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Dexamethasone Intravitreal Implant in DiabeticMacular Edema: Real-Life Data from a ProspectiveStudy and Predictive Factors for Visual Outcome

Irini Chatziralli . Panagiotis Theodossiadis . Efstratios Parikakis .

Eleni Dimitriou . Tina Xirou . George Theodossiadis . Stamatina A. Kabanarou

Received: October 8, 2017 / Published online: November 6, 2017� The Author(s) 2017. This article is an open access publication


Introduction: The purpose of the study was toevaluate the long-term anatomical and func-tional outcomes in patients with diabetic mac-ular edema (DME) treated with intravitrealdexamethasone implant and to determine thepredictive factors for the final visual outcome.Methods: The study included 54 patients withDME refractory to previous antivascularendothelial growth factor (anti-VEGF) who weretreated with intravitreal dexamethasoneimplant. Predictive factors for visual outcomewere assessed. In addition, the change inbest-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) and thepercentage of patients with edema resolutionwere evaluated.

Results: At the end of the 12-month follow-up,patients with DME gained ? 5.2 letters (about 1Snellen line), while 57.4% of patients presentedtotal resolution of macular edema. Negativepredictive factors for the final visual outcomewere found to be increasing age, increasingmacular thickness, phakic status, the presenceof intraretinal fluid, hyperreflective foci, hardexudates, as well as external limiting membraneand ellipsoid zone disruption. The mean num-ber of injections was 2.1.Conclusions: The various predictive factorsthat determine the visual outcome and possiblydefine patient prognosis after dexamethasoneintravitreal implant in DME cases have beenstudied. The long follow-up showed that dex-amethasone intravitreal implant seems to be asafe and effective treatment for this disease,requiring a limited number of injections.

Keywords: Diabetic macular edema;Dexamethasone; Optical coherencetomography; Predictive factors; Visual acuity


Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is the leading cause ofvisual impairment in working-age populationsin the developed world [1], while diabeticmacular edema (DME) is the most commoncause of vision loss in patients with DR, affect-ing about 20% of patients with DR [2]. DME

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I. Chatziralli (&) � P. Theodossiadis � E. Dimitriou �G. Theodossiadis2nd Department of Ophthalmology, AttikonHospital, National and Kapodistrian University ofAthens, Athens, Greecee-mail: [email protected]

E. Parikakis2nd Department of Ophthalmology,Ophthalmiatrion Athinon, Athens, Greece

T. Xirou � S. A. KabanarouRetina Department, Red Cross‘‘Korgialeneio-Benakeio’’ Hospital, Athens, Greece

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DOI 10.1007/s13300-017-0332-x

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results from blood–retina barrier disruption as aresponse to chronic hyperglycemia, leading tovascular leakage, fluid accumulation, and mac-ular thickening [3]. Furthermore, inflammationseems to be implicated in the pathophysiologyof DME, since several cytokines and chemoki-nes, such as vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF), tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a), inter-cellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), inter-leukin-6 (IL-6), and monocyte chemotacticprotein-1 (MCP-1), have been found to beoverexpressed in DME, increasing vascular per-meability and leukostasis and altering fluidhomeostasis within the neuroretinal tissue[4–6].

For many years, standard care for DME wasfocal/grid laser photocoagulation along withmedical control of diabetes mellitus, bloodpressure control, and lipid management [7].Nowadays, the treatment of choice in DME isintravitreal anti-VEGF agents, which have beenproven to be safe and effective at improvingvisual acuity (VA) and reducing macular thick-ness in patients with DME in large clinical trials[8–11]. However, the need for frequent injec-tions and the fact that some patients do notrespond to anti-VEGF agents mean that there isan unmet need for additional treatment alter-natives for patients with DME [9, 12]. Sinceinflammation plays a significant role in thepathogenesis of DME, intravitreal steroids havebeen shown to be useful in the treatment ofDME, as they inhibit inflammation, leukostasis,and phosphorylation of cell-junction proteins,and they block the production of VEGF andother inflammatory mediators in DME [13, 14].

Dexamethasone intravitreal implant (Ozur-dex; Allergan Inc., Irvine, CA, USA) is abiodegradable, sustained-release implant thathas been approved for the treatment of DMEbased on a large phase III prospective study, theMEAD study, which showed a significantimprovement in VA and macular edema after3 years of follow-up in patients treated with0.7 mg dexamethasone intravitreal implantcompared to a sham group [12]. However,real-world patients are generally less healthyand have potentially confounding comorbidi-ties, and they are not selected based on stricteligibility criteria, unlike patients in clinical

trials [15]. Therefore, observational studies ofthe use of a treatment in clinical practice pro-vide useful information regarding patterns ofuse and the effectiveness of the treatment in areal-life setting [15]. While studies have beenconducted to assess the use of dexamethasoneintravitreal implant for the treatment of DME,they have mainly been retrospective, with lim-ited follow-up [16–21].

In light of the above, the purpose of thisprospective study was to evaluate the effective-ness and safety of dexamethasone intravitrealimplant in patients with DME in real-life clini-cal practice with a long-term follow-up, and toinvestigate the potential predictive factors ofthe final visual outcome using multivariateanalysis.


Participants in this prospective study were 54patients (54 eyes) with DME refractory to pre-vious treatment with anti-VEGF agents whowere treated with dexamethasone intravitrealimplant at three retina departments in Greecebetween March 2015 and June 2016 and had atleast 12 months of follow-up. All proceduresfollowed were in accordance with the ethicalstandards of the responsible committee onhuman experimentation (institutional andnational) and with the Helsinki Declaration of1964, as revised in 2013. Informed consent wasobtained from all patients before they wereincluded in the study.

All patients had DME (central subfieldthickness, CST[320 lm) and had previouslybeen treated with at least three intravitrealanti-VEGF injections to the affected eye, whichthen showed no response, defined as noincrease in VA and no reduction in CST. Previ-ous anti-VEGF injections were administered ona pro re nata (PRN) basis, according to specificretreatment criteria, including loss of VA ofmore than one Snellen line, increase in CST of[50 lm, and presence of intraretinal (IRF)/sub-retinal (SRF) fluid compared to the previousvisit. Patients with macular edema secondary toa cause other than diabetes mellitus, macularischemia, a history of vitrectomy, intraocular

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surgery in the previous 6 months, a history ofsystemic corticosteroids within 6 months beforebaseline evaluation, uveitis, glaucoma or ocularhypertension, dense cataract, and those lost tofollow-up were excluded from the study.

All participants received dexamethasoneintravitreal implant at baseline under a sterileprotocol that included the use of 5% povi-done-iodine solution, topical anesthesia,eyelid-speculum application, intravitreal injec-tion of 0.7 mg dexamethasone implant via parsplana in the inferotemporal quadrant at 4 mmfrom the limbus in phakic eyes and 3.5 mm inpseudophakic eyes, followed by postoperativetopical antibiotic eye drops. Re-injection wasperformed 6 months after the first injection ifthe patient experienced decreased vision and/oran increase in CST secondary to recurrent/wors-ening of DME, and at the clinician’s discretion.

We recorded demographic data, such as age,gender, duration of diabetes mellitus, durationof DME, HbA1c levels, DR status, previoustreatment, and other comorbidities. We alsodocumented the clinic-based best-corrected VA(BCVA) measured by Snellen charts, the CST onspectral domain optical coherence tomography(SD-OCT; Spectralis HRA-OCT, HeidelbergEngineering, Heidelberg, Germany), the pres-ence of IRF, SRF, hyperreflective foci and hardexudates, the status of the ellipsoid zone andthe external limiting membrane (ELM), thepresence of vitreomacular traction (VMT) andan epiretinal membrane (ERM), as well asintraocular pressure (IOP) at every monthlyvisit. OCT scans were analyzed by two graderswho were not blinded to clinical data (IC, SK),and the interobserver agreement was almostperfect (k[0.80). At baseline, a fluoresceinangiogram (FA; Spectralis HRA-OCT, HeidelbergEngineering) was also obtained to confirm thediagnosis and evaluate macular ischemia.

Efficacy was measured using the meanchanges in BCVA and CST from the baseline, aswell as by calculating the percentages ofpatients gaining C 5 letters, C 10 letters andC 15 letters in VA and the percentage of thosewith edema resolution at the end of the 12-month follow-up. Safety was assessed by moni-toring changes in IOP, the use of IOP-loweringagents, the incidence rates of glaucoma and

cataract surgery, and investigator-reportedadverse events. In addition, predictive factorsfor final visual outcome were evaluated, such asage, gender, the duration of diabetes mellitus,the duration of macular edema, HbA1c level,the status of DR (nonproliferative or prolifera-tive), the presence of hypertension and hyper-lipidemia, any previous treatment, CST, thepresence of SRF, IRF, hyperreflective foci, andhard exudates, the status of the ellipsoid zoneand the ELM, and the presence of VMT and anERM.

Statistical Analysis

To describe patient characteristics at baseline,mean ± standard deviation (SD) values wereused for continuous variables and counts withpercentages for categorical variables. For longi-tudinal comparisons of BCVA and CST betweenthe baseline and each time point, the Wilcoxonmatched-pairs signed-rank test was used; giventhat ten comparisons were made, the level ofstatistical significance was set at 0.05/5 = 0.01,according to the Bonferroni correction. BCVAwas converted to ETDRS letters for statisticalpurposes.

To assess factors that may determine the VA,generalized least squares (GLS) random-effectslinear regression analysis was performed (this isappropriate for longitudinal data given theintercorrelation of observations in such data-sets). BCVA was the dependent variable. Theaforementioned factors that were assessed aspotential predictors for visual acuity were set asindependent variables in models that werealways adjusted for time (in months). The betacoefficients along with their 95% confidenceintervals (CIs) are provided in the manuscript.

Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS22.0 (SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL, USA). Ap value\0.05 was considered to be statisticallysignificant, except in cases where the Bonfer-roni correction was adopted, as declared above.


Table 1 shows the demographic and clinicalcharacteristics of our study sample. 54 patients

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with DME were included in the study. Themean age of patients was 69.2 ± 7.6 years. 35patients (64.8%) were male and 19 (35.2%) werefemale. The mean duration of diabetes mellituswas 15.9 ± 7.1 years, but all patients were rela-tively well controlled with a mean HbA1c of7.2 ± 0.6%. 46.3% of the patients had sufferedfrom DME for less than 6 months, while 53.7%had DME for 6 months or more. Regardingcomorbidities, 88.9% and 44.4% of the patientshad hypertension and hyperlipidemia, respec-tively. At baseline, 48 patients (88.9%) hadnonproliferative DR and 11.1% had prolifera-tive DR that was previously treated with pan-retinal photocoagulation. All patients werepreviously treated for DME with anti-VEGFagents, and some of them received additionalmacular laser photocoagulation. Specifically,85.2% of the patients had received previousintravitreal ranibizumab injections and 13%intravitreal aflibercept injections, while 13% ofthe patients had additional focal/grid laserphotocoagulation. 74.1% of the patients werepseudophakic, while 25.9% were phakic.

At baseline, the mean BCVA was 52.0 ± 13.4ETDRS letters (20/80 Snellen). Figure 1 showsthe evolution of BCVA over time; it shows thatthere was a statistically significant improve-ment in BCVA between all time points and thebaseline (p\0.001). At the end of the 12-monthfollow-up period, patients with DME who weretreated with dexamethasone intravitrealimplant gained ? 5.2 letters (about one Snellenline). At month 12, 29 out of 54 patients(53.7%) showed an improvement in BCVA.Specifically, 53.7% gained C 5 letters, 29.6%gained C 10 letters, and 14.8% gained C 15 let-ters. 33.3% of the patients remained stable. Onthe other hand, about 13.0% of the patients lostvision at the end of the follow-up, as shown inFig. 2.

At baseline, the mean CST was537.6 ± 174.9 lm. Figure 3 shows the evolutionof CST over time, illustrating that there was astatistically significant reduction in CST at alltime points compared to the baseline (p\0.001for all comparisons). At month 12, the CST wassignificantly decreased by 181 lm, while themaximum decrease in CST was observed atmonth 1 (- 198 lm). At the end of the

Table 1 Demographic and clinical characteristics of ourstudy sample at baseline

Patients with diabetic macularedema (n5 54)Mean – standard deviation

Age (years) 69.2 ± 7.6

Duration of diabetes

mellitus (years)

15.9 ± 7.1

HbA1c (%) 7.2 ± 0.6

Best-corrected visual

acuity (letters)

52.0 ± 13.4

Best-corrected visual

acuity (Snellen)


Central retinal

thickness (lm)

537.6 ± 174.9

Intraocular pressure


13.3 ± 1.4

N (%)


Male 35 (64.8)

Female 19 (35.2)

Lens status

Phakic 14 (25.9)

Pseudophakic 40 (74.1)

Diabetic retinopathy status

Nonproliferative 48 (88.9)

Proliferative 6 (11.1)

Hypertension 48 (88.9)

Hyperlipidaemia 24 (44.4)

Previous treatment



46 (85.2)

Intravitreal aflibercept 7 (13)

Focal/grid laser 7 (13)

Duration of macular edema

\ 6 months 25 (46.3)

C 6 months 29 (53.7)

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Fig. 1 Evolution of visual acuity in patients with diabetic macular edema over time

Fig. 2 Percentages of the patients who had gained or lost C 5, C 10, and C 15 letters at the 12-month follow-up

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12-month follow-up, 31 patients (57.4%) pre-sented total resolution of macular edema (noIRF/no SRF).

At baseline, none of the patients had macu-lar ischemia, as these patients were excludedfrom the study. The mean number of injectionswas 2.1 ± 0.6 at the end of the follow-up.

The results of the GLS linear regressionanalysis tha examined the factors associatedwith final visual acuity (letters) are presented inTable 2. Increasing age (coefficient = - 2.78,95% CI = - 5.21 to - 1.13, p\0.001), increas-ing CST (coefficient = - 5.23, 95% CI = - 7.93to - 3.56, p\0.001), phakic status (coeffi-cient = - 2.05, 95% CI = - 4.53 to + 0.15,p = 0.043), presence of IRF (coefficient = - 3.46,95% CI = - 5.63 to - 1.81, p B 0.001), hyper-reflective foci (coefficient = - 6.02, 95%CI = - 10.12 to - 2.21, p\0.001), hard exu-dates (coefficient = - 6.23, 95% CI = - 9.13 to- 2.82, p\0.001), ellipsoid zone disruption(coefficient = - 3.15, 95% CI = - 4.73 to - 1.93,p B 0.001), and ELM disruption

(coefficient = - 4.18, 95% CI = - 6.24 to - 2.73,p B 0.001) were all significantly associated withpoorer VA. Final visual acuity was not associ-ated with gender, hypertension, hyperlipi-demia, DR status, duration of diabetes mellitus,duration of macular edema, HbA1c levels, or thepresence of SRF, VMT, or an ERM.

As far as the complications are concerned, noserious systemic side effects were reported fromany of the patients in the study. No throm-boembolic or cardiovascular events were men-tioned. In addition, there was no inflammatoryreaction, endophthalmitis, or retinal tears. Onepatient (1.9%) had retinal detachment andunderwent pars plana vitrectomy with a goodvisual outcome. Two out of 14 phakic patients(14.3%) developed cataract within the12-month follow-up period and were scheduledfor cataract surgery.

At baseline, IOP was 13.3 ± 1.4 mmHg; itincreased slightly at month 1, although thechange was not statistical significant(15.2 ± 2.3, p = 0.047). The increase in IOP was

Fig. 3 Evolution of central subfield thickness in patients with diabetic macular edema over time

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transient and followed by a progressive decreasewith no antihypertensive ocular treatment.Figure 4 shows the evolution of IOP during thefollow-up. There was no statistically significantincrease in IOP at month 12 compared tobaseline. Only 3 patients (5.6%) presentedIOP C 21 mmHg at month 1 and receivedIOP-lowering drops. None of the patientsunderwent glaucoma surgery to reduce the IOPafter injection. Figure 5 shows the evolution ofone particular patient over time.


The principal conclusion of this study is thatdexamethasone intravitreal implant appearedto be safe and effective for the treatment of

DME based on a relatively long follow-up periodof 12 months in real-life clinical practice.Specifically, there was a mean improvement inBCVA of 5.2 letters at the end of the follow-up,while 87% of the patients presented animprovement in or a stabilization of VA. Totalresolution of macular edema was observed in57.4% of the patients at month 12 with a meannumber of 2.1 injections. Furthermore, negativepredictive factors for the final visual outcome inpatients with DME that was treated with dex-amethasone intravitreal implant were found tobe increasing age, increasing CST, phakic status,presence of IRF, hyperreflective foci, hard exu-dates, and the disruption of the ellipsoid zoneand ELM.

Our anatomical and functional results are inagreement with those of previous studies

Table 2 Results of the generalized least squares linear regression analysis that examined the factors associated with visualacuity (ETDRS letters). All models are adjusted for time (months)

Variable Category/increment Coefficient (95%CI) p value

Age Increase of 10 years - 2.78 (- 5.21 to - 1.13) < 0.001

Gender Male vs female ? 1.15 (- 0.83 to ? 2.19) 0.368

Hypertension Yes vs no - 2.11 (- 4.07 to ? 1.01) 0.454

Hyperlipidemia Yes vs no - 3.32 (- 6.48 to ? 1.54) 0.109

Lens status Phakic vs pseudophakic - 2.05 (- 4.53 to ? 0.15) 0.043

Diabetic retinopathy status Nonproliferative vs proliferative ? 2.09 (? 0.88 to ? 5.12) 0.311

Duration of diabetes mellitus 5 years increase - 3.18 (- 5.51 to ? 0.75) 0.289

Duration of macular edema C 6 months vs\6 months - 4.45 (- 6.09 to - 2.92) 0.083

HbA1c 1% increase - 3.39 (- 4.18 to - 2.83) 0.097

Central subfield thickness 100 lm increase - 5.23 (- 7.93 to - 3.56) < 0.001

Subretinal fluid Yes vs no - 1.73 (- 2.81 to - 0.65) 0.078

Intraretinal fluid Yes vs no - 3.46 (- 5.63 to - 1.81) < 0.001

Hyperreflective foci Yes vs no - 6.02 (- 10.12 to - 2.21) < 0.001

Hard exudates Yes vs no - 6.23 (- 9.13 to - 2.82) < 0.001

Ellipsoid zone disruption Yes vs no - 3.15 (- 4.73 to - 1.93) < 0.001

External limiting membrane disruption Yes vs no - 4.18 (- 6.24 to - 2.73) < 0.001

Vitreomacular traction Yes vs no - 1.03 (- 2.27 to - 0.65) 0.882

Epiretinal membrane Yes vs no - 1.36 (- 2.14 to - 0.09) 0.531

p values shown in boldface are\0.05 and therefore considered to indicate statistical significance

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evaluating the efficacy of dexamethasoneintravitreal implant in patients with DME basedon real-life data, which noted a sustained BCVAand CST improvement without serious sideeffects [16–24]. It is worth noting that the peakefficacy of dexamethasone intravitreal implant,which has been shown to occur between thefirst and third months, correlates well with theconcentration of the drug, which peaks in thevitreous at 2 months. The efficacy tends toslowly decrease from month 4 to month 6,when CST usually increases [16].

In our study, a significant improvement inVA occurred in the first month and VA peakedat month 3 after one injection, while CST wasmarkedly reduced at month 1 but graduallyincreased until month 6, when another injec-tion was performed. This observation suggeststhat anatomically favorable results precede thefunctional outcomes, which can probably beattributed to the time needed to restore thephotoreceptors. An interesting finding was that

although the curves for BCVA and CST seemedto be symmetric, there was no significant cor-relation between them. Therefore, CST alonecannot predict the visual prognosis, whileintraretinal alterations may explain this disso-ciation. Specifically, we found that the presenceof IRF, hyperreflective foci, and hard exudatesalong with increasing CST was associated withunfavorable visual results. We hypothesize thatmorphological changes at the microstructurallevel from chronic and recurrent edema maylead to irreversible damage to photoreceptors,which is consistent with the fact that disruptionof the ellipsoid zone and ELM was associatedwith poor visual acuity.

Furthermore, phakic lens status was found tobe associated with a poorer VA. Previous studiesfound that the improvement in VA in patientstreated with dexamethasone intravitrealimplant was more prominent in pseudophakiceyes, as there was no effect of the lens [24].Therefore, the effectiveness of the

Fig. 4 Evolution over time of intraocular pressure in patients with diabetic macular edema that was treated with intravitrealdexamethasone implant

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dexamethasone implant with respect to VA wasmore reliably appreciated by pseudophakicpatients with DME.

Increasing age was also found to be a nega-tive predictor for the final visual outcome inpatients with RVO in our study, potentially due

Fig. 5 a Spectral domain optical coherence tomography ofa 54-year-old male patient who presented with diabeticmacular edema and a visual acuity of 6/36 Snellen.b Spectral domain optical coherence tomography of thesame patient after six ranibizumab injections, showingpersistence of macular edema. The visual acuity was 6/36Snellen. Note the hyperreflective foci (white arrows), the

ellipsoid zone (orange arrow), and the external limitingmembrane (blue arrow) disruption. c Spectral domainoptical coherence tomography of the same patient aftertwo intravitreal dexamethasone implant injections (month12), where absorption of macular edema and decreasedhyperreflective foci are apparent. The visual acuity was 6/9Snellen

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to age-related structural changes in the vesselsof patients [25], but further investigation isneeded to explain this phenomenon. On theother hand, it is worth mentioning that therewas no association between the final visualoutcome and the systemic factors (hyperten-sion, hyperlipidemia, DR status, HbA1c levels)in our study. Thus, controlling these factorsmay not affect the final visual acuity, but it mayprotect from DR and DME progression, as wasobserved in a recent study by Guigou et al. [22].It is worth noting that in our study, the patientswere older than in the MEAD study. Moreover,although the patients in our study were bettercontrolled than those in the MEAD study (whohad similar durations of diabetes), with a meanHbA1c of 7.2 ± 0.6% in this study compared to7.6 ± 1.2% in the MEAD study, there were alsoproliferative DR cases in our study.

Corticosteroids have some side effects, suchas cataract development and increased IOP. Inour study, only 14.3% of the phakic patientspresented a cataract at the end of the follow-upperiod, but it should be noted that cataractsmay also progress in patients with diabetesmellitus due to the disease per se. A rise in IOPwas observed mainly at month 1 but it wasmoderate, transient, and followed by a pro-gressive decrease. Only 5.6% of the patientspresented IOP C 21 mmHg at month 1 andreceived IOP-lowering drops, while no glau-coma surgery was needed to control the IOP.Another adverse event in our series was retinaldetachment in one patient (1.9%). This per-centage is slightly higher than that for theMEAD study (0.3%), but it should be noted thatthis patient had myopia, which could be anadditional factor in retinal detachment.

A potential limitation of our study is the lackof a control group, while treatment-naıvepatients are not included in the study. More-over, the nature of GLS regression modelsinherently precluded the incorporation of thebaseline BCVA as a separate covariate in themodel; in this context, baseline values are sim-ply predicted as linear combinations in therespective equations (the values at other timepoints are predicted in a similar manner),assuming linearity during the study period.However, the strengths of our study are the

relatively large sample size of patients withmacular edema due to DME and the long fol-low-up period of 12 months. Furthermore, as weused a spectral-domain OCT in our study, incontrast to the time-domain OCT used in theMEAD study (OCT 2 and 3), we were able toevaluate retinal structures in more detail beforeand after treatment, allowing us to identifypredictive factors for visual outcomes.

In conclusion, dexamethasone intravitrealimplant was found to be safe and effective forthe treatment of patients with DME. A remark-able decrease in CST was observed at month 1,followed by an improvement in VA, which alsodepended mainly on intraretinal changes (IRF,hyperreflective foci, hard exudates, condition ofthe ellipsoid zone and ELM). The study popu-lations in randomized controlled trials are typ-ically carefully selected using strict eligibilitycriteria. Therefore, the value of this type ofobservational study is that the effectiveness oftreatment in real-life clinical practice is evalu-ated, leading to similar anatomical and func-tional results to those seen in previousrandomized clinical trials. In addition, it isimportant to take the various predictive factorsinto account and inform each patient abouttheir prognosis after treatment. Further studieswith a control group and a large sample size areneeded to validate our results and scrutinize theuse of dexamethasone intravitreal implant inDME patients in everyday clinical practice.


No funding or sponsorship was received for thepublication of this article.

All named authors meet the InternationalCommittee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE)criteria for authorship for this manuscript, takeresponsibility for the integrity of the work as awhole, and have given final approval to theversion to be published.

Disclosures. Irini Chatziralli, PanagiotisTheodossiadis, Efstratios Parikakis, Eleni Dim-itriou, Tina Xirou, George Theodossiadis, and

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Stamatina A. Kabanarou have nothing todisclose.

Compliance with Ethics Guidelines. Allprocedures followed were in accordance withthe ethical standards of the responsible com-mittee on human experimentation (institu-tional and national) and with the HelsinkiDeclaration of 1964, as revised in 2013.Informed consent was obtained from allpatients before they were included in the study.

Data Availability. The datasets generatedduring and/or analyzed during the currentstudy are available from the correspondingauthor on reasonable request.

Open Access. This article is distributedunder the terms of the Creative CommonsAttribution-NonCommercial 4.0 InternationalLicense (, which permits any non-commercial use, distribution, and reproductionin any medium, provided you give appropriatecredit to the original author(s) and the source,provide a link to the Creative Commons license,and indicate if changes were made.


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