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NeuroImage: Clinical 7 (2015) 732–741

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Developmental changes in large-scale network connectivity in autism

Jason S. Nomi a,1, Lucina Q. Uddin a,b,⁎aDepartment of Psychology, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL, USAbNeuroscience Program, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, FL, USA

* Corresponding author at: Department of Psychology248185, Coral Gables, FL 33124, USA. Tel.: +1 305 284 32

E-mail address: [email protected] (J.S. Nomi), l.uddi1 Department of Psychology, University of Miami, P.O

33124, USA.© 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc

a b s t r a c t

a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history:

Received 5 December 2014Received in revised form 19 February 2015Accepted 28 February 2015Available online 6 March 2015

Keywords:Autism spectrum disorderIndependent component analysisResting state fMRIFunctional connectivitySalience network

Background:Disrupted cortical connectivity is thought to underlie the complex cognitive and behavior profile ob-served in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Previous neuroimaging research has identified pat-terns of both functional hypo- and hyper-connectivity in individuals with ASD. A recent theory attempting toreconcile conflicting results in the literature proposes that hyper-connectivity of brain networks may be morecharacteristic of young children with ASD, while hypo-connectivity may be more prevalent in adolescents andadults with the disorder when compared to typical development (TD) (Uddin et al., 2013). Previous work hasexamined only young children, mixed groups of children and adolescents, or adult cohorts in separate studies,leaving open the question of developmental influences on functional brain connectivity in ASD.Methods: The current study tests this developmental hypothesis by examining within- and between-networkresting state functional connectivity in a large sample of 26 children, 28 adolescents, and 18 adults with ASDand age- and IQ-matchedTD individuals for the first time using an entirely data-driven approach. Independent

component analyses (ICA) and dual regression was applied to data from three age cohorts to examine the effectsof participant age on patterns of within-networkwhole-brain functional connectivity in individuals with ASDcompared with TD individuals. Between-network connectivity differences were examined for each age cohortby comparing correlations between ICA components across groups.Results: We find that in the youngest cohort (age 11 and under), children with ASD exhibit hyper-connectivitywithin large-scale brain networks as well as decreased between-network connectivity compared with age-matchedTD children. In contrast, adolescents with ASD (age 11–18) do not differ from TD adolescents inwithin-network connectivity, yet show decreased between-network connectivity compared with TD adoles-cents. Adults with ASD show no within- or between-network differences in functional network connectivitycompared with neurotypical age-matched individuals.Conclusions: Characterizing within- and between-network functional connectivity in age-stratified cohorts of in-dividuals with ASD and TD individuals demonstrates that functional connectivity atypicalities in the disorder arenot uniform across the lifespan. These results demonstrate how explicitly characterizing participant age andadopting a developmental perspective can lead to a more nuanced understanding of atypicalities of functionalbrain connectivity in autism.

© 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license(

1. Introduction

Early neuroimaging research comparing functional brain connectiv-ity in individualswith autism spectrumdisorder (ASD) and typically de-veloping (TD) individuals led to the hypo-connectivity hypothesisproposing that fronto-posterior connectivity deficits are partly respon-sible for cognitive deficits in ASD(Belmonte et al., 2004; Just et al.,2004). Previous task-based functional magnetic resonance imaging

, University of Miami, P.O. Box65; fax: +1 305 284 [email protected] (L.Q. Uddin).. Box 248185, Coral Gables, FL

. This is an open access article under

(fMRI) studies primarily using region-of-interest (ROI) analyses foundsupport for the hypo-connectivity theory (Just et al., 2012; MinshewandWilliams, 2007). These experiments found hypo-connectivity with-in the temporal–parietal junction in a theory of mind task (Kana et al.,2009), the limbic system in a face perception task (Kleinhans et al.,2008), between the frontal and parietal regions in a working memorytask (Koshino et al., 2005), and between the frontal, parietal and occip-ital regions in a cognitive control task (Solomon et al., 2009). However,later task-based fMRI studies found hyper-connectivity in connectionsinvolving the posterior superior temporal sulcus in visual search tasks(Shih et al., 2011), the medial temporal lobe in face perception tasks(Welchewet al., 2005),within the left hemisphere in a source recognitiontask (Noonan et al., 2009), between the inferior frontal gyrus, andbetween the inferior parietal lobule and the superior temporal sulcus in

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semantic judgments and letter decision tasks (Shih et al., 2010). Theseresults suggested that ASD could also be characterized by hyper-connectivity, providing evidence against a pure hypo-connectivity ac-count (Kana et al., 2011).

Recently, resting-state fMRI (rsfMRI), has emerged as a powerfultool for examining intrinsic functional brain connectivity in clinicalpediatric populations. Resting-state fMRI offers two advantages overtask-based fMRI. First, it allows easier data collection from special pop-ulations such as young children with ASD, who have difficulties withlong task-based fMRI experiments (Yerys et al., 2009). Second, it identifiesunderlying intrinsic functional networks that are not confounded by dif-ferences in task performance or strategy differences commonly found be-tween individualswith ASD and neurotypical controls. Resting-state fMRItypically involves instructing participants to rest for 5–8 min while bloodoxygen level dependent (BOLD) signals are acquired with MRI. By focus-ing on temporal correlations of the BOLD signal between functionallycoupled brain regions, it is possible to identify intrinsically connectedfunctional networks that are not confounded by cognitive tasks (Biswalet al., 1995; Bressler and Menon, 2010).

Resting state fMRI studies in neurotypical individuals have identifiedseveral major intrinsically connected networks related to visual, motor,auditory,memory and executive processes (Damoiseaux et al., 2006). Re-search examining individualswithASDhas recently focusedonhypo- andhyper-connectivity differences observed in two major large-scale brainnetworks. The default mode network (DMN) consists of key nodes inthe posterior cingulate cortex (PCC), the medial temporal lobes (MTL)and the medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC) and is active in self-relatedtasks such as autobiographical memories or social tasks such as theoryofmind (Fox andRaichle, 2007; Spreng et al., 2009). The salience network(SN) involves the anterior insula (AI) and the anterior cingulate cortex(ACC) and is thought to regulate switching of endogenous and exogenousattention to relevant stimuli that helps in guiding behavior (Uddin, 2015).Studies using rsfMRI have found both hypo- and hyper-connectivity ofthese and other functional networks when comparing individuals withASD with neurotypical (NT) individuals. Hypo-connectivity in ASD com-pared with TD individuals has been identified in connections betweenthe insula and amygdala (Ebisch et al., 2011) and most consistently be-tween connections of nodes within the DMN(Assaf et al., 2010; Ebischet al., 2011; Kennedy and Courchesne, 2008a; Monk et al., 2009; Wenget al., 2010). Hyper-connectivity in ASD compared with TD individualshas been identified in motor and visual networks, as well as the DMNand SN(Uddin et al., 2013;Washington et al., 2014), and between striatalareas and the insula (Di Martino et al., 2011). Finally, one study has evendemonstrated extremely small to no differences in functional connectivi-ty in ASD compared with neurotypical adults (Tyszka et al., 2014), pro-ducing additional conflicting evidence.

Although methodological differences surely contribute to the mixedfindings in the literature (Muller et al., 2011), a more recent ideaattempting to reconcile these discrepant findings proposes that hyper-connectivity may be more characteristic of young children with ASD,while hypo-connectivity may begin to emerge in adolescence andpersist into adulthood. In a review of the rsfMRI functional connectivityliterature in ASD it is suggested that studies demonstrating hyper-connectivity have typically examined children less than 12 years ofage, while studies demonstrating hypo-connectivity have typically ex-amined adolescents and adults over the age of 12 (Uddin et al., 2013).The authors proposed that a developmental account hypothesizingearly childhood hyper-connectivity and later adolescent and adulthypo-connectivity in ASD compared with TD could partially accountfor the mixed functional connectivity findings in the literature.

Previous functional connectivity studies have focused on a single agegroup (e.g., childhood, adolescence, or adulthood), mixed age groups(e.g., combining childhood and adolescence, or adolescence and adult-hood), or used a linear regression correlational approach across a singlegroup of subjects containing various age ranges (Assaf et al., 2010;Kennedy and Courchesne, 2008b; Monk et al., 2009). Several studies

exploring whole-brain connectivity have included subjects with awide range of ages, allowing for the possibility that a certain agegroup was driving the functional connectivity findings in the results(Assaf et al., 2010; Gotts et al., 2012). Therefore, an important gap inthe literature concerns the principled examination of functional connec-tivity alterations in ASD across different developmental stages. In thecurrent work we stratify individuals into age cohorts to directly test ifsome of the mixed findings throughout the literature can be accountedfor by explicitly sorting groups of ASD and TD participants according totheir ages.

An additional aspect of network connectivity that has received less at-tention in ASD research is how correlations between networks compareto that observed in the neurotypical population. Previous research hasshown that the DMN, referred to as a ‘task-negative network’ (TNN), typ-ically exhibits negative correlations with task-positive networks (TPN)such as the dorsal attention network (DAN) (Fox et al., 2005). The TNNnomenclature refers to the fact that nodes of the DMN typically show re-ductions in activitywhen a participant is focused on a task demanding ex-ogenous attention while TPN refers to the fact that nodes of the DANtypically show increases in activity during such a task. Thus these net-works are often referred to as “anti-correlated” becausewhen a TPN is ac-tive the TNN is not, and vice versa. The relationship between thesenetworks relates to behavioral performance in the neurotypical popula-tion (Kelly et al., 2008), but is not well understood in ASD. Characteriza-tion of relationships between these two networks may have importantimplications for understanding brain dynamics in ASD.

A challenge to synthesizing the functional connectivity literature inautism is that several studies have used ROI-based analyses that are dif-ficult to comparewith each other, as they are often linked to hypothesesabout specific functional circuits (Abrams et al., 2013; Kennedy andCourchesne, 2008b; Lynch et al., 2013). The current study sought tocomparewhole-brain functional connectivity in ASD and TD individualsusing an entirely data-driven approach.We explored the nature and ex-tent of functional differences both within- and between-networkswhen comparingASDand TD individuals across three age groups— chil-dren (under 11), adolescents (11–18), and adults (over 18). In order toassess within-network group differences in functional connectivity, weused independent component analysis (ICA) (Beckmann et al., 2005)across three different age groups to examine if the developmental tra-jectory of hyper- to hypo-connectivity in children to adults respectively,as predicted by Uddin and colleagues (Uddin et al., 2013) would bepresent. To assess between-network group differences in functionalconnectivity, we applied a network analysis to examine how correla-tions between networks potentially differ across the three age groups.This approach of exploring within- and between-network functionalconnections was adapted to elucidate how large-scale brain networksin ASD compare to those observed in age-matchedTD individuals acrossdevelopment.

2. Methods

2.1. Participants

We used data from the Autism Brain Imaging Data Exchange(ABIDE), a publicly available data set ( (Di Martino et al., 2014). Only data collected at theNew York University Langone Medical Center were utilized to avoidcross-study methodological acquisition differences. To explore the ef-fects of participant age on functional connectivity, we divided the datainto three age groups of ASD and TD participants: young childrenunder 11 years of age (n = 52), adolescents from 11–18 years of age(n=56), and adults over 18 years of age (n=36; Table 1). Individualswith ASD had a clinical DSM-IV diagnosis of Autistic Disorder,Asperger's syndrome, Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not-Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS) while TD participants were requiredto have no Axis-I disorders based on the KSADS-PL questionnaire.

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Table 1Participant demographics.

ASD TD p value

Children (b11)Mean age 9.51 (1.12) 9.10 (1.32) .22Age range 7.15–10.96 6.47–10.86Gender 24M/2F 19M/7FFull IQ 107.77 (16.16)

(76–142)113.04 (13.67)(80–136)


ADI social scorea 19.4 (5.42) (7–27)ADI verbal scorea 16.16 (3.92) (8–22)ADI RRBa 5.92 (2.27) (3–10)ADOS communication 3.31 (1.85) (0–7)ADOS social 7.58 (2.67) (4–14)

Adolescent (11–18)Mean age 13.71 (1.79) 14.01 (1.74) .53Age range 11.01–17.88 11.32–16.93Gender 23M/5F 23M/5FFull IQ 103.57 (15.45)

(78–132)105.18 (9.90)(80–121)


ADI social scoreb 20.46 (5.53) (13–28)ADI verbal scorea 15.78 (4.06) (8–23)ADI RRBa 6.07 (2.66) (0–12)ADOS communication 3.64 (1.52) (1–6)ADOS social 8.64 (2.98) (2–14)

Adults (N18)Mean age 24.13 (3.92) 25.41 (5.87) .45Age range 18.58–39.1 18.59–31.78Gender 14M/4F 14M/4FFull IQ 108.06 (13.86)

(80–137)116.11 (14.20)(81–139)


ADI social scorec 18 (6.14) (9–27)ADI verbal score 6.46 (5.95) (8–25)ADI RRB score 4.62 (2.36) (2–9)ADOS communication 3.72 (1.36) (2–6)ADOS social 7.44 (3.14) (2–12)

a Score missing for 1 participant.b Score missing for 2 participants.c Score missing for 5 participants.

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Within each of the three cohorts, there were no significant group dif-ferences in age and full-scaleIQ between participants with ASD and TDparticipants (ps N .09). A 2 × 3 mixed-modelANOVA on IQ showed thatthere was a marginally significant main effect of age (p = .06) but nomain effect of group (p=.1) and no age× group interaction (p=.8). Fol-low up t-tests showed that the children (M = 110.40) had higher IQscores than adolescents (M = 104.38; p = .03), and adults (M =112.08) had higher IQ scores than adolescents (p = .01), with no differ-ences between children and adults (p = .6). As is typical in young chil-dren with ASD, these children had greater RMS relative and absolutemotion than TD individuals (Supplementary Table 1; relative ASD = .10,TD = .06, p = .001; absolute ASD = .39, TD = .23, p = .008). Therewere no motion differences between the adolescent and adult groups(ps N .15) (Supplementary Table 1). There were no differences betweenindividuals with ASD across the three age groups for all ASD diagnosticquestionnaires (ADI and ADOS; one way ANOVAs, p N .2).

For the overall group ICA used to create templates for subsequentanalyses, we randomly selected 18 participants from each age group(18 × 6 = 108) to derive the independent components (ICs). This wasdone in order to avoid non-network noise differences across the threeage groups by creating a common template of ICs for use in the dual re-gression analysis. Therewere nodifferences in full-scaleIQ for any groupof 18 participants (2 × 3 ANOVA: p = .59), nor were there any differ-ences for all ASD diagnostic questionnaires (ADI and ADOS) across thethree age cohorts (one way ANOVAs, p N .38).

2.2. Data acquisition

Resting state fMRI datawere collected on a 3 T SiemensAllegra scan-ner using an echo-planner imaging (EPI) sequence (TR = 2000 ms;

TE = 15 ms; flip angle = 90°; FOV = 240 mm; voxel size =3 × 3 × 4 mm; number of slice = 33, 4 mm slice thickness). Eachresting-state scan lasted for 6 min, consisting of 180 volumes collectedwhile participants were asked to relax with their eyes open and fixateon a projection screen displaying a white cross hair on a blackbackground.

Anatomical images were acquired using a magnetization preparedgradient echo sequence (TR = 2530 ms; TE = 3.25 ms; inversiontime = 8.07 min; flip angle = 7°; 128 slices; 1 volume; FOV =256 mm) (Di Martino et al., 2014).

2.3. Image preprocessing

Functional MRI data were preprocessed using FSL 5.06 ( The first three volumes of each data setwere deleted. Preprocessing steps included motion correction, inter-leaved slice-timing correction, spatial smoothing (full width at halfmaximum = 5 mm), and high pass temporal filtering using a local fitof a straight line (Gaussian-weighted least-squares straight line fittingwith sigma = 100 s). Images were then normalized to the MontrealNeurological Institute (MNI) 152 stereotactic space (2 mm) using thedefault settings in FSL3s FEAT toolbox by applying a linear transforma-tion with 12 degrees of freedom. Global signal regression was not ap-plied (Saad et al., 2012).

2.4. Within-network connectivity: dual regression ICA

In order to examine within-network differences in functionalconnectivity, the dual regression approach in FSL (v 5.06) wasapplied to preprocessed images (Beckmann and Smith, 2004). Cur-rently, dual regression is the preferred data-driven approach forexploring between-population differences in large-scale functionalconnectivity patterns (Filippini et al. 2009). The overall grouppreprocessed data consisting of 108 subjects were concatenatedand subjected to an ICA using MELODIC( in FSL. Next, 25 ICs were created representinglarge-scalegroup-level functional networks. Visual inspection ofthese group-level ICs was used to identify those best representingpreviously identified functional networks (Damoiseaux et al.,2006). The remaining components were considered noise or artifactssuch as movement, white matter, or ventricles and were not subject-ed to further analysis.

To account for headmotion differences between the child ASD and TDgroups, and keep analyses consistent between age groups, the timecourses of all 144 subjects were subjected to a covariate regression ofthe Friston 24 motion parameters (6 typical motion parameters for eachvolume, the preceding volume, and each of the 12 derivatives) usingthe DPARSF-A toolbox ( This 24-parametermodel has been shown to better reduce the influence of motion effectsthan othermodels (Satterthwaite et al., 2012; Yan et al., 2013). The covar-iate regression was not applied to the initial ICA because the initial ICAcreates motion components that were then discarded from furtheranalysis.

The ICsof interestwere then compared tomotion-regressedparticipant-specific time courses and spatial maps with a dual regression algorithm( producing groupdifferencemaps for each componentwithin each age group. Permutationtesting using the randomize feature in FSL was conducted using the de-fault settings (5000 permutations) to create difference maps betweengroups for each component of interest. The resulting group differencemaps were thresholded using threshold-free cluster enhancement withan alpha level of .05 (corrected). Correction formultiple component test-ing was not applied in this case, as in previous similar studies (Uddinet al., 2013).

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2.5. Between-network connectivity: FSL Nets

To examine between-network differences in functional connectivityfor each age cohort, the FSL Nets analysis package was implemented inMatlab ( This analysis takesthe participants3 time courses from the dual regression analysis andsubjects them to between-network comparisons that determine howindependent components from the overall ICA are correlated witheach other ( Smith et al., 2013). Between-subject testing is then con-ducted across correlation values acquired for pairs of independentcomponents.

3. Results

3.1. Group ICA

The group ICA from the subset of 108 subjects produced 25 ICs. Ofthese 25 ICs, 7 were determined to be noise-related artifacts representingcerebral spinal fluid, ventricles, and head motion. These ICs werediscarded from further analysis, leaving 18 ICs of interest used in eachdual regression analysis (Fig. 1). Group ICAs were also conducted foreach age cohort separately for comparison purposes. Each age cohort ex-hibited similar components to the overall ICA (Supplementary Figs. 1–3).

3.2. Overall between-network comparisons

The overall FSL Nets analysis was conducted on each age group(Fig. 2). Boxes below the diagonal line represent full correlation com-parisons, while boxes above the diagonal line represent partial correla-tion values. Full correlation comparisons allow for the influence of othernetwork values on pairs of interest, while partial correlations are amoredirect measure of the relationship between pairs of networks. Positivecorrelations for each age group can be seen between the DAN and

Fig. 1. Functional networks observed in an overall group

higher-level visual areas (labeled 1) while negative correlations be-tween the DAN and two DMN components (labeled 2 and 3) are alsopresent in both the full and partial correlation matrices.

3.3. Within-network connectivity: children with ASD vs. TD children

For the within-network comparison, two components showed sig-nificant hyper-connectivity in ASD compared with TD (ASD N TD,Fig. 3). Component C representing a network that included nodes ofboth the DMN and central-executive network showed hyper-connectivity in the right frontal pole. Component P representing theinsula and subcortical areas showed hyper-connectivity in bilateralareas that included the insula, thalamus, hippocampus, and amygdala.No TD N ASD functional connectivity differences were observed in anyof the networks examined.

3.4. Between-network connectivity: children with ASD vs. TD children

The between-network comparison showed only one significant dif-ference for partial correlation values between components F and Brepresenting the DMN(Fig. 2, labeled 4; FWE corrected: p = .017). Thedifference was such that children with ASD showed a significantlysmaller correlation between these two networks compared with TDchildren. No other differences emerged for full or partial correlationcomparisons (FWE corrected: p N .07.).

3.5. Within-network connectivity: adolescents with ASD vs. TD adolescents

There were no significant within-network differences between ado-lescents with ASD and TD adolescents, in either direction (ASD N TD orTD N ASD).

of 108 subjects (18 from each age group) using ICA.

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Fig. 2. FSL Nets between network correlations for each age group. Full correlations are shown below the diagonal line with partial correlations shown above the diagonal line. Letters oneach axis indicate specific components from Fig. 1. Number 1 within each correlation matrix represents a positive correlation between the dorsal attention network (K) and higher ordervisual areas (I). Numbers 2 and 3 represent negative correlations between default mode networks (B and F) and the dorsal attention network (K). Number 4 represents a significant dif-ference in partial correlations betweendefaultmode networks (B and F) for children (TD NASD). Number 5 represents a significant difference in full correlations between defaultmode (B)and subcortical/insula networks (P) for adolescents (TD N ASD). Groupings on top of each matrix represents hierarchical clustering of component timeseries.

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3.6. Between-network connectivity: adolescents with ASD vs. TD adolescents

The between-network comparison showed one significant differencefor full correlation values between components B and P representing theDMN and a subcortical/insula network. The differencewas such that indi-viduals with ASD had a significantly smaller correlation between the twocomponents (Fig. 2, labeled 5; FWE corrected: p= .004). No other differ-ences emerged for between-network comparisons (FWE corrected:p N .08).

3.7. Adults with ASD vs. NT adults

No significant groupdifferences inwithin- or between-network con-nectivity were observed for any of the networks examined, in either di-rection (ASD N TD or TD N ASD).

4. Discussion

The results of the current study demonstrate age-specific patterns ofwhole-brain functional connectivity atypicalities in ASD. Hyper-connectivity within large-scale brain networks in ASD was observed inyoung children under the age of 11, with nowithin-network differencesin functional connectivity in adolescents and adults with ASD comparedwith neurotypical individuals. Abetween-network analysis showed that

childrenwithASDhad a smaller correlation between twoDMNnetworks,while adolescents with ASD had a smaller correlation between the DMNand a subcortical/insula network compared with TD individuals. Adultswith ASD showed no differences in either within- or between-networkfunctional connectivity compared toneurotypical controls. Overall, the re-sults demonstrate that children with ASD exhibit atypical within- andbetween-network functional connectivity, adolescents with ASD showatypical between-network functional connectivity, and adults with thedisorder do not differ from their age-matched peers on either of thesemeasures.

4.1. Within-network functional connectivity

The results from this data-driven developmental approach to inves-tigating whole-brain functional connectivity between ASD and TD indi-viduals are an important first step in helping to resolve discrepancies inthe ASD rsfMRI literature finding hyper- and hypo-connectivity of in-trinsically functional networks across different studies. Importantly,these results are partially in accord with the developmental trajectoryhypothesis proposed by Uddin et al. (2013) predicting hyper-connectivity in young children with ASD and hypo-connectivity inadults with ASD. Although hypo-connectivity was not found in theadult group, the general developmental trajectory shows widespreadhyper-connectivity in children with ASD that reduces with age. The

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Fig. 3. Functional networks showed greater connectivity for childrenwith ASD comparedwith TD children in 2 out of 18 networks examined: defaultmode (top, C), and insula/subcortical(bottom, P).

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results also confirm the findings of previous rsfMRI studies showinghyper-connectivity in young children with ASD(Di Martino et al.,2011; Lynch et al., 2013; Supekar et al., 2013; Uddin et al., 2013;Washington et al., 2014) alongwith no differences inwhole-brain func-tional connectivity in adults with ASD (Tyszka et al., 2014).

The current study found hyper-connectivity within the DMN in chil-dren with ASD. This replicates findings of Uddin et al. (2013), and otherstudies showing hyper-connectivity of DMN nodes in children withASD(Lynch et al., 2013; Washington et al., 2014). Although the exactfunction of the DMN is still not clear, activity in key nodes of theDMN such as the MPFC and PCC is found to decrease during taskswith a high cognitive demand (Raichle et al., 2001) and increaseduring rest and also during tasks of a social nature involving self-reflection(Buckner et al., 2008; Harrison et al., 2008; Northoff et al.,2006). Previously, most studies finding aberrant DMN function in ASDhave found hypo-connectivity across nodes of the DMN(Kennedy andCourchesne, 2008a; Monk et al., 2009; von dem Hagen et al., 2013;Weng et al., 2010). However, these studies were conducted in adoles-cents and adults. Thus, a developmental account predicting within-networkhyper-connectivity in childrenwith ASD that gradually recedesover time would be a plausible explanation as to why some previousstudies have found hyper- opposed to hypo-connectivity across nodesof the DMN.

The mechanisms underlying the observed widespread functionalhyper-connectivity in children with ASD are still unclear. Previous re-search has shown that ASD is characterized by increased head circumfer-ence in childhood (Lainhart et al., 1997) while in-vivo(Courchesne et al.,2003) and post-mortem studies (Courchesne et al., 2011) have shown in-creased neuronal growth in children with ASD from 2–5 years and2–16 years respectively. Additionally, another post-mortem study has

shown both increased spine density and decreased synaptic pruningacross childhood and adolescence (Tang et al., 2014). Although no directevidence exists that links neuronal density to functional connectivitywithin neural networks in the context of rsfMRI studies, it is plausiblethat changes in neural density are related to changes in functional con-nectivity. Thus, increased neural density found early in life in childrenwith ASD in these post-mortem studies could be related to increasedfunctional connectivity found in rsfMRI studies.

Additionally, mouse models have also demonstrated that decreasesin synaptic pruning (Gogolla et al., 2014; Tang et al., 2014) and increasesin synaptic turnover (Isshiki et al., 2014) during critical developmentalperiods are related to atypical behavior similar to those found inhuman individuals with ASD. These studies suggest that critical periodsof synaptic developmentmay influence cortical function in ASD,makingthe study of developmental trajectories imperative for research examin-ing the disorder in humans. Within the context of the current study,changes in synaptic pruning could be related to changes in functionalconnectivity found across the lifespan such that increased synapticpruning could be responsible for normalizing the increased neuronalgrowth found in children with ASD. Thus, increased synaptic pruningof extra neuronal growth could help to normalize the amount of neu-rons present in individuals with ASD during development that wouldresult in a more typical pattern of functional connectivity of individualswith ASD as they get older. Unfortunately, a large amount of ASD re-search is conducted on adolescents and adults, probably due to thedifficulty in acquiring artifact-free fMRI data from younger children, es-pecially young children with psychiatric disorders such as ASD(Yeryset al., 2009). The few studies that have examined rsfMRI functional con-nectivity in young children with ASD have generally found hyper-connectivity between brain areas (Di Martino et al., 2011; Lynch et al.,

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2013; Uddin et al., 2013; Washington et al., 2014) demonstrating theimportance of exploring child populations in ASD research.

One previously proposed explanation for the findings of changingfunctional connectivity across development in ASD is that the pubertalperiod during adolescence is responsible for changes in underlyingbrain organization, and that pubertal hormonesmay differentially affectdevelopmental trajectories in the disorder (Uddin et al., 2013). Hor-monal changes during puberty have been linked with changes in bothgray and white matter (Herting et al., 2012). However, there havebeen no cross-sectional or longitudinal studies examining changes infunctional connectivity that accompany the pubertal transition inhumans, in either typical or atypical development.

Previous studies showing hypo-connectivity in adults with ASDusing rsfMRI data have mostly used seed ROI-based functional connec-tivity analysis while also including mixed groups of participants youn-ger than 18 (Cherkassky et al., 2006; Ebisch et al., 2011; Kennedy andCourchesne, 2008a;Monk et al., 2009)whereas the current study exam-ined resting state data using a whole brain ICA approach with subjects18 years and older in the adult group. The current study and the previ-ous study finding a lack of hypo-connectivity in adults (Tyszka et al.,2014) used only participants older than 18 years in a data-drivenICAanalysis. However, two other studies using ICA with participants over18 have found hypo-connectivity in ASD(Mueller et al., 2013; vondem Hagen et al., 2013). Thus, it is still unclear why some studies havefound hypo-connectivity in adults with ASD, compared with the resultsof the current study and the previous study (Tyszka et al., 2014) whichfound no differences in functional connectivity between adults withASD andneurotypical adults. In addition to the proposed developmentalaccount which finds empirical support from the current study, othershave suggested that hypo-connectivity is generally found in task-driven studies using seed-based analysis approaches compared tostudies not finding hypo-connectivity that have used whole brainanalysis approaches combined with task-regression analysis to re-move task-related activity (Muller et al., 2011). These and othermethodological factors may contribute to some of the inconsis-tencies in the literature.

Three earlier studies examined functional connectivity in ASDusing linear regression correlations between functional connectivityand age. Wiggins et al. (2011) examined the DMN in groups of ASDand TD adolescents (10.25–18.97) and found that connectivity be-tween posterior DMN nodes such as the inferior parietal lobule haddecreased connectivity with the superior frontal gyrus as age in-creased in ASD, but connectivity increased with age in the TDgroup. Padmanabhan et al. (2013) examined cortico-striatal connec-tivity in groups of ASD and TD individuals (8–36 years) and foundthat both groups showed general decreases in cortico-striatal con-nections as age increased. Additionally, the ASD group had increasedconnectivity of the striatumwith the cerebellum, fusiform gyrus, andinferior/superior temporal gyri with age while these connections de-creased in TD individuals. However, when controlling for age, therewas ASD striatal hyper-connectivity with the parietal cortex buthypo-connectivity with the pre-frontal cortex compared with TD in-dividuals. Bos et al. (2014) found that adolescents with ASD(8.3–15.1) had little to no within-network connectivity differencescompared to TD adolescents (6.4–15.8) using a group ICA, butfound that the ASD group had connectivity between the right insulaand other nodes of the DMN that increased with age, while decreas-ing connectivity with age was observed in the TD group.

Although previous studies have also found hyper-connectivity in theDMN and insula (Bos et al., 2014), these results were found using a linearcorrelation approach as opposed to the whole brain ICA used in the cur-rent study. Although Bos et al. (2014) found no group differences be-tween ASD and TD in an overall group ICA, they used age ranges thatcombined children with adolescents (6.4–15.8) while the current studyseparated children under 11 and adolescents from 11–18 and foundhyper-connectivity in children, and no differences in adolescents. Thus,

future research is needed to further explore the effects of stratifying sam-ples by age.

4.2. Between-network functional connectivity

The overall between-network results in the current study showedthat both ASD and TD groups for all ages had similar anti-correlationsbetween task-positive and task-negative networks represented by theDAN and DMN respectively. Additionally, both ASD and TD groups forall ages had positive correlations between the DAN and higher-levelvisual areas. This shows that individuals with ASD show typicalanti-correlations between the DAN andDMN and typical positive corre-lations between the DAN and higher-level visual areas. Both of theseresults replicate previous work exploring between-network connectiv-ity of resting state data in the neurotypical population (Smith et al.,2013).

Previously, Kennedy and Courchesne (2008b) utilized a hypothesis-driven seed ROI-based approach to demonstrate that adults with ASDshow typical anti-correlations between the DMN and DAN. The currentstudy extends this work by using a completely data-driven method todemonstrate typical anti-correlations between the DMN and DAN, inaddition to typical positive correlations between the DAN and higher-level visual areas. In addition, the novel contribution of the currentstudy demonstrates these results apply to children and adolescentswith ASD in addition to adults.

Between-network differences were observed in the current studybetween DMN components for the child cohort and between aDMN and subcortical/insula component for the adolescent cohort.The difference for children (ASD b TD) was found in the partial-correlationcomparison, while the difference for adolescents was foundin the full-correlation comparison. The partial-correlation differencefor children suggests that DMNnetworks had less direct functional rela-tionships with each other, demonstrating atypical cooperation betweenDMN components in children with ASD. The full-correlation differencein adolescents would suggest that a weaker functional relationship be-tween the DMN and subcortical/insula component for children withASD is moderated by another network.

Starck et al. (2013) used an ICA approach to examine the DMN andits subnetworks in adolescents with ASD compared with TD adoles-cents. Their study found no differences in within-networkDMN func-tional connectivity compared with TD adolescents, consistent with thecurrent findings. They did find significantly reduced correlationsbetween anterior and posterior DMN subnetworks in ASD.

Additionally, the current results are in accord with previous ideassuggesting that increased within-network connectivity in childrenwith ASD could be responsible for reduced between-network connec-tivity as tighter coupling within networks could lead to reduced cou-pling between networks (Uddin et al., 2013). In the current study, thismay explain the reduced coupling between DMN components for chil-dren with ASD. The lack of within-networkhyper-connectivity in ado-lescents suggests that reductions in between-network coupling canstill occur in the absence of within-network hyper-connectivity. In thecase of adolescents, the between-network differences were foundbetween the DMN and a subcortical/insula network. Both of these net-works are related to cognitive flexibility and may contribute to someof the behavioral patterns found in ASD, as discussed in the followingsection. However, it is not possible to determine from the currentstudy if there is a direct relationship that relates within- and between-network coupling.

4.3. Insula and the default mode network

Although the current study did not find any functional connectivitygroup differences within the context of the salience network, therewere within- and between-network differences involving a subcorti-cal/insula component. Thus, although the current findings implicate

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the insula as a source of atypical functional connectivity in ASD, thisdoes not occurwithin the context of the SN. The exact reason for this di-vergence is unclear. One possible reason is that insula activation withinthe SN in the context of the current study was generally related to ho-mogeneous activity across the entire insula — a finding typical in ICAbased studies of the SN (Seeley et al., 2007; Uddin et al., 2013; Uddinet al., 2011). However, other work suggests that insula subregionssuch as the dorsal anterior, ventral anterior, and posterior insula regionsvary substantially in their functional roles and patterns of connectivity(Deen et al., 2011; Uddin et al., 2014). The ventral anterior insula hasbeen shown to have direct structural connections with subcorticalareas in primate studies (MesulamandMufson, 1982) aswell as sharingtask-based subcortical activations in fMRI studies of humans (Uddinet al., 2014; Uddin, 2015). Additionally, the ventral anterior insula hasbeen shown to have connections to subcortical limbic areas in task-based activation studies (Uddin et al., 2014). Thus, it may be possiblethat different insula subregions may be driving the functional connec-tions of the insula with the ACC in the context of the SN and subcorticalareaswith the insula in the context of the subcortical/insula componentfound in the current study. Thus, different insula subregions may bedriving the atypical functional connections found in the current studycompared to previous studies finding atypical functional connectionsof the insula within the context of the SN(Uddin et al., 2013).

The findings of the current study and previous studies strongly im-plicate atypical within- and between-network functional connectivityof the DMN and insula as possible brain markers of ASD. The majornodes of the DMN include the posterior parietal and lateral prefrontalcortices while the nodes of the SN include the anterior cingulate and an-terior insular cortices; areas that are important in flexibly switching be-tween internal cognitive and external information (Cole et al., 2013;Dosenbach et al., 2007; Uddin et al., 2014; Uddin et al., 2011). Accord-ingly, Uddin et al. (2014) have demonstrated that atypical effective con-nectivity of these brain areas is correlatedwith restrictive and repetitivepatterns of behavior in childrenwith ASD such that greater atypical con-nectivity is related with more severe behavior deficits. This suggeststhat the atypical functional connectivity of these networks that are im-portant in cognitive flexibility contribute to the restrictive and repeti-tive behaviors that often characterize the disorder. The current studyshows both within- and between-network differences involving theDMN and insula that further implicate the atypical functional connec-tions of the two as a possible biomarker of brain function in ASD.

5. Conclusions

In sum, the current findings support adopting a developmentalperspective to help reconcile the heterogeneous findings of functionalhypo- and hyper-connectivity observed in the rsfMRI literature inASD. These results demonstrating group differences specific to certainage cohorts highlight the utility of carefully considering developmentalstage in studies of functional brain connectivity in ASD. We find thatwhile children show atypical within and between-network functionalrelationships, adolescents exhibit fewer such differences and adultsare indistinguishable from age-matched neurotypical peers on suchmeasures. The fact that both within- and between-network differencesdiminish across the lifespan could offer an explanation for some of theimproved function often found in adultswith ASD compared to childrenwith ASD. These results also highlight the importance of consideringwithin- and between-network whole brain functional connections inconjunction with a developmental approach in order to better charac-terize brain connectivity in ASD.

Although the current study is an important first step in taking a devel-opmental approach to investigating differences in functional connectivitybetween individuals with ASD and neurotypical individuals, future stud-ies should explore the influence of various age groupings tomore precise-ly determine where differences in hyper- and hypo-connectivity begin toemerge between specific brain areas. As an increasing awareness of the

impact of development on brain function in ASD has begun to emerge(Picci and Scherf, 2014; Uddin et al., 2013) more studies that explorethe impact of age on brain-based biomarkers in ASD are needed inorder to provide a better picture of thedevelopmentalmaturationof func-tional connectivity patterns that emerge across the lifespan in individualswith ASD.

Conflicts of interest



This work was supported by a National Institute of Mental HealthCareer Development award (K01MH092288), a NARSAD Young Investi-gator Award, and a Slifka/Ritvo Innovation in Autism Research Awardfrom the International Society for Autism Research to LQU. The contentis solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily repre-sent the official views of the NIMH or the NIH.

Appendix A. Supplementary data

Supplementary data to this article can be found online at


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