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a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America


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What is Discipleship Training?

At Uptown Church we are convinced that one of the central purposes of the church is to train its members to minister effectively to one another, to their communities, and ultimately to the world. Thus, Discipleship Training at Uptown Church can be defined as "Equipping the saints for the work of the ministry." The biblical basis for this training can be found in Ephesians 4:11-13:

It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God's people for works of service so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.

This passage reveals a divine pattern for the church to follow: i) God has established leaders; ii) Leaders "prepare" God's people; iii) God's people do "works of service"; iv) The body of Christ is built up. Discipleship Training is designed to fulfill this pattern by equipping God's people for the good works he has prepared in advance for them to do (Eph 2:10).

Structure of Discipleship Training

What are we doing at Uptown Church to prepare the saints for works of service? There are a number of different resources that are available that members of Uptown can utilize in order to promote their spiritual development. These include things like Sunday School, Life Groups, strategic training seminars, retreats, and many others. At the center of all these resources is a relationship with a spiritual mentor that can help guide the member through the various resources at his disposal. This concept of mentor-based training is foundational to the entire process and accomplishes two critical tasks: (i) It allows Discipleship Training to happen within the contexts of loving relationships, (ii) It allows Discipleship Training to be specialized and focused upon the specific needs of each person, rather than occurring in a "one size fits all" manner. The purpose of this manual is to help members of Uptown Church learn how to begin this program of Discipleship Training. It will proceed step by step through entire process and will reference several charts and forms that will appear in the appendices at the end of this manual. Note the following: ■ All charts are contained in Appendix I. ■ All forms are contained in Appendix II. ■ All training modules are described in Appendix III.

So, let us proceed to examine the various steps in the Discipleship Training program. All of

these steps in this manual are documented on the flow chart, Chart 1, Finding Your Bearings: Discipleship Training Process, which is found in Appendix I. This flow chart is a helpful overall guide to the Discipleship Training process and should be referred to regularly.

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I. Commitment Stage

STEP 1: DESIRE TO BE TRAINED. The first step in the Discipleship Training process is to desire to be trained. Just as God has ordained that leaders be active in doing the equipping, he likewise has ordained that his people be active in being equipped so that they can effectively do the ministry of the church. Unless a person has a willing heart and a commitment to be a disciple, then any effective spiritual training is impossible. STEP 2: COMMIT TO TRAINING. The second step in the discipleship training process is to commit yourself to that process. The practical manifestation of this commitment is to fill out Form 1, Signing Up: Enrollment Form. As noted above, all forms for the Discipleship Training process are included in Appendix II.

When the form is complete, turn it in to the Uptown Church Office, attn: Discipleship Training, or email the form to [email protected]. This form lets us know that you are interested in committing to the process and being placed with a mentor who can disciple you.

Keep in mind that it may take some time to connect you with the right mentor. In the meantime, do not think that you are unable to proceed further. If you continue to follow the steps of the Discipleship Training manual, even without a mentor, you can still utilize the various resources we have made available. Mentor-based discipleship is the preferred route, but not the only way for a member of Uptown to be equipped.

II. Evaluation Stage STEP 3: UNDERSTAND WHERE YOU ARE GOING. In order to effectively participate in Discipleship Training, we must first understand the ultimate goal. What are we aiming for? As we noted above, Ephesians 4:13 tells us the ultimate goal: "That the body of Christ may be built up…and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ." In Appendix I, you will find Chart 2, Knowing Your Goals: Maturity in Christ. This chart outlines what it means to be mature in Christ in three different areas of the Christian life: a. God and You: This category describes one’s own theological understanding of God and his Word, and also the personal disciplines of holiness that should be present in one's life. b. God and His People: This category describes the relationship between the mature believer and the covenant community, including his role in the church, his relationship to fellow believers, and his relationship to his family. c. God and the World: This category describes the manner in which the mature Christian interacts with the world around him.

This involves his appreciation of creation, witness to the lost, and mission to the world. In addition, Chart 3, Biblical Basis of Goals, examines all the scripture references associated with these same three categories and allows you to see the biblical foundation for what it means to be mature in Christ. Take some time to consider and pray over the details. You cannot begin a journey unless you know where you are going. STEP 4: UNDERSTAND WHERE YOU ARE. After you consider where you are going, you must next evaluate where you currently are. In order to accomplish this task, you will engage in a 360 degree evaluation where you evaluate your own spiritual maturity and then have others around you do the same. Begin with Form 2, Finding Your Bearings: Self-Assessment Map, found in Appendix II. This is a tool designed to help you assess where you are in each of the three categories mentioned above: God and You, God and His People, and God and the World. As you fill out the form, carefully consider your degree of maturity in each of these areas. In addition, you

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also have Form 2.1 which is the Finding Your Bearings: Peer-Assessment Map designed to be given to others. Make several copies of the form and give it to someone from each of the following categories: (a) those who lead and mentor you, (b) your peers, and (c) those you lead and mentor. STEP 5: COMPILE RESULTS ON ASSESSMENT SUMMARY FORM. After collecting all the Peer-Assessment Maps, including your own Self-Assessment Map, chart

the results on Form 3, Finding Your Bearings: Assessment Summary. This form will allow you to gain an overall impression of where you stand spiritually in each category based on your own assessment and the assessment of others that know you. The conclusions reached here will be fundamental in the construction of your Action Plan (see below), which will help guide you through the Discipleship Training process. With the first two stages complete, you are now ready to enter the formal training stage.

III. Training Stage

STEP 6: ASSIGNED TO A MENTOR. The center of the entire training process is your mentoring relationship. A mentor is a spiritual leader who has committed himself to taking an active role in your spiritual growth and development. A mentor is more than just a peer, but an individual who you can look to for accountability, encouragement, guidance, prayer, and leadership. At this stage, if you do not already have a mentor, a mentor will be assigned to you. If you have not yet filled out Form 1, then do so now and return it to Uptown Church Office, attn: Discipleship Training, or email the form to [email protected]. STEP 7: DEVELOP ACTION PLAN. Now that you have a mentor you will meet together and develop an Action Plan (Form 4). An Action Plan is simply a formalized approach to how you will utilize the various discipleship resources that are at your disposal. Your mentor plays a crucial role in helping you craft a spiritual growth plan that takes into account your strengths, weaknesses and giftedness as derived from the Assessment Summary.

As a resource, your mentor will want to refer to the Mentor Guidelines (form 6) in Appendix II. Although the Action Plan is to be largely dictated by the results of the Assessment Summary, there are a number of foundational issues that every mentor needs to address right from the start. These foundational issues are listed here, and your mentor is encouraged to work with you to implement them into your Action Plan.

It is at this stage that you will have to learn about the various discipleship resources that are available at Uptown Church, which we call “training modules.” Training Modules are simply areas in which various types of spiritual growth take place.

Special Note

Although all members of Uptown will utilize the standard Action Plan (Form 4), those members in specialized situations also will follow other training "tracks" within the Discipleship Training process such as, (a) Church Planters Track, (b) Leadership Track, and (c) Prospective Missionary Track. Those in these tracks, in addition to filling out Form 4, also will need to use the specialized Action Plans that are available in Appendix II (Form 4.1—Church Planting Track, Form 4.2—Leadership Track, Form 4.3—Prospective Missionary Track). Each of these "tracks" will outline the specific training requirements for those involved in these areas.

If you notice in Chart 1, these Training Modules include the Sunday Service, Sunday School, Life Groups, Strategic Training, Discipleship Resource Center, and Personal Disciplines. Consult Appendix III, Discipleship Training Modules for a full and detailed overview of all these different opportunities at Uptown church and the Leader- ship that runs them.

Once you have learned about the details of the

various Training Modules available, the Action Plan lays out the specific ways in which you will utilize the modules. For example, if Joe Uptown learns from his Assessment Summary that he is lacking in an understanding and application of evangelism in his life, then, together with his mentor, they may decide he needs to (a) take a Sunday School class on evangelism, (b) read a book that outlines the

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method and message of evangelism, (c) meet with someone in the church that has wisdom in this area, (d) practice evangelism alongside another who is gifted in this area, and (e) pray that God would change his heart and give him renewed motivation. Joe and his mentor would also discuss a timeframe for when such activities should be accomplished. Of course, keep in mind that this example covers only one area of need that may exist in Joe’s life, so that actual Action Plan likely will be more detailed than this.

STEP 8: RECORD PROGRESS IN THE DISCIPLESHIP JOURNAL. As you begin to utilize these different resources, you will need to keep a record of your activities so that you can accurately evaluate your progress in the future. So, you will need Form 5, Charting Your Progress: Discipleship Journal. Here you can record a variety of items such as which Sunday School courses you have taken, which specific books you may have read, and which training seminars you may have atten-ded. The Discipleship Journal would cover a period of time from approximately 2-4 years of involvement in Discipleship Training. Please make an effort to keep an accurate record of your training activities so that your mentor may have access to complete information and so that you can see whether you have met the goals of your Action Plan.

Special Note: We recommend that you make multiple copies of your Discipleship Journal and Action Plan before filling them out, so that you will have backups available when you need them. Digital copies of the manual and all forms are available at

STEP 9: MEET REGULARLY WITH MENTOR. As you continue in your training, there will be a need to meet with your mentor approximately

every month or two. This allows the mentor to continually evaluate your progress and assess what changes may need to take place in the Action Plan. This is a critical part of the process and allows you to solidify the relationship with your mentor and develop new Action Plans as you progress through the training. Although you are free to meet more often than this, keep in mind that frequency of meetings does not always mean higher quality training. A meeting, say, every week would not only be very time consuming but would not necessarily be more productive because there is not the time for the Action Plan to be implemented with any regularity nor is there time to see real spiritual or ministerial fruit develop. In the end, however, the frequency of meetings must be decided between the two parties involved.

IV. Ministry Stage

STEP 10: INVOLVEMENT IN MINISTRY. A critical part of any training process is the appli-cation of that training in real ministry situations. As we noted in Ephesians 4:11-13, training is not an end in and of itself but is designed so that that the saints can do the work of the ministry.

The mentor, therefore, should be looking for the right opportunity to lead you out of the training stage proper and into concrete ministry and service. As the mentor begins to evaluate your gifts and interests, then he can suggest areas of ministry that would be a good fit for you.

Notice on Chart 1 that the three categories of ministry in Stage IV correspond with the vision of Uptown Church: (a) Loving Witness, (b) Helping Neighbor, (c) Transforming Community.

STEP 11: MENTOR EVALUATES PROGRESS IN MINISTRY. As you become more and more involved in ministry the mentor can begin to observe these activities as much as possible and offer you evaluation and feedback concerning your progress. Outside assessment is critical for a balanced assessment of one's gift and abilities. Thus, ministry feedback, and not just training feedback, will be a large part of the meetings with your mentor. STEP 12: DEVELOP NEW ACTION PLAN AND REPEAT PROCESS. As you continue to grow and change over the years, your strengths, weaknesses, and needs will change. In particular, your involvement in regular ministry will

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serve to highlight new areas where improvement and growth are needed that you may have never seen before. Thus, in light of these new developments, a new Action Plan will need to be periodically developed.

On an annual basis, you and your mentor likely will need to return to Step 7 and develop a new plan that can address these issues in the most

effective fashion. Then the entire process will repeat. The "cyclical" nature of the Discipleship Training program ought to continue throughout one's entire life because although we continue to mature in Christ by the grace of God, we can always strive further in our devotion and service to him.

Special Note: Each member of Uptown should be simultaneously training for ministry and engaging in ministry. Although the Ministry Stage is a distinctive step in the entire Discipleship Training process, it does not constitute the end of one's training. Even as a person is involved in the ministry of the church, he should continue to seek training and evaluation so that he may be more thoroughly equipped for the work God has given him. This is why on Chart 1, we see the arrows from Stage III to Stage IV moving in both directions. As you do ministry, you will be continually faced with your weaknesses, as well as strengths, and therefore will need further training, development, and encouragement. Indeed, one could even say that practical ministry is a part of the training process itself.


The purpose of this manual has been to outline the Discipleship Training process step by step. Please take time to review the forms and charts located in the Appendices.

In particular, spend some time praying over how you should be involved in the various Discipleship Training Modules highlighted in Appendix III. If you have further questions, you will find many of them addressed below in the section entitled, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's). If you have further questions beyond that, or just want to learn more about the Discipleship Training process, see, email [email protected], or visit the Discipleship Training Resource Center.

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Frequently Asked Questions


In many ways, you already are involved in Discipleship Training. You can see from the manual that much of the training process includes things you currently do at Uptown Church. The purpose of the program is to bring more structure and intentionality into the training process, not necessarily more time. In fact, if a person follows the training process outlined here he will probably save time in the long run because he will (a) have a more accurate assessment of his own spiritual strengths and weaknesses, and (b) have guidance, encouragement, and accountability from a mentor, and (c) be able to train in a more focused and efficient manner rather than training in a random and haphazard way. 2. DO I NEED A MENTOR TO PARTICIPATE IN THE DISCIPLESHIP TRAINING PROGRAM?

While mentors are very helpful and certainly the preferred route, they are not absolutely necessary for training to take place. The program is available (and still very beneficial) for those without a mentor. In fact, it is unlikely that (at first) there will be a mentor available for every single person in the church, so many may have to take this route. Just follow the steps outlined in this manual as best as possible: (a) still give the Peer-Assessment Map (Form 2.1) to some close friends to fill out for you, (b) draw up an Action Plan (Form 4) yourself and maybe share it with a pastor, prayer partner, or Life Group leader, and (c) keep a detailed Discipleship Journal (Form 5) so that when you do get a mentor you will have an accurate training history. 3. DO I HAVE TO BE "ASSIGNED" A MENTOR OR CAN I SEEK OUT SOMEONE THAT I WANT TO MENTOR ME?

We encourage you to seek out someone who you think would be a good fit as a mentor. There is no obligation to go through a formal process. How-ever, going through the process and filling out the form can help you think through what you may need in a mentor. Keep in mind that close friends are not always the best mentors. Sometimes it’s good to have someone who is not a "peer" that can come into our lives and challenge us in ways that our closest friends could not. Either way you

decide, we do ask that you still turn in Form 1 so that we know you are involved in the Discipleship Training process and so that we can know who your mentor is.


At the core of a mentoring relationship is a high degree of trust, intimacy, and willingness to share our lives with another individual. Since such a relationship is most appropriately pursued with members of the same sex, we have structured the Discipleship Training process so that only men disciple men and only women disciple women. 5. CAN A PERSON MEET WITH A MENTOR AND ALSO BE A MENTOR FOR SOMEONE ELSE AT THE SAME TIME?

Of course. In fact, we encourage you to minister to others as well as allowing others to minister to you. It’s a healthy balance to have people in our lives who shepherd us and also to have people that we shepherd ourselves.


No, it is not necessary to choose one of the tracks (e.g., Church Planting, Prospective Missionary, Leadership, etc.). In fact, most people will not fall into one of these categories and will therefore follow the standard Action Plan (Form 4). However, as your Discipleship Training changes over the years you may find that you have more interest in one of these areas and can talk with your mentor about beginning one of these tracks. 7. DO I HAVE TO BE A MEMBER OF UPTOWN TO PARTICIPATE IN THE DISCIPLESHIP TRAINING PROCESS?

Yes. If you desire your discipleship training to be mentor-based, then you need to first join Uptown Church. If you are not a member of the church, then you can still informally participate in the process without a mentor (see FAQ # 2 above). However, we are convinced that church membership is a biblical concept and therefore would strongly encourage you to join the church.

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Not at all. In fact, one of the biggest miscon-ceptions people have is that the mentor always must be significantly older. Now, of course, it usually works out that way because older believers tend to have had more experience and wisdom walking with the Lord. And you may be more comfortable with an older mentor. However, we need to be open to the possibility of being mentored by someone roughly or own age (or even younger) if they have the maturity and wisdom in Christ to do so.

As Paul said to Timothy: “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young” (1 Tim 4:12). 9. WHAT IF I ALREADY HAVE A MENTORING RELATIONSHIP?

If you currently have a mentor, then we ask

that you simply keep that mentor and begin to implement the program outlined in this manual. Hopefully, this will provide some positive structure and planning to your already existing mentoring relationship. However, still make sure to fill out and turn in Form 1 so that we can know you are involved with a mentor. 10. WHERE CAN I GET MORE FORMS IF LOSE THEM OR RUN OUT OF THEM?

Over the course of your training you may need more forms such as Peer-Assessment Maps and Action Plans. We encourage you to make copies of these forms while they're still blank so that you will have several backups when you need them. But if you need more forms, or extra training manuals, they are available at or visit the Discipleship Training Resource Center.

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Appendix I Charts

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I. Commitment Stage 1) Member desires to be trained

2) Commits to be involved in


II. Evaluation Stage 3) Understand where you are


4) Understand where you are

(360-degree evaluation)

5) Compiles results on

Self-Assessment Form

III. Training Stage 6) Member assigned a mentor

7) Together they develop

Action Plan to meet

biggest needs

8) Progress recorded in

Discipleship Journal

9) Meet regularly

with mentor to evaluate

progress and develop new

Action Plan

Sunday Service

- Preaching of the Word

- Worship

- Sacraments

Sunday School

- Core Curriculum

- Bible Training

- Classroom Instruction

Life Groups

- Fellowship

- Bible Study

- Prayer/Accountability

- Prayer Triads

Strategic Training

- Leadership Training

- Seminars/Lectures

- Retreats

- PUB Night

Discipleship Resource Center

- Book list/Reading list

- Book Table/Library

- Self-Study Courses

- On-line Resources

Personal Disciplines

- Daily Devotions

- Scripture Memorization

- Prayer/Meditation

- Study/Reading

Loving Witness

- Evangelism/Outreach

- Missions

- Church Planting

Helping Neighbor

- Looking to needs of others

- Caring for the poor/outcast

- Mercy and Justice

Transforming Community

- Uses gifts in the church

- Actively serves the body

- Ministering to one another


s T




re T










s W




to T





to T


IV. Ministry Stage 10) Mentor encourages member

to apply what he learned in

real ministry

11) Mentor evaluates member's

progress in ministry and

suggests more specific


12) Process repeats w/step 7

Chart 1




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Internal: Internal:

� Systematic Theological Framework � Understands Significance of Church � Understands Creation Mandate

� Clear Biblical Theology � Knows History of the Church � Critiques Worldviews from Biblical


� Interprets Scripture Properly � Understands Covenants and Sacraments � Understands World Religions

� Clear about Vocation/Calling � Compelled by Vision of the Kingdom � Appreciates Denominational


� Reflects Theologically on Life Events � Delights in Corporate Worship � Appreciates Beauty

� Experiences Identity in Christ � Deeply Connected to Church

� Intimate Life with God � Passion for the Worldwide Church

� Knows Particular Heart Idolatry � Appreciates Teamwork


External: External:

� Pursues Holiness by Disciplines of Grace � Loves People � Shares the Good News

� Balanced Life � Committed to Local Church (e.g. PCA) � Practices Mercy

� Steward of Kingdom Resources � Committed to Planting Churches � Practices Business Ethics

� Freedom from Addictions � Rightly Prioritizes Family � Involved in Local Community

� Healthy Sexuality � Enjoys Mentoring Others � Works for Justice

� Maintains Physical Health � Practices Servant Leadership � Participates in Political Process

� Communicates Effectively




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I and the Father are one – John 10:30


Yet not my will, but yours be done –

Luke 22:42


Jesus got up, left the house and went

off to a solitary place, where he

prayed – Mark 1:35


And beginning with Moses and all

the Prophets, he explained to them

what was said in all the Scriptures

concerning himself – Luke 24:27


For the Son of Man came to seek and

to save what was lost – Luke 19:10


It is easier for heaven and earth to

disappear than for the least stroke of

a pen to drop out of the Law – Luke




Jesus answered him, “It is also

written: ‘Do not put the Lord your

God the test’” – Matt 4:7



Neither this man nor his parents

sinned, but this happened so that the

work of God might be displayed in

his life – John 9:3



Unless your righteousness surpasses

that of the Pharisees and the teachers

of the law, you will certainly not

enter the kingdom of heaven – Matt



“Martha, Martha,” the Lord

answered, “you are worried and upset

about many things” – Luke 10:41


Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and

to God what is God’s – Luke 22:21


Therefore I tell you, do not worry

about your life, what you will eat; or

about your body, what you will wear

– Luke 12:22


For this reason a man will leave his

father and mother and be united to

his wife, and the two will become

one flesh – Luke 19:5


Then Jesus said to him, “Get up!

Pick up your mat and walk.” – John





On this rock I will build my church,

and the gates of Hades will not

overcome in – Matt 16:18



Seek first his kingdom and his

righteousness and all these things will

be given to you – Matt 6:33


My house will be called a house of

prayer for all nations – Mark 11:16


On the Sabbath day he went into the

synagogue, as was his custom. And

he stood up to read – Luke 4:16


He appointed twelve that they might

be with him and that he might send

them out to preach – Mark 3:14


As it was in the days of Noah, so it

will be at the coming of the Son of

Man – Matt 24:37


I have other sheep that are not of this

sheep pen. I must bring them also –

John 10:16



Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my

blood has eternal life – John 6:54



Therefore go and make disciples of

all nations, baptizing them in the

name of the Father and of the Son and

of the Holy Spirit – Matt 28:19


In Jerusalem, all in all Judea and

Samaria, and to the ends of the earth –

Acts 1:8


My command is this: Love each other

as I have loved you – John 15:12


For whoever does the will of my

Father in heaven is my brother and

sister and mother – Matt 12:50


Now that I, your Lord, have washed

your feet, you also should wash one

another’s feet – John 13:14


When Jesus had finished saying these

things, the crowds were amazed at his

teaching – Matt 7:28


After this the Lord appointed seventy-

two others and sent them two by two

– Luke 10:1



Then he got up and rebuked the winds

and the waves, and it was completely

calm – Matt 8:26



And when you pray, do not be like the

hypocrites, for they love to pray

standing in the synagogues and on the

street corners – Matt 6:5


That same day the Sadducees, who say

there is no resurrection, came to him

with a question – Matt 22:23



Unless your righteousness surpasses

that of the Pharisees and the teachers

of the law, you will certainly not enter

the kingdom of heaven – Matt 5:20


Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to

God what is God’s – Luke 22:21


You have neglected the more

important matters of the law – justice,

mercy and faithfulness – Matt 23:23


…for the worker deserves his wages –

Luke 10:7


A wedding took place at Cana in

Galilee. Jesus’ mother was there, and

Jesus and his disciples had also been

invited to the wedding – John 2:1-2


When Jesus landed and saw a large

crowd, he had compassion on them

and healed their sick – John 14:14


Jesus went throughout Galilee,

teaching in the synagogues, preaching

the good news of the kingdom, and

healing every disease and sickness

among the people – Matt 4:23


She has done a beautiful thing to me –

Mark 14:6

Chart 3



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Appendix II Forms

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Complete this form and return to the church office.


Your name: ___________________________________________________________________________

Address: ___________________________________________________________________________


Phone: ___________________________________________________________________________

E-mail: ___________________________________________________________________________


1) Are you currently being mentored by someone? Yes ____ No ____

2) If so, by whom?______________________________________________

3) Are you interested in being mentored by someone? Yes____ No____

If so, answer the following questions:

4) Generally speaking, what kind of person would you like to have as a mentor?





5) If you already know, who would you like to be your mentor? __________________________________


6) How long have you been a Christian? ____________________________________________________

7) Are you a member of Uptown Church? ___________________________________________________

8) Have you ever been mentored before? ____________________________________________________


9) Are you currently mentoring someone? Yes ___ No ____

10) If so, who are you mentoring? _________________________________

11) Are you interested in being a mentor? Yes____ No____ If so, answer the following questions:

12) Generally speaking, what kind of person would you like to mentor? ___


13) If you already know, whom specifically would you like to mentor? ____________________________






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Name of Disciple: ____________________________


1 – No, does not describe me at all

2 – No, only describes me a little

3 – Describes me somewhat

4 – Yes, describes me a lot

5 – Yes, describes me exactly

God and You Scale Comments

1a Do you see your worth determined by Christ? 1 2 3 4 5

1b Do people’s opinions of you NOT determine how you

act around them? 1 2 3 4 5

2 Have you identified the things that compete for your

attention rather than Christ? 1 2 3 4 5

3 Do you have a deep and consistent devotional life with

God, centered on Scripture and prayer? 1 2 3 4 5

4 Do you have a clear understanding of God’s work in

Creation and Redemption? 1 2 3 4 5

5 Do you have a clear sense of call in your life? 1 2 3 4 5

6 Do you feel capable in interpreting and applying

Scripture? 1 2 3 4 5

7a Do you understand the key doctrines of the Christian

faith? 1 2 3 4 5

7b Are you able to apply the key doctrines to your life? 1 2 3 4 5

8 Do you address modern issues from a biblical

standpoint? 1 2 3 4 5

9 Do you sincerely desire to be like Christ and pursue

holiness in your life? 1 2 3 4 5

10 Do you have a balanced life in all your responsibilities? 1 2 3 4 5

11 Are you financially responsible and a good steward of

God’s resources? 1 2 3 4 5

12 Are you free of addictions? 1 2 3 4 5

13 Do you have a healthy sexual life? 1 2 3 4 5

14 Are you physically healthy? 1 2 3 4 5

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Form 2 Page 2

God and His People Scale Comments

1 Do you understand the role of the church in your life? 1 2 3 4 5

2a Do you desire to see the kingdom advance worldwide? 1 2 3 4 5

2b Are you involved in furthering the worldwide advance of

God’s kingdom? 1 2 3 4 5

3 Are you excited about corporate worship? 1 2 3 4 5

4a Are you a member of Uptown Church? 1 2 3 4 5

4b If not, do you desire to join Uptown? 1 2 3 4 5

4c Do you feel connected at Uptown? 1 2 3 4 5

4d Are you involved in ministry at Uptown? 1 2 3 4 5

5a Are you currently being mentored? 1 2 3 4 5

5b Are you currently mentoring someone? 1 2 3 4 5

6 Do you know the history of the Christian church and how it

applies to today? 1 2 3 4 5

7 Do you recognize the importance of church planting? 1 2 3 4 5

8a Do you understand God’s covenants? 1 2 3 4 5

8b Do you understand the sacraments? 1 2 3 4 5

9 Do you understand the PCA denomination? 1 2 3 4 5

10 Have you been on a missions trip of any length of time? 1 2 3 4 5

11 Do you love people as God loves them? 1 2 3 4 5

12a Do you know your biblical role in your family? 1 2 3 4 5

12b Do you contribute to your family’s spiritual nurture? 1 2 3 4 5

12c Are you content in your current life stage? 1 2 3 4 5

13a Are you a leader in a church ministry? 1 2 3 4 5

13b As a leader, are you a “servant leader”? 1 2 3 4 5

13c Are you capable of shepherding others? 1 2 3 4 5

14a Can you properly communicate with other people? 1 2 3 4 5

14b Can you resolve conflicts biblically? 1 2 3 4 5

Page 18: Discipleship Training Manual

Form 2 Page 3

God’s Work in His World Scale Comments

1a Do you see your possessions as God’s, not your own? 1 2 3 4 5

1b Do you see your vocation as a calling by God? 1 2 3 4 5

2a Do you have a biblical world-view? 1 2 3 4 5

2b Do you understand how modern culture differs from

biblical values? 1 2 3 4 5

2c Can you give an answer to other world views? 1 2 3 4 5

3a Do you understand what separates Christianity from other

major world religions? 1 2 3 4 5

3b Do you know what separates different denominations? 1 2 3 4 5

4a Can you biblically apply politics? 1 2 3 4 5

4b Can you biblically apply justice? 1 2 3 4 5

4c Do you understand business ethics? 1 2 3 4 5

5a Are you educated in the affairs of the Charlotte

community? 1 2 3 4 5

5b Are you involved in the Charlotte community? 1 2 3 4 5

6 Are you compassionate? 1 2 3 4 5

7a Can you explain the Gospel to a non-Christian? 1 2 3 4 5

7b Do you have a heart for evangelism? 1 2 3 4 5

Passion and Gifts


What areas of giftedness do you see in yourself?


What are you passionate about?


Where do you see yourself in three-five years?

Page 19: Discipleship Training Manual

FORM 2.1


Name of Disciple: ____________________________

Name of Evaluator: ___________________________

Relationship: ________________________________


1 – No, does not describe this person at all

2 – No, only describes this person a little

3 – Describes this person somewhat

4 – Yes, describes this person a lot

5 – Yes, describes this person exactly

God and You Scale Comments

1a Does this person see his/her worth determined by

Christ? 1 2 3 4 5

1b Do people’s opinions of this person NOT determine

how he/she acts around them? 1 2 3 4 5

2 Has this person identified the things that compete for

their attention rather than Christ? 1 2 3 4 5

3 Does this person have a deep and consistent devotional

life with God, centered on Scripture and prayer? 1 2 3 4 5

4 Does this person have a clear understanding of God’s

work in Creation and Redemption? 1 2 3 4 5

5 Does this person have a clear sense of call in his/her

life? 1 2 3 4 5

6 Does this person feel capable in interpreting and

applying Scripture? 1 2 3 4 5

7a Does this person understand the key doctrines of the

Christian faith? 1 2 3 4 5

7b Is this person able to apply the key doctrines to his/her

life? 1 2 3 4 5

8 Does this person address modern issues from a biblical

standpoint? 1 2 3 4 5

9 Does this person sincerely desire to be like Christ and

pursue holiness in his/her life? 1 2 3 4 5

10 Does this person have a balanced life in all his/her

responsibilities? 1 2 3 4 5

11 Is this person financially responsible and a good steward

of God’s resources? 1 2 3 4 5

12 Is this person free of addictions? 1 2 3 4 5

13 Does this person have a healthy sexual life? 1 2 3 4 5

14 Is this person physically healthy? 1 2 3 4 5

Page 20: Discipleship Training Manual

Form 2.1 Page 2

God and His People Scale Comments

1 Does this person understand the role of the church in his/her

life? 1 2 3 4 5

2a Does this person desire to see the kingdom advance

worldwide? 1 2 3 4 5

2b Is this person involved in furthering the worldwide advance

of God’s kingdom? 1 2 3 4 5

3 Is this person excited about corporate worship? 1 2 3 4 5

4a Is this person a member of Uptown Church? 1 2 3 4 5

4b If not, does this person desire to join Uptown? 1 2 3 4 5

4c Does this person feel connected with Uptown? 1 2 3 4 5

4d Is this person involved in ministry through Uptown? 1 2 3 4 5

5a Is this person currently being mentored? 1 2 3 4 5

5b Is this person currently mentoring someone? 1 2 3 4 5

6 Does this person know the history of the Christian church

and how it applies to today? 1 2 3 4 5

7 Does this person recognize the importance of church

planting? 1 2 3 4 5

8a Does this person understand God’s covenants? 1 2 3 4 5

8b Does this person understand the sacraments? 1 2 3 4 5

9 Does this person understand the PCA denomination? 1 2 3 4 5

10 Has this person been on a missions trip of any length of

time? 1 2 3 4 5

11 Does this person love people as God loves them? 1 2 3 4 5

12a Does this person know his/her biblical role in his/her

family? 1 2 3 4 5

12b Does this person contribute to his/her family’s spiritual

nurture? 1 2 3 4 5

12c Is this person content in his/her current life stage? 1 2 3 4 5

13a Is this person a leader in church ministry? 1 2 3 4 5

13b As a leader, is this person a “servant leader”? 1 2 3 4 5

13c Is this person capable of shepherding others? 1 2 3 4 5

14a Can this person properly communicate with other people? 1 2 3 4 5

14b Can this person resolve conflicts biblically? 1 2 3 4 5

Page 21: Discipleship Training Manual

Form 2.1 Page 3

God’s Work in His World Scale Comments

1a Does this person see possessions as God’s, not his/her

own? 1 2 3 4 5

1b Does this person see his/her vocation as a calling by God? 1 2 3 4 5

2a Does this person have a biblical world-view? 1 2 3 4 5

2b Does this person understand how modern culture differs

from biblical values? 1 2 3 4 5

2c Can this person give an answer to other world views? 1 2 3 4 5

3a Does this person understand what separates Christianity

from other major world religions? 1 2 3 4 5

3b Does this person know what separates different

denominations? 1 2 3 4 5

4a Can this person biblically apply politics? 1 2 3 4 5

4b Can this person biblically apply justice? 1 2 3 4 5

4c Does this person understand business ethics? 1 2 3 4 5

5a Is this person educated in the affairs of the Charlotte

community? 1 2 3 4 5

5b Is this person involved in the Charlotte community? 1 2 3 4 5

6 Is this person compassionate? 1 2 3 4 5

7a Can this person explain the Gospel to a non-Christian? 1 2 3 4 5

7b Does this person have a heart for evangelism? 1 2 3 4 5

Passion and Gifts


What areas of giftedness do you see in this person?


What is this person passionate about?


Where do you see this person in three-five years?

Page 22: Discipleship Training Manual

Name of Disciple: _____________________

Use this form to compile the results from your Self-Assessment Map (Form 2) along with the Peer

Assessment Maps (Form 2.1) that you gave for others to fill out about you. Take an average of

the results, and note any trends or areas for future attention in the Comments section.

God and You A B C D E Mentor Self Average Comments

1a Identity in Christ; Sonship 1b Identity in Christ; Sonship 2 Sin and Idolatry of the Heart 3 Prayer and Devotional Life with God 4 Theology 5 Calling, Vocation, Self-Understanding 6 Hermeneutics 7a Westminster Confession of Faith 7b Westminster Confession of Faith 8 Theological Reflection 9 Holiness and Disciplines of Grace 10 Balancing Life 11 Stewardship: Kingdom Finances 12 Freedom from Addictions 13 Sexuality 14 Health

God and His People A B C D E Mentor Self Average Comments

1 The Church 2a Kingdom Vision 2b Kingdom Vision 3 Corporate Worship 4a Connection with the Church 4b Connection with the Church 4c Connection with the Church 4d Connection with the Church 5a Mentoring 5b Mentoring 6 Church History

Form 3

Finding Your Bearings: Assessment Summary

Page 23: Discipleship Training Manual

God and His People, ctd. A B C D E Mentor Self Average Comments

7 Church Planting 8a Covenants and Sacraments 8b Covenants and Sacraments 9 The PCA 10 The Church Worldwide 11 Heart for People 12a Family 12b Family 12c Family 13a Leadership 13b Leadership 13c Leadership 14a Communication 14b Communication

God’s Work in His World A B C D E Mentor Self Average Comments

1a Creation and Vocation 1b Creation and Vocation 2a Worldview 2b Worldview 2c Worldview 3a World Religions 3b Denominations 4a Politics 4b Justice 4c Business Ethics 5a Local community 5b Local community 6 Mercy 7a Evangelism 7b Evangelism

Passion and Gifts

1 Areas of Giftedness

2 Passions

3 Three to Five Year Outlook

Form 3 Page 2

Page 24: Discipleship Training Manual
Page 25: Discipleship Training Manual

Form 4


Name of Disciple: ________________________________________________

Mentor: ___________________________________________ Date: _______

� Based on Form 3, Finding Your Bearings: Assessment Summary, and with your

mentor’s input, select at least two of your strengths, two weaknesses, and two

areas of passion/giftedness. Using the tables below, develop goals for each area,

and the timeframe for achieving those goals. As you develop your goals, refer to

Appendix III, Training Modules at Uptown, to see what opportunities are

available. After the designated timeframe, evaluate to determine if the goals

were met.




Page 26: Discipleship Training Manual






� Keep track of progress on Discipleship Journal (Form 5).

Page 27: Discipleship Training Manual

FORM 4.1


Name of Disciple: ______________________________________________

Mentor: _______________________________________ Date: __________

� Below are listed a series of goals for persons involved in the Church Planting

Track. With the help of your mentor, come up with appropriate timeframes to

achieve these goals. After the designated timeframe, evaluate to determine if the

goals were met.

Goal Timeframe Evaluation

Read Planting Growing Churches

by Aubrey Malphurs

Complete Church Planter Self-

Assessment and discuss it with a mentor

(and spouse)

Visit two church plants and summarize

their philosophy of ministry based on

what you observe

Write a philosophy of ministry for a new

church plant

� Keep track of progress on Discipleship Journal (Form 5).

Page 28: Discipleship Training Manual

FORM 4.2


Name of Disciple: ____________________________

Mentor: ________________ Date: ______________

� Below are listed a series of goals for persons involved in the Leadership Track.

With the help of your mentor, come up with appropriate timeframes to achieve

these goals. After the designated timeframe, evaluate to determine if the goals

were met.

Goal Timeframe Evaluation

Read The Ascent of a Leader by Thrall,

McNichol and McElrath

Read The Making of a Leader by Robert


Find a group or team to lead if you are

not already leading something

Write a theology of leadership


Complete the leadership practices

inventory, having 5 followers review

your leadership practices. Discuss the

results with a mentor

Write a plan for your development as a

leader that takes into account both your

strengths and weaknesses

� Keep track of progress on Discipleship Journal (Form 5).

Page 29: Discipleship Training Manual

FORM 4.3


Name of Disciple: ________________________________________________

Mentor: ________________________________________ Date: __________

� Below are listed a series of goals for persons involved in the Prospective

Missionary Track. With the help of your mentor, come up with timeframes to

achieve these goals. Afterward, evaluate to determine if the goals were met.

Goal Timeframe Evaluation

Join the Missions Committee One year duration

Correspond with one of Uptown’s

missionaries to gather prayer needs.

One year duration

Participate in a short-term missions trip Within one year

Read portions of From Jerusalem to

Irian Jaya by Ruth Tucker, esp. chapters

1 and 5-8

Within 3 months

Read Ministering Cross-Culturally by

Sherwood Ligenfelter

Within 6 months

Watch The Mission or Hawaii Within 3 months

Write a paper on the biblical philosophy

of missions

Within 6 months

Meet with the chairperson of the

Missions Committee at least once every

two months


� Keep track of progress on Discipleship Journal (Form 5).

Page 30: Discipleship Training Manual

Personal Details

Name:_________________________________________________________ Beginning Date:____________

Address:_______________________________________________________ email: ____________________

City:__________________________ Zip:____________________ Phone:_______________________

Mentor:_____________________________________________ mentor email:______________________

How many years have you been a believer? _____________ .

How many years have you been a member of Uptown Church? ______________.

Core Courses

Doctrine of Scripture. Gender and the Modern Christian.

Date Completed: ____________________________ Date Completed: _____________________________

Course Leader: _______________________ ______ Course Leader: ______________________________

#Weeks of Attendance:_______________________ #Weeks of Attendance:________________________

Systematic Theology I. Sexuality, Health, and Addiction Date Completed: ____________________________ Date Completed: _____________________________

Course Leader: _______________________ ______ Course Leader: ______________________________

#Weeks of Attendance:_______________________ #Weeks of Attendance:________________________ Systematic Theology II. Kingdom Stewardship I.

Date Completed: ____________________________ Date Completed: _____________________________

Course Leader: _______________________ ______ Course Leader: ______________________________

#Weeks of Attendance:_______________________ #Weeks of Attendance:________________________

Sonship/Gospel Transformation. Kingdom Stewardship II.

Date Completed: ____________________________ Date Completed: _____________________________

Course Leader: _____________________________ Course Leader: ______________________________

#Weeks of Attendance:_______________________ #Weeks of Attendance:________________________

What is Reformed Theology? Doctrine of the Church and Sacraments. Date Completed: ____________________________ Date Completed: _____________________________

Course Leader: _______________________ ______ Course Leader: ______________________________

#Weeks of Attendance:_______________________ #Weeks of Attendance:________________________

Bible Survey. Church History.

Date Completed: ____________________________ Date Completed: _____________________________

Course Leader: _______________________ ______ Course Leader: ______________________________

#Weeks of Attendance:_______________________ #Weeks of Attendance:________________________

Biblical Hermeneutics. Missionaries and Martyrs.

Date Completed: ____________________________ Date Completed: ____________________________

Course Leader: _______________________ ______ Course Leader: _____________________________

#Weeks of Attendance:_______________________ #Weeks of Attendance:_______________________

Spiritual Disciplines. Inquirer's Class. Date Completed: ____________________________ Date Completed: ____________________________

Course Leader: _______________________ ______ Course Leader: _____________________________

#Weeks of Attendance:_______________________ #Weeks of Attendance:_______________________

Worship. Christian Marriage.

Date Completed: ____________________________ Date Completed: ____________________________

Course Leader: _______________________ ______ Course Leader: _____________________________

#Weeks of Attendance:_______________________ #Weeks of Attendance:_______________________

Form 5

Charting Your Progress: Discipleship Journal

Page 31: Discipleship Training Manual

Shepherding a Child's Heart. Other Religions and Non-Christian Thought.

Date Completed: ____________________________ Date Completed: _____________________________

Course Leader: _______________________ ______ Course Leader: ______________________________

#Weeks of Attendance:_______________________ #Weeks of Attendance:________________________

The Art of Servant Leadership. Let the Nations be Glad: World Missions.

Date Completed: ____________________________ Date Completed: _____________________________

Course Leader: _______________________ ______ Course Leader: ______________________________

#Weeks of Attendance:_______________________ #Weeks of Attendance:________________________ Teacher Training. Christianity, Culture, and Politics.

Date Completed: ____________________________ Date Completed: _____________________________

Course Leader: _______________________ ______ Course Leader: ______________________________

#Weeks of Attendance:_______________________ #Weeks of Attendance:________________________

Mentor Training. Evangelism Training.

Date Completed: ____________________________ Date Completed: _____________________________

Course Leader: _____________________________ Course Leader: ______________________________

#Weeks of Attendance:_______________________ #Weeks of Attendance:________________________

Vocation and Calling. Apologetics and Worldview Training.

Date Completed: ____________________________ Date Completed: _____________________________

Course Leader: _______________________ ______ Course Leader: ______________________________

#Weeks of Attendance:_______________________ #Weeks of Attendance:________________________

Understanding Creation: Genesis 1-3. Mercy and Justice. Date Completed: ____________________________ Date Completed: ____________________________

Course Leader: _______________________ ______ Course Leader: _______________________ ______

#Weeks of Attendance:_______________________ #Weeks of Attendance:_______________________

Bible Courses (Studies of Books of the Bible in Sunday School, Life Group, etc..)

Book: ____________________________________. Book: _____________________________________.

Date Completed: ____________________________ Date Completed: _____________________________

Course Leader: _______________________ ______ Course Leader: ______________________________

#Weeks of Attendance:_______________________ #Weeks of Attendance:________________________

Book: ____________________________________. Book: _____________________________________.

Date Completed: ____________________________ Date Completed: _____________________________

Course Leader: _______________________ ______ Course Leader: ______________________________

#Weeks of Attendance:_______________________ #Weeks of Attendance:________________________ Book: ____________________________________. Book: _____________________________________. Date Completed: ____________________________ Date Completed: _____________________________

Course Leader: _______________________ ______ Course Leader: ______________________________

#Weeks of Attendance:_______________________ #Weeks of Attendance:________________________

Book: ____________________________________. Book: _____________________________________.

Date Completed: ____________________________ Date Completed: _____________________________

Course Leader: _______________________ ______ Course Leader: ______________________________

#Weeks of Attendance:_______________________ #Weeks of Attendance:________________________

Book: ____________________________________. Book: _____________________________________.

Date Completed: ____________________________ Date Completed: _____________________________

Course Leader: _______________________ ______ Course Leader: ______________________________

#Weeks of Attendance:_______________________ #Weeks of Attendance:________________________

Book: ____________________________________. Book: _____________________________________. Date Completed: ____________________________ Date Completed: _____________________________

Course Leader: _______________________ ______ Course Leader: ______________________________

#Weeks of Attendance:_______________________ #Weeks of Attendance:________________________

Book: ____________________________________. Book: _____________________________________.

Date Completed: ____________________________ Date Completed: _____________________________

Course Leader: _______________________ ______ Course Leader: ______________________________

#Weeks of Attendance:_______________________ #Weeks of Attendance:________________________

Form 5 Page 2

Page 32: Discipleship Training Manual

Specialty Courses (Retreats, Seminars, Lectures, Training Sessions, Life Group series, etc.)

Course: ___________________________________. Course: ____________________________________. Date Completed: ____________________________ Date Completed: _____________________________

Course Leader: _______________________ ______ Course Leader: ______________________________

#Weeks of Attendance:_______________________ #Weeks of Attendance:________________________

Course: ___________________________________. Course: ____________________________________.

Date Completed: ____________________________ Date Completed: _____________________________

Course Leader: _______________________ ______ Course Leader: ______________________________

#Weeks of Attendance:_______________________ #Weeks of Attendance:________________________

Course: ___________________________________. Course: ____________________________________.

Date Completed: ____________________________ Date Completed: _____________________________

Course Leader: _______________________ ______ Course Leader: ______________________________

#Weeks of Attendance:_______________________ #Weeks of Attendance:________________________

Course: ___________________________________. Course: ____________________________________.

Date Completed: ____________________________ Date Completed: _____________________________

Course Leader: _______________________ ______ Course Leader: ______________________________

#Weeks of Attendance:_______________________ #Weeks of Attendance:________________________ Course: ___________________________________. Course: ____________________________________. Date Completed: ____________________________ Date Completed: _____________________________

Course Leader: _______________________ ______ Course Leader: ______________________________

#Weeks of Attendance:_______________________ #Weeks of Attendance:________________________ Course: ___________________________________. Course: ____________________________________.

Date Completed: ____________________________ Date Completed: _____________________________

Course Leader: _______________________ ______ Course Leader: ______________________________

#Weeks of Attendance:_______________________ #Weeks of Attendance:________________________

Course: ___________________________________. Course: ____________________________________.

Date Completed: ____________________________ Date Completed: _____________________________

Course Leader: _______________________ ______ Course Leader: ______________________________

#Weeks of Attendance:_______________________ #Weeks of Attendance:________________________

Course: ___________________________________. Course: ____________________________________.

Date Completed: ____________________________ Date Completed: _____________________________

Course Leader: _______________________ ______ Course Leader: ______________________________

#Weeks of Attendance:_______________________ #Weeks of Attendance:________________________ Course: ___________________________________. Course: ____________________________________.

Date Completed: ____________________________ Date Completed: _____________________________

Course Leader: _______________________ ______ Course Leader: ______________________________

#Weeks of Attendance:_______________________ #Weeks of Attendance:________________________ Course: ___________________________________. Course: ____________________________________. Date Completed: ____________________________ Date Completed: _____________________________

Course Leader: _______________________ ______ Course Leader: ______________________________

#Weeks of Attendance:_______________________ #Weeks of Attendance:________________________

Course: ___________________________________. Course: ____________________________________.

Date Completed: ____________________________ Date Completed: _____________________________

Course Leader: _______________________ ______ Course Leader: ______________________________

#Weeks of Attendance:_______________________ #Weeks of Attendance:________________________

Course: ___________________________________. Course: ____________________________________. Date Completed: ____________________________ Date Completed: _____________________________

Course Leader: _______________________ ______ Course Leader: ______________________________

#Weeks of Attendance:_______________________ #Weeks of Attendance:________________________ Course: ___________________________________. Course: ____________________________________.

Date Completed: ____________________________ Date Completed: _____________________________

Course Leader: _______________________ ______ Course Leader: ______________________________

#Weeks of Attendance:_______________________ #Weeks of Attendance:________________________

Form 5 Page 3

Page 33: Discipleship Training Manual

Discipleship Resources (Books, Articles, Tapes, Videos, Self-study Classes)

Resource: ____________________________________ Resource: _____________________________________

Author/Course Leader: __________________________ Author/Course Leader: ___________________________

Date Completed: _______________________________ Date Completed: ________________________________

Resource: ____________________________________ Resource: _____________________________________ Author/Course Leader: __________________________ Author/Course Leader: ___________________________

Date Completed: _______________________________ Date Completed: ________________________________

Resource: ____________________________________ Resource: _____________________________________

Author/Course Leader: __________________________ Author/Course Leader: ___________________________

Date Completed: _______________________________ Date Completed: ________________________________

Resource: ____________________________________ Resource: _____________________________________

Author/Course Leader: __________________________ Author/Course Leader: ___________________________

Date Completed: _______________________________ Date Completed: ________________________________

Resource: ____________________________________ Resource: _____________________________________ Author/Course Leader: __________________________ Author/Course Leader: ___________________________

Date Completed: _______________________________ Date Completed: ________________________________

Resource: ____________________________________ Resource: _____________________________________

Author/Course Leader: __________________________ Author/Course Leader: ___________________________

Date Completed: _______________________________ Date Completed: ________________________________

Resource: ____________________________________ Resource: _____________________________________

Author/Course Leader: __________________________ Author/Course Leader: ___________________________

Date Completed: _______________________________ Date Completed: ________________________________

Resource: ____________________________________ Resource: _____________________________________ Author/Course Leader: __________________________ Author/Course Leader: ___________________________

Date Completed: _______________________________ Date Completed: ________________________________

Resource: ____________________________________ Resource: _____________________________________

Author/Course Leader: __________________________ Author/Course Leader: ___________________________

Date Completed: _______________________________ Date Completed: ________________________________

Resource: ____________________________________ Resource: _____________________________________

Author/Course Leader: __________________________ Author/Course Leader: ___________________________

Date Completed: _______________________________ Date Completed: ________________________________

Resource: ____________________________________ Resource: _____________________________________ Author/Course Leader: __________________________ Author/Course Leader: ___________________________

Date Completed: _______________________________ Date Completed: ________________________________

Resource: ____________________________________ Resource: _____________________________________

Author/Course Leader: __________________________ Author/Course Leader: ___________________________

Date Completed: _______________________________ Date Completed: ________________________________

Resource: ____________________________________ Resource: _____________________________________

Author/Course Leader: __________________________ Author/Course Leader: ___________________________

Date Completed: _______________________________ Date Completed: ________________________________

Resource: ____________________________________ Resource: _____________________________________ Author/Course Leader: __________________________ Author/Course Leader: ___________________________

Date Completed: _______________________________ Date Completed: ________________________________

Resource: ____________________________________ Resource: _____________________________________ Author/Course Leader: __________________________ Author/Course Leader: ___________________________

Date Completed: _______________________________ Date Completed: ________________________________

Resource: ____________________________________ Resource: _____________________________________

Author/Course Leader: __________________________ Author/Course Leader: ___________________________

Date Completed: _______________________________ Date Completed: ________________________________

Resource: ____________________________________ Resource: _____________________________________

Author/Course Leader: __________________________ Author/Course Leader: ___________________________

Date Completed: _______________________________ Date Completed: ________________________________

Form 5 Page 4

Page 34: Discipleship Training Manual

Discipleship Meetings with Others (Mentor, Pastor, Counselor, Life Group Leader, etc.)

Person: _____________________________________________ Person: ___________________________________________ Date:_______________________________________________ Date:_____________________________________________

Brief Summary/Purpose:________________________________ Brief summary/Purpose:______________________________

____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

Person: _____________________________________________ Person: ___________________________________________

Date:_______________________________________________ Date:_____________________________________________

Brief Summary/Purpose:________________________________ Brief summary/Purpose:______________________________

____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

Person: _____________________________________________ Person: ___________________________________________ Date:_______________________________________________ Date:_____________________________________________

Brief Summary/Purpose:________________________________ Brief summary/Purpose:______________________________

____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

Person: _____________________________________________ Person: ___________________________________________

Date:_______________________________________________ Date:_____________________________________________

Brief Summary/Purpose:________________________________ Brief summary/Purpose:______________________________

____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

Person: _____________________________________________ Person: ___________________________________________

Date:_______________________________________________ Date:_____________________________________________

Brief Summary/Purpose:________________________________ Brief summary/Purpose:______________________________

____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

Person: _____________________________________________ Person: ___________________________________________ Date:_______________________________________________ Date:_____________________________________________

Brief Summary/Purpose:________________________________ Brief summary/Purpose:______________________________

____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

Person: _____________________________________________ Person: ___________________________________________

Date:_______________________________________________ Date:_____________________________________________

Brief Summary/Purpose:________________________________ Brief summary/Purpose:______________________________

____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

Person: _____________________________________________ Person: ___________________________________________

Date:_______________________________________________ Date:_____________________________________________

Brief Summary/Purpose:________________________________ Brief summary/Purpose:______________________________

____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

Person: _____________________________________________ Person: ___________________________________________ Date:_______________________________________________ Date:_____________________________________________

Brief Summary/Purpose:________________________________ Brief summary/Purpose:______________________________

____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

Person: _____________________________________________ Person: ___________________________________________

Date:_______________________________________________ Date:_____________________________________________

Brief Summary/Purpose:________________________________ Brief summary/Purpose:______________________________

____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

Form 5 Page 5

Page 35: Discipleship Training Manual

Form 6


As a new mentor, you may be wondering where to begin your new mentoring

relationship and what to include on the Action Plan (form 4). Although the

Action Plan is to be largely dictated by the results of the Assessment Summary

(Form 3), there are a number of other foundational issues that every mentor

needs to address right from the start. These foundational issues are listed below

and we encourage you to implement them into the Action Plan of the individual

you are mentoring.

God and You

� Schedule a daily devotional time for prayer and Bible reading.

� Develop an ongoing Prayer List for Friends, Family, and ministry needs.

� Craft a Life “Mission Statement” describing the Christian Life you want to


� Set 3-5 year Spiritual Goals based on your current strengths/weaknesses.

God and His People

� Evaluate your Spiritual Gifts with the help of a recommended assessment


� Choose a ministry to be involved in on a regular basis.

� Commit to attend a Sunday School class every week.

� Develop a “Family Plan” for maintaining a strong marriage, time w/ kids,

family devotions, etc.

� Set 3-5 year Goals for your Marriage/Family.

God and The World

� Write a purpose statement of how you want to see your vocation/calling is

furthering the Kingdom of God.

� Set 3-5 year career goals for your current job.

� Commit to participating in an outreach event at Uptown every 6 months.

Page 36: Discipleship Training Manual


Appendix III Training Resources

at Uptown Church

There are a number of Discipleship Training resources available at

Uptown Church which can aid in our spiritual growth and

development. Once you and your mentor understand your strengths

and weaknesses, then you can form an Action Plan which utilizes

these resources. The purpose of this appendix is to provide a brief

introduction to each of these resources, so you can decide how they

might fit into your training. Keep in mind that these modules are

always changing and developing as Uptown Church grows and

matures in its relationship with Christ. We will attempt to provide

regular updates to this Appendix and the details of any new modules

that may be added in the future.

Page 37: Discipleship Training Manual


Overall Discipleship Training


Before we begin discussing each of the modules, we must first get a broad overview of the content of Discipleship Training. Uptown Church has developed approximately 30 courses that form the foundation of its training curriculum. The courses are grouped into three categories of spiritual maturity discussed above: God and You, God and His People, God and the World. These courses will be offered in a variety of different venues, such as Sunday School, Life Groups, seminars, and retreats.



Course that outlines the concepts of inerrancy and inspiration as well offers a defense of the authority of scripture. Attention is also given to the origins of the Bible and the development of the canon. SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY I.

Overview of the foundational doctrines of the Christian faith including doctrine of God, doctrine of man, the person of Christ, and covenant theology. Attention given here to the language of the WCF. SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY II.

Covers the nature and extent of the atonement, as well as the individual stages of the ordo

salutis, including calling, regeneration, faith and repentance, justification, sanctification, adoption, and glorification. SONSHIP COURSE/GOSPEL

TRANSFORMATION. Centers upon the transformation of the Christian by the power of the gospel and helping the believer formulate and clarify their identity in Christ.

WHAT IS REFORMED THEOLOGY? Overview of the distinguishing components of the reformed faith, particularly the Five Points of Calvinism and the Solas. Attention is also given to Covenant theology, and the authority of scripture. BIBLE SURVEY.

Broad look at the major flow of redemptive history in both the New and Old Testament. Overview of the chronology and structure of the Bible and the way individual books fit within that pattern. BIBLICAL HERMENEUTICS. Answers the question, How do I Study the Bible? Introduction to proper methods of biblical interpretation and applies those methods in concrete biblical examples. SPIRITUAL DISCIPLINES. An overview of the main public and private disciplines for spiritual growth, such as prayer, bible devotions, worship, personal study, and mentoring.


CHRISTIAN. What it means biblically to be a man or woman and how that differs from the world's conception. Special attention given to gender roles in church and family. SEXUALITY, HEALTH, AND ADDICTION. The biblical view of maintaining the sanctity and health of our bodies from all the challenges of the modern world, including sexual sin and substance abuse. KINGDOM STEWARDSHIP I. Offers a biblical perspective on money and other Kingdom resources. Challenges believers to avoid being lovers of money and to use their resources in a godly manner that builds the Kingdom of God. KINGDOM STEWARDSHIP II. Training on money-management and financial wisdom from a biblical perspective. Material primarily drawn from Crown Ministries.

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SACRAMENTS. Understanding the theology of the church and the role it plays in the life of the believer. Special consideration given to the sacraments of baptism and the Lord's Supper. CHURCH HISTORY. Survey of church history from its origins in the first century through the modern day, taking into consideration major figures, events, and challenges faced by Christians. MISSIONARIES AND MARTYRS. An overview of the great missionaries throughout church history, as well as those whose faithful ministry led them to give their life for the gospel. INQUIRER'S CLASS. Introduction to the vision and distinctives of Uptown Church and the PCA as a denomination. Also, an overview of spiritual gifts and guidance on where to get involved in the church. WORSHIP. Overview of the biblical doctrine and practice of worship. Explores the role of worship in the life of the believer as well as addressing contemporary controversies over worship music, with special attention given to the regulative principle. CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE. Survey of the biblical teachings on marriage and its importance to the furtherance of God's Kingdom. Also offers practical steps for how to develop a marriage and a home built on Christ.



Godly principles for raising children to do more than obey outward regulations, but to love and obey God from the heart. Utilizes case studies and examples from parents in the congregation. THE ART OF SERVANT LEADERSHIP. Explores the definition of biblical leadership as it is patterned after the humble service of Christ himself. Focuses upon how the body is called to serve and love one another. TEACHER TRAINING. Provides a theological and practical framework for how to teach the Bible to others. Suitable for all believers, but particularly Life Group Leaders and Sunday School teachers. MENTOR TRAINING. Introduction to the role and function of a biblical mentor as well as practical guidelines for how to effectively shepherd those people who are being mentored.


VOCATION AND CALLING. Exploration of the biblical teaching on vocation and work, particularly how to identify God's calling on our life and our role in the Kingdom. Special attention given to how we can apply the truths of the gospel to our places of work. UNDERSTANDING CREATION: GENESIS 1-3.

Exploration of the origins of the world in light of the early chapters of Genesis, with special attention to the creation-evolution controversy and the relationship between science and faith.


THOUGHT. Survey of the major world religions and philosophies with a Christian analysis of each and suggestions on how to effectively communicate to these groups. LET THE NATIONS BE GLAD: WORLD

MISSIONS. Overview of the biblical teaching on God's plan for world missions. Focus upon the role of the church on both an individual and corporate level, as well as how missions ultimately is done to bring glory to God CHRISTIANITY, CULTURE, AND POLITICS. An assessment of the role of the church, and the individual Christian, in the broader realms of culture and politics, and how to bring God's light to bear in these arenas. EVANGELISM TRAINING. How to effectively share the gospel in an unbelieving world. Focus upon establishing both the biblical message of evangelism and a biblical method of evangelism. APOLOGETICS AND WORLDVIEW


Introduction to how to defend the faith and challenge unbelief within a postmodern world. Focus upon developing a biblical method of argumentation that will be effective in refuting any non-Christian worldview. MERCY , JUSTICE, AND FAITHFULNESS. Overview of the biblical teaching on mercy and justice and the role such ministries should have within the life of the local church. Models of successful mercy ministries in other evangelical congregations will be examined.

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Module I: Sunday Worship

Gathering to worship God as his people is not

only commanded by God but absolutely essential to the healthy growth of any disciple of Christ. Worship not only benefits the object of our worship, the Triune God, but all who participate in worshipping. It could well be said that worship is our highest duty, our greatest end, and our chief joy.

Since the beginning of the Church it has been understood that the ultimate aim of Christian discipleship is to produce a true worshiper. As Scripture teaches us:

Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one.

Love the LORD your God with all your

heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. (Deut. 6.4-5)

If the ultimate aim of Discipleship Training is to

orient our heart so that we worship God well, and that all of our affections in life are set first on him, then corporate worship is both the ends and the means for such a life of worship and love.

Let us look at several ways in which corporate worship builds the disciple into the very image of Christ. We will look at three elements of worship. Worship in praise; the participation in the sacraments; and the hearing of the Word of God preached. WORSHIP AS DISCIPLESHIP

One cannot ignore the fact that worship is the very thing that God most wants from us. Therefore when we gather to worship him we are giving God what is most due him as God, as well as what we most owe him as his children. Anytime a child pleases his parents deeply by giving them what they most want, there is a benefit not only to the parent but to the child as well. For the child is converted in his own obedience, his heart is moved to love his parents even more as he sees the joy of his obedience reflected in their faces.

So too the disciple of Christ is changed even as he renders worship to his Father in heaven. The disciple’s heart will resonate with the Father’s, he will experience the joy of the Father in his worship, and his heart will be drawn even further into the love relationship. So the Psalm encourage us to praise God and so recognize His love for us:

Worship the LORD with gladness; come before

him with joyful songs. Know that the LORD is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations. Psalm 100:2-5

Since as has been said, the highest command-ment is to love God wholly, worship at the same time allows us to love him in the obedience of worship and simultaneously increases our love for Him as we realize afresh how worthy God is of our praise. PARTICIPATION IN THE SACRAMENTS AS AN AID TO DISCIPLESHIP

We are told that the “righteous will live by faith.” This means that if we are to grow as a disciple we must have an increase in faith. But where does this increase in faith come from?

Since it is a gift of God and not of works there must be some way to access God’s grace to find this gift of faith. As part of our corporate worship the churches of Christ partake of the sacraments. Given to us by Christ as a primary means by which to communicate his grace to us they have real significance for the discipleship of the believer.

Here the benefits of the new covenant are effectively applied to us, primarily working in us the gift of faith. Particularly, as disciples of Christ, we are called on to regularly partake of the Lord’s Supper. It is through this sacrament that Christ promises that our unity with him will grow and that his very life will be reproduced in us as faith. As Christ told us: "Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in him" (John 6.56). HEARING THE WORD OF GOD PREACHED AS DISCIPLESHIP

While it has been clear, at least since the Reformation, that any believer may benefit from reading the Bible himself, the preaching of the Word is particularly helpful for building disciples. It is hearing the Word preached that most quickly

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convinces sinners and saints alike of their need for Christ.

Though discipleship is often conceived of as only a one-to-one operation it is clear from Jesus’ ministry that he often preached to multitudes and to the disciples. Only relatively rarely do we see him teaching one-to-one. If preaching was Christ's chosen means of disciple making (‘the Good news is preached’ in Matthew 11.5), dare we think we can do better, either for making or for becoming his disciples?

To stir the heart toward Christ, to enlighten the mind in the things of Christ, to bend the will to the reign of Christ, and to lift the spirit in worship of Christ there is no means more helpful than the

hearing of God’s Word preached by one duly gifted and appointed by Christ for this service. Clearly if we are to grow as disciples of Christ our full, hearty and regular participation in the worship of God with His people is as needful as breathe is to life.

In light of this understanding of the role of Sunday worship, it is imperative that every believer be involved in this aspect of Discipleship Training.

Take some time to consider and pray over your participation in the Sunday worship service. If you have further questions about this aspect of church life, contact your elder, one of the pastors, or email [email protected].

Module II: Sunday School

Sunday School is a weekly opportunity to study the Bible, to be trained in the Christian worldview, and to enjoy fellowship with other members of the body of Christ. We are convinced that spiritual transformation begins with training from God’s word: “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good pleasing and perfect will” (Rom 12:2). There are numerous features of Sunday School that make it an excellent place to participate in the Discipleship Training process:


We are blessed to have a number of gifted teachers, pastors, and elders in our congregation that are able to offer high quality teaching from God’s Word. So, Sunday School is a great opportunity to build a deeper understanding of the Bible and the Christian worldview. CORE CURRICULUM.

Uptown Church has developed a core curriculum that contains nearly 30 different courses dealing with a wide range of topics and subjects. Although these courses are offered within a variety of different ministries, a majority of them will be offered within the Sunday School context. For an overview of

the courses see above under “Discipleship Training Content.” CONVENIENT AND GOD-ORDAINED TIME.

We all live such busy lives that it is hard to find the time to learn more about the God we serve. However, God in his infinite wisdom has set aside one day of the week for that very purpose (Ex 20:8-11).

Not only do Sunday mornings rarely contain scheduling conflicts or other obligations that can keep us from coming to Sunday School, but child care is also provided so that parents can devote themselves fully to their training. RELATIONSHIPS AND FELLOWSHIP.

Sunday School is also an opportunity to deepen our relationships with fellow believers in the church. Rather than learning in isolation, Sunday School provides an opportunity to learn within the context of a loving community where we can sharpen and encourage one another. STRUCTURE OF SUNDAY SCHOOL

Each Sunday morning four Sunday School classes are offered, two from 9:15 to 10:15 and two from 10:30 to 11:30. During each class we have solid biblical teaching as well as opportunities to get to know other believers better.

Sunday School courses are offered in two-month blocks. During each block we will offer

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four courses, three of which will be topical in nature (see “Content” section above), and one Biblical course which directly studies a book from the Old or New Testament. This pattern allows members to choose the course that best suits their needs, while maintaining a

balance between topical courses and direct study of the Bible.

If you have questions about the content or structure of Sunday School, please visit, or email [email protected].

Module III: Life Groups

WHAT IS A LIFE GROUP? A Life Group is a small group that meets

once a week in someone’s home for com-munity, Bible study, prayer, encouragement and outreach. We believe that in the context of a small group, people can grow to exper-ience the full life of Jesus Christ as they share their lives with each other and study God’s Word. Whether you are new to Christianity and want to learn more or if you have been a Christian for a long time, a Life Group is a great place to get to know a smaller group of people at Uptown and grow together as a group through the joys and challenges of life. WHY HAVE LIFE GROUPS?

We believe that a small group is part of God’s plan to help believers grow to know Him more deeply. We see the involvement and community that a small group can provide as a strong supplement during the week to our time of meeting together for worship on Sunday morning. Throughout scripture God has always called not just individuals to know Him but groups of people to Himself. Some would say that Jesus Himself started the first small group.

In Mark 3:14 we read, “And He appointed twelve, so that they would be with Him and that He could send them out to preach.”

When Jesus was first calling His disciples, He did not call them to spend time with Him individually only but rather to come to know Him in the context of a group. This passage also reflects the two-fold purpose Jesus has in calling these disciples and putting them in a small group with Himself. One that they might be with Him and two that He might send them out to preach. We desire that all of our Life Groups at Uptown be committed to this same

two-fold objective of growing to know Christ together in the small group as well as being committed to going out and being a loving neighbor and helping witness in the community.

LIFE GROUP AND PRAYER TRIADS In the same way that Jesus was part of

small group of believers but had a closer relationship with a just a few members of that group (Peter, James, and John), believers involved in Life Groups can find further fellowship and accountability within something called Prayer Triads.

A Prayer Triad is simply a group of three believers who meet regularly to pray for one another and to keep each other accountable in their walks with Christ. Although Prayer Triads do not have to be formed from members of the same Life Group, the Life Group setting is a good place to build these deeper relationships.

Prayer Triads can be a key component for spiritual growth and discipleship training as believers encourage one another and spur one another on toward love and good deeds. HOW CAN I GET INVOLVED IN A LIFE GROUP?

Current Life Groups, and contact information, are listed on the back of the bulletin each Sunday, as well as at Other than simply showing up at a Life Group, there are three other ways you can get involved: BY INVITATION: Someone you meet at church or another church function may invite you to visit their Life Group or tell you about a group that you might be interested in. Some Life Groups are predominately singles, others are

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predominately married couples and some are a mix of both. REQUEST: If you are interested in learning more about the Life Groups, you can fill out the visitor’s card in the Sunday morning church bulletin and drop it in the offering plate during or after the service. Someone will contact you to talk to you about which Life Groups may be a good fit for you. START A NEW GROUP: Perhaps you have lead similar small groups at a previous church and feel called to serve in this capacity at Uptown. We would love to talk to you if you are

interested in either helping to co-lead an existing group or possibly help some others start a new Life Group. All Life Group leaders must a) be a member of the church, b) attend a Life Group Leaders’ training class and c) be approved by the church leadership.

If you have specific questions about our

existing Life Groups and/or if you are interested in helping to lead a Life Group, please visit, or email [email protected].

Module IV: Specialty Training

Train yourself to be godly. For physical training is of

some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding

promise for both the present life and the life to come.—

1 Timothy 4:7b-8

In addition to the many other training opportunities that have already been mentioned, Uptown Church periodically offers specialized training courses designed to meet specific needs within the congregation. Such training can be divided into the following categories.

OFFICER TRAINING. Every Spring new officers (elders and deacons) are nominated by the congregation. Nominees subsequently participate in a 13-week training course that covers a variety of subjects including, Doctrine of Scripture, Doctrine of God, Doctrine of Man, Doctrine of Christ, Covenant theology, and Ecclesiology. For more information on this training contact one of the elders. TEACHER TRAINING. There is a need at Uptown Church to continue to develop good teachers who can teach in a variety of contexts such as Sunday School and Life Groups. Thus, on an annual basis a Teacher Training course is offered which is designed to try to meet these needs. The course covers such

topics as Hermeneutics, Teaching Resources, and Group/Classroom Dynamics. If you are interested, please email [email protected]. MENTOR TRAINING. At the core of the Discipleship Training at Uptown Church are relationships with mentors. On an annual basis (usually in the summer) we offer an intensive training course for those who want to serve as mentors. The course covers the basics of the Discipleship Training program and the theology and methodology of mentoring. For more information email [email protected]. SEMINARS/LECTURES. From time to time we offer special seminars/lectures on topics of special interest to Uptown Church. Depending on the needs, these seminars can cover a variety of topics such as Evangelism, Biblical Counseling, Building a Christian Marriage, Christianity and Post-modernity, and more. Keep an eye out for such events throughout the year.

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RETREATS. During the course of a year, Uptown Church usually offers several different retreats designed to further our walk with Christ and our understanding of Scripture. These retreats include a men's retreat, a women's retreat, and also a church-wide retreat. Retreats are wonderful opportunity to learn from a guest speaker and also to deepen relationships with other members of the Church. CONFERENCES. Throughout the year there are numerous Christian conferences offered around the country that are excellent tools for Discipleship Training. Our own denomination, the PCA, puts on numerous conferences on such topics as Church Planting and Urban Ministry. Also, members are encouraged to attend other reformed conferences—such as

Ligonier Conferences and the Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology—which are held annually and can be a great training experience. P.U.B. NIGHT (PROMOTING AN UNDER-STANDING OF THE BIBLE). P.U.B. Night is a bi-monthly event where we will engage our minds with some central issues of the Christian faith, while sharing an evening with friends in a more relaxing and informal atmosphere. It is open to all who are interested in deep conver-sation, and P.U.B. Night is also a great opportunity to invite others to a place where they can be challenged to think more deeply about important spiritual issues. For a sche-dule or more information, please see

Module V:

Discipleship Training Resource Center

As you continue to pursue your disciple-ship training you will regularly have need of resources that are not directly available within one of the other training modules. Thus, the Discipleship Training Resource Center (DTRC) is available to supply those needs. The DTRC is currently under construction and we are hoping that the center will eventually consist of the following categories: BOOK TABLE: Reading good Christian books is one of the best methods of discipleship available to us. That is why every week we have a book table set up in the foyer and/or Sunday School reception area where books are available for purchase. Often, the book table contents will reflect the sermon series, Sunday School series, or other topics being discussed in the church. LIBRARY: Uptown Church has a small collection of books available in room 212 to be checked out by members. So, if you are doing

some biblical study and research and just want to borrow some quality books, rather than buy them, then this is the place to come. READING LISTS: Throughout your training you may wonder what good books or articles have been written on a variety of subjects that may interest you. Thus, we have developed extensive reading lists that are divided according to different topical categories; e.g., Theology, Biblical Studies, Church History, Missions, Evangelism, Apologetics, Church Planting, Mercy and Justice, and more. VIDEOS/TAPES: There are a number of video and tape series on a wide variety of topics available for your own study or to be shown to a Life Group or Sunday School class. Some examples include, Mars Hill Audio by Ken Meyers, Renewing Your Mind with R.C. Sproul, and sermon tapes from men like John Piper and Tim Keller.

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SELF-STUDY COURSES: We have several self-contained courses in various subjects from some of the leading Christian scholars of the day. The courses are usually contained on audio or video tapes and come with a study guide and reading assignments. These courses provide seminary-level education for those who want to take their study to the next level. INTERNET RESOURCES: With the advent of the internet, information on a variety of subjects is just a click away. We have compiled a list of Christian web sites that deal with a variety of different subject areas, including apologetics, reformed theology, Christian philosophy, creation-evolution, church history, and more. CHURCH CURRICULUM: All the core curriculum for the Discipleship Training program is cataloged and stored at DTRC along with bible studies on various books of the Bible. Thus, a Sunday School teacher, Life

Group leader, or any member of Uptown can come and check out curriculum that can aid them in teaching courses on anything from Philippians to Systematic Theology. WORSHIP MUSIC: The DTRC contains a collection of all our worship music—both hymns and praise songs—that can be accessed by leaders and members of the church. This resource is ideal for those who lead singing in their Life Group or family worship or who just want to be edified by Christ-centered worship. As you take advantage of the resources available here, make sure you record your results in your Discipleship Journal so that you can keep track of what you have done. CONTACT INFORMATION: If you would like more information please visit

Module VI: Spiritual Disciplines

As Christians we are called by God to be holy. Our Christian life is, in one sense, a journey of becoming more holy, striving to be more like Christ. But how are we to do this? While faith is certainly a gift from God, we are not called to sit idly by and wait for God to continue to strengthen our faith.

Growth in faith takes effort on the part of the Christian, and spiritual disciplines are designed to foster that growth. They are called “disciplines” because they should be regular spiritual exercises. The word “discipline” frequently carries negative connotations, but instead, it should make us think of being a “disciple” and “discipleship.” A good definition of the Spiritual Disciplines is “the private and public exercises to promote spiritual growth.”

This module of the Discipleship Training Program at Uptown will only focus on the private exercises. The reason for this is that the public disciplines, which include corporate worship, corporate prayer, and outreach, are already included in other modules and part of your vital Christian life. The private disciplines,

however, are grouped in this separate category, so that you (and your mentor) can keep track of how you can grow further in your personal walk.

Throughout these disciplines, however, it is extremely important to remember that these spiritual exercises will produce no fruit in your life, no matter how good your intentions are, without the help of the Holy Spirit. Pray that God will bless your endeavors to know Him more through these disciplines!

What exactly are the private spiritual disciplines? Below is a list of some of the primary disciplines with a summary of each: PRAYER: This is probably the first discipline you think of when talking about the spiritual disciplines. It is natural to think of this first, because it is such a vital part of any Christian’s life. It is, simply put, the means of communi-cation between a believer and God. Just as you can’t know someone fully until you communicate with them, you can’t fully know God unless you pray!

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It is a time to pause and offer praises to Him, thank Him for His work in creation and in your life, and offer up needs to Him. A good model for prayer is found in the acronym ACTS, where A=adoration, C=confession, T=thanksgiving, and S=supplication. Obviously every one of your prayers may not contain all of these, but you should be regularly talking with God about all of these things.

SCRIPTURE READING: Prayer is not simply a monologue from you to God, but it should be seen as a dialogue where He also communicates with you. Used in combination with prayer, Scripture reading is a wonderful means to hear from God and His eternal Word. Scripture is His revelation to us of Himself, where we can discover His truths and His character as revealed in His Son, Jesus Christ. Scripture testifies to itself and tells us why it is important:

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. –2 Timothy 3:16-17

Along with Scripture reading goes the important discipline of Scripture memorization, etching His Word onto our hearts. This aspect of the discipline should be a regular part of every believer’s walk. Various aids, such as the Navigators, are available to help you in Scripture memory.

SILENCE AND SOLITUDE: A discipline that is sorely missing in today’s busy world, removing oneself from outer distractions and noise is important for a Christian. This is certainly important when one is engaging in these other private disciplines, but it is also good for the believer to devote additional time to being still, for the purposes of meditating on God’s Word, reflecting on His creation and beauty, and separating oneself from the hindrances of the world.

Try to begin this by devoting a half day each month to being still and quiet before God. PERSONAL STUDY: While God’s Word is a perfect, infallible aid to knowing Him, we also have at our disposal a wealth of information that has been written about Him. While not on the same level as the Bible, we can still learn much from those that have gone before us.

Many wonderful books about theology, Christian living, the Bible, etc., can supplement our time in God’s Word and should be part of a Christian’s life.

Without these tools we may not understand God’s Word properly or how to appropriately apply what we learn. Biographies of Christian saints before us also serve to bolster our faith and lead us to praise Him for His work in history. The Discipleship Training Resource Center (DTRC) discussed above is an excellent place to acquire the necessary books and reading lists to seriously pursue personal study.

Hopefully you are already doing many of these in your regular walk in Christ. Make sure to record what you are studying personally, both in God’s Word and in other resources, in your Discipleship Journal (Form 5).

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