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ISSN 0268-3083

Editor: Alessandra Nibbi Reviews Editor: Angela Tooley

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Discussions in Egyptology 2 9 , 1 9 9 4 ISSN 0268-3083


M.I. Bakr & A. Nibbi

R. Bauval

R. Cook

V.A. Donohue

M. El Alfi +

J. Goldberg

D. Mostafa

S-A. Naguib

R. Park


A. Dodson

T. Du Quesne

G. Harrison

C. Vandersleyen

J. Vercoutter

A Stone A n c h o r W o r k s h o p at Marsa 5 Matruh. Preliminary Report.

The Star Shafts of the Cheops Pyramid. 23

The Stellar Geometry of the Great Pyramid. 2 9

Hatshepsut and Nebhepetre c Mentuhotpe. 37

Miscellanea Heliopolitana. 45

The 23rd Dynasty Problem Revisited: Where, 55 When and Who?

L i e u x saints populaires dans l 'Egypte 8 7 ancienne.

Interpreting Classical Concepts: Towards an 9 9 Attempt to Classify the Ancient Egyptian Notion of Person.

Kidneys in Ancient Egypt. 125

W.J. Murnane and C.C. Van Siclen, The 131 Boundary Stelae of Akhnaten, 1993, Kegan Paul International, London.

The Intellectual Heritage of Egypt. Studies 135 presented to Laszlo Kakosy by Friends and Colleagues on the Occasion of his Sixtieth Birthday. Ed. U. Luft, 1992. Studia Aegyptiaca XIV.

Heike Sternberg El-Hotabi, Der Propylon des 1 4 1 Month-Tempels in Karnak-Nord. Gottinger Orientforschungen, Nr. 50. Harrassowitz , Wiesbaden 1993.

T. & M. Dothan, People of the Sea. The 1 4 7 Search for the Philistines, Macmillan, New York, 1992.

Series Cradles of Civilization: Egypt, Ancient 153 Culture, Modern Land, ed. J. Malek, Weldon Russell, Sydney, 1993.


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Discussions in Egyptology 2 9 , 1 9 9 4 ISSN 0268-3083


By R o b e r t G. Bauval


It has been recently argued that the narrow shafts emanating from the two c h a m b e r s within the core of the Great Pyramid at Giza were for ventilation <1>. A brief appraisal of engineering and ventilating factors will easily show that 'ventilation' was not the objective, but rather some other higher purpose to serve the rebirth rituals of the cult.


The four shafts have an a v e r a g e cross-section of 23 x 22 cm and length varying from about 24 ms (northern shaft of the Queen's Chamber) to about 65 ms (northern shaft of King's C h a m b e r ) . They all are inclined to the horizonta1 plane of the pyramid, their slopes varying from about 32 d e g r e e s 30 minutes (northern shaft of the King's Chamber) to about 45 15' (southern shaft of the King's C h a m b e r ) . The shafts were constructed in a step-by-step manner (and not drilled through as some have supposed) and reveal a very complex and sophisticated engineering and levell­ing techniques.

It has been suggested that the reason for their inclination was to find the 'shortest route' to the outside of the pyramid and this implied the ancient builders wanted to save' work and time. Sue h 'geometric a 1 logic' goes, however, very muc h against engineering logic for, building shafts on an incline, would not save time or work at all - Q u i t e the contrary, in fact. No c o n ­struction engineer or builder could possibly agree that the 'shortest route' is the best route in this case, even though it seems so to those looking only at 'geometry'. The truth is that to build inclined s h a f t s rather than to have simple horizontal openings leading to the o u t s i d e of the pyramid would create many difficulties -especially when we consider the high precision of the inclinations. This point has been carefully made in the past by architect and E g y p t o l o g i s t D r . Alexander Badawy <2>.

To build inclined s h a f t s rather than horizontal ones entails five tedious o p e r a t i o n s . First the base course must be prepared; this entailed preparing special blocks having their upper face sloping to serve as 'floor' to the shaft (fig.l A ) . Second, s p e ­cial block had to be cut, wi th the bottom face forming the profile of the shaft i.e. to make up the 'walls' and 'ceiling' of the shaft (fig.i B ) . Third, special blocks had to be cut with their under—side inc1ined in order to cover the sides of the shaft. Fourth, the top of the shaft detail had to be covered with other special blocks having their u n d e r — s i d e face sloping to rest on the top of the shaft (fig.i D ) . Finally the main masonry course of the p y r a m i d s had to he integrated in this structural detail (fig.l E ) .

I f ven tilation was the obj ec tive (i.e. prac tica1i ties rather than expressing i d e o l o g i e s ) , the question is: why opt for such complications and d i f f i c u l t ! e s when a simpler solution could equa1ly have provided 'venti1 ation' to the chamber ? It is clear, at least to m e , that a far simpler solution to provide 'ventilation' wouId be to leave a masonry joint open -say 20 cm s - running from the top of the chamber right to the outside of

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the pyramid, as indeed Badawy suggested in 1964 ( f i g . 2 ) . No s p e ­cial cutting of blacks would be needed nor, indeed, any tedious a l i g n m e n t s and level ling w o r k .

It is therefore obvious that the 'shortest route' created far more complex and tedious o p e r a t i o n s and was not, by any m e a n s , the best option for the practical purpose of v e n t i l a t i o n . The reality is that the ancient builders did not seek 'time/energy' saving schemes -if this was the case, they would not have built a giant pyramid needing 6,300,000 tons of rock to be raised 147 metres high in the first place. We surely must see the various features of this m o n u m e n t expressing very powerful religious ideas using the medium of symbolic a r c h i t e c t u r e and not as as time/energy saving attempt based on quaint geometrical figures.

The shafts from the Q u e e n ' s Chamber w e r e , in any case, closed up at both e n d s , thus making ventilation i m p o s s i b l e . Even so, it has been suggested, however, that these s h a f t s , although w e r e 'planned' for v e n t i l a t i o n , they were somehow kept in 'reserve' just in case they would be needed at a later time. The serious flaw in this hypothesis is that the c o n s t r u c t i o n of these s h a f t s , for one, was started in the lower part of the wall of the chamber —before the roof was closed— and thus before any v e n t ilation problems (if there were any) could, be experienced. So if ventilation problems were e x p e r i e n c e d , then why did the builders not cut through the shafts into the Q u e e n ' s Chamber ? <3> The argument tha t this was because the c hamber was abandoned' in not tenable anymore, for if this was the c a s e ,

then why did they carry on building these s h a f t s deep into the core of the masonry some and taking the southern one some 19 metres above the floor of the King's Chamber ?

Another flaw with the ventilation' theory is why have two shafts in each Chamber ? The Q u e e n ' s Chamber is still u n -ventilated yet at this very moment there is a group of workers in it every day, engaged since several months to remove the g r a f f i t i ' by the EA0 <4>. In any case, one shaft in each cham­

ber (preferably going south) would have been m o r e than enough to create ventilation, if such an effect was needed <5>.

The fact is that the slope of the shafts were kept so accurate, within about 1 degree of v a r i a t i o n s , that they strongly imply careful alignments -only possible with stellar s i g h t i n g s . A l ­though the shafts were not 'observatories' for s t a r s , they w e r e directed to important star systerns for r e l i g i o u s r e a s o n s . In the n o r t h Draco and Ursa Minor seem to be the targets in c. 2500 BC. In the south, O r i o n ' s Belt and the star S i r i u s ( f i g . 3 ) . All these star systems w e r e , as we know, vital to the astral rebirth rituals expressed in the Pyramid Texts <6>.


The shafts in Cheops' pyramid w e r e carefully designed to serve as ritualistic c o n t r a p t i o n s , as is the whole m o n u m e n t . the northern one 'linking' the chambers wifch the c i r c u m p o l a r stars associated with stellar rebirth. anq / t h e southern ones as 'channel s' for the Ba-sou1 of the dead kin• to d irec t it towards the precise stellar destiny <7>. This c o n c l u s i o n complies with the textual evidence of the Pyramid T e x t s , the archaeological and engineering evidence and, more relevant here, with e n g i n e e r ­ing and construction l o g i s t i c s . The previous definition of

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'air—shafts' must be replaced by 'star-shafts' in order to provide the correct terminology to these important design fea­tures of the Great P y r a m i d .

N O T ES 1. J . A. R . Legon. 'The Air-shafts in the Great Pyramid' in D i s ­c u s s i o n s in Egypto logy (DE) 2 7 , 1993, p p . 3 3 - 4 4 . 2. A. Badawy. 'The Stellar destiny of Pharaoh and the so-called A i r - s h a f t s in C h e o p s ' Pyramid' in Mitt. Inst. Orient. zu Berlin Band 10, 1964, pp. 1 8 9 - 2 0 6 . 3. I.E.8*. E d w a r d s . The Pyramids Of Egypt. Penguin 1993 ed. p. 1 0 4 . 4. This w a s confirmed to me by Dr. Nouredin, Chairman of the EAO in Cairo, in December 1 9 9 3 . A team of restorers are removing the modern graffiti on the w a l l s . 5. The eminent e n g i n e e r , Dr. Jean Kerisel of P a r i s , who o r i g i n a l l y proposed to the EAO the scheme to v e n t i l a t e the c h a m ­bers in view of the thousands of tourists that enter the pyramid every w e e k , is of the opinion that no circulating v en ti la ti on through shafts was needed during construction, as natural flow in and out of the chamber occurred sufficiently for a dozen w o r k e r s to spend long hours without any serious d i s c o m f o r t . This is, in any c a s e , today well proved by the work carried out in the Q u e e n ' s Chamber with the shafts still closed at their u p p e r end. 6. R.G. Bauva1 & A . G . Gi1bert. The Orion Mystery. Heinemann 1994 ed. p p . 8 6 - 9 1 . 7. A. Badawy. Ibid.

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FIGURE 3 G R E A T PYRAMID OF CHEOPS Stellar alignments of shafts at epoch c. 2450 BC

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