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November 1-3, 2016Washington Hilton, Washington DC

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Developing, Integrating, and Supporting Interagency Homeland Security Initiatives


Active Military and Government Personnel attend at no cost See page 11 for details

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Dear Homeland Security Stakeholder:

With recent threats from various terrorist organizations, radical factions, and lone wolves becoming more and more sophisticated, the need to ensure that our nation’s security at home and abroad are strongly monitored at all times by a multifaceted, interagency effort, is a necessity. Without superb intelligence, operational assets, and flawless unified communication across all stakeholders, the threat of a catastrophic outcome is an ever-increasing reality.

With that said, the United States is poised at the outset of a new era in homeland security that reflects long-term changes in the security environment and key advances in homeland security capabilities. The Homeland Security vision is a homeland that is safe, secure, and resilient against terrorism and other hazards, where American interests, aspirations, and way of life can thrive.

The 11th Annual Homeland Security Week will provide you with an industry event focusing on further developing the requirements necessary for numerous government agencies, all directly or indirectly responsible for US homeland security, to facilitate a complex, joint, multilayered plan that will combat the evolving challenges our country faces – all while ensuring the support of the communities they serve.

We’ll kick off the event with a series of in-depth workshops during our “Biometrics & ID Capture Focus Day” including:

· Homeland Advanced Recognition Technology

· NIEM National Biometrics Domain Training

· Non-cooperative Human ID

· ….and our Site Tour to the Maryland Test Facility! Limited to the first 30 registrants

Additionally, we will take a holistic approach to homeland security by covering forward thinking topics including:

Meet the Chairperson:

Past Participating Federal Agencies Include:

Nelson H. Balido, APR CEO Border Commerce and Security Council

Nelson Balido is one of the leading authorities on our U.S. borders for trade, travel, energy and security

issues. He is the principal at Balido and Associates, Inc. and founder of the Border Commerce and Security Council and the Energy Council of the Americas. Prior to assuming his current role he was the President of the Border Trade Alliance; Nelson was a presidential pick to lead the private sector division of the Federal Emergency Management Agency where he earned Secretary’s Award for Excellence and also served on the Homeland Security Advisory Council appointed by Secretary Michael Chertoff, where he was awarded the department’s highest civilian award – the Outstanding Public Service Medal.

November 1-3, 2016Washington Hilton, Washington DC

· CBRN Detection & Capability Requirements

· Nuclear and Radiological Risk Assessment Technology for our Ports of Entry

· ISR for Homeland Defense

· Federal Law Enforcement Training Requirements

· Headquarters Managed Information Technology

· Emergency Management Requirements

· Sourcing Emerging Technology to Protect the Homeland

· Border Security Technology

· Developing Situational Awareness & Critical Infrastructure Analysis

· Securing the Cyber Ecosystem with a National Cybersecurity Protection System

· Requirements to Meet Infrastructure Security Compliance

· ...and many more!

Whether you are a government entity in the field, an industry leader with a new idea, or simply an enthusiast, this event will have something for you!

Nelson Balido Chairperson and Advisory Board Member CEO, Border Commerce and Security Council

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Meet the 2016 Evening Keynote Speaker

Gov. Tom RidgeFirst Secretary, U.S. Department of Homeland Security

Following the tragic events of September 11th, 2001, Ridge became the first assistant to the President for Homeland Security and, on January 24, 2003, became the first Secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. The creation of the country's 15th Cabinet Department marked the largest reorganization of government since the Truman administration and another call to service for the former soldier, congressman and governor of Pennsylvania.

During his tenure, Ridge worked with more than 180,000-plus employees from a combined 22 agencies to create an agency that facilitated the flow of people and goods, instituted layered security at air, land and seaports, developed a unified national response and recovery plan, protected critical infrastructure, integrated new technology and improved information sharing worldwide. Ridge served as Secretary of this historic and critical endeavor until February 1, 2005.

Before the events of September 11th, Ridge was twice elected governor of Pennsylvania. He served as the state's 43rd governor from 1995 to 2001. Known for his commitment to high standards and results, Ridge delivered on his promise to make Pennsylvania "a leader among states and a competitor among nations." Ridge's aggressive technology strategy helped fuel the state's advances in economic development, education, health care and the environment.

Audience Breakdown

69% Government

31% Vendors

Breakdown of Government Audience 31% DHS 6% CBP 2% AFT 29% DOD 9% FBI 3% Secret Service

Ron ColburnPresident, The Border Patrol Foundation, Former National Deputy Chief, U.S. Border Patrol

Allen GinaFormer Assistant Commissioner for International Trade U.S. Customs and Border Protection

David V. AguilarPartner, Global Security and Intelligence Strategies, Former Acting Commissioner, U.S. Customs and Border Protection

Sandy BrooksIndependent Consultant

Meet Our Advisory Board: Who Attended in 2015?

3% HHS 6% Local Police 4% TSA 4% US GAO 3% Other

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Top 5 Leading Expert Speakers at a Glance:

Admiral Charles D. MichelVice Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard

Admiral Charles Michel assumed the duties as the 30th Vice Commandant on August 6, 2015.As the Vice Service Chief and Chief Operating Officer, Admiral Michel executes the Commandant’s Strategic Intent, manages internal organizational governance and serves as the Component Acquisition Executive. Prior to this appointment, Admiral Michel served as the Deputy Commandant for Operations, responsible for establishing and providing operational strategy, policy, guidance and resources to meet national priorities for U.S. Coast Guard missions, programs and services.

Mr. Joseph NimmichDeputy Administrator, FEMA

Joseph L. Nimmich was nominated by President Barack Obama and confirmed by the United States Senate as the Deputy Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in September of 2014. During his tenure, his primary focus is on strengthening and institutionalizing the Agency’s business architecture over the long term to achieve the FEMA mission.

LTG James K. “Kevin” McLaughlinDeputy Commander, U.S. Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM)

Lt Gen James K. “Kevin” McLaughlin is the Deputy Commander, U.S. Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM), Fort Meade, Maryland. USCYBERCOM directs the cyber forces that defend the Department’s information networks, provide full-spectrum cyberspace options to military plans and operations, and when directed, defend U.S. critical infrastructure from cyber attacks of significant consequence.

General McLaughlin entered the Air Force in 1983 as a graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy. He has commanded at the squadron, group, wing and numbered air force levels and has served on the staffs at major command headquarters, combatant command headquarters, the National Reconnaissance Office, Air Force headquarters, and the Office of the Secretary of Defense. Prior to assuming his current position, General McLaughlin was the Commander, 24th Air Force and Commander, Air Forces Cyber, Joint Base San Antonio - Lackland, Texas.

Mr. John MacKinney Director, Nuclear and Radiological Policy, US Department of Homeland Security

Mr. MacKinney advises the DHS Secretary, Deputy Secretary, Assistant Secretary for Policy, and other senior DHS leadership on all nuclear and radiological matters, from counterterrorism to consequence management, develop policy with the National Security Council Staff, including writing and implementing Presidential policy directives, coordinate nuclear policy and planning efforts among DHS Components, and with interagency partners.

Mr. James TurgalExecutive Assistant Director, Information and Technology Office, FBI

James Turgal is an Executive Assistant Director for the FBI. Mr. Turgal speant 20 years in the FBI and owned his law firm prior to joining the FBI. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Buisness and Economics from Nothern Arizona University, a Juris Doctorate Law Degree from Western Michigan University’s Thomas M. Cooley School of Law and a Masters of Law Degree from Georgetown University Law Center. During his tenure at the FBI, he has held a number of operational positions in a variety of field offices nationwide, working matters as diverse as counterterrorism, intelligence, cyber and organized crime.

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What HSW 2015 Delivered:

What HSW 2016 Will Deliver:

300+ Attendees

350+ Attendees

8+ HOURS Reserved for Networking

10+ HOURS Reserved for Networking

15+ HOURS Reserved for Informational Content

20+ HOURS Reserved for Informational Content

Missed Homeland Security Week 2015?

During Lunch on Main Day 2, select Individuals and Vendors will be recognized for their continuing service to the Department of Homeland Security. If you are interested in submitting someone for Nomination, please send an email to [email protected] with the subject HSW Awards Nomination. An official nomination form will be sent directly to you. Good Luck!

We have outgrown our previous venue and are excited to announce that this years event has moved to the beautiful Washington Hilton!

Based on the audience feedback and our constant research throughout the year, we are bringing you some of the most interesting, timely, and relevant topics of the day. Join us as we discuss these new topics:

· The National Response Framework · Emergency and Disaster Management · CBRNE Threats to Homeland Security · Evolving Cyber Security Enterprise · And more!

Awards Ceremony

New Topics: You Asked, We Heard!

New Venue

Watch the highlight video reel to see what you missed.

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New Orleans Inspired Jazz NightJoin Us November 2nd at 1800

New Orleans is especially known for its strong association with jazz music, universally considered to be the birthplace of the genre. Enjoy live music, appetizers, and some New Orleans inspired cocktails!

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Biometrics & ID Capture Focus Day Tuesday, November 1, 2016

0730 Registration Opens

0815 Chairperson Welcome and Opening Remarks

0830 KEYNOTE: Homeland Advanced Recognition Technology · Guarding National Secrets via Accurate Biometric Identify Validation · Understanding the Next Generation of Biometric Identity Solutions in place. · Accurately identifying individuals who pose a threat to the safety of others

0915 WORKSHOP A: Next Generation Multi-Modal Analytics · Potential role of multimodal biometric capture in immigration · Maximizing Multi-Modal Authentication to enable speed and efficiency. · Ensuring Multi-Modal Systems conform to Established Security Parameters

1030 Morning Networking and Refreshment Break Enjoy a quick break and prepare for another content packed session!

1045 WORKSHOP B: NIEM National Biometrics Domain Training The Biometrics Domain supports information sharing and promotes interoperability

between mission-based organizations engaged in activities such as homeland security, national defense, border management and global law enforcement through the joint development and alignment of XML Biometric Standards. In this workshop, we will focus on NBD Standards training to include:

· Overview of current and future biometrics standards · New developments in standardization and interoperability of biometrics systems · Examination and demonstration of tools used to search attributes and work with NIEM

William Graves Deputy Product Manager/ Chief Engineer DoD Biometrics

Kamran Atri CTO, NIEM expert CSE

1215 Working Lunch – Mobile Biometrics Masterclass During this working lunch, we will discuss federal law enforcement requirements

for increased mobile applications and devices that can capture and rapidly process biometric data.

· Capturing/authenticating biometric data quickly and accurately in remote locations

· Requirements for equipment agility

· Software and reliable infrastructure demands

1315 Non-Cooperative Human ID: Polarimetric-Thermal and Digital Holographic Imaging for Long-Range Face and Fingerprint Acquisition and Recognition · Cross-spectrum face recognition using passive thermal probe imagery provides a

critical capability for undetectable human identification invariable lighting, while maintaining interoperability with existing data sets

· Exploiting polarization-state information of passive LWIR emissions drastically improves discriminability and can provide robustness to pose variations for uncontrolled collections

Dr. Nathaniel J. Short Lead Scientist Booz Allen Hamilton

Dr. Shuowen “Sean” Hu Electronics Engineer U.S. Army Research Laboratory

1445 Afternoon Refreshment Break

1500 Load Bus for Maryland Test Facility Site Tour *Limited to First 30 Attendees

1730 Chairperson Closing Remarks

1745 End of Biometrics Focus Day

Join Us at Our Site Tour of the Maryland Test Facility:The Maryland Test Facility (MdTF) center was opened by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate and U.S. Customs and Border Protection to evaluate the performance of various biometric devices in operational airport situational settings to include a primary inspection point, an entry point, and boarding gate departure station. Working in conjunction with the CBP and volunteers from the local

area, the facility tests new Biometric technology and submits its recommendations to the Federal Government for potential implementation across the Nation.

Join us as we tour this facility and see how you can potentially become involved! This is limited to the first 30 attendees who register for it, so act now and reserve your spot!

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Main Conference Day One Wednesday, November 2, 2016

0745 Registration and Coffee

0845 Chairperson’s Welcome and Opening Remarks Mr. Nelson Balido

CEO Border Commerce and Security Council

0900 OPENING KEYNOTE: A Unity of Effort to Keep America Safe Admiral (R) Thadd Allen 23

rd Commandant of the

Coast Guard

0945 Identifying, Analyzing and Sharing Intelligence · Coast Guards Role in the Protection of the Homeland · Identifying and Acting on Timely Intelligence · Cross Communication with other Agencies

Admiral Charles D. Michel Vice Commandant of the Coast Guard

1045 Morning Networking and Demo Drive

During our Interactive Demo Drive, each attendee will be placed in a small group and

given the opportunity to rotate through our exhibit hall. Join us and discover the best

way to meet each of our exclusive sponsors and find out how they can help you!

Track A Track B

1130 Nuclear Terrorism Impacts and Zoned Approach to Response · Understanding the Full Severity of Nuclear Terrorism Threats

· Deep Dive into DHS Plans and Policy for Responding to an Incident

· Developing Cross Departmental Relationship to Ensure Effective Response

Mr. John MacKinney Director, Nuclear and Radiological Policy US Department of Homeland Security

Integrating the Army Reserve into the Whole of Homeland Security · Demonstrating the Potential of the Army Reserve as a support structure for Homeland


· New Priorities and Acquisition Priorities of the Army Reserve

Session Reserved for Senior Army Leadership

1200 PANEL DISCUSSION: Zoned Responses to Nuclear Terrorism · Medical Responses

· State and Local Outreach and Coordination

· Public Health and Environmental Factors in Response

Cyber and Physical Infrastructure Protection · Protecting the Cyber Infrastructure from Identified and Unidentified Threats

· Developing Next Generation Requirements for Physical Infrastructure Safety

· Ensuring Resiliency in Infrastructure Protection

1230 NETWORKING LUNCHEONDiscuss the topics covered in the morning sessions while simultaneously networking with other attendees. All while enjoying a good meal!

“Very well organized and informative. The presenters were obvious experts in their respective fields.”

- A. Delsignore (Department of Homeland Security-FEMA)

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Main Conference Day One continued Wednesday, November 2, 2016

1500 The Evidence Ecosystem: The Evidence Ecosystem: Video Capture, Management and Release

Want to Meet Governor Ridge directly and ask him your Homeland Security Questions? Join him at our Brilliance Bar, where Pre-Selected Speakers will be available to answer any of your questions. · Capturing video evidence on synced body cameras and in-car dash cams · Viewing and managing video within an encrypted backend management

system · Preparing video evidence for release to the public through Smart

Redaction technology Presented By:

1545 Afternoon Networking Break and Brilliance Bar Want to Meet Governor Ridge directly and ask him your Homeland Security

Questions? Join him at our Brilliance Bar, where Pre-Selected Speakers will be available to answer any of your questions.

1630 PANEL DISCUSSION: Collaborative Intelligence and Information Sharing · Why do we Continue to Stove Pipe our Ability to Provide Holistic

Situational Awareness · Identifying Key Variables in Provide Situational Awareness

· Providing Recommendations for the Way Forward


Sandy Brooks Independent Consultant


Admiral Linda Fagen Deputy Commandant for Operations, Policy,&Capability U.S. Coast Guard

Mrs Barb Trent CEO COVA Mr Paul Kob Oaklea Simpson

David Glawe Assistant Commissioner for the Office of Intelligence U.S. Customs and Border Protection

Tony Crowder Director, The Air Marine Operations Center (AMOC) U.S. Customs and Border Patrol

1715 MOTIVATIONAL GUEST KEYNOTE: Dealing with Uncertain Threats in an Uncertain Time

Gov. Tom Ridge First Secretary U.S. Department of Homeland Security

1800 Chairperson’s Closing Remarks Mr. Nelson Balido

CEO Border Commerce and Security Council

1815 Cocktail Reception Why go back to your room? Enjoy a cocktail and share candid perspectives with

peers to bring back to your organization.

1330 PANEL DISCUSSION: Requirements to Protect International Trade · Understanding “Trade at Speed”

· Encouraging Safe Trade through Partner Programs- Developing New Methods of Mitigating Threats in an Evolving Threatscape

· Trade Enforcement Act of 2015

Moderator: Allen Gina Former Assistant Commissioner for International Trade U.S. Customs and Border Protection

PANEL DISCUSSION: The New Border Environment · Evolution of FirstNet

· Defining the New Border Environment and the Shift of Focus

Moderator: David V. Aguilar Partner, Global Security and Intelligence Strategies, Former Acting Commissioner, U.S. Customs and Border Protection

1415 MASTERCLASS A: Critical Infrastructure Safety and Security Presented by: Cleveland Electric

MASTERCLASS B: ISR for Homeland Defense

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Main Conference Day Two Thursday, November 3, 2016

0800 Registration and Coffee

0845 Chairperson’s Recap of Conference Day One Mr. Nelson Balido

CEO Border Commerce and Security Council

0900 OPENING KEYNOTE: Holding the Line in the 21st Century · Keys to Reliably Meeting Security Compliance · Encouraging Industry Driven Innovation · Incorporating Next Generation Requirements into Existing Security Procedures

Colleen Manaher Executive Director, Planning, Program Analysis, and Evaluation Office Office of Field Operations U.S. Customs and Border Protection

0945 PANEL DISCUSSION: Biometrics in Homeland Security · Utilizing Disruptive Technologies to Combat Immigration Concerns

· Replacing Traditional Login Credentials with Biometrics

Paul Hunter Chief, Biometrics Strategy at DHS US Citizenship and Immigration Services Patrick Nemeth Director of the Identity Operations Division, Office of Biometric Identity Management National Protection and Programs Directorate

Presented By:

1030 Morning Networking Break and Demo Drive Join us in part two of our Demo Drive. We want to make sure you have the

opportunity to network with every attendee and sponsor, so we are giving you a second opportunity!

1100 Sourcing and Implementing Emerging Technology to Protect the Homeland · Identifying New Technologies Potential Utility within Homeland Security Initiatives

· Evaluating the Risk Emerging Technologies Potentially Present

· Incorporating New Technologies from Non-Traditional Sources

Mr. James Turgal Executive Assistant Director, Information and Technology Office FBI

Track A Track B

1145 MASTERCLASS C: Deep learning: An Artificial Brain that Protects Against Cyber-Attacks Join Dr. David to learn about the evolution of artificial intelligence, from rule-based systems to machine learning up to state-of-the-art deep learning. Dr. David will present deep learning’s first and only application to cybersecurity, showcasing the highest accuracy rates in detecting zero-day & APT attacks.

Dr. Eli David CTO Deep Instinct

MASTERCLASS D: ISR Requirements To Mitigate Current and Future Terrorist/Radical Extremist Threats

“Hearing from senior executives about critical issues. Networking with a great group of attendees.”

- J. Kilcullen (Mobile County Emergency Management Agency)

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Main Conference Day Two continued Thursday, November 3, 2016

1545 Requirements to Meet Infrastructure Security Compliance · Keys to Reliably Meeting Security Compliance

· Understanding the Damage a Infrastructure Security Breach Could Cause

· Incorporating Next Generation Requirements into Existing Security Procedures

1700 Chairperson Closing Remarks and End of Conference

Mr. Nelson Balido CEO

Border Commerce and Security Council

1230 Awards LuncheonJoin our awards luncheon where we recognize both key individuals and vendors in their continuous support of the Department of Homeland Security. You never know, maybe someone nominated you!

1330 Future of USCYBERCOM- How the Military Defends the Cyber Home Front · Challenges safeguarding federal networks

· Disrupting cyber crime

· Ensuring operational safety

LTG James K. “Kevin” McLaughlin Deputy Commander U.S. Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM)

Emergency Management Requirements · Developing Relationship with Local Governments and Industry

· Fostering Quick, Efficient Response Times

· Incorporating New Technologies in Emergency Response Techniques

Mr. Joseph Nimmich Deputy Administrator FEMA

1415 MASTERCLASS E: Counter-Network Emerging Technology Session Reserved for CheckPoint

MASTERCLASS F: Border Security Technology

Homeland Security Week Media Partners

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Pricing & Registration

Academia, Non-Profit and Foreign Military

Vendors, Consultants, and Solution Providers

PACKAGE Register and Pay by Friday, October 14, 2016 STANDARD PRICE

2 Day Main Conference $1,095 $1,595

3 Day All-Access Pass $1,595 $1,895

Focus Day $595 $645

PACKAGE Register and Pay by Friday, October 14, 2016 STANDARD PRICE

2 Day Main Conference $1,195 $1,695

3 Day All-Access Pass $1,795 $1,995

Focus Day $695 $645

Active U.S. Government, Military, and Law Enforcement


2 Day Main Conference All Federal Employees, to include Military Personnel, will be granted free admission to our event. However, in order to logistically support this event, we must require

online pre-registration. Onsite registration will not be permitted and Online Registration will close on Friday, October 14th, 2016

Focus Day

Team Discounts


3-4 10%

5 or more 15%

Please note: · All ‘Early Bird’ discounts require payment at time of

registration and before the cut-off date in order to receive any discount.

· Any discounts offered (including team discounts) must also require payment at the time of registration.

· All discount offers cannot be combined with any other offer.

· Please view our registration policy for full information about payment, cancellation, postponement, substitution and discounts.

· Please note multiple discounts cannot be combined.

SOCO ADVISORY 1-14: 7.(a) Admission fees of $722 per day or less for all attendees are considered reasonable costs worldwide for the purposes of JER 3-211 (a)(7).

Dress Code: Military personnel are kindly requested to be in uniform. Appropriate attire for Industry is business casual.


* CT residents or people employed in the state of CT must add 6.35% sales tax.

Team Discounts: For information on team discounts, please contact IQPC Customer Service at 1-800-882-8684. Only one discount may be applied per registrant.

Details for making payment via EFT or wire transfer: Bank Name: JPMorgan Chase Penton Learning Systems LLC dba IQPC: 937332641 ABA/Routing #: 021000021 Reference: Please include the name of the attendee(s) and the event number 20524.006

Payment Policy: Payment is due in full at the time of registration and includes lunches and refreshment. Your registration will not be confirmed until payment is received and may be subject to cancellation.

For IQPC’s Cancellation, Postponement and Substitution Policy, please visit

Special Dietary Needs: If you have a dietary restriction, please contact Customer Service at 1-800-882-8684 to discuss your specific needs.

©2016 IQPC. All Rights Reserved. The format, design, content and arrangement of this brochure constitute a trademark of IQPC.

Unauthorized reproduction will be actionable under the Lanham Act and common law principles

IDGA is not affiliated with the U.S. Government or any branch of the Armed Forces

Register Online, by Email, Phone, Fax or MailWeb:

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 800.882.8684 or 646.378.6026

Fax: 646.378.6025, 24 hours a day

Mail: IQPC 535 5th Avenue, 8th Floor New York, NY 10017

Washington Hilton1919 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington, DC 20009

For more information, contact Dionne MariaVaz at 646-378-6022 or [email protected].

Visit today to: · Register for the event · Download the complete program agenda · View the complete speaker roster and biographies · Gain free access to relevant podcasts, videos, articles,

interviews, whitepapers, and past presentations at our resource center

· Learn more about the location, venue, and hotel discounts · Learn more about our sponsors, exhibitors, and media

partners · Plus much more!

Venue Information

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Sponsorship and Exhibition Opportunities Still Available!

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