Page 1: DEVELOPING COMPETENCIES FOR THE ORGANIZATION OF THE …€¦ · An important component of innovative and agile organizations are employees that are equipped with modern working methods


Page 2: DEVELOPING COMPETENCIES FOR THE ORGANIZATION OF THE …€¦ · An important component of innovative and agile organizations are employees that are equipped with modern working methods

Consulting on innovation

Consulting on agile organization

We support your organization in developing its own innovative and agile DNA

Build competencies through

• trainings in „principles of agile organizations”, meeting formats and leadership in an agile world

• publications

Develop solutions through

• diagnostic workshop focusing on self- organization

Support change through

• consulting on self-organization (decentralized structures and decision making)

• Insight travel: site visits to self-organized companies

Build competencies through

• Method trainings in „systematic creativity“, „Design Thinking“ and „innovation management“

• Teambuilding for innovation teams• In depth training program as innovati-

on facilitator and innovation manager• publications

Build solutions through

• facilitated innovation workshops

• workshops to derive speci-fic search fields

• project coaching• hackathons and sprints

Support change through

• consulting on innovation culture and innovation ma-nagement

• innovation culture audit

Page 3: DEVELOPING COMPETENCIES FOR THE ORGANIZATION OF THE …€¦ · An important component of innovative and agile organizations are employees that are equipped with modern working methods

An important component of innovative and agile organizations are employees that are equipped with modern working methods. Hence we offer a wide range of trainings in creativity, innovation and organization to get your employees ready for tomorrow’s work.

• Systematic Creative Thinking. A framework for individual creativity and effective collaboration within a team. It can perfectly be implemented in meetings and workshops to jointly develop innovative solutions.

• Design Thinking. Developing innovations from a user perspective. Teams elaborate user needs and build a first prototype for testing.

• Lean Innovation. Testing for market acceptance of new products and services and specifically new business models is considered as the number one priority. Methods of Design Thinking and Lean Startup lead to faster feedback on innovation assumptions.

• Idea selling. Good ideas need to present and sell well, also within a company. We provide tools not only to drive an idea forward but also to present it in a convincing way.

• Meeting structures. Meetings are one of the most essential tools for collaboration. Often they waste time and energy. General principles and building blocks lead to more effective meetings and use the time of each person in an optimal way.

Tool Trainings

Page 4: DEVELOPING COMPETENCIES FOR THE ORGANIZATION OF THE …€¦ · An important component of innovative and agile organizations are employees that are equipped with modern working methods

The music industry has been constantly challenged by digital changes and disruption. Big labels aim to represent their artist as good as possible. Thus a lot of creativity is required to continue developing better services and offers.

Therefore Sony Music employees are widely trained in various methods of creativity. The training portfolio starts from solving daily problems with systematic creativity, design thinking, up to in-depth trainings for innovation facilitation. For different areas and purposes different training modules are offered so that all methods can be applied in meetings and throughout the entire company. Until now about 70 employees have been trained in creativity and innovation methods at various company sites.

In-depth trainingsat Sony Music

Page 5: DEVELOPING COMPETENCIES FOR THE ORGANIZATION OF THE …€¦ · An important component of innovative and agile organizations are employees that are equipped with modern working methods

Starting from 2008 Bosch Asia Pacific and creaffective developed an education program for creativity and innovation for different types of associates. Customized seminars are interdependent and designed for various management levels and functional areas. The Innovation for Leaders training targets team and department managers focusing on creative and innovative teams and its workflows. The Innovation for technical experts program trains specialists in tools for creative development. The Innovation Facilitator training is an in-depth 5 day program for planning and facilitating innovation workshops.

In-depth trainingBosch China

Page 6: DEVELOPING COMPETENCIES FOR THE ORGANIZATION OF THE …€¦ · An important component of innovative and agile organizations are employees that are equipped with modern working methods

Nowadays workshops for innovation are essential tools of modern companies. They enable experts of different disciplines to creatively work together and develop new solutions. Well trained innovation facilitators ensure that the workshop runs effectively and efficiently. Furthermore facilitators steer groups from a methodical perspective and provide neutral support to group members within their working process.

In our 5-day training we provide each participant with essential tools and know-how to independently plan and facilitate innovation workshops for various topics. We combine an interactive knowledge transfer with hands-on work and practice exercises. Based on our experience as innovation coaches and workshop facilitator our trainers support each participant’s learning experience by providing individual and detailed feedback.

“As a business development and innovation manager I have to work with many teams and therefore I need to find creative solutions for very specific problems. This in-depth training provided me with a reliable and clear structure how to plan and facilitate workshops in practice. The contents are very practical and relatively easy to apply. The five days were very pleasant, with a good mix of theory and practice, in a comfortable environment and supportive but demanding trainers.“

In-depth trainingfor innovation facilitators

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Like many other NGOs SOS Children’s villages are facing great challenges. Due to the digital revolution the very nature of social commitment is changing. The SOS Children’s villages have to change and find new ways to support social projects. Resources are limited – especially since it is a non-profit association that needs to use donations economically.

The in-depth training for internal facilitators proved to be a helpful tool to drive long-term innovation within limited resources. As for 2016 the worldwide association of SOS Children’s villages has trained in total 4 facilitators for innovation workshops, all based in Munich. Just in 2016 and 2017 they have facilitated in total 13 workshops. Among these workshops five were connected to an idea competition, where more than 100 ideas were submitted by areas such as fundraising, marketing and organizational development.

A pleasant side-effect: The same facilitators use their experiences and skills and make them available to other teams and purposes. Beside innovation workshops they also guide team and strategic meetings to ensure more creativity and effectiveness.

Facilitatorsat SOS Children’s villages

Page 8: DEVELOPING COMPETENCIES FOR THE ORGANIZATION OF THE …€¦ · An important component of innovative and agile organizations are employees that are equipped with modern working methods

More and more companies are establishing teams or departments to support managing the innovation activities. The question arises: Where do relevant employees get the necessary knowledge to successfully foster innovation in their organizations?

Our open in-depth training for innovation managers is a program made by practitioners for practitioners in organizations. It aims to develop skills enabling innovation and supporting an innovation culture. We use practical and action-oriented approaches which we successfully applied in various companies of different industries and sizes for more than ten years. Moreover we provide important learning experiences through real case studies from different industries.

The basic training consists of a seven-day greenbelt training, which is divided into two blocks. Building upon this participants can attend the blackbelt level focusing on operational and strategic directions.

Furthermore we offer this in-depth training internally for companies who are establishing an innovation management system. The program primarily targets (future) innovation managers, innovation-oriented department and division managers who want to support innovation.

In-depth trainingfor innovation managers

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You want to provide a first introduction to methods and tools of tomorrow’s work to a greater audience? We offer interactive keynotes and short workshops. Based on your chosen topic we provide knowledge and inspiration with interactive and practical activities. Furthermore we aim to inspire the audience and gain different perspectives. In order to gain real first hand experiences, we can also work on a concrete topic of yours applying methods and tools within a brief, workshop-style session. The training contents are aligned according to your needs:

• tools of systematic creativity and innovation• user-centered innovation through Design Thinking• rapid prototyping and new idea testing• tools and approaches for self-organization in agile companies

Keynotes and interactive workshops

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DEVELOP COMPETENCIES FOR AGILE ORGANIZATIONSServices for HR and Organizational Development

SOLVE CHALLANGES AND CREATE INNOVATIONServices for individual departments, teams and project managers

DESIGN THE ORGANIZATION OF THE FUTUREServices for strategic decision-makers and top management

DRIVE INNOVATIONServices for Innovation Management roles

contact:creaffective GmbHRosenheimerstr. 189 | 81667 Munich | | [email protected]

Version 1.0

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