In General

4. Group 2 - Materials of Construction

5. Group 3 - Foundation

6. Group 4 - Masonry Construction, Walls and Columns

7. Group 5 - Floor Structures

8. Group 6 - Roof Structure

9. Group 7 - Wall Openings, Recesses and Related Structures

10. Group 8 - Vertical Transportation

11. Group 9 - Building Finishes

12. Group 10 - Damp Prevention and Fire Protection

13. Group 11 - Plumbing Services and Building Services

14. Group 12 - Miscellaneous Terms

Functional Planning of Buildings

1. General Principles of Site Selection

2. Site Plan

3. Planning Regulations and By-Laws


1. Introduction

2. Open Foundations or Shallow Foundations

3. Deep Foundations

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Setting Out Of Works for Excavations

1. Setting out the Building Outline

2. Setting out Trenches

3. Setting out a Framed Building

4. Setting out Reduced Level Excavations

Buildings Block Masonry

1. Concrete Masonry

2. Cavity Walls

3. Retaining Walls

Stone and Brick Masonry

1. Introduction

2. General Principles in the Stone Masonry Construction

3. Tools used for stone masonry work

4. Rubble Masonry

5. Ashlar Masonry

6. Dressing of Stones

7. Brick Masonry

Framed Structures

1. Introduction

2. Advantages of Tall Buildings

3. Problems of Tall Buildings

4. Details of A Framed Structure

5. Framed Buildings

6. Advantages of Framed Structure

8. Partitions or Partition Walls

9. Requirements of a Good Partition Wall

10. Types of partition walls

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Damp Proof Courses

1. Introduction

2. Causes of Dampness

3. Effects of Dampness

4. Techniques and Methods of Damp Prevention

5. Materials Used For Damp-Proofing (D.P.C.)

6. Damp-Proofing (I.E., D.P.C.) Treatments in Buildings

7. Treatment of Dampness

Arches and Lintels

1. Introduction

2. Arches

3. Types of Arches

4. Method of Construction of Arches

5. Lintels

6. Types of Lintels

7. Window Sills


1. Floors-I: Ground Floors

2. Components of a Floor

3. Materials for Construction

4. Selection of Flooring Material

5. Floors-II: Upper Floors

6. Prefabricated Floors

Roofs and Roof Coverings

1. Introduction

2. Technical Terms in Sloping Roof and Roof Trusses

3. Pitched Roofs or Sloping Roofs

4. Roof Covering For Pitched Roofs And Their Selection

5. Use of FCR Products In Construction

6. Selection of Roof Coverings

7. Flat Roofs or Terrace Roofs

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Doors and Windows

1. Introduction

2. Location of Doors and Windows

3. Sizes of Doors and Windows

4. Designation of Door, Window and Ventilator


5. Operational Classification of Doors and Windows

6. Definitions of Technical Terms

7. Types of Doors

8. Windows and Their Classification

9. Fixtures and Fastenings For Doors And Windows


1. Introduction

2. Definitions

3. Requirements of a Good Staircase

4. Types of Stairs

5. Classification of Stairs Based on Materials of


6. Elevators or Lifts

7. Ramps

8. Escalators

Building Finishes Part-I

1. Introduction

2. Plastering

3. Pointing

4. White-Washing

5. Colour Washing

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Building Finishes Part-II

1. Introduction

2. Objects of Painting

3. Ingredients of a Paint or Oil Paint

4. Factors affecting Selection of Ingredients and Their Proportions

5. Preparation of Paints

6. Application of Paints on Different Surfaces

7. Tools and Mechanical Appliances for Painting and Other Finishes

8. Defects in Painting Work

9. Varnishes and Varnishing

10. Polishes and Polishing

11. Distempers and Distempering

12. Miscellaneous Finishes

Formwork, Scaffolding, Shoring, Underpinning

1. Requirement of good Formwork

2. Economy in Formwork

3. Materials and Sizes for Forms

4. Types of Forms for different Structural Members

5. Removal of Formwork

6. Scaffolding

7. Types of Scaffolding

8. Shoring

9. Types of Shoring

10. Underpinning

Excavations, Timbering of Trenches and Dewatering

1. Excavation

2. Timbering of Trenches

3. Dewatering of Foundation Excavations

Guniting, Grouting & Shotcreting

1. Grout

2. Guniting

3. Shotcreting

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Plumbing Services

1. Introduction, 2. Plumbing Piping, 3. Pipe Size for Plumbing Work, 4. Sanitary Fittings and


Termite Proofing

1. Introduction, 2. Anti-Termite Treatment, 3. Pre-Construction Treatment, 4. Post-

Construction Treatment

Electrical and Fire Resisting Arrangements

1. Introduction

2. Sources of Electricity

3. Distribution System

4. Basic requirement of Electrical installation

5. Types of Wiring

6. Instructions for Wiring

7. General I.S. Rules for Wiring

8. Underground Service Connection

9. Sub – Circuits

10. Fire Protection

11. Smoke Extraction from Basements

12. Fire Resistant Construction

13. Fire Alarms

Earthquake Resistant Buildings

1. Introduction

2. Seismic Zones of India

3. Seismic Effects on Buildings

4. Earthquake Resistant Buildings: Design Approach

5. Indian Seismic Codes

6. Importance of Architectural Features and Structural


7. Regular and Irregular Configuration

8. Earthquake Resistant Features in Stone Masonry


9. Reduction of Earthquake Effects

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Building Materials (CE06) Audience: Students of Second Year Civil Engineering

Objective: At the end of the course the student will learn about building materials, their properties

and uses.



1. Properties of Material

2. Mechanical Properties

3. Characteristic Behavior under Stress

4. Summary


1. Introduction

2. Classification of Rocks

3. Quarrying of Stones

4. Uses of Stones

5. Characteristics of Good Building Stone

6. Testing of Stones

7. Selection of Stones

8. Common Building Stones

9. Artificial Stones

10. Application of stones

11. Summary

12. Assessment

Clay Products

1. Introduction

2. Bricks

3. Classification of Bricks

4. Manufacturing of Bricks

5. Defects of Bricks

6. Testing of Bricks

7. Clay Tiles

8. Testing of Tiles

9. Fire-Clay Bricks or Refractory Bricks

10. Terracotta

11. Porcelain

12. Stoneware

13. Earthenware

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14. Majolica

15. Glazing

16. Application of clay products

Cementing Materials

1. Lime

2. Manufacture of lime

3. Slaking of Lime

4. Hardening of Lime

5. Lime Putty And Coarse Stuff

6. Testing of Lime

7. Storage of Lime

8. Lime vs. Cement

9. Pozzolanas

Protective and Decorative Coatings

1. Introduction

2. Composition of Oil Paint

3. Pigments

4. Preparation of paint

5. Enamel

6. Distemper

7. Water Wash and Colour Wash

8. Varnish

9. French and Wax polish

10. Miscellaneous Paints


1. Introduction

2. Constituents of plastics

3. Fabrication of commercial articles from plastics

4. Application of Plastics

5. Properties of plastics

6. Effect of temperature on mechanical properties

Flooring Materials

1. Terrazzo flooring

2. Mosaic flooring

3. Tiled flooring

4. Marble flooring

5. Timber flooring

6. Asphalt flooring

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7. Rubber flooring

8. Linoleum flooring

9. Cork flooring

10. Glass flooring

11. Plastic or P.V.C. flooring


1. Introduction

2. Classification of Trees

3. Classification of Timber

4. Structure of Timber

5. Characteristics of Good Timber

6. Seasoning of Timber

7. Defects in Timber

8. Diseases of Timber Dry and Wet Rot

9. Decay of Timber

10. Damage due to Insects

11. Preservation of Timber

12. Various Treatment Processes

13. Testing of Timber

14. Suitable of timber for specific uses

15. Properties of wood

16. Wood products

New Building Materials

1. Floors

2. New researched products by Govt. of India

3. Wall cladding

4. Curtain Wall Details

5. Glass

6. Sealant

7. Rates of Materials

8. Summary

Building Mortars

1. Introduction

2. Classification of mortars

3. Characteristics of good mortar

4. Functions of Ingredients

5. Cement Mortar

6. Lime Mortar

7. Surkhi Mortar

8. Lime-Cement Mortar

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9. Mud Mortar

10. Special Mortars

11. Selection of Mortars

12. Testing


1. Introduction

2. Ferrous Metals

3. Non-Ferrous Metals

Asphalt, Bitumen and Tar

1. Introduction

2. Bitumen

3. Tar

4. Pitch

5. Asphalt

6. General Properties

7. Testing

8. Applications of Bituminous Materials


1. Introduction

2. Constituents

3. Manufacture

4. Classification of Glass

5. Glass wool

Insulating Materials

1. Introduction

2. Advantages of Thermal Insulation

3. Thermal Insulating Materials

4. Sound Absorbents or Acoustical Materials

Miscellaneous Materials

1. Introduction

2. Fire load

3. Grading of Structural Elements

4. Grading Building According to Fire Resistance

5. Characteristics of Fire Resisting Materials

6. Fire- resisting Properties Common Building Materials

7. Fire-resistant Construction

8. Fire Alarms

9. Fire Extinguishing Equipments

Page 30: Details of subjects of civil engg

Civil Engineering Drawing (CE07) Audience: Students of Second Year Civil Engineering

Objective: : At the end of the course the student will learn about basic concepts, principles of

planning, rules and regulations and methods of drawing.



1. Lines, 2. Dimensions, 3. Lettering, 4. Symbols, 5. Scales, 6.Layout of drawing sheet

Principles of Planning

1. General Principles

2. Comfortable conditions in Humid Tropics

3. Comfortable conditions in Dry Tropics

4. Orientation of Building

5. Protection of Walls from Sun and Rain

6. Walls and openings for Building

7. Chajjas and Sun Breakers

8. Temperature Transfer and Comfort Conditions

9. Air gap for Comfort Conditions

10. Ground Treatment with Vegetation

Rules and Regulations

1. Regulations Regarding Layouts

2. Building Regulations

3. Rules for Special Types of Buildings

4. Calculation for Plinth, Floor and Carpet Area

Method of Drawing

1. Types of Drawings

o Preliminary Drawings

o Location Drawings

o Submission Drawings

o Working Drawings

o Measured Drawings

o Structural Drawings

2. Orthographic Drawing

3. Perspective Drawing

o Planes of Perspective

o One Point Perspective

o Two point perspective

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Theory of Structure (CE08) Audience: Students of Second Year Civil Engineering

Objective: At the end of the course the student will learn about basic concepts of structural analysis,

various theorems and methods used in structural analysis.


Basic Concepts of Structural Analysis

1. Structural system

2. Types of Skeletal Structures

3. Structural Behaviour

4. Displacements

5. Correspondence between Force and Displacement

6. Types of Support

7. Types of Joints

8. Shear and Bending Moment Diagrams

9. Linearity and Elasticity

10. Static Indeterminacy

11. Kinematic Indeterminacy

12. Linear and Non-linear Structures

13. Energy Theorms

14. Flexural Member

15. Torsional Member

Rolling Loads and Influence Lines

1. Introduction

2. Train of Moving Loads

3. Uniformly Distributed Loads

4. When the length of U. D. L. is less than the span

5. Maximum shear at a Given Section for Uniformly

Distributed Load

6. Condition for maximum B.M. at a given Section

7. Uniformly Distributed Load

8. Span of UDL is less than the Span of the Girder

9. Maximum B.M. Under chosen wheel load

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10. Absolute Maximum Bending Moment in the Girder

11. Equivalent Uniformly Distributed Loads

12. Influence Lines

13. Simply Supported Beams with Overhang

Fixed Beam

1. Fixed beam

2. B.M. diagram for a fixed beam

3. Propped cantilever

4. Alternative approach

5. Example

Slope Deflection Equations

1. Introduction

2. Modification for the simply supported end of a continuous


Moment Distribution Method

1. Introduction

2. Stiffness of Beam

3. Relative Stiffness

4. Example

Dams & Retaining Walls

1. Analysis of a Masonry Dam

2. Stability of a Dam ( Dam of Triangular Section, Dam of rectangular section, Trapezoidal


3. Example

Three Hinged Arches

1. Introduction

2. Theoretical Arch or Line of Thrust

3. Three Hinged Arch

4. Three-hinged Parabolic Arch

5. Influence Line for Horizontal Thrust H

6. Influence Line for Horizontal Thrust X

7. Influence Line for Shear Force at Section X

8. I. L. For Normal or Axial Thrust At A Section X

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9. Absolute Maximum Bending Moment

10. Example

Cables and Suspension Bridges

1. Cable carrying a uniformly distributed load

2. Length of the cable

3. Influence line diagrams

Two Hinged Arches

1. Introduction

2. Horizontal Thrust for Concentrated Load at Crown

3. Two Hinged Arch Loaded with UDL

4. Derivation for the horizontal thrust

5. Normal Thrust and Radial Shear

Strain Energy Methods

1. Proof Resilience

2. Types of Loading

3. Strain Energy Stored in a Body Due to Gradually

Applied Load

4. Impact Loading

5. Suddenly Applied Load

6. Strain Energy

7. Reciprocal Theorems

8. Principle of Virtual Work

9. Mueller Breslau Principle

10. The Unit Load Method

Analysis of Pin Jointed Redundant Frames

1. Redundant Frames

2. Frame with two redundant members

3. Stresses due to errors in lengths

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Plastic Analysis

1. Ductility

2. Assumptions in Plastic Theory

3. Shape Factor & Plastic Moment Capacity

4. Static and virtual work method

5. Under Bound & Lower Bound

6. Plastic Moment Distribution

Kani’s Method

1. Introduction

2. Procedure for Kani's method

3. Members with far ends hinged

4. Frames with columns of unequal height

Approximate Methods

1. Braced Frames

2. Drift Analysis

3. The Portal Method

4. The Cantilever Method

5. Drift in Rigid Frames

Matrix Methods

1. Matrix Notation for Linear Equations

2. Rule for Matrix Multiplication

3. Method for Matrix Inversion

4. Matrix Transposition

5. Matrix Displacement Method Of Truss Analysis

6. The Global Stiffness Matrix [K] = [ASAT]

7. The Local Stiffness Matrix

8. The Joint-Force Matrix {P}

9. Effect of Support Settlements

10. The Force-Displacement Matrix [SB]

11. Matrix Displacement Method of Rigid-Frame Analysis

12. Example

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Beams Curved In Plan

1. Introduction

2. Analysis of a Curved Beam

3. Stresses due to Torsion

Influence Lines for Indeterminate Structures

1. Influence Lines for Statically Indeterminate Beams

2. Muller-Breslau Influence

3. Influence Lines for Statically Indeterminate Trusses vs. Muller-Breslau Influence


4. Example

Deflection of Beams And Frames

1. Castigliano's First Theorem of Complementary Energy

2. Fixed at One

3. Deflection and slope at the free end for the beam

Indeterminate Beams

1. Principle of Superposition

2. Clerk Maxwell's Theorem of Reciprocal Deflection

3. Maxwell - Betti's Law

4. Steps to be followed for analysis of fixed beams

5. Different Cases

6. Continuous Beams

7. Modified Theorem of Three Moments

8. Different types of continuous beams

Energy Method for Displacement

1. Introduction

2. Castigliano's second theorem

3. Frames

4. Procedure for Analysis

Deflection of Trusses

1. Introduction

2. A strain Energy

3. The Unit Load Method

4. Temperature Deflection

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5. Castigliano's First Theorem

Indeterminate Trusses

1. Introduction

2. Force Method for Analysis of Indeterminate Trusses

3. Basic Formulation of Force Method for Trusses

4. Indeterminate Trusses with Lack of Fit

5. Temperature Effects in Indeterminate Trusses

6. Effects of Yielding of Support in Indeterminate Trusses

Influence Line Diagrams for Plane Trusses

1. Introduction

2. I. L. D. for Different Members of N Type Truss

3. I. L. D. for Bottom Chords of N Type Truss

4. L. D. for bottom chord members

5. I. L. D. For Deck Type bridge Truss

6. I. L. D. for Top Chord Members of N Type truss

7. I. L. D. for Bottom Chord Members

Page 37: Details of subjects of civil engg

Estimation and Costing (CE09) Audience: Students of Second Year Civil Engineering

Objective: : At the end of the course the student will learn about basic concepts and methods of

measurement, detailed estimate, specifications, rate analysis, valuation, contract, tendering, etc.



1. Introduction and definitions

2. Purpose of Estimating and Costing

3. Types of Estimate

Approximate Estimate

1. Use of Approximate Estimates

2. Methods Of Approximate Estimate

3. Considerations for Approximate Estimate for Road Project

4. Considerations for Approximate Cost for Bridges

5. Considerations for Approximate Estimate For Sanitary Project

6. Considerations for Approximate Estimate For Water Supply

7. Considerations for Approximate Estimate Of Railways

8. Considerations for Approximate Estimate For Irrigation Project

Detailed Estimate

1. Uses of Detailed Estimates

2. Types of Detailed Estimates

3. Data required for preparing Detailed Estimates

4. Factors to be considered during Preparation of Detailed Estimate

5. Steps in Preparation of Detailed Estimate

6. Main Items of Work for Detailed Estimates and their units.

Modes of Measurement

1. Principles for Selection of Unit of Quantities

2. Modes of measurement for item of work as per PWD and IS : 1200

3. Method of Measurement of Formwork

4. Method of Measurement of Concrete

5. Method of Measurement of Brickwork

6. Method of Measurement of Circular Brickwork

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7. Method of Measurement of Brickwork for Different Floors

8. Deduction for R.C.C. Work

9. Deductions in Concrete Volume

10. Deduction Excluded for the Brickwall Calculation

11. Deduction for Plastering

12. Deduction for Painting

Procedure for Preparing Detailed Estimate

1. Long Wall - Short Wall Method

2. Centre Line Method

3. Preparation of Detailed Estimate of (G+1) Load Bearing Structure

4. Provisional Sum

5. Prime Cost

6. Day Work

7. Preparing Bill of Quantities for various items of work

8. Provision in Detailed Estimate

9. Quantities for RCC Structural Members

10. Estimate of Earthwork in Road


1. Necessity of Specification

2. Types of Specifications

3. Specifications Of Items In Civil Engineering Work

o Earthwork in Excavation in Foundation

o Cement Concrete ( 1:2:4)

o IInd Class B B Masonry in Cement Concrete (1:6) for super structure

o 12 cm Thick Cement Plaster to brick work in cm (1:5)

o Coarsed Rubble Masonry : Sand, cement, water, preparation of mortar, Mixing of

mortar is same as in brick masonry.

Rate Analysis

1. Definition and Factors Affecting the Rate Analysis

2. Quantity required for different item of work

3. Task Work

4. Standard Schedule of Rates

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5. Requisites for Preparing Rate Analysis

6. Quantity of materials required for Brick Masonry 10 m3 (1:6)

7. Rate Analysis for First Class Brickwork in Superstructure


1. Definition & Necessity of valuation

2. Scrap Value

3. Book Value

4. Speculative value

5. Obsolescence

6. Method of Depreciation

o Straight line method

o Constant percentage method or declining balance method

o Sinking fund method

o Quantity survey method

7. Gross income , Net income, outgoings

8. The various types of outgoing

9. Year's Purchase (Y.P.)

10. Capitalized value


1. Types of Engineering Contracts

2. Item Rate Contract

3. Lump sum Contract

4. Labor Contract

5. Target Contract

6. Negotiated Contract

7. Cost Plus Percentage Rate Contract

8. Cost Plus Fixed Fee Contract

9. Cost Plus Variable Fee Contract

Tender and Tender Notice

1. Introduction

2. Earnest Money

3. Security Deposit

4. Rejection of All Tenders

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5. Specimen Tender Notice

6. Unbalanced tender

7. Filling of tender by contractor and points to be observed

8. Procedure of the submission of the tenders

9. Opening and acceptance of the tender

10. Tender Form for Minor Works

11. Procedure of the submission of the tenders

12. Opening and acceptance of the tender

13. Proforma of Tender Box Opening

14. Tender Process Evaluation

15. Tender Selection Report

16. Work order

Tender Documents

1. List of tender documents

2. Conditions of Contract

3. Special Conditions of Contract

4. Schedule A

5. Schedule B

6. Schedule C

7. Time Limit

8. Termination of Contract

9. Defect Liability Period

10. Penalty

11. Liquidated Damages

12. Escalation of Cost

13. Arbitration

14. Rate List

15. Suspension of Work

16. Advance Payment

Execution of Work By P.W.D.

1. Organization of P.W.D.

2. Functions of P.W.D. Personnels

3. Administrative approval

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4. Methods used in P.W.D. for carrying out the work

Accounting In P.W.D.

1. Measurement Book

2. Imprest

3. Temporary Advance

4. Indent or Issue of the materials

5. Bills

6. Voucher

7. Cash book

8. Nominal muster roll

Payment of Contractor

1. Modes of payment to contractor

2. On account payment

3. Advanced payment

4. Secured advance

5. Interim payment

6. First and final bill (P.W.D. Form No. 24)

7. Final payment

8. Retention money

9. Reduced rate payment

10. Petty advance

11. Mobilization advance

Page 42: Details of subjects of civil engg

Hydraulics / Fluid Mechanics (CE10) Audience: Students of Second Year Civil Engineering

Objective: At the end of the course the student will learn about the properties of fluids, fluid

pressure and its measurement, forces on surfaces, kinematics and dynamics of fluid flow, types of

flow like laminar flow and turbulent flow.


Introduction to Fluid Mechanics

1. Introduction

2. Fluid Mechanics and its Branches

3. Scope and Applications of Fluid Mechanics

4. SI System of Units

5. Specific Gravity or Relative Density

6. Newtonian and Non - Newtonian Fluids

7. Vapour Pressure

8. Cohesion, Adhesion, Surface Tension and


9. Pressure inside a Liquid Jet

10. Capillarity

Fluid Pressure & its Measurement

1. Introduction

2. Pressure at a Point

3. Variation of Pressure in a Static Fluid

4. Equivalent Liquid Columns

5. Absolute Pressure

6. Manometers

7. Micromanometers

8. Mechanical Gauges

9. Introduction to Pressure Transducers

Hydrostatic Forces on Surfaces

1. Pressure on Plane Surfaces

2. Total Pressure on a Plane Surface

3. Pressure diagram

4. Practical Applications of Hydrostatic Pressure and Centre of Pressure

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5. Conditions of Stability

6. Relative Equilibrium

7. Uniform Rotation about Vertical axis - Vortex Flow

8. Free Vortex Flow

9. Example

Buoyancy & Floatation

1. Buoyancy, Buoyant Force and Centre of Buoyancy

2. Principle of Floatation

3. Metacentre and Metacentric Height

4. Stability of Submerged and Floating Bodies

5. Determination of Metacentric Height

6. Example

Kinematics of Fluid Flow

1. Introduction

2. Velocity of Fluid Particle

3. Stream Tube

4. Streak Line

5. Fluid Flow Classification

6. Control Volume

7. Continuity Equation for One Dimensional Flow

8. Discharge

9. Tangential and Normal Accelerations

10. Rotational and Irrotational Motions

11. Components of Rotation

12. Circulation

13. Velocity Potential or Potential Function 'f' (Phi)

14. Relation between Equipotential Line and Stream Line

15. Methods of Drawing Flow Net

16. Electrical Analogy Method

17. Example

Dynamics of Fluid Flow

1. Introduction

2. Important Forces in Fluid Flow

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3. Euler's Equation of Motion Along a Stream Line

4. Three Dimensional Flow (Cartesian Co - ordinates)

5. Bernoulli's equation

6. Assumptions made in Derivation of Bernoulli's Equation

7. Another forms of Bernoulli's Equation

8. Measurement of velocity in open channel

9. Venturimeter

10. Discharge through a venturimeter

11. Rotameter

12. Sharp Edged Circular Orifice Discharging Free

13. Hydraulic Coefficients of an Orifice

14. Experimental Determination of Hydraulic Coefficients

15. Time of Emptying a Vessel

16. Flow of liquid from one tank to other tank

17. Notches and Weirs

18. Example

Dimensional Analysis

1. Introduction

2. Units and Dimensions

3. Similitude

4. Important Dimensionless Numbers

5. Model Laws

6. Types of Models

7. Applications of Model Studies

8. Example

Laminar Flow

1. Introduction

2. Types of Flow and Loss of Head

3. Laminar Flow

4. Practical Examples of Laminar Flow

5. Laminar Flow through Inclined Pipes

6. Measurement of Viscosity

7. Falling Sphere Viscometer

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8. Rotating Cylinder Viscometer

9. Laminar Flow Through Porous Media

10. Example

Boundary Layer Theory

1. Introduction

2. Concept of Boundary Layer

3. Factors affecting the growth of boundary layer

4. Development of Flow in Circular Pipes

5. Karman Momentum Integral Equation

6. Boundary conditions for velocity profiles

7. Some other velocity distributions

8. Turbulent Boundary Layer

9. Laminar Sublayer

10. Hydrodynamically Smooth and Rough Pipes

11. Boundary Layer Separation

12. Methods for controlling the boundary layer

13. Location of Separation Point

14. Example

Introduction to Turbulent Flow

1. Introduction

2. Characteristics of Turbulent Flow

3. Some Definitions

4. Shear Stress in Turbulent Flow

5. Prandtl's Mixing Length Theory

6. Velocity Distribution in Turbulent Flow

7. Resistance to Flow in Smooth and Rough Pipes

8. Nikuradse's Experiments

9. Variation of Friction Factor

10. Friction Factor in Commercial Pipes

11. Turbulent Flow in Non - Circular Conduits

12. Hot Wire Anemometer

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Flow through Pipes

1. Introduction

2. Losses of Head in Pipe

3. Derivation of Formulae for Different Losses

4. Relation between friction factor and wall shear stress

5. Minor Losses

6. Equivalent Length

7. Hydraulic Grade Line and Total Energy Line

8. Pipes in Series or Compound Pipe

9. Equivalent Pipe-Dupit's Equation

10. Flow through Siphon

11. Uses of Siphon

12. Branching of Pipes

13. Pipe line with pump

14. Flows through Nozzle

15. Water Hammer

Fluid Flow around submerged objects – Drag and Lift

1. Introduction

2. Types of Drag

3. Dimensional Analysis of Drag and Lift

4. Drag on a Sphere

5. Karman Vortex Trail

6. Drag on a Flat Plate

7. Development of Lift on Immersed Bodies

8. Induced Drag on An Airfoil of Finite Length

9. Example

Impact of Free Jets

1. Introduction

2. Force exerted by Fluid Jet on Stationary Flat Plate

3. Force exerted by a Fluid Jet on Stationary Curved Vane

4. Force Exerted By a Fluid Jet on Moving Curved Vane

5. Example

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Irrigation Engineering (CE11) Audience: Students of Third Year Civil Engineering

Objective: At the end of the course the student will learn about the various methods of irrigation,

national water policy, hydrology, various hydraulic structures and their design, etc.


Introduction to Irrigation

1. Introduction

2. Benefits of Irrigation

3. Effects under - Irrigation

4. Types of Irrigation

5. Single Purpose Irrigation Project

6. Multipurpose Irrigation Project

7. Example

National Water Policy

1. National Water Policy

2. Maharashtra Water Policy

3. Watershed Management


1. Introduction

2. Hydrologic Cycle

3. Rainfall in India

4. Measurement of Rainfall

5. Preparation of Data

6. Estimation of Missing Rainfall Data

7. Mean Precipitation Over an Area

8. Test For Consistency of Record

9. Presentation of Rainfall Data

10. Interpretation of Rainfall Data

11. Run-off

12. Factors Affecting Runoff

13. Estimation of Runoff

14. Infiltration

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15. Hydrograph

16. Components of Hydrograph

17. Factors Affecting Flood Hydrograph

18. Effective Rainfall

19. Unit Hydrograph

20. Methods of Base Flow Separation

21. S-Curve Hydrograph

22. Estimation of Flood

23. Concept of Irrigation

24. Principal Crops and Crop Seasons

25. Delta and Duty

26. Important Terms

27. Soil Moisture - Irrigation Relationship

28. Field Capacity

29. Depth and Frequency of Irrigation

30. Examples

Water Assessment

1. Assessment of Irrigation Water

2. Methods of Assessment

3. Reasons for Levying the Water Charges on the Farmers

4. Reasons for Levying Special Charges in addition to the usual Charges under the Canal Act

5. Differentiation of Volumetric Assessment and Area Basis Assessment

Field Investigations

1. Purposes of Field Investigation

2. Preliminary Surveys

3. Survey Data to be attached with Project Report

4. Project Report

5. Key Map

6. Index Map

7. Engineering Surveys

8. Land Plans

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Reservoir Planning

1. Reservoir - Definition

2. Selection of Suitable Site for Reservoir

3. Classification of Reservoirs

4. Storage Zones of a Reservoir

5. Reservoir Sedimentation

6. Silting Control in Reservoir

7. Reservoir Capacity (Mass Curves of Inflow and


8. Examples

Introduction to Various Hydraulic Structures

1. Introduction

2. Types of Hydraulic Structures

Types of Dams

1. Selection of the Type of Dam and Their Classifications

2. Factors Governing the Selection of a Particular Dam

3. Selection of Dam Site

4. Problems in Dam Construction

5. Modern Dams

Gravity Dams

1. Introduction

2. Typical Cross-Section of Gravity Dam

3. Forces Acting on a Dam

4. Combination of Loading For Design

5. Modes of Failure and Criteria for Structural

Stability of Gravity Dams

6. Principal and Shear Stresses

7. Stability Analysis

8. Elementary Profile of a Gravity Dam

9. High and Low Gravity Dams

10. Profile of a Dam from Practical Considerations

11. Design Considerations & Fixing the Section of a Dam

12. Design of Gravity Dams

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13. Diversion Problem in Dams Construction

14. Galleries in Gravity Dams

15. Joints in a Gravity Dam

16. Shear Keys

17. Water Stops

18. Advantages and Disadvantages of Gravity Dam

19. Spillways

20. Ogee Spillway Design

21. Stop Logs and Needles

22. Vertical Lift Gates or Rectangular Gates

23. Radial Gates or Tainter Gates

24. Drum Gates

25. Advantages of Crest Gates

26. Examples

Earthen Dam

1. Introduction

2. Types of Earthen Dams

3. Methods of Construction

4. Causes of Failure of Earthen Dams

5. Design Criteria for Earth Dams

6. Suitable Preliminary Section for an Earth Dam

7. Upstream and Downstream slopes

8. Central Impervious Core

9. Seepage Analysis

10. Determination of Phreatic Line

11. Seepage Control in Earth Dams

12. Design of Filters

13. Examples

Diversion Headworks

1. Head Work

2. Weir & Barrage

3. Types of Weirs

4. Location of Headworks

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5. Causes of Failure of Weirs and Their Remedies

6. Bligh's Creep Theory

7. Khosla's Theory

8. Elements of Design for Surface Flow

9. Design of D/S and U/S protective works

10. Types of Regulation

11. Silt Control at Headworks

Bandhara Irrigation

1. Introduction

2. Component Parts of Bandhara

3. Location of Bandhara

4. Bandhara System

5. Design of Bandhara

6. Phad System of Irrigation

7. Types of Bandhara

8. Advantages, Disadvantages & Suitability

9. Percolation Tank

Cross Drainage Works

1. Introduction

2. Types of Cross Drainage Work

3. Classification of Aqueducts and Syphon Aqueducts

4. Design Considerations for Cross Drainage Works

5. Types of Joints in R.C.C. Constructions

6. Selection of a Suitable Type of Cross Drainage


7. Canal Falls

8. Design Principles of Various Types Of Falls

9. Examples

Canal & Canal Construction

1. Introduction

2. Alignment of Canal

3. Distribution System for Canal Irrigation

4. Curves in Channels

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5. Certain Important Definitions

6. Losses of Water in Canals

7. Canal Regulation

8. Distribution of Water into the Fields Through Water Courses

9. Design of Canal Section

10. Examples

Canal Lining

1. Canal Lining

2. Materials used for Canal Lining

3. Factors Responsible for Selection of a Particular Type of Lining

4. Advantages of Canal Lining

5. Sub-grade Preparations

6. Applying Lining

7. Joints in Cement Concrete Lining

8. Shotcrete Lining

9. Cement Concrete Tile Lining or Brick Lining

10. Asphaltic Concrete Lining

11. Boulder Lining

12. Earth Type Linings

13. Requirement of Good Lining

14. Factors Responsible for Selection of a Particular

Type of Lining

15. Under Drainage of Lined Canals

16. Lining of Canals in Expansive Soils

River and its Design

1. River and its Behaviours

2. Control and Training of Rivers

3. Classification of River Training

4. Methods of River Training

Water Logging

1. Introduction

2. Effect of Water Logging

3. Causes of Water logging

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4. Remedial Measures of Water Logging

5. Precautions to Be Taken to Avoid Water Logging

6. Salt Efflorescence

7. Effect of Salt Efflorescence

8. Methods of Preventing Salt Efflorescence

9. Reclamation of Waterlogged Land

Lift & Micro Irrigation

1. Lift Irrigation

2. Canal Irrigation

3. Drip Irrigation

4. Sprinkler Irrigation

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Sanitary Engineering (CE12) Audience: Students of Third Year Civil Engineering

Objective: At the end of the course the student will learn about systems of sanitation, collection of

sewage –their properties and testing , treatment of sewage, estimation of sewage, design of sewer,

sever appurtenances, construction-testing and maintenance of sewers.


Introduction to Sanitary Engineering

1. Introduction

2. Definitions

3. Importance of Sanitary Engineering

4. Systems of Sanitation

Sewage Collection from Houses and Building

1. Introduction

2. General Principles Governing the Design of a Sanitary Plumbing System

3. Systems of Plumbing

4. Choice of Particular System of Plumbing

5. Sewerage Plans of Buildings and Design of Sewer Pipes

6. Functions and Types of Traps being used in Sanitary Plumbing Systems

7. Sanitary Fittings and Other Accessories

8. Testing of House Sewers

9. Ventilation of House Drains

10. Minimum Sanitary Fixtures Required for Different Types of Buildings

Pumps and Sewage Pumping

1. Necessity of Pumping Sewage

2. Types of Pumps

3. Pumping Stations

Estimating the Design Sewage Discharge

1. Estimating Sewage Discharge

2. Net Quantity of Sewage Produced

3. Design Periods and Future Forecasts

4. Future Forecasts and Estimating Design Sewage


5. Estimating the Peak Drainage Discharge

Page 55: Details of subjects of civil engg

6. Example

Hydraulic Designs of Sewage and S.W. Drain Sections

1. General Introduction

2. Difference in the Design of Water Supply Pipes and Sewer Pipes

3. Provision of Freeboard in Sewers and S.W. Drains

4. Hydraulic Formulas for Determining Flow Velocities in Sewers and Drains

5. Maximum and Minimum Velocities to be generated in Sewers

6. Effects of Flow Variation on Velocity in a Sewer

7. Hydraulic Characteristics of Circular Sewer Sections

8. Design of Storm Water Drains

9. Example

Sewage Appurtenances

1. Introduction

2. Manholes

3. Drop Manholes

4. Lamp Holes

5. Clean - Outs

6. Street Inlets (Gullies)

7. Catch Basins(Catch Pits)

8. Flushing Tanks

9. Grease and Oil Traps

10. Inverted Siphons

11. Storm Water Regulators or Storm Relief


Sewer Materials and Joints

1. Introduction

2. Sewers of Different Possible Materials

3. Joints in Sewers

Sewer Construction and Testing

1. Introduction

2. Forces Acting on Sewer Pipes

3. Laying and Testing of Sewer Pipes

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Maintenance of Sewerage Systems

1. Maintenance of Sewers

2. Ventilation of Sewers

Characteristics of Sewage Composition & Testing

1. Characteristics of Sewage

2. Decay or Decomposition of Sewage

3. Basis of Biological Treatment

4. Collecting of sewage samples for physical & chemical Testing

5. Example

Treatment of Sewage

1. Introduction

2. Objectives and Necessity of Sewage Treatment

3. Preliminary Treatment

4. Primary Treatment

5. Secondary Treatment

6. Treatment Plant Video

Treatment and Disposal of Sewage Sludge

1. Sludge and Its Moisture Content

2. Factors Affecting Sludge Digestion and Their Control

3. Sludge Digestion Tank or Digestors

4. Disposal of Digested Sludge

5. Use of Lagoons for Disposal of Raw Sludge

Modern Methods of Sewage Treatment

1. Introduction

2. The UASB Reactor

3. Secondary Treatment through Rotating Biological


Septic Tanks and Soil Absorption Systems

1. Introduction

2. Design Considerations

3. Working of Septic Tank

4. Methods of Disposing Septic Tank Effluent

5. Disposal of the Effluent from the Septic Tanks

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6. Onsite low cost Sewage disposal

7. Imhoff Tanks

Special Problems in High Altitude

1. High Altitudes and or Sub-Zero Temperature Conditions

2. Waste Disposal Systems

3. Fire Hydrants

4. Economic Factors Involved at High Altitude Regions

Page 58: Details of subjects of civil engg

Surveying-II (CE13) Audience: Students of Second Year Civil Engineering

Objective: At the end of the course the student will learn about geodetic surveying, triangulation,

photogrammatry, remote sensing, and modern surveying instruments.


Geodetic Surveying

1. Object of Geodetic Surveying

2. Methods of Geodetic Surveying

3. Triangulation, Classification of Triangulation


4. Triangulation Figures, Steps for Triangulation

5. Erection of Signals and Towers

6. Measurement of Horizontal Angle

7. Astronomical Observations to Determine True


8. Measurement of Base line

9. Computation Methods

Triangulation Adjustment

1. Laws of weights

2. Kinds of Errors

3. Most Probable Value of Conditioned and

Independent Quantities

4. Method of Least Square,

5. The Probable Error and its Determination

6. Station Adjustment, Figure Adjustment and

Spherical Triangle.

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Trigonometrical leveling

1. Introduction

2. Correction for Curvature and refraction

3. Axis signal correction,

4. Elevation methods-By single observation &

Reciprocal observation

Aerial Photogrammetry

1. Vertical, Tilted and oblique Photogrammetry

2. Arial Camera

3. Flight Planning,

4. Scale of Vertical Photograph

5. Application of Air Photography,

6. Interval Between Exposure,

7. Ground Control,

8. Radial Line Method

9. Mirror and Lens Stereoscope

10. Stereo meter

11. Mosaics, Photo interpretation

12. Photogrammetric Height

Remote Sensing

1. Electromagnetic Spectrum

2. Remote Sensing Method

3. Classification of Remote Sensing Systems

4. Application of Remote Sensing

5. Satellite Remote Sensing,

6. Global Positioning System

Hydrographic Surveying

1. Object of Hydrographic,

2. Establishing Controls, Shoreline Survey, Soundings

and Soundings Equipments

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3. Location by Range and One Angle From Shore

4. Location by Transit and stadio

5. Location by Range and One Angle From Boat

6. Location by Two Angles From Shore

7. Location by Two Angles From Boat

8. Location by Cross Rope

9. Location by Intersecting Ranges

10. Location by Distance along Wire or Rope

11. Reduction and Plotting of Soundings

12. Three Point Problem by Analytical and Graphical


13. Tidal Gauges

Modern Surveying Equipments

1. Introduction

2. Geodimetre

3. Tellurometre

4. Tunnel/Alignment

5. Lasers Electromagnetic

6. Distance Meter

7. Distomat

8. Total Station

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Transportation Engineering (CE14) Audience: Students of Second Year Civil Engineering

Objective: At the end of the course the student will learn about various types of transportation

systems, their parts, geometric design, etc.


Road Engineering

1. Introduction

2. Geometric Design of Roads

3. Road Material & Construction

Bridge Engineering

1. Types of Bridges & Component Part

2. Inspection & Maintenance

Railway Engineering

1. Component Parts of Railway

2. Geometric Design

3. Station & Yards

Tunnel Engineering

1. Tunneling

2. Construction of Tunnels

Docks & Harbour

1. Introduction

2. Elements of Harbour

3. Port Facilities

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Airport Engineering

1. Planning & Layout

2. Terminal Area & Airport Layout

3. Taxiway Design

4. Visual Aids, Heliports

5. Airport Pavement

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Foundation Engineering (CE15) Audience: Students of Third Year Civil Engineering

Objective: At the end of the course the student will learn about various types of foundations, design

of raft and combined footing, failure of foundation, bearing capacity determination, various tests

like plate load test, penetration test, static cone tests, deep foundations, etc.


Introduction of Foundation

1. Definitions

2. Foundation Materials

3. Problematic Rocks and Soils

4. Requirement of a Good Foundation

5. Suitability of Soils for Foundations

6. Foundation Design

7. Foundation Loading

8. Reduction in Loads

9. Depth of Foundation

10. Allowable Pressures

11. Estimate of Settlement

12. Miscellaneous Factors

Shallow Foundations

1. Introduction

2. Types of Footings

3. Wall Footings

4. Isolated or Column Footings

5. Combined Footing

6. Inverted Arch Footing

7. Continuous Footing

8. Strap or Cantilever Footing

9. Grillage Footing

10. Mat Foundations

11. Dewatering of Foundations


1. Settlement of foundation

Raft Foundations and Combined Footings

1. Introduction to Raft Foundations

2. Types of Rafts

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3. I.S. Code Of Practice For Design of Raft Foundations

4. Examples

5. Design of Foundation

6. Reinforcement

7. Rectangular Combined Footing

8. Structural Design

9. Examples

Failure of Foundations

1. Bearing Capacity Terms

2. Failure of Foundation

3. Conditions for Typical Mode of Failure

Determination of Bearing Capacity

1. Definitions

2. Minimum Depth of Foundation: Rankine's Analysis

3. Criteria for the Determination of Bearing Capacity

4. Factors Affecting Bearing Capacity

5. Methods of Determining Bearing Capacity

6. Types of Bearing Capacity Failures

7. Terzaghi’s Method

8. Skempton's Values For Nc

9. General Bearing Capacity Equation: Brinch Hansen's Analysis

10. Meyerhof's Analysis

11. Vesic's Bearing Capacity Equation

12. Comparison of Bearing Capacity Factors

13. IS Code method for Bearing Capacity

Plate Load Test and SPT

1. Plate Load Test

2. Limitations of Plate Load Test

3. Penetration Tests

4. Static Cone Test

5. Safe Bearing Pressure

6. Permissible Total and Differential Settlements

7. Bearing Capacity from Building Codes

Pile Foundation

1. Introduction

2. Types of Piles

3. Pile Driving

4. Methods of Pile Driving

5. Effects of Pile Driving

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6. Static Formulae

7. Dynamic Formulae

8. Design of Pile Foundation

9. Pile Load Tests

10. Settlement of Pile Foundations

11. Settlement Analysis

12. Group Settlement in Clays

13. Group Action in Piles

14. Negative Skin Friction

15. Spacing and Arrangement of Piles

16. Under-Reamed Pile Foundations

17. Cased Cast- In-Situ Concrete Piles

18. Uncased Cast-In-Situ Concrete Piles

19. Pressure Piles

Piers and Caissons

1. Introduction

2. Types of Piers

3. Types of Caissons

4. Design Considerations for Piers and Caisson

5. Skin Resistance

6. Merits and Demerits of Pier and Caisson Foundations

Earth Pressure

1. Introduction

2. Types of Earth-Retaining Structures

3. Plastic Equilibrium in Soils: Active and Passive States

4. Lateral Earth Pressures

5. Rankine's Theory

6. Cases of Cohesionless Backfill

7. Active Earth Pressure of Cohesive Soils

8. Passive Earth Pressure

Page 66: Details of subjects of civil engg

Environmental Engineering (Water Supply Engg.) (CE16) Audience: Students of Third Year Civil Engineering

Objective: At the end of the course the student will learn about estimation of demand for water,

sources of water, quality-treatment-conveyance-distribution of water, water supply arrangements

in building, etc.


Introduction to Environmental Engineering

1. Introduction & General Importance

2. Introduction to Water Supply Engineering

3. Need to have Protected Water Supply

4. Waterborne Diseases

5. Need of Disposal of Waste

Estimation of Demand of Water

1. Types of Water Demands

2. Rate of Demand

3. Factors Affecting the Rate of Demand

4. Variations in Rate of Demand

5. Design Period for Water Supply Scheme

6. Methods of Forecasting

Sources of Water

1. Introduction

2. Classification of Sources of Water

3. Hydrological Cycle

4. Factors Governing the Selection of Source

5. Intakes for Collecting Surface Water

6. Types of Intakes

7. Factors Governing the Location of Intakes

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Quality of Water

1. Meaning of Potable Water

2. Need for Analysis of Water

3. Impurities Present in Water

4. Tests on Water

5. Water Sampling for Tests & Precautions

6. Standards for Potable Water

Treatment of Water

1. Introduction to Treatment of Water

2. Aeration

3. Sedimentation

4. Filtration

5. Disinfections

6. Layout of Water Treatment Plant

Conveyance of Water 1. Schematic Arrangement of Water Supply Plant

2. Different Valves on Rising Main

3. Different Types of Pressure Pipes

4. Cast Iron Pipes

5. Testing of Water Pipeline

6. Joints & Valves

7. Profile of Pressure Pipe

Distribution of Water

1. Introduction to Distribution of Water

2. Methods of Distribution

3. Distribution Reservoir

4. Layout for Distribution System

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Water Supply Arrangement in Building

1. Plumbing System in Water Supply

2. Connection from Water Main to Building

3. Overhead Storage Tanks for Building

4. Requirement of Water Storage Tank

5. Water Piping System in Building

6. Layout Arrangement of Building

7. Plumbing Work for Collection of Rain Water

Page 69: Details of subjects of civil engg

GIS and Remote Sensing (CE17) Audience: Students of Third Year Civil Engineering

Objective: At the end of the course the student will learn about basics of geographical information

system and remote sensing.


Introduction to GIS

1. Introduction

2. Components of GIS

3. Features of GIS

4. GIS Functions - Data Management

5. Working of GIS

6. Geographic Database

7. Terms Used for GIS

8. Technological Revolution in GIS

9. Major Areas of Practical Application of GIS Technology

Data for GIS

1. GIS Map Data

2. Data Capture

3. Data Formats

4. Data Structures in GIS

5. Simple Polygon Structure

Raster & Vector

1. Introduction

2. The Data Model

3. Creating a Raster

4. Example Analysis: Using A Raster GIS

5. Introduction to Vector Data Model

6. Database Creation

7. Standard Query Language (SQL)

8. Comparison between Raster and Vector

9. Reclassify, Dissolve & Merge: Forestry Example

10. Dissolve

11. Vector (Logical) Overlay

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12. Raster (Arithmetic) Overlay

Database Concept

1. GIS Database Concept

2. Data Modeling (Logical)

3. Data Modeling (Database Design)

4. Spatial Data

5. Spatial Database

Map & Map Analysis

1. Introduction

2. Meaning of Map

3. Types of Maps

4. Characteristics of Maps

5. Map Projections

6. Projection System

7. Use of Maps

8. Automated and Computer Assisted Cartography

9. Data Classification

10. GIS Compared to Maps

Spatial Analysis

1. Manipulation and Transformation of Spatial Data

2. Integration and Modeling of Spatial Data

3. Integrated Analytical Functions of GIS

4. Topological Overlay

5. Proximity/Buffer Analysis

6. Network Analysis

Making Maps with GIS

1. Meaning of a Map

2. Map function in GIS

3. Choosing the Wrong Type

4. Choosing a Map Type

5. Map Design

6. Map Formats

7. Basic Mapping Principles

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Implementation of GIS

1. Needs Assessment

2. System Analysis

3. Data Acquisition

4. Data Distribution

5. Staffing

6. Training

7. Maintenance

8. Cost Benefit

9. Contract Specifications

10. Contract Vehicles

Implementation to Remote Sensing

1. Remote Sensing

2. Electromagnetic Radiation

3. Electromagnetic Spectrum

4. Remote Sensing Methods

5. Classification of Remote Sensing Systems

6. Atmospheric Effects

7. Interaction of Thermal Radiation with Terrain Elements

8. Characteristics of Images

Satellite & Sensore

1. On the Ground, In the Air, In Space

2. Satellite Characteristics

3. Spatial Resolution, Pixel Size, and Scale

4. Spectral Resolution

5. Radiometric Resolution

6. Temporal Resolution

7. Cameras and Aerial Photography

8. Multispectral Scanning

9. Geometric Distortion in Imagery

10. Weather Satellites/Sensors

11. Marine Observation Satellites/Sensors

12. Other Sensors

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13. Data Reception, Transmission, and Processing

Microwave & Remote Sensing

1. Introduction

2. Radar Basics

3. Radar Image Distortions

4. Target Interaction and Image Appearance

5. Radar Image Properties

6. Advanced Radar Applications

7. Radar Polarimetry

8. Airborne versus Spaceborne Radars

9. Airborne and Spaceborne Radar Systems

Image Interpretation and Analysis

1. Introduction

2. Elements of Visual Interpretation

3. Digital Image Processing

4. Image Classification and Analysis

5. Image Enhancement

6. Image Transformations

7. Principal Components Analysis

8. Data Integration and Analysis

Applications of Remote Sensing

1. Introduction

2. Agriculture

3. Forestry

4. Clear Cut Mapping & Deforestation

5. Species Identification & Typing

6. Burn Mapping

7. Geology

8. Structural Mapping & Terrain Analysis

9. Geologic Unit Mapping

10. Hydrology

11. Flood Delineation & Mapping

12. Soil Moisture

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13. Sea Ice

14. Ice Motion

15. Land Cover & Land Use

16. Land Use Change (Rural / Urban)

17. Land Cover / Biomass Mapping

18. Mapping

19. Planimetry

20. Digital Elevation Models

21. Data Requirements

22. Topographic & Baseline Thematic Mapping

23. Oceans & Coastal Monitoring

24. Ocean Colour & Phytoplankton Concentration

25. Oil Spill Detection

26. Stages of Urban Planning

27. Remote Sensing and GIS Applications in Urban Planning

28. Aerial photography and satellite data in urban studies

29. Land-use and land-cover mapping

30. Deciphering surface water pollution from Aerial photographs

GPS Basic

1. Global Positioning System

2. Space Segment

3. Control Segment

4. User segment

Page 74: Details of subjects of civil engg

Design of Structure (CE18) Audience: Students of Final Year Civil Engineering

Objective: : At the end of the course the student will learn about basic concepts in designing and

detailing of RCC structures based on IS 456-2000 and basics of steel structures based on IS 800-



Design of Steel Structure


1. Definition of Structures

2. Types of Steel Structures

3. Properties of Rolled Steel

4. Allowable stresses in steel

5. Requirement of Structural Design

6. Steps Involved in Design-Load Analysis

7. Codes for Load Estimation

8. Load Combinations for Design Considerations

9. Increase in Allowable Stresses

10. Introduction to Light Gauge


1. Types of Rivets and their Use

2. Failures of Riveted joints

3. Simple and Multiple Riveted Joints

4. Introduction to Welded Connections

5. Design of Brackets

6. Moment Resisting Connections

Tension and Compression 1. Design of Simple & Built Up Tension Members

2. Design of Compression Member

3. Design of Simple Compression Member

4. Built-up Compression Member

5. Design of Column Bases

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Beams 1. Design of Simple Beams

2. Design of Built-up Beam

3. Design of Plate Girder

4. Design of Beam to Column Connection

5. Design Procedure of Beam to Beam Connection

Design of RCC Structure

Introduction to RCC 1. Stress Strain Relationship for Concrete

2. Stress Strain Relationship for Steel

3. Objectives of Structural Design

4. Role of Reinforcement in Reinforced


5. Types of Reinforcement

6. Introduction to Building Frame

7. Analyzing Criteria's

8. The Design Process in Structure Design

Methods of Design of Concrete Structure

1. Concept of Elastic Method

2. Concept of Ultimate Load Method

3. Concept of Limit State Method

4. Advantages of Limit State Method Over Other methods

5. Design Codes

6. Limit State of Serviceability

7. Limiting values of Moment of Resistance

Limit State Design for Flexure 1. Introduction

2. One Way Slab

3. Two Way Slab

4. Continuous Slab

5. Singly Reinforced Rectangular Beam

6. Concept of Curtailment of Reinforcement

7. Concept of Redistribution of Moment

8. Doubly Reinforced Rectangular Beam

9. Flanged Beams

10. Limit State of Serviceability

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Limit State Design for Shear & Torsion Bond

1. Behaviour of Beam in Shear & Torsion

Limit State Design of Columns 1. Types of Columns

2. Effective Length of Column

3. Design of Axially Loaded Column

4. Design of Uniaxially Loaded Column

5. Design of Biaxially Loaded Column

Limit State Design of Footings and Masonry Structures

1. Wall Footing

2. Design of Wall Footing

3. Individual Footing

4. Design Steps for Individual Footing

5. Eccentric Footing

6. Pile Foundation

7. Retaining Wall


1. Study of Properties of Natural Timber

2. Allowable Stresses in Compression & Tension

3. Types of Joints with Nails & Bolts

4. Design of Simple Compression Member

5. Design of Beams for Strength & Stiffness

Page 77: Details of subjects of civil engg

Earthquake Engineering (CE19) Audience: Students of Final Year Civil Engineering

Objective: At the end of the course the student will learn about the earthquake, requirement of

structures from the viewpoint of earthquake forces, behavior of various types of structures under

earthquake effect.


What causes Earthquakes? The Earth and its Interior, The Circulations, Plate Tectonics, The Earthquake, Types of

Earthquakes and Faults

How the Ground Shakes? Seismic Waves, Measuring Instruments, Strong Ground Motions, Characteristics of Strong

Ground Motions

What are Magnitude and Intensity ? Terminology, Intensity, Basic Difference: Magnitude versus Intensity, Magnitude and

Intensity in Seismic Design

Seismic Zones in India Basic Geography and Tectonic Features, Prominent Past Earthquakes in India, Seismic

Zones of India

The Problem, Objective and Scope The Problem, Socio-Economic Considerations, Object and Scope

Seismic effects on Structures Inertia Forces in Structures, Effect of Deformations in Structures, Horizontal and Vertical

Shaking, Flow of Inertia Forces to Foundations

Structural Performance during Earthquakes Earthquake Effects, Ground Shaking Effects on Structures, Factors affecting seismic load,

Nature of seismic stresses, Important parameters in seismic design, Effect of site conditions

on building damage, Other Factors Affecting Damage, Building configuration, Rigidity

distribution, Construction quality, Failure Mechanisms of Earthquakes, Wall enclosure

without roof, Roof on two walls, Roof on wall Enclosure, Long building with roof trusses,

Shear wall with openings

Seismic Design Philosophy for Buildings Earthquake-Resistant Buildings, Acceptable Damage: Ductility

How Flexibility of Buildings affects their Earthquake Response? Oscillations of Flexible Buildings, Importance of Flexibility

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General Concept of Earthquake Categories of Buildings, Bearing capacity of foundation soil, Combination of parameters,

General Planning and Design Aspects, Choice of site, Fire resistance, Structural framing,

Requirements of Structural Safety, Concept of Ductility, Deformability and Damagebility,

Ductility, Deformability, Damageability, Concept of Isolation, Concept of Isolation,


Buildings in Fired-Brick and Other masonry Units

Non-structural damage, Damage and failure of bearing walls, Damage and failure of bearing

walls, Failure of ground, Failure of roofs and floors, Causes of damage in masonry buildings,

Typical Strength of Masnory, General Construction Aspects, Masonry bond, Vertical joint

between perpendicular walls, Horizontal Reinforcement in Walls, Dowels at corners and

junctions, Vertical Reinforcement in Walls, Framing of Thin Load Bearing Walls, Reinforcing

Details for Hollow Block Masonry, Horizontal band, Vertical reinforcement.

Stone Buildings

Introduction, General Construction Aspects, Mortar, Openings in walls, Masonry bond,

Vertical reinforcing of walls.

Wooden Buildings

Introduction, Typical damage and failure of Wooden Buildings, Typical Characteristics of

Wood, Typical Structural Properties, The Building Plan, Stud Wall Construction, Bearing

walls, Brick nogged Timer Frame, Joints in Wood Frames.

Earthen Buildings

Typical Damage and Collapse of Earthen Buildings, Classification of Walls and Material

Properties, Suitability of soil, Construction of Walls, Hand-moulded layered construction,

Adobe or block construction, Earthen construction with wood or cane structure, General

recommendation for Seismic Areas, Foundations, Roofing, Vertical reinforcement in walls

Diagonal bracing, Plastering and Painting, Summery of Desirable Features, Masonry

compressive strength, Shear strength of masonry.

How do Earthquake affect RCB Horizontal Earthquake Effects arc Different, Strength Hierarchy, Relevant Indian Standards,

Generate EQ Load - Frame stiffness Basis - Direct Analysis, Generate EQ Load - Column

Reaction Basis, Generate EQ Load - Response spectrum method, Seismic Zone, Importance

Factor, Response Reduction Factor, Response spectrum Coefficients.

Non Engineered Reinforced Concrete Buildings

Typical Damage and Collapse of RC Buildings, Typical Material Properties, Detailing Of

Beams, Detailing of Columns.

Page 79: Details of subjects of civil engg

How do Beams in RC Buildings Resist Earthquakes? Reinforcement and Seismic Damage, Design Strategy.

How do Columns in RC Buildings resist Earthquakes? Possible Earthquake Damage

How do Beam columns joints in RC buildings resist earthqauke Why Beam-Column Joints are Special, Reinforcing the Beam-Column Joint.

Why are Open-Ground Storey Buildings Vulenerable Basic Features, Earthquake Behaviour, Improved design strategies

Why are Short Columns More Damaged During Earthq Which Columns are short?, The Short Column Behaviour.

Why are Building with Shear Walls Preferred in Seismic What is a Shear Wall Building, Architectural Aspects of Shear Walls, Ductile Design of Shear

Walls, Overall Geometry of Walls, Reinforcement Bars in RC Walls

How to Reduce Earthquake Effects on Buildings Why Earthquake Effects are to be Reduced, Base Isolation, Seismic Dampers

Repair, Restoration and Strengthening of Buildings Repair, Restoration & Strengthening Concepts, Restoration, Strengthening of existing

buildings, Repair Materials, Techniques to Restore original Strength, Fractured wooden

members and joints, Substitution or Strengthening of Slabs, Stiffening of the slab,

Connection of the slab to the walls, Plannar Modifications & Strengthening of Walls,

Strengthening existing walls, External binding, Strengthening RC Members, Strengthening of


Page 80: Details of subjects of civil engg

Non Destructive Testing (CE20) Objective: At the end of the course the student will learn about various non destructive testing

method like ultrasonic testing, radiographic testing, magnetic particle testing, liquid penetrant

testing, eddy current testing, etc.


Ultrasonic Testing 1. Scientific Principles

2. Construction of Probes

3. Tests on welded joints

4. Ultrasonic Flaw Detector

5. Advanced Ultrasonic Testing Technology

Radiographic Testing 1. Scientific Principles

2. Gamma Rays

3. Industrial X-Ray Films

4. High Resolution Radiography

Magnetic Particle Testing 1. Scientific Principles

2. Methods Of Demagnetisation

Liquid Penetrant Testing 1. Scientific Principles

2. Selection of Method and Type of Liquid

3. Uses and Advantageous

Eddy Current Testing 1. Principle

2. Factors affecting the eddy current

3. Instrumentation For ECT

4. Inspection 0f Welds

5. Advanced Eddy Current Testing

6. Remote Field ECT

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7. Computer Modelling Of Ect

8. Digital Signal Processing

9. Eddy Current Imaging

Acoustic Emission Technique 1. Principle of Acoustic Emission Testing

2. On-Line Monitoring Of Welds By Acoustic Emission

3. Experimental Setup

4. Advantages of AET For Weld Monitoring

5. Applications of AET For Monitoring

6. AET for Structural Integrity Monitoring

Leak Testing 1. Introduction

2. Methods of Pressure Leak Detection

3. Halogen, Hydrogen and Sulphur Hexa-Fluoride Detectors

4. Helium Leak Testing of A Large Volume Pipeline

Thermography Testing 1. Basic Principle

2. Detectors And Equipment

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