Page 1: Devry online.  The ability to learn anywhere, often on your own time, can be invaluable when you're juggling work, family or both. Combine that flexibility

Devry online

Page 2: Devry online.  The ability to learn anywhere, often on your own time, can be invaluable when you're juggling work, family or both. Combine that flexibility

The ability to learn anywhere, often on your own time, can be invaluable when you're juggling work, family or both. Combine that flexibility with DeVry's commitment to be there supporting you as you work to achieve your educational and professional goals.

Page 3: Devry online.  The ability to learn anywhere, often on your own time, can be invaluable when you're juggling work, family or both. Combine that flexibility

When you become an online student at DeVry University, you're gaining access to an online community of students, alumni, faculty and staff who will support you as you work toward success. Here, our faculty are committed to helping you make your goals a reality.

Page 4: Devry online.  The ability to learn anywhere, often on your own time, can be invaluable when you're juggling work, family or both. Combine that flexibility

Degree respected by employers nationwide.

One on one support from faculty. Active community of students and

alumni. Classes online taught by professionals.

Page 5: Devry online.  The ability to learn anywhere, often on your own time, can be invaluable when you're juggling work, family or both. Combine that flexibility

The Goal at Kaplan is to provide a college level education over the internet

The members of this group are the students, the teachers and the administrators who run the website

It is a formal group, since you have to be accepted, you pay them, and you’re graded, just like a “real” school

Page 6: Devry online.  The ability to learn anywhere, often on your own time, can be invaluable when you're juggling work, family or both. Combine that flexibility

It is organized and regulated just like a physical school, except with classes over the internet

Degrees from Kaplan are not considered as good as degrees from “real” schools

Page 7: Devry online.  The ability to learn anywhere, often on your own time, can be invaluable when you're juggling work, family or both. Combine that flexibility

" Kaplan Schools and Programs: Online Learning, College Education, Campus Learning | Kaplan Higher Education." Kaplan Schools and Programs: Online Learning, College Education, Campus Learning | Kaplan Higher Education. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2012. <>.

"On Campus & Online College Degree Programs | DeVry University." On Campus & Online College Degree Programs | DeVry University. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2012. <>.

"Online College Degree Programs – Online School - University of Phoenix ." Online College Degree Programs – Online School - University of Phoenix . N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2012. <>.

"Wikipedia." Wikipedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2012. <>.

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