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Jude Bird & Rob Howell

Development Planning For Arts/CreativityWhat is a development plan?

Why do one?

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The Journey



Current picture-where are we now?

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The Potential

Vision –where we want to be three to five years down the line

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The Partnerships-working with others

Within the school Other schools Creative individuals Creative and Cultural organisations Funders Wider community-demographic and

communities of interest Regional/national/international

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Movers and Shakers

Who will you engage in the work? Key people within the school Key people outside the school Where can the plan be aired and be a regular

agenda item? How is it going to work? Is there a

management structure to underpin the work?

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Year 1 –detailed

Year 2 – developmental

Year 3- (and beyond) consolidation

Develop a rolling programme which can be added to and changed on an annual basis

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Moving the Work On

Reflection Communicating/advocacy Witnessing Sharing Developing practice into policy and theory Doing it! Remembering Recording the Journey

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Accommodating Change

Change of personnel Government policy Change of premises Funding structures Change in intake/demographics Recognising it is going to happen and creating

space for change

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Jude Bird & Rob Howell

Top Tips for (Hell)?(Fun)? (D)?raising: How to get the dosh

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• Look for funds where their criteria link with your ambitions.That way you avoid doublespeak!

• One size doesn't fit all• Do they want to be a majority or minority


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• Read the guidelines!• Look at the language used.• What have they funded in the past?

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Be strategic and realistic-if their annual fund is 100k apply for a small chunk as they are unlikely to fund one application of 50k.

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• Money "laundering". many funds will not give to statutory organisations-which schools are. HOWEVER you can go through the PTA, local charitable organisation or set up and constitute an unincorporated association

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Buying outputs? (Hard) Selling social benefits (Soft)

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Deadlines, panel meetings, Outcomes. Turnaround time.

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Cultivate relationships with the funders - talk to them - no funder should be surprised to receive an application

Without applicants there is no funding body - remember that this is a symbiotic relationship

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Prioritise your language. What are the "speak" and stated priorities of the funders? 

Tell the story, write the narrative in an accessible and interesting way

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Maximum word count? Answer the questions/criteria and do it in

order. Be specific

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Don't leave it 'till the 11th hour (Sunday night homework)

Get someone else to read, proof, edit and check the budget balances

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BE creative with your match funding.  Think about in-kind, the value of volunteers, room hire etc.

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If you've no track record start small and use the success of that bid to launch the next one

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Time/ Effort/ Output.

it is estimated that one hour in ten is productive. however if that generates £5k that is a good use of time

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Summarise the application with the cover sheet

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