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The Rise of DictatorsMussolini, Stalin, and Hitler

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What helped them rise?Treaty that ended WWI Economic depression that followed WWI

These created “anti-democratic” sentiments in these countries which empowered these leaders.

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Benito Mussolini•Former schoolmaster and journalist•Fought in WWI•Founded Italy’s Fascist Party

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What characterized Fascism?Fascism is a kind of

aggressive nationalismEmphasized “nation” over

the idea of the “individual.”Argued that individualism

created a weak government

Believed a nation becomes great by expanding territory and military

Anti-communistItalians were tired of

strikes and riots

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How did he appeal to the people?Europeans feared

Communists were trying to bring down their government.

Fascism stood for the protection of private property and middle class jobs, social security

Stressed national honor and pride (prestige)

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Joseph Stalin•Vladimir Lenin set up the power base that helped Stalin take control.•Communist Party created a one-party rule, suppressed individual liberties, punished people who spoke out.•Lenin died and Stalin became dictator.

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How did he appeal to the people?He industrialized the

country.Ruled by FEARKilled 8-10 million

peasants who attempted to revolt.

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Adolph HitlerAnti-communist and

admired MussoliniFought in WWIJoined the National

Socialist German Workers’ Party (NAZI)

Nationalistic and anti-communistic

Attempted to take over Munich and seize Berlin, failed, imprisoned.While in jail wrote, Mein


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How did he appeal to the people?Germans were

desperate for economic improvement.

Pushed for expansion into Poland. (more land)

Claimed Germans (blond, blue eyes) were the master race.

Blamed problems on the Jewish people

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How did he gain power?He supported the

election of Nazi party candidates to the German parliament, or Reichstag.

The German president appointed Hitler to prime minister.

Hitler held elections and Nazis gave him dictatorial powers.

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Military control in Japan…Too many imports and

too few exports=low economic growth and unemployment in Japan

Japanese military leaders blamed “corrupt politicians”

Military leaders invade Manchuria, China for resources without government permission.

Military leaders assassinated the Japanese Prime Minister.

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American IsolationismWhy did most Americans not want to get involved in another

war in Europe?1. European debtor nations weren’t paying back the debt from

American loans for WWI.2. The Nye Committee documented the huge profits that

arms factories. This made it appear they encouraged the war.

This led to this act:1. Neutrality Act of 1935 —Made it illegal for Americans to

sell arms to any foreign country at war.2. Neutrality Act of 1937 –continued ban, but also required

warring countries to buy nonmilitary supplies by “cash and carry” only.

Purpose? Prevent attacks on neutral American trade ships

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Axis Powers:Anti-Com-intern

PactRequired Germany

and Japan to exchange information about Communist groups.


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Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Position?He supported

internationalism, not isolationism.

Internationalism– the idea that trade between countries creates prosperity

He sold arms to China to defend itself.

Neither China nor Japan had formally declared war on each other.

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