Page 1: Detection of Spatially-Modulated Signals in Doubly ... · N R (k)] (3b) is the N R N T channel matrix and X (k) = [ x 1) ; B)] = [T T N T)]T (4) is the N T B(B N T) matrix containing

Detection of Spatially-Modulated Signals in DoublySelective Fading Channels With Imperfect CSI

Hsuan-Cheng Chang, Yen-Cheng Liu, and Yu T. Su†

Abstract—To detect spatially-modulated signals, a receiverneeds the channel state information (CSI) of each transmit-receive antenna pair. Although the CSI is never perfect and variesin time, most studies on spatial modulation (SM) systems assumeperfectly known CSI and time-invariant channel. The spatialcorrelations among multiple spatial subchannels, which have tobe considered when CSI is imperfect, are also often neglected.In this paper, we release the above assumptions and take theCSI uncertainty along with the spatial-temporal selectivitiesinto account. We derive the channel estimation error awaremaximum likelihood (CEEA-ML) detectors as well as several low-complexity alternatives for PSK and QAM signals. As the CSIuncertainty depends on the channel estimator used, we considerboth decision feedback and model based estimators in our study.

The error rate performance of the ML and some suboptimaldetectors is analyzed. Numerical results obtained by simulationsand analysis show that the CEEA-ML detectors offer clearperformance gain against conventional mismatched SM detectorsand, in many cases, the proposed suboptimal detectors incur onlyminor performance loss.

Index Terms—Imperfect channel state information, maximumlikelihood, signal detection, space-time channel correlation, spa-tial modulation.


Spatial modulation (SM), as it allows only one transmitantenna to be active in any transmission interval and exploitsthe transmit antenna index to carry extra information [1], isa low-complexity and spectral-efficient multi-antenna-basedtransmission scheme. Besides requiring no multiple radio fre-quency (RF) transmit chains, its low complexity requirement isalso due to the fact that the receiver does not need complicatedsignal processing to deal with inter-spatial channel interference(ICI).

Most receiver performance assessments on multi-antennasystems assume that the channel state information (CSI) isperfectly known by the receiver (e.g., [1]). In practice, theCSI at the receiver (CSIR) is obtained by a pilot-assisted ordecision-directed (DD) estimator [2] and is never perfect. Theimpacts of imperfect CSIR on some MIMO detectors wereconsidered in [3]–[5] to evaluate the detectors’ performanceloss. Furthermore, the channel is usually not static, especiallyin a mobile environment, but the channel-aging effect, i.e.,the impact of outdated CSI, is neglected in most of these

This work was supported in part by Taiwan’s Ministry of Science andTechnology under Grant NSC 99-2221-E-009-099-MY3. The material in thispaper was presented in part at the 2013 IEEE Globecom Workshops.

H.-C. Chang is with ASUSTeK Computer Inc., Taipei, Taiwan (email:Makoto [email protected]). Y.-C. Liu and Y. T. Su are with the Instituteof Communications Engineering, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu,Taiwan (email: [email protected]; [email protected]).†Correspondence addressee.

studies except for [5]. [6] discussed the effect of the channelcoefficients’ phase estimation error while [8], [9] analyzethe performance of the conventional detector in the presenceof channel estimation error which is assumed to be whiteGaussian and independent of the channel estimator used.Other earlier works on SM detection all employ the perfectCSI and time-invariant channel assumptions which thus yieldsuboptimal performance in practical environments [7].

The difficulty in deriving the optimal SM detector in a dou-bly (time and space) selective fading channel with imperfectCSI is due to the fact that the likelihood function dependsnot only on the transmitted symbol but also the CSI estimatorand its performance. In this paper, we remove perfect CSI andstatic channel assumptions and consider two MIMO channelestimators/trackers for systems using a frame structure whichinserts pilot symbols periodically among data blocks such thateach frame consists of a pilot block and several data blocks.The first scheme treats the detected data as pilots to updatechannel estimate which is then used to detect the symbolsof the following data block. The second scheme models thechannel variation by a polynomial so that channel estimationbecomes that of estimating the polynomial coefficients usingthree consecutive pilot blocks. We refer to the first scheme asthe decision-directed (DD) estimator (tracker) and the secondone the model-based (MB) estimator [10].

Our major contributions are summarized as follows. Wederive a general channel estimation error-aware (CEEA) max-imum likelihood (ML) receiver structure for detecting generalMIMO signals with practical channel estimators in doublyselective fading channels. The CEEA-ML detectors for M -PSK and M -QAM based SM systems are obtained by spe-cializing to the combined SM and PSK/QAM signal formats.As the ML detectors require high computational complexity,we then develop two classes of low-complexity suboptimaldetectors. The first one detects the transmit antenna index andsymbol separately (resulting in two-stage detectors) while thesecond class simplifies the likelihood functions by using lower-dimension approximations that neglect the spatial correlationon either the receive or transmit side. The approximations leadto zero transmit correlation (ZTC) and zero receive correlation(ZRC) receivers. Both simplifications–separate detection anddimension reduction of the likelihood function–can be com-bined to yield even simpler detector structures. As will beverified later, the low-complexity detectors do not incur muchperformance loss. Except for the two-stage detectors, we areable to analyze their error rate performance and confirm theaccuracy of the analysis by simulations. A model-based two-stage spatial correlation estimator is developed as well.








] 1

2 M

ay 2


Page 2: Detection of Spatially-Modulated Signals in Doubly ... · N R (k)] (3b) is the N R N T channel matrix and X (k) = [ x 1) ; B)] = [T T N T)]T (4) is the N T B(B N T) matrix containing

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section IIwe present a general space-time (S-T) MIMO channel model,review the corresponding perfect CSI based ML detector andintroduce both DD and MB channel estimators. We referto the latter two channel estimators as DD-CE and MB-CEhenceforth. In Section III, we focus on MB-CE-aided systems.A general CEEA-ML detector for general MIMO signals isfirst derived (cf. (24)), followed by those for M -PSK and M -QAM SM signals (cf. (27) and (29)). A low-complexity two-stage receiver for M -PSK SM systems is given at the end ofthe section (cf. (34)). Section IV presents similar derivationsfor DD-CE-aided SM systems (cf. (35), (37), (38), and (40)).In Section V, we develop simplified CEEA-ML and two-stage detectors for both MB- and DD-CE-aided SM systemsby using lower-dimension approximations of the likelihoodfunctions. The error rate performance of various detectors wederived is analyzed in Section VI. The analytic approach isvalid for all but the two-stage detectors. Because of spacelimitation, the presentation is concise, skipping most detailedderivations (cf. (45), (50), (53), (56), (58), and (61)). Thecomputational complexity and memory requirement of thementioned detectors is analyzed in Section VII. As far aswe know, materials presented in Sections III–VII are new.Numerical performance of our detectors and conventionalmismatched detector is given in Section VIII. Finally, wesummarize our main results and findings in Section IX.

Notations: Upper and lower case bold symbols denote matri-ces and vectors, respectively. IN is the N ×N identity matrixand 0N the N × 1 all-zero vector. (·)T , (·)∗, (·)H , (·)−1 and(·)† represent the transpose, element-wise conjugate, conjugatetranspose, inverse, and pseudo-inverse of the enclosed items,respectively. vec(·) is the operator that forms one tall vectorby stacking the columns of a matrix. E{·}, and ‖ · ‖F denotethe expectation and Frobenius norm of the enclosed items,respectively, ⊗ denotes the Kronecker product and � theHadamard product. (·)i and [·]ij denote the ith row and (i, j)thelement of the enclosed matrix, respectively. Diag(·) translatesthe enclosed vector or elements into a diagonal matrix withthe nonzero terms being the enclosed items, whereas DIAG(·)is defined by

DIAG(x1,x2, · · · ,xM ) =

x1 0N1

· · · 0N1

0N2x2 · · · 0N2


. . ....


· · · xM

with vector length of xi being Ni.

The detector structures we develop have to compute acommon quadratic form and involve various conditional meanvectors and covariance matrices as a function of the datablock index k. For notational brevity and the convenience ofreference, we list the latter conditional parameters in Tables Iand II and define

G(Γ,χ)def= χHΓ−1χ (1)

where Γ ∈ CN1×N1 is invertible and χ ∈ CN1×N2 .



Conditional Mean Covariance

CEEA-MLGeneral mmb(k) (23a) Cmb(k) (23b)

PSK-SM mssk(k) Cpsk(k)

QAM-SM mssk(k) Cqam(k) (30)

Two-stage mssk(k) Cpsk(k)

ZRC Mzrc(k) Czrc(k) (44b)

Two-stage ZRC Mssk(k) Cssk(k) (52)

ZTC Mztc(k) (49) Cztc(k) (48)


Conditional Mean Covariance

CEEA-MLGeneral mdd (36a) Cdd (36b)

PSK-SM mssk Cpsk

QAM-SM mssk Cqam

Two-stage mssk Cpsk

ZRC Mzrc Czrc (55)

Two-stage ZRC Mssk (59a) Cssk (59b)

ZTC Mztc (57b) Cztc (57c)


A. S-T Correlated Channels

We consider a MIMO system with NT transmit and NRreceive antennas and assume a block-faded scenario in whichthe MIMO channel remains static within a block of B channeluses but varies from block to block. For this system, thereceived sample matrix of block k can be expressed as

Y(k)def= [y1(k), · · · ,yB(k)]


(k), · · · ,yTM


= H(k)X(k) + Z(k), (2)

where yi(k) are column vectors, yi(k) are row vectors, and

H(k)def= [hij(k)] = [h1(k), · · · ,hNT

(k)] (3a)

= [hT1 (k), · · · ,hTNR(k)]T (3b)

is the NR ×NT channel matrix and

X(k) = [x1(k), · · · ,xB(k)] = [xT1 (k), · · · ,xTNT(k)]T (4)

is the NT × B (B ≥ NT ) matrix containing the modulateddata or pilot symbols and the entries of the noise matrix Z(k)are i.i.d. CN (0, σ2

z).Let Φ = E

{vec (H(k)) vecH (H(k))

}be the matrix

whose (NRNT )2 entries represent the correlation coefficientsamongst spatial subchannels.

vec (H(k)) = Φ12 vec (Hw(k)) , (5)

Page 3: Detection of Spatially-Modulated Signals in Doubly ... · N R (k)] (3b) is the N R N T channel matrix and X (k) = [ x 1) ; B)] = [T T N T)]T (4) is the N T B(B N T) matrix containing

where Hw(k) is an NR × NT matrix with i.i.d. zero-mean,unit-variance complex Gaussian random variables as its el-ements. We assume that the spatial correlation matrix Φ iseither completely or partial known to the receiver in ourderivations of various detector structures. The effect of usingestimated Φ is studied by computer simulation in Section VIII.

We further assume that the spatial and temporal correlationsare separable [11], i.e.,

E{hij(k)h∗mn(`)} = ρS(i−m, j − n)× ρT (k − `)

with ρT (k − `) ≡ E{hij(k)h∗ij(`)} denoting the (i, j)thsubchannel autocorrelation in time while

ρS(i−m, j − n; k) ≡ E{hij(k)h∗mn(k)}=[Φ](j−1)NR+i, (n−1)NR+m


the spatial correlation. As mentioned before, conditioned onthe estimated channel matrix, the likelihood function is afunction of these S-T correlations and so are the correspondingCEEA-ML detectors.

B. Detection of SM Signals with Perfect CSIR

Although a spatial multiplexing (SMX) system such asBLAST [12] has a multiplexing gain, it requires high-complexity signal detection algorithms to suppress ICI. TheSM scheme avoids the ICI-related problems by imposing thesingle active antenna constraint and compensates for the cor-responding data rate reduction by using the transmit antennaindex to carry extra information bits [1].

An m-bit/transmission SM system partitions the data streaminto groups of m = log2(MNT ) bits of which the firstlog2NT bits are used to determine the transmit antenna and theremaining bits are mapped into a symbol in the constellationAM of size M for the selected antenna to transmit. Sinceonly one transmit antenna is active in each transmission, thejth column of X(k) is of the form

xj(k) = [0, · · · , 0, x`j (k), 0, · · · , 0]T , (7)

where `j ≡ `j(k) is the active antenna index and x`j (k)def=

sj(k) ∈ AM is the modulated symbol transmitted at the jthsymbol interval of the kth block. A transmitted symbol blockX can thus be decomposed as X = LS, where S = Diag(s),s = [s1, · · · , sB ]T , sj ∈ AM and L is the NT ×B space-shiftkeying (SSK) matrix [8] defined as

[L]ij =

{1, if i = `j ;0, otherwise. (8)

We define X as the set of all NT ×B matrices whose columnssatisfy (7). The average power









is equivalent to the average power of AM . Therefore, for j =1, · · · , B, the jth column vector in (2) can be written as

yj(k) = h`j (k)sj(k) + zj(k). (10)

Pilot Data Pilot Data Pilot Data

0 1 ⋯ 𝑁𝑁 − 1 𝑁𝑁 𝑁𝑁 + 1 2𝑁𝑁− 1 2𝑁𝑁, 0 1 𝑁𝑁 − 1

⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 0 1 ⋯ 𝑁𝑁 − 1 0 1 𝑁𝑁 − 1 0 1 𝑁𝑁 − 1

Frame size= 𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁


Frame size= 𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁

Pilot Data Pilot Data Pilot Data Pilot Data



Fig. 1. Proposed frame structure. A pilot block, shown as a shaded area, isinserted every N blocks. The block indices for MB-CE-aided systems (0 ≤k ≤ 2N ) and those for DD counterparts (0 ≤ k ≤ N − 1) are labeled onthe top and bottom of the blocks, respectively.

Assuming perfect CSIR, i.e., H(k) = H(k), and i.i.d.source, we have the ML detector

X(k) = arg maxX∈X








(− 1




With L def= {1, · · · , NT }, (11) is simplified as(sj(k), ˆ


= arg min(s,`)∈AM×L

‖yj(k)− h`s‖2F (12)

for j = 1, · · · , B.

C. Tracking Time-Varying MIMO Channels

We now describe the two simple pilot-assisted channeltrackers (estimators) to be considered in subsequent discourse.The first one describes the channel’s time variation by apolynomial while the second one is a DD estimator thattreats the detected data symbols as pilots. The frame structureconsidered is depicted in Fig. 1, where a frame consists ofa pilot block and N − 1 data blocks with a total lengthof NB symbol intervals. The choice of N depends on thechannel’s coherence time [13]. For the MB-CE based system,we use three consecutive pilot blocks to derive the CSI for2N + 1 consecutive blocks and detect the associated datasymbols. The DD-CE uses the pilot block at the beginningof a frame to obtain an estimate of the S-T channel fordetecting the data of the next data block. This newly detecteddata block is then treated as pilots (called pseudo-pilots)to update the channel information for detecting the ensuingdata block. This pseudo-pilot-based channel estimation-datadetection procedure repeats until the last data block of theframe is detected and a new pilot block arrives.

Let the pilot block be transmitted at the kpth block anddenote the NT × B pilot matrix by X(kp) = Xp. Thecorresponding received block is

Y(kp) = H(kp)Xp + Z(kp) (13)

with the average pilot symbol power given by εpdef= 1

B ‖Xp‖2Fand Xp a unitary matrix. In particular, for SM systems, weassume that B = NT and Xp =


.1) MB Channel Estimator (MB-CE): For a single link with

moderate mobility and frame size, it is reasonable to assume

Page 4: Detection of Spatially-Modulated Signals in Doubly ... · N R (k)] (3b) is the N R N T channel matrix and X (k) = [ x 1) ; B)] = [T T N T)]T (4) is the N T B(B N T) matrix containing

that the (i, j)th component of the channel matrix H(k) is aquadratic function the sampling epoch, {k} [10]

hij(k) = αij(k)k2 + βij(k)k + γij(k). (14)

Define the coefficient vector ξij(k)def= [αij(k), βij(k),

γij(k)]T . By collecting the received samples at three consec-utive pilot locations Y(kp), Y(kp + N), Y(kp + 2N), weupdate the estimate for ξij(k) every two frames via




= T−1(kp) yij(kp) (15)



k2 k 1(k +N)2 k +N 1(k + 2N)2 k + 2N 1

, (16a)



yij(kp)yij(kp +N)yij(kp + 2N)


hij(kp)hij(kp +N)hij(kp + 2N)


zij(kp), (16b)

and zij(kp) ∼ CN (03,σ2z

εpI3). From (14), (15) and define

t(k) = [k2, k, 1]T , we obtain the MB-CEs

hij(k) = tH(k)ξij(kp) = tH(k) T−1(kp) yij(kp) (17)

for channels at blocks kp, · · · , kp + 2N − 1.2) DD Channel Estimator (DD-CE): The DD-CE uses the

detected data symbols in a data block as pilots to obtain anupdated CE (estimated CSI) and then apply it for detectingthe data symbols in the next data block. Error propagation, ifexists, is terminated at the end of a frame as the new frame usesthe new pilot block X(k) to obtain a new CE, e.g., the leastsquares (LS) estimate H(kp + sN)

def= H(k) = Y(k)X†(k),

k = kp + sN, s ∈ Z.We note that only one element in each column of the kth

detected block X(k) is nonzero, hence it is likely that notall vectors of CEs h`(k)’s are updated at each data blockand X(k) or X(k) is not of full rank most of the time.However, in the long run, all channel coefficients would beupdated as each transmit antenna is equally likely selected. Wedenote by H[L](k), the submatrix containing only the columnsassociated with the set of antenna indices activated in blockk, L ⊆ {1, · · · , NT }, i.e.,

H[L(k)](k)← Y(k)X†(k),

where L(k)def= {ˆ1(k), · · · , ˆ

B(k)} and X(k) is the truncatedX(k) with its all-zero rows removed. By combining thesubmatrix which consists of those channel vectors estimatedin the previous (the (k − 1)th) block

H[L \ L(k)](k) = H[L \ L(k)](k − 1),

we obtain a full-rank channel matrix estimate H(k) and, witha slight abuse of notation, continue to denote Y(k)X†(k) asH(k).

Remark 1: As the DD method uses the CE obtained in theprevious block for demodulating the current block’s data, errorpropagation within a frame is inevitable. The MB approachavoids error propagation at the cost of increased latencyand storage requirement. Detailed computing complexity andmemory requirement are given in Section VII.

The DD method updates the CSI estimate in each blockwhile the channel’s time variation is taken into account bythe MB approach through the model (14) which leads to theestimate (17) in an N -block frame. �

In the remainder of this paper, we assume the normalizationεp = 1 and in Section VIII, εp = εs = 1.


As defined in [3], a mismatched detector is the one whichreplaces H(k) in (11) by the estimated CSI H

XMM(k)def= arg min

X∈X‖Y(k)− HX‖2F . (18)

In our case, H is either H(k) or H(k − 1) depending onwhether an MB or DD estimator is used.

We extend the basic approach of [3] by taking the channelaging effect and the spatial correlation into account and referto the resulting detectors as channel estimation error-aware(CEEA)-ML detectors. While most of the existing worksassume a time-invariant environment, we assume that thechannel varies from block to block and is spatial/temporallycorrelated. As in [3] we need the following lemma in sub-seuqent analysis.

Lemma 1: [14, Thm. 10.2] Let z1 and z2 be circularlysymmetric complex Gaussian random vectors with zero meansand full-rank covariance matrices Σij

def= E{zizHj }. Then,

conditioned on z2, the random vector z1 is circularly sym-metric Gaussian with mean Σ12Σ

−122 z2 and covariance matrix

Σ11 −Σ12Σ−122 Σ21.

A. General MIMO Signal Detection with Imperfect CSI

When the MB-CE H(k) is used, the CEEA-ML MIMOdetector has to compute

arg maxX∈ANT×B



∣∣∣vec(X), vec(H(k))], (19)

where AM+def= AM ∪ {0}. Since all the entries of Y(k) and

H(k) are zero-mean random variables, we invoke Lemma 1with

z1 = vec(Y(k))

=(XT (k)⊗ INR

)vec(H(k)) + vec(Z(k)), (20a)

z2 = vec(H(k))

=[vec(Y(kp)) vec(Y(kp + N)) vec(Y(kp + 2N))


)T, (20b)

Page 5: Detection of Spatially-Modulated Signals in Doubly ... · N R (k)] (3b) is the N R N T channel matrix and X (k) = [ x 1) ; B)] = [T T N T)]T (4) is the N T B(B N T) matrix containing

for kp < k < kp + 2N , to obtain

Σ11 = E{z1zH1 }=(XT (k)⊗ INR

)Φ(X∗(k)⊗ INR

) + σ2zINRNT

, (21a)

Σ12 = E{z1zH2 } = E{(z2zH1 )H} = ΣH21

= tH(k)T−1(kp)q(k)(XT (k)⊗ INR

)Φ, (21b)

Σ22 = E{z2zH2 }= ν(k)Φ + σ2



INRNT, (21c)


q(k) =[ρT (k − kp), ρT (k − kp −N), ρT (k − kp − 2N)



ν(k) = tH(k)T−1(kp)

1 ρT (N) ρT (2N)ρT (N) 1 ρT (N)ρT (2N) ρT (N) 1


)H. (22b)

Direct substitutions of the above covariance matrices,we obtain the mean vector mmb(k) and covariance matrixCmb(k)

mmb(k) =(XT (k)⊗ INR

)A(k)vec(H(k)), (23a)

Cmb(k) = σ2zINRNT

+(XT (k)⊗ INR



)∗ ]Φ (X∗(k)⊗ INR

) (23b)

for the likelihood function of Y(k), where the spatial corre-lation Φ also appears in

A(k) = tH(k)T−1(kp)q(k) Φ Σ−122 . (23c)

Using (1) and (19)–(23c), we obtain a more compact form ofthe CEEA-ML detector

XMLmb(k) = arg min



G(Cmb(k), vec(Y(k))−mmb(k))

+ log det Cmb(k). (24)

An alternate derivation of Σ11 and Σ12 begins with H(k) =H(k) + E(k). It is verifiable that E{vec(E(k))} = 0NRNT


ΨE(k)def= E


}=(ν(k)− 2tH(k)T−1(kp)q(k) + 1



INRNT. (25)

The received sample vector is thus related to E(k) via

Y(k) = H(k)X(k) +(Z(k)−E(k)X(k)

)= H(k)X(k) + Z(k), (26)

where vec(Z(k)) ∼ CN (0NRNT, σ2zINRNT

+ (XT (k)⊗ INR)

ΨE(k)(X∗(k)⊗ INR)). With

z1 =(XT (k)⊗ INR

)vec(H(k)) + vec(Z(k)),

we obtain Σ11 and Σ12 as given by (21a) and (21b).

Remark 2: A closer look at the components, (20a)–(23c), ofthe CEEA-ML detector (24) reveals that the spatial correlationΦ affects the auto-correlations of the received signal andestimated channel, Σ11 and Σ22, and their cross-correlations,Σ12 and Σ21. The influences of the time selectivity ρT (·),frame structure (a pilot block in every N blocks) and estimatorstructure (17) on the latter three correlations can be easilyfound in (21b) and (21c) and through q(k) and ν(k). Thesechannel and system factors also appear in the estimator errorcovariance ΨE(k).

In contrast, in analyzing the performance of mismatcheddetectors and the effects of imperfect CSI, [7], [8], and [9]assume a simplified CSI error model that E(k) consists onlyof white Gaussian components which are independent of the S-T correlations and channel estimator used, although the latteris a critical and inseparable part of the detector structure. �

Note that (24) is general enough to describe the detectorstructures for arbitrary data format and/or modulation schemes.For SMX signals, the search range is modified to ANT×B

M ,while a precoded MIMO system, we replace X by WS withW being the precoding matrix. We derive specific detectorstructures for various SM signals in the remaining part of thissection and in Sections IV and V.

B. CEEA-ML Detectors for SM Signals

1) M -PSK Constellation: With the decomposition X = LSdefined in Section II-B and AM an M -PSK constellation, theCEEA-ML detector for the PSK-based SM system is derivablefrom (24) and is given by

XMLmb(k) = arg min


log det Cpsk(k)

+G(Cpsk(k),ys(k)− mssk(k)) (27)

where L denotes the set of all SSK matrices of the form (8)mssk(k) and Cpsk(k), which are not exactly the conditionalmean and covariance, are obtained from (23a) and (23b) bysubstituting L for X and σ2


εs, εs = |sj |2, for σ2

z . In (27), wehave defined, for an implicit function f of s and L,

arg min(s,L)

f(s,L) = L Diag(s), (s, L) = arg min(s,L)


(28)where ys(k)

def= vec



2) M -QAM Constellation: If AM is an M -QAM constel-lation, the corresponding CEEA-ML detector is

XMLmb(k) = arg min


NR log det Es + log det Cqam(k)

+G(Cqam(k),ys(k)− mssk(k)) (29)

with Esdef= SSH , ys(k)

def= vec


), and

Cqam(k)def= σ2

z(E−1s ⊗ INR) + (LT ⊗ INR




)∗ ]Φ(L∗ ⊗ INR

). (30)

C. Two-Stage M -PSK SM Detector

The ML detector (27) calls for an exhaustive search overthe set of all candidate antenna index-modulated symbol pairs,

Page 6: Detection of Spatially-Modulated Signals in Doubly ... · N R (k)] (3b) is the N R N T channel matrix and X (k) = [ x 1) ; B)] = [T T N T)]T (4) is the N T B(B N T) matrix containing

which has a cardinality of |L × AM |B . A low-complexityalternative which reduces the search dimension while keepingthe performance loss to a minimum would be desirable.Toward this end, we consider a two-stage approach that detectsthe active antenna indices and then the transmitted symbols ineach block. A similar approach with perfect CSIR assumptionhave been suggested in [15].

We first notice that


∣∣∣L(k), H(k)]



· · ·∑sB(k)


∣∣∣L(k),S(k), H(k)]P[S(k)

]where L(k) and S(k) are the kth block’s SSK and symbolmatrices. It follows that the estimate of the activated antennaindices is

L(k) = arg maxL∈L



det εsCpsk(k)



F(s) (31)


F(s)def= exp

[−G(Cpsk(k), mssk(k))

2− sTJ(k)s∗




], (32a)

J(k) = G(Cpsk(k),DIAG(y1(k), · · · ,yB(k))

), (32b)

b(k) = DIAG (y1(k), · · · ,yB(k))H



For each candidate SSK matrix L, we have the approximation∑s

F(s) ≈ F(s(L)), s(L)def= QAM

(s(L)) , (33)

where QAM(·) quantizing the enclosed items to the nearest

constellation points in AM and s(L) = εs(J−1(k)b(k))∗

being the solution of ∂F(s)/∂s = 0B . b(k) defined in(32c) is an implicit function of L since as mentioned in theprevious subsection, Cpsk(k) and mssk(k) are both functionsof L. The approximation (33) thus depends on L and theassociated tentative demodulation decision s(L). A simplerantenna indices estimate is then given by

L(k) ≈ arg minL∈L

log det(εsCpsk(k)) + G(Cpsk(k), mssk(k))

+sT (L)J(k)s∗(L)





Once the active SSK matrix is determined, we output thedecision s(L) associated with L(k) which has been determinedin the previous stage

s(k) = s(L(k)). (34b)

(34b) will reappear later repeatedly, each with different an-tenna index detection rule L(k). Obviously, the search com-plexity of the detector (34a) is much lower than that of (27).For systems employing QAM constellations, the approxima-tion (33) is not directly applicable as the nonconstant-modulusnature of QAM implies that F(s) has an additional amplitude-dependent term in the exponent.


A. General MIMO Signal Detection with Imperfect CSI

To derive the CEEA-ML detector for general MIMO sig-nals using a DD LS channel estimate, we again appeal toLemma 1 with z1 defined by (20a) and z2

def= vec(H(k −

1)) = vec(Y(k − 1)X†(k − 1)). For kp < k < kp + N ,the signal block which maximizes the likelihood functionP[vec(Y(k))

∣∣∣vec(X(k)), vec(H(k − 1))]

is given by

XMLdd (k) = arg min



log det Cdd

+G(Cdd, vec(Y(k))−mdd). (35)

To have more compact expressions we use H and H(k −1) interchangeably for the DD CEEA-ML detectors. This isjustifiable as the conditional mean and covariance of Y(k)given X(k) and H(k − 1) are

mdd =(XT (k)⊗ INR

)Avec(H(k − 1)), (36a)

Cdd = σ2zIBNR

+(XT (k)⊗ INR


− ρT (1)A]

·Φ(X∗(k)⊗ INR


with Adef= ρT (1) Φ (Φ + σ2


B. CEEA-ML SM Signal Detectors

Following the derivation of Section III-B and using thedecomposition X = LS, we summarize the resulting DDCEEA-ML detectors for PSK and QAM based SM systemsbelow.

1) M -PSK Constellation: For a PSK-SM MIMO system,the CEEA-ML detector is

XMLdd (k) = arg min

sj∈AM , `j∈Llog det Cpsk

+G(Cpsk,ys(k)− mssk) (37)

where mssk = (LT ⊗ INR)Avec(H), Cpsk





−ρT (1)A]

Φ(L∗⊗INR), and ys(k) =



2) M -QAM Constellation: When M -QAM is used, (35)reduces to

XMLdd (k) = arg min

sj∈AM , `j∈LNR log det Es + log det Cqam

+G(Cqam,ys(k)− mssk) (38)

where Cqamdef= (LT ⊗INR


−ρT (1)A]Φ(L∗⊗INR


+σ2z(E−1s ⊗ INR

), ys(k)def= vec


), and Es


SSH .Remark 3: Compared with the MB-CE-aided detectors (cf.

(27) and (29)), (37) and (38) require much less storage. TheMB channel estimation is performed every two frames andthus 2N − 2 estimated channel matrices have to be updatedand saved for subsequent signal detection. The correspondingA(k)’s can be precalculated but they have to be stored as well.The DD channel estimator aided detectors, on the other hand,need to store two matrices, A and H, only. However, as shown

Page 7: Detection of Spatially-Modulated Signals in Doubly ... · N R (k)] (3b) is the N R N T channel matrix and X (k) = [ x 1) ; B)] = [T T N T)]T (4) is the N T B(B N T) matrix containing

in Section VIII, the latter suffers from inferior performance.More detailed memory requirement comparison is provided inSection VII. �

C. Two-Stage Detector for M -PSK SM Signals

We can reduce the search range of (37) from the BthCartesian power of L×AM to LB by adopting the two-stageapproach of (34) that detects the antenna indices and then thetransmitted symbols. The corresponding detector is derivedfrom maximizing the likelihood function


∣∣∣X(k), H(k − 1)]

with respect to X(k):

maxL∈L, s∈AB


(det εsCpsk)−12 exp

[−G(Cpsk, mssk)





]≈ max

L∈L(det εsCpsk)−

12 exp

[−G(Cpsk, mssk)






[− 1

2ε2ssTJ(k)s∗ +



]= max

L∈L(det εsCpsk)−

12 exp

[−G(Cpsk, mssk)


− sT (L)J(k)s∗(L)



], (39)

where J(k), b(k), and s(L) are defined similarly to thosein (32b), (32c) and (33) except that now H = H(k − 1).Replacing the likelihood function by its logarithm version, weobtain a two-stage detector similar to (34)

L(k) = arg minL∈L

log det(εsCpsk) + G(Cpsk, mssk)

+sT (L)J(k)s∗(L)

ε2s− 2<{bH(k)s∗(L)}


(40a)s(k) = s(L(k)). (40b)


The detector structures presented so far have assumedcomplete knowledge of the channel’s spatial correlation Φ.As pointed out in [11], when both sides of a link are richlyscattered, the corresponding spatial statistics can be assumedseparable, yielding the Kronecker spatial channel model [16]

H(k) = Φ12


T (41)

with the spatial correlation matrix Φ given by

Φ = ΦT ⊗ΦR, (42)

the Kronecker product of the spatial correlation matrix at thetransmit side ΦT = E{HT (k)H∗(k)}/tr(ΦT ) and that at the

receive side ΦR = E{H(k)HH(k)}/tr(ΦR). When the latteris not available, we assume that ΦR = INR

hence H(k) =


T . The assumption of uncorrelated receive antennasalso implies

P[Y(k)|X(k), H(k)



P[yn(k)|X(k), hn(k)

], (43)

where yn(k) is the sample (row) vector received by antenna

n at block k and hn(k) the estimated channel vector betweenthe nth receive antenna and transmit antennas. As has beenmention in Section I, we refer to a detector based on (43) asthe ZRC detector. An expression similar to (43) for the caseof uncorrelated transmit antennas can be used to derive theZTC detector.

A. MB-CE-Aided ZRC and ZTC Detectors

1) General ZRC/ZTC Detectors: Define

zH1 = yn(k) = hn(k)X(k) + zn(k),

zH2 = hn(k) = tH(k)T−1(kp)×[yn1(kp), yn2(kp), · · · , ynNT


where Z(k)def=

[zT1 (k), · · · , zTNR


. We immediatelyobtain the mean and covariance of y

n(k) conditioned on X(k)

and hn(k) as

mTn (k) = hn(k)Azrc(k)X(k), (44a)

Czrc(k) = Σ11 −Σ12Σ−122 ΣH


= σ2zINT



)∗]×ΦTX(k), (44b)

where Azrc(k) = tH(k)T−1(kp)q(k)ΦTΣ−122 ,

Σ11 = XH(k)ΦTX(k) + σ2zINT


Σ12 = tH(k)T−1(kp)q(k)XH(k)ΦT ,

Σ22 = ν(k)ΦT + σ2z‖tH(k)T−1(kp)‖2F INT

with q(k) and ν(k) being defined in (22).The resulting ZRC detector is thus given by

XZRCmb (k) = arg min

X∈XNR log det Czrc(k)+


(Y(k)− Mzrc(k)

)H)}, (45)

where Mzrc(k) = [m1(k), · · · , mnR(k)]T = H(k)Azrc(k)

X(k).It is verifiable that (45) can also be derived from substituting

ΦR = INRinto the CEEA-ML detection rule (24) and applying

(42) with some additional algebraic manipulations.On the other hand, when the spatial correlation at the trans-

mit side is not available, we assume no a priori transmit spatialcorrelation, ΦT = INT

whence E{H(k)HH(k)}/tr(ΦR) =ΦR. Substituting ΦT = INT

into (42) we obtain the ZTCdetector for a generic MB-CE-aided MIMO system with

mmb(k) = tH(k)T−1(kp)q(k)vec [ΦR (ν(k)ΦR

Page 8: Detection of Spatially-Modulated Signals in Doubly ... · N R (k)] (3b) is the N R N T channel matrix and X (k) = [ x 1) ; B)] = [T T N T)]T (4) is the N T B(B N T) matrix containing

+ σ2z




], (46)

Cmb(k) = σ2zINRNT

+[XT (k)X∗(k)



− |tH(k)T−1(kp)q(k)|2(ν(k)INR

+ σ2z



)−1]≈ INT

⊗ Cztc(k), (47)

where we use X(k)XH(k) ≈ εsINTand define

Cztc(k)def= σ2

zINR+ εsΦR

[INR− |tH(k)T−1(kp)q(k)|2




INR+ ν(k)ΦR

)−1]. (48)

to obtain (47). As a result, det Cztc(k) =(det Cztc(k)



G(Cmb(k), vec(Y(k))−mmb(k))

= tr{G(Cztc(k),Y(k)− Mztc(k))



Mztc(k) = tH(k)T−1(kp)q(k) ·ΦR


+ σ2z



)−1H(k)X(k). (49)

The resulting ZTC detector is given by

XZTCmb (k) = arg min



tr{G(Cztc(k),Y(k)− Mztc(k))

}+NT log det Cztc(k) (50)

which is of comparable computational complexity as that ofthe ZRC detector.

When both the transmit and receive correlations are un-known, the conditional covariance matrix in the detectionmetric degenerates to an identity matrix scaled by a factorthat is a function of the noise variance, channel’s temporalcorrelation and block index k. Both ZRC and ZTC receiverscan be further simplified by the two-stage approach, we focuson deriving reduced complexity ZRC detectors only; the ZTCcounterparts can be similarly obtained.

2) Two-Stage ZRC M -PSK Detector: Two-stage ZRC andZTC detectors can be obtained by following the derivationgiven in Section III-B. We present the two-stage ZRC detectorin the following and omit the corresponding ZTC detector.Using the decomposition, X = LS, we express the ZRCreceiver (45) for an M -PSK SM system as

XZRCmb (k) = arg min


NR log det(εsCssk(k))


(Ys(k)− Mssk(k)

)H )}(51)

where Ys(k) = Y(k)SH/εs, Mssk(k) = H(k)A(k)L, and

Cssk(k) =σ2z


+ LH×[INT−A(k)tH(k)T−1(kp)q(k)

]ΦTL. (52)

Decision rule for separate antenna index and modulated sym-bol detection can be shown to be given by

L(k) = arg minL∈L

NR log det(εsCssk(k))

+tr{G(Cssk(k), Mssk(k)H



ε2s− 2<{bT (k)s(L)}

εs, (53a)

s(k) = s(L(k)), (53b)

where the entries of b(k) are the diagonal terms ofYH(k)MsskC

−1ssk(k), s(L) = QAM


T (k)J−1(k))H),

and J(k) = C−1ssk(k) �(YH(k)Y(k))∗.

B. DD-CE-Aided ZRC and ZTC Detectors

1) General ZRC/ZTC Detectors: Based on the ZRC as-sumption and the fact that in a DD system X(k) is detectedwith the DD CEs obtained at block k − 1, we follow theprocedure presented in the previous subsection with zH1 =

yn(k) and zH2 = hn

def= hn(k − 1) = hn(k − 1)G1(k −

1) + zn(k − 1)G2(k − 1), where G1(k)def= X(k)X†(k) and

G2(k)def= X†(k)G1(k), to obtain the covariance matrices

Σ11 = XH(k)ΦTX(k) + σ2zIB , (54a)

Σ12 = ρT (1)XH(k)ΦTG1(k − 1), (54b)

Σ22 = GH1 (k − 1)

[ΦT + σ2


(X(k − 1)XH(k − 1)

)−1]×G1(k − 1)

≈ GH1 (k − 1)

(ΦT +



)G1(k − 1). (54c)

It follows immediately that, given X(k) and hn(k−1), yn(k)

has mean zH2 Σ−122 ΣH12 = ρT (1)hn(ΦT+σ2

z/εsIB)−1ΦTX(k)and covariance matrix

Czrcdef= Σ11 −Σ12Σ

−122 ΣH


=σ2zIB + XH(k)

[INT− ρ2T (1)




)−1]×ΦTX(k) (55)

where ρT (1) is a prediction term used to alleviate the errorpropagation effect. The corresponding ZRC detector is thengiven by

XZRCdd (k) = arg min

X∈XNR log det Czrc

+ tr[G(Czrc,Y

H(k)− MHzrc

)], (56)

where Mzrc = ρT (1)H(INT

+ σ2z/εsΦ


)−1X(k). This

ZRC detector can also be derived from the CEEA-ML detector(35) by using the approximation ΦR = INR

and with somealgebraic manipulations.

To derive the ZTC detector for a DD-CE-aided MIMOsystem, we replace Φ by INT

⊗ΦR in (36) and invoke

A = ρT (1)(INT⊗ΦR)(INT

⊗ΦR + σ2zINRNT


= ρT (1) INT⊗(ΦR(ΦR + σ2



Page 9: Detection of Spatially-Modulated Signals in Doubly ... · N R (k)] (3b) is the N R N T channel matrix and X (k) = [ x 1) ; B)] = [T T N T)]T (4) is the N T B(B N T) matrix containing

and X(k)XH(k) ≈ εsINTto obtain

mdd = vec(ρT (1)

(ΦR(ΦR + σ2


)def= vec(Mztc), (57b)

Cdd ≈ INT⊗(σ2zINR

+ εs(ΦR − ρ2T (1)(INR

+ σ2zΦ−1R )−1ΦR

) )def= INT

⊗ Cztc. (57c)

Thus, det Cdd = (det INT)NR · (det Cztc)

NT and

G(Cdd, vec(Y(k))−mdd) = tr{G(Cztc,Y(k)− Mztc)


and from (35) we have the DD-ZTC detector

XZTCdd (k) = arg min



tr{G(Cztc,Y(k)− Mztc)

}+NT log det Cztc (58)

2) Two-Stage ZRC M -PSK Detector: Due to space consid-eration, we present the two-stage ZRC detector only. We firstdefine

Mssk = ρT (1)H




)−1L, (59a)

Cssk =σ2z

εsIB + LH

[INT− ρ2T (1)




)−1]·ΦTL. (59b)

Using the above definitions and the decomposition X = LS,we obtain an alternate expression for (55) and then rewrite(56) as

XZRCdd (k) = arg min


NR log det(εsCssk)


(Ys(k)− Mssk

)H )}. (60)

The corresponding two-stage ZRC detector can then be derivedas

L(k) = arg minL∈L

NR log det(εsCssk)

+tr{G(Cssk, M




ε2s− 2<{bT (k)s(L)}

εs, (61a)

s(k) = s(L(k)) (61b)

where s(L) = QAM


T (k)J−1(k))H), b(k) equals to

the diagonal of YH(k)MsskC−1ssk, and J(k) = C−1ssk �


As the dimension of Azrc(k) for the ZRC detectors (45) and(51), NT ×NT , is much smaller than that for the CEEA-MLdetectors, NRNT×NRNT , the former class of detectors needsfar less memory space. The detail comparison of memoryrequirement and complexity of all detectors can be found inthe next section.


The bit error rate (BER) performance of the SM detectorsdepends on the channel estimation method used and, becauseof the assumed frame structure, is a function of the datablock location index k; see Fig. 1. For the MB systems, theperformance is better when min{k, (N − k)mod N} is smallwhile for the DD counterparts, the performance degrades withincreasing k. Let BER(k) be the BER of the kth block thenthe average BER is


2N − 2

2N−1∑k=1,k 6=N

BERMB(k), (62)


N − 1


BERDD(k). (63)

For simplicity, the subscript for the channel estimator usedshall be omitted unless necessary. It is straightforward to showthat [7], [17] for CEEA-ML detectors

BER(k) ≤ 1







dH (X,X′)

· Pk {X→ X′} (64)

where X = L·Diag(s), X′ = L′·Diag(s′), dH(X,X′) denotesthe Hamming distance between the information bits carriedby X and by X′, and Pk{X → X′} the averaged pairwiseerror probability (PEP) of detecting the transmitted signal Xas X′. We derive the conditional PEP of the MB-CE-aidedCEEA-ML detectors in the followings; that for DD-CE-aideddetectors can be similarly obtained.


{X→ X′|H(k)

}= Pk

{G(C′mb(k), vec(Y(k))−m′mb(k)) + log det C′mb(k)

< G(Cmb(k), vec(Y(k))−mmb(k)) + log det Cmb(k)|H(k)}

= Pk

{(y − d)HD(y − d)− εHD−1ε

+ G (C′mb(k),m′mb(k))− G (Cmb(k),mmb(k))

+ log det(C′mb(k)C−1mb(k)

)< 0|H(k)


def= Pk

{(y − d)HD(y − d) < η(X,X′, k)|H(k)


where m′mb(k) and C′mb(k) are respectively obtained from(23a) and (23b) with X replaced by X′ and (65) is obtainedby completing the square with D = (C′mb(k))−1 −C−1mb(k),y = vec(Y(k)), ε = (C′mb(k))−1m′mb(k)−C−1mb(k)mmb(k),and d = D−1ε. Based on (26), we have

y ∼ CN(


), Ψ), (66)

where Ψdef= σ2


)ΨE(k)(X∗ ⊗ INR).

Representing the Gaussian random vector y by Ψ12 y +

vec(H(k)X) where y ∼ CN (0NRNT, INRNT

), we obtain analternate quadratic form

(y − d)HD(y − d)

Page 10: Detection of Spatially-Modulated Signals in Doubly ... · N R (k)] (3b) is the N R N T channel matrix and X (k) = [ x 1) ; B)] = [T T N T)]T (4) is the N T B(B N T) matrix containing


12 y + vec(H(k)X)− d


12 y + vec(H(k)X)− d

)=(y + Ψ−


(vec(H(k)X)− d

))H· Ψ 1

2 DΨ12

(y + Ψ−


(vec(H(k)X)− d

))=(UH y + UHΨ−


(vec(H(k)X)− d

))H·Λ(UH y + UHΨ−


(vec(H(k)X)− d

))def= qnc,

where UΛUH is the eigenvalue decomposition of Ψ12 DΨ


with orthonormal matrix U and diagonal matrix Λ containingrespectively the eigenvectors and corresponding eigenvalues.Since UH y and y have the same distribution, qnc is anoncentral quadratic form in Gaussian random variables andthe CDF


{qnc < η(X,X′, k)|H(k)


can be evaluated by the method proposed in [18] or the seriesexpansion approach of [19, Ch. 29].

The average PEP is thus given by


{X→ X




{qnc < η(X,X′, k)|H(k)

}P (H(k)) dH



{qnc < η(X,X′, k)|H(k)


πNRNT det(Φ(k))dH

where Φ(k)def= E{vec(H(k))vecH(H(k))} is equal to (21c).

As the both sides of the inequality in (67) depend on H(k), theaverage over H(k) (68) can only be computed by numericalintegration. The BER performance of the ZRC, ZTC andgeneral MIMO CEEA-ML detectors can also be analyzed bythe same approach with the corresponding PEP derived fromdifferent spatial correlation structures.


We now compare the computational complexity and mem-ory requirement of the detectors derived so far. The memoryspace is used to store the required items involved in the de-tection metrics and is divided into two categories: i) fixed andii) dynamic. The former stores the items that are independentof the received samples and/or updated channel estimates andcan be calculated offline. The latter specifies those vary withthe received samples. Take the ML detector (24) for example,to achieve fast real-time detection, we pre-calculate and storeC−1mb(k), det Cmb(k) and mmb(k) for all candidate signals(X) and all k in two consecutive frames. These items aretime-invariant, independent of Y(k) or H(k). The dynamicpart refers to the received samples (in two frames) which haveto be buffered before being used to compute the MB channelestimate and detecting the associated signals. As (XT (k) ⊗INR

)A(k) for all candidate X can be precalculated and stored,the complexity to compute (23a) is only O(MNTBN2

RN2T )

complex multiplications per block. The remaining complexityis that of computing G(Cmb(k), vec(Y(k))−mmb(k)).



General MIMO SM Two-stage

MismatchedO(γ1BNRNT ) O(MBNRNT ) N/A


2T ) O(γ2N

B+2T N2

R)O(NB+2T N2


ZRC O(γB1 NRN2T ) O(γ2N

B+2T NR)O(NB+2


As the CEEA-ML detector degenerates to the ZRC detectorby setting ΦR = INR

, the dimensions of the correlation-related terms can be reduced by a factor of NR. This reduc-tion directly affects both computing complexity and memoryrequirement. The complexity of the two-stage detector is only1/MB of its single-stage counterpart because the parallelsearch on both transmit antenna index and data symbol hasbeen serialized. However, the memory required remains un-changed.

For the mismatched detectors (18), besides the dynamicmemory to store H and Y(k), the fixed memory, whichconsists mainly of those for storing the terms the channelestimators need, is relative small and usually dominatedby the memory to store the statistics for the CEEA-MLdetectors. A minimal complex multiplication complexity ofO(MNTBNRNT ) is called for, since without channel statis-tics data of each channel use can be detected separately, i.e.,XMM(k)

def= [xMM

1 (k), · · · , xMMB (k)] with

xMMj (k) = arg min


‖yj(k)− Hx‖2F .

The detectors using DD channel estimates needs signif-icantly less memory than those using MB ones as theydo not jointly estimate the channel of several blocks and(35) indicates that C−1dd is independent of the block index.We summarize the computing complexities and the requiredmemory spaces of various detectors in Tables III and IV.

We conclude that, among all the proposed detectors, theZRC (or ZTC) detectors are the most desirable as they requirethe minimal computation and memory to achieve satisfactorydetection performance. Although the mismatched detector isthe least complex and requires only comparable memory asZRC (or ZTC) detectors do, its performance, as shown in thefollowing section, is much worse than that of the proposeddetectors in some cases.


In this section, the BER performance of the detectors wederived is studied through computer simulations. We use the S-T channel model [11] and assume that uniform linear arrays(ULAs) are deployed on both sides of the link. The spatialcorrelation follows the Kronecker model (41) so that (6) canbe written as ρS(i−m, j−n) = [ΦT ]jn · [ΦR]im = ρS(0, j−n)·ρS(i−m, 0). When the angle-of-arrivals (AoAs) and angle-

Page 11: Detection of Spatially-Modulated Signals in Doubly ... · N R (k)] (3b) is the N R N T channel matrix and X (k) = [ x 1) ; B)] = [T T N T)]T (4) is the N T B(B N T) matrix containing




MB channelestimates

DD channelestimates

MismatchedFixed O(N) O(B)

Dynamic O(NNRNT ) O(NRNT )


RN2T ) O(γN2

RN2T )

Dynamic O(NNRNT ) O(NRNT )

ZRCFixed O(γNN2

T ) O(γN2T )

Dynamic O(NNRNT ) O(NRNT )

of-departures (AoDs) are uniformly distributed in (0, 2π], wehave [11]

ρS(`− `′, 0) = ρS(0, `− `′) = J0(2π(`− `′)δ/λ), (69)

where J0(·) is the zeroth-order Bessel function of the firstkind, δ the antenna spacing for both transmitter and receiverand λ the signal wavelength. On the other hand, if theAoAs and AoDs have limited angle spreads [20], the spatialcorrelation can be expressed as

[ΦR]ij = r|i−j|, [ΦT ]ij = t|i−j| (70)

with 0 ≤ r, t < 1. The above exponential model has beenwidely applied for MIMO system evaluation [21] and provento be consistent with field measurements [22]. We use both(70) and the isotropic model (69). As for time selectivity, weassume it is characterized by the well-known Jakes’ model[23]

ρT (k − `) = J0(2πfD(k − `)BTs), (71)

where fD is the maximum Doppler frequency and Ts thesymbol duration. The frame structure we consider is shown inFig. 1 where a pilot block of the form INT

(hence B = NT )is placed at the beginning of each frame. The resulting pilotdensity is very low when compared with that of the cell-specific reference (CRS) signal in the 3GPP LTE specifications[24]. If we follow the symbol duration defined in [24], the pilotdensities are only 1/6 and 1/3 of that used in 3GPP LTE.In the remainder of this section, we consider SM and SMXMIMO systems of different system parameters, includingnumbers of antennas NR and NT , constellation size M , andframe size N , resulting in various transmission rates. If thepilot overhead is taken into account, the effective rate will be(N − 1)/N of the nominal value. Note that we consider onlyuncoded systems, its performance can easily be improved bytwo or three orders of magnitude using a proper forward errorcorrecting code.

A. MB-CE-Aided SM Detectors

The performance of MB-CE-aided CEEA detectors is pre-sented in Figs. 2 and 3 where we plot the BER performance

0 5 10 1510








Eb/N0 (dB)



CEEA−MLTwo−stageZRC2−stage ZRCZTCMismatchedPerfect CSI




0 5 10 1510








Eb/N0 (dB)



CEEA−MLTwo−stageZRC2−stage ZRCZTCMismatchedPerfect CSI




Fig. 2. Impact of the frame size and antenna spacing on the performance ofMB-CE-aided SM detectors in a Bessel correlated channel (fDTs = 0.01):(a) δ = 0.5λ (b) δ = 1λ; M = 4, NT = NR = B = 4.

of the CEEA-ML (27), mismatched, and suboptimal detectorsas a function of Eb/N0, Eb being the average receivedbit energy per antenna. The suboptimal detectors includethe two-stage (34), ZRC (45), ZTC (50), and the two-stageZRC detectors (53). While the ML and suboptimal detectorsoutperform the mismatched one, the ZTC detector suffersslightly more performance degradation with respect to (w.r.t.)the ML detector than the ZRC one does for it is obtainedby using the extra approximation X(k)XH(k) ≈ εsINT

. Theeffect of spatial correlation can be found by comparing thecurves corresponding to N = 10 (frame duration 40Ts).When the spatial correlation follows (69) with δ = 0.5 or1λ, the correlation value is relatively low and the knowledgeof this information gives limited performance gain. But if thecorrelation is described by (70) with r = t = 0.8 or 0.5, theCEEA-ML and its low-complexity variations outperform themismatched detector significantly. With N = 10 the two-stage

Page 12: Detection of Spatially-Modulated Signals in Doubly ... · N R (k)] (3b) is the N R N T channel matrix and X (k) = [ x 1) ; B)] = [T T N T)]T (4) is the N T B(B N T) matrix containing

0 5 10 1510







Eb/N0 (dB)



CEEA−MLTwo−stageZRC2−stage ZRCZTCMismatchedPerfect CSI




0 5 10 1510








Eb/N0 (dB)



CEEA−MLTwo−stageZRC2−stage ZRCZTCMismatchedPerfect CSI




Fig. 3. Impacts of frame size and spatial correlation on the performance ofMB-CE-aided SM detectors in exponentially-correlated channels: (a) r = t =0.8; (b) r = t = 0.5; M = 4, NT = NR = B = 4, fDTs = 0.01.

detector, which requires a much lower complexity, suffers onlynegligible degradation w.r.t. its CEEL-ML counterpart.

Note that as the spatial correlation increases, it becomesmore difficult for an SM detector to resolve spatial channels(different hj’s) and thus the detection performance degradesaccordingly. This holds for detectors with perfect CSIR andthose using the MB or DD CEs. Neglecting CSI error andchannel correlation cause more performance loss for channelswith stronger correlations as can be found by comparing themismatch losses. Higher spatial correlation also causes largerperformance degradation for the ZRC and ZTC detectors whichlack one side’s spatial information. The effect of a shorterframe (N = 5) can be found in the same figures as well.As the CSI error is reduced, the performance gain, which isproportional to the CSI error, becomes less impressive.

The perfect CSIR ML detector (11) does not need thechannel’s spatial and/or time correlation information and

0 5 10 1510







Eb/N0 (dB)



TheoreticalCEEA−MLZRC w/ est. Φ


ZTC w/ est. ΦR

MismatchedPerfect CSI




0 5 10 1510








Eb/N0 (dB)



TheoreticalCEEA−MLZRC w/ est. Φ


ZTC w/ est. ΦR

MismatchedPerfect CSI




Fig. 4. Effect of imperfect statistics on the MB-CE-aided ZRC and ZTCSM detectors in exponentially-correlated channels; N = 5 or 10, M = 4,NT = NR = B = 4, fDTs = 0.01, and (a) r = t = 0.8, (b) r = t = 0.5.

whose performance is insensitive to time selectivity. For otherdetectors, the CSI error increases with a larger fDTs and/or asparser pilot density and so is their performance degradations.For example, from (71) we find that, for fDTs = 0.01, the50%-coherence time is approximately 24.2Ts and thus withthe frame size N = 10, each antenna receives a pilot symbolevery other 39Ts which is too sparse to track the channel’stemporal variation. Although knowing the resulting CSI errorstatistics does help reducing the performance loss, increasingthe pilot density to reduce the CSI error is much more efficient.Increasing the pilot density by two-fold (N = 5) recovers mostlosses w.r.t. the CEEA-ML detector for both channels.

The above results assume perfect statistical correlation in-formation is available, we consider the impact of imperfectspatial correlation information in Figs. 4 and 5 where ΦR andΦT used by ZTC and ZRC detectors are estimated by first

Page 13: Detection of Spatially-Modulated Signals in Doubly ... · N R (k)] (3b) is the N R N T channel matrix and X (k) = [ x 1) ; B)] = [T T N T)]T (4) is the N T B(B N T) matrix containing

0 5 10 1510








Eb/N0 (dB)



TheoreticalCEEA−MLZRC w/ est. Φ


ZTC w/ est. ΦR

MismatchedPerfect CSI




0 5 10 1510








Eb/N0 (dB)



TheoreticalCEEA−MLZRC w/ est. Φ


ZTC w/ est. ΦR

MismatchedPerfect CSI




Fig. 5. Effect of imperfect statistics on the MB-CE-aided ZRC and ZTC SMdetectors in Bessel-correlated channels; N = 5, M = 4, NT = NR = B =4, fDTs = 0.01, and (a) δ = 0.5λ; (b) δ = 1λ.

taking the time averages over three consecutive pilot blocks





H(k)HH(k), (72a)





HT (k)H∗(k) (72b)

and these initial estimates are then improved by (the tem-poral correlation is similarly estimated) [ΦR]ij = r|i−j| ×sgn(<{[ΦR]ij}) and [ΦT ]ij = t|i−j|sgn(<{[ΦT ]ij}), where

r = arg min0≤r<1


∣∣∣r|i−j| − ∣∣[ΦR]ij∣∣∣∣∣2 , (73a)

t = arg min0≤t<1


∣∣∣t|i−j| − ∣∣[ΦT ]ij∣∣∣∣∣2 . (73b)

The performance of ZTC and ZRC detectors shown in Figs.

0 5 10 15 2010







Eb/N0 (dB)



0 5 10 15 2010







Eb/N0 (dB)



TheoreticalCEEA−MLMismatchedPerfect CSI


N=10 N=10


Fig. 6. Performance of MB-CE-aided 16-QAM SM systems (5-bit/transmission) with different frame sizes and spatial correlations; N = 10or 20, NT = B = 2, NR = 4, fDTs = 0.01, and (left) r = t = 0.8;(right) r = t = 0.5.

3 and 4 indicates that the refined spatial correlation estimator(73a) and (73b) gives fairly accurate estimations. Both detec-tors keep their performance advantages over the mismatchedcounterparts when N = 10. But with a denser pilot N = 5(thus smaller mismatch error), the ZTC detector fails to offernoticeable gain due perhaps to additional approximation (47)used. In Fig. 5, the channel correlation follows (69) butthe receiver still assumes (70) and uses the estimator (73a)and (73b). In spite of the correlation model discrepancy, thedetectors still outperform the mismatched one. The theoreticalperformance bound of the CEEA-ML detector analyzed inSection VI is also shown in Figs. 4 and 5. Except in lowerEb/N0 region, the theoretical bounds are tight and givereliable numerical predictions. Similar accurate theoreticalpredictions and effect of N are found in Fig. 6 for three 16-QAM SM detectors.

B. DD-CE-Aided SM Detectors

Figs. 7 and 8 present the performance of the DD-CE-aideddetectors. As expected, the proposed detectors outperform themismatched one. The effects of the pilot density, correlationlevel and other behaviors of these detectors are similar to thoseobserved in MB-CE-aided detectors. But the DD-CE-aideddetectors are more sensitive to the CSIR error. This is becausethe way the channel estimate is updated, which is likely to beoutdated in a fast fading environment and any detection errorwill propagate until the next pilot block is received. The MB-CE-aided detectors which use three consecutive pilot blocks tointerpolate the time-varying channel response are less sensitiveto time selectivity.

In Figs. 6 and 7, we compare the effect of pilot density onboth classes of detectors. With long frame size (N = 20),both MB- and DD-CE-aided detectors give unsatisfactoryperformance although the former is slightly better. But ifwe increase the pilot density to N = 10, the MB-CE-aided

Page 14: Detection of Spatially-Modulated Signals in Doubly ... · N R (k)] (3b) is the N R N T channel matrix and X (k) = [ x 1) ; B)] = [T T N T)]T (4) is the N T B(B N T) matrix containing

−5 0 5 10 15 2010






Eb/N0 (dB)



−5 0 5 10 15 2010






Eb/N0 (dB)



Theoretical (N=10)CEEA−ML (N=10)Mismatched (N=10)Theoretical (N=20)CEEA−ML (N=20)Mismatched (N=20)Perfect CSI

Fig. 7. Performance of 5-bit/transmission DD-CE-aided SM systems withdifferent frame sizes and exponential spatial correlation; 16-QAM AM , N =10 or 20, NT = B = 2, NR = 4, fDTs = 0.01, and (left) r = t = 0.8;(right) r = t = 0.5.

0 5 10 1510





Eb/N0 (dB)



0 5 10 1510






Eb/N0 (dB)



TheoreticalCEEA−MLTwo−stageZRC2−stage ZRCZTCMismatchedPerfect CSI

Fig. 8. Performance of a 3-bit/transmission DD-CE-aided SM system inexponentially-correlated channels; N = 10,M = 4, NT = B = 2, NR =4, fDTs = 0.01, and (left) r = t = 0.8; (right) r = t = 0.5.

detector offers more significant improvement: doubling thepilot density gives a 3.5 dB gain at BER = 1 × 10−2 andr = t = 0.8 (or 2.9 dB at r = t = 0.5) for the ML-MBdetector, in contrast to the 2.6 dB (2.4 dB) gain for the ML-DD detector. Obviously, the CSI is of great importance and theCEEA-ML detectors significantly outperform the mismatchedones when CSI is accurate. The DD-CE is improved with asmaller QAM constellation AM ; see Fig. 8 where M = 4 isassumed. The ZRC and ZTC detectors ignore part of spatialcorrelation, hence, it is only natural that their performancebecomes closer to that of the CEEA-ML detector as the spatialchannel decorrelates, i.e., as r and t become smaller.

0 10 20 30 4010








Eb/N0 (dB)



0 10 20 30 4010








Eb/N0 (dB)



TheoreticalCEEA−MLZRCZTCMismatchedPerfect CSI


N=20 N=20


Fig. 9. Performance of the MB-CE-aided SMX systems in exponentially-correlated channels; N = 10 or 20, M = 4, NT = NR = B = 2,fDTs = 0.01, and (left) r = t = 0.8; (right) r = t = 0.5.

C. CEEA-ML Detection of SMX Signals

Finally in Fig. 9, we show the performance of the SMX sys-tem in S-T correlated channels using the CEEA-ML detector(24). The system parameter values are B = NT = NR = 2and M = 4 so that it yields a rate of 4 bits/transmission.The figure reveals that the CEEA-ML detector and its sub-optimal variations also bring about performance gain againstthe mismatched one. The SM system with 4 bits/transmissionand the same frame size, as shown in Fig. 4, achieves thesame BER performance with significantly lower SNR. TheSMX systems result in higher BER error floors whereas theSM counterparts yield performance that is much closer to thatachieved with perfect CSI when frame size is 20Ts(N = 10).This is because in the high-SNR regime where the ICI isthe dominant deteriorating factor for an SMX system, a highspatial correlation may result in occasionally deep-fade acrossall spatial channels (all |hij |’s are small) and a burst oferroneous symbols. Since the SM systems do not suffer fromICI, a rare single-channel fade has less severe impact onits BER performance. Nevertheless, using imperfect CSI stillhelps to reduce an SMX system’s error floor. We present theMB-CE-aided SMX detectors’ performance only as the DD-CE-aided detectors give even worse performance.


We have derived ML and various suboptimal detector struc-tures for general MIMO (including SM and SMX) systemsthat take into account practical design factors such as thechannel’s S-T correlations, the channel estimator used and thecorresponding estimation error. The pilot-assisted MB and DDchannel estimators we considered are simple yet efficient forestimating general S-T correlated MIMO channels.

The suboptimal detectors are obtained by simplifying theML detector’s exhaustive search, the spatial correlation struc-ture, the likelihood function, or a combination of these ap-proximations. The complexities of the ML, suboptimal and

Page 15: Detection of Spatially-Modulated Signals in Doubly ... · N R (k)] (3b) is the N R N T channel matrix and X (k) = [ x 1) ; B)] = [T T N T)]T (4) is the N T B(B N T) matrix containing

mismatched detectors are analyzed. The effects of space and/ortime selectivity and CSI error using MB or DD channel estima-tors on the system performance are studied via both analysisand computer simulations. Their performance is comparedwith that of perfect CSIR detectors. We provide numericalexamples to verify the usefulness of our error rate analysis andto demonstrate how the CSI uncertainty affects various detec-tors’ BER performance and find when the fading channel’stime or spatial selectivity has to be taken into consideration.We also suggest a model-based spatial correlation estimatorthat yields quite accurate estimates. The performance of spatialmultiplexing system is studied as well. The numerical resultsalso enable us to find the channel conditions and performancerequirements under which the low-complexity suboptimal de-tectors incur only minor performance degradation and becomeviable implementation choices.


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