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  • 7/30/2019 Diomedes Dossier


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  • 7/30/2019 Diomedes Dossier


    Mar ia Mat tea Magg iano

    D I O M E D E S D O S S I E R

    Translated by Ernesto Andreta


  • 7/30/2019 Diomedes Dossier

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  • 7/30/2019 Diomedes Dossier



    Living in Seattle, the dream of a lifetime! A short lifewhen twenty years have just passed and true lovehas not been found. I, Cora DAngelo, want to fall inlove in this city. I am sure that he is here !

    Wake up Cora! Open your eyes well and you willsee him.

    Target hit For today, an excursion to theOlympia peninsula from our Comunit Garganicahas been organized. To welcome us, there will beCorinthia Thuri, from Rhodes, the country wellknown for gardens of orange trees. This is how Igot to know the mother of the twins, who are themost fascinating ones on earth, the blonde Gabriel

    and Vince, black haired.I have received the fatal invitation. Corinthia has


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    asked me to return next Sunday for the celebrationof Saint Christopher. She will prepare full squids inthe oven with desalinated capers and perfumedwith rosemary of Gargano, salad of oranges andlemons, seasoned with salt and extra vergine oliveoil. There will be her two sons. I do not know how todistract myself until that moment.

    The lunch has been memorable as I recalledmy own mothers cooking. All of the ingredients arefrom Gargano: the pasta of hard wheat, the extra-virgin oil, the Malvasia wine, juices of pomegranateand the candied quince. The precious flavours,result of the ancient wisdom from the promontory ofits origins, Corinthia resells them all in a shop of

    typical products inherited after her mother,respectful to the tradition of the first emigrantsgotten here after the second world war, when theymoved from Hoboken, first stop in the latenineteenth century for the emigrants from Gargano.

    The conversation at the table has been purelynostalgic for the land seen just once in heradolescence, when her maternal aunts and uncleswere still living. In Corinthia the memory of all theplaces visited survives vivid, the garden of theorange trees, nearly like a utopian vision ofpastoralism. In those days she witnessed theharvest of the super vitaminic fruits. In her memoryshe keeps it pictured like a meticulous dance ofyoung women and children similar to fauns, dartingalong those hairpin bends when approaching the


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    Adriatic sea. She still remembers the bells thatsignalled the passage of wagons on which thelabourers had loaded the full cassettes of fruits outof the harvest. The whole thing was carried outunder the eyes of an attendant sitting at the top ofthe hill, a man of the highlands, that Dario fromCastelpagano, of unknown origins.

    That morning the sunrise coloured the garden insoft pink and clear blue, while up there themysterious resident was smoking in the shade.Suddenly a big clamour burst out. Behind him aflock of giant dark blue feathered birds took to flightthus darkening the bright garden.

    The girls scattered and shouted off, coveringinstinctively their heads with the arms, as athleticdancers. A long-standing whistle from thesupervisor called back the birds of prey so allreturned quiet like before.

    "Nothing else happened, Cora, yet I still shiver",a sense of cold in high summer can be heard

    conveyed from the voice of Corinthia on us threelisteners.


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    What shall I say about Gabriel? Seeing him andfalling in love with him, all of a sudden.

    On that night the words from Corinthia led meback to the places where I myself came from, and

    of which I got to know the most ancient mythsthanks to my latest classical studies just passed. Inmy dream I can see me and Gabriel in the blazinglight of the Adriatic sea, as on a cruise betweenDiomede and Tremiti Islands, on the sea onceploughed through by the banished hero from Argo.Then we get closer to the high archipelago in front

    of us with the memory of Gargano promontory stillin our eyes, already rising in the distance, behind


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    us. We are welcomed by the friendly yells of themagnificent dwellers of the three rocks standing upthere from the legend.

    They are the candid herons of the change.

    I can see a distant time when, at the edge ofDiomede countryside, they used to watch over theborders of the lands bounded betweenManfredonia, Gargano Cape, and Lucera, theywere the anthropomorphic shapes that stood up ashard as stone (*).

    (*) depicted in the Daunias steles the stoneshanded over to Apulia on the warships captured

    from the burning Troy. The Guardians belonged toaristocracy, direct descendants of the civilizing heroDiomedes, the warrior chosen by his fellow-citizensto guide them to the conquest of new lands.Therefore the Diomede countryside was utterlygained to Hellenic culture by the clan of the Greekhero.


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    Today, while attending the course for internationaltour guides, I met Ian.

    He is very intimate to Sybil, a student like mefrom Morlachia.

    They are nice and sociable. I begin gathering myown little circle of acquaintances. Only does Vince

    worry me with his habits, he is harsh and has aperemptory manner on my mother too. He owns thetoughest look in the eyes I have ever seen in a boy


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    like him. When I am close to him I feel a sense ofdanger. In a completely different way my heartbeats whenever I stand near Gabriel, his kind is asflowing as rude is Vinces. Never could two twinsshow so different from each other.

    Last night Ian offered me a drink in down townand started babbling about shamanism, still

    practised within his community. He said he wouldpropose himself as a guide for journeys to visitorsshowing feelings of grand naturalistic inclinationtowards vast spaces and places most difficult toreach.

    I spoke with Ian about Gargano place, the roughpeninsula that still retains 69 different species ofspontaneous orchids in its inner gorges, the largestnumber of this kind of plants all over Europe. Onelikely naturalistic tour, of course.

    Ian happened to be curious about it and said hewould study the territory in detail, so well preservedsince the low population there. Ian seemed to be

    truly surprised by the tale.When he looks at me I feel myself in peace and

    safe. I would face great challenges with him by myside, even those full of dangers.


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    My first date with Gabriel. He rang me up in thelate afternoon while the rain was hitting on thewindows and roof gutters, some frequenthappening in our town. His voice so dear to me:

    Hello Cora, Ill be there at your place for a ride bycar, will you?. I was thinking of you, Gabriel, asIve been doing on and on since that Sunday when


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    Corinthia invited us to lunch. Im ready.He showed me around along the promenade.

    Then he resolutely steered the wheel to theoutskirts of town. We came to a baita in the wood,the shelter of his. He is used to getting there assoon as he can and recording the reports from theanthropology lectures about ancient human stocks

    for the Ellenika Foundation. We laid down close toeach other on a wooden bed actually very good, itsshape like an ancient Phoenician vessel.

    I do not fancy about being kissed, but Gabrielslips draw me down with astonishing power. Our kissis truly a rejoining. I find myself once again like awhole. Words are unnecessary. I am linked to himin the very height of the identifying, I feel turned tothe perfect myself. Tears are flowing, tears of joy,from me.

    He has told his family about our new feeling.Corinthia is so happy for the two of us. Vincebelieves that the sharing of a just born relationship

    be too premature, not tested yet, as he has put it. Inhis saying he kept his eyes well stuck onto me. Tohis brother, so that Corinthia couldnt hear, he saidquietly: Shes been too rushed. She belongs to me,cant you see?. He went out, jumped on his bikeand shot off.

    I spoke with Gabriel about Ian who is much more

    interested in getting to know somebody from theMorlachia people for his anthropology lessons.


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    I would like the two became friends. Gabrielsattention was attracted from learning the knowledgeof shamanist flying techniques, still alive andpractised by Ians people. They agreed for a visit tosuch a group on one of these practises of theirs.Ian announced that Sybil would take part in themeeting also. She is their grand instructors

    daughter and happens to be the only woman tohave learned the technique.

    I came to Corinthias place without a warning. Icaught the twins in a challenge attitude. They werefacing each other like in some duel, awaiting thefirst move. My arrival broke off the stalemate andstopped what was going on. Vince kept on glazing

    at Gabriel while he moved away along with me,unhappy that he was being off. Gabriel did not saya word, but put his arm around my waist and led meout to the car in a hurry. He started the engine andheaded to the shelter. And once there he disclosedit all to me...

    ...I am struggling inside between believing andthe very scepticism of the Enlightenment. Eversince Ive known it, the world has changed to meand more, it gained a fourth dimension: depth. Thething is actually from the ancient times. Its bloodand its special quality. Myth is coming back toreality. In the old days there was some kind ofgrafting. The blood spilled from a warrior goddessentered the bloodstream of a living being: the Icoris,the divine blood of Aphrodite which Diomedes,


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    wounded at her wrist under the walls of Troy,flowing down strained to the wound of a Greekwarrior and combined to his and transformed it. Theblood itself passed on up to nowadays and, theysay, it is now flowing both in Gabriels veins andmine, but not Vinces despite them being twins.Vince believes he can claim me up in contempt of

    the attraction that binds me and Gabriel together.He lays his right of primogeniture, to be claimedwithin the Rhodian community as they still use tohave the last word about weddings.

    Gabriel wants to make Corinthia disclose themystery of a double childbirth with nonhomogeneous blood: all human in Vinces, but demi

    divine in himself.


    Gabriel has gained that the members of theRhodian community ask Corinthia about the originsof the double birth. She had come back from


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    homeland already pregnant. She had alwaysrefused to reveal who was the father behind thatdouble conception. But in this case she could butdo it.

    Gabriel reported to me about what he hadwitnessed.

    Corinthia, escorted by all of them, presentedherself to the wedding commission consisting offive elder couples. They asked her to tell about theidentity of the father and the occasion. ThenCorinthia fell into a kind of a trance that took herback in time to the evening of her first date with ayoung carter on oranges. They met in the cave likethe entrance of a ravine, a natural sink-hole for therains, constantly run across by a powerfulsubterranean wind, and distant half a mile from thefarm where her uncle and aunt lived and whom shewas spending her holiday with. He, Delio, of atypical Mediterranean kind, had gathered a strawbed made up of soft leaf-buds and flowers oforange tree, and lit a fire with brushwood ofresinous pine tree, more fit to illuminate thestalagmitic cavern than to rise the temperature, thatis subjected to the usual inversion of ravines asthey get warmer in winter and cooler in summerthan outside. He had sung her some sweet lullabiesaccompanying his songs on mandolin and hadloved her with thoughtfulness and purpose. Whilefire was fading away he had covered her with hiscloak and had gone out to collect more olive


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    branches and tendrils to rejuvenate it. Perhaps hemust have changed his mind or have beendisturbed by somebody out there because, in spiteof the fire already consumed out to nearly coldembers, he came back in and quietly got close toher and loved her one more time. Soon afterwardsshe had fell profoundly asleep and had awakened

    only at dawn by the singing of the albatrossassembling their nests near the seaside. She hadlost trail of the young man. Never in life had sheseen him nor heard from him again. She had left indismay without telling anyone. And that was all.

    On that very moment one of the commissionmembers had spoken and explained that he

    recalled the way the territory looked like on the timethe facts had taken place. The cavern of theconception was also known as Cave of the windsand it was effectively believed that, out of the innerpart of it, the phenomenon called water spout wouldarise, considered to be responsible for thedisappearance of whole crews of luggers, the ships

    used to export citrus fruits farmed in a vast regionamong Rhodes, Vico and Ischitella even to theother side of the Adriatic sea. It was also knownthat these underground places were immense andhad branched out in countless and entangledtransits across the majority of the territory, widelyfrequented by thieves. Most likely the Cave of the

    winds was one of its accesses. In effect it wasmuch plausible that at that time it hosted several


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    people that wished to hide. They were some kindsof concealed ways that linked a series of towns, asan ancient way out when in the old days Turkishand Saracen pirates used to reach out to thosecoasts for raids. In Peschici, one of theseunderground ways was used by the monks fromKlena Abbey to get to the natural little harbour of

    Ialillo and set sail to the Tremiti islands and bringthemselves to safety in case of assaults. A kind oflink among all different sites with entrances andexits so distant was rather probable, though. Thepresence of spring water at Ialillo might let you thinkthat this underground canalization be navigable dueto an actual river underneath. Another likely exit

    was said to be in the Cave of the Gods inManaccora Bay, between Pschici and Vieste, analready inhabited site in Minoan prehistory andMycenaean further on, at ages where tradesbetween the Iapigi, ancient dwellers of Garganoterritory, and all the Aegean region were lively. Atthis point the hypotheses about the identity of somesecond father who had stepped in the darkness tothe place where Corinthia had become pregnantwith the twins, would become countless, eithertemporally or spatially. The investigation, if thatshould be done, would demand that somebodywould go to those places and make an inquiry downthere by their own. Gabriel, as a researcher of theEllenika Foundation, thinks he is the right personto go. The Rhodians shall welcome Corinthias sonlike one of them, thanks to the letter of introduction


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    from the most elderly man of the commission, andthat will have all doors open for him.


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    A spokesman from the Archeo-SpeleologicalTeam of Epigones from Argo, lovers of symbologyand mythography of Gargano places, makeshimself available for welcoming Gabriel on hisarrival at Rhodes.

    The association assembles all the fans ofdifferent branches of learning involved in this kindof territorial quests.

    Alexander, whom Gabriel soon renamed Alex,places himself at his disposal as a tour guide andmakes plans at once for a visit. He calls him for the

    day after at Rignano to visit Paglicci Cave, thefamous Palaeolithic site in Gargano. If there werea beginning, it was there! he shouts out firmly.

    The next day they meet to descend the cave.Alex is wearing a helmet and lends another one toGabriel. At the entrance, near the external shelter,

    gigantic collapsed rocks lay. Inside the caveappears like an atrium about sixty metres long fromwhich one can get down to a circular inner hallacross a stiff slope; a series of tunnels depart fromit.

    Alex says: Another tunnel, currently blocked bycollapsed rocks, linked the large hall with the

    chamber once full of water. One tunnel leads to theinner little hall where all the walls are painted with a


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    number of Palaeolithic pictures representing a pairof horses.

    In the meantime my life is going crazy because ofVince. He has waited for me at my place and, withthe excuse of leading me to Corinthia wishing toreport some important news from Gabriel, makesme get on his car and drives me to some remote

    place. He has rushed into convincing me that he isthe one, claiming that he will do anything to pleaseme.

    Choose me, Cora. You can count only on me. Ishall never stand up to any of your plans. Ill giveyou my full support, if you are mine. You are goingto be always the same with me. If you chooseGabriel, youre going to get lost, youll be subdued.I could be against all of that, if you loved me.

    I replied that I love Gabriel more than my own life.A kind of annihilation surfaced from his face. I willnot doubt the honesty of Vinces feeling but my lovefor Gabriel has become so firm in me.

    Gabriel loves himself above all. I am sorry foryou, Cora.

    He took me back home without a word, leavingme in the uncertainty.


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    Now that Gabriel is in Apulia, I long for reachinghim, I long to be with him in the places where I was

    born and lived till I was nineteen. Now, in theseeyes of mine, those places would show the color ofa bright magic. An awesome scenery for myromantic novel. The sand hills, the little whitehouses with their roofs like sea waves, are going tobe a shining backcloth for us. I want to ask Ian toinduce me in a state of trance and project my mind

    across the ocean down onto Gabriels way insidethe Gargano territory. Ian agreed, saying: Cora,close your eyes!. He uttered some aspiratedsounds while he was tracing with his hands somesigns in the air around me. Suddenly I found myselfin a wide open space close to Gargano mountain.From that point so high I saw the Garganos barren

    and white mountain sides and the wide circle of abig dolina. Then I collapsed onto the floor of theroom where Ian was bringing me back to reality,because it was my first time and he did not want tolet me stay there for too long. I complained withhim because I could not see Gabriel. Ian said that,at that very moment, Gabriel was not in an easy

    reachable place for a trance novice like me. I askedhim to see for me where he was and Ian went


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    out himself for about fifteen minutes. On his returnhe confided to me that he had followed Gabriel andhis guide down along a narrow passage, with astrong wind across the place. They had just comeout of a cave where water, dripping along the rockslopes, would create some multicolor stalagmiteworld with frightful sculpture shapes. He had found

    them while they were exploring the gullies lookingfor another practicable passage. In the deepest partof the cave they had found the remains of someobjects related to the cult of underground waters.By the mild temperature their bodies could feel ahigh humidity around. A natural hollow in the rockgathered the dripping water falling from the vault of

    the cave. Not far, a lot of good-made pots, werevery close to a stalagmite stump. Close to it therewere fragments of a pot, maybe it was there tocollect the water falling from the upper stalactite. Atthat moment I wanted Ian to accompany me in thecave. Because of my determination, he acceptedwillingly. Ian wanted me to drink some herb teawhich would help me to stay in a favorable state totrance while he kept holding my hand all over theexperience.

    We suddenly found ourselves in the stalagmitecave, in a passage along the wall, at the end ofwhich, turning around the corner, we found Gabrieland Alex at the end of a tunnel. They were trying to

    reach a pond. We could hear the water which insome points would come out on bubbling springs.


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    There was poor visibility, but it was good enough tosee the trembling phosphorescence of the pond.On the shore of a water stream originated from thepond, they had put the dinghy just inflated. They all

    jumped on it and soon the stream dragged themvery fast up the rapids. They landed safely aftersome kilometers covered at high speed. They hid

    the dinghy behind some round stone-eggs: they arewhite limestone eggs (arnioni) - in the chippedones they could even see flint cores and theybegan to walk on into a meadow scattered withasphodels and spontaneous orchids. A feebleglimmer illuminated it by the light filtering throughthe wide clefts in the rock. They emerged to an

    inland ravine on the Coppe mountains, where thesoil reveals a compact mixture of ocher ground,limestone and Nassa and Cypraea seashells. Thenearest gully wall rises up hundred of meters,maybe thousands, but all the environment recallsthe seacoast.


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    Ians astral entity is transmitting to me the shape-thought that the night has taken place of the dayand the light filtering from the clefts in the rock is

    being now the light from the stars. It is now time wecame back into our sleeping bodies lying in my littleflat. Ian, always holding my hand, begins to climbtowards one of the holes in the rocky roof. Once theroof is reached we happen to run into animpenetrable transparent screen. That finds Iandismayed and confused because it happens to be a

    dimensional screen, not a material one, obtained bycasting out matter at the temperature of an atomicexplosion. One thought of his comes to my mind:We are trapped! and he hopelessly explores theoutlines of the cleft looking for signs and spellswhile whirling. Nothing!, he exclaims in rage.Help me, shout for Sybil. Shes the only one who

    can help us!. We call Sybil aloud. Suddenly, thepretty face of Sybil appears behind the screen. Ian


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    tells her how to search outside the signs and thesymbols of the seal which is keeping our astralentities trapped. Sybil disappears, but thetransparent screen through which we could see thestars in the sky gets suddenly darkened on a blackwing, as black as the darkness of the deep space.Sybil is undergoing an attack from the obscure

    forces that had created the dimensional trap. Ianand I cannot do anything to help her but to watchpowerlessly her fight against the winged fighters.

    Meanwhile, our sleeping bodies are still layingabandoned in my little flat in Seattle. The phonehad been ringing for hours because Corinthia wastrying to contact me to say that Gabriel had

    disappeared in the Paglicci Cave and ask me if Iknew some important person there who could helphim.

    It is getting more and more difficult to stay awake.If I fall asleep now I will become a burden for Ian, aheavy lead ballast which would immobilize andkeep him down there forever. Our entities areindissolubly fused together. If I fall asleep in thegully I would preclude myself the chance of wakingup in the real world. The danger is rising and risingevery minute on. Ian is flying across the meadowssprinkled with orchids and actively sifting out all theflora to find the tiny purple Ophrys Apulica. He rubsthe petals on my eyelids which are heavy and aboutto close down. The sense of numbness suddenlyvanishes away and I find myself vigilant as I was at


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    the beginning of the journey. We do not know aboutSybils destiny. Everything happened out of ourperception, either her defeat or capture.

    In the meantime, Vince, alerted by Corinthia, haseasily convinced the porter of the building to givehim the keys to my apartment, in return of somemoney. Hes opened the door in the hallway from

    which the light filtering through a lamp allows him tosee the presence of two bodies fast immersed insleep, lying on a carpet. Their lifeless look iscontradicted by the feeling of the burning heat fromIans hands holding mine tightly. Vince soonrealizes that a deep trance experience is takingplace there, so he closes the front door very quietly.

    He picks up the phone and calls home. Corinthiaanswers him and asks if he had found me, butVince denied saying he will keep on searching.Vince does have me and Ian in his power! We aretrapped even in the real world


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    Ian is re-valuing the role Alex has been playing(he is an archeo-anthropologist) in our descent intothe deep world of Gargano place, following thethousand-years old trail carved in its territory. Theorientation system Alex used is about theknowledge of some places on the earths surfacewhich were believed to be safe accesses to this

    underground dimension. One of these accesses isthe Cave of the Gods. Alex hopes to find there theirway out. Ian scours the ground in the directionshowed by Alex. On our itinerary, we see wideMaquis fields as far as the eye can see, throughwhich Alex and Ian must find their way out. It is amaze-shaped underworld crawling with insects and

    mysterious presences from a thousand-years oldheritage.


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    Very soon, the tiredness prevailed on the will togo on so Alex arranged a shelter to let us rest. Butour sleep is suddenly stopped because of a bite bya Tarantola Rubra (*) hidden under our beds.

    (*) To purify oneself from the Tarantula poison oneneeds to dance the Tarantola Daunia, a curativedance for depression, epilepsy and love pain fromancient Greek origin. The rhythm of the music, inthe circle of the Ronda made by the besttambourine players, can bring on the benefic tranceand cancel the effects of the poisoning bite of thespider.


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    Alex and Gabriel face each other as two duelists,holding two imaginary knives, like the gypsies useto do to solve their own controversies.

    Their fury is so exasperated that they at lastseparate from each other searching different waysout. Everyone of them is obliged to face his innerghosts alone. Gabriel starts to climb a rock. Hewants to reach the top and spread his wings. Wewatch impotently his trial doomed to disaster.

    Gabriel has finally reached the highest point tohover in the air and jump down into space. Nine


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    snow white herons, hidden in the white calcareousrock, on that instant rise up flying in squareformationa white sheet which Gabriel gets laiddown on. The gliding herons put him down in hisconception cave. There, a some fifty years old man,but still strong, welcomes him. I was waiting foryou! he says giving him a steaming cup of a drink

    prepared with herbs and essences smelling verygood. Gabriel is captivated. He sits down on a longshaped stone seat, while the man is lighting up afire with some twigs and directing the smokeshaking a branch towards and around Gabriel whobegins to pour with healthy sweat. The tarantulapoison finds a fast way to pour out through the

    sweating trickles. Finally, the man gives him a newembroidered quilted dress to wear and invites himto stay for a talk.

    The man tells him: I know what you are lookingfor. You want to discover your origins. You havereached this cave. Here twenty years ago theteenager Corithia Thuri went off with young Delio

    for a love meeting. She was on holiday at heruncles home and Delio was a cart driver workingthere during the oranges season in her unclesfarm. On that starry night the scent of narcissuseswas drifting through the air along with the breeze.Delio had not gone through the ordeal to becomethe elected Corinthias groom. The Hellenika

    Commission, which supervises all the marriages ofpeople from Rodhes, had found him not fit for her


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    and they asked me to find a solution. Myintervention was necessary because Delio hadaccepted to let Corinthia marry the superintendentunder false pretenses. That one threatened to takereprisals during the night if they didnt take her tohim right into this cave. I can assure you he was thedarkest man any woman could meet. My

    intervention made the wrecked criminal flee, sowhen Delio went away making room to the manwho had him in his power, I happened to be the oneappointed by the Ellenika commission to go intothe cave once more where Corinthia was waiting forher young lover, an affiliated to the Gang of thePredominants in Luceria. So you were born,

    Gabriel, a descendant from the Hellenic heroeslineage, upon Aphrodites Icoris blood. If you marryCora you will awake in our dimension. Your coupleis the perfection our world currently lacks to obtainthe completeness which will grant us the return, theNstos, the one that all the Greek heroes attemptedto reach in their lives. A celestial cart is waiting,divine Aquilon, to bring you to us, in theElsewhere forever. Your mother Corinthia waspromised to me If you carry out your missionsuccessfully and bring Cora with you, I will haveCorinthia again. Our being together again dependson you, dearest son torn out from the darkness ofan inauspicious night, during which your motherwas a prey of betrayers. The fruit of that stolen lovewas Vince, the deformed sketch, an unlikely humanbeing, predestined to every bad thought that would


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    become a deed. The same obscure forces thatshaped him also made him believe to be in lovewith Cora and gave him her body. Her only shield isIan, the Morlacco, her friend who keeps her tightlybound to his faithful will. If Vince separates them itwill be the end. Now you know it. Good bye!...Remember!.

    Ian looks at me passing all his strain about thisnew awareness on me: all the urgency to comeback into our bodies, now in Vinces power, anaffiliated to the Gang of the Predominants having itsold base in Luceria. He asked the clan to intervenewith the all occult knowledge they have. The grayeminence of this powerful order is a descendent

    from the ancestor Diomedes, the one who did nothesitate to feed his horses with his enemiesbodies. The emissaries are spread in time andspace. A web of minds with a negative consonance,the lowest range of all that even dogsacknowledged and feared.


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    An unexpected help came from Alex, theargodian expert of 2100 speleological gates in theregion. He has found one of the paths signed withthe Triple Druid Precinct, the plan of the building,the basis for every arcane architecture, underlying


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    the traditional initiation space, the demonstrationthat time is a moving space. Since the Pre-historicalAge, that symbol has marked the places withtelluric energy pouring from the undergroundcelestial water and, in our case, is showing thewalkway to reach out to one of the holy Omphaloswells, a possible way to escape and get back into

    the light. The underground path leads us to the oldunderground passage used by the monks to flee tosafety by sea in case of pirates incursions, but it isalso a sink-hole for the powerful surface winds.These winds use to blow over the coasts and getthe Aleppo pines and the Maquis shrubpermanently bent down in the direction they blow.

    The very vehement bora wind blowing outside getschanneled into the underground passage we arerunning through, where the dripping waters gather.Instead of walking, we are whirling ahead. At somepoint in time Alexs magnetic compass goes crazyand we begin to rise, an irresistible upward motion,which lifts us like we were attracted by somepowerful magnet. I and Ian find ourselves in thecourtyard of the church of Klena, an ancientspiritual centre, the first foundation of Peschicitown. Gabriel and Alex are lying on the bottom ofan old, dry well from which no-one takes out waterany longer. Alex discloses to Gabriel the power ofthe stones in the room under the well: Here werehidden the cubic stones of the Poseidon Wallsbrought to Daunia by Diomedes ships after thedestruction of Troy. They are really powerful


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    magnets. This monastic complex in ruin has been aliving spiritual centre for ages. The Crusaders andsome exponents of the Holy Order of the Templeused to honor it by their presence. Its first abbotwas Graziano from Verona. He made it a bastion ofspiritual aristocracy during the centuries. Graziano,surrounded by the first handful of holy monks,

    among whom we recall Patrizio from Ireland, now isresting under the altar of the Ancient Temple whichdates back to 872 a.C. The altar is oriented to theEast-West direction. It reproduces the cubic shapeof the Triple Precint, revealing its true function as asolar chronograph of the cyclical time, founded onthe temporal flow between equinoxes and solstices.

    After centuries, some Templar Knights escapedfrom persecutions during which they had beenimprisoned in the French prison of Chinon, foundhere their shelter. Now all you can see is only ruins,but do try and imagine the factory at its beginning inall its pink light spreading from the Apricena stones.The divine Acceptus, master builder of the Romanic

    Apulian style, embellished with plenty ofdecorations the already sublime architectural work.Most of Acceptus friezes have been destroyed, butthe chronicles witness that winds and rain did playthe factory just like a musical instrument when theywere in all their completeness, able to activate thetheta waves in monks and believers minds, sotriggering recoveries and reestablishing thephysical conditions for rejuvenation. The fame ofthis miraculous place was still alive in the XVI


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    century and eventually reached the enemys field inthe person of Khayr al Din, the corsair, also knownby the Italian Christians as Ariadeno Redbeard (*).

    (*) During the war along the Serbian coasts, afterthe conquest of Gerba island, then turned into abase for his expeditions, Redbeards incursionsalways ended laying the cities and their

    surrounding territories waste. The campaign leadby Redbeard in 1539 against Andrea Doria wassuccessful and he was able to even capture someGenoese and Venetian galleys.



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    The wealthy former admiral of the Ottoman fleetgot there incognito, on a stormy night in 1544. Heknocked vigorously on the gate once secluding thecourtyard. As the father guardian was convinced toawake the current abbot, the powerful commanderof the Sultans fleet addressed him like a humblepilgrim, seeking refuge in the night, for himself and

    his daughter. Catalina, named after hergrandmother, a Greek former widow of an Orthodoxpriest and then married to Redbeards father. Hewas taking her to Klena in the hope of recovery.Indeed she had been ill since the day when shehad been fiance to Dragut Rais (*), his appointedsuccessor commander of the fleet of Soliman the

    Magnificent.The Redbeard would have liked that his daughter

    might attend a ceremony in the crypt of Acceptus,so as to benefit from the healing powers down therewhose legend was very well known.

    (*)The successor of Redbeard, Dragut Rais, laterbecame so powerful that Charles V himself orderedthe Genoese Doria to capture him at any rate.Defeated along with his fleet and captured, he waschained as a galley slave aboard Andrea Doriaschief ship for four years. Believed by that timeharmless, he was sold as a slave and then freed.Only ten years later, in July 1544, would he siegethe town of Vieste in Gargano for a week, set it onfire and beheaded five thousand citizens on therock beneath the Cathedral renamed, after that


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    deed, The bitter stone. He also deportedyounglings and women to the slave markets.Dragut was hit by a splinter that struck him dead inMay 1565 during the siege of Saint Elmos fortressin Malta. The fortress was shelled in succession yetwithstood, then defeated him on counterattack.


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    The veiled woman, accompanied by a couple ofmaids, entirely veiled themselves, landed from theschooner anchored at Ialillo beach, and was takenon a sedan chair to the wealthy Christian Abbeywhere her fate was bound to happen. The futurebride of the Rais, well known as the sword ofvengeance of the Islam all over the Arab world,dressed like a desert princess, testified for theimmense wealth collected by her father, on his wayto retirement, during a lifetime of robbery.

    The burden of that wealth would press on her and

    made her even breathe uneasily. Also the airfanned by a maid of heirs was no use. Herbreathing was difficult and often interrupted by acough.

    Catalina was accompanied by the abbot and hermaids up to the entrance of the crypt underneaththe alter, where were laying in a circle seven holy

    monks and the very first abbot, Graziano fromVerona, and Patrick from Ireland.


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    The night was windy and the moans of the windwould get into the harmonic conduits created by

    Acceptus. The fully veiled woman with her head

    illuminated by a silver crescent came into the cryptand was at once dipped in a blinding light thatseemed to pour from the walls and hit by somemodulated sounds like organ pipes filled up withmysterious wind.

    She fainted, struck dead. The dismay from thetwo maids resulted in sharp yells which made the

    wind gusts in the night even grimmer. The abbotreached out to her father who would see his wish ofhaving a still lively old age fade away along withCatalina, and, fearing a retaliation from him, urgedin a thrilled voice: Oh, my, if only were you not solate.

    The Redbeard did not listen to reason and, as notto destroy that holy place out, he expected that thecrypt were concealed and even its memory erased.He placed in the grave dug by himself and the twomaids only help the dowry that his daughter musthave brought to the Rais, a cow shaped safe full ofgolden coins underneath the veiled Catalinas head,

    like a luxurious but uneasy pillow. The access tothe crypt was bricked up and cloaked so well thateven the memory of it was finally lost.


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    At this point in time the sky is already painted bya weak pink glimmer, so by these first rays of light it

    is easier for Alex to climb up the stiff walls of thewell and get outside in the courtyard of the formermonastic plant.

    Once out he throws a rope down to Gabriel anddrives him out too.

    Availing themselves to the absence of the ruins

    owners, the two explorers can easily access someold trunks left unguarded inside a garage fit foragricultural machinery. In one of them just opened,while a rat quickly slips away from his chosen bed,they come grasp in their hands a very old registry,soon realizing how much of a misery it was. Alexlets it fall into his rucksack and heads for an exit

    through cracks in a wall half collapsed, closelyfollowed by Gabriel. Free at last, and I and Ian too.


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    16We return to Seattle where our bodies are still

    laying fast asleep but find the way back barred bythe window of my flat whose access has beensealed from the inside on occult practices by theGrand Master of the Predominants called up byVince.

    So we go back once again to Gargano just in timeto find Alex and Gabriel climbing up the slopes of amountain aboard a pickup borrowed by Alex froman acquaintance of his. On a turn of a winding roadthey notice by its edge the crushed body of a girl intatters. So they stop and pick the demi conscious

    girl up by the arms. Gabriel recognizes Sybil,forgetful and rejoined to her body by the energy ofthe last nearly fatal fight. She mutters: Cora! Ian!Help me!... No! No! Get back! Get back youbarking monsters !. She is struggling like in a realfight. Gabriel realizes that Sybil is there because ofme and Ian, so shakes her and asks: Whats

    happened to Cora and Ian? Are they in danger?Where are they, speak out Sybil, come back to yoursenses! Sybil looks as if emerging slowly from a


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    nightmare: They are shut, sealed underneath...their bodies are asleep in Seattle. With Sybilknocked out, our only hope would be Gabriel. So

    Alex sees Gabriel to the nearest airport. Sixteenlong hours before we can meet him again. Asufficient time though to loosen the bonds keepingour physical bodies together with our astral ones

    and to give skilled programmers a chance tosubdue us and influence our will.

    To let our bodies in the hands of thePredominants is an unexpected gift for them fromthe dark forces. To let us cut off from our bodies forsuch a long time will deny us our luminous depthforever. The specialist in the organization

    summoned up to supervise our alteration into soledarkness is Aksel, the notorious Norwegian. Tornapart from our bodies, we will be changed intoagents of darkness, the same bodiless shadowswho had fought against Sybil and driven her todemi-madness.


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    17In the flat the removal of the two bodies laying

    there is being organized to an intensive care,controlled by the Gang of the Predominants throughthe infiltration of some followers of theirs into thenursing staff. I and Ian, indivisible astral twins,deprived of our bodies and confined to fight on and

    on from the wrong side against our actual wishes,at the mercy of a cruel band. Aksel the Norwegianas a hospital attendant has powered the hospitalsplants on, really for use to creating a new race of

    Astral Duploids, a pair of one male and one femalebound together along the back region of theirmental brain, to be employed as a strategic

    weapon. Some clandestine headquarters wheresuch new imaginative creatures are stocked are

    just placed below some gorge in Gargano. That iswhy Sybil was engaged and routed so easily. TheGang of the Predominants is responsible for themagnificent psyco-genic colonization of a myriadpeople subdued. The Duploids had rather operate

    at night, influencing ones minds and sides. Theyare a kind of mental agents of the ideological global


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    war, even a slight visual contact with them is able toshake the most well balanced minds. The artificialandrogyne is designed in such a way as toinfluence every type of human sexuality. Thecreature turns on as quick as lightning and mixesup the proper level of glamour that allowsparalyzing the enemys mind in ecstasy. The victim

    gets fully charmed and, once helpless, becomesready to die at the Duploids own wishes.

    Once changed into seducers at the mercy of theGang we will even be deprived of ourselves, turnedinto glowing phantoms capable of fissuring thedarkness in the eternal night. Spectra of light on ablack range. Oh Gabriel, my beloved one, hurry up,

    quick!... Dont let me and Ian be handed over to adeath like this


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    18In the meantime Alex is taking Sybil to his familys

    farm, where he and his sister Tea live, whosehospitality will allow her to recover a bit. Alex doesnot know that Tea has been infected by a Duploidand is not able to control her mind any longer. Inthe night time Tea takes Sybil to a ceremony that

    the shepherds of the neighbourhood have beenkeeping on putting on stage since the times beforethe Christianity refined the habits of these people.

    In the vicinity of a brook whose head springs fromMount Drion, a place that welcomed the mortalremains of divine Podalirius, son of the God of

    Medicine himself, the shepherds use to assembleevery year to celebrate the ritual which will takecare of their health and flocks. Some elected by thepeople, who were attending the ritual wearing theclothes of a mutton, will take care of dipping in thecold waters of the brook those lambs that are goingto be eaten during the sacrificial supper, butchering

    them ritually and eating out their meat lightlycooked on a few embers.


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    The shepherds use to hand on that nearbyPodalirius mystical mortuary chapel, a kind of anafterworld bull appeared, modifier of the cyclic time.

    So they still put on stage the ritual itself andbenefit from the effects of the celebration. Despiteher current psycho-physical weakening, Sybil hasgot her power of seeing well preserved and

    boosted. In her eyes the ritual is proceeding aboutits invisible frame. Those who are wearing ramskins and performing the ceremonial steps withdipping the lambs in the brook, actually would bathethemselves newborn in Podalirius waters, a healingbaptism allowing them to travel back once againacross their own temporal way.

    The ritual meal on regenerative meats suddenlyinstil new life into the sharers. Since Tea and Sybilwere acknowledged to the ceremony, they are nowpermitted to have their ritual meal as well. TheGargano shepherds are of ancient birth, movedthere after the eruption of Santorini, the formerThera, 3500 years ago. One of them was inBethlehem on the night of the star in the east andwas there when the three kings from the Far Eastcame. Since then the black obsidian cube, apowerful magnet capable of cutting off the etherealropes that bind men to one another, has alwaysbeen guarded by the primary clan. The Gang of thePredominants is going to try and use Tea to makeSybil steal the potent talisman. Tea tells her: Youhave to succeed Sybil, its all about Ians safety.


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    Gabriel has told Alex that Cora went into coma andIan cannot break the link to her very destiny by hissole willpower. An external agent is in order: itsshape is like an obsidian cube guarded by this olddescent of shepherds. You must try and steal it. It issomewhere about here, but I cannot see it. Sybilcan feel an ethereal magnetism spreading from the

    obsidian and realizes that it is preserved in acavern where the shepherds use to keep theirrenowned cubic shaped hollow cheese, hiddenamong all the whole cheese kept down there.

    As a caretaker of such a treasure she will find theold shepherds leaders mother.

    Mrs Prism, her name sounds like being multifacets. One of these is like her conversationpartners face and usually throws the adversariesinto confusion by surprise. But Sybil is not taken bysurprise at all. A night warrior is experienced ingloomy tricks. When the witch shows her amolossian face, Sybil stands steady and muzzlesher in a way that she would be crushed at theslightest movement and this is how she holds herup. Once run over her she gets into the warehouseand grabs the obsidian cube from the lot ofarranged blackish cheese.

    Caught up with Tea, in a flash they vanish in thewoods, leaving a great confusion and a fit of

    despair at the stealing behind them.Tea drives her to one of the millenarian olives


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    dated back 2500 years ago and invites her to putdown the obsidian cube inside the empty trunk,saying: When things are settled well come backand take it.

    In reality the trunk is the entrance to one of theGang of the Predominants bunkers, so Tea haseasily managed to satisfy their demands about

    delivering quickly the valuable obsidian cube whichwill allow Aksel the Norwegian to break up theastral bond Ian is using to protect Cora.


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    The olive tree is in the open country, lonely in asteppe-like field full of stones, a possessiondeserted for a long time by its owner who hadchosen to live in town. From time to time Mrs Leliais used to thinking over again of her familysproperty setting her hope on enterprising somecompany activity someday, a theme park for

    instance, but she lacks the courage of leaving thecosy city life in favour of returning back to thoseimmense solitary places. Her life goes on and onfull of comfort and peacefulness Why run risks?she says to herself, as to silence her feeling ofdefault that she often senses, especially on Easterand Christmas, when the memory about her family

    gets more lively. The old landlords often tend towipe off even the slightest memory either inlaziness or because they use to live them up like an


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    aged heritage as heavy as lead.

    20The northern town she lives in, the lady is the

    focal point of a little academy of friends, alchemylovers who amuse themselves in her honour withinterpretation contests of the riddle Aelia LaeliaCrispis non nata resurgens (Aelia Laelia Crispisnever born shall rise again) discovered carved on a

    sepulchral stone around a.d. 1559. One of itssolvers, the artist Davide Deltorre, in full agreementwith the sixteenth century alchemical interpretationby the Bolognese physician and botanist Ulisse

    Aldrovandi who claimed that the riddle would referto a hamadryad living inside a tree or at least linkedto it, has pictured Mrs. Lelia in the foliage of an

    olive tree with human features giving birth to a littleAdonis out of the trunk.


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    While the lady, by then in her old age, amusesherself in merry company, the lands of her propertyhave come under the jurisdiction of the criminalorganization that has perverted an ancient Etruscansite, though never acknowledged by the Agency of

    Archaeology, into a depot for clearing drugs.

    To tell the truth the lady is used to going down to

    the old palace of her family once a year, in May,more likely to reawaken her sensorial recall in theblooming lemon garden. She loves chatting with herold aunt, the last keeper of family tales.

    Right this year Lelia has come down to the villaearlier in late April, so her aunt had to call for themaid in advance to let her tidy up her nephewsroom. In the small lobby are the portraits of hergrandmothers brothers, those who did not makeit. Children only aged seven or nine at large deadof meningitis, the horrible infantile disease whichwould rage in the nineteenth century. They aredepicted in magnificent clothing but with their shoesswapped left for right, as to point out that thechildren were painted dead. The procession did notlook gloomy at twilight, when the bells of thenearest church would call the prayers for theevening rosary, a definite meeting for all of thewidows in black of the village. On the occasion ofthese funerals occurring on a regular basis in thevillage, very seldom did it happen that somebodymight offer their usual comforting condolences uponthem: It was not my fault. Because here, like in


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    any other place, any death is considered as theresult of some public action.


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    21As the barren Gargano territory is still in the

    hands of minor country landlords devoted tounrealistic entrepreneurial plans, but fancyingabove all the vague memory of an ancient glory, anew class of land exploiters have gathered togetherillegally, multiplying their interests upon rather

    obscure trades, like for instance the control of theAeolian plants. A somewhat large dark zonewelcomes the local profiteers to serve the criminalorganization. The Gang of the Predominants hasgot a base out there and the regional agent of it isthe very man that the teenage Corinthia caught onlya glimpse of, the supervisor of the orange

    harvesting, Dario from Castelpagano. Once grownas a tour operator thanks to a flourishing trade onclandestine landings, he has built a huge holidayvillage that would be boosted if a landing strip werethere in place of the old ruins of Klena.

    This is how ancient history and archaic

    landscapes turn into obstacles for the neweconomy.


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    Message from Starship PleromaA brand new planetary magnetic grid is currently

    being installed around this solar system locatednearby the way-in to the enhanced light belt.

    In order to rule the mankind the bioengineersabout dark energy have carried out some DNA

    manipulation techniques devoted to arouse fearand subjection.

    At the time the human DNA molecule has beeninvaded and re-programmed, such manipulationhas interposed a sort of a veil between the fivehuman senses and the inner awareness of himself.Only in the future shall the mankind be able to

    develop again according to the advanceddimensional model foreseen in the original plan. Inthe interim mankind shall have to undergo a longand painful period of time on spiritual improvement.

    Within some people an upward process of theirbodies of light is being triggered. Part of suchprocess is the re-activation of the 12 spiralled DNA.To take the dimensional voyage, first priority is theindividual adjustment to deeper and deeper powers


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    on the planet. Such adjustment can happenexclusively through the purification and frequencyup conversion of the four bodied system,crystallizing them after melting the constituents.

    Thoughts and emotions are energy formsfollowed by matter for the energy goes along withthoughts. Through them experiences are fashioned

    over all levels of reality. There are no casualties butonly souls learning their experiences, more or lessdifficult.

    There will not be any annihilation, a veiluncovered instead. Watch out the K. The final daysare near.


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    Dario from CastelpaganoOn the fatal night the twins were conceived, Dario

    was wandering about in the vicinity, waiting forDelio to carry out his conjugal duty on Corinthia, soas to be able to get to her freely after that. This wasthe way Corinthia paid her debt of guilt conveyingher dark side to the new born, the obscure Vince,

    the chosen one by the Gang of the Predominants.The failure that night caused by the interference ofsome unknown power, ever remained obscure toDario and cost him a great deal of years aboutbeing considered secondary within theorganization. By going up again patiently, throughbeing always the very necessary agent for the

    majority of the illicit trades all over the territory, hegained back new credibility to his bosss eyes. Theyeventually trusted him so much that he wascharged with claiming back the black stone guardedby the shepherds from mount Drion, according towhom it was a modulation container of the originalFiat Lux (flash of light), the very origin of creation.

    So he had been in touch with Tea and convincedher to be inoculated with chemicals by Akesl, the


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    Norwegian bioengineer, which he made heraddicted to right away.

    The clan of mountain shepherds love usingsymbols and, if the trails of the latest crimes werefollowed, each and every footstep of theirs wouldtake him back to the coastline, and to that holyFriday so many years before, when the highlanders

    had moved down to the coast road and set a hellishfire to it.

    Now that he has obtained the powerful talisman,by which the shepherds can break the most sacredlinks and cancel the most unbreakable oaths , Dariofeels like he is most potent. He thinks he can claimback the rank they owe him in the organization.

    What a menace to Dario! Mrs Lelia, intellectuallyexcited by the canvas portraying her like anarboreal mother of Adonis, has imagined to raise afit-out shooting box in the shade of the age-old olivetree which she feels to be linked with by art, and toinvite her dearest friends to stay there with her and

    make a photo reportage in the nearby woods.Female fantasy is unlimited! It gets excited so

    easily by convincing though naive tales.

    Temporarily sent away from his hollow tree, Dariopacks his things up and goes underground,breaking through the wall blocking up one of the

    tunnels of the old Etruscan cemetery buried insideMount Civita. His fortune had started from there somany years before. That very first time he had


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    gotten to know quite a disquieting aged dimensionmade of old lunatic phantoms that tried to clutchhim maliciously. One dead woman, in particular,had drawn his attention: veiled off she had a silvercrescent shining bright above her head and hadwhispered to his ear: I got lost in these deadunknown souls. I am here instead of another. My

    name is Alna, a maid of Catalinas, dead in herplace. She escaped an unwanted marriageexchanging her clothes with mine when sherealized I was bound to certain death. Ive been leftalone for so many centuries, please do stay withme! Darios hair turned all white that very moment.

    Like anybody else in Gargano, he has known

    since childhood all about Khayr al-D ns daughter. And he had looked for the treasurein the golden calf when he was a boy. Beingface to face with his guardian makes anancient fear of his come true. But then hisgreed prevailed even over terror, so heasked her to disclose the location of the treasure

    to him. The maid agreed and handed it over to himprovided that he would come back to her one moretime, and the scoundrel consented so.

    The treasure allowed Dario from Castelpagano tojoin the business society and build hisentrepreneurial fortune. Many years had passedsince that far-off promise, yet fallen into oblivion ofDario subconsciousness since long. But Alna waswaiting for him like the very first day.


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    In that thick night, a bright black light spreads outthe concealed obsidian cube through the fibres ofthe jute bag around it. As if by magic in thosereflexes Darios face recovers the features of hisyouth lost in the maze of mighty ambitions. Themagic from the obsidian has instead the power ofletting the hourglass of lost time following false

    illusions go counter clockwise. In the underworldstill powerful is the game of amorous delight.

    Alna is aware of that: If you choose to stay, youcould get the lady of your dreams back. Youll seemy face, never unconcealed to anyone, and it willbe the way you believe it to be. Dario, upset: Illhave her back in you, a dead one? Alna, joyfully

    laughing: I am the maid, the avatar, the one whowill never die. The place of my sleeping body issacred and forever. It is watched over by sevenholy guards. You are the less deserving, Dario, yetyoure my chosen one. Now youll decide whetherlive or die. In Darios mind the troubling life he haslead since his early years is far, far away now. The

    soft glow from the obsidian soothes the yell of thetormenting business fast grasping his mind. Themystery behind the woman tempts him to let go,even though he has never been free from livingtension.

    When Dario is about to make up his mind, a loudboom violently shakes the bowels of the Etruscansite. An ammo depot left unguarded in a nearbyravine was made set off by a camera flash turned


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    on into a cleft by the painter David Deltorre.


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    The mystery about the foundation of theUniverse

    It was no Alpha experiment in 2010 to generateand freeze for the first time in the world atoms ofanti-hydrogen, having the same amount of massbut opposite electric charge with respect to ordinarymatter, as if reflected in a mirror. Still to take theantimatter anywhere inside a storage place

    remained impossible to achieve. In effect itsuffices that one single atom of anti-hydrogencollide with the ordinary matter of the containersinner side, that a massive explosion might takeplace. The collision of matter and antimatter willcancel each other out. Yet in an obsidian cube theyhad been able to transport 29 atoms of primeval

    antimatter for millennia.Despite during Big-Bang matter and antimatter

    were produced in the same amount andconsequently they would annihilate each other,however this event did not happen because acertain amount of matter (about one particle per tenbillion antimatter particles) would slip away, so, due

    to the rupture of this symmetry, the world we arenow living in had been born.


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    Over again

    The explosion caused by the camera flash into

    the ammo depot did not wipe it out, but triggered ahuge reflection capable of turning on a finaldimensional focusing and letting the overallvibrational level raise.

    Dario stays awake all night long like a knightawaiting the new rising sun on the day of hisinvestiture. To come out from the darkness of that

    night is like a sort of rebirth to him. He has chosento be free and forgiven himself. A new Dario hadbeen born since he has made up his mind. Heknows where Sybil can be, so he turns his stepstowards that place.

    Sybil is laying down soothed by some chemicalsthat Tea has mixed her with food. Dario rushes intoTeas house and runs over her violently. Sybil lookslike an unhealthy sleeping flower. He wraps her upin a blanket, seats her on the jeep and starts theengine without even looking back. He takes her to asecret place, a cottage known only to fewtrustworthy people and does his best to revive her.In a few hours he manages to wake her upsuccessfully and get her to normal conditions as toresume their journey to reach out to Gabriel.


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    After the girl has left, he returns to his usualbattle, but this time expecting acts of retaliationfrom his former friends.

    The anti-Dario is just a reflex in the screen ofchange. His mind has reached out to a new setting:it is a firm blockade to expanding darkness. Dariohas turned himself into a black monk, warden to the

    obsidian cube. He has become the prototype of anew genre of the Guardians of Diomedes: aGuardian feeding from darkness and turning it intoinfra-red light.


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    22Gabriel has made up his mind to confront Vince,

    letting him no way out. He catches him in the clubhe is used to going to. The atmosphere is red hotlike in a greenhouse for poisonous flowers. Greymasks created by the misuse of everything thatsforbidden. Vince loves gliding over that filthy world,

    which often offers flashes of beauty. A singer isperforming to perfection, thus relieving the venomsby music wrapped up in a clean dew. Scentedsmokes are covering up the unhealthy fumes of thehorde of bodies lost in haunting petting. Gabriel willnever understand Vinces fondness for a place likethat, since he is usually aseptic to fussiness.

    He makes him follow him to the clubs parkingarea.

    Now Gabriel also knows that the two havedifferent fathers and one mother. Vince has alwayslived as though he knew it all. Gabriel feelsnaturally respectful in every way to Corinthia, so he

    could never hurt her feelings through Vince.

    They are face to face again, like two avowed


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    enemies: Vince, I got that Cora is the woman Ivealways wanted, you cannot go against it. Youllhave to face the truth and take me now to the placewhere you had her imprisoned.

    Vince is now laughing with a grim face: Even if Itook you down to her, I could not do anything moreto set her free. It was you yourself who sentenced

    her the day you elected her, so the guilt is all theway down yours. She and Ian are going to beturned into astral twins, once bodiless, and servicea merciless organization. Now beat it!.

    Gabriel gives up any further attempt to persuadethe indomitable Vince to join his side and watcheshim go by with several questionable regularcustomers of the club. Then he comes back homewhere he finds the old representative of Morlachiclan, Hawk, commander of an air team, andCorinthia waiting for him; Hawk announces thatSybil has returned home and suggests he can takeaction together with the clan to free Ian and Cora,before the obsidian cube falls in the hands of theGang of the Predominants.

    It is Gabriels duty to break into the hospitaldepartment. so as to get attention all over him,while the other members of the team come downthe roof to the room when Ian and Cora are layinglifeless. The hospital attendant Aksel and a night

    lady doctor, who gives them the chemicals neededto support their lives, are taking care of the twobodies. The raid from the Morlachi is instant, and


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    Aksel, man of science and not action, quicklyresolves to bring himself to safety with noresistance at all. Commander Hawk brings Ian andCora back to reality in a skilful way. Once reachedthe roof of the hospital again they find the hatefulDuploids in assault formation waiting for them. TheMorlachi line up in circle around Cora while the

    Duploids are charging one of them, but twoMorlachi aside soon close up the opening. The twoopposing groups of people are as fierce as they canbe, and each man folds himself off to his owncomrade, thus preventing the enemy fromaccessing his vital core. The harsh electric conflictproduces a sort of friction breaking a space-time

    hole and driving the opponents away to twodifferent neutral dimensions. Finally all of themembers regain their usual human form and moveaway more and more hostile to each other.


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    23Cora and Gabriel can now rejoin after so many

    painful events of theirs. They run to their shelter,the baita in the woods near Seattle, so wishful toget themselves and their love back.

    Gabriel tells her about all her averted dangers

    and the destiny intended to her by Vince, just totake vengeance, if Ians clan did not interveneaggressively.

    This is the truth, Cora, that the twin is just myhalf-brother, our different fathers actually belong totwo opposing alliances. Corinthia doesnt know ityet, nor am I sure to reveal it all to her.

    Gabriel has all the time been in touch with Alex,an authority in archeoastronomy as well asspeleology. They are used to hearing from eachother in the evenings via Web and their last email isabout the answer from the Academic Councillocated at Palace della Bella in Vico Garganicowhom Alex had submitted the reading of the oldregister stolen from the Abbey in Klena to. TheCouncil has stated that that is an universal


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    calendar, solstice and equinox based, connected toa map of Gargano and focused to all places markedwith dolmens. In Alexs hands, the registerbecomes a means of prediction, able to determineboth one day in the future and one specific place,Mount Elio, a relief in northern Gargano, betweenthe lagoons of Lesina and Varano lakes. That place

    was a former venue in the middle age of a Slavcolony which eventually gave birth to the town ofDevia, later conquered by the Byzantine who builtthere, in XI century, the church of Saint Mary fromMount Elio, frescoed with Byzantine-like paintings,including a Christ Pantocrator (Christ Almighty) anda throned Madonna.

    The email ended with a request to Gabriel tocome back soon to Gargano because one particulardate in the universal calendar near in time has beenhighlighted and put under archangel Gabrielsprotection. The message concluded like this: DearGabriel, I believe the occurrence pointed out in theregister is a matter of yours...

    Prudently Gabriel and Cora resolve they willaccept Alexs invitation for them to come toGargano.

    Alex himself is there waiting for them. The jeepgoes by an uphill winding road. They get to a stallon the slopes of Mount Elio. Alex says: Well take a

    break for a while at the stall for refuelling. Beyondthat there will be no more refreshment places. Alexis at the counter paying drinks and sandwiches


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    when two armed men urge him to come back to thejeep without asking.


    They get close to the cottage of Dario fromCastelpagano, who is waiting for them anxiously.

    He has sent his most reliable men for the boysbecause he was told that the Predominants were atMount Elio for a kidnapping.

    Dario runs up to them like a country gentlemanwelcoming expected guests. My Cora! And youmust be Gabriel! Youre going to be my mostpleasant guests. You Alex, if you wish, can stay atmy place too. Alex acts as if he does notunderstand: We have been abducted here againstour will. Where are we and why?.

    Dario waves like: Everything will be settled intime. He makes way towards the hall while his menstand up guarding.

    Dario looks at Gabriel so as to discover thefeatures of his mother Corinthia in his sons young


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    face. He could have been his son had not someunknown being interfered, on that night so manyyears before, between him and the young womangone across the ocean to that marooned garden.


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    25The silence from Dario is the symptom of

    complaint for a life that might have been his ownone, should things have gone differently. Thefeatures of his beloved woman appear along withthe colours of youth on the smooth Gabriels face,suggesting a fatherly protection feeling. He will

    have to rescue those guys from the revengefulanger by the Gang of the Predominants, formerallies of his, whose only wish is to maintain goodorder in their power. Dario makes up his mind andspeaks frankly: I am the only friend you have youcan count on now. You must trust me. Gabriel, Iwould never do harm to Corinthia s son. Ive known

    her long before you had been born and Ive neverforgotten her. Im at your disposal for the sake ofher. I took you here to save you from the Gang ofthe Predominants who wants you all dead. Tell meabout your plans and Im going to help you fulfilthem. Ive resolved Ill claim myself my life back thisway, by helping you let yours come true. As to

    acknowledge my fairness, Ill give you the obsidiancube that Aksel the Norwegian was looking for to


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    throw Cora headlong into the darkest night of theshadows. Ill hand it over to you, I kept it for youalienating myself my former allies. What do youintend to do now?. Alex consults Gabriel by theeyes and decides they can trust Dario: When thetwo men of yours came and drove us here we werebound to Mount Elio. Dario chimes in: Where a

    shrine of Saint Mary can be found, and Alex adds:We were bound right on to there. Dario is eager toknow why. Alex looks back at Gabriel, nownodding, before going on: The oldest AcademicCouncil in Gargano, Vicos, has discovered the keyto read an ancient register preserved for centuriesin the basement of Klena Abbey, in Peschici plain.

    Their decoding has identified the church of SaintMary of Mount Elio as the place where, at dawntomorrow, Gabriel and Cora will have to attend arendezvous arranged since the old times. The placeis a Byzantine cenoby wonderfully frescoed, anexcellent one so that Love in person may celebratethe highest wedding between Gabriel, a directdescendant of the Icorean birth of Aphrodite, andCora, the descendant of UNA, Calypsos naiadnymph, who was taken to Gargano from theMaltese island of Gozo in 1551, along with another5000 people from neighbouring islands, undersiege for three days by the Ottoman Empire led byDragut Rais. The Latin word for the island isgaulum, meaning a cup, but also a kind of sailingboat. On Gozo island Calypso, the daughter of sunand sister of Circe, used to live in several halls of a


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    natural cave turned into a nymphaeum with marblesand fountains, and spend her time spinning andweaving aided by other enslaved nymphs who usedto sing in their work. High priestess of pleasure shewould favour Ulysses with immortality if only he hadaccepted to stay with her and never return to Ithakato his wife and son. But Ulysses did not let himself

    be tempted and finally left her. Calypso, beforeretiring and leaving her life on earth, revealed to theslave she favoured, the naiad UNA, the secret ofvibration theta of either binding singing, makingconsent, or undoing singing, thus freeing men fromfear and submission. This gift was also passed onto UNAs descendant, Cora, who will have the

    scrolls with the ancient spells back on the day ofher wedding. Coras mission is to cast thoseancient spells in the secret chamber created by

    Acceptus, the one once bricked up to preserve themortal remains of the false Catalyne, really themaid Alna. In the Acceptus airy chamber thevibrations of Calypsos spells cast by the naiad-likevoice shall be the focal point of the vibrationalraising to the fifth dimension, vital condition so thatthe 12 spiralled DNA may be reactivated andnecessary circumstance in order the ascensionalprocess of the body of light may get started.


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    26Dario stares at them worried. He realizes how

    risky Coras mission must be, knowing theopponents for having been one of them. So hesuggests to get to Mount Elio by aircraft he himselfvolunteers to pilot, for a land expedition would likelyresult to null. They climb up easily Mount Elio, but

    the aircraft is noisy enough as to being noticed bythe men of the Gang of the Predominants who areclimbing up the slopes of the hill in a hurry too.Dario has foreseen the deed so he has armed thetiny plane with a machine gun, a formidabledeterrent to make them stay quite back.

    The church of Saint Mary is a rectangular shapedfactory with an open gallery and ahead a roundnymphaeum made up of the three circular apses ofthe rear faade. Out of the ancient temple are somemarble columns and the trails of a sulphuric springwater by then dry which would represent theScamander according to some historian, the river

    dyed red by the blood of the Trojan warriorsslaughtered by Achilles furious at Patroclus death,the same river that flooded to slow down the


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    advance of the Greek army and thus let the Trojanswithdraw inside the walls. Some scholars from theChurch of Mount Elio are inclined to believe thatsuch spring were consecrated by the water fromCastalia source spouting near Delphi, thesettlement where Apollo oracle stood, the God whochild killed the subterranean dragon Phyton whose

    lair was said to be in the vicinity of the source itself.The legendary-hystorical picture about such anoracle would link the sanctuary of Pito to a very oldsubterranean religion, actually tied to the worship ofMother Goddess. In late Greek ancient times,

    Apollo (*) was used to be identified with the God ofthe sun, bearer of light and charioteer of the solar

    cart. A similar change happened with the Romanstoo, where Apollo became an alter ego of Solinvictus (the indomitable Sun), one of the mostsignificant deities. As for the Etruscan religion wemay find the equivalent one with the God ofthunders, Apulus.

    (*) Apollo supported the Trojans during the entirewar against the Greek: one time he saved Aeneaslife too, who was engaged in a duel with Diomedes.He also helped Paris kill Achilles, by guiding thearrow flung by the latter into the heel of the Greekhero, being it his sole spot of weakness. Afterwardsthe God offered his own help to Hector with hisfight against the dreadful Patroclus, friend andmaster to bravest Achilles, whom he was wearing


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    the armour of: the God bereaved him of it bymelting it like snow in the sun.


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    27 The long trip from extreme division to a pure unitywould make the Evolution up. The creation,including Earth and its inhabitants, would representthe highest mark of separation of all space-time.Whereas the space-time should not be deformedbut a place where beings would evolve either

    mentally or emotionally without living straight theextreme oppositeness and destructiveness as aconsequence. The polarities have become extremedue to the use of power currents, both electric andradioactive, different from the one energy printwhich space-time was created by, whilst, in a nondistorted space-time, plain thoughts would arise

    polarised but not that extreme.


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    The mystery about the double birth of Corinthiaschildren in the Gargano cave lit by the glows out ofa saucerful of multicolour gems, with the ultimateembers about to turn to ashes, is still wrapping up

    everyone like in the darkness of a starless night.Now that the vigorous north wind is blowing with

    magnetic power on the top of Mount Elio, Gabrieland Cora are finding shelter under the undergroundcrypts of the Byzantine cenoby, led by theexperienced Alex, while Dario is busy engagedkeeping the men of the Gang aside. They

    successfully get to the origin of the sulphur spring,located at the very end of the marble colonnadewhere they can see a central hollow as large as theobsidian cube handed over by Dario to Cora andGabriels hands. Gabriel puts it into place and soonit starts spinning, thus revealing a subterrestrialdimension with still waters from which some

    sculpturesque stalagmites surface. It is a mostimmense place. They dive into the healing waters


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    and source of changing the Great Mother haspreserved in order Her chosen ones may comeback. While swimming through, Gabriel and Corago along their own ontogenesis and phylogenyagain, so their DNA gets lined up and prepared toits 12 spiralled re-establishment, as a pre-conditionneeded to start the ascensional process of their

    bodies of light. Once out of the spring, they arewelcomed by a powerful wind which dries them upand brings them to some bridal hall where the unionof their auras into one is carried out. The gifts forthe bride are twisted corals pierced by the Undines,the sea naiads, so that Cora may modulate on herbreath the sounds of the sacred spells from

    Calypso, Suns daughter.


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    29Only shall the Realm of the dead keep them

    apart, by then, from Acceptus chamber. It wasfigured out by the Etruscan fantasy, but its currentresidents come from many different places, like theslave Alna, dead in place of her mistressCatalyne. She is an uneasy dead woman, a

    vagrant, able to interfere like a screen against anyascensional path. To let them pass she asks for amirror, because that will allow her not to forgetabout who she really was. So Gabriel and Coracome back to collect some spring water into a shellshaped stalagmite, the only thing that mayresemble a reflecting surface. Alna is now able to

    see once again her face in the quietness of arecovered individuality. By this time she is totallyengrossed over the still surface of the primevalwater in a concentration reflex. Gabriel and Coramay go beyond that, undisturbed. They mustescape scorpions, tritons and lazy vipers along theirway.

    They go back to places already visited, the fieldscattered with wild orchids and asphodels, the


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    corridor marked with the trail of the Threefold HolyBelt, a bay from a mysterious architecture. Sincethe early Palaeolithic Age such symbol has used totag the places with own telluric energy spoutingfrom the underneath heavenly water.

    A motion upwards, ascensional, is beginning, anoverwhelming one lifting them as though attracted

    by a powerful magnet. They meet inside one of theholy wells called Omphalos, in Klenas courtyard.

    Acceptus friezes not yet ruined are echoing in thewind like an instrument.

    They get to the altar of the Ancient Templelooking like the perfectly cubic shaped symbol ofthe Threefold Belt functioning as a solarchronograph of the cyclic time, beating thesuccession of equinoxes and solstices. Behind thealtar they find depicted a little picture of the boatcalled gaulum having the helm driven into a rift inthe rock. After shifting some stones, Gabriel is ableto find a way to the secret chamber of Acceptus.

    Cora casts Calypsos spells in Acceptus chamberand, as if by magic, the spectre of the veiledwoman starts and finds her voice back: Sevenyears after my death being a black slave, the RaisDragut, for he believed I were really Catalyne, hisbeloved wife, has raised siege for three long daysto the castle in Gozo, one island in the

    homonymous archipelago, and finally conquered itand enslaved the entire score of 5000 people. Hisactual purpose was truly to take UNA as a prisoner,


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    the naiad whom they said Calypso herself hadtransferred the power of binding and untying. Inorder not to err, the Rais took all the women livingin those islands along with him to Garganopeninsula in 1544. You , Cora, are the progeny ofnaiad UNA. I cannot interfere any longer andscreen off the light along your ascensional path

    ever since in this chamber the vibrations fromCalypsos spells have been started through thenaiad voice of yours. Sounds can establish stableconditions so that the light may change its directionin passing from descent to ascent. From this timeforward those who enter here will have two differentkinds of experience. The ones who behave well are

    going to experience supremacy upon their ownwishes and attainment of what they miss, whereasthe evil are going to feel it like a place for livingthrough a fall into desolation.

    The corridor to Fifth Dimension, at the entrance ofthe crypt underneath the altar, is lit by the lightprovided by nine servants living there in a circle, the

    seven holy monks as well as the first abbot,Graziano from Verona and Patrick from Ireland.

    Once they have utterly worked the troubles facedin Third and Fourth Dimension out, now Gabriel andCora realize they have entered the Fifth, being thatthe home of divine awareness, and understand thatthe emotion of binding love has led them there.Time has no meaning in such a place and allgenerations are living simultaneously coexistent in


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    time. The cosmic gate to inner Earth, visible if onlyone looks deeply in, has revealed itself to Coraseyes full of love since she got back to the Mountainof Sun, in Gargano.

    The Naiad begins to climb the inside springbackwards to discover the sources of it. Revitalizingelement, water is also the origin of the song from

    Undines and Nereids.

    Following the spring up, Cora renews her ownmind genetics. She is aimed at having all life at oneglance, spread out like a fresco, knowing the detailsand embracing the all of it. She leans out of a valleycontaining her whole life, the ancestral beginningswhen she was naiad UNA in Calypsos lair, herabduction and enslavement under the corsairDragut Rais till the sweet childhood with her dearlyloved parents, her arrival at Seattle and the meetingwith Gabriel and everything that followed, Ian andthe hypnotic dreams, the struggle to take her awayfrom the Gang of the Predominants. The cosmicpicture does contain also them entering the FifthDimension, Cora looking at herself like in a mirrorshrouded by water vapour but, at this point in time,her vision gets twisted about itself for a smokysmall crack has opened at her back, like a knifescut across a curtain, pushing Dario in, who is tightlyheld by the shoulders by a man threatening him atthe throat with a knife. The other man is Delius,Vinces father, who became in time one of thehidden leaders of the Gang. The man introduces


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    himself: My name is Delius, father of Vince, I haveto thank Gabriel on behalf of all of the Gang of thePredominants, which I am honoured to be one ofthe most dreadful leaders of, for using naiad Corain order to open the way one more time to the FifthDimension. Unconsciously you all were working forus. Even the desertion of this mug, and he grasps

    firmly Dario by the throat, has played only our owngame in the end, helping you fulfil your task. Fromnow on, we outcast can aim at climbing up theheavens too. You Cora are going to lead all of us tothat place of strength from which the celestial waterspouts, the sole nourishment for every living beingwho wants to live forever. Dario happens to

    express himself uneasily: Im sorry... hes caughtme by surprise. His voice gets overwhelmed by aroar, like a kind of an earthquake, caused by thefive Templar knights who have taken shelter here inthis place since the happenings at Chinon whentheir genuine repentance had gained themforgiveness from the Church and new admissioninto the ecclesial community.


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    30An unexpected help comes from the past,

    because the Security Service cannot grantadmittance to the upper dimensions for all who arenot travelling over the same wavelength as thetheta rays. The Templar knights offer Dario acouple of options: either transmutation or death.

    Delius refuses to submit, so the knights wipe himoff.

    The water of life can be accessed only by peoplehaving their energy consciousness as high as fifthdimension or higher, and whose efforts aretowards healing from sin and to the light.

    Cora, Gabriel and Dario proceed along thenarrow track over the valley of all life as it has beenand get to a place to stay like home. What anawesome surprise it is to find there, sat down onodd seats, Ian, Sybil and Corinthia!


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    31Ian welcomes them and says: We were waiting

    to accompany you to the font. We have realizedone leader of the Gang has followed you

    Now Cora understands that Ian looks slightlydifferent. Her sincere friend is showing a dark glare

    and avoiding to meet her eyes. She receivesconfirmation of it by looking at Sybil. She isavoiding to look back at him too and is accordinglykeeping her neck twisted.

    Alarmed, Cora senses the two friends areshowing themselves like two polarities of onemodified being, the result of the handling by Aksel

    the Norwegian. So she understands that Corinthiais being subjected to their power, like an unawarehostage of a Duploid. Vince made it up to that point,as to hand even his mother over to the Gang, inorder to interfere with the wedding of his brother.

    Lately the Gangs own business have beenfocused to the energy branch. They agreed with theplan to entirely emptying the earth of every singledrop of oil still in it, maybe at remarkable depths,

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