

IMPROVING YOUR PERSONAL APPEARANCE When personality faults are uncovered, most people find that they have some faults which belong in the class of physical deficiencies. Some of these cannot be remedied. No one, for example, can change from being a short man to a tall one. A wise person, of course, will not become unduly concerned with physical characteristics, which he cant do anything about. It is true that a tall, broad-shouldered, heavily-muscled man with curly black hair and even features may enjoy a certain initial advantage over somebody not as generously endowed by nature. But this advantage is short-lived if his personality is not a good one. History has proved time after time that some of the most influential men have lacked those physical attributes that most people admire. A man who is positively homely may be more magnetic than a characterless Adonis. Physical deficiencies can be sublimated by cultivating other attractive traits, such as poise, tact, conversational skill. Alertness, and general enthusiasm.

On the other hand, a man need not accept his facial features and physical endowments with a fatalistic and defeated spirit. A poor complexion, for example, can often be improved through better diet and exercise Teeth can be straightened by an orthodontist Eyes cured of watering, and so on. The way we talk, the way we handle ourselves, and the way we talk are there other important elements in the total impression we make on others. A private session before a full length mirror will reveal most faults of stance and poise. Gesture are sometimes a liability because of their awkwardness, futility of frequency; they, too are worthy of critical inspection. Uncorrected , they will continue to drive away associates and customers. A well-pitched voice and good speech habits are assets to any man. Fundamental to every elements of physical appearance is a mans state of health. Good healthy radiates in his eyes, his voice, and his muscular movements. Conversely, a lack of muscular tone and vitality, even though short of ill health, conveys a subtle air of languor or perhaps an ill-concealed irritability to those forming impressions of what we are like. Take care of your health if you want an attractive personality.

Health in relation to your personalityGood faith is the foundation of personality because it is the basis for the efficient and enjoyable performance of every activity a person does.

Importance of Health to Personality1. Healthy people have more attractive personality.2. Healthy people can attain greater opportunities for success.3. Healthy people can achieve more happiness in life.

When you speak of Health, what areas in your personality are covered?1. Physical health (bodily healthy)2. Emotional stability (feelings and emotions)3. Mental healthy (healthy mind)

What are the good effects of taking good care of your healthy?1. It adds to your life expectancy.2. It increases your efficiency of performance.3. It increases your enjoyment in your work and recreation.4. It makes you a more pleasant associate to others.5. It provides the basis for your success in human relations.

Why do you need to achieve a healthy physical body?1. Proper diet2. Sufficient exercise3. Rest and sleep4. Good and posture habits5. Adequate medical care


Who is Healthy Person?1. A healthy person feels well physically, mentally, socially, and emotionally.2. A healthy person is interested in all that foes on in the world about him.3. A healthy person is alert, happy, and contented.4. A healthy person understands the importance of good appetite. He eats the food that are important for growth, for heat and energy, for building and repairing worn out tissues of the body.5. A healthy person gets sufficient sleep to avoid prolonged feeling of fatigue. Proper food and sufficient sleep help to give him strength and energy for work and for play.6. A healthy person also realizes that good posture is an important factor in avoiding body aches and fatigue.7. A healthy person knows that sunshine, fresh air, and periods of outdoor and indoor activities everyday are important factors in healthful living.

Practice Good Health Habits1. Make every effort to eat three well- balanced meals each day. Eat plenty and enough, but not too much.2. Use plenty of water both on the outside and inside your body. Water is not fattening.3. Avoid eating between meals any food that will interfere with your appetite for the foods your body needs regularly.4. Get sufficient sleep, exercise, sunshine, and fresh air to allow the parts of the body to function easily and naturally and provide good muscular action.5. Exercise sufficiently, but stop short of over-fatigue. Walking can be the best form of exercise. Make the habit of just walking in the distance is just too short.6. Practice good mental habits. Thinking is a good mental habit. Practice the habit of thinking before you talk or act. There are so many positive energy around. Think of positive things about you and others. Think of what good you can do for yourself and for the good of others.a. Thinking through first may save you from doing unnecessary work that will also save you time.b. Thinking tasks through carefully may help you to find better ways of doing them.c. Thinking problems through carefully will help you to make wise decisions.d. Thinking will help you to make wise choices.e. Thinking improve your problem solving ability.7. Your attitude of feeling toward other people including your family friends, classmates, teachers, officemates, is important to your health.8. For a better healthy, try to understand why people act the way they do. This understanding will help you feel more friendly toward them.9. Your attitude toward your work or study, also affects your healthy. When you are happy, interested and contented, your health is better than when you are upset, sad, bored, or dissatisfied. Continue to develop interest on what you are doing that will add you in your life, well keep your viewpoint, young, your spirit alive. Be a participant as well as spectator.10. Practice self-control. Anger and fear often cause slight or temporary illness.11. Participate in the activities of your family, your school, or your community. This will contribute a lot for your all-around healthy. Being able to work or play with other people agreeably and effectively adds to your feeling and well-being.12. Develop the habit of being cooperative. Your appreciation of your own achievements, as well as the achievements of others, is another health factor.13. Cigarettes and prohibited drugs are harmful to your body. Your body is the temple of God so do not do or take anything that will destroy your body.14. Get periodic medical check-up for eyes, teeth, and your general physical well-being. Dont be your own M.D. and self-prescribe for real or imagined sickness. Dont take the pill other person is taking because you believe that other persons symptoms match yours.15. REMEMBER. If you do all these things regularly, you are forming desirable habits, attitudes, and appreciation for physical, mental, and social health which are all essential for PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT.


A balanced diet is one that contains in a single meal all the nutrients needed in order for the body to function properly.The Six Basic Food Groups Needed by the Body1. Carbohydrates2. Protein3. Green and Leafy vegetables4. Fatty and oily foods5. Vitamin-rich foods6. Mineral-rich foods including waterThe functions of Carbohydrates1. Essential for supplying body heat2. Supplies fuel necessary to provide energy for body activitiesFoods which are the best source of Carbohydrates1. Rice2. Breads3. Cereals4. Starchy foods like puto, suman, kutsinta5. Noodles6. Potatoes7. Roots and tubers (camote, gabi, kamoteng kahoy)The Symptoms of Carbohydrates Deficiency1. Underweight2. General weaknesses3. Severe deficiency fainting, collapse, and even death may occurThe functions of Protein1. Essential for building and repairing body tissues2. Supplies heat and energy when there is shortage of fats and carbohydrates3. Maintains acid-base balanceFoods which are the best sources of protein1. Meat6. Shellfish2. Internal organs7. Milk3. Eggs8. Milk products like milk4. Poultry9. Garbanzos tokwa, peanuts5. Fish10. Mongo, beans, nutsThe symptoms of protein deficiency1. Retarded growth2. Slow recovery fro disease3. Infants are underweight at birth4. Edema (swelling)5. Loss of weight6. Reduced resistance to infectionFunctions of Fatty and Oily Foods1. Essential in maintaining body heat2. Give energy for body activities3. Supply essential fatty acids the body needsFoods which are the best sources of Fats1. Butter4. lard2. Cream5. Salad and vegetables3. Fats from meat6. NutsThe symptoms of fats deficiency1. Underweight2. Sluggishness3. Skin irritation like eczema4. Dryness of skinFunctions of Vitamin-rich foods1. Vitamin A Resistance to infection Healthy skin and mucous membranes Normal bones and teeth Normal eye functioning Normal growth2. Vitamin B1 Essential for carbohydrates metabolism which is the chemical process of absorbing food Maintenance of food appetite Normal growth and nerve functioning Prevention of beri-beri3. Vitamin B2 Health of skin and eyes4. Niacin Prevention of pellagra Normal chemical reactions in the body Proper functioning of digestive and nervous system

FOOD FOR BEAUTY1. For the person who wants the best in the world, knows the importance of the right food.2. You should know that good healthy, tireless energy, a perfect skin and good figure control the result of eating good food in right quantities.3. You should follow the pattern of eating which gives her all she needs to keep her energy flowing for a full and rewarding day, and she sticks to it faithfully.4. A thorough balance diet with just the right amounts of vitamins, minerals, fats, proteins, carbohydrates is the first step to vitality, and also the first step to beauty.5. You should know the different vitamins and minerals and their effects to your health and beauty. VITAMIN A which give a smooth glowing skin and bright sparkling eyes. VITAMIN B is a FATIGUE-FIGHTER because it helps to relieve nervous tension and it gives extra You get STRENGTH from PROTEIN WARMTH from FATS ENERGY from CARBOHYDRATES VITAMIN C is for GLAMOUR because it is the vitalityVITAMIN C is an INFECTION-FIGHTER because plenty of this vitamin gives the body a shield from infection which can develop into complication. It is also a booster for a clear, smoother skin. VITAMIN D is for BRIGHTNESS and DAZZLE. It makes your teeth clean, your hair sparking and healthy, and your bones strong but supple, so it is a must for growing children, and teens as well as mother-to-be.


The brain requires constant nourishment in order to function properly. As we get older, these needs dramatically increase.Brain foods can be obtained two ways:1. Through eating them or2. Taking a wide variety of supplementsThe safest way to proceed in obtaining optimal brain nutrition is outlined in some simple steps here.1. Eat a balanced diet, low in fat and high in carbohydrates, but definitely with protein foods added.2. Take a daily supplements of vitamins and minerals3. Take a board-spectrum antioxidant once a day. Eat foods with high in anti-oxidants.4. Avoid smoking, drinking, over-consuming caffeine-laden beverages and eating too many simple sugars.5. Talk to a doctor or nutritionist about brain booster preparation to make sure they are safe and to clarify any pre-existing conditions such as hypertension or gout-which could cause problems down the road.B-complex vitamins directly affect brain function in a variety of different ways. Therefore, it behoves the reader to take a daily supplement of this on a regular basis. A high patency B-complex (two tablets daily) will improve memory very quickly. Dont worry it your urine becomes a little more yellow this is just a natural consequences of taking B vitamins.Vitamin C is important in brain function. A daily supplementation of vitamin C is recommended. Eating fresh fruits can also be the best source of vitamin C. drinking fruit juices is also nutritious and refreshing. Hoe does it work? According to the Gerson Institute: *Nutrients from fresh, raw, organic juices are consumed continuously , 13 hours per day. Enemas dramatically improve bodys ability to eliminate the build-up of toxins accumulated through years of ingesting polluted water, air, food, and toxic drugs and chemicals. As damaged tissue is broken down and eliminated, the intensive detoxification reduces the aide effects these waste materials create while travelling through the blood system. The endocrine system and overall metabolism are stimulated through the use of naturally occurring minerals and hormones, restoring the bodys natural defenses and healing capacity.So, juice is probably ideal for stress management. Here are some details. Strawberry contains vitamin C, B2, folate, potassium and iron, as well as ellagic acid, believed to neutralize the carcinogens in cigarette smoke; potassium mains fluid balance and nerve transmission, while folic acid helps in the production of red blood cells. Orange contains vitamin C, R1, folate, calcium, potassium. Calcium and vitamin C. it helps build immunity and increase cell production; vitamin C also strengthens body tissues. Apples contains vitamin E, vitamin C and boron, a mineral which boosts atertness and prevents calcium loss. Grape contains vitamin C, B1, potassium and ellagic acid Pineapple contains vitamin C, B1, B6, folate, iron, calcium iodine, phosphorous, potassium, sulphur and magnesium. Peach contains vitamin A, potassium, beta carotene and B2 (riboflavin) Pink guava contains vitamin B3 (niacin) and zinc Banana and raspberry are great sources of essential fiber.

GUIDELINES ON WHAT TO EAT When you get up in the morning, be sure to have a high-protein breakfast before leaving your home. This will also build up the brains supply of the alertness chemical tyrosine and shore up its glucose store. Protein helps the brain become alert. Protein-rich foods help maintain alertness of protein from fish and meat. A light lunch is recommended. The brain and body will slump in the afternoon if called upon to digest too much at once. Also, it might not be a bad idea to include some form of protein again at noontime. Munching on nuts and seeds helps fulfill this. You shouldnt be eating big meals at night if you want to sleep well. And you should especially avoid high protein meals such as succulent steak or prime rib dinner. Your digestive system should not work hard when it is already sleeping time. So to sleep well at night eat diet mostly on carbohydrates-rich foods, unless subjects to blood sugar disorders like hypoglycemia or diabetes. Then a combination of some protein and carbohydrates becomes essential to your physical well-being. Above all else, do not skip meals. Better to eat a little but often, than a big meal and infrequently. And stay away from fried and deep fried foods as much as possible. Theyre murder on your liver and wreck your brain, heart and kidneys.


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