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Lesson 1 Volume 16July 5, 2009

Can’t We All Get Along With Each Other

Devotional Reading: 1 Corinthians 1:10-17

When the church becomes a battleground of human concepts and competitive opinions, Satan enjoys the church services because he is the author of confusion. The Triumphant Church is a Spirit-filled organization that stays focused on mastering the divine principles of eternal life, subduing the opposition of righteousness, and conquering the anti-Christ spirits that challenge God's people. We as a church are a people who have been called out by God to do holy and perfect business for God's earthly kingdom. We represent the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the Everlasting Gospel with power, authority and dominion.

We must all focus on the Holy Ghost that baptizes us into one body of Christ. The allegiance of the church does not lie with the shepherd, although the shepherd has a unique role and responsibility assigned to Him by the call of God upon his life. The allegiance of the church does not lie with a few select members of the body but with the Lord Jesus Christ as the head of the church. God is not divided, Jesus is not divided, Christ is not divided, and the Holy Ghost is not divided.

When members of the church surrender their attention people and personalities, they loose

sight on who filled them with the Holy Ghost. Then they focus on problems that they have with other people in the church. This shift of focus causes priorities to become misplaced. People begin to live according to what they want. Carnal appetites become more important than spiritual discipline. Spiritual gifts began to be abused; positions and titles become power struggles. Finally weights and sins lead the church into being bewitched, hindered, and divided. The end result is a desolate building that used to be a church.

If we all focus on the purpose of the Triumphant Church, we can get along a little better. If we focus on making disciples of all nations, we can recruit the world for Christ Jesus. If we baptize in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost, we can make disciples without using water. If we all focus on the same Everlasting gospel and exalt Christ, we can transform our culture into a nation of ambassadors for Christ. Then perhaps we can all get along with each other.

Lesson Scripture: Matthew 12:22-29; John 17:13-23; I Peter 3:8-16Lesson Outline:


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I. Together We Stand; Divided We Collapse. (Matthew 12:22-29)

God has anointed all of us to do the same works and greater works of Jesus. We all have the authority to bind the power of Satan and release the power of God. The plan of the devil is to magnify division in every family, home, government, church, and kingdom. We must never cease to be true to God, true to ourselves and true to one another. It is hard to maintain unity without integrity, loyalty and faithfulness. The cliques, prejudices, and self-centered wills of human beings are tools that can cripple and paralyze a church. Malicious talks, gossip, backbiting, slander and corrupt conversation will allow the enemy to kill, steal and destroy any organization. The works of iniquity will cause the love of the church to wax colder and colder until the whole system fails.

The ability to stand and get .along calls for a unanimous agreement of all members in Spirit and Truth. The first weapon that Satan used in the Garden of Eden was a debate that twisted the truth and tricked Adam and Eve. The church will suffer some great damages when Jesus, baptism, the Holy Ghost, and other doctrines become egotistical debates and worthless disputes. If we cannot agree, we can't stand together in the Spirit. If we can't stand together in Spirit, we cannot obey the truth. God did not create Triumph Church to be a battleground or a playground. Perfect love for God, each other and ourselves should be the gravitational power that joins us together and enable us to stand fast in the liberty of Christ.

II. Lord Make Us One. (John 17:13-23)

Jesus knew that the world could never see the church as God's house as long as there was a lack of oneness. If we plan to have a deeper impact on society and the world, we must be one overcoming body of Christ Becoming one is impossible when we depend on flesh and neglect the Holy Ghost. In order to be one in the church, we have to be one within the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Just as the Father is in the Son and the Son in the Father, we are to be so related in the church. God wants to use some supernatural minds to spread the supernatural reality of the Everlasting Gospel. The mortal theology and human eloquence of man is not working. The size of mega-churches and the doctrines of

denominations will not bring people together in Christ Jesus. The resurrection power of Jesus, and the expansion of God's kingdom will only come from becoming one through the immortal power of God.

By being one in Jesus Christ and God, we can declare, decree and establish a powerful force of righteousness that shatters the unbreakable states of consciousness. Those states of consciousness that trap so many people in the ways of evil, sin and death. This oneness in the Lord will give us the power to remove the doors of mental prisons and free the multitudes of souls that are bound in sin.


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III. Those That Love Life Can Get Along. (I Peter 3:8-16)

If we can sing the same song; wear the same color; and go to the same church, why can't we be of the same mind? There are eighty-eight keys on a piano. Each key has a different tone, but all of the keys work together to make an amazing instrument and produce beautiful music. Triumph Church is like God's piano and we are the keys and the Everlasting Gospel is the harmonious music that stimulates Eternal life in the soul and body of all of us. Being of the same mind does not mean living someone else's life. We all have to live our lives according to our own ability, but when it comes to serving and worshipping God, our minds must be in absolute agreement. Our faith, prayers, love, giving and commitment must create a supportive environment where the power of God is able to super rule and do super natural things.

The way we love, honor and respect each other shows God and the world how much we love life. The best way to love life is to speak positive things about each other. Death and life is in the power of our tongues. Therefore if we speak and affirm good things, we can add

more life to each other. Love is a gravitational power, and if we love life and living, let us communicate and participate in the activities that attract abundant life. There is no pride, competition or arrogance in a church that is demonstrating oneness of mind. We all should have the same vision, same goals, and same spiritual identity in the Everlasting Gospel. Being of one mind causes us to feel, respect, and be kind to each other. There is no selfishness, malice and negative activity in a church and kingdom that has the same mind that is in Christ.

Allowing God to come in and sanctify himself inside of us will keep us from saying and doing evil things that hurt us. The Holy Ghost in us gives us power to refrain from saying wicked, abusive and deceitful words to each other. The sanctified life of the church causes us to abandon all evil and manipulative activities and follow peace with all men and women. When we do all things that keep God from turning against us we can definitely get along with each other.

To Think About:If we can sing the same song; wear the same color; and go to the same church, why can't we be of the same mind? There are eighty-eight keys on a piano. Each key has a different tone, but all of the keys work together to make an amazing instrument and produce beautiful music. Triumph Church is like God's piano and we are the keys and the Everlasting Gospel is the harmonious music that stimulates Eternal life in the soul and body of all of us. Being of the same mind does not mean living some one else's life. We all have to live our lives according to our own ability, but when it comes to serving and worshipping God, our minds must be in absolute agreement. Our faith, prayers, love, giving and commitment must create a supportive environment where the power of God is able to super rule and do super natural things.

The way we love, honor and respect each other shows God and the world how much we love life. The best way to love life is to speak positive things about each other. Death and life is in the power of our


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tongues. Therefore if we speak and affirm good things, we can add more life to each other. Love is a gravitational power, and if we love life and living, let us communicate and participate in the activities that attract abundant life. There is no pride, competition or arrogance in a church that is demonstrating oneness of mind. We all should have the same vision, same goals, and same spiritual identity in the Everlasting Gospel. Being of one mind causes us to feel, respect, and be kind to each other. There is no selfishness, malice and negative activity in a church and kingdom that has the same mind that is in Christ.

To Think About: Allowing God to come in and sanctify himself inside of us will keep us from saying and doing evil things that hurt us. The Holy Ghost in us gives us power to refrain from saying wicked, abusive and deceitful words to each other. The sanctified life of the church causes us to abandon all evil and manipulative activities and follow peace with all men and women. When we do all things that keep God from turning against us we can definitely get along with each other.

Revealed Verse: Whatever separates us from each other is able to separate us from God.

Daily Bible ReadingMonday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Frida

ySaturday Sunday

1 Corin. 1:10-17





I Peter3:8-16



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Lesson 2 Volume 16July 12, 2009

The Benefit of IntegrityDevotional Reading: Proverbs 10:27-32

One of the most important characteristics of life in the soul and body is integrity. To have integrity means to live free from hypocrisy, deceit, manipulation, and doubt. Without integrity there is no commitment, trust, or dedication. If God did not have integrity, the promise of eternal life in the soul and body would be a lie. The Everlasting Gospel would be the never-lasting gospel if God had no integrity.

It is through the power of integrity that we can be trusted with the mysteries that have been hidden mysteries of God that have been hidden for ages. Before we can receive all that God has and become all that God is, we must be reliable to Him. Then we must be reliable to his people and to ourselves.

Without an honest life, man often gets himself trapped in the bondage of selfishness, lust, greed and misery. The lack of reliability and accountability leads him deep into

irresponsibility. Jesus once told his disciples, "Many are called and few are chosen". He was saying that God can call everybody, but he can only choose those who live a life of total commitment to his love, wisdom, righteousness, and integrity. Trust cannot be established in a world that is unfaithful to the Creator. Faith will not turn unseen evidence into a visible manifestation when the mind is not trustworthy. Therefore we must have an integrity filled life if we intend to expand God's kingdom on earth. We cannot lead others to Christ if they have no confidence in us. People must be able to have faith in our actions, as well as in our conversation. For if we speak life and practice things that are contrary to life, then we become divided houses that will not stand. By living a life of integrity, we can speak words of truth and those words will be quickened energized by the Holy Ghost.

Lesson Scripture: Ezekiel 33:24-29; Romans 2:1-10; Titus 2:1-13Lesson Outline:

I. There Is No Restraint Without Integrity. (Ezekiel 33:24-29)


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The right application of life and living leads to divine perfection. The abuse and wrong application of life descends to the lowest level of the beast consciousness. Lacking integrity tricks the mind into believing that sinful people have the same right to enjoy God's blessings like the saints. The nation is in a depression and a recession because the lack of integrity. The moral principles of life are very important in receiving the inheritances that God wants to give us. When integrity is lacking, the flesh surrender to being controlled by fear, lust, pride, laziness, greed, idolatry and many other anti-Christ qualities. Those qualities are the spiritual parasites that reject and disrespect the divine guidance of God.

God wants a church and kingdom that is full of virtue and holiness. We as the custodians of the Everlasting Gospel must forever remain true to God and true to ourselves. It does no good to be in a verbal agreement with God's word and a moral disagreement with his word. We must be able to stand firm on triumphant convictions and bear the consequences of our stand.

When the leaders of our nation bring economic and social destruction, there is a serious problem of exalting human pleasures above divine principles. Our nation elected an African-American president because of his integrity and not because of color. Most of the government leaders that lack integrity usually carry a nation into war and terrorism because they lack the ability to execute the judgment of righteousness and equity. Military might is no match to the power of God. When the church is lacking integrity, Satan has free course to declare warfare on the church and win. There are demonic forces that enjoy having their way in churches that neglect the seriousness of integrity. The activity of gossip, backbiting, unforgiving, and unrighteousness can destroy a mega-church as well as a small church. Immorality can destroy trust and respect among the membership. When same-sex marriage is allowed in the church, that church has become the dwelling place of disloyalty to God. When people in church, society and state fail to function in integrity, leaves them in the care of the merciless pollution of their own sinful nature. Desolation will surely come to a place where abominations and sinful pleasure reject integrity and disrespect God.

II. Integrity Strengthens Obedience. (Romans 2:1-10)

Many people that are judgmental, negative, and critical of others are guilty of some of the same things that they condemn in others. Integrity does not give any one a right to act superior to others. We are all targets of the same enemy. We have all been victims of Satan's attacks. Therefore we should have enough compassion and mercy to be help and strength to those who are struggling with issues and weakness. Many times people come to church to hear God's word, but they have no desire to obey God. Only through obedient integrity can we carry the Everlasting Gospel

outside of the church walls and into the communities that surround the church with enthusiasm and excitement. As we obey God, we can receive deeper revelations and higher visions for the expansion of God's kingdom. The inner content of the church is more important than the outer decorations. If the Holy Ghost is the visitor, and not the leading power of the church, the church will collapse.

Church congregations become occults when they have religious rituals that fail to promote conversion, justification, sanctification and


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Holy Ghost with fire baptism. The lack of willing and obedient membership lowers the standards of the church and embrace compromising doctrines. When integrity and obedience loose their importance, the church becomes a neutralized body instead of an overcoming body of Christ. Then the names of the people become more influential then the name of Jesus.

Body redemption, perfection and eternal life of the soul and body cannot be achieved without obedience and integrity. There are moral and spiritual principles that must be accompanied with a steadfast determination to live in the beauty of holiness. Triumph Church was not revealed to be a good talent show on Sundays and a spare tire for the rest of the week. We have a life system that must be applied to keep us from cutting comers and losing credibility.

III. The Integrity Loves Sound Doctrine. (Titus 2:1-13)

The sound doctrine of Triumph Church is the whole gospel that comes from the written, spoken, revealed and living word of God. Many people in the church world have settled for information that has a sound, but they run away from a doctrine that is truly sound. Any teaching that causes schism, division, and confusion is not sound. Integrity is the foundation, the building, and the roof of sound doctrine. It takes the doctrine of the church and makes it healthy, unblemished, perfect and supernatural. The sound doctrine of Triumph Church is a principle of eternal truth that causes church members to grow out of a congregation and grow into an overcoming body.

The lack of integrity opens the soul up to doctrines of devils and seducing spirits. Without sound doctrine, the mystery of iniquity can go to work and cause the love of the church to become colder than ice. When we fail to apply the sound doctrine of the church to our lives, our public lives will appear to be holy and righteous while our private lives will be full of sin and immorality. Our Church and Kingdom embraces and sustains the highest knowledge of the resurrected Christ. The supernatural integrity of the Holy Ghost gives us the power to walk in the resurrected life of Jesus Christ. Death has never had any

power to defeat Christ. Therefore sound doctrine and Christ in us delivers us from the power of death and ransoms us from the grave.

The world has thousands of ungodly and lustful things to offer those who are not doctrinally sound. Idolatry, self-worship, superstition, perjury, extortion, and all kinds of deceitful crafts can make a person become drunker that drinking a gallon of liquor. The power of lust is very intense. It takes every human appetite and fills it with a fierce hunger and thirst for that which God forbids. Lust is spiritual intoxication that can make a person commit murder to get what he or she wants.

The finished product of sound doctrine and integrity is Christ abiding in every individual. Becoming sons and daughters of God through his incarnated Spirit is our hope. This victory comes absolute freedom from all internal and external evil. Perfection in Christ allows us the ability to create a new body made of divine energy and immortal life while the body that is made of flesh, blood, and mortality seems to become worn down. We can return to the glory that we had with the “Father before the world existed through integrity, obedience and sound doctrine.


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To Think AboutNot paying tithes is lack of integrity. Choosing to stay at work rather than being at the church services is lack of integrity. Ill-gotten gain is a curse. Cheating on exams is a curse to your character and your education. What would you do if you knew that you could get away with something bad? That sounds pretty sweet, doesn't it? Nobody would know and you could keep the secret until the day you die... what would you do? A construction manager is given a last chance by his boss to build a retirement home for his boss. The construction manager decides to cut corners and use cheap materials and steal some of the money for his own use. When the day came to hand his boss the keys to his new home, something happened. The boss takes the keys and hands them to the construction manager as a parting present. Moral of the story: If you lack integrity, you are only cheating yourself and we will all reap what we sow.

Revealed Verse: We are one body and we are united with one Father.

Daily Bible ReadingMonday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Frida

ySaturday Sunday

I Timothy1:1-10


2 Timothy1:4-14






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Lesson 3 Volume 16July 19, 2009

Yes We Are Devotional Reading: I Peter 2:1-9

As saints of the most high God and custodians of the Everlasting Gospel, we are chosen, royal, holy and peculiar. We who have been identified with the Triumphant Church and born into the Spirit of Triumph must be aware of who we are at all times. We live in a world where many generations of people have been lost for so long that they are suffering from a multiple personality crisis. Everybody that lacks the true knowledge of Ms or her divine reality is desperately searching for something or someone to belong to. Man was created in the image and after the likeness of God. When Adam transgressed God's law he did not lose the image and likeness of God; but he did lose the knowledge of being in God's image and likeness.

God did not create us to be carnal chameleons. We are not lizards that change colors to fit in with everything that surrounds us. God has decided to give us an identity that is greater than what the world gives us. He made that decision millions of years before the foundation of the world was created. The world and the militant spirit of many churches think we are freaks, fanatics, fools, and frauds. But God said, "I know the thoughts that I think about you" (Jeremiah 49:11). We are not here to be defined and limited by the negative statistics and mortal opinions of the world.

If we fail to embrace the reality of who we are in the kingdom of God in Christ, we will allow ourselves to be compared to social clubs, soap

operas, and various occults. As long as we are outside of our Triumphant reality, we are victims of the worst kind of identity theft. Satan wants to rob us of joy, peace and righteousness in the Holy Ghost. He will do whatever it takes to overtake the saints of God and use them to cause major damage in the church. The damage of identity theft can destroy a person's financial, social, and legal credibility. In the church, spiritual identity theft can ruin respect, honor, trust, faith and love.

When someone asks us are we one Spirit in the Lord, we should be able to say yes we are. When someone asks us are we blameless, guiltless and irreproachable we should be able to say yes we are, When someone asks us are we abiding in God's love to never be separated, we should be able to say yes we are. When someone asks us are we going to prove a man can live forever, we should be able to say yes we are. When someone asks us are we the true demonstrators of the Everlasting Gospel, we should say yes we are. We are exactly the people that God ordained and predestined for the fourth human world. We are here to establish the visible reality of God's everlasting kingdom on earth. We are here to divinely place a value upon ourselves that is too great to be measured by the world.


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Lesson Scripture: Isaiah 60:1-10; Isaiah 61:1-9; 2 Corinthians 5:12-21Lesson Outline:

I. Yes We Are Rising In A Day Of Resurrection. (Isaiah 60:1-10)

God has called us into a new dispensation and a new administration of righteousness. The black people are the eleventh hour servant that God has come to hire and bless in the fourth human world. The spirits that dishonored the black race and defiled our bodies must now come to an end. Our time of blessing and deliverance has come. God is calling us up into a higher revelation because we have worked for too long on another man's time. We have defined ourselves according to another culture's reality for too long. Historically, we have made America one of the richest nations on earth. Our ancestors have shed blood, sweat, and tears in order for us to see a new world spiritual order in the seventh day of perfection. For a long time we have been deceived into thinking that we could only be blessed as a people after death. But God is telling us to rise up out of that Gentile mentality and dismiss that Jim-Crow personality. We can no longer afford to be selfish, biased, disobedient, and closed-minded in our opinions and miss the call of God.

God wants a people of darkness to cover the earth. He does not want the people that are in darkness, but he wants a dark-skinned people that are in the light of the Christ mind to cover the earth. In the presidential inauguration that was held on the Founder's day of Triumph Church, God demonstrated how the Gentiles were going to come to our light. People of almost every nation, kindred and tongue gathered together to see a person of darkness become president and replace a person that was in darkness. Therefore we are in a day of resurrection. We are being challenged to rise up into the illumination of a triumphant Christ mind and be a resurrection of Jesus Christ. When Jesus said, "I am the resurrection and the life", he was letting us know that we can have and be a resurrection without going to the grave, and stop waiting for a future event to bring us back from the dead. All we need to do is arise and be enlightened with the power of the Everlasting Gospel.

II. Yes We Are The Seed That God Has Blessed. (Isaiah 61:1-9)

The greatest power of the universe is the Spirit of God. This is the Spirit of all life, all intelligence, and all creation. We have been chosen by God to fulfill the scripture just like Jesus did in Luke 4:18-19. We are here to establish a new age. The Holy Ghost is now working to promote us into a higher dimension of divine reality. There is a desperate need of ministries that can heal, deliver, comfort, and destroy yokes of bondage. Many people have

been falsely taught that they are cursed because of their skin color, and their ancestors. Some people say that the only people that are blessed came from Abraham's seed. Through the Holy Ghost baptism we go through a course of development that goes from being born again to being born of God. The seed of God in us is the same seed that was in Jesus and said, "Before Abraham was, I Am".


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There is a second house of Israel whose ancestry came from Egypt and Ethiopia. We are the descendants of many lost Hebrew tribes. We are the seed that comes from the cradle of all humanity. A seed that is blessed needs to be planted in soil that is blessed and fertile. Therefore God created the Triumphant Church to be a garden for his blessed seeds. The Everlasting Gospel is the fertile soil of

Triumph Church that gives life to the blessed seeds that we are. We are on a natural and spiritual path that requires the foil baptism of the Holy Ghost and fire. We have a mission that can only be fulfilled through Christ dwelling inside of us as the anointing that heals, delivers, and restores people to abundant life and living.

III. Yes We Are Christ’s Highest Representatives. (2 Corinthians 5:12-21)

Being an ambassador of Christ; demands that we know everyone according to the Spirit and not the flesh. We are on earth with a divine purpose, and that purpose is to serve humanity by being an official representative of Jesus Christ, God, the Everlasting Gospel, and the Triumphant Church. An ambassador is sent to reflect the words, thoughts, attitudes, and actions of the nation they represent. We have an obligation to represent and reflect the Kingdom of God in your words, thoughts, attitudes, and all that we do. The ambassador does not live in the foreign country for his own personal interest. We live here on earth solely to serve the interest of our Lord. Therefore, we subordinate all personal interest to the function of our ambassadorship. The ambassador's instructions are always in written form, so he has no doubt as to what he should do. We have God's policy, principles and instructions written in the Scripture and taught by the Apostles, Princes, Mothers, Shepherds, Elders, Prophets, Evangelists, Ministers, and Teachers.

We are all charged to live up to the high calling of a high office. Remember we did not

choose ourselves to represent God; He chose us. That should give us a spirit of dignity and motivate us to walk upright before God and man at all times. The most gigantic undertaking God has laid out for the ambassadors of Christ is to lead lost souls to Jesus Christ, expand his earthly kingdom, and enjoy the power and authority that we have received. When Jesus was resurrected, he said all power is given to me in heaven and earth. Ambassadors of Christ have the right to all the power that Jesus said was given to him. We have power to forgive sin; power to cast out unclean spirits; power to heal all manner of disease; power and authority over all devils; power to become Sons of God; power over all flesh, and power to lay our life down and take it again.

Understanding our identity in Christ is absolutely essential to living a triumphant life that glorifies God. We need to have personal and collective times that we come together and affirm who we are together in Christ. The more we declare who we realty are, the more we, as a triumphant people will demonstrate a divine identity that makes a difference.

To Think AboutAs we have our identity in Christ - that is all we need. When people ask who you think we are in word or in action, we may need to adjust the way we act. However, who we are is what we are in


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Christ. We are forgiven, saved, empowered by the Spirit, confident of our direction in life. Just as God expressed to Moses that He is "I AM" no beginning, no end, we shouldn't live this life in the reputation or position we have, but only in the understanding that the Eternal God lives within us and we need to be representing Him.

Revealed Verse: We are what we think we are, so let’s think positive.

Daily Bible ReadingMonday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Frida

ySaturday Sunday

2 Corin.5:12-21





I Peter2:1-9



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Lesson 4 Volume 16July 26, 2009

Yes We CanDevotional Reading: Philippians 4:8-13

What began as a revelation to Apostle E. D. Smith in 1897 seems to be an illusion to many churches and religions all over the world. After one hundred and twelve years we still continue to sing onward, onward Ethiopia in the great Triumphant Church. As we continue to press upward and onward, many people from every nation kindred and tongue that never had a vision that was so high will catch on and see God in a new creation. People everywhere are starving and thirsty for the new world spiritual order of the Everlasting Gospel. They are hungry for a new birth that will release the power of a new dispensation all over the earth. This church of the new age has come with new information, new inspiration and the power of a great change. It has come with the strength of the most ferocious lion, the flight of the highest flying eagle, and the virtue of the most beautiful brown skinned damsel.

We have some serious work to do, and this work is spiritually easy while being naturally hard. We have to gather all who are tired of living according to the catastrophic scams and corrupt politics of the Gentile world. We must rise in righteous indignation and subjugate the old customs, traditions and superstitions of the militant churches that keep us divided, distracted, and disappointed. It's time for us to step on the scene and say it is not ok for sin and compromise to have a place in the government of our church and nation.

Natural and spiritual forces that have made the cost of life and the joy of living a program of extortion, depression, and economic disaster oppose us. Human institutions are seeking to make the majority of our valuable men become an endangered species. People and organizations challenge us from thousands of different angles with the false philosophy of "what a friend we have in death". We are up against policies that tell us to live how we want to live, do whatever we want to do, and let others suffer the consequences. The militant church world and the false religions of the Gentile world have tricked us into thinking we have to live in the limitations of carnal minded leaders that lie and manipulate the scriptures. They tell us we can't build a kingdom on earth for God to reign. They tell us we can't build schools that can be safe for students. They tell us we can't create jobs and businesses to sustain ourselves. They tell us we can't build orphanages, farms, colleges, nursing homes and housing for our people. They tell us we can't reclaim the world on behalf of Jesus Christ.

It does not matter what those that oppose us say. We have the right and the authority to say, “Don’t tell us what we can't do. Don't tell us we can't make a difference in this fourth human world. Yes we can. Yes we can be deliverance to this nation. Yes we can be the custodians of the Everlasting Gospel. Yes we can lift up the name of Jesus with our lives and bring forth a


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government of righteousness. As we travel through the new age known as the fourth human world, we will carry a powerful message to the four corners of this earth. While everyone else focuses in inability and disability, we will lift our vision and lift out voices and say YES WE CAN. We have a

right to do all things through Christ who strengthens us. YES WE CAN. God is for us and we are more than conquerors. YES WE CAN.

Lesson Scripture: Jeremiah 1:4-10; John 15:1-16; 2 Corinthians 3:4-18Lesson Outline:

I. Yes We Can Be Mighty Through God. (Jeremiah 1:4-10)

Many people view themselves in a way that is not according to the way God does. The world is looking at us and watching how we place value upon ourselves. If we consider ourselves to be a people of little value, then the world will attempt to define us as a worthless people. If we define ourselves according to the way God ordained us, the world will hate us for being ordained and accepted by the Creator of all things. God has powerful plans for us that cannot be understood by the human intelligence of society. We are not here to be what the world wants us to be, but we are here to be everything that God has predestined us to be.

We live in a world where the Gentile culture places tremendous value on outer appearances. God's value comes from who He says we are on the inside, and not from the material things we have on the outside.

If we abide in our place of ordination, we can see an accurate view of our divine identity. When we act upon the divine power that God has given us, we can declare the judgment of God through the written, spoken, and revealed word of God. This will

give us the authority to overthrow unrighteousness and give restoration to kingdoms and nations that suffered from injustice. God has called us into the prophetic ministry of His Triumphant Church. We have been set apart from all other churches and institutions to do special service in a special way. The equipment and the power have been given to us and our time has come to participate in building his earthly kingdom. God knew his plans for us before the beginning of time. He did not wait for someone to give him an idea about what to do with us.

It is time to lift our minds and raise our vision high above the circumstances and conditions that cause us to think we are inferior people. We have never been born to lose. We have always been born to be the glory of God that never loses. We are mighty through God because in him we have a supernatural immortal identity. As we decrease human consciousness and human nature, we come closer and closer to the fullness of our original divine nature. Yes we can be mighty because we have the power that rules the universe living and moving inside of us.


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II. Yes We Can Abide In Christ Jesus. (John 15:1-16)

The quickening Spirit of Christ Jesus is the incarnated Spirit of the new world that connects us to the mind of God the Father. Even after two thousand years humanity still fails to understand the mission of Jesus on earth. His coming to the world and being a sacrifice for our sins does not free us from the responsibility of using our life forces to be a holy people. We are here to do more than just believe on Jesus and be saved. We are here to do more than just call Jesus when we are in trouble. Too many people are hiding behind the name of Jesus and still indulging in the unrestrained passions of their sinful nature. They expect to take a free ride into the kingdom of heaven at Jesus' expense without attaining the redemption, perfection and eternal life that he has promised.

If we abide in the true vine and bear fruit, we can demonstrate amazing power over the

laws of cause and effect; we can manifest the anointing through our physical bodies with no limitations; we can experience the resurrection of the supreme Spirit without death and triumph over a world that is limited to physical and material forms. We have been chosen to produce the fruit of the Everlasting Gospel. Therefore we must abide in the consciousness of God's everlasting Spirit.

God is pruning us and trimming us in his own way because he wants us to reach our greatest potential in him. No matter what happens, we must remain connected to the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost. Then we must also remain connected to each other in Christ. If we fail to abide in the Spirit of Jesus Christ, we can easily be led to chase after other false gods and false Christ's' and seducing spirits that produce filthy fantasies by using witchcraft and psychic experiences.

III. Yes We Can Go Beyond The Veil. (2 Corinthians 3:4-18)

There are some people who were physically blind and they became some of the greatest and richest people on earth. They did not have a blind mind when it came to fulfilling the destiny and purpose that God had given them. Mother Cora Brice was a pioneer of Triumph that wrote the song that was titled "Just beyond the veil of darkness". She spoke of creative laws, the force of death ended, the cause and effect of death was ended, and no hearse wheels were rolling. Only those who can look beyond the veil of church

militant and the kingdom gospel will be able to see the revelation of life beyond the cross.

Our nation is suffering the consequence of the blind leading the blind. Poverty, depression, recession and tough economic times are the result of being led by Gentiles that have big eyes and blind minds. The church is challenged to look beyond the veil that keeps us in the captivity of the Gentile world. Look beyond the veil of human law and social damnation and see the Spirit of righteousness, love and everlasting life.


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20/20 vision is good, but it is not enough to see the plan of God being worked out through the Everlasting Gospel. The veil of time must not keep us from seeing the power of eternity. The veil of self-centeredness must not keep us from seeing the revelation God's royal priesthood. Either we choose to be transformed and renewed by the Spirit of life, or we decide to be deformed by the veil of the carnal mind.

Yes we can go beyond the veil. Whatever is keeping us from becoming the same image and likeness of God that Jesus demonstrated is a veil of darkness. Whatever keeps us from exposing the fullness of God's glory from within ourselves is a veil that we can remove. We can go beyond the veil and see

the full revelation of Triumph. We can go beyond the veil and reverse the process of aging and decay. We can turn sickness into health; death into life; and time into eternity just by stepping to the edge and leaping beyond the veil. Our time has come. The opportunity to let God enjoy life on earth through us is here. No matter what blind minds say we can't do, we have a right to be the living Word of God. Whatever the living Word of God say's we can do is possible. We can stop living beneath our privileges. We can be perfect and most holy. We can live forever with immortal health in our physical bodies.

To Think About:

So many people are satisfied with mediocrity. They do not want to do better. The Lord expects the best, because he gave the best for us. Not only are we predestined to be the best; we can be God's greatest. Forget about the world, the opposition and all their power and glory, and remember who got us here.

Revealed Verse: After saying, “Yes We Can,” we must reach that place where we can look back with joy and say, “Yes We Did.”

Daily Bible ReadingMonday Tuesday Wednesda

yThursday Friday Saturday Sunday

John 15:1-16

Jeremiah 1:4-10

2 Corinthians10:2-10

2 Corn.10:11-18


3 John1:2-11

2 Corn.3:4-18


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