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Page 1: Diamond

There was a rich man who had many children, when he was about to die he shared his wealth to his children. One of his sons saw a need to relocate to another country for better financial prospect, so he sold every of his possession and turnd it into a DIAMOND to avoid travelling with cash. He'd just sell it & turn it into cash to re-establish himself....what WISDOM....he decided to travel on boat which was the safest at that time. As they were sailing on the high seas, this rich young man leaned over the rail of the ship with this Diamond in his hand admiring the beauty of this piece as sunlight hit it from every angle, he would throw it from time to time into the air and watch it fall sparkling and glittering in the sunlight then he'll stretch his hand and catch it. As he was doing this an old wise man approached him and this ensued

Old man: What do you have in your hand?Rich Boy: A DiamondOld man: Is it of any value?Rich boy: It has great value - look at it, see the size of it, the beauty of it, its almost priceless. All I have in this world I have put into this gem, I'm going to a new country, I will sell it and make gain off it.Old man: But dont you think you are taking a great risk in tossing it carelessly in the air?Rich boy: Oh no, I have been doing this for the past hour now, and I haven't missed it onceOld man: Why dont you stop, the boat might give a sudden jerk and you might cast it too far outRich boy: Oh no, there is no danger, watch me.

Again he tossed it in the air and watched it dazzle in to his hand, again he casts it in the air but it is a little farther this time, he reaches as far as he can over the rail but it is too far out, its beyond the utmost reach of his fingertips, it falls into the occean. There is a little timeless splash and that priceless GEM sinks to the bottom of the sea, the frightened rich boy grasps the rail of the ship, leans over and strives to penetrate the depths of the occean and cries '' lost, lost, my all is lost forever''

You may represent the rich boy and I the Old man.......What is that DIAMOND in your life you are tossing up and down? Is it of any value to you? is it worth anything?

There is a priceless gem in your hand right now, it is worth more than any diamond that human eye can ever gaze upon, it is worth more than the whole is your soul (for what shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul - Matthew 16:26). And you are tossing it up and down day after day in Godless living. Just like the Diamond fell from the rich boy's grasps without any sign, a day is coming wen your soul will leave your flesh without a is only you that can determine where it will go ......Eternal life or eternal condemnation. Choose wisely and remember that there is only one way to Eternal life....JESUS

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