  • 8/11/2019 DIGIMIC Mini - Architectural and Engineering Specifications-E(1.01)


    DIGIMIC miniDigital microphone management system, wired, for small applications

    Architectural and Engineering Specifications I English

  • 8/11/2019 DIGIMIC Mini - Architectural and Engineering Specifications-E(1.01)


    About this document


    If an invitation to tender or bid is to be prepared for a Brhler DIGIMIC minimicrophone management system it is necessary to have a comprehensive

    description of functions and detailed specifications covering all system components!"he follo#ing specifications are intended for this purpose and may be copied andused for tenders!

    Target Group

    "hese specifications are intended for contractors advisers architects engineerspartner companies and other people involved in pro$ect conception specificationand implementation!


    Brhler ICS AG Germany o#ns the copyright on this data but permits its use for thepurpose of preparing invitations to tender specifications and proposals including theaccompanying documentation in support of sales and pro$ect management activities!%ou may reproduce the data in #hole or in part!

    Document Format

    "his document is available in Microsoft&'ord format (!doc) and as a *D+!

    Connection Standards

    DisplayPortis a universal connecting standard developed by the ,ideo ElectronicsStandards Association (,ESA)!

    miniC!is a pin-type connector made by .eutri/!

    C"# system cable isa proprietary specification developed by Brhler featuringDisplay*ort connectors!

  • 8/11/2019 DIGIMIC Mini - Architectural and Engineering Specifications-E(1.01)


    Table of Contents

    Table of Contents$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%


    ($) *er*iew$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'

    ($( System Structure$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'

    ($+ General Components *er*iew D&G&"&C mini$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    ($% General System Functions$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$-

    ($. System peration$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$-

    +$) Conference "odes$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$-

    +$( "anual "ode$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$-

    +$+ Automatic "ode$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$/

    +$% "icrophone 0oice Control 102 "ode3$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$/

    %$) Control Console DCen mini$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$/

    .$) Special Features and Functions$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$#

    .$( Desktop "icrophone 4nits$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$()

    .$+ Desktop Chairperson 4nit 1CChair3$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$()

    .$% Desktop Chairperson 4nit 1CChair CS03$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$((

    .$. Desktop Delegate 4nit 1C"ic3$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$((

    .$' Desktop Delegate 4nit 1C"ic CS03$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$(+

    '$) "icrophones$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$(%

    '$( "icrophone with 56ternal 7ind Protection 1T"'/83$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$(%

    '$+ "icrophone with &ntegrated 7ind Protection 1T"D)(, T"D)(9+S3$$$(.

    $) Accessories$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$(.

    $( D&G&"&C Additional Power Supply 4nit 1D56t3$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$(.

    -$) Transport "aterial$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$(

    -$($( Transport Tray 1+(6C"ic3$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$(

    -$($+ Transport Tray DCen mini$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$(

    -$($% Transport Tray 1T"'/8 or T"D)(3$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$(

    -$($. Transport Case 1:;9)3$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$(

  • 8/11/2019 DIGIMIC Mini - Architectural and Engineering Specifications-E(1.01)


    /$) *er*iew of D&G&"&C mini Components$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$(-

    #$) ;lock Diagrams$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$(/

    #$( ;lock Diagram of System with C"ic "icrophones$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$(/

    #$+ ;lock Diagram of System with C"ic CS0 "icrophones$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$(/#$% ;lock diagram of System using D"ic "icrophones and PC$$$$$$$$$$$$$$(#

    #$. ;lock Diagram of System with PC and S7 Plug9&n for 0oting$$$$$$$$$$$(#

    ()$) System 5nhancements$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$+)

    ()$( Software and Conference "anagement$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$+)

    (($) *erall *er*iew of D&G&"&C Product

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    "he DIGIMIC mini microphone management system is intended for small andmedium-si0ed rounds of tal/s! Development #as focused on user friendliness and1uic/ and simple system set-up (plug and play)! Its interfaces provide connectivity to

    e2ternal systems e!g! a public address system a clip-on microphone etc! It isnaturally possible to connect a recording system #ith freely selectable recordingformats ('A, M*3 or others) and corresponding storage media!

    ($) *er*iew

    "he microphone management system must comply #ith international standardIEC45678!

    It is basically operated as a wired system$

    "he microphones for #ireless operation are the delegate and chairperson units CMicCMic CS, CChair CChair CS, and DMic via connection adapter!

    "he system must allo# an optimised and problem-free adaptation to variousre1uirements!

    "he system must

    - have a line input for e2ternal signal sources e!g! from the mi2ing console or#ireless presentation microphone

    - have a line output for connection to a public address system

    - have various microphone operating modes

    - be operable as a stand-alone system (#ithout a *C)

    - have a 9A. connection (control update)

    - as an optional e2tra be controllable via *C and application soft#are!

    ($( System Structure

    "he microphone management system is designed as a single-cable (daisy-chain)system #ith automatic self-configuration and linear cable topology!

    All functions and operational controls contained in the system must be controllable via/ey combinations (,:; +9:A" BA9 ,:9)!

    "he various conference units such as the various delegate units must be easy tointegrate!

    "he system is to use a single system cable to connect all conference units (shielded

    specially t#isted Brhler system cable) #ith stable loc/able connectors!

  • 8/11/2019 DIGIMIC Mini - Architectural and Engineering Specifications-E(1.01)


    ($+ General Components *er*iew D&G&"&C mini


    7ired Combined with >pro? microphone units

    DCen mini

    CChair DChair

    CChair CS, DChair

    CMic DMic

    CMic CS, DMic

    Microphone Microphone

    DE2t DE2t

    Special applications@

    CChair-"M CChair-"M


  • 8/11/2019 DIGIMIC Mini - Architectural and Engineering Specifications-E(1.01)


    ($% General System Functions

    "he microphone management system including all its features must provide thefollo#ing functions=

    All audio signals must be entirely digital

    Central control of all connected microphone units providing various operatingmodes #ithin the connected system

    :perating modes must be directly controllable #ithout interruption of the audio


    Allocation of chairperson priority (M

  • 8/11/2019 DIGIMIC Mini - Architectural and Engineering Specifications-E(1.01)


    +$+ Automatic "ode

    "he #ired DIGIMIC is to provide the follo#ing different automatic modes=


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    - Allocation of the (delegate) mute function by the chairperson via the chairpersonunit

    - A 9A. connection must be available for a *C to provide remote controlfunctionality ("C*>I*)!

    "he display 9EDs at the front in the respective /eys sho# the operating status!

    "he follo#ing connectionsmust be provided=

    - A CMic connection for up to ?@ delegate units (Display*ort)

    - Audio input for an e2ternal signal e!g! from the mi2ing console #ireless hand orclip-on microphone (cinch)

    - 7 ;9 :- BA9>- ,:; +9:A")

    - Silent operation

    - E2ternal po#er supply (DC 8 ,)

    - *rotection against short-circuiting and overloading at the CMic output

    - ousing= plastic silver

    - Si0e= ?55 2 4@ 2 ?55 mm

    - 'eight= ca! ? /g

    - "ake@ Compact Control Console Brhler ICS AG or e1uivalent

    - Type@ DCen mini

    .$) Special Features and Functions


    "o provide the delegate microphone unit (loudspea/er or headset) #ith additionalaudio sources apart from the microphone signal the audio signal of the microphonemanagement system must be separately allocatable enabling it to be mi2ed #ithother audio signals via a mi2ing console and subse1uently fed bac/ into the system!

  • 8/11/2019 DIGIMIC Mini - Architectural and Engineering Specifications-E(1.01)


    .$( Desktop "icrophone 4nits

    "he #ired system must be operable #ith the follo#ing microphone units=

    - Chairperson unit (CChair CChair CS,)=

    Microphone unit for a chairperson including microphone and priority or Fmute allfunction! "#o integrated loudspea/ers for local acoustic support

    - Delegate units (CMic CMic CS,)=

    Microphone unit for a delegate including microphone function! "#o integratedloudspea/ers for local acoustic support

    - Microphone can be simply attached ta/en off and fi2ed in position

    - All microphones have a lo# sensitivity to interference from mobile phones 'i-+iand>or Bluetooth communication devices!

    - "he integrated loudspea/ers of the microphone unit must be automatically mutedas soon as the corresponding microphone is activated!

    - "he CS, delegate unit variants must permit voting procedures to be conducted

    using a *C or laptop and the soft#are plug-in for *o#er*oint!"he microphone units are to be available as=

    - Mobile des/top units

    .$+ Desktop Chairperson 4nit 1CChair3

    "he chairperson unit is to be a compact des/top unit e1uipped #ith the re1uiredconference functions! It must have a big microphone /ey #ith bac/ground 9EDillumination a microphone connector and t#o integrated loudspea/ers for localacoustic support! "o allo# intervention in the conference proceedings thechairperson unit must have an illuminated Fmute all /ey for permanent or temporary

    muting of the delegate units!"he microphone unit must be s#itchable into permanent *I: mode if so re1uired!

    Technical Specifications


    - ?!@ m connecting cable #ith Display*ort connector for connection to previous unitor control console (*E,I:- roc/er

    - *o#er supply via system bus cable

  • 8/11/2019 DIGIMIC Mini - Architectural and Engineering Specifications-E(1.01)


    - Si0e= 736 2 7>88 2 787 mm

    - 'eight= 345 g

    - "ake@ Brhler ICS AG

    - Type@ CChair

    .$% Desktop Chairperson 4nit 1CChair CS03

    "he chairperson unit is to be a compact des/top unit e1uipped #ith the re1uiredconference functions! It must have a big microphone /ey #ith bac/ground 9EDillumination a microphone connector and t#o integrated loudspea/ers for localacoustic support! "o allo# intervention in the conference proceedings thechairperson unit must have an illuminated Fmute all /ey for permanent or temporarymuting of the delegate units! In addition it must have an :9ED display #hich sho#sthe channel selection or voting function!

    "he microphone unit must be s#itchable into permanent *I: mode if so re1uired!

    Technical Specifications


    - ?!@ m connecting cable #ith Display*ort connector for connection to previous unitor control console (*E,I:- roc/er

    - Display sho#ing the speech channels or voting information

    - Display features automatic brightness control depending on ambient light

    - @ /eys for channel selection or voting functions

    - *o#er supply via system bus cable

    - Si0e= 736 2 7>88 2 787 mm

    - 'eight= 345 g

    - "ake@ Brhler ICS AG

    - Type@ CChair CS,

    .$. Desktop Delegate 4nit 1C"ic3

    "he delegate unit is to be a compact des/top unit e1uipped #ith the re1uiredconference functions! It must have a big microphone /ey #ith bac/ground 9EDillumination a microphone connector and t#o integrated loudspea/ers for local

  • 8/11/2019 DIGIMIC Mini - Architectural and Engineering Specifications-E(1.01)


    acoustic support to delegates! "he unit must also feature a headphone $ac/ includingvolume control!

    Technical Specifications


    - ?!@ m connecting cable #ith Display*ort connector for connection to previous unitor control console (*E,I:- roc/er

    - *o#er supply via system bus cable

    - Si0e= 736 2 7>88 2 787 mm

    - 'eight= 345 g

    - "ake@ Brhler ICS AG

    - Type@ CMic

    .$' Desktop Delegate 4nit 1C"ic CS03

    "he delegate unit is to be a compact des/top unit e1uipped #ith the re1uired

    conference functions! It must have a big microphone /ey #ith bac/ground 9EDillumination a microphone connector and t#o integrated loudspea/ers for localacoustic support to delegates! "he unit must also feature a headphone $ac/ includingvolume control! In addition it must have an :9ED display #hich sho#s the channelselection or voting function!

    Technical Specifications


    - ?!@ m connecting cable #ith Display*ort connector for connection to previous unitor control console (*E,I:

  • 8/11/2019 DIGIMIC Mini - Architectural and Engineering Specifications-E(1.01)


    - ,olume control via >- roc/er

    - Display sho#ing the speech channels or voting information

    - Display features automatic brightness control depending on ambient light

    - @ /eys for channel selection or voting functions

    - *o#er supply via system bus cable

    - Si0e= 736 2 7>88 2 787 mm

    - 'eight= 345 g

    - "ake@ Brhler ICS AG

    - Type@ CMic CS,

    System cable

    - Shielded specially t#isted Brhler CA"@ cable (D6)!

    Customised cables in lengths of @ m 75 m ?5 m and 35 m are to be availableinsufficient supply to ensure full functionality of the system!

    '$) "icrophones

    "he microphones on the microphone units must be electret and have a status all-round indicator a rigid microphone goosenec/ and a high-1uality connector (.eutri/miniC:.) in the design colours matt blac/ or silver! "he microphones are to beloc/able and easily detachable!

    All microphones have a lo# sensitivity to interference from mobile phones 'i-+iand>or Bluetooth communication devices!

    Microphones in various lengths and #ith up to ? goosenec/s must be available to suitthe respective conference situation!

    '$( "icrophone with 56ternal 7ind Protection 1T"'/83

    Technical Data

    "he microphone must comply #ith international standard IEC678!

    - "ransducer principle= electret condenser

    - *ic/-up characteristic== cardioid

    - Audio transmission range= 35 0 to 7555 0

    - Sensitivity (free field no load 7 /0)= -83 dB (5dB J 7 ,>*a)

    - Impedance= 7 /:hm

    - Ma2! S*9= 7?5 dB

    - Signal interval= K4 dB (A #eighted 7 /0)

    - :perating voltage= @ ,DC (7!@ to 6 ,)

    - All-round indicator= colour red

    - ated current= ?5 mA (@5 mA ma2!)

    - *lug= .eutri/ miniC:.

    - Dimensions= overall length 345 mm

  • 8/11/2019 DIGIMIC Mini - Architectural and Engineering Specifications-E(1.01)


    - ead diameter= 7L!@ mm

    - 'eight= 5 g

    '$+ "icrophone with &ntegrated 7ind Protection 1T"D)(, T"D)(9+S3

    Technical Data

    "he microphone must comply #ith international standard IEC678!

    - "ransducer principle= electret condenser

    - *ic/-up characteristic== cardioid

    - Audio transmission range= 65 0 to 7555 0

    - Sensitivity (free field no load 7 /0)= -83 dB (5dB J 7 ,>*a)

    - Impedance= 7 /:hm

    - Ma2! S*9= 7?5 dB

    - Signal interval= K4 dB (A #eighted 7 /0)

    - :perating voltage= @ ,DC (7!@ to 6 ,)

    - All-round indicator= colour red

    - ated current= ?5 mA (@5 mA ma2!)

    - *lug= .eutri/ miniC:.

    - Dimensions= overall length 345 mm

    - ead diameter= 74!5 mm

    - 'eight= 5 g

    $) Accessories

    ,arious accessories must be available to e2pand the basic system! An additional

    po#er supply is used to e2pand the system to more than ?@ delegate units! "ransporttrays and cases are to be made available depending on the systems deployment!

    $( D&G&"&C Additional Power Supply 4nit 1D56t3

    "he additional po#er supply DE2t enables the DIGIMIC system to be e2panded! "hecontrol console DCen mini operates ?@ delegate units as a basic setup! "headditional po#er supply must enable ?@ additional delegate units to be connected inthe chain! Attention must be paid to ensuring that the various delegate units N e!g!CMic CS, and DMic N are not mi2ed #ithin one and the same cable strand!

    In addition to providing additional performance the digital data signals and the po#ermust be processed!

    "he connection cable from the control console to the first unit is not to e2ceed 755metres in length!

    Technical Data


    - *E,I:

  • 8/11/2019 DIGIMIC Mini - Architectural and Engineering Specifications-E(1.01)



    - Green 9ED= voltage display 8 ,

    - *o#er supply unit= 65 to ?85 ,AC @5 to 45 0

    - *o#er dra#= 7?5 ' ma2!

    - ousing= aluminium Fsilver anodised

    - Si0e= 755 2 83 2 ?33 mm (' 2 2 D)

    - 'eight= 7!5 /g

    - "ake@ Brhler ICS AG

    - Type@ DE2t

  • 8/11/2019 DIGIMIC Mini - Architectural and Engineering Specifications-E(1.01)


    -$) Transport "aterial

    +or use in multifunctional conference rooms storage units for safe/eeping thedelegate units and microphones must be provided! In this respect the follo#ingpossibilities must be available="he delegate units are stored for safe/eeping in transport trays and transport cases!

    -$($( Transport Tray 1+(6C"ic3

    +oam inserts must be available for the delegate units CMic and CMic CS, to preventthem suffering needless damage! "he inserts are to be usable either alone or inconnection #ith the transport case OB-5! "he foam insert can store ?5 delegate unitsand must also provide enough space for the corresponding microphones!

    Colour= blac/

    Si0e= @?8 2 3?4 2 ??@ mm (9 2 ' 2 )

    Type@ "ray ?72CMic

    -$($+ Transport Tray DCen mini

    +oam insert for control console DCen mini po#er supply and connecting cable!

    -$($% Transport Tray 1T"'/8 or T"D)(3

    +oam insert for 75 microphones "MD>57 or "M@>4 in combination #ith the insert forCMic units!


    -$($. Transport Case 1:;9)3

    "ransport case for transport trays for DIGIMIC units e!g! transport tray ?72CMic #ithside handle aluminium loc/able!

    Si0e= 455 2 855 2 8?5 mm (9 2 ' 2 )'eight= appro2! 4 /g

    Type@ OB-5

  • 8/11/2019 DIGIMIC Mini - Architectural and Engineering Specifications-E(1.01)


    /$) *er*iew of D&G&"&C mini Components

    C"ic and C"ic CS0


    DCen mini Control consoleCChair or CChair CS, Chairperson unit

    CMic or CMic CS, Delegate unit

    DE2t Additional po#er supply

    Microphone "M@ or "MD57

    DMic #ith adapter cable Delegate unit from Fpro series

    System e6pansion software

    DMicControl Control soft#are

    DIGI,:"E Basic interactive DIGI,:"E plug-in module for*o#er*oint

  • 8/11/2019 DIGIMIC Mini - Architectural and Engineering Specifications-E(1.01)


    #$) ;lock Diagrams

    #$( ;lock Diagram of System with C"ic "icrophones

    Microphone management system using standard microphones

    #$+ ;lock Diagram of System with C"ic CS0 "icrophones

    Microphone management system using microphones #ith integrated channel selector

  • 8/11/2019 DIGIMIC Mini - Architectural and Engineering Specifications-E(1.01)


    #$% ;lock diagram of System using D"ic "icrophones and PC

    Microphone management system integrated in 9A. #ith *C control

    #$. ;lock Diagram of System with PC and S7 Plug9&n for 0oting

    Microphone management system integrated in 9A. #ith *C control and using thevoting module for *o#er*oint (?575)!

  • 8/11/2019 DIGIMIC Mini - Architectural and Engineering Specifications-E(1.01)


    ()$) System 5nhancements

    In respect of the functionality of its hard#are and soft#are the system must be opento enhancements at any time! It shall permit overall safety and stability improvements!Maintenance>monitoring of the system must be user-friendly and should largely alsobe possible during ongoing conference proceedings!

    ()$( Software and Conference "anagement

    "he soft#are shall steer the conference system and must be enhanceable andcustomisable in terms of its functionality and user interface design! "he graphical userinterface (geographical layout) is to be simply and 1uic/ly configurable to meetcustomer re1uirements!

  • 8/11/2019 DIGIMIC Mini - Architectural and Engineering Specifications-E(1.01)


    (($) *erall *er*iew of D&G&"&C Product

  • 8/11/2019 DIGIMIC Mini - Architectural and Engineering Specifications-E(1.01)



  • 8/11/2019 DIGIMIC Mini - Architectural and Engineering Specifications-E(1.01)



  • 8/11/2019 DIGIMIC Mini - Architectural and Engineering Specifications-E(1.01)


    Additional *o#er Supply DE2t for system e2pansion

    (.$) For additional specifications, please refer to

    DIGIMIC pro

    DIGIMIC classic

    DIGIMIC #ireless

    CDS,A. N "he Conference Management Solution

    I.+AC:M N Sound Distribution in the Infrared ange

  • 8/11/2019 DIGIMIC Mini - Architectural and Engineering Specifications-E(1.01)


    +or additional information please visit=###!braehler!com

    P ?57? Brhler ICS Oonferen0techni/ AG

    "he data contained herein is sub$ect to change #ithout notice!May ?573


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