
Some think that developing countries should invite large foreign companies to open offices and factories in order to help their economy. However, others feel that foreign companies should be shut out and instead the government should help the local companies to contribute to the economic growth. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the latter view?Partly agreedeveloping countries= poor= underdevelopedforeign companies= overseas= international=multinational (wealthy/ prosperous/ developed) # local= domestic (locally-produced)= host company= firm= group= coporation1. developing countries: in short of resources to power economic growth. finance, human resource, technology, business strategies, management: inadequate, obsolete, unproductive # multinational coporations=> loose foundation/ cornerstone to boost domestic economy e.g. open opportinites to overseas company to do business in poor countries: integrate global market, improve domestic resources

2. fierce and fair competition: boost economic prosperity- competition: a driving force for domestic entrepreneurs: on their feet (adopt state-of-the-art technology, do staff training, change business plans, improve quality) # state subsidy+ protection: cripple economy.3. state subsidy+ protection: infant industries: strong enough critical industries: food/ military security=> state support

1. Many developing countries have welcomed foreign companies, while others think that local businesses should be protected and supported instead. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.2. Many shops work for 24 hours a day 7 days a week; some people see it as a good idea, while others dont. Compare different views of customers, shop workers and the whole society of this subject and give your opinion about it.

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