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Welcome To Your Piece of Paradise

Perfectly nestled in the heart of Central America, as if the world knew how special it would one day be, Honduras is a true undiscovered Paradise. The beauty of the land stretches far beyond its tropical white sandy beaches, extending 200 km along the still- as-glass turquoise water into its breathtaking mountains and ancient ruins. Offering a modernized healthcare system (with predominantly U.S. trained doctors), a stable democratic government for over 30 years and a safe and friendly environment, Honduras is more than just a piece of paradise, it’s a place to call home.

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Land as deep in history as it is in beauty. The tranquil town of Trujillo, one of the oldest in Central America, has played an

important part in the history of Honduras. Trujillo is where, on his fourth and last

voyage, Christopher Columbus first set foot on the American mainland. That very day,

August 14, 1502, the first Catholic mass was celebrated on the spot where he landed.

The town itself was established in 1525 by Francisco de Las Casas, who named Trujillo

after his hometown in Spain. It is one of the earliest Spanish settlements in Central

America, and was the capital of Honduras until 1537 when it was moved inland to

Comayagua. In 1880, the capital of Honduras was moved to its present day site of


Trujillo's strategic location was protected by several forts. The ruins of one,

Fortaleza Santa Barbara de Trujillo can be visited and explored to this day. There are

several buildings and cannons still intact, but the best reason to visit is the

commanding view of Trujillo Bay. The fort has been approved by the Honduran

Government as a historical site and is in the process of being restored.

It is hard to imagine that peaceful Trujillo Bay was once the site of several hard-fought

battles. Gold and silver mined by the Spanish in the interior of Honduras attracted many

pirates, including the infamous Henry Morgan. In spite of the forts, the town was the

site of many attacks. In 1643, it was sacked one last time by Dutch pirates and lay in

ruins for nearly one hundred and fifty years.

Today Trujillo is a peaceful town full of natural beauty and plenty of heritage. The kind

of place you love to visit – and never want to leave.

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Today’s Missed Opportunity Could Be Tomorrow’s Big Regret.

In order to enjoy the richness Honduras offers, the time to act is limited. As the

mainstream press continues to rave about the benefits of owning a second home,

buying international property and the increasing appeal of retiring in Honduras, available

oceanfront real estate lots will be spoken for in no time. A HiFX survey of more than 100

real estate agents (in Central America) found that nearly 30% of all real estate clients in

these regions are Canadian, and we feel that number will be growing. The reason is that

with the current strength of the Canadian dollar, coupled with the fact that Central

America is home to some of the most naturally beautiful regions in the world, owning

overseas property has never been so affordable, so easy and offered with such a

potential return on land investment.

Buy Low! The simple law of supply and demand becomes evident in our breathtaking

property development. As the demand increases and the supply decreases, the prices have

but one way to go. Honduras is poised to become the next Caribbean hot spot and it doesn’t

take much imagination to see where Trujillo is headed. The situation in Honduras is

similar to that of Costa Rica and Belize in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s when real

estate prices have increased dramatically.

Life Vision Properties has this to add: “Life Vision Properties is very serious about

the responsibility for the care of your real estate in Honduras. Our mission is to help

purchasers through every step of the buying and building.

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process, from start to finish. We are your dedicated partners and are there to support

you through every turn”.

At Life Vision Properties, our philosophy is based on exceeding your expectations.

Our success is the result of repeat and referral business. We know that if we do an

excellent job for you, you will not only do business with us again, but you will refer

us to friends and family. We feel that our reputation is better advertised by client

satisfaction and referral than it would be by us making personal claims about

ourselves. This, as in the name of our company, is our Life Vision.

All of us at Life Vision Properties look forward to working with you, and for you.

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Honduras’ Global Recognition Predicts Future Fruition.

Honduras has been making waves on the world stage, and is currently viewed as a

developing nation with a rising economy. The following are global opinions about

the recent achievements of Honduras, as well as projections for its future.

The Inter-American Development Bank approved $40 million in loans for the first

phase of a program to link the coastal towns of Tela, La Ceiba and Trujillo, which have

great potential for tourism and hotel investment.

The Happy Planet Index is an innovative new measure that combines environment and

human well-being to measure, country by country, where people are living long and

happy lives. Out of 150 countries rated, Honduras ranks #7. In comparison, Canada

ranks #111 and the U.S. at #150.

The World Database of Happy Nations, which measures subjective appreciation of

life as a whole on a rating out of 10, gives Honduras a 7.1, Canada a 7.6 and the U.S. a

7.4. The number 1 country on the list is Denmark with a rating of 8.2.

The World Bank classifies Honduras as a lower-middle-income country with a

diversified economy, based on international trading of agricultural commodities and

manufacturers. The country’s exports plus imports amounted to 106 percent of the

GDP in 2005. Honduras’ economy is the most dynamic in all of Central America.

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In February 2011, President Porfirio Lobo declared, that “Honduras is Open for Business”. The

Honduran National Investment Promotion Program is one of the most important instruments

designed by the Honduran government. It includes three laws undergoing approval by National

Congress that offer extensive guarantees and facilities for foreign investment in Honduras . In December 2010 Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada have

confirmed that Canada is closer to reaching a Free Trade Agreement with Honduras than

it is with the other three countries in Central America. For this reason, Canada is currently

concentrating on bilateral negotiations with Honduras. Within this context, Canada and

Honduras met in Ottawa from December 6 -9, 2010, for a free trade agreement negotiating

round. These talks were productive and led affairs officials to agree to plan for another

bilateral round in early -2011. Canadian officials were in Honduras in February 2011

continuing the discussions.

In February 2007, the International Monetary Fund concluded that Honduras’

strong economic performance in 2006 was due in large part to a favourable external

environment. Over the year, its real GDP growth is estimated to have exceeded 5%,

mainly due to higher consumption and strong growth of construction, financial sector

services and coffee production. This is regarded as only the beginning of Honduras’

future of rapid growth and prosperity. AP Worldstream recently noted that Honduras now boasts “Four international

ports, four airports, white sand islands and a highway under construction to connect

its Atlantic and Pacific coasts.”

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What I need to know about owning this beautiful piece of land.

What will my lot include?

Services with water, electricity, roads – as well as being graded and tested.

This exclusive, gated community will also include 24/7 security.

Is the transfer of title similar to buying in Canada?

The process is very similar to the way title is transferred in Canada. Honduras has a

registry system where title is held in “fee simple,” or in other words, in your personal

name or company. It is recommended that Title Insurance be purchased (as it would

be in Canada).

Does this mean I actually get a deed for my land?

Absolutely yes.

Is there a timeframe of when – or if – I have to build a home on my land?

Although we encourage you to build your home as soon as possible to avoid escalating

building costs, there is no requirement to do so.

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Do you offer services to help build a home on my p r o p e r t y? Yes. Life Vision Properties provides complete turnkey services. Our designers are

first-rate in both modern and custom home design, and all of our builders are both

qualified and reliable. So you can be anywhere in the world and be confident that

your home is being built at that very moment.

Do you charge a fee when the property is sold?

No. Once the land has been paid for in full and title transferred over to your name,

there are no charges or fees if you sell the land yourself. All the profits are yours.

Why are so many Canadians, Americans and Europeans buying property in Honduras?

Nowadays, people are looking to find a place where their money can go and grow the

furthest. Honduras is not only easily accessible from most major North American

cities, but it also offers a low cost of living (one can live comfortably for under $2,000

per month), a modernized healthcare system (many of the doctors have been trained

in the U.S.), a strong sense of security and a stable democratic government. It tops the

list for places to both invest and live.

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Buy Into Paradise in the Pre-Development Stage.

No opportunity today offers the stability, simplicity and affordability of foreign

property purchase and construction like Honduras. You can live the dream and

potentially enjoy dramatic property value growth.

Large developers buy pre-developed land below market value with the knowledge that

as regions develop as a result of added infrastructure and policies (such as creating

tourist regions, cruise ship terminals, golf courses, commercial/retail centres, hotels,

etc.), demand for the area increases. This causes land to escalate potentially by up to

10 times or more their original value in relatively short periods of time.

Now you have the opportunity to get in on the ground floor without investing huge

sums of money. Purchasing your own lot(s) through Life Vision Properties gives you

the opportunity to emulate the strategy employed by successful developers, large

institutions, pension fund managers and private real estate investors.

While the stock market can offer high returns, many people have found it to be a

volatile and dangerous place, especially for the average person. Most people do not

have the large financial backing to properly diversify their portfolios, and as a result,

are more vulnerable to price swings. You may think the same is true of real estate;

however, if your property is rented, it is paying its own expenses. History has shown

that real estate markets generally rebound, so there is not as much to worry about.

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We are all aware that capital returns vary according to the market, and that property in

the right location at the right time can offer the absolute best returns in the shortest

period of time. For example, over the last 10 years, places like Mexico and Costa Rica

have seen average prices increase 300% to 400%. Real Estate investments are

an excellent long term wealth creation strategy.

Buying pre-developed land is a win-win for the buyer and developer. For the

developer, time is money, and the quicker the project is sold, the more quickly they

can advance the project, thereby pushing up the price of remaining lots. For the

buyer, timely purchasing at pre-development means below market value prices and

optimum potential for high returns.

Many people purchase lots to simply sell them a few years later for a moderate profit.

The larger profits only come from medium to long-term commitment. If you decide to

build, you will have an outstanding retirement home or a beautiful second “vacation”

home to enjoy or rent out. Many real estate investors buy for their children and

grandchildren – to give them a major boost in the future. What a beautiful way to help

them start their adult lives.

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Trujillo: Central America’s Gem of the Future.

Honduras is fast becoming one of the best options for international property ownership and land investment.

The reputation of Honduras as the “Banana Republic” is now long gone. The country is not only filled with

breathtaking natural beauty with its rainforest and vibrant culture, but also with modern amenities and

entertainment. From fine dining to fast food to beach clubs to indoor shopping malls, Honduras is truly an

enchanting and diverse place.

For almost 30 years now, a democratically elected government has been governing this

beautiful and peaceful nation. The current government has put in place The Honduras

National Investment Promotion Program (2010-2014), which has positioned Honduras

as one of the most attractive investment destinations in Latin America. The North Coast or

“Caribbean Esmeralda” as it is also known has become a key area of focus by the

government as part of its National Sustainable Tourism Strategy. Improvements to roads,

access and development of tourist attractions continue to be areas of investment.

Roatán-led boom

The changes on the island of Roatán Honduras (only 60 km away) have been nothing

short of astonishing. In 1995, land on the beach was around $30,000/acre, now that

same piece of land exceeds $300,000! With over 500,000 cruise ship passengers

arriving each year, much of that appreciation has occurred in the last few years alone.

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What began with retirees living in scattered single-family homes on beaches and

hilltops, has evolved into younger buyers and developers turning these properties into

spectacular high-rise condominiums, with no sign of development slowdown in sight.

In fact, Roatán can no longer handle the demands of the cruise ship market, and the

Honduran Government began investigating where on the mainland to build additional

terminals. Due to its close proximity to Roatán along with its rich history that tourists

already love to explore, Trujillo is high on the list of candidates for proposed cruise ship


Land values on the Honduran mainland is expected to follow suit as tourism and

development in the area is just beginning. Trujillo, where Life Vision Properties has

three exclusive private residential developments, has pristine white sand beaches,

shopping, history and nature, and is part of the North Coast sustainable development

project. Its historical roots date back to 1502 when Christopher Columbus landed and

held the first ever mass in the New World. For this reason, among many others, there has

been a serious effort by the Honduran Government to revitalize Trujillo’s historical


Trujillo offers miles of white sand beach, a historical fort, verdant rain forests with

waterfalls, kayaking, rafting, clear-water rivers, plantations as well as excellent legal,

modern banking and medical care. Land prices in Trujillo are expected to increase

substantially, but right now, a sensational lot, (with a breathtaking panoramic ocean

view) in a gated community just 1/2 km from the beach is available. Life Vision

Properties also offers lot buyers the option of building a beautiful house for as little

as $95 sq. ft and built to North American standards.

The ease of Honduran land ownership.

Similar to the system in Canada, Honduras has a registry system that gives you

100% ownership of your land, and land title is in your name. As well, Title Insurance is

both available and recommended. This allows for easy future resale of your property,

should you see fit.

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Paradise can be found in the natural beauty of Trujillo.

Trujillo, a city of about 30,000 is surrounded by some of the most beautiful natural

ecology in the world. The beaches are palm-lined and the ocean is calm. A consistent

year-round temperature of 25-degrees Celsius, with just a few days in the low 20’s

during the winter, makes Honduras’ climate truly ideal. All this, with close proximity to

the unspoiled tropics, rainforest, mountains, lagoons and rivers makes this destination

a true paradise.

Behind the city are the Mounts of Capira and Calentura, which rise to an elevation of

just over 4000 feet. These mountains are in an environmentally protected National

Park offering great hike through the tropical rainforest. Listen for the tell tale crashing

high in canopy that signals the approach of a family of monkeys – known locally as

micos – one of the mountains’ most unique features.

To the south of town you can search for the highly elusive Cuyamel Caves that

archaeologists date back to pre-Colombian times (maps to the caves are available in

town, as few people actually know their locations).

Head southeast and you’ll find a cocoon of hot springs. Here, seven tubs of natural

temperatures – some hotter than you could ever imagine – offer nature’s alternative

to a day at the spa.

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No stay in Trujillo would be complete without a visit to one of the Garifuna villages,

located about 6 km west of town on Santa Fe Road. The Garifuna, descendants of

shipwrecked African slaves, have retained their unique culture and are noted for their

excellent cooking, their energetic “punta” dancing and their good nature. Each village

is on the beach, nestled under swaying palms. Here you will find restaurants featuring

some of the best fresh seafood in all of Honduras.

The best way to experience the lifestyle of the Garifuna is to walk the beach from

village to village. Several tour agencies have walking tours that include a typical

Garifuna-style meal, a boat ride, and a refreshing swim. One should not leave

Honduras without sampling “pan de coco” (coconut bread) and tasting the Garifuna-

style seafood dishes cooked with coconut milk. On the weekends, the Garifuna pay

homage to their African heritage and can be seen drumming and dancing in one of the

champas in barrio Cristales.

Not to be missed is the Guaymoreto Wildlife Reserve, just a short distance from

Trujillo, that protects the fragile mangrove habitat. The primeval-looking mangrove

tree creates the perfect breeding area and nursery for birds and fish – truly a bird

watcher’s paradise. Paddle through gorgeous rivers spotting birds and brilliant

butterflies, cool off in the chilling waters of a mountain stream, or watch the sunset

turn the skies a hundred shades of red Beauty and eco-tourism including tropical rainforests, mountains, lagoons and

rivers attract hundreds of thousands of visitors to destinations around the world.

Imagine having all this in your backyard! The natural beauty of Honduras is

clearly unmatched, and is a bonus amenity to an already excellent opportunity

and place to live. What more could one ask for in paradise?

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Your Home in Honduras

In such a beautiful land, it’s easy to see how one could thrive from a magnificent high quality of life, and Life Vision Properties can make it all possible. Our project consists of beachfront and ocean view properties that are be located inside a gated community attached to premier private beach club, complete with swimming pool, hotel suites, full-service bar, green (park) areas, and access to Honduras’ most beautiful beaches and other wonderful amenities. Life Vision offers attractive financing rates, estate size acreage lots with panoramic views of the sea, municipal water, electricity, 24 hour security, wireless/cable/phones and roads included for all lots.

Campa Vista

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Honduras FAQ:

Where is Honduras located?

Honduras is located in Central America, only a few hours away via direct

flight from many major North American cities. The country covers 112,482

square km, bordering west with Guatemala, southwest with El Salvador and

southeast with Nicaragua.

Why Honduras?

Honduras is truly an undiscovered paradise. Renowned for its natural beauty,

rainforests, historical treasures, stunning beaches, warm people and attractive

lifestyle, Honduras is bound to be the world’s next “hot destination”.

Do I require a visa to enter Honduras?

To enter Honduras you simply require a valid passport. Citizens of most

western countries are allowed a 60-day stay in Honduras without a visa,

with extensions possible for a total stay of 180 days per year. We

recommend you check with your travel agent or with your closest

Honduran Embassy for up-to-date information.

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Is Honduras politically stable?

Yes. Honduras has a democratic political system with a strong constitution

that has been in place for almost 30 years. Honduras’ close ties with the

U.S. have spurred economic development by building business and

infrastructure. Many major North American companies have been doing

business in Honduras for decades. Notable multinational companies

including, Marriot Hotels, Intercontinental, Texaco, American Airlines,

Delta Airlines and Gildan Active Wear have invested in large scale

operations in Honduras.

Can foreigners own property in Honduras?

Yes. Until 1990, the Honduran government prohibited individual foreign

ownership which impacted the pace of economic development. However,

since the prohibition was lifted, the economy has steadily grown, largely due

to the arrival of many international corporations. For the time being, land

remains undervalued in Honduras because it is still relatively undiscovered.

The veil of secrecy, however, is rapidly lifting and making this an unrivaled


Is real estate still a good investment?

History has proven that real estate has been the only investment that has

consistently increased. The stock market, bonds, precious antiques, foreign

currency and others have all had their ups and downs, but real estate has

continued to rise in value, and there is no evidence to support the idea

that this trend will not continue. The reason is simple; land cannot be

replaced. When a particular property is sold and/or developed, that

specific piece of land can never be duplicated. Don’t Miss Out!

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Want to know more about owning your dream home? We’ll help you through all of your inquiries pertaining to lot inclusions, timeframes, services, location, details about Honduras and why it’s the place to buy property, and any and all other questions you may have.

Life Vision Properties, we help make dreams a reality.

Are you ready to secure your little piece of Paradise?

For more information please contact:

LIFE VISION PROPERTIES 90 Admiral Drive Mississauga, Ontario L5T 2W1

Toll Free: 1.800.517.4986 T: 416.900.6098 F: 1.800.517.4986 / 416.900.6098

[email protected]

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