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  • 7/31/2019 Dinner Theatre


    Moulin Rouge: a diner theatreExecutive Summary

    Moulin Rouge will be a restaurant and exciting Dinner Show located in Delhi that celebrates the eraof cultural refinement, social elegance, and general prosperity in the last decades of the 19thand first decade of the 20th centuries. The exuberance of the "Gay 90s" era will be rekindled aswe model our restaurant on the establishments of the Montmartre district of Paris such as thefamous Moulin de la Galette.

    The decor will be similar to that of the restaurant/dance hall/theatres of 1890s, and feature artworkof the Impressionists such as Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Mary Cassat,and Berthe Morisot. Hosting and serving staff will dress in period costume.

    Our menu is a varied, international, tasteful extravaganza. Each page is highly illustrated withartists' drawings of the regional cuisine, a tiny map of the world showing the region andindigenous ingredients. The majority of the menu is the cuisine of France, and America, thoughwe will offer specialties from Japan, Korea, Phillipines, Italy, Germany, France, Mexico, Spain,Belgium and Middle East. A few pages are devoted to White House and Camp David stylingswhere Chef Joachim served the First Family. We will offer a 10 item wine card "By the GlassDaily Selection", wines by the bottle, and a special cellar collection.

    Moulin Rouge is the first in what hopefully will become a chain of similarly themed restaurants. Itoffers a new and exciting concept that is already being done in other successful era's such as,"Capitan Hook" and "Medieval Times" . Theseconcepts are expanding with cash driven proofs of winning financial operation. Originallylaughed at and stereotyped as ridiculous for a dining concept, these outlets are reaching newpotential and breaking previously set sales figures. Medieval Times started as a single locationand opened its eighth restaurant and show in March, 2004. We aim to attract customers fromthe same market niche, but with a Impressionist/Moulin Rouge theme.

    1.1 Mission

    Moulin Rouge offers an impressive, blockbuster revue of international food, fare and drink centeredaround the high culture and exuberant night life of the Montmartre district of 19th centuryParis. Our combination is wonderful food and Impressionist history. This revue also includes ourshows, acts, skits, original music and entertainment for the customer - whom we live to impressand make happy.

    In each and every facet of all that we do - the focus remains on the customer. Likewise, ouremployees never work "for us" - rather they work "with us" - and as such - they are ourcustomers also. We are all serving each other in some capacity.

    Our focus includes community service, involvement and family. We will always be deeply involvedwith the community and people of Moulin Rouge. Moulin Rouge is also an excellent place towork, a professional environment that is challenging, rewarding, creative, and respectful of ideasand individuals. Moulin Rouge ultimately provides excellent value to its customers and fairreward to its owners and employees.
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    1.2 Keys to Success

    1. Production of a high quality menu and superior ingredient sourcing.2. Training of a crack workforce, with paper lists that detail daily actions, and managerial

    follow-up that ensures winning goals are completed. Food production books, recipes,

    management routine, records and returns will be detailed.3. Practice by dinner show participants and actors will produce a fantastic show. Continuedexcellence in performance will come in diversity of workforce training and a, "QualificationCard," system - similar to the system successfully used by the U.S. Navy.

    4. Distribution of some profits to the workforce will breed cyclical results that exceed first fiveyear goals.

    5. Unusual interior design and outdoor landscaping.6. Excellence in fulfilling the promise - reliable, trustworthy expertise in operation, leadership

    and management of the show and restaurants.7. Developing visibility to generate new business leads.8. Leveraging from a single pool of expertise into multiple revenue generation

    opportunities: bar, restaurant, catering, show, and events.


    Moulin Rouge offers a first-of-its-kind in the area entertainment and dining concept with excellent,tasty food. The interaction with live human actors from 1890s Paris is fascinating. The conceptis not content to just deliver the service of good food and friendliness though. It offerscolorful, haute culture actors by day, and an entertaining, optional Moulin de la Galetteevening dinner show that will amaze and delight. Our table side service is extremely fun andunique. The wine bottle selection and daily, "by the glass," wine card will be in addition to ourselection of beer on tap and fully stocked bar. The catering will also entertain and

    thrill customers (i.e. bringing the show to their event).

    Market Analysis Summary

    Our main target market is quite simply the well known vacationing family or vacationing friends,lovers and fun-seekers. A smaller sub-section of locals will visit us as well.

    The local resident population of Delhi is 13782976 people 75.5% are families with two or more children 17.6% are single 2.6% are senior citizens 78.3% are between the ages of 28 and 54 37.9% earn more than rs2,00,000 per year Spending per day varies between rs267 to rs4500

    Market Segmentation

    We use this topic to explain the Market Analysis table and chart, below. Our analysis is based on alist of potential customer groups, each of which is a market segment. The family segment looking for fun on during the weekend.

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    The local residents looking to see something new or to take guests in town out to a great,proud place. Local residents are increasing with condominium ownership and increasedbuilding.

    Long distance drivers coming in especially to experience our dinner show. This lastgeographic segment will normally travel one driving day or up to 300 miles for a short

    weekend stay.

    Competitive Edge

    Our competitive edge will be to cut wide open the competition with our amazing and exciting actors.We will be different from all others because of our creativity, presentation, marketing,advertising and delivery. We will stand out with sustainable value, something that we canmaintain and develop over time - the transition from real life into fantasy escape. Thecompetitive edge, that puts us ahead of most competitors is the opportunity to live and interact

    in history or another world. Stepping into our world will reveal discussion with people of thetime and physically doing things with them - while enjoying a great meal and a show.

    The ultimate edge is that we allow people to be in our show and to walk a few hours or days inhistory's shoes. This is the opportunity for customers to gain instant fame on stage with thecrowds cheering and clapping. That is a competitive edge, with benefit, that all humans dreamof. But, beyond that, we also will offer the opportunity to live and work in our historic world fora reasonable price.

    Marketing Strategy

    Marketing will be our life blood of crowd draws and excitement. Our Marketing Strategy has beenexplained a bit already. Our Sales Strategy is the easiest of our plans.

    Our Marketing Strategy first and foremost is born out of three governing functions:1. An indignant refusal to adopt typical high cost advertising schemes in print, television or

    internet campaigns. Throwing tens of thousands of dollars at billboards or magazines is acrutch for those less creative. The impact we can have with other creative means will beimpressive.

    2. "Beyond belief," word-of-mouth and first person character advertising. Guaranteed toaffect image, awareness and propensity to buy. A meeting with one of our six historicalImpressionist painters or with one of our Paris Opera or Ballet Prima Donna's will not beforgotten.

    3. Ingenious strategic placement and appearance into market at the right time andstunning venue with our actors and, "Boulevardiers." One of the easiest ones is the strollingthe promenade and boulevard by our high society Madames et Monsieur, handingout leaflets. Other events will include partnering with various wine and spirit distributors forspecial promotions.

    Sales Strategy

    Sales in our business is customer service. It is repeat business. One doesn't just sell a glass or bottleof wine and boost the check price, one develops a proposal that works for the client, thatconvinces him or her to crave the wine. Direct-in house sales classes will be held to teach staff how to "get in with the smile," "enjoy laughter with customers" and then go for the boost in the

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    check price by selling that dessert, beer or wine. We can also make money with our extensiveselections of tea, coffee, cheese and cigars.

    With our innovative, drama sales platforms wallets will fly out of pants pockets and purses. Ourindependent tests and studies show that what sells most is human interaction and excitement.

    Paying attention to people, listening and talking with them, admiring their face and clothes - thisadoration - this sales truth of genuine, heartfelt, over-the-top achievement - this iswhat makes dynamic drama sales happen. Our goal is extraordinary attention to revealextraordinary sales.

    We must always be aware of the big-company feeder phenomenon of the split between sellingthe restaurant and failure to fulfill the sale with entertainment and luscious food, which leads toclient dissatisfaction. The human sale should be developed and scoped, sold, and fulfilled by thesame people. If you see, run over to meet and greet Impressionist painter Edgar Degas and hisretinue of Paris Ballet dancers on the mall as you are shopping, then you expect to see him thatnight at the restaurant. Our customers should never buy into a sale from one partner and have

    it delivered by anybody other than that same partner. The promise shall be fulfilled.

    Sales Forecast

    Lunch Hour Sales are figured on starting in April of 2005 with 27 available days of weather x 190seatings (based @ 200 seats avail total over a three hour period with 1.0 turnovers - 10:30 AM to1:30 PM) at rs700.00 average check take. In May this rises to 220 covers or a 1.1 ratio. For themonths of June, July and August this escalates to full capacity of the 200 seats and twoturnovers, with a cap of 385 out of 400 in four hours and 27 days of good weather. The DirectCost of Sales in this category is 38% of Sales Forecast.

    Dinner Sales are figured on starting in April of 2005 with 27 available days of weather x 110 seatings(based @ 200 seats avail total over a four hour period with 1.0 turnovers - 6:00 PM to 10:00PM) at rs1200.00 average check take. In May this rises to 140 covers. For the months of June,July and August this escalates to full capacity of the 200 seats and two turnovers, with a cap of 385 out of 400 in four hours and 27 days of good weather. The Direct Cost of Sales in thiscategory is 36% of Sales Forecast.

    Dinner Show Sales are figured on starting in April of 2005 with 27 available days of weather x 101seatings (based @ 340 seats avail total over a three hour period with 1.0 turnovers - 7:00 PM to10:00 PM) at rs700.00 fixed ticket price. In May this rises to 201 covers. For the months of June,July and August this escalates to full capacity of 320 of the 340 seats and 27 days of goodweather. The Direct Cost of Sales in this category is 25% of Sales Forecast.


    Be in the Show Sales are figured on 10 participants per night at rs1700.00 with 27 days of goodweather. The Direct Cost of Sales in this category is 25% of Sales Forecast.

    Catering Sales are not desired to be our strong suit or a strong sales platform. But, we do expect todo at least two events in the summer including the Festivals. The Direct Cost of Sales in thiscategory is 55% of Sales Forecast.

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    High Tea with a Lady, Wives of the Impressionist Painters Sales will be brisk at 30 people perafternoon for 27 days of good weather each month. Prix Fixe will be rs900.00 per person from2:00 PM to 4:00 PM each day. The Direct Cost of Sales in this category is 38% of Sales Forecast.

    Sales Forecast

    Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

    Unit Sales

    Lunch Sales 78,975 86,873 95,560

    High Tea Sales 9,720 10,692 11,761

    Dinner Sales 66,335 72,969 80,265

    Dinner Show Sales 68,074 74,881 82,370

    Bar Sales 28,350 31,185 34,304

    Be In the Show Sales 3,240 3,564 3,920Catering Sales 4 4 5

    Total Unit Sales 254,698 280,168 308,185

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