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Digital GraphicsJake Sellers

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File Formats

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Raster GraphicsRaster Graphics use bitmaps made up of megapixles, which are made in a set

grid meaning the resolution often gets worse if it is stretched larger or smaller.

Examples of raster graphics are JPEGs, TIFF files and PSDs, which are often large sized files.

1 megapixle is 1,000,000 pixles, so the lower the megapixle the lower the quality the image.

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Vector Graphics

Vector Graphics are made up of vectors/paths which have a start point, and an end point which are free flowing and are not fixed to a graph. This means the image can be scaled easier without it losing quality. They are good for creating things such as logo’s due to the fact they can be made bigger without the image distorting. Examples of vector graphics are AI and 3DS.

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JPEGStands For Joint photographic experts group

Used For A JPEG can be used for uploading images to the internet to websites such as facebook or blogging sites.

Advantage The fact that the file is flexible and can be opened by many different software's such as PowerPoint or word, and can also be used on devises such as phones or tablets, means that more or less anybody can use or view a JPEG and it can be easily downloaded due to the fact you need no specialist software to use it.

Disadvantage A JPEG loses quality ever time it is opened, meaning that the more a person views it, the worse the quality of the JPEG gets. This means that after a while, the file will become low quality, and cannot be restored to its original quality.

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TIFFStands For Tagged image file format

Used For TIFF can be used to publish files on to a desktop, so that a file can be saved straight on to a desktop of a computer or machine.

Advantage TIFF documents that have more then one page can be saved as a single file document. Doesn’t loose quality due to compression.“Most TIFF file formats are uncompressed and designed to be independent of any particular hardware or software. These characteristics mean that you can resize TIFF images, increasing the number of dots per inch (DPI) without any loss of quality”.

Disadvantage A TIFF file can take up to 100 megabytes or more of storage space so more then one TIFF images can take up hard disk space quickly, even small files are too big to send by email and some applications. Most web browsers cannot open TIFF files, if you have a browser that can it takes a long time to download or open.

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PSDStands For Photoshop Document

Used For PSD can be used to manipulate images and stretch them to different sizes.

Advantage In photoshop the file can be made up of many different layers which can be individually edited at any point in time. This means that if you make a mistake and only notice it later on, you can go back to it and change it without disturbing any of the other layers. This means you can edit the layers accordingly to the other layers, E.G. if one layer covers text, you can adjust the layers. Another advantage of PSD is that yo can change the opacity of an image, meaning you can fade layers, or make other layers more bold. This means you can have an image which is slightly see through meaning you can put text behind the image so the you can still see the text even when it is behind an image.

Disadvantage Due to the fact a PSD file is made up of many layers, it means that the file can get very large, and take up a lot of space because of the fact each layer is part of a file its self. It is also only usable in Photoshop, meaning that not everybody can view a PSD, and that if you need to send somebody a PSD, you will have to change the file type accordingly so that the other person can view the file and open it.

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AIStands For Adobe illustrator art

Used For AI is used to create logos for companies/businesses, it is also used to represent a company.

Advantage The advantage of AI is that you can use the same image and scale it bigger or smaller with no loss in definition, which means that if someone changes there mind on how big or small they would like the Image you wont have to re-start it all over again.

Disadvantage A disadvantage of AI is the time and talent needed to create it, this means that if you don’t have the time or talent to produce something with AI any mistakes that are small once you enlarge it they will become visible.Another disadvantage of AI is that drawings containing trapping information can only be scaled up to 20 percent larger or smaller.

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3DSStands For 3D studio

Used For This is used to make 3D models of objects, meaning you can see an image from any angle. It can also be used to create animations of rendering on a 3D model.A 3DS can also be used to create a moving image in 3D, which can be used for things such as gaming.

Advantage A 3DS is a very powerful file, meaning that you can create great detail on the 3D model.A 3DS is also very flexible meaning it can be used by most softwares so that most people can access them, so long as they have at least on form of 3D modelling generator.

Disadvantage 3DS’ are in many cases hard to use, meaning it can take a long time to get used to them, and a very long time to learn everything about them. They are also an incredibly large file to save.

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Digital Graphics Images

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Shape Task

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What did you like about your image?I like how the colours are all blocked which gives off a cartoon like impression. I also think the black and white works well, because it is simple but stands out.What would you improve if you did it again?I would add a background such as some bamboo, or maybe add a small bit of shading on its face.

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What did you like about your image?One thing I like about my image is the fact that the eye’s are even, and look like they are looking the same way. This was the main thing I wanted to do with this image due to me not being able to get this effect on any of my other images, therefore I like this. What would you improve if you did it again?I would make his jacket blend in to his face, because when I tried this it seemed very complicated and did not look correct, but I feel if I tried it again I may be able to make it work.

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Text Based

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What did you like about your image?I liked how certain words in his face stand out such as at the bottom where it says “insufficient funds”What would you improve if you did it again?I would make the face stand out a bit more by lowering the opacity of the background, and by making the other side of his face so it looks complete.

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Logo Creation

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What did you like about your image?I like how the “P” blends in to the circle, and makes it look like a part of the circle. I also like how the trim flows together.What would you improve if you did it again?I would make the background bolder, and the circles less faded.

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T-Shirt Designs

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Mood board of designs you like


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Mood board of chosen idea

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2400 by 3200 pixles


My shirt is going to have skull on it, but the skull will be made up out of roses to give the impression the roses are inside the border of the skull. I will only use a a low amount of colour (around 4 or 5) to make the colours stand out more.It will have 4 roses in it and they will all be different colours.

Export Format


Advantages; It can save transparency and allows you to alter opacity

Disadvantages; A PNG is a very large file and can take a lot of storage to save.

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Wednesday 2nd October

Wed. Mon. Tues.

Create the outline of the skull and find an image of the roses I will trace to rotoscope.

Start rotoscoping the first two flowers and add shading to them.

Finish off the first two flowers and do the third and fourth flowers.Add the eyes and tear drop in to the skull.



My target audience will be mid teens. I have chosen this because it is not a childish design, but would not appeal to older people

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Peer Evaluation

What are the strengths of the final image?The colours in this design really work well with the skull, and blend in well with the red background

of the T-shirt, as well as white T shirts. The design itself is clear and quite unique in a sense, as the roses create a nice flair in the image that looks great on the shirt. The image used in the clipping mask is well chosen and blends well with the skull as the basis. The purple on the top right creates a great looking contrast of colours with the red in the skull and on the background.

What could be developed if the image was repeated? • The lower colours in the skull (yellow and green) seem to stand out a little too much on the red

background, and don’t contrast well with the top left corner ( a deep red) Also, the eyes in the sockets look a bit out of place and hard to see with a red shirt.

• It would also work if the image itself was bigger to take up more of the shirt as it is just slightly too small.

• From this I’d say to perhaps choose a few shades of red as opposed to the yellow and green, and resize the image to be bigger on the shirt itself.

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Peer Evaluation

What are the strengths of the final image?The darker colours blend in to the background really well. The design itself is rather edgy and simple, but this works as a strength as if more detail was to be put into it, I think it would ruin the design all together. The roses that are outlined on the skull make the shirt really unique and different.

What could be developed if the image was repeated? If the image was repeated, I think the colour scheme of the skull could be developed. The darker, more low toned colours work fine, especially with the rouge background but I think the green and yellow don’t work quite as well. The stand out a little to much.

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Peer Evaluation

What are the strengths of the final image?• The choice of colours is what makes this image, the detail put into this is fantastic

I think it really makes the detail really blend in with the colours. Simply because the colours and the detail links together, it causes the image to go with anything. The T-shirt colours all link up with the image, so the buyer will probably be spoilt for choice. Even though its just a skull, you feel as if it represents something but you don’t know what, I see this as an individual piece of work. Finally, I also like how you have chosen two dark colours for the top and two lighter ones for the bottom.

• What could be developed if the image was repeated? • If the image was repeated, I would change the size of the skull and make it a bit

bigger, this will look even better because you will be able to see the image a lot clearer. You should of also taken the clolours used in the picture off as well (yellow, green, purple and red) because when you click on one of the colours, it doesn’t look very good.

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T-Shirt Evaluation

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Does your final product reflect your original intentions?

I feel my final product does reflect my original idea. I think this because it uses the same ideas such as the skull, as well as the flower. It has also linked in to my first idea of rotoscoping which is used for the hole image.

I think this shows that the image is based on the original because my first idea used the same flowers as I used for the image, but when I made the image I used different colours on the roses.

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Is your product suitable for your audience?

I think that it does suit my target audience, but I think it could now also appeal to younger teens as well. I originally thought it would be for late teens, but now that it is finished, I feel the colours and the simplicity make it appeal to all tens instead of just late teens. Because the image does not link in to any specific thing ( such as a TV programme or a band ) it means anybody can be attracted to it because there is nothing to understand about it so I think the target audience now has a larger basis.

Another reason I feel it also applies to younger teens now is that it does not have anything explicit in it, such as violence, which I think makes it more suitable for younger teenagers.

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What do you like/dislike about the techniques you have used?

• Reference specific tools you used with imagesI like how the rotoscoping makes the image look 3D due to the shading on it.

This is because the use of block colours would not usually give off a 3D impression, but I like how the black contrasts the brighter colours and makes them stand out, but also gives off the impression there are different tones on the single colour due to the fact it is only black and then a block colour.

I think this is effective because it looks 3D without having to use a lot of different shades of the colours, but instead it is simply shaded with black.

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What do you like/dislike about how your final product looks?

I like how the flowers flow in to the shape of the skull, and how the four roses stand out from one another. I like this because it means that there does not have to be a solid block to bring out the image of the skull, but instead the flowers are cut so it makes the skull completely out of the flowers.

I also like how the top two colours almost blend together, but still stand out from each other. I think this is effective because it makes your eyes flow along the shirt but also allows you to pick out each individual flower. I think this is good because it means you do not have to fixate and look closely at each part to work it out.

One thing I dislike about it is how bright the yellow is and how it stands out a bit to much against the dark red. This also applies to the green.

I feel this makes the image a bit to bright and catches the eye a bit to heavily, and draws your eye to that specific part, unlike the top two flowers which flow together.

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Why did you include the content you used?

I used this content because it is simple and unspecific. By this I mean it does not have a specific link to it such as a band or television programme. I feel this makes it suitable to a larger audience due to the fact that no knowledge is need to like this shirt.

I used block colours and black to give the block colours an impression of shading which also gave off a 3D perspective.

I think both of these things make the shirt simple which is what I was aiming for, and I did not want to many colours which would mean the colours that were on it make it stand out.

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What style have you employed in your products?

My image was based on an image I saw where it was a skull with roses coming our of its eyes, but I thought the idea could have been adapted, so I made the actual skull out of the roses instead of having roses on top of the layer with the skull on it.

As for visual styles, I chose a gothic, cross new school type of style. I chose this because it is a very popular style in tattooing, which will make it appeal to more people. I also chose this style because of personal choice, and because it is a style which I personally like and feel there may like it as well.

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What were the strengths and weaknesses of the pre-production and planning

• How did the planning and research help• Reference specific examplesI feel that the pre-production was on the whole okay. I feel that it has helped me to space my

time out evenly and made it so I knew what I was doing on each day which helped with my time management. An example of this is on Monday and Tuesday I followed the plan by doing the first parts of both of them in the mornings, and the second parts in the afternoon.

One weakness of the pre-production plan was that it did not have specific times on it, so when I thought I may have the whole of Tuesday and Wednesday morning, I forgot I only had half of them.

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Analyse each of your final print products commenting on the strengths, weaknesses and aspects you would

do differently if you were to repeat the project One thing I like about my image is how the red and purple

work well on any coloured t-shirt. I think this will mean more people will buy it due to it looking suitable on any colour instead of just a couple of different colours.

One thing I dislike is how the yellow and the green contrast the red and purple a bit too heavily meaning the yellow and green stand out to much when placed next to the red and purple. I would therefore change the yellow and green to darker versions of the colours.

Another thing I like about the image is that the black makes the image look a lot more 3D, but also makes it look like like the block colours have shading on them.

One final thing I dislike about the image is that the petals on the green do not look as smooth as the red, purple or yellow, therefore I would re-style the petals on the yellow.

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Peer Feedback

• Summarise peer feedback and discuss– I agree that the top two colours work particularly well on a deep red shirt. This popped

up a couple of times and I agree that it looks good.– I disagree that the image would look better if there were multiple skulls on the image. I

disagree with this because I made a phone case where I duplicated the image and I did not particularly like it.

– One thing which popped up numerous times was that the bottom colours stood out far too much and I strongly agree with this which is why if I did it again, I would definitely make the bottom two colour darker so they did not stand out as much, and so they didn’t catch the viewers eye more then the top two colours.

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