  • 8/9/2019 D.G.C.F.S Reality Based Martial Arts Iusse24


  • 8/9/2019 D.G.C.F.S Reality Based Martial Arts Iusse24


    Volume 1 WWW.DARKGIFTCOMBAT.COMIssue 24 April 04, 20104/04/10

    Dark Gift Combat Fighting System Houston's Foremost Authority and premier RealityBased Martial Arts, Street defense Facility.

    H o u s t o n P r em i e r R e a l i t y B a s e d M a r t i a l A r t s & Combatives, Fitness & Nutrition F a c i l i t y.


    Mr.& Mrs. Traylor Owner &Founders of D.G.C.F. System.

    Inside D.G.C.F.S .Sabrina Pina Seminar 1Ronalds Fitness Corner 2Airsoft Products 4Sabrina Pina Seminar cont. 5Kitty Genovese and Me 9Paul Vunak 12Outsmart and Outshoot 15Welcome 16 Exposing fake instructors 17

    In Honor of Sabrina Pina

    Mrs.Traylor & I had the honor & privilege to teach over 135+ individuals at our 1 st

    Sabrina Pina Self Defense Seminar. We were asked to do it again. We will do thisevery Year in her name. Out of this Mrs.Traylor and I were asked is their a programthat deals with this issues of coming from a shopping mall or store to your vehicle?We said NO not that we are aware of. Then some of the participants asked aboutdo you have a program that deals if you have a KID in tow. Again we said no.Mrs.Traylor and came up against the same issues, We have two kids and trying toload them up and the grocers while still being aware of your environment is VERYDIFFICULT to say the least. So with this Mrs.Traylor and I started to do someresearch into the assaults and Muggings and kidnapping, We found out that theyoccur between 8 to15 seconds of exiting the store on average. So we continue todo research and found out that for the most part you know your attacker.

    The National Crime Information Center maintains a roster of missing persons,and groups them into categories. In 2008, there were 778,161 missing person

    reports logged on their system, of which 745,088 were eventually removed. Of those reported missing, 87,497 were listed as being in physical danger, and20,562 were listed as being missing involuntarily. Although the FBI does notmaintain official statistics of the crime of kidnapping, presumably those knownor suspected to have been kidnapped would fall under the "involuntary" category.As the United States is estimated to have a population of about 304 millionpeople[3], if 20,561 persons were reported kidnapped in 2008, it would amountto a kidnapping rate of 6.7 per 100,000 persons; as the United States is estimatedto have a population of about 74 million persons under age 18[4], it wouldamount to a kidnapping rate among persons under 18 of 8.2 per 100,000.So armed with this information Mrs.Traylor and I began to write the syllabus forthe 15 SECONDS OF DANGER

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    Are You Drinking Enough Water? I read this article by Dr Sandra Cabot I think you will like itMost people have no idea how much water they should be drinking, and mostAmericans live from day to day in a dehydrated state. They don't drink enoughwater. Without water, we would be poisoned to death by our own waste productsand toxins resulting from metabolism. Can you see why dehydration is bad for ourhealth?! Water is vital to digestion and metabolism, acting as a medium for variousenzymatic and chemical reactions in the body. It carries nutrients and oxygen to thecells through the blood, regulates body temperature and lubricates our joints (whichis particularly important if you're arthritic, have chronic muscular-skeletal problemsor are athletically active). We need water to breathe; we lose approximately one pintof liquid every day just by exhaling. If you are not in "fluid balance" you can impairevery aspect of your body's physiological functioning. Dr. Howard Flaks, Beverly

    Hills:"As a result of not drinking enough water, many people encounter suchproblems as excess body fat, poor muscle tone and size, decreased digestiveefficiency and organ function, increased toxicity in the body, joint and musclesoreness (particularly after exercise) and water retention." Proper water intake is thekey to weight loss," says Dr. Donald Robertson, Scottsdale, Arizona. "If people whoare trying to lose weight don't drink enough water, the body can't metabolize the fat,they retain fluid, which keeps their weight up, and the whole procedure we're tryingto set up falls apart." "I'd say the minimum amount of water a healthy person shoulddrink is 10 eight-ounce glasses a day," he continues, "and you need to drink more ifyou are overweight, exercise a lot, or live in a hot climate. Overweight people shoulddrink an extra eight ounces of water for each 25 pounds that exceeds their idealweight." Your water intake should be spread judiciously throughout the day,including the evening. Dr. Flaks cautions against drinking more than four glasses inany given hour. Always check with your physician before embarking on a waterintake increase program. You may ask, "If I drink this much water, won't I constantlybe running to the bathroom?" Initially, yes, because of the hypersensitivity of thebladder to increased fluids. But after a few weeks, your bladder calms down, andyou urinate less frequently, but in larger amounts. There is a difference betweenpure water and other beverages that contain water. Water is water. Obviously youcan get it by consuming fruit juice, soft drinks, beer, coffee or tea. Unfortunately,

    while such drinks contain water, they also may contain substances that are not healthy and actually contradict some of thepositive effects of the added water. Dr. Jerzy Meduski, Los Angeles, California: "Beer contains water, but it also containsalcohol, which is a toxic substance. Beverages that contain caffeine, such as coffee, stimulate the adrenal glands; fruit

    juices contain a lot of sugar and stimulate the pancreas. Such drinks may tax the body more than cleanse it." Anotherproblem with these beverages is that you lose your taste for water. The way to interpret all of this, therefore, is that therecommended daily water intake means just that--WATER! Remember, if you wait until you are thirsty, you are alreadyslightly dehydrated!

    Mr. Honore isNASM CPT, CES , PES,Certified Personal Trainer &Apprentice Instructor in Hand toHand Combat at D.G.C.F.S.

    Inside D.G.C.F.S .When do we lose are way? 1Ronalds Fitness Corner 2Coming events 5Airsoft Products 6U.S. Army no more ground fighting 7When do we lose are way cont. 8

    Pre-Indicators 9most effective fighting arts 12Whattchu Looking At 13Welcome 14 Exposing fake instructors 15Self Defense and the Law 20Hock Seminar 32

    NOTE: Its important to drink pure, clean water. The only way to do this in today's world is to add some kind of filtrationsystem to your water before you use it. I personally use filters on both my drinking water and my shower. The water tastesbetter, doesn't smell, and the shower filter has made my skin much less dry. My hair color lasts much longer! Plus, I have theadded benefit of knowing I am doing something good for my health!

    Mr. Honore isNASM CPT, CES ,PES,Certified Personal TrainerApprentice Instructor in Hand to Hand Combat at D.G.C.F.S.

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    Coming Events

    April 17 2010 Defender & Peacemaker Seminar location D.G.C. Mr.Traylor Ranking

    May 15,16 2010 Tactical Airsoft Training . Gun Vs. Gun. Knife Vs. Gun location D.G.C. Mr.Traylor Ranking

    July 2010 Paul Green Stone wall Tactical Location D.G.C. sponsored by N.F.O.C.A.

    September 18, 19 2010 - Knife Fighting Seminar Location D.G.C. Mr.Traylor

    November 14,15 2010 R.A.T Seminar Location D.G.C. Mr.Traylor Ranking

    Mr. & Mrs. Traylor are gearing up for the 2010 seminar tour, IF you wish Mr. & Mrs.Traylor to come to yourschool for a seminar please contact them. The seminar can cover what ever you want Just pick the module, Allmodules have Instructor certification available.

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    King Arms Dragunov SVD Real Wood Version Sniper Rifle.$350.99 465.99

    Full Metal Constructed Air Cocking System Full metal constructed metal body

    Magazine capable to store 25 rounds of 6mm BB Real wood hand-guard and stock

    Flip-up rear sight with indicator Precise 590mm inner barrel

    Metal constructed outer barrel Power at about 300fps out of box

    Power can up to about 480-510fps when King Arms powered spring for SVD (KA-SPR-07) installed Total Length in 1220mm

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    Continue from page one

    Mr.TraylorOwner & Founders of D.G.C.F.


    Inside D.G.C.F.S .When do we lose are way? 1

    Ronalds Fitness Corner 2Coming events 5

    Airsoft Products 6U.S. Army no more ground fighting 7When do we lose are way cont. 8

    Pre-Indicators 9most effective fighting arts 12Whattchu Looking At 13Welcome 14 Exposing fake instructors 15Self Defense and the Law 20Hock Seminar 32

    Everyone had a GREAT time at the 2 nd annul Sabrina Pina Self Defense Seminar.

    Vanessa Tolentino Sabrinas Sister with Mr.Cordova & Mrs. Tolentino

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    Kitty Genovese and Me

    Hi! My name is Catherine Genovese but my friends call me "Kitty". I'm 28 years oldand the oldest of five children I worked at Ev's Eleventh HourSports Bar in Hollis,Queens New York. My parents movedaway when I was 19 to Connecticut but I stayed. Do you likemy dress?I had to wait alot of tables to buy it. I used to bepretty but now I'm gone. I was murdered on March 13, 1964 Iwas walking home from work a little after 3 am when thisman named Winston Moseley stabbed me. I screamed,"Ohmy God he stabbed me!" No one came to help. Thirty-eightpeople watched me die and no one ever tried to help. Oneman even turned up his radio to cover up the sound of me

    screaming. My killer actually left me alive but was so surpised that no one called thepolice or came to help that he came back 10 minutes later and finished me off. He'sin prison now but he's still alive, but I'm gone forever.Do I have your attention now? A lone individual will generally step in if someoneneeds help it's called a bystander intervention but that isn't the point of this article.This real murder case kicked off alot of research where scientists couldn't believethis could actually happen, but it did. It's called the Bystander Effect. It basicallymeans that the larger the group is that witnesses a violent event the less likely it isthat anyone will do anything to help even if the person obviously means it. Let's lookat a few more examples of this psychological phenomenon.

    On the left we have a picture ofJames Bulger not quite 2 years old.He was kidnapped on February 121993 in Meyerside,England and hisbody was found murdered andmutilated on February 14th.Witnesses say he was kicking andscreaming at the kidnappingafterwards. he was kidnapped in ashopping center in full view of the

    public and no one did anything. Bythe way the photo on the right is an actual photograph of James Bulger being ledaway after he got too tired to fight anymore. Notice all the people walking by but theyaren't even looking? The 10 year old on the right is one of this murders and thephoto is from a security camera. Did no one think his screaming for help was odd?

    There are many examples of this phenomenon. In 1972 Dr Wolfgang Friedmann,who was a law professor at columbiauniversity was shot to death in broad daylight and bled to death on the sidewalk and no one did anything. On June 23 lastyear in Wichita,KS Lashanda Calloway was stabbed to death in a convience store. Five witnesses just stepped over thebody and one even took a pic of Lashanda's body with her cellphone to show her friends. The police were livid and I don'tblame them. Lashanda was only 27 she died later that night at the hospital.


    Inside D.G.C.F.S .When do we lose are way? 1Ronalds Fitness Corner 2Coming events 5Airsoft Products 6U.S. Army no more ground fighting 7When do we lose are way cont. 8

    Pre-Indicators 9most effective fighting arts 12Whattchu Looking At 13Welcome 14 Exposing fake instructors 15Self Defense and the Law 20Hock Seminar 32

    So what in God's name is wrong with these people? The fact is it's all too common. The first lab experiments done on thisphenomenon were done in 1968 by John Darley and Bibb Latane. A participant was placed alone in a room with anintercom. They are told they can talk to the other participants in the other rooms from the intercom. They were actually

    listening to an audio recording and told their microphone would be turned off til their turn to speak. During the recording aparticpant suddenly pretends to have a siezure. The study found that how long the person waits before alerting theexperimenter directly related to the perceived number of participants and in some cases nobody said anything they justignored it.There's alot excuses used for this behavior. Basically with alot of people around people tend to assume that someoneelse will step in and individually fall prey to the same assumption. This is called this diffusion of responsibilty.Anotherexample of this is a firing squad where one of the shooters is issued blanks but no one knows which one. This allowseach one of the shooters to believe that someone else fired the fatal shot. Some electric chairs have more than oneswitch but only one of them is connected. This allows excutioners to believe they flipped a nonfunctioning switch. In aviolent attack witnessed by a group the number of people allows each person to believe somebody else should've donesomething so they don't feel any responsibility for not doing a damn thing. Some may falsely assume that someone else ismore qualified to help such as a doctor or police officer. They may fear being a little humiliated by being superseded by asuperior helper. They may possibly be afraid of doing a bad job assisting or making it worse and getting sued. Bystanderstend to monitor the reactions of people around them and if they dont' this helping is neccessary then to them maybe theydon't need to do anything.

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    This is called pluralistic ignorance. It basically means that even if someone has a dissenting opinion from a group theydon't do anything because they think the groups behavior is a unamnimous belief. Either way it's all a complete mess.So how do you combat this phenomenon? Think about it this way. If your a martial artist or combatives instructor and youhave the training and ability to help then it's your responsibility to help. We have too many paper tigers in this industryalready. Police,military,etc are all great examples of warriors in our society today. However you don't have to be eitherone to be a warrior. I bet there's something each one of us can do everyday to make a difference in our society. We canbe educators. We can train people, and by God if you see somebody getting attacked take responsibility and help them!On the other hand what if your getting attacked? Don't assume anyone is gonna help you. You can break the diffusion ofresponsibilty by assigning it to someone. Instead of yelling,"help!" Point someone out and scream for help making itpersonal. Scream their name if you know it. If I had started this article out by just saying Kitty Genovese and JamesBulger got murdered sure people would've thought it was bad but when you see the actual face and know somethingabout them it has a little more impact doesn't it? This also is the counter to pluralistic ignorance. When one person stepsin then it provides social proof that the others may be looking for before stepping in and gets the help flowing. When youscream to this person give them a task such as call the police. It's the best way to break this horrible cycle. Their havebeen studies to suggest that if your part of a group or a group of people perceive you as part of their group then they willhelp. A good example is bikers. If you fight one your probably going to have to fight them all.It's my hope that the people reading this article will take this to heart. If you see someone that needs help then help them.If your being attacked in such a violent way maybe you know a little more now about what to do. When I first read aboutthe Kitty Genovese Case I was deeply offended. That offence quickly turned to concern as I compiled data for this article.The fact that a group of people could just watch someone die was mindnumbing. But it probably happens on a daily basiswhich is sickening. I never knew Kitty Genovese i wasn't born until 1973, but I'll never forget that case or that of JamesBulger. I'll never just stand there and watch someone get violated and neither should you, because after reading this

    article and having the knowledge you should know......................................YOUR RESPONSIBLE

    Sources for this articale included The Bystander Effect on Wikipedia Police:Shoppers stepped over the victim By Roxanne Hegeman Associated Press as well as my own personal research

    Paul GreenIs a Professor of Combative Arts with the American Budo Society as well as the International Technical Director, Alabama State HeavyweightChampion in Sport Jiu-Jitsu in 1999 I hold a 5 th dan in Jujutsua 5 th dan in Ninjutsua 4 th dan in Karate and a 3 rd dan in Judo/Yudo respectivelyalso a certified instructor in The Defender Personal Defense Weapon System A certified instructor in the SABER(Strategic Anit-Blade EngagementResponse) Method An Advanced Instructor in Knife/Counter Knife Combatives under W Hock Hocheim

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    In 1959 Bruce Lee came to America, at that time his original art was Wing-Chun. Overthe next few years of working with much larger and stronger Americans, Bruce Leediscovered the limitations of Wing-Chun.In 1964 at the Long Beach Internationals iswhere Bruce Lee first met Dan Inosanto. Inosanto at that time was a world class athleterunning the 100 yard dash in 9.4 seconds. Over the next 9 years Bruce and Dantogether created what is now known as Jeet Kune Do. They dissected and synthesizedevery art and philosophy salient to street fighting. In 1973 Bruce Lee passed away, andthe mantle of Jeet Kune Do was officially passed to Dan Inosanto. In 1974 Mr. Inosantoopened the doors to the Filipino Kali Academy. His intention was and still is to continueto cultivate and refine the original process by which he and Bruce started.3 years laterin 1977 is when I personally joined the Kali Academy. From that very first day, I vividlyremember Inosanto pounding in our heads, what he said was the most importantprinciple in JKD. "Constant Growth and Progression". Indeed the very words on hiscertificate echo this principle of continual growth and progression.

    "Change is necessary so the practitioner can adapt to the ever changing times and situations. "

    The reason JKD was and is so affective lies in the simple fact that it is cutting edge. Forexample, during the mid 70's everyone used to kick above the waist only. The folks thatwere at the top of the heap in this world were PKA(Professional Karate Association).The raging paradigm at the time was, one would irreparably damage the knees if legkicks were applied. We disagreed vehemently with that conclusion. Very few peopleknew anything about Thai boxing in those days. And this happened to be one of thelast arts that Bruce and Dan were exploring before Bruce's death. Wanting to continuethis exploration we invited Chai Siruste "World Champion Thai Boxer" to the KaliAcademy. We all fell in love with Thai Boxing. The effectiveness of Thai boxing becameso evident from that day on, that we made it a staple in the JKD curriculum. Throughout

    the rest of the 70's and into the early 80's while most of America was fighting out a lowstance, and throwing face kicks. We were slamming our opponents front leg with the

    infamous Thai round kick, then clinching their necks and throwing elbows and knees Thai style. This curriculum served uswell, right up until 1983 when we first met the Gracies.My first experience with Rorion and Royce Gracie left mespeechless, angry, and enamored. So I decided to train Jiu-Jitsu full time and became quite fanatical. A few years laterInosanto and Larry Hartsell both caught the bug. Not long after Dan Inosanto became Rigan Machado's oldest BlackBelt.By 1985 we made Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu an official part of our JKD curriculum. If one were a fly on the wall at the FilipinoKali Academy around these very years they would see during full contact sparring,-jabs, crosses, kicks, Thai clinching,elbows, knees, takedowns, arm locks, triangles and chokes. In other words it would look like what MMA looks like today.The conclusions that we discovered in JKD are the identical conclusions that the MMA world discovered. 95% of the

    actual techniques needed in one on one empty hand battles lye within two arts, Thai boxing and Brazilian jiu-jitsu. I usemix martial arts as an example, because the greatest fighters in the world have culminated to what is now known asmixed martial arts. The top of the heap in this game is the UFC. The UFC has sponsored just over "100" fight nights.There have been roughly 700 fights, of those there have been 432 victories.(268 went to a decision) 218 were fromknockouts, of either punches, kicks, elbows or knees. Mostly Thai style. And mostly from the Thai clinch. We clearly haveto give the majority of the standup techniques to the Thai's. There have also been 214 victories on the ground due tosubmissions. This means arm locks, leg locks, triangles, and chokes, these moves all belong to Brazilian jiu-jitsu(no oneeven know of any of these moves till Royce Gracie came along).

    Sifu Paul Vunak World renowned Navy Seal Training & Reality Based Combatives Instructor and also my


    Inside D.G.C.F.S .When do we lose are way? 1Ronalds Fitness Corner 2Coming events 5Airsoft Products 6U.S. Army no more ground fighting 7When do we lose are way cont. 8Pre-Indicators 9most effective fighting arts 12Whattchu Looking At 13Welcome 14 Exposing fake instructors 15

    Self Defense and the Law 20Hock Seminar 32

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    Additional Arts in contemporary JKD,

    Once one has the foundation of Thai Boxing and Brazilian Jiu-JItsu. It always helps to spice up your game by throwing inother styles. Say Greco Roman for the Clinch, Wing-Chun to improve forward pressure, or perhaps Savate for some Cro-Cop like kicks. In 1989 we decided to investigate shooto fighting, Inosanto brought in Sensei Yuri Nakamuri, and muchlike the Thai boxing everyone fell in love with shoot fighting. In 1993 Eric Paulson (In my opinion Dan's all time beststudent) won the Light Heavyweight Shoot Fighting Championship of the world and solidified shoot fighting contribution incontemporary JKD.Where does original JKD fit in ?When we say original JKD we are referring to the combined curriculums of the Seattle, Oakland and LA Chinatown schools prior to Bruce Lee's death. We strongly believe that the original curriculum should be preserved and immortalized.In order to assure this for the past 25 years we have made it mandatory for all Phase 1 students to know the entire curriculum of original JKD. When I hear people asking which is better ? Comparing original jkd to contemporary jkd(which is commonly called JKD concepts) I have to smile and scratch my head. You see, original JKD is contained within contemporary JKD. It would be like asking which is better, a Jab or Boxing ? Since a Jab is contained within boxing, the question is moot. Another reason against comparing the two has to do with fairness to Bruce Lee. In order to even be competitive now adays, there are some simple pre-requisites one absolutely must have...

    A clinch Game(Either the neck or the body)Takedown defense,

    A Ground game.

    The reason that none of these elements are in original JKD. Is because they didn't even exist prior to the first UFC which was 20 years

    after Bruce Lee's death.

    Taking JKD to the next level of violence.

    Once one has gone through the rigors of getting their thai boxing and brazilian jiu-jitsu as good as possible, then the onlylogical conclusion in order to progress is to cheat. The elements that serve us best in this cause are the weapons, stick

    and knife, and kina mutai. The Filipino Art of Un-Interruppted Biting and Eye Gouging. Regarding the weapons first, 76 %of altercations envolve weapons of some sort. We have gleaned these statistics from various FBI, DEA and policedepartments. In other words when a fight begins, the first visceral response someone has is to reach around them andgrab something. This something can be a tire iron, a crow bar, a pocket knife a mag lite, a broken bottle, a pool cue etc...etc..This means one could be a UFC champion, and go celebrating that night with the belt that they just won and perhapsconfront some knuckle head, drunk, who pulls out a knife. Well there are absolutely, positively certain edged weaponsprinciples that one must know or die. And the possibility of this world champion being a statistic is greater than one wouldthink.So as the JKD person is concerned with survival first, they augment their empty hands with Filipino Weaponry. In theworld of combat as Bruce taught us that no one style, system or ethnicity has it all. And just as the Brazilians are expertson the ground, and the French are experts with their high kicks, it is the Filipinos that are cutting edge with all weapons.Therefore I highly recommend that you find a Kali or escrima school for this part of your game.

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    Kina Mutai - the Filipino Art of Biting and Eye Gouging.

    The Main difference between a kinamutai bite and just a plain bite has to do with how, when and where they attack. When a kina

    mutai practitioner bites you, it is with an uninterrupted bite. Since he knows the exact places on the body to bite, and with precise

    timing. He grabs you with his incredible grip strength, rips into your flesh like a pit bull( using mainly one's k-nines) and the single

    most important thing is that you are in some sort of bear hug while this is happening. Every single bite or eye gouge performed by a

    kina mutai specialist is augmented with their right hand gripping their left wrist, or their left hand gripping their right wrist(in a bear

    hug type of fashion). The actual motion of the bite is a repeated circular ripping of the flesh ,when applied over a period of time the

    damage inflicted is unimaginable. A contemporary JKD man escalates their level of violence to this degree only for two possible

    reasons.One is to protect their to family.(perhaps carjacking, home invasion, or child abductions etc)

    For a military operation.

    In conclusion, please understand that my intention upon writing this article, "Contemporary JKD", is not to add yet anothername for all of us to "fuss" over, I am however real big on respect. I believe out of respect to Bruce Lee and his directoriginal students, his original curriculum should be preserved and immortalized. I also believe that the people that haveput forth 3 decades of sweat and blood, in order to keep Bruce's Art cutting edge also deserve respect, as we are allbranches of the same tree.

    If I had to describe contemporary JKD in a couple of words, You've heard of Dirty Boxing ? My couple of words are ...Filthy MMA.About the Author:Mr Vunak would like everyone to know about his program Adapt 4 Life, "teaching martial artsto physically challenged children". For more information go to

    Paul Vunak

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    Outsmart and Outshoot

    Deliberate fire. Snap-shooting. Rapid-fire. In my Vietnam-era basic training in FortPolk, LA nearing 40 years ago, my M16 class started with a Drill Sgt. listing thesethree combat firing techniques- a trio of categories that has existed in world-wide,military doctrine for decades. The differences between them carry abject lessonsoverlooked by modern day law enforcement and civilian, survival shooting courses.Deliberate Fire : Defined as shooting right at detected enemies. The generalaccepted rate of fire is about 5 rounds per minute. Precise. Aimed. Calculated, withminimum or no return-fire stress. Think sniper, or sniper-like situations.Snap-shooting: The shooter must speed up his actions and firing rate. Lessprecise. Less aimed. The weapon is snapped up near the face in hopes of using thesights. Less calculating. Return-fire stress has increased here. Think about thatsniper's position being discovered and advanced upon.Rapid-Fire: A much faster pace. Little precision, aiming and calculation. Way morereturn-fire stress. The rate of fire is increased to compensate for the inability to makedeliberate or even snap shots. The weapon may be fired from the hip or on themove. Think about our sniper almost surrounded, or think about you inthecommon gun fight. Developing rapid-fire skills should be a primary concern becausemost gunfights burn in this third category of high, combat stress, a hot zone whereRudyard Kipling's idyllic hero who can keep his head when all about him arelosing theirs, is regretfully, not found in the majority of us. It would almost befoolish to use one of these methods in the wrong circumstances. Imagine the sniper

    shooting from the hip at a tango 500 yards away? Or, in a close quarter firefight, ashooter scoping in on a charging man 6 feet away. Despite these obvious facts,shooting courses today spend too much time in the deliberate fire mode, and rarelyexperiment in the snap-shooting mode. Even then, they experiment with levels ofvery abstract stress such as short-timed sessions, tricky target games, etc. I recallone Federal officer complain that the hardest part of his agency's shootingqualification was counting bullets in his multiple magazines, so that he was loadedup for the differing sections of the shooting course. Sound familiar?

    If Paper Targets and Shoot Rooms Shot Back

    How would we would be better prepared to battle free-thinking, chaotic, fleet-footedenemies? With simulated ammo training. For over two years now I have traveled the

    world teaching simulated ammo scenarios. I have used everything form rubber bandguns, through battery-powered and gas guns, to the painful real-deal sims. All have

    taught valuable lessons and it often flips a traditional shooter's world completely upside down. You discover that you haveto be mobile, hence in shape. Being able to sprint just 10 fast yards is more important than some new spring gizmo onyour pistol. You have to learn to be tricky and improvise and have a savvy for the running gun fight, akin to a veteranlinebacker in his third Super Bowl. You attain this by living through several gunfights, or through reality-based, simulatedammo, training scenarios. In the above photo in a chase drill, Hock was chased, then suddenly turned and fired on JeffLaun as Jeff dodges and shoots on the run. The dreaded slur to a soldier or a cop is that they have not amassed 20 yearsof experience, but instead, have one year of experience 20 times. How many shooters have that one boring year, 20times at the shooting range? Learn to outsmart and outshoot moving, thinking, erratic, tricky humans, who are shootingback at you in realistic situations with sims training.20-year range man? I'll take a one-year range, 19-year sims guy as mypartner anytime. Simulated ammo will revolutionize shooting training!

    By: Hock Hochheim A pioneer in Reality Based combatives

    field and Military and L.E.O. trainer also my Instructor.

    Inside D.G.C.F.S .When do we lose are way? 1Ronalds Fitness Corner 2Coming events 5Airsoft Products 6U.S. Army no more ground fighting 7When do we lose are way cont. 8

    Pre-Indicators 9most effective fighting arts 12Whattchu Looking At 13Welcome 14 Exposing fake instructors 15

    Self Defense and the Law 20Hock Seminar 32

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    Mr. & Mrs. Traylor would like to welcomeRawl, Tffiny,

    Mr. & Mrs. Traylor would like to wish a HAPPY BIRTH DAY

    Jerry Espinor, Jason P. Dominguez

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    Exposing fake Israeli self-defense instructors..PT2

    March 7, 2010- Princeton, NJ- I came New Jersey on Friday to meet up withDavind Kahn and Nir Maman. David was hosting training at his school conducted byNir this week and I decided to fly in to train and get to know these professionals. Itrained with Nir today and learned the difference between real and fake claims,credentials and fighting systems. It was a real eye-opener for me because I haveunfortunately trained with some instructors who have made false claims and hadegos the size of large cities. Was the trip worth it? Yes. I can tell you that I trainedwith Mike Kanarek for almost two years in-person and I feel like I got more out of mythirteen hours today with Nir. Moni Aikik's "combat judo" program was a joke.Everybody knows by now that CKM doesn't even resemble Krav Maga and thatMoni lied a for many years about CKM's origin, history and successes. Nir teachesIDF Krav Maga and it is the only hand to hand system taught to any of the IsraeliDefense Forces. Despite the ridiculous claims of Haganah and CKM stating thatthey teach their systems to the IDF the fact remains that Krav Maga is the only truthfor Israelis who depend on their hands to save their lives on a daily basis. Nir is awalking encyclopedia for counter-terror tactics, krav maga and weapon systemsoperation. He is humble, well spoken and the kind of instructor who who is anoperator. He teaches from a highly advanced skill set and evolved curriculum. Hecan run a huge class or interact on a one on one basis with students. He reallycares about his craft and his students even he he has just met them.I watched himdeliver, and I participated in an intense seminar at David Kahn's School in NewJersey for 6 hours without many breaks. The training was non-stop and went frombasic to a very advanced level in in a matter of hours. My new friend and trainingpartner was one of the original student/instructors who went to Israel to study withImi in the 80's. In the end, I watched Nir continue to conduct training based uponeveryone's unique questions. A few guys wanted to try him out and he handledeach and every one with speed that I have never witnessed, while teaching and in avery caring way. He did not punish anyone. He delivered no cheap-shots reminiscent of Mike Kanarek. He stayed for another 30 minutes takingpictures and shaking hands. (he didn't have a photo-booth set up to charge forpictures- like at the Haganah conference.) The cost of the seminar was $150.

    David wouldn't let me pay a thing and I noticed that he let many people in for free. Iwas in awe. We went to dinner and a couple of the guys from NYPD wanted someadvanced training. David opened the school back up for the three of us plus himand Nir. We set up barricades and rooms in the gym. Nir ran us through a great

    CQB and then active shooter course for the next four and a half hours- off of the top of his head, answering everyquestion and scenario. He said that it was like he was back in the Army again, teach, break, teach..12 hours a day. Thecost for this very advanced training that lasted until 11PM? Nothing. This was real, authentic training given by a trueprofessional and all things aside, a war hero with many conflicts under his belt. He does everything with a smile. Hegives his student hugs because he gives a damn. So you walk onto David Kahn's Israeli Krav Maga school wonderingwho he is. Many people have never heard of him. He has two published and well written books on Krav Maga and apending video series. His walls are lined with published articles from Men's Health, Self, New Yorker, Giant, Penthouseand about 30 other publications. He has authentic training pictures with him and Nir training with hundreds of police ormilitary units. They give a ton of training the the US Marines here in the US and in Japan. There are hundreds of letters

    of appreciation hanging on the wall. He has hundreds of very nice and friendly students who really like him. He is quiet,friendly, well spoken and he teaches with a smile. Don't let that fool you because he is also a warrior. He is smooth andmethodical, also giving examples off of the top of his head in the hall, mat or anywhere else people ask. He has been toIsrael to train under Grand Master Haim Gidon 24 times. He went to Princeton and played football, he studied law inMiami and got his JD. His brother Abel runs his school. His instructors admire and respect him. I have received hundredsof calls and e-mails from people who want to know how to get in on training and instructor certification with the IKMA,David Kahn, Nir Maman or to a much lesser degree, me. I can tell you that it is accessible, affordable and available in theUnited States and Canada. There is always the option of going to Israel. Someone asked if they will get a black belt inthe 3 week training in Israel this summer. Give me a break- no. If you pass the course will you be able to teach in theUnited States? Yes. Can you become a master in the art of Krav Maga in weeks or a weekend? No. Can you learnsomething that will transfer to your students immediately? Yes.

    / Robb Hamic

    is an IAFEFI member since 2003,former Sheriffs Deputy, Detectiveand Desert Storm U.S. Army Veteran.He is a Certified Law EnforcementTrainer (CLET) and is a state andnationally accredited firearmsinstructor for handgun, shotgun, rifle,patrol rifle and tactics. Also my Instructor Inside D.G.C.F.S .When do we lose are way? 1Ronalds Fitness Corner 2Coming events 5Airsoft Products 6U.S. Army no more ground fighting 7When do we lose are way cont. 8

    Pre-Indicators 9most effective fighting arts 12Whattchu Looking At 13Welcome 14 Exposing fake instructors 15Self Defense and the Law 20Hock Seminar 32


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