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• Digital Revolution

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Digital Revolution

1 Digital Revolution

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Digital Revolution

1 Analogous to the Agricultural Revolution and Industrial Revolution,

the Digital Revolution marked the beginning of the Information Age.

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Digital Revolution - The trends of technological revolutions

1 Then the Industrial Revolution lead to industrial cities in the 19th century

such as Manchester, Newcastle Upon Tyne and New York City. The

Industrial Revolution and Digital Revolution are now taking place

concurrently in China and India as people leave the rural areas for

industrial and high tech cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Bombay.

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Digital Revolution - Brief history

1 The digital revolution converted technology that previously was analog into a digital


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Digital Revolution - The 2000s

1 The digital revolution became truly global in this time as well - after

revolutionizing society in the developed world in the 1990s, the

digital revolution spread to the masses in the developing world in

the 2000s.

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Digital Revolution - Technological basis

1 3G phones, whose social penetration grew exponentially in the 2000s, also played a very large role in the digital

revolution as they simultaneously provide ubiquitous entertainment,

communications, and online connectivity.

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Digital Revolution - Socio-economic impact

1 The digital revolution radically changed the way individuals and companies interact

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Digital Revolution - Information sharing and privacy

1 Privacy in general became a concern during the digital


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Digital Revolution - Copyright and trademark issues

1 Copyright and trademark issues also found new life in the digital

revolution. The widespread ability of consumers to produce and distribute

exact reproductions of protected works dramatically changed the intellectual property landscape, especially in the music, film, and

television industries.

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Digital Revolution - Copyright and trademark issues

1 The digital revolution, especially regarding privacy, copyright,

censorship and information sharing, remains a controversial topic. As the

digital revolution progresses it remains unclear to what extent

society has been impacted and will be altered in the future.

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Digital Revolution - Concerns

1 The digital revolution made it possible to store and track facts,

articles, statistics, as well as minutia hitherto unfeasible.

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Online media - The digital revolution

1 The change has been so rapid and so widespread that it has launched an

economic transition from an industrial economy to an information-

based economy, creating a new period in human history known as the Information Age or the digital


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Trading room - The digital revolution

1 The digital revolution, which started in the late 1980s, was the catalyst

that helped meet these expectations

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