Page 1: Diocese of Salt Lake City 2016 PASTORAL CONGRESS Exploring ... · Reflections on the “Joy of Love” (Amoris Laetitia) Fr. Wayne A. Cavalier, OP, Ph. D Guadalupe Chapel The Wonder


Diocese of Salt Lake City


“Exploring Forgiveness”

Page 2: Diocese of Salt Lake City 2016 PASTORAL CONGRESS Exploring ... · Reflections on the “Joy of Love” (Amoris Laetitia) Fr. Wayne A. Cavalier, OP, Ph. D Guadalupe Chapel The Wonder


God says to you, “Do not be afraid of holiness; do not be afraid to aim high, to let yourself be loved and purified by God; do not be afraid to let yourself be guided by the Holy Spirit.” Pope Francis 2 October 2013


Page 3: Diocese of Salt Lake City 2016 PASTORAL CONGRESS Exploring ... · Reflections on the “Joy of Love” (Amoris Laetitia) Fr. Wayne A. Cavalier, OP, Ph. D Guadalupe Chapel The Wonder


Immaculate Heart

Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre


Pope Francis observes that forgiveness is the opposite of resentment.

He urges us to seek understanding and to look beyond injurious words

and hurtful actions when we deal with difficult people . This process

can lead to forgiveness. Francis points out a powerful truth: in forgiv-

ing others, we begin to gaze deeply into our own convoluted lives and

by grace, we discover how to forgive ourselves.

It is no secret that hostile words abound in today’s world. Critics are

everywhere. Facebook, blogs and Twitter posts often tout revenge as a

virtue. Name-calling has become acceptable to many. People who act

out their anger, display self-righteous resentment and engage in

character assassination are often portrayed as heroes. Their styles of

communication may even provoke violence, yet many continue to

revere them. How do we become more merciful and forgiving in this

messy cultural context?

Pope Francis reminds us that Jesus always models a peaceful, compas-

sionate response. From the cross Jesus prays; “Father, forgive them; for

they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34). Here as the innocent victim

of violence and injustice, Jesus offers a profoundly merciful message.

He reveals the “liberating experience of understanding and forgiving

ourselves,” Holy Father Francis reminds us.

We witness to God’s boundless mercy when we choose to reject

criticism and resentment in our family life. By forgiving others even

when they don’t deserve it and promoting loving communication at

work and online, we build the Kingdom of God. Jesus reassures us:

Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.

Today at Congress enrich yourself with prayer and study. Immerse

yourself in the Word. Listen with your heart and resolve anew to

forgive others. Discover this healing pathway to self-forgiveness.

Susan Cook Northway, Office of Religious Education


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September 17, 2016

Dear Friends in Christ,

Welcome to Merciful Like the Father-Exploring Forgiveness

our 2016 Pastoral Congress. Today I invite you again to

consider Pope Francis’ words on mercy and forgiveness that

have accompanied us during the Extraordinary Jubilee Year

of Mercy:

“ When we have been offended or let down, forgiveness is

possible and desirable, but no one can say it is easy.”

Our keynote speakers will offer insights on the pathway to

forgiveness. We are blessed to share their wisdom and that of

many other gifted presenters.

At Congress this year, we welcome visiting leaders and guests

from the Salt Lake Interfaith Roundtable who will join us for

dialogue on mercy and forgiveness according to the major

faith traditions. This special luncheon workshop is being

sponsored by the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of

Jerusalem and all are invited to attend .

With gratitude for the blessings God continues to bestow on

us in Utah, I remain,

Sincerely yours in the Lord,

Reverend Monsignor Colin F. Bircumshaw

Diocesan Administrator 41

Oración del Papa Francisco

Oración a la Sagrada Familia*

Jesús, María y José

en vosotros contemplamos

el esplendor del verdadero amor,

a vosotros, confiados, nos dirigimos.

Santa Familia de Nazaret,

haz también de nuestras familias

lugar de comunión y cenáculo de oración,

auténticas escuelas del Evangelio

y pequeñas Iglesias domésticas.

Santa Familia de Nazaret,

que nunca más haya en las familias episodios

de violencia, de cerrazón y división;

que quien haya sido herido o escandalizado

sea pronto consolado y curado.

Santa Familia de Nazaret,

haga tomar conciencia a todos

del carácter sagrado e inviolable de la familia,

de su belleza en el proyecto de Dios.

Jesús, María y José,

escuchad, acoged nuestra súplica.


Page 5: Diocese of Salt Lake City 2016 PASTORAL CONGRESS Exploring ... · Reflections on the “Joy of Love” (Amoris Laetitia) Fr. Wayne A. Cavalier, OP, Ph. D Guadalupe Chapel The Wonder



Jesus, Mary and Joseph,

in you we contemplate

the splendor of true love;

to you we turn with trust.

Holy Family of Nazareth,

grant that our families too

may be places of communion and prayer,

authentic schools of the Gospel

and small domestic churches.

Holy Family of Nazareth,

may families never again experience

violence, rejection and division;

may all who have been hurt or scandalized

find ready comfort and healing.

Holy Family of Nazareth,

make us once more mindful

of the sacredness and inviolability of the family,

and its beauty in God’s plan.

Jesus, Mary and Joseph,

Graciously hear our prayer. AMEN


17 de septiembre de 2016

Estimados Amigos en Cristo,

Bienvenidos al nuestro Congreso Pastoral 2016 Misericor-

dioso como El Padre, Profundizando el Perdón. Actualmente

les invito de nuevo a que consideren las palabras del Papa

Francisco sobre la misericordia y el perdón, que nos han

acompañado durante el Año Extraordinario Jubilar de la


"Cuando se nos ha ofendido o defraudado, el perdón es posible

y deseable, pero nadie puede decir que es fácil".

Nuestros oradores principales ofrecerán ideas sobre el ca-

mino al perdón. Tenemos la suerte de compartir su sabidu-

ría y la de muchos otros presentadores talentosos.

En el Congreso este año, damos la bienvenida a los líderes e

invitados de la Mesa redonda Interreligiosa de Salt Lake que

nos acompañarán para el diálogo sobre la misericordia y el

perdón de acuerdo a las tradiciones principales de fe. Este

taller especial con almuerzo está patrocinado por la Orden

Ecuestre del Santo Sepulcro de Jerusalén y todos están invi-

tados a asistir.

Con gratitud por las bendiciones que Dios nos concede conti-

nuamente en el Estado de Utah, quedo,

Sinceramente en el Señor,

Rev. Monseñor Colin F. Bircumshaw

Administrador Diocesano

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7:30AM - 8:45 AM Registration and Breakfast

Registración y Desayuno

8:00 AM—10:00AM Preaching Workshop for


8:00 AM– 8:50 AM Exhibits Open / Abren



(St. John the Baptist Church)

10:15 AM - 11:15 AM Workshop “A”/ Taller “A”



12:30PM - 1:40 PM Special Interfaith

Luncheon Workshop

Lunch & Exhibits (Gymnasium)

Comida y Exhibiciones (Gimnasio)

To learn more about the Special Luncheon Workshop refer to page 11

En la página 11 puede encountrar más información

1:45PM - 2:45 PM Workshop “B” / Taller “B”

3:00PM - 4:00 PM Workshop “C” / Taller “C”

4:00PM - 5:00 PM Wrap-Up Party with


Dessert, Coffee, Raffle and Door Prizes /Postre, Café, Rifa y Premios


El P. Domingo continu a desenvolviendo en este taller algunos de los discursos principales acerca de la misericordia y el perdo n. Habra tiempo para intercambiar preguntas y respuestas de los participantes.

El Reverendo Domingo Rodríguez Zambrana, ST, es un orador reconocido internacionalmente quien es uno de los presentadores favoritos en el Congreso de Educacio n Religiosa en Los Á ngeles, CÁ. Su ministerio a la televisio n y radio y su predicacio n poderosa continu an evangelizando y catequizando al Pueblo de Dios.

Reverend Domingo Rodriquez

Zambrana, ST

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Gregory Werking

Spirituality and Prayer

Workshop B (C-114)

Understanding the Divine Mercy Devotion

Lay Ecclesial Minister Gregory Werking will share the basics of the powerful message of Divine Mercy. He will explain the Divine Mercy feast, image, novena, chaplet, and hour of mercy, and how to integrate them into your spiritual life. In this Ex-traordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy, come and discover God’s powerful message of Divine Mercy.

Greg Werking is a certified Lay Ecclesial Minister for the Diocese of Salt Lake city who has an ongoing interest in the Divine Mercy devotion. Greg and his wife, Teri are members of Saint Thomas More parish. Á captain for Delta Áir Lines and a member of the Board of Catholic Community Services, Greg is a Fourth Degree Knight of Columbus and a member of the Friends of the Congar Institute.



giveness is not easy. Small gestures toward others build peace

and restore harmony in a family and in the marketplace. Each of

us needs to be open to understanding others, accepting differ-

ences and working toward reconciliation. Father Keeler speaks of

the forgiveness of God that leads to humble acceptance of our

frailties and a renewed love that fosters empathy and mercy in


Reverend Roger Keeler is a priest of the Árchdiocese of

Edmonton, Álberta in Canada who has been serving in the

United States. He is the Executive Director of the Canon Law

Society of Ámerica. Fr. Keeler has extensive background as a

teacher, professor and practitioner of canon law. He is currently

Ássistant Professor at the Oblate School of Theology in San

Ántonio, Texas, and Judicial Vicar for the Áppellate Court for the

Dioceses of Texas. He has wide experience in parish ministry,

religious and liturgical education and parish and diocesan admin-

istration. Fr. Keeler is especially well-known for his pastoral style

of leadership and creativity. He has been a director of retreats,

preacher of missions, and facilitator of workshops. His academic

background includes an M.Th. in systematic theology and a Ph.D.,

J.C.D. from the University of Ottawa and

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Extendiendo el perdo n no es una pra ctica sencilla. Áctos humildes de bondad hacia otros ayudan a construir la paz y restaurar la ar-moní a en la familia y en el trabajo. Tenemos que aprender a ser abiertos y trabajar para entender a los dema s. Esto significa acep-tar nuestras diferencias y trabajar hacia la reconciliacio n cuando surgen conflictos inevitables. En este discurso, el Padre Rodrigo predica el perdo n divino que conduce a la humilde aceptacio n de nuestras debilidades y fomenta el amor, la empatí a y la compasio n hacia los dema s.

P. Domingo Rodríguez Zambrana es originario de Coamo, Puerto Rico. Hizo su profesio n religiosa como un Siervo Misionero de la Santí sima Trinidad el 8 de septiembre de 1961 y fue ordenado sacerdote el 27 de mayo 1967. Despue s de varios an os como pa rro-co, fue invitado por la USCCB para formar parte del equipo nacio-nal de facilitacio n del ya histo rico III Encuentro Hispano de Pasto-ral, celebrado en Washington, DC, en 1985. Tras el Encuentro, su Congregacio n le permitio dedicar al ministerio de "Predicador Iti-nerante" en todo el paí s y Áme rica Latina.

P. Domingo sirvio como Superior General de su orden durante ocho an os. En junio de 2011, fue elegido Vicario General de su orden reli-giosa, ha sido presentador en la Conferencia de Educacio n Religiosa de Los Á ngeles, en Ánaheim, CÁ durante ma s de 20 an os. Como es-critor, conferencista, predicador y facilitador, que ha viajado exten-samente a trave s de los Estados Unidos, Áme rica Central, Me xico y Puerto Rico.


Fr. Gustavo Vidal


Workshop A (D-102)


P. Gustavo ofrecera una visio n pra ctica sobre co mo la corres-ponsabilidad (Tiempo, Talento y Tesoro) pueden y deben ser incorporados en la vida diaria.

P. Gustavo Vidal ha sido el pastor de la Parroquia de Saint Mary en West Haven, UT desde agosto de 2010. E l nacio en Cali, Co-lombia, y fue ordenado sacerdote el 28 de junio de 1997. Ha sido asignado a diferentes parroquias de la dio cesis y en la actuali-dad, e l es uno de los presentadores de las clases del Diaconado Permanente Diocesano en espan ol

Fr Gustavo will offer practical insights as to how stewardship (Time, Talent and Treasure) can and should be incorporated into daily life.

Fr. Gustavo Vidal has been Pastor of Saint Mary Parish in West Haven, UT since Áugust 2010. He was born in Cali, Colombia and was ordained to the priesthood on June 28, 1997.. He has been assigned to different parishes in the diocese and he is one of the presenters for the current Diocesan Permanent Deacon’s Class in Spanish.

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Johan M. J. van Parys, Ph.D., a native of Belgium is director of liturgy and the sacred arts at the Basilica of Saint Mary in Minneapolis. He is the senior curator of the Basilica's Pope John XXIII art gallery and directs the archival efforts of the Ba-silica of Saint Mary. Johan teaches Pastoral Liturgy in the School of Theology of St. John’s University, Collegeville, MN. He holds an MÁ and a Ph.D. in Theology from the University of Notre Dame and has served as the Ássociate Director for Litur-gical art and Árchitecture at the Notre Dame Center for Pasto-ral Liturgy. He is the founding artistic director of EnVision-Church, an on-line resource on liturgical art and architecture of the Georgetown Center for Liturgy. Án award-winning au-thor, his publications include articles ranging from liturgy, sacraments, catechesis and art history. His books include Sym-bols that Surround Us, published by Liguori Publications in 6456 and What’s the Smoke for.And Other Burning Questions about the Liturgy, published by The Liturgical Press in 6458.

Dr. Johan van Parys


Workshops A & C (C-111)

Symbols That Surround Us

To understand Catholic worship and Catholic thinking one has to understand our Catholic symbols because Catholic symbols are integral to the life of the Church and to our individual lives as Christians. This workshop will explore the meaning of many of the symbols used by the Church. We will also discuss ways in which we can use these symbols to catechize children and




King David and the Mercy of God

Deacon Michael Bulson C-114

El Sacramento del Perdón

Victor Carmona, Ph. D Teatro Pequeño

Reflections on the “Joy of Love” (Amoris Laetitia)

Fr. Wayne A. Cavalier, OP, Ph. D Guadalupe Chapel

The Wonder of Discipleship

Robert Cowlishaw, M.A.P.S., LEM D-104

Six Tasks of Catechesis- Part One

Fr. Peter Hannah, O.P. C-109

Reach Your Teens: Guaranteed!

Aaron Del Monte C-110

Saintly Couples: Models on the Road to Sanctity

Christian and Christine Meerts C-112

Fasting So That Others May Eat - CRS

Carla Aguilar Ortiz C-113

Hispanic Lenten Traditions in Utah

Deacon Armando Solórzano Faculty Lounge

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Workshop A 10:15AM– 11:15 AM


An Interior Pilgrimage: Walking With Christ Through the Exercises of Saint Ignatius Loyola

Cathie Morgan, Ph.D C-107

Symbols That Surround Us

Johan Van Parys C-111

What Does God Want From Me? (Español)

Fr. Gustavo Vidal D-102

“What a beautiful truth of faith this is for our lives: the mercy of God! God’s love for us is so great, so deep; it is an unfailing love, one that always takes us by the hand and supports us, lifts us up, and leads us on.”


Deacon Tom Tosti


Workshop B(C-107)

Stewardship in the Domestic Church Falling In Love with Christ and His Church (Again)

People support what they love. They will do whatever it takes to ensure the safety, success and health of the people and things they care about. People who fall in love with Jesus naturally love His Church, and vice versa. If we fall in love again with His Church stewardship will take care of itself. How can we as Catholics work within the Domestic Church to lay the foundation for lifelong stewardship in our families first? Deacon Tom Tosti was ordained a deacon for the Diocese of Salt Lake City in 2004. He is a master catechist and director of RCIÁ for 28 years. He currently serves at St. Mary of the Ássumption in Park City as Director of Ádult Faith Formation. Ás part of his own personal stewardship, Deacon Tom serves as a liturgical design consultant who has helped over 40 parishes nationwide build or renovate their church buildings, moving beyond simply fund raising to in-stilling a true sense of ownership and responsibility among parish clergy and membership. In addition, he teaches semi-nars for ongoing priest formation in dioceses throughout the country.

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Salt Lake Interfaith Panel

Mercy and Forgiveness: An Interfaith Dialogue

Álan Bachman, Jewish Community

Brian Farr, Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints

Pamela Átkinson, First Presbyterian Church

Imam Muhammed Mehtar, Khadeeja Mosque

JB Singh, Sikh Temple

Geoffrey Russell , Buddhist Temple

Indra Neelameggham, Hindu

Reverend Caryl Marsh, Cathedral Church of Saint Mark

Lacee Harris, Native Ámerican

“This art of dialogue begins on the open canvas of mutual listening.

Listening is the first and ever-present step in a process that, through

God’s grace, will take us to recognize the obstacles that separate us,

heal old wounds, grow in our understanding of the other, grow in our

understanding of self, and create a sacred space in which the genuine

bonds of friendship, solidarity, respect, and peace can flourish. Building

on our relationship, we can work together to build better communities

and a better world.” Most Reverend Denis J. Madden, The Church in Relationship

with Other Faiths



Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem

Western Lieutenancy Utah Chapter


Special Luncheon Workshop

Featuring Guest Representatives from the SALT LAKE INTERFAITH ROUNDTABLE

All Congress Participants are Welcome to Attend!

12:30PM– 1:40PM

(Box Lunches will be Served. Seating May Be Limited)

Faculty Lounge– Second Floor

Is pleased to sponsor

Page 12: Diocese of Salt Lake City 2016 PASTORAL CONGRESS Exploring ... · Reflections on the “Joy of Love” (Amoris Laetitia) Fr. Wayne A. Cavalier, OP, Ph. D Guadalupe Chapel The Wonder




Fasting That Others May Eat

Carla Aguilar Ortiz —CRS C-113

Leyendo Jeremías 29 con Ojos de Inmigrante

Victor Carmona, Ph.D C-110

Six Tasks of Catechesis - Part Two

Friar Peter Hannah, O.P. C-109

Every Life Matters: The Sanctity of Life and the Death Penalty

Jean Hill, JD C-105

Breakout Session on the Keynote Guadalupe Chapel

Reverend Roger Keeler, JCD, Ph.D

Forming Catechists with Online Echoes of Faith Plus

Lee Ann Lella D-102

Marriage Preparation: A Window for Conversion

Christian and Christine Meerts C-112

Opening the Doors: Welcoming All in Christ

Carol Ruddell, LEM D-104

Stewardship Practiced At Home

Deacon Tom Tosti C-107


Deacon Armando Solorzano,


Latino Popular Religiosity

Workshops A and C ( Faculty Lounge)

Cultural Diversity: Faith, and Popular Religiosity in the

Latino Community of Utah

In this session, I aim to show the religious diversity in the United States, and to highlight the multiple contributions that Latinos have bought to the Catholic Church in Utah. Echoing the voice of Latino theologians in the U.S., I will delineate the characteristics of Latino Popular Religiosity, its biblical background, its history, and the relevance in people’s lives. I will also highlight the connection between religion and spirituality, and the principles that bring us together in One Body, One Spirit, and One Kingdom of God. My interpretative paradigm is informed by the documents of Vatican II, biblical exegeses, Latino theology, and interviews with Catholic Latinos in Utah. This presentation complements the Photo-Religious Exhibit on the Triduum that will be displayed during the Congress.

Dr. Armando Solórzano received his Bachelor Degree in Philosophy in Mexico. Át the University of Wisconsin, Madison, he gained a Master Degree in Philosophy and Á Doctoral Degree in Sociology. His areas of specialization are: racial relations, philan-thropy, religious interactions, and Latinos in the U.S.Á. For the last twenty years he has studied the contributions of Latinos in the state of Utah. In 2004, Dr. Solo rzano received the “2004 Governor’s Áward on the Humanities.” Later, In 2008, his photo-graphic exhibit INVISIBLE NO MORE: THE DIGNITY MÁRCH IN UTÁH, which addressed the issues of immigration, was recognized nationally as one of the mechanisms to bring people and commu-nities together. Dr. Solo rzano is a professor at the University of Utah and a Deacon at the Cathedral of the Madeline in Salt Lake City.

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Carol Ruddell

Disabilities Commission

Workshop B (D-104)

"Open the Doors: Welcoming all in Christ"

Pope Francis challenges us to welcome everyone or close the doors! How do we keep our Church doors open for every-one! How do we live mercy, welcoming people who are different than ourselves? Come learn what the Church teaches! Ánd dis-cuss how we can open our doors, as well as the doors of our hearts! Don't be nervous. We are all one body in Christ.

Carol Ruddell is passionate about people with disabilities fully participating in Church and community life. She is a member of the Diocesan Commission for People with Disabilities and a the National Catholic Partnership on Disability. Carol has worked at national, state and local levels to empower people with disabilities to live fully and of members of their parishes and communities. Carol is a member of St. Thomas More parish and a certified Lay Ecclesial Minister for the Diocese of Salt Lake City.

“The mercy of God is his loving concern for each one of us. He feels respon-sible; that is, he desires our wellbeing and he wants to see us happy, full of joy, and peaceful. This is the path which the merciful love of Christians must also travel. As the Father loves, so do his children. Just as he is merci-ful, so we are called to be merciful to each other.“ MV, No.9


WORKSHOP B (Continued)

1:45 - 2:45 PM


Understanding the Divine Mercy Devotions

Greg Werking, LEM C-114

Breakout Session on the Keynote (Español)

Rev. Domingo Rodríguez Zambrana, ST Teatro Pequeño

WORKSHOP C 3:00 - 4:00 PM


Will God Forgive Me? Reverend Wayne A. Cavalier, OP, Ph.D Guadalupe Chapel Reading Jeremiah 29 Through Immigrant Eyes Victor Carmona, Ph.D C-110

Reach Your Teens, Guaranteed!

Aaron Del Monte C-107

To Teach ‘Em You Gotta Reach ‘Em

Deana Froerer, LEM C-109

The Sanctity of Life and Assisted Suicide`

Jean Hill, JD C-105

How to Reach Your DDD Goal

Cece Holt and Lynn Miller D-102

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Saintly Couples: Models on the Road to Sanctity Christian and Christine Meerts C-112

Ayunar para que otros puedan comer Carla Aguilar Ortiz Teatro Pequeño

Symbols That Surround Us

Johan van Parys, Ph.D C-111

Reflections on a Vocation to the Priesthood Reverend Jorge Martínez Gomez D-104

“But God is indeed waiting for you; he asks of you only the courage to go to him. “ Pope Francis 29 June 2013


Carla Aguilar Ortiz


A and B English(C-113)

C—Español (Teatro Pequeño)

Fasting That Others May Eat

Ayunary para que otros puedan comer FASTING THAT OTHERS MAY EAT: LENT & CRS RICE BOWL

During Lent we grow more each year in solidarity with those in need, our brothers and sisters around the world as well as here in our Diocese. Our prayer, fasting and alms-giving through CRS Rice Bowl provides us with resources: CRS videos, prayer services, family calendar, posters, activities and other resources help us bring Lent alive for all ages in our parishes and schools. This ses-sion will help you plan a vibrant experience of Rice Bowl for your parish or school.

Carla Ortiz holds a Bachelor’s Degree in English/Communication Árts and a Master’s Degree in International Relations with an em-phasis on international conflict resolution from St. Mary’s Univer-sity in San Ántonio, TX. Prior to joining CRS Southwest, she worked in the fundraising/special event planning field. Carla has also served as the Director of Communications and Development for Merced Housing Texas, a faith-based affordable housing agen-cy and has worked as a reporter for several media publications. Ás Relationship Manager, Carla is responsible for educating and in-forming Catholics and people of good will on global issues via workshops, trainings, etc., and provides opportunities for active engagement of dioceses in CRS’ various programming.

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Dr. Cathie Morgan

Spirituality and Prayer

Workshop A(C-107)

The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola are a 30 week guided experience into a deeper personal relationship with Jesus Christ. For centuries the Church has encouraged the faithful to fol-low this inspired and structured approach to relationship, first re-vealed to St Ignatius in the 1500"s. Come learn more about this "interior pilgrimage" and how this treasure of the Church is being re-introduced in U. S. dioceses.

An Interior Pilgrimage: Walking with Christ through the

Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola

Dr. Cathie Morgan was educated in the Midwest with a Bache-lor’s degree from the University of Nebraska, a Master’s degree from the University of Oklahoma, and a PhD from Oklahoma State University. She completed a two-year post doctorate from the Menninger Foundation. Dr, Morgan practiced as a psychologist in Oklahoma for 40 years. She is currently a licensed clinical psycholo-gist in private practice in Utah. “I entered into spiritual direction in 1999 and the following year began my journey with the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius. Five years later, I was certified to lead the Exercises. In 2000 I took vows to become an Oblate with the Sisters of Benedict.”

Ás a member of St John the Baptist parish, she serves as a lector and Eucharistic minister and is involved in Bible study in the parish. Dr. Cathie Morgan and her husband recently moved to Utah to be with their son and daughter-in-law and three grandchildren.


“We need to learn to pray over our past history, to accept ourselves, to

learn how to live with our limitations, and even to forgive ourselves, in

order to have this same attitude toward others.” Pope Francis , Amoris

Laetitia, No. 107, 2016.

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Deacon Michael Bulson, JD


Workshop A (C-114)

Deacon Mike Bulson is a popular presenter at the Diocesan

Pastoral Congress and an author of three books on homiletics.

He has served on many diocesan committees and continues to

assist as needed in the formation of preaching skills for deacon

candidates. Án attorney who has spent much of his career serv-

ing people on the margins, Deacon Bulson currently is assigned

at Saint Ándrew Catholic Church, Riverton, UT.

King David and God’s Mercy

The story of King David reveals much about the mercy of God.

One year, instead of going to battle with his troops, King David

stays home. He enters into an adulterous affair with the wife

of his trusted soldier who is away at war. She becomes preg-

nant and the King arranges the murder of his loyal soldier.

What can we learn about repentance from this story? What

happens to make King David realize that he has sinned? Will

God forgive King David even though his sins are horrific? Will

God forgive us our sins?

“He forgives all your iniquity, he heals all your diseases, he redeems your

life from the pit, he crowns you with steadfast love and mercy”

(Ps 103:3-4).


The Meerts are French-born US citizens and co-directors of the Office of Marriage for the Diocese of Colorado Springs. Christian founded, an internationally renowned online, live marriage preparation program in English, Spanish, and French. Christine is the author of’s curriculum. Christian gives presentations internationally on TOB and he initiated the Catholic session of the Family Project at Focus on the Family. He has been featured in multiple media outlets: EWTN (Life on the Rock); several magazines: St Ánthony Messenger, Catholic Digest, Feu et Lumie re, Misio n; Catholic Radios: Immaculate Heart, San Francisco Árchdiocese. She has set up other online courses for Á, and The Meerts have been married for 37 years and have five daughters.


Reverend Jorge Martínez


Taller –C—(D-104)

Photo: Intermountain Catholic

Reflections on a Vocation to the Priesthood

E l es el ma s reciente sacerdote ordenado en la Dio cesis de Salt Lake City. El Padre Martí nez ofrece vivos pensamientos de su camino de Fe que le han acercado al Pueblo de Dios en Utah.

Ás our most recently ordained priest for the Diocese of Salt Lake City, P. Jorge Martí nez offers some thoughts on his journey of faith that have brought him to the People of God in Utah.

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Christian Meerts

Christine J. Meerts

Marriage and Family

Workshop A and C ( C-112)

Saintly Couples; Models on the Road to Sanctity.

Can marriage become a source of true happiness? What can the ex-amples of saintly couples teach us about how to live the sacrament of matrimony? Couples today thirst for a moral and spiritual com-pass to discern the Truth and understand what true love is. Those who allow the grace of the sacrament of matrimony to work within their marriage are lights we can concretely follow to reach the goals of holiness and happiness. Come learn more about saintly couples and how you can improve your marriage. We'll focus especially on the first couple ever to be canonized together, (October 2015); Louis and Ze lie Martin, the parents of St The re se of the Child Jesus.

Workshop B (C-112)

Marriage Preparation: A Window for Conversion

- Who are the engaged couples today? - What are their needs, their expectations from the Catholic Church? - What will make them understand and adopt the Teachings of the Catholic Church, especially regarding abstinence and NFP? - How do we offer the engaged couples an opportunity for conversion and become participating members of their parish? - What are the fruits of our labor ?


Ministerio Hispano

El Sacramento del Perdón

El papa Francisco nos recuerda que el sacramento de la reconcilia-cio n no es sala de tortura ni sesio n de ayuda psicolo gica. Pero en-tonces, ¿que es y por que importa tanto para gozar este an o jubi-lar? Ácompa n anos a explorar el bello sacramento del perdo n a la luz del an o de la misericordia.

Leyendo Jeremías 29 con Ojos de Inmigrante


El profeta Jeremí as envio esta carta al Pueblo de Dios que fue deportado a Babilonia. En ella les manda a construir sus casas, a plantar huertos, a casarse y a tener hijos en vez de esperar el re-greso a Jerusale n, su tierra natal. Les manda, adema s, a buscar el bien de Babilonia. Ácompa n anos a explorar este texto—a la vez desafiante y esperanzador—a la luz de tu experiencia como inmi-grante o hijo/a de inmigrante.

Taller C- C110

Reading Jeremiah 29 through Immigrant Eyes

The prophet Jeremiah wrote this letter to the People of God that had been deported to Babylon. In it, he tells them to build homes, plant gardens, marry and have children rather than wait for their return to Jerusalem, their homeland. He also tells them to seek the good of Babylon. Join us as we explore this text—which is at once challenging and hopeful—in light of the experiences of today’s immigrants and their children.

Victor Carmona es profesor asistente de teologí a moral en Oblate School of Theology. Recibio su doctorado en la Universidad de Notre Dame. Ví ctor sirvio a los migrantes y a las comunidades ur-banas por medio de la Conferencia Cato lica de Obispos de Me xico y Misioneros Oblatos de Marí a Inmaculada, experiencias que siguen influyendo en sus pensamientos y ensen anzas.

Victor Carmona, Ph.D.

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Reverend Wayne A. Cavalier, O. P., Ph.D

Year of Mercy

Workshop A– (Guadalupe Chapel)

Reflections on "The Joy of Love"

In Amoris Laetitia, Pope Francis applies his convictions about God's boundless mercy to the realities of family life. In the process, he proposes a re-positioning of the Church in relation to the family--away from guardian of family sanctity to nurturing gardener of family growth and development in holiness and love. Explore for yourself its meanings and possibilities for your family's life in this workshop.

Workshop C– (Guadalupe Chapel)

Will God Forgive Me?

Pope Francis pushes the meaning of God's boundless mercy beyond what many of us believe--despite ourselves--to be its limits. It rattles us. But why? Is it because we have not embraced that message for ourselves? This workshop will consider the essential connections between receiving God's mercy and being God's mercy.

Reverend Wayne A. Cavalier, OP is a Friar of the Southern Dominican Province of Saint Martin de Porres. He is the Director of the Congar Institute for Ministry Development, San Ántonio, Texas and has assisted the Diocese of Salt Lake City with lay ministry formation, retreats and study days since 2006. He served as coordinator of the Pastoral Planning Process for the Diocese from 2013-2015. Fr. Cavalier is an Ássistant Professor at Oblate School of Theology and Director of the Doctor of Ministry program.


Reverend Ray John Marek, OMI, D. Min.

Preaching Workshop

8:00 AM to 10: 00 AM

Preaching Workshop for Deacons Part I and Part II 8:00AM – 10:00AM Faculty Lounge (Upstairs)

The Sunday homily--for deacons and priests-- is one of the key moments in the ministry of evangelization. Called to listen to the Word of God in the scriptural texts provided by the Church, the preacher then crafts a "new hearing" of the Word of God for to-day's listeners who seek to be nourished by the Word. This is no easy task, and it differs from just talking about the scripture text. These two workshops will offer deacons five "touchstones" that will provide informed guidance as they undertake this hom-iletic ministry week after week. The workshops also will of-fer practical considerations that can be beneficial to the preach-er. Fr. Ray John Marek, OMI will offer two consecutive work-shops for deacons that address the preparation and interpretive task necessary for the homily, as well as other issues associated with homiletics. The two workshops will build upon each other.

Currently living in Washington D.C., and serving as Provincial Treasurer of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, Fr. Ray John Marek , OMI brings a rich background as a pastor, a professor of homiletics for eleven years at the Oblate School of Theology, San Ántonio, TX, and as a presenter for deacon formation programs in the Southwest U. S. Áfter his term as treasurer ends, he hopes for a return to the teaching ministry. Fr. Ray John Marek has presented homiletic programs to the Nation-al Office for the Continuing Education of Roman Catholic Clergy and the Southwest Institute of Diaconal Studies.

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Lee Ann Lella

Religious Education

Workshop A (D-102)

Utilizing Echoes of Faith Online

It is critically important to have catechists who are formed in the Catholic Faith and who can effectively share that faith with young people. Catechists often wonder if they possess the necessary skills to teach the faith to others. What is the best way to prepare cate-chists? Who sets the standards for good catechesis? Áre there “best practices” recommended for this process? Come and learn more about catechist formation for the digital age. Echoes 3.0 is a com-prehensive Digital Learning Center that is available for catechist formation. In this workshop you will learn how easy it is to use Echoes 3.0 in your parish or Catholic School .

Lee Ann Lella was a Parish DRE and Catholic School Ádminis-trator for over 20 years. Her passion is teaching. She is a licensed educator and holds a MÁ in Theology. Lee Ánn began with RCL Benziger May of 2015 and loves this new ministry of collaborating with catechists and Catholic School Teachers.


Aaron Del Monte

Youth and Young Adults

Workshop A (C-110)

Workshop C C-107

Reach Your Teens, Guaranteed!

Reach today's youth more effectively! This workshop will help you facilitate meaningful conversations with teens about values, relationships, and faith. Special emphasis is placed on utilizing popular music to establish a connection with youth. Whether you are a catechist, teacher, youth minister, or parent of a teen, this workshop will provide simple, practical strategies you can use to make Church relevant to our youth.

Aaron Del Monte has spent his entire adult life dedicated to teaching and ministering to young people. He and his wife, Sherry, spent 10 years as the Coordinators of Youth Ministry at Good Shepherd Catholic Church in Elk Grove, California. In addi-tion to being an educational consultant for Our Sunday Visitor, Áaron is currently the Vice President of Development at Corner-stone Media, Inc., a non-profit youth ministry resource that uses popular music as a powerful communication tool. He is also the author of the book, Prayers and Reflections for Newlyweds. Áaron and Sherry are proud parents of their three children, Á.J. (15), Ánge-lina (13) and Ánalisa (8).

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Deana Froerer


Catholic Schools

Workshop C– (C-109)

To Teach ‘Em You Gotta Reach ‘Em

This workshop focuses on sharing ideas and methods to capture kids’ hearts (a focus on “mature” kids and maybe even your co-workers). Ás an educator, your job is to “draw out” from your students what they already know and build on that to help them become the best versions of themselves—to then live the life God intends for them. We’ll explore approaches to better understand-ing who they are, how they process, and what inspires them to action

Deana Froerer is a cradle Catholic, born and raised on a Kansas farm but now virtually a life-long Utahn. Situated between St. Florence Church and the Ábbey of Our Lady of the Holy Trinity, she finds her inspiration to better understand God, Catholicism, and what the Good Lord intends. Her ministry roles have included years as parish Director of Religious Education and certification as a Lay Ecclesial Minister (LEM) via the University of Notre Dame STEP program. She is currently a candidate for Utah Senate Dis-trict 19. Professionally, Deana serves as an Economics Instructor at Weber State University and works part-time at DaVinci Ácade-my in Ogden as a mentor and financial literacy teacher. Ás an ed-ucator, her focus is on helping to bring out the best in each stu-dent, regardless of where they are in the walk of life and faith.


Reverend Roger Keeler, JCD, PHD

Workshop B

Exploring Forgiveness—(Guadalupe Chapel)

Exploring Forgiveness—Ongoing Discussions and Prayer

Keynote presenter, Reverend Roger Keeler continues to develop the themes of his keynote address in this workshop. Combining individual and small group discussion, prayer and reflection, Fr. Keeler opens a time to share ideas on the meaning of the Extraor-dinary Jubilee Year of Mercy. Fr. Keeler offers humor and gentle direction. His interactive teaching style have made him an esteemed presenter for the People of God in Utah.

Serving as the Executive Director of the Canon Law Ássociation of Ámerica, Fr. Roger Keeler is a Canadian priest who is currently living in Washington, D.C. He is a former pastor and an experienced formator of laity who also serves as an Ássociate Professor of Canon Law at the Oblate School of Theology, San Ántonio, TX.

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Robert Cowlishaw, M.A.P.S., LEM

Workshop A

The Wonder in Discipleship ( D-104)

The “Wonder” in Discipleship

Too often we fall into the daily routine of our life and this includ-ing the way we live out our roles as disciples of Christ. Sometimes, life events, shake us out of these routines, and open us up to a new way of being a disciple (a good and faithful steward). What are these life events that can awaken us out of our slumber? How can we awaken a deeper sense of gratitude for life as a follower of Christ? How can we develop a “Wonder” in our discipleship and work to build the Kingdom of God on the earth; being a faithful steward of all that God has given us?

Robert Cowlishaw is the Ássistant Director of Stewardship and Development for the Diocese of Salt Lake City. He is a certified lay ecclesial minister who holds a Master of Pastoral Studies from Catholic Theological Union. Robert serves as a facilitator of online courses through Notre Dame’s Institute for Church Life Satellite Theological Education Program. Robert and his wife, Rocio are members of Saint Francis Xavier parish.


Reverend Peter Hannah, OP


Workshop A -Part One (C-109)

Workshop B –Part Two (C-109)

Six Tasks of Catechesis

PÁRT ONE- This workshop explores the process of catechesis in promoting knowledge of the faith. Part One addresses how effec-tive teaching and personal witnessing build understanding of the Liturgy and the Sacraments. Álso addressed will be an expla-nation of moral formation and prayer in Jesus Christ. Drawing on his experiences as a catechist, Fr. Hannah offers an engaging, practical approach and welcomes sharing of experiences with participants.

PÁRT TWO looks into how catechesis helps Christians live in a joyful, community that reaches out to others and so fulfills the mission of the Church. Of special interest is an examination of the ways in which catechesis helps prepare all the faithful to in-teract in society as Christian witnesses to the Gospel.

Father Peter Hannah, OP, was born in Temple, Texas. His father was in the military and his mother was a teacher. He be-came passionate about golf in high school and college, and as-pired to be a professional. In his spiritual journey, he experi-enced a conversion to following Christ, all the way to the thres hold of the altar as a Dominican Friar of the Western Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesus. Án experienced catechist and for-mer DRE, Fr. Peter currently serves at Saint Catherine of Siena parish.

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Jean Hill

Peace and Justice

Workshop B (C-105)

Workshop C- (C-105)

Every Life Matters: The Sanctity of Life and Assisted Suicide The Utah Legislature will consider legalizing assisted suicide in Utah for the third year in a row during the legislative session in January 2017. Ádvocates have described assisted suicide as the compassionate choice, but there is little compassion in a system that encourages individuals to end their lives rather than provid-ing comprehensive medical options for terminally ill patients. In this workshop, we will discuss the moral and practical problems with assisted suicide and how Catholics can be involved in pro-tecting the sanctity of life.

Every Life Matters: The Sanctity of Life and the Death Penalty

Teaching on the death penalty reflects the many changes in the modern justice system. In this workshop, we will discuss the dif-ferences between the death penalty during Biblical times and to-day, modern church teaching on the issue, and Pope Francis’ call to all Catholics to do something to end this practice, including ad-vocacy at the Utah Legislature in support of repeal.

Jean Hill is the Diocesan Legislative Liaison. Her collabora-tion with local training provided by Catholic Relief Services and with the Peace and Justice Commission help advance the princi-ples of Catholic Social Teaching in Utah.


Cece Holt and Lynn Miller


Workshop C ( D-102)

How to Reach Your DDD Goal

Many parishes have difficulty reaching their Diocesan Develop-ment Drive goal. Two dedicated workers, Cece Holt and Lynn Mil-ler will offer practical advice as to how they make DDD work in their respective parishes of the Cathedral of the Madeleine and Saint Francis Xavier Catholic Church in Kearns, UT.

Cece Holt is a retired educator. Locally, she taught for Salt Lake School District, J.E. Cosgriff Memorial School, Judge Memorial Catholic High School and St. Sophia. She and her husband Bob have been parishioners at the Cathedral of the Madeleine for more than forty years. Currently she is a Board member of The Catholic Foundation of Utah and Catholic Woman's League. She is a volunteer at Ássistance League of Salt Lake City.

Lynn Miller relocated to Utah from Colorado 20 years ago. Lynn is Risk Coordinator at Salt Lake Community Col-lege. She has been a parishioner at St. Francis Xavier for the past 20 years where she currently serves as the President of the St. Francis Xavier Council of Catholic Women as well as the Co-Chair for the Parish Stewardship Committee. Over the years Lynn has served in various ministries including Chair of the Pastoral Coun-cil. Lynn firmly believes there is always a place for us to share our God given gifts and talents.

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