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  • 8/14/2019 Disillus Withdem


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  • 8/14/2019 Disillus Withdem



    DEOLSSUE OGYBROADER PIRIPECTIVES IS PUBI.ISHTD BY SCIIOOI. OTTHOUGIII420 North Eridg" Ro0d #06 2Z 0r* Brldge Ienrre,Sinq0p0re 188/21 www.nhoolollhoughl.r0m.!qrel *6t 6334 87/3 Iox:.65 6337 2434SUB5(RIPIIOI{ RATES TOR 2OO854? {12 i55ues, Jonuorylo odober)For subsrriplion enquiries 0nd b0(k issue5, enr0il:brooderp"'rspsrlives@d001 ohh0ughl.(omIHE BROADER PERSPECIIVES TEAIIItditorin Chiel t iz0beih l(0r, llz@srhool olthoug ht.tomCreoliveDirecl0r ShiooYln (uik,yin@srhoolof thoughl.tomS0Les & Subs(rlpll0n5l\0n0ger YeeTong, yee@srhool olthoug ht.romC0nJribu ng Wrils15 Xi0odinq Ling,l0!e in B0u, YeeTong,tonoine tee, Nodjo Moh, klvin (ow, trito Leenrern Amellio RozokPri ler lobez Priniing Uou5e

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    sollir1 oao ld?2 3iL1l#rnustr sefblen r'l'o'lr iirlii;ili l.: ',:i.ir5 IDEOIOGIES THAT S|IAPIGOVERNAN(T TODAYWhat rrirdsels dictatc our dc(isionrndrnrg?:1


    2t\{e pick sor rri ofthlr best n )ol,ies lhNtdepict total itadanism. theocm.y.romnrurisnr aDd capitalisnr.

    33i -, l.i Ll i ' , , 1 l : r , ' , l i : , ,THI GOOD, IHE


    frIeet some ofth bcst audNorst politicLLl leadcrs ofour world's Iist(nt.

    OUR DISILLUSIONMENTWITH DEMOCRACYIs the world losing its faith in democracy?iii .1.' ;irliilirREIHINK TLITTIONSDo clcctions reallv tuarautce fiecdornand cqualilv in socicrj ?, :.-.r\'i iri: iiil :iil i:

    t4 wh] isthatt|c one elcnenis missirs in ho{t cl,'d.nrlf,lP lss:rj s.rLc rll .Lb,rt ilr!.urneit.Ltior.$ hY i\ that tliL une el, nrpnilh"rFOR THI SAI(E OF ARGUMINIrDg in noststudcnt essa\s?:ir,'t;:'r,iiiliil:rr,l.iiF'THt BABY B00MERS vsIHE MILITNNIAI. GINTRAIIONOrn r'1 iters square olTon lhcissueof$hellcrgovemrrnts hn\.e rhc dghtto inLedire i

    :-lir\l il''. i l,l! llIDEOIOGY & PRAfiITEDos orc lend to the other'? Wc look,r howdilterFIt L,uIrflr, :r l,r\\td rlrcLr icl-",,1r)5. i.\hatF rhfir fF\p,,n\" t,r dnrc tr.rfirekirlr.SAtds in,l str r.rtisn,

  • 8/14/2019 Disillus Withdem



    Five Ideologies thatShape GovernanceTodayThe Cold War made it look like governments were eithel democratic or communist butthe ideologies that llovern us all are a little more varied than that. Bv xiaochins Ling

    deologies can be thought of as different ways of looking atthings. An ideology is like a comprehensive vision of how societyshould work (i.e. the ends) and the best methods to achieve thisideal arrangement (i.e. the means). Most countries do notjust

    subscribe to one singular ideology but a mixture of ideologies in orderto sketch out a political, economic and cultural blueprint to build ourideal societies from.


    i,lil lj t i ll 'l/llLllll

    02 BR0ADIR PIRSPTOvts the leak\t! issue

  • 8/14/2019 Disillus Withdem



    req sit for {r'eedom. Lilte it or !ot, the profitnotive sccms to pronote iDdepcndent seuo.sanisation and crealivib like no othcr.It

    GRxED IS GOOD? / oD thc left side oi the politicalspctrun, capitaiisn is a dirly word. The list ofproblens creatcd by capitalism is well-documented:the unfair dist.jbution of iyealth aDd fower. thetendency to$'ards creating a nionotoly or oligopollof elites and the exploitation ofth. poserless forprofit's sake. river on thc risht wjng side of thespectrom, sone monothcistic fairhs act!ally opposelha,o.l-' i',oi r'1.-e.ld\ rn.ll-i.,,1. B, l.Jt J r{rhas becone thc defining ideolos) of the $orld for !hsiniple reason that jt has outlaste.l and outpcfomredall otho alterna Live ecoDomic slstenN in ternrs ofitsability to efilciently create liugc amounis olwealth,a fact dral no modem statc is blind to. Even stauDchbComnunist states lik China and Russia ha! evolvedtheir former comnand econor es for a systcm tiatallores capitalist gain.IncreasiDg GDP pcr capitanatuMllyb ngs about inprcved standards ofli\ring,bettcr healtbcare, public iDfrastrucLure andotfoftunity lbr upward socjal rnobilitv. EconomistsliteMiiton ltiednun aluethat capitalisn is a pre'


    ral democracy: upkeeping the .ule of law,nui rinins transparenc!', instillins responsibilityand enforcins accoun tability for all- It

    EQUALITY l]OR LL / The i98os and r99osmarked aglorjous asc ofvictory lbr Denocracy: thcB-rlir' t^,,11 l.ll. r\" ".Fdt Curnmun. . , rnt, pcrumbled lik a domino chah after corbachevinttodrccd percrl,?ika(restnchrnrs) and glasnost(openness) to the Soviet Union md clerla'here peoplercrc calling fbr fiee elections and celebrating fteespeech. Denocracy will alirays ha! its appe in tlreworkl becaNe it speats to the most fennt impulsesin the human imaginalion:the desireto sce all rnanequalry treated,l|e hope that the elite will lool< out'o'rr1, s.rl 1rd rhp oFli, I tr.,r ,acf one ot .r.:snmately capable and wise enoush to guide and guardcac.h o ther without beins forced to do so. In tlie faceolsuch appealing idcals, itis no wonder that so nalymonnchis and theocracies have been tranplcd underthe feet ofthc eager masss. Tlie nain issuc aboutdenbcracv is not so nuch its goals but the $'ayit isbe rg.\ac,rled. lbo n,rrD propl. ,.h.vp deno.r .ipsi Jr. r ,d . op., -s io i.l rs i.' .lF.r'on. or rrflspeech. Fea' ant to do the hard iork ofrunnins a

    clPlTtLtu\4 l flutoPta?/ta)ky'uiew/id/r}st(onomi5l thni6obre

    norker ln tlhiopio. Hn

    in r rill( o thin(ing,ideo lsm ond publir

    qulik \1,itred ond

    tlMlllDtfiS toRAfRttAhslks/ tie',! /idl56

    03 ERolDtR PIRSPIOIVIS t|le idealottlt issue

  • 8/14/2019 Disillus Withdem



    IN GOD \vI l RUST / Theoc.acics atc ra.e inlodavs nrcreasnrgu s.cutarn'orld bul thc lii{ statesthaL archoldiDg out a!P.artobe quite.esolutc an.lunchingnrg about it. Morcovcr. iD .eacLion to thesecularisrtion oftlie roJd. ihe p{ssiolr lo lrold ontoreligious bclicfs as rdellningplitical ideologl nrightj st grow cyctr Dore intcnsc. The P'escni-daliheocracies also all adhere b motrotheisli. bclicfs(,ILrdrisnr, Ch stirnityand lslan,$'liich liare rro\c'1' " ir'41. b r'r.i,rlFlr.^i,:, .l.o.iopolitical chan8.. lrcscntly, no .bsolute theocrrq

    r.'\.,l.."oll.-'rr.aspccts. lra. s cl.ctcd falls uDde. lhcstrpcnisior olt|. Suprene Leadcr oflran and lh.CuArdian Council, tlo positions in thc governnent'| | a r- 'F,.r ..r,r \l r\l ilrl'lri,SaLrdiAubir is bolh r thcocracy is Nellrs a nnDr(I)$'i]h dr. Emir in absohltc po$'er bLrl thc Qudn as,e .r Lrrrtltiun ,1, .,.. ..J/ rtrJ,ti ,r .' I. I i.legjsl.iioD) as h$. lhc Isrxcli state identifics itsellrs lhe Jdrish llorreln.d(fiosc Law ol Rctlu granls!n\ Jei{ tlrc rislit to becomc au lsReLi citizcn iD $'haLis seen as thc lonrcland give. to thcm blGd. Lren morc iDt guiitu is Uount ^tlros in CrcccelaD autonomons countN ded icatcd n) the vitgii IIa'-Tthrt onll perniis Ortho(lor Christiu nirles to bctcrnuDenlr.sidcnts. It


    . la roo work for {.ges, ,? it;. ll soods rrd i.nic.i rru $ld itr. m.rl.tplr.. with . viw to. li th. w.rld i. divid..l lntoi'ti.ns. it it tdt to.ttlbn.. lf th.t. k .nY tind ol govirn-n.nrover pcopl. rr iJ ro' 5"/,'sd. u"ress ati trunanr cveqwherth.v. rF.2...rt !o.ll goodi tnd t'Fti@s, it is nor io.i.titn'

    .iVORKIRS IN POWtrR / As capitalisrn !,re\v nrnrflucn!e ar:d e.oDomic inequ.litv became noreprcnotrDc.d. people bcgan a.lvocaling that lrrpertyand dist bution ofNealth sholld be subi.ctto conholF, 1: l"r'll ,l ' '"1f . \rr'^clites. l hus bcgaD the nrovcmcnt ofso(ialism theroot ideolo$ rrhicli orgalised hbourn,olemei,ls. rrid. rurions and ftrnn nisn. Post\\', rld \\ . ls , "r:lr r' ro' l:"f r ' .i 11...i'n,an! impove.ished AficaD, Asitn and LatiAnerican counties esltciall," iD !je\! ofihc aPPrrcDtnrccess ofthe So\iel Drodci. llone!e.. rhc SoietleNnr. of socialisn laded nr nrfluence on.c n$vs ofho\! the Soyict strtes liced shortages ill consu'ncrgoods rnd supprcssion of riShts to rssembll 3"'ls|ccch spreld. Iodr\', socialisn }rs trkcn on rran!lb rs.I! Latin ,\. edci, Vcnezuela d IIugoChn!.7 and Boh,ian PrcsideDt l:]lo \'loraics Pushpopulist .coDomic loljci.s tlut aid tbe porcst. TheI'r'. ' i-lr | . ' _Christiu Socialisni - a blar.l of soci^lisrr that dri'ls' 'i .'l or 'd r. \t . | ,...,, .".... o, .r.,t ,-F, '" ,.1,,l ' .ic"ard.arc n)r the toor. \'orknrs class. L

    04 BR0ADtR PIRSPItTlVtS l/ic t./,rtog, Nsxf

  • 8/14/2019 Disillus Withdem


    5PRAGI[A'I'I SI\{

    IF I MORKS,.IUSf DO I'[/Conlircius, ccnghisKlran, Nap.rleoD and Thonas Jeffoson had orrphjlosop|y in conlnor - rll beti.ved stro.slv tharrunnnrs an efficienr societr depeDdcd onthefru(ticalselection ol people based on tnlent and us.lulness.not a sct olfincy but nltjrn atety un reaiisti. betiefs.This plriiosophy|as e\olwd into i{har is.oi{ ln wlas me tocraq, - r slstem that mosr no.lenr cnpitalistsocicties pra.tice iDformallv anywa),. Unlikedemocracl which IIiDis aD optnnistic picrLre oftheequal caprbilitl of tlic massesj rne.itocracl sa).s. ,Bercalistic. Som. Fople aiil lahn.lly be more catabtethaD olhers and rhey shorrld bo allowed tr,lead andlook afte. the comnDn sood.',rej1ercoD cnlie.i snchIreople the ir.tural adslocracy . Napolerrn rejc.tedrppointment bnsed on ancestrf. weatth or ethniciry,choosi g kr Bvard o.\ thoscsirh mitta.1, scic.rificorartistic prowess. Singrpore is uDique in ctaimi,,Bmoitocracy as a ccnual poliiical conceut - a stnncethat Eot h$ expellcd lrom the Mrtaysian Fcderarionir r965 bccause Malalsia believed in giriDg sDecialfrivileges Lo the indigenous }Jitays. Whitme.itooact Dainrallr briDgs successj ir cannrstitutionalise inoqLhljtyand etitisnr s.hen itre strtc,sdefnrition .rf hon to measure bc.omes t(r,$'.nd ilt-deline{l at

    Monarchics are obsolcte.lRUE 1{] SOMD EXl l.tNT. Rule b1 a singtcnroDarch ls olc ol rhe oldesr - and \omc sn) nnrsrarctiajac of go\ern.)ent. Sirce thelDlishiennient and thc rise of secntar.Lrtruc. fe$,Dbdcnr citi?ens ca. accept tle coDcept of r m.rnchnnins to nrle because ofihc$ill ofcod(s) orbecauschc isr dirine ircanrar.'\s a rnitr. most moDaJllicsha!e be.D dismantled, ovc lrrown or traDslormcdinto repnblics. Nl.n! oftodarrs bclored ro]'ahigurcsLhe Bdtish, Danishand Jalancs. r orats for i$tancearcjust (rNtitutidral nroDrrchs i{ithoul .ert polverov.r national polic\'. T|et'ewabsolut. Dr.,narctrs \!Lostjll retanr coNi.tcr.ble decisioljnaling poNer (anbclb!nd !r Jo.dan, Morocco, BhutaD. B.unci. Saudi

    Arrbia, Q.1ar and SNazih.d. r\ftcr lhe 2oo7 mrsskillirg bt, Netal s suicidat crorvn priDci:. Nep.leveniurllv abolisired iis Donarchr iD 2oo8. (tThe Illuminati controls the world!Ir lSF. thc Ilh Lirutidoes cxisl in.lccd irthctrlelbll ,-r.. ra. Ir r r' .t,tr'a, ,1.,..intcliectuais, poljticians and tfterarr Drcn $.as fou oded-.irus.l^, .t t.t..rrrr_1|, I,r . fi r-banned under the suspicioo that lhel cxisre.t toi.liltrat. aDd overthrow e\istiDg Europcango\ennncnts, at oDe IJoirt, the o .rstill Drrnagedro arrract 2,ooo men.'$c group ei.n I udl) disban.tcd due: to nrlrnal successio'r issu.s. Sinceth.n, coDsfiracl lheorists aDdpuh tictioD no\ellists like D.n Br!{rrhave had a fiel.l dn) portriring theIllnmiDati ,s aD all tiDowiDgshacloi{y organisarioD t]rat

    controls world aflans ihroughits p fDet Sovennncnrs and

    05 BR0ADtR PtRSPtO/VIS th. id.obqtt iss"(

  • 8/14/2019 Disillus Withdem

    8/3606 ER0rlUtR PtR5PlflVtl r/i, nlritot,/ |sir'

  • 8/14/2019 Disillus Withdem



    THt ORANGE Il1RON OI5vol(h?v=lNetbf db42(&le



    Aihorr dlp !bo!r lhe &erlln



    See the orislno BBC rewi

    Y0LltLlr]l tH !

    07 BR0ADIR PtRsPtOvts th. i.leol.yv 6suc

  • 8/14/2019 Disillus Withdem


    FTATURE ARTIILEFI:TI, (}II SOI]ND AND FURY.SIGNIFYINC NOTHING/ The firstanswer may offend our nost outwardlyexpressed norions of equality. Lilte it or not,enough of us privately feel that puttingdecision nakins in the hands of a qualifiedfew rather than the clLreless nasses justscems more fficiert at getting things donein a comtry. To Dut it blundy, the unspokenfact is many of us just do not have that nucli

    majority may make decisions that placetheir interesis far above the intercsts of theminority. In effect, the majorit] has thecapacity to become just ds foolish, cnel andunjust as any despot - an issue neatlycaptured in the phrase "tyranny of the

    Indeed, like ftee speech, fi ee elections thevery cornerstone of a democracy can veryeasily degenerate iDto a farce: all sound andfury, sisniting nothins. Free elections arenot so fiee after all, beins interwoven withpersonal politics and metodrama. Ukraineonly succeeded in achievins the theatrics ofdemocratic politic rather than establishingthe corc instituiions of democracy. VoteNprcferences cnn swins erratically, bound bytheir enotional, subjective desire to suppoftthe leader that thev like best, as opposed ioa rational, objective assessmeDt of whichleader tbey trust rl1ost. Yushchenko weniquickl)' from beins Ukraine's democraticdarling to yet another Publicln the 2oo8 American Presidentialcampaign, Barack Obama's detractors arguethat his dramatic victories state atter statewere founded more on his youthful, goodlooks and cleverly orchestrated monopolyofthe word "chang" thm his actual politicalexpeience. There nay be some truth there.After a]l, obama's trump card is that heembodies everything that curreDt Presidentceorge W. Bush and leadins rjval HillaryClinton are not young, black, charismaticand a ftesh face. whether Senator HillaryClinion is a better debater or SenatorJohnMccain has more years of experience seen

    to matter little to the decision makingprocess. America's embittered and clnicaletectorate has become weary ofall thinssold and auious, lookins for anlthing newand hopetul instead.

    'IALK Is CIIIAP/ Denoralised by therise of populism and the pressure ofglobalisation, many have also witnesscdthat without institutional changes,democracies do not guaraniee any betterquality of sovernance. In Asia, thePhilippines fits the bil ofbeing a tuee-speechlovins, western sbne democracybesl Still,mip os have cone to vis their country'scorrupiion, poor ecoDomic growtb andgrowins teEonst problen with ajaundicedeye. Russia's dislike of democracy stemspaftly {ron how Russians perceive theirown experimeni witli democracy in the199os asafailure an attitude seen in seveMlLatin American couniries and parts of SouihEastern E rope. Ameican politicians maycrow about the evils Connunist leader Fidelcastro has hflicted on Cuba but MichaelMoore's 2oo7 doqrnentary Sicto exposedto America what Cubans had kno$t foryears: the 'Evil Empire'ofCuba manasedto provide aftbrdable, world-class univeNalhealthcare to its people - an accomplishmentthat still remains ridiculously ort ofreachfor many middle-class Ame caDs.^sNeuvol/< ?l,nes columDist Nicholas Krisiofnoted wryly in a 2oo5 article, "Ifthe u.s.had an infan! moftality rate as good asCuba's, (it) would save an additional 2,212Ame.ican babies a year." 3lr,ooo Cubandoctors wolk for free in dozens of poor@mtrieq sharing tltir healthcare stategiesatrd providing free cataract operations forinpoverished Venezuelans, Bolivians and

    of academia aDd the livins rooms of lheelite. what matters more to the masses ishow well taken care of they are by thegoveDment - not so muci which particr arstrain of democratic ideolo$r' their pollticalleaders srbscribe to. Given the choicebetween a government p rist about

    08 BR0ADIR PtRSltOlVtS the i(leolollLi isste

    democratic principles and one thai proljderdecent quality oflife while conpronisingsone freedoms, the rnasses will alwals pickthe latter because laymen are essentially

    This is nost obvious in the case ofSinsapore, seen by many academics as aclassic case of a successfut 'benevolentdictatorship'. Here, the electorate remainsindifterent to local and foreisD activists'rcpeated attempts to galvanise a revolutionfor freedon. PromiDent local free speechactivist Chee Soon Juan may be commendedby denocraq advocates overseas but locatly,he is viewed by thd man on the street at bestas an oddity and at worst as a nationalenbanassment. Despile their comPlaints,Shgaporeans are essentially conteni withihe rather miraculous level of econonicwealth, political stability and social secunvachieved through alnost four decades ofdoninarce by one political party in thelections. The loss ofcertain political andeconomic freedoms - the conhol ofdk press,the enforced CPF savings schene,disalowing the nakins ofpolltical films etc.

    is accepted as a necessary evil: a fair andsensible trade off for having an efficientlyrun, wealthy and secure nation. In ananalysis of S gapore by the sustainabilitylnstitute, founder Dr. Donella Meadowsasserts that Singaporejust does not fit intothe world s categories: "It's a dictatoNhipwith ftee speech, no fer aDd no coruption.It's an economythai uses capitalistmeansto atiain socialisl ends....a meritocratic,elitist. Confrcianist, bureaucratic statewhateveryou call it, by all appearaces andmeasures it works astoLrndinsly Nell - so

    WHAT'S INANAME? / Denocracy hasatso lost much ofits sheen beca se its mostprominent advocates areseeD as arrogant,inflexible, belliserent and h]-pocritical. Toseparate westem-style democracy film itsunorthodox preteDders, the term "liberaldemocracy" ltas created to describe theformer and "illiberal denocracy" to definesystems where leaders were elected but{reedoms remained curtailed. The p.oblemwith the tern 'illibral democracy" is thalit sounds inhercndy negative, as ifdescribinga democracy gone MoDg.

    In r democrac), the

    Far ftom the pristiDe ivory towers

  • 8/14/2019 Disillus Withdem


    It also clearly demonstrates ho$' tibemldenoc.acy is still seen by most of theWestern(isedl world as the ideal politicatstate that all nations n st strive to achieveor else be seen as hopelessly backward.The label "ilibel"l democracy" has also beeDindiscininately applied to a whole samutof countries ofvarying expeiences ftonSingapore to Nigeria to Uadimir PutintRussia, Hugo Chavez's Aryentha and PeNezMushanafs Pakistin. To the Dost dogmaticadvocates of Western sB'le democracy, thereis no niddle sround: Singapore s MinisterMentor Lee Kran Yew can wind up sharingtlrc label "authoritarian dictator" with NoftlrKorea's Kin Jong il, though the fomer's"crimes against democracy" are quiteobviously not in the same category as thelatter's. Strch labellins is unwarranted,cltlturally anosant, intellectuaily dishonestand ultinately contusjng. Worse, such oveftcnltuMl arrogance also creates trmecessarytension that ruins dialogtre betlEn nations.

    'I'HD GOSPEL ACCORDING TO(r/r'DST E RN) DR MOC RACY/Disturbingly. as America and WesternEurope grow increasingly discomfoded wiihreligion and more secular at heart. theideology of liberal democracy has comecloser and closer to beins enshrined as areplacement sospel of sorts, a holy scriptureworth dyins (or killing) for. Since the coldwar, Amrica (in particular) has madeherserto be the world's fornosi evanselistofihegospel ofpolitical pluralism.It is noaccident that atmost relisious likevoc!$ulary is used by Ameicans to describethe sacred sht to vote, freedon ofspeecliand freedon of the press. wlile every

    coin has the overtly Ch stian"ln God We Trust" neady ensravedon it, the truth is that the closest thins theUnited Staies has to a siate rcligjon today

    constitutional democracy.outcome of FraDcis

    theodes was that itled somepeople to believe that since

    universat democracy was unavoidabl, youmight as well speed up its aril2l by pushingfor regime chanse aI over the world. Thispolitical philcophy which enphasise! usingAmericaD foreign policy and might toestablish and maintain democracy in theworld is known as ned.onservntismhominent neoornsenative dsision nakerslike U.S. President Crorse Bush, U-S. VicePresident Dick Chenex fomer World BankPresident Paul Wolfowitz and formerSecretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeldbelieved they had a moral callins "tochallense regimes hostile to (Amerjca's)inierests and values" and "to promote thecause of political aDd econonic freedom

    It was s ch thinking thatjustifid Amenca'sse of military force to stablish democracyin Iraq. This idea is not new of course. TheCold War was a 2oth ceDtury Crusades ofsons with America spendins billions in aclandestine q est to infiltrate, ovrthrowand conquer nations in the name ofDemocracy againsi the evil' forces ofComnunism and Socialism. In the 196osand 7os, America helped stage coups inBrazjl, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile andUruguay. The fact that they never succeededin convertins Cuba to democracy despitethe CIA'S many botched assassinationattempts on Cuban Crmmunist lader Fidel

    SHOULD \\itr STILL PURSU t.]I)EllOCR-AcY?/ Yet, all that has beensaid so far is not to prsuade us to dspisedenocracy and embrace dictatorshipbenevolent or othetrise. IDdeed. fie fronthe taint of cultural arrosmce Dd hnocrisy,democracy will always rciain a strong,universal and perhaps eternal appeal to allof us. Demo[acy celebrates a powerful,compellins vision ihal government belonssto the people, that voting is a nivemal right,that all citizens are eq al, that we aregoverned by the rule of law, that minontyviews are protected no matter howabhorrent to the najo ty.But the ability to promote democracydepends on the credibility and appeal of aworking democratic golemment's example

    and the world desperateiy needs betterexamples. when a democmtically elected09 &R0AD[R P IRSP tfilvts the ideolog!] issue

    governnent tl{es its people, it is obliged toprovide benefits in rtun: notjust supplyingthe basics ofseNices, accountability, andsood sovernance, but guardingthe bisserideals of libe(y and representation as weli.The problem is whetr a democraticallyeiected government fails to provide thebasics but trumpets larser ideals aloneinstead, it loses tl1e people's trust. Americahas found it hard to persuade others tofolow their lead when White House officialshl"ocntically disregard democratic nlesby making excuses for the use oftorturc ande)draordinary rendition.No system of government, not evendemocracy, suarantees life, liberty orhappiness. Democracy itselfis not a one-time evnt but a painstakiDg processrcquiring the work of both sovemment andits people to take responsibility for theirsociety and to change iis institutionsand paradisms when necessara.

    THE I-AST u'ORD/ Dmocracy wjllaiways be endlessly frustrating anddisappointing tu practice but it remains anideal wolth pursunrs.To quote Sir Winston Churchill asain,"we accept in the fuliest sense oftle wordthe settled and persistent will of the people....Many forms of covennent have beentried. and will be tried in this world of snr

  • 8/14/2019 Disillus Withdem


    Ol\l 2l'lD THOUGFIT

    Rethink ElectionsWe assurne that deurocracy and liee elections natulally go hand in hand but tlat mayDotbe the case at all. ByJoselin tsau

    -iH, !i ^:DILlGR., "



    AE{]UT Tl]I YiR TIR

    , *r|,r,:r,l.:i

    l0 ER0ADtR PIRlPitTlVts thcidealolttr issue

  • 8/14/2019 Disillus Withdem


    Y0r,lrj8[ THtsW

    NOT TRUE / ln the Nakc of the wo.ld's nyiadrnulti coloured protests and rcvolutios mdAmcdca'sattempts to denocratise the Middle East, electionshale more than ever becone the byword fordenocracy. Ho$'cver, this is rooted iD the.edLrctiveand eroDcous assumptiotr that ticking a small borwill cnable a courltr)' to rnake the magicalEnJolm rioninrorlih"ra dp1loird.r.(.rl,mrnhr gonly offers too Darrow a definition ofdemocracy andprovides impossibly bigh expectations of wharelectioN alone caD bdnit. Elections b). thcnsetves arenot a panacea; they cannot reniedy ail a counrrr'sproblems norbring inDediate pcace and order in ademocratic transition. Democrac.y does Dot takc alinear cause and effeci approach and we forgctthalil\"d i"r:n,rrr"l oi\ oofrimpto,l-\, upa,d ,rvF.

    nhjle still holdins sham elections condenned byiDternational rnonitors.L Fftra. our.o1ra.l-.'\" Lppn Ino.rJ qAl o) r\Jr cpand conrption, and rcsults nsged, bought or isnored.Opponents runDing for elections in corultries likeEilypt and Russia cncounter jnstrmountaue leilaland technical hurdtes and their political participationis oft curbed byintimidation and prcssure. Protestsarc lioleDd]'suppressed dd dissntins voices silenced.'ll r iu,d^ li.tot,o,.rsrril...rvFl"fliorrr'ctpa farcical process$'heD itsupposedly represents thewill and desire of drc people.

    HO|liTO HAIKAv0llNG i tcHlt{tm/troid?v={rldbndb4

    Dishold A(uvole lSv0li'q mr(hine if 0

    l0H ll l\rlctatN r,ll{sTHIU.S fttcfl0 lonreny'vidoo/diebold_o(iden,olly leokj

    A scan of world hisiorv reads like a manual ofhorvtosteal an elcction. ElectioDs have been blatantlytnaDipulated to legitimise dictators and crininrls ardproions inc!mbent rule. The Big X{en" of African

    Unfohnateiy, elections are no guamntee of their ox11, ur.ti1u.d cvi\lelc m.hh F. dnnocrari, FhJvju.rro! part of the goverrmeni. Tlrc precise effectivenessof dcmocratic processes dcpends heavily on ho$'elections are sed and conducted. The country'spolitical eDviroDnent and legal noms can easil)inllueDce this fractice. Elections are at best an ea.iy,rro lo a.r ^ rd.v dnd ll qo-s. d l,lank chF,, ts ur.1'n abu.p\ ol ou$rr.stales like Zinbabr{c, Conso and Ansola habiiuallyemplo) coercjve tactjcs and bribes to stay in Doner

    "Elections equal Democracy.

    ll BR0lDlR PIRSPIOIVIS the ideoloou iss11e

  • 8/14/2019 Disillus Withdem


    \et Fa r-a,\nru.l\' troparlvut,\' 4 ' a 'rr ,liorl nl'l-p u.qri',:\ ri|o d.r'' " rn ..,ro l'r'.,-.- r''

    co Dtry. The electoral lrocess broa.lens politic{Linvolvement and rwarncss and allo$s the citizcDsvoiccs to beh.ard. DLecliorN are also thc ke) plndornbt' lrhicli fu!uc den.,c.atic rcfornrs arc generar.dand affects how ihe staLe accounts lbr itself to Lhep,,blr . I -.r or.. d ro- d, lr\"r tFl rr ' ,oi.Fapathy and rcsignation will sel nr, halting dcDroc.r I i.

    So what js.ceded to.nsure lhc virbilitv anciequitability of clcctiotis thcn? Countrics need a snf.and transparent flaying lield where civil societv, arr-1,p .,l-rn. ^lr'v .no "_ rldPp-nd r'l' li':r \are present. Nlinori! risht! and freedom ofspee.lland $oruhip Dce.l to be fri)tected OD]I ilhen ciiizens

    " TheMajorityis AlwaysRight."

    OF COURSE NOT/ The thought soes likc this: ifelcctions and refe.endunis are mcantto eiprcss the\illof thepeople,t dif aDNjoriLyof peoplebclieler 'c...,.d,'-g. 'r"uF n'ir .l- orili^r'i,lh" ibr . u.,". Ln, Kir: dr .1,. V,prr'r R'\olJ i^nand th. French ltevolltion can hishliSht !cr,r- .litrerentaDswers. The nasses freed to dctemine thcir oivnfate were supposed tobrirg about societies Lruilt onDobie ideals. Brt \!lil onc revolution brcught libertjand freedom. the otlrer brought the l'.rror'TherciD lies one ofthe ironic facets of democracv:rllowiDg tlie mass.s to erftcss themsclves Irlavactually .Ddanger libcltl rnd iiccdorn. fih !]us o efercnt of the population tnal agree oD a snbjcct hn litdoesnot mcan the.y got it dght So$'hiLea maio tvopiDio! maybe iDthe mostliteral s.!se democratic,the noiion nrat fan out in unp,latable rlais in so.ictrViolent and unfair episodes jn history hare hinsedon the.rasses belicving lhnt dr. errtli s'as flst, lhatslalerr was risht and iDter racial nar.iage wrongHistory is full o{ trcubling e).amplc's ol tbc'ttunnvof the majoritv" trarnPling on Dritiorit! rights orplayins op eihnic and rc'ligious divides. Hiiler'striumfhaDl sLnge iD popular support reflected hows ccessflilly he was .ible to tap on the .nger, fear andfrustraiion of illioDs ofCrmrns ald tun the,n

    arc arva.e of iheir riiahts anddutics, and,rc given thelreedom to consciouslY asscrttheir political will and Pref-erences, Nill democrao propercone inLo bcnis. Only whensoci aDd legal iDstilulions arebuilt, people arc inyoLved aD.tempo$'ered, and the slate canbe held rublic\ accourtable fotbroken elcctouL promises, onlytheD will dcmocratic dcvelop

    Since 2ooo, cxperir eDts $'ith electoral denrocracvandmnlti padl clections havcbeconle more frequcntDespitc unslea dy progrcss, ihere is still a Botswanafor everl KeDya. Thc fact that Hanas can $'ir anelection over a conuft and incffcctual Fatah. thatindepeldcnt iudges can uphold the deman.l for.l..ti,)ns iD Pakistan. tliat ,nonks car lead rDuncrpecled though ill fatecl protcst agajnst tlreMyanma. military junta, thai there is rvorldwid.condonnutior of clectoral ftall.l in Kenva tll this. r"... rl a . ra ir,lnJl ul rl" l. "r Lo ,' , : r.uDdiininished, that tlie citizenry of tlie wo d are nolconplacent about lhc deno$atic nnpljcatnus r,l

    'lhe clccioral proccss can rrclr be takcD for grartcd,\e r"u'.-.1, 1.-'lru, .'r ,. L,,ul trnbl,'rldenocratic pincidcs nay be casyr supportins andpromotnrg tlie lolloi{-through afte. the votes rre

    counted is thc realchallcnge.It

    l2 ERoADtR PtR5Ptfi VtS ti. id.ol.rsv iss|,1

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    ol course there rre functioning rnd lrcalthtdenocucies \.herc a coniDstogcthd ofthc najodqdocs Dot l.dd to gnillotircs aDd mass hvsterir. lleI r^'r,.Jl .r'rt .r^r I'l-,,rr.r ^.r. \to,r',F.-r ,i.or fa i.inenl,i.!] ternpe.s the rule ofthenrob ill sorue $urs. lNtead olvoling dirtctlv on issucs,lhe\'lole ir relresentatires to makr sucli choiccs forI'rr..l.i ..l' 'l-I. h-'r"l .""chaDnrllcd irlto chosiDg thc bcsr pcoflc for tubli.officc. Hoiv8tr, such r.sronsiblc bclalioul te ds lobc hrd lcaDt i.d .ir lik. e long tlNe in (onriuE.l) oc.iL(J is lbunded oI] lhe implicit belifthrtelectorates \!ill act responsibl\ aDd rrtjonrlh. Bntelections slir u! r lot offeNour aDd arc noi ahmvsihe nost rational of expcicnc.s. Thc tol.tility ofvoters cln ${iDg on manl thnrgs: fcar, sbo{ lermr.. r L rgn 'r..,. 9 -ll'i- rr. ' o'i,,' l lp o. ,.nd .v.n the hrnlteridg lirr a stro g lealer. r\fter all.xcnorhobes, dcmasognes. ieo Nazjs hi\ e all maDrsedlo swa) p! lrlic opirion and get elected e\n ir Nrdcm

    Thc ibilllr. ol rde'rl poliLi(iairs at nraniPiating rldp.ndeJinu lo fopulist sentimentran also strengtllenLh elile or authoritaian hold oD po$'er. Prcsi.lcDtsi.L,u,l. , t\4 L {r, \..'. l . ., .rrr, t:, \rJ,r lr'r l|r , id q, . '., r' r, ^' i,l ' . di |gaithnr thc connht.ln tinres olrnce ainlr,i.dc]laos.mosr votos ivill .liDg lo $ial b.irgs order arclr'.rr''9, Li i -\''ilIlr.r'pLJ.,'!on othe. feolle s ris|is tu needoms. Tliis onlv|. 1" -.'. ir ..r,1! ,'.r ,3Is Churchill fonrtcd out. js lIe No.slslstcm c\cqn for all t|c |esl. l)emocracl dries lotantomatical\' .on1i r $isdonr o. goodness ulon t| Sonrelirrs ele(toral (hoices are not ideala d other tjues the voleE get itwroDg. But it is stillis best placed to offer a range ofchoiccs to th. $${ath of thc potulatjon. T|c prolif.r.tioD ol newniedi! lnd a b rgconing citiz.njourDalis.r nrovenre.lnrlkc it casi.r to cnlig|t.D the populace \o Lhat thelcan nral

  • 8/14/2019 Disillus Withdem





    For the Sakeof ArgumentThe key skill behind each good General Paper essay. Bv Tong Yee

    ver the course of the past year that I have writtenfor this column, I have mentioned multiple timesthat we really live in a very different world. One ofthe most important changes most people do not

    notice is the development in how information is being presentedand received. While it is still mostly tme that newspaper articlesremain objective anil balanced, many editors have had to weavein slants to their news to offer a differing viel^,point that enablesthem to distinguish their news from others. To achieve a basis ofcredibility, all se ous publications have to get their facts correct,but to be outstanding, their facts would have to be frameil in anopinion driven argument. In a world where we can get the samefacts ftom almost every media source, aren't our opinions andperspectives the only way to differentiate ourselves from oneanother?

    t4 BR0ADiR Pt[SPttTlvts the ideology itsue

  • 8/14/2019 Disillus Withdem


    Students of this era have to recognize this trendto be true. And very real. If we continue toperceive our education to be a learning of factsand reiteration of information, then we might aswell still be living in an age where there is noInternet, no giobal media, and most marketsdriven by labour intensive working drones.We live nr a ncr{ ag. w|ere lacts, althoush still fund.menlalll, necessrr\', arc rcadil!{vaihblc, aDd cven cheap tslt opinioDs and idcas, especiill} $.eLl rvitter aDd a cll ar sLredoDcs, arc a rare a d lized connnodity that will tetcl tirp dol]rr. Th. skill r| ar d riles rhisprcs.ntalion of opinion is xhat is enrbodied in alnost rll cP cssavs an arsurnent.It took us sorne time to hclp our students come to this rcalization. Io many oflhem, conteDt rvas kinA. ll liey learnt evetl fact, statistic and the nost Derrsabout ourdcvclopm.nls nr scjence and teclinology, rncdia and e vionmental issucs thc,v$urld acct|c exams. tsut theydidDl. Tbc contusion and specuLrtion escalatc.iwhen sonreothcr tiiends did score $,ell- How coxld itbe Lhat ther studied thc samc Dores.:rnd learntthc same iacts, but tlie res lts dilTcrcd so mucli:) This stafted a Drad soarnble ro expandtheir vocabulary. to get morc notes. to watch nore ne$s. Ali t|csc efiorrs dircted thernawn! lioDl tlie masteN of rrgu ent as they dedicat.d thcnrselves to the mastery ofi fbrniation accun l.tion.Yet, if we were to study the top essays pubiished in srhools' cP brllctins, allofrbch are typical ofgood argumcn!. fhe bindnrg snnihit} in them all is a sr.ongprcsentaiion o1 their opiDi(D (stand) t|iough a well usued de! elopmcnt of ideas. Sonretnnest|ere is nothiDg truly remalkable in theirexanples perse. Dm$I liom lhe same knowledgebank as anJ tvpical tccn, thev Lrse inlorniatjoD from pof culiue. their histo$, textbooks,or even their oi{n obseNalior oft.ends. What is rcnrarlable horsever is tlen- .l.v.r ns.oftliese othcNrise nrundaDe examplcs aDd plachg thern in pe.fect syDergy $'it| theirl Wc will be focusing on rhis in this week's issre ofcssay makeover. Xlarcusbrought liis essry to us askilg fo. a malteover and it $?s guilq, ofexactlr $,hat rve $'aDtedlo discuss this Dronth. Fnll ol iacls, m.ratives ofhistoN, and peNonal obsenation, Nlarcusfailed to build an aruunent tbr his essr) cvcn tuorn the sta.t. lte passed his essav olcrallbut ifhc had filnred all his poiDts in a convincins push towuds a mearfistul ofnrioD r|erhc r{ould have dole muchbettcr. This rnonlh we sho$ hirn- aDdrou. howto do rhis

    l5 8R0lD[R PtRlPttllvtS r/i( irl.ology 6sr.

  • 8/14/2019 Disillus Withdem



    BIFORI MAKIOVERln w.iLing his essal, Nlarcus eaplains lo ns ho\t we lake carc of our nrino ties i! Singaporc'He explains thc history, gives prcsent dal la.ts aDd offeN his opitiion Lowardstlie end oleachparagraph. lhere is howeYer very little in this essay that we do not aheadv knorv llijs.esults in aD essay lhat is predictnblc. Although it lvill suffice in answciDg the qostion, tlieinformation preseDted does not bring any real value to the rcader' You will also find lhai thcrcarc logical gaps bcttteen his sentcnces that do not allorv a snrooth flow belwccD iders andtherelorc $r rercL disjointed sentencs that do not contribute to an argument More importaDtlvIou$ill llld that there isnt a core argument that Marcus inicDds to con\incc !s ofthaL crnicsthroughout the 3 paragralhs $ prcsent here.I\'IARCUS' ORICINAI TtrXI'/Consider how well your countrytakes care of its minorities./}E?/',]41./.a,..1;"3;3@i.:l/"14Q1t?r",'/,.,/;/,nc.1..lj,/)'e3a. . rt;f /-../'r' -* r1).-,t er .-'n31 -'f . rm.itt .-ad,.;, ..r t"'2/" /4'? t'/rtr /"a fA'aih Ja.a-at.tA). -f . .-..nry q-^' .--// ,1 !.'1"1,f -t.".,a.. 1," 'e 3 'f ;13 't"tt1e""z/1,a,1"01".--E th. .-,n,13 f;1/ili -r 5t,:."33 O* .,tA .;,,.at/" -t';'''' 't''.'ra"n 'aki//- ..t1 1,--t.r) ,-A,.A -t.3 e.r.1"t . . ..2:r/ .-htr'.1 /L//.'."1 14!. ;..e.'1-. 1' teV.'/e ''aI,,!-.e.r, n-- /e/ k. t'-tzs .'. l-!- :a,.1tldc) t1.4"t;.;,:l lre 3d" '/tt

    tt. .;rt :;"cf',))r4ft 4;1h;1.4'.-rt'c5 i.r."r,1 "rt/,1 le iif" 1.1r;.1 th1 ';,tq-re /|br/4r 3a./t ):;:'!c'-c// L,."! -. /3 /-^..r;-" . L -,t -f'ri-., '-/!tr'at' A'1' r"'t fa't /fa,/A .d1.;. a;,-.i1;as .2.A tL. h-za3e\u./., '/"t 1t)a e .re ./ // 5ane n .ai1/ 'l'tf. 1,'1 'te2-./1 -1, t"h,tt,,l// -.// r'ti'/ 4.r.t..y 1ar,l, ar,fi.r" '..;ic 1'. t.,': ':2rc/;13 et )/3 '!tt12r'/riat;tt .t,, tha. ,t a.a.-n,.\1//f r,,i/" t.1A" h,hri;/5 .'/ t.. ,J a;.i-);1f .l.reJ/, t 1.r'ar. h..:i,.!c. !t" at 1 -e//, .i/h-a1, th"t- 4.,r" l-'-'- . t",,1/ 4'."'t,"3 'i'"9 1/" "'v'l"-?/Et--,",:."11d-"t-.i./,tia"a|',|t"-r"tt"..a-"s;.al1rec\:".a.l"t;t1 4"t'3'\t"/a;D,1r, lltt 3 3t-a,.1 11 ,,.. 1.k" . tt"'/ ,."""i a/ e/lctt t't " ""'-'t4'1't" !:|"7'a''r" "'".""t,.tj,.t;;1e?hei4.4,t4r41Lt/.attErtct.a"-1ritrf1"'/r""1't'/1r1- th,3 -r.-tt1t,r :;)/\,rate ,.;l "-1 k ,l/" 1.'.?t-'j,".tr 'f ;13 .--t4./.n r. ..r1'1f ": tcir'1"l 1-t.:i. 1|").A;',ra,(n.t.61..1-1tLLG,,^tL3;!.t;qa"llt:"1.!f i/t" "/'1 r;t4'-/ h-a-3e,?.

  • 8/14/2019 Disillus Withdem


    AITER MAl(EOVIRWe suggest that Marcus begnr his essay with tlie eDd in Inind. A rcconnnerded irguDlent wonl.l beto coDvince lhe rcader ofthc Frspectire thar Sinitap.,re lias donc lvell in proriding for the needsofallcitizeN, regardlcss ol .ice, rcligion orserual orientation.yel rhisprovision alrhough adequai.iD rneetinsthc snNi!al.rnd sec itv needs ofaI Snrgaporeans, whethcrthc),l)e nrinorities or noL,lias bccn less adequate nr addressi g specific nccds ol ninoiti conr nu n iLies. rrch Daraaraph cant|.. lal' out how i{c do nreet the criticalncds olminori\ groufs. but lr.gucihar lve car do n)rcin openiDg t a!.nus llrgreatcrprolisilnr fo.their spccific needs. tfi{. wcrc nr sug8est r concllNioi,\e $'ould conrplenent this argnmen( bI raisiDg liDirrtions ir the fmrision ol those spccific reedsor \c Da) choose to dct.rnin thrt responsibilitr does not Dcccssirril\, tie iD thc hands ot Lhe stat/,bu( sonietimcs $it| the itulividurl.OTIRtrDITED 1'I,]XT/Consider how well your countrytakes care of its minorities.

    INTRODUTIION1 We claified the trusition of ideasin the first 3 senteDces to statethat there was a plight ofminorities, explaining why theplight existcd and the need to

    address it- This connection ofideas is nrissing in tlie orisinaltert and is aseriotrs nistake.

    2. We also made the examples raised(not ertircly recomnended toraise in an introductiorl) norerelevant to the argunent \relvanted to preseDt.

    3. findly we staied \rt' cleruly wlutour opinion was of the issre. wewill be auing for tlis ofinion insubsequent pansmphs.

    l/ ER0ADIR PtRsPtOlVtS 1r. i(/(toqv Nsx.

  • 8/14/2019 Disillus Withdem


  • 8/14/2019 Disillus Withdem


    :ltlj ' l\.ri .riWTAIl UT


    3RD PARAGRAPll1. The primary cluDge we made to

    the text in this paragraph lras tosoften the use of language aDdmake it more sensitive to the issueh was discussing. Compare thechanges between the onginal tenand this one and you wiil see thatire present Sinsapore in a fairerlight and sound less accusatort'.

    2. we then deleted large mmunls oftext that were not Decessaryandreplaced them with sentencesthat nore clearly defined theargunent that we wanted to

    3. The final stand we take is boldbut shows respect to the homosexual commuDity whilestill drawing out importantlinitations in our ability to meet

    l9 BR0ADtR PIRSPt0]VI5 //r. i.tuo1oq! iss!r

  • 8/14/2019 Disillus Withdem



    ,, t',,/ ;. /,a)//P1., \,../t it.-L,rer,;:. ,.../.j -.;,;-h

    /.. J.. ,..'l pt.',' /1.,-.- . /,).,; )-./.7 t., 1

    2/h t,. .-./r,h . .!::; .'j'

    IN SUMMARY/lJhat voLl,{.uJ to Kea/iseThe easiest s.lf-assessrnerrt ihat stlde Ls can adopt tor themsclv.stlie ilriLing ofGP essays is b}cthcr they feelthcy arc reixtirg longnarratives of intbnnatid. lfyou ar. doitlL this. gi\iDg facts and notarguneDt fo.long protracted parts oflour essa). belicvc ne whenI iell you that )ou a rc goitlg to lail tbc assigDment; the oDly caleatto this beiDg thnt th. question that acturlly wants factswhich docs happen onc. in a$hile in (he Gl c\am atjonTNstus. As malkeN, there $ill rarelybe pieces ofnrfomution that$'e will be lasciDate.t by. which is i{liv at this lcv.l, GP is moreinterested in lh. prcscDtation ofofinioDs. We know how rnd whlthc Kyoto Prolocol $'as established. \Ve luoiv aboui ilre FluranCenonc Prcject nnd thc LCII partic.le accclcntor set ul bI CER\'.We kno\rthese thinus bccause tliey are facts. r\id to put it bluntly,facts jn this dal ard age ar chcap.'Ieachers hat noadlantago\crstudeDts and vicc lersa ilr a comfctitioD oI lvho kDoi{s more ThcInterDel has lclcled rnuclr ofthc Plaling neld Dot just btweentcache$ and siud.ntsbut also lbranyPrfi oftheNo d with accessto this anuzitg tool. Teachers nray froccss information faste. a dhavc better ne tnl to remcnber wliat we lcad but tllthese skills can be sinilarll acquired b\'lou if you commit tine to

    What is uniquc to you however, is your opinion l{e do ot l

  • 8/14/2019 Disillus Withdem



    Does the Governmenthave the Right to Interferein Our Lives?Nobody likes the idea ofsomeone telling us what to do, how to do it and who we cando it to. But that is precisely what the government does for us. THE BABY BOOX4ERSand THE MILLENNIAL GENEIv\-TION grew up in relatively difterent political eraswith different cultural values - what would they think ofthis questiol? Our wliters getunder their skins to find out.





    CONI]1Xr'/ A]l democratically run societies accept(he lact LhaL Lhen heeli' elecred leadeN have io inposecrtain laws on all of Lrs in order to protect ourfredoms. l he stnte has a respr,nsibility to ensu.e weall getto liv safe, well provided for and stable lives.Thjs neccessjtates interfereDce in our pivate ljvesand curtailins somc of our frccdoms ahcD theyinfdnge upon other people\ rig|ts or stand in thesayolthe securilvofour nation. Butwhen does thecontrol e,o loo la.? How do we decide when lhegovemment has become too i trusive and dictatorialin its.ontr.l.!er ou. Iives?

    a) lssue olPrivacy and civil tiberties: Post 9 ir.Lhe PaLriot AcL became part ol America's la$,allorving the State to search the !ri!atecomtnuDication and finaDcial recordsof in.tividtrals $'ithout warraDt - all ir the Dane ofaDtiicrroist action.

    b) Issue ofSexual Frcedom: In Sinsapore's lesalco,lp 54-ion 7 i rrili^F.,r'il."r i.l\'rBthat acts ol homosexunlity are criminal acts.

    c) 'r'he phenomenor ofprivaretives offered tothe public domain via the InterDet.d) Isstre ofRelisious Freedom: snice the infanous

    Scopcs Monkcy Tial of 1925, thc US Suprcme( o'll -rn\ rr rFd ll Jl lpnchirg ca a.ior r'rr i,,ttor&s irl o4.i,rsl r/r. BurnPse aa& n ntent. PHoTo CRTDIT/ ro.oLs,,.li.i. O".ri.. Co,nrons

    2l BR0ADIR PtRsPt(TlVtS the i( isslLe

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    a d no$. the war in Itaq. l've sen ho$'allgove,innenis eventually default oD tlieir pro'niscs n)the people. You can never bc too cyniral aboui thc'governnrent, no matter ro's in chargcW|cn I wrs in I was deeply inspired blThorear's Ciil Disobedicnc.'. andto thisday.I studby his \ic$'that the besl golcrDDreDt is lhe onc thrtgoverns Lhelcast. Ofcoufse,$c all adnit the n.cdforgovernance in thc public sPhcr.. But as lir as ourpirate lives ar concerned, $e s|oul.l be given thcfrccdon to mal

  • 8/14/2019 Disillus Withdem


    RIL/\IID IISUt5]1/1IDIARtt60NSIXUIUTYiv t uEtRItt5

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    tru!9 e vllh mdrdonding

    SURITH 5W\{W R[PIAI3//4.(OM\V\{r\|([tP3/7A t0M

    rhis is l icrous. becausr crcrtn)nism is basc.l onr.ligi(Ns faith. Dot scicDiific clidcncc. AnI attdnfln) tclch ii as asci.Dcc is actxallt r disgtris.d rtt.nrto irDtoRr a C]rristian i!.rldliew or \oung sludenlsNho don l kno$ rn) bctlrr', hlud inu lhe lire bel$ee!slal shorld.e.rair lersolal and ilhat can beenLrced Lr) 1he golenneDt.Bri malbc all ihcsc qtrlllN I Ia!. rbont drawing aljnc lct{ccn $'hrt is f vatc and what is fnlli. aresiDflt sigDs t|rt l m losiJ)g louch {i1h lhe \ou,,uerg.n.rrlio.. Aller rll, Dl chikl.en seenr to Lre !e ectlyllapp) Nitlr llarils their personal .letails splashed

    I'!c sc.n soDrc oftlrcblogs aDd Faccbook profilcsthat youn8 pcoplc ptrt Ip onlinc posuig nr aIthei. se.ri .od illory, rvliining rbout thei. bossestr|d colleagues. These people doD'tseem to nin.l theJ .' .l ll'r.rr. J" rg " r'r'r1..... .. 11 irBli Ndrats the.t nre .ot Jnistaken, alter all. X'la!benrr lile isn-L as !ri\rte as I lilte to thn ( it js alierall, I shop orhre lrnd all niv purchases and leNomlprefe.ences are recor.Led iD the databases stores. Mavbethe problenis tliat thc $orl.l is'' rJr ,. lr l'.rId \'.\1".-" l.l 'l'", r'not$ith th.n. but with m.. (t

    r180UlTPlilnltllDt.d Ls.d ro D. (!ib.,\l hnt th.t rt!1dl ol{? d!rc. Slrc linrlsthal soutrnnlcnts atc

    23 ER0ADtR PtR\PtOlVt5 l/rf i(tuo1oqrr iss!r

  • 8/14/2019 Disillus Withdem



    NIII,I,F:NNIALCENERNI'ION/ Does the Government have the Right to lDterfere in Our Lives?

    t is tite thal ;n onr communities Lodi!, thcgovcrDmeDt illlel.fcrcs with our Lives. T|aibcnrg the case, ard .oDsidcfirg lioi! s.,ci.itis limctidrirs adequalely (ifnot ilellJ, il doesore v mcanirutul to qucstion $'hether the

    ,nile nreil comnuDicaLio.s aDd other r.cords. Consider Iow whcn te.roristsdisNpt socialordo aDd tlirealen a r.tu tothe"stateofDrture. cilizeDs gladl) haDd theirprivacvand ciliLlibclties over to the stai..thal said, docs it realLr" nratlcr? Does it realll rnl]tt.rth:lt $,e let thc govemnent !nto our liles? Ure al'eadr-'let aDrone \{ho $'ants irr xanAri M)Space.Faceboolt. lllickr, Blogspot aDd YouTuboBrcxknrg up like wc mean it eans chaDgirlg ourFaccbookstatus lmnr'In a rclatioDsbip io "SiDgle".Read: 'Hcllo \{o.ld {esDecially vou, Lx), I D doDc$.ith the Ex andback in the scenc. Uie becotne lLrblicfigures t|e lroDrcDt ile Log onto Blogspot. Atlenlionis to be relis]]ed, notshunned. l iue, ihcrc are Pererlsoutthere. Rot h r-', "Dont go to NewYork, )oull Setmnssc'dl Ln nrg onlinc is soDiethnrg to bc cn$ruced.Iflouarc attmcted lo somcone filrn list night's parry,vou can gct iD tNch noi too fori{ard brl not toocoy. I heardthat soneone$'as offcred an nrLer.shipby a nasaznrc's cditor iD ch ief.ftcr he rerd li. onlincprofile. PLlblicit! briDSs opporlu nitics fionironianLicto professional. Bctt.r to do )ouro\fr lrbljciB bef.,resomcoDe else does it for t ou.Wh.rl .boui lettiDg the govcnuneDt irnerlere withrligion? On March 13th, r925, the^rne canstrlcofTennesse. passed the BLrllcr Act. forbjdding th..- "ni ,. ' I r' ...1," ', or I \.',r1 l,l 'l , i"tlie storr olthc DiviDe Creation ofman rs taughl inthc Bible.'

    A Millennial AnswersWhat will r9 year old Singapore-born and London-raised Tanitade Souza - Youtube-obsessed, Facebook-addicted, studyingphilosophy and gender politics in a liberal arts college - think ofthe government's role in our lives? .c." "o'l"eir'ed by Kehin Korl

    Igolennert has t|c ight to irnerlere in our lives.That is mv pRgnrntist fcrspcctive, an)wa].Nelelrhclcss. Ies, it does secm that the gove ]nr.frhas (he rightto interlere wiL]] ourlites. Eette. nrindstlian nrl o$rr havc been put to ihis. ID 1651. tiDgiishphilosopher ThoDras Hobbes publishcd Ied?tft dn,titlcd after the biblical /,ertdtndn ( 74:r3 14J. Quitesinrplr'', the Leriathan is rn eDornous''Leliathan" is also the Hobbcsian reference to ihc'r,'t" or th' g '.-rirn-r. BFr^ .1 . . u r."r' l ' rILn$es said. meD lile the \ ofD{tue." llobbesrrrote thal duing lsuch al tirre nr.n lilc i{ithout a.n|'Iu|!,i\., ' '. 1'r, L r as .\ 1.' -.rrthatcoDdition wLici is.allcdi{rriud suc.I. $'ar asis ol clcr-a m$ agiinsl r\cNman'. Life is solirary,!oor. nast!, brutish and sholt." This beiDg so,!r.rg,n atic sclf-interest d iclales that people cede th.n'indiridual rights to the sovereigD state, iD etchangefor the p.oLectio. ofa socictY. This is Lhesoci{l contract i|at \rc enter inLo i{ith ilic state.His thcsis is conyincins. ThiDk aboul Lhe kncc jcrkreaction to the Septe.rb.r 11th rttacks: Lhe USAPatriot Act [UDitiDg rrid ShcrgthcDilgArnern]a br''Providing Atprcpriate tools Rcquircd to lnterceftand Obstn,cl Tcnnisn dmosL comicllv Onlellianl.Thc ^ct Loose.ed thc lcash on law enfotcementagcncics, ircreasi g lhen po$trs to l.lcthone

    24 8ROAD{R PIRSPIO VtS thc idl(togtr' 6sxc

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  • 8/14/2019 Disillus Withdem


    Ideology & Practice:Does One Lead to the Other?I low diliercnt c rtrtntrics' irleologics inlluencc tlleir bchavirlrtr iu cliffelent cirurrnstalcts'll) Lorraine Lec

    r Et0aDllPll5Ptot ri, I i,rr i l

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    DtAD MA WAII{INGwor(h?v1syViB0NVm4

    .51!rer He en P'eicon

    r lmed 0dober29,2004.

    Death Penalty for Drug TraffickingGoverDmcnts arc restonsiblefor thc livcs .nd lvell bei0g oltheir ci(izens but the nethodslhet use to sa{egur that candifter quite srertly. Atrstraliaand lDdonesir had to face up tothis .titrerence $'hcn Indonesia

    'l he dmg tlade nl hdonesia is lalued at US $4billiona yerr aDd nore than 15,ooo dcaths cac| year are:ttribuied to dmg abusc. The Indonesian gove.nnrentis coDsidcriDs thc riAhts ofl|e maioriLy o!e. those ofthc mnroi\'r{ho will desL.oy lives Ib. a profit.

    senteDced 6,\ustmliaDs ti) death for drugt.amckingiD the Bili Ninc casc.

    Beyond the di erence h the practice of thc dcathpenalty, this case sliows the .tiffereDce bctwccn anore Westenised, liberal idcologl focusilg on therishts of individuals cs|oused by Auslrnlia andIrdoncsia s mo.c Asian. conservatne ideology ofsocial justice. lvhile bolh a.e democracies aDdcapitalist nalions, dillerclces start to show nattersolrighls.,l tlie indi\idral rnct.jslits ofthe majoriry.Urhat has madc Austfalia's fosition on capiLalp,r ,Ll rn',,Ir"\"r

    'Jt'qrli ' L hp\'. ili_l

    Federal policc snpplied Indonesian police with theiDfonnation lcadirg Lo the arests ofLhe BaLi NiDe rsthcy i{ere going to snn,gBle 8.3 kg ofheroin otrt ofBali lo Australia. fhis strggests that they intentjonallye\posed thei citizens to the risk of bcnrg scDtcncedto death. ID addition, thc Australia sgovernnent hasexpressed its saiisfaction at dre death penaltjes meted.J .n r ,, Bil \n ,lpF wl o Lgpl,,l q,..tri tidn :nthcir attacks. While Le orisnr di ers ltom d.trgttafUcl

  • 8/14/2019 Disillus Withdem



    -nL0tAL vs. GLCIBAL

    tIt NTlrlrMI0f SARSwoklr?v=q9evtusgllM

    i l]drs (or! in 2003.


    c,\sE STUDY TWO/The Spread of SARS

    ln 2oo3, thc S,\RS epjdeDricalle.tcd manl counl.ies andtesled uovcnnncDts' abilit) tohaDdle a major pllHic healththreat. China and SiDgapo.ei{cr. seen rs llvo e\hcmcs irhoa thel hrndled lic flow of

    nrfonnation aod sork.d i{ith the World H.altlrorganisation (uJllO).Chjda and Sinsapore's Eo\ernntnrs are quite sirnilariD thei. contiol o\cr tlieir populatioDs.nd the media.\. r.c .'lpI.'r,J r, ',ol"i'I 'i,rbchniour and in nnunrg tlie heaitlici.e systcDr. Thisshong-huded s\'le ofgolcnun(e is dspile thc facit|atChila rernains a connnuDist strte ard Singrlnrc

    .1, r ,. , r.,. . U' rl " i, ', Jr. .l ..b., .'llheir coDccnN abo t the economl asd strbilit! ol'societ] Lrul eiprcss.d this iD lrital\' diftircDt $'rvs\.hen faced wiLh thc Sr\Rs epideini(.Chinasought Lo cov.r uPthe S'\RS ouLb.eal inihcrr'I n"c rg rrr '-r'- r' F^''r''acl i\il . 4 Dnitlis alie, the illncss {t discover ed r ndrhe l\tHo had issued tralcl .dvisoies againsltravelling lo Sonthcrn China. Chinr srill iDsisted iti{as sale to lisit thc couDtn,tnd retofcd n mbersof SARS c.rses l|at $rrc much lo$er lhrD thc rcalilt.Thc medi! $.as ketl6om r.lortirg about the ortbrcakaDd 1lrHO irvestie,alivc tcams wcre not lrllolved.cccssto Cuangdong, the suspect.d souce ofthe dise.rsc,or to nrdical records oflalieDts until intenationalpressu.e inocasc.l rDd lo.ced t|. gov.rDnent Lo

    hi seekirg lo protcct its reputation C|ina damagedits credibiiitr with the irternatiodal comnuritYinstcad, reiDlbrcing tcrccttions ol llre ConrnNnistgovcDments terdenc.l to ofcMte in secrec!.Sin!,aporc on tlie other hend.lros. to disrlosenrlo n.rlion tublicl\'through lh. mcdia.lvith daily

    r ' -. I 'r'\ 'rlLi.,l u l,a ,l r' . r \' I b- :neilslipers Dd otr TV. It rlso Nort.d closcly wilhlVHo in s|aring nrfomration about lhe sl'cad ofthediscase, the slnrpLonrs and trertnent ol prlients whohad bccn diasrosed !vjlh SARS rnd measures tak.Dto p.evcnt fllrther iDlectjon, ilcludirg quaratrtines,the nalscaDDing rnd tenrpemtL!c takilg in schoolsand $orkplaccs. This boostd Singatorc s credibililyir benrg a s.f. flace thut was.rbl. io hxndle thesiturtion. ComrncDdations fron, !VHO aDd otirercouDtric's sho$ed lhat Snrgrtore s accou dtabilit! ltsconsidcrcdimpo art sinceth. nature ofthe that it $,!s a glob.l coDccrD aDd nol just a

    The conlrrst in the tilo cou.lrici rcsponses sho{th{t whil bolI goycrDnents valued snnilar thirgslik. social sLability and cconornic g.otr1h aDd hadsimilarstlles in nanaiting thcir populations and thcnredia, thcir pracLi(es can still be rery dillerdrt.Addiiionalli. ho$.China nnd singapore hardled thcSARS outbr.ak slio{ed thcir y!rying levels olcornmitnr.nt to traDsparellc.y .nd thcir i{illing!essr. \.orlr s'ith ll,e resi olthc$'orld. ft

    28 BR0ADtR PtR5PtOytS tIr i(/r110,/r/ iss!r

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    N ro lsr Dr!{i0 Shm

    CONCLUSION / In thc liglrt oft|. t|rcc snrdies, il wo!ld appar that ideologr can play a part irinflncncing govcnnr.nt .ction bul lhat go\erlmrns lo nol ali{ays pmctice i{hat the} lreach. cilcn th.conrfle\ities ol lhe Noild lve lne i! anl the maN competing claims goveDmcnis havc to coDsidcr, it is quitca Lallorder lo e\pecr thenr to.

    cAsustllI)Y1HRI.]E/Separatist Movements

    Pracl isiog you. ideologlberomes more difficult whd itcornes to dealirg witli peopicwlro do not$'rDttox to gov.r.thcm. rDd halc thal t. Lrdo not lra! lvell lri.g it|.r . Add lo rhal lhe la.l llirl

    .cding tcnitorjcs and people \!o!ld har e(o onn!a.d olher siunilicaft loirg tenn reueressions, lDd itis uo {order that golennnenti rctids havelarselvbeen sinilar resar.lless diffcrcni b.1icfs.Histoicall!, s.luratist mov.Drents h.!e lcen \iolentaDd go\crnmcnts h.\. rspo.dcd lo theriolencewithh sh .rersurcs. Njahatm.r Gindhi s use olpeacetuiciyil disobedience ir llie lndian IndependenceiUovement stands out as (De of thc fel'cranflcs ofnon-vnncDt. Dcspit. Nhat GaDd|i.dlocatcd,violcDc.. rioting lDd acts of sabotxgc !vc.e .rDiedout bl fcoflc agitatiDg for indetdxlence, and as su(hthc scfrratist nrovcment Nas .ot {hollr peacelirl.qiiI p o 'l .r1.,' F\li'^U r'rn.,'r.. rn.r'out miss detentiors, elen Lrsngt'brce ni.Lc'ahrg riththe\ioleDce ard nutinythrtbrckc o t. Dcspitc t]ris.Britanr is laryclv rmcn$cr.d forgning iI ]r...rbl!in thc cnd. ID fact. nr gradurllv DrakiDg frovisions lbrnrany oft|cir colonnrs to l).codre indefendenL aJier$I\\iII. ofter siihool !iolen( aitilaLior on tbe pad oflhe colo.ies, Briliiu is cre(lited {ith benrg peaceabieand erlightened in hoi{ the! hxndlc{ separatist

    Gian thai thc coloDial cra cndcd on a t..c.tirl nol.,thc us. of \,iolcrc. in snfpressi.g separaList,^!' ',,r.lit' ,p,'il ,'r, , r'-,. , l,r :jnDasL linro.( oi! laro{n as linor Leste) and,\cliehseenr to be a step backwa s. ,\ detailed statisiical-p'r frl.' lt'-ll' t 'r ,,..^,i^ R.. '' '.Truth and RcconcihaiioD in Easi{matc\' 18,6oo killnrgs and 84,2oo excessdcarhs fionr hungcr and illness i. lhe period r97.1

    1999 du rg thc IndoDcsian occutatioD. Dtrting thclatc 198os and 9os, harsh rcfrcssilc m..sures i{rj!takcn b! Snhafo s ccDh rl gorcrDnrenl aDd huma.dglrts abuses were ranrpa.l h Aciieh.'l lre dil1erclce iD the hlo goverDnents actions docs'ul ,1.rf.IrrJ '"i lr. l 'r, 'frr]"comDitneDtto tlic ights {)fin.ligcDous fcotl.s. This

    is becauschisto crl cv.nts fla\rd a biggcr rol. th.nidcologv in shatiDg bodr go\'.rnme.ts resfo.sesBrit.inonlvgMrled indeperde (readil] rIte.rearsol suppressirg hdia's push lo. Ddependerce. This$as largeh because it needed to djrect its rttenti(DsirLtenallvrnd it recognisedtiut m{n! ofits col{mial/!r.l 'r \"Jh l{! r)r ;. , h B1., llost its stxtrrc ihrNgh its ivar dcfcats. Snnila ]. dr.isunami of D.c.nrb.r 26. 2o0.1 brcuilhl leace arldsrealer autono,!\ lo Acheli alter :r9 lears of 1.orl.lasl Linror, Ure r993 Asirn l.hancialCrisis affectedlndoresja s decisiorto :rlloi{ a Lai-NpeNisedpopularrelerendun held oD r\ugust 3o, 1999 to chooscbeti{ecn Sfccial Antonont' i{ithin IDdoD.sja.ndIndctcDdcncc. I'Iajor cv.Dts that m.dcth. need lbrtcace rat|er lha. corLinLred liithtnrg a d rueDsec11,cjal Lo B.jlain and I!(loDesia's well beirg, $.ere' lr ',,.,u.F .11, r i l.l.' r. .1.;' r J..'1 " I' iIt can bc lrgucd that ihc cnd ofthc Suhafo pcdodxnd thc c]rang. hl.adcNlit lo B.,L HebibierDd la1er Preside.t Srsilo Ba lrang Yud ho] ono \!i1orvcre nro.e liberrl. sl,o$s tIat ileolog\' jluidesgo!e ir'ert ncLions. Slill, considerirg the 1 ct thatlltbibje coDtjnued war h A(heh i{hile grantirg EastInnor nxleper.Lence, perhaps ideolog,v i{as not thcrc rrson.Itis quit. saf. to sat that$'|cn it comcsto sovcrcign\,, Dationalistic Ui.l., rnd lalurble na I like land, people illd oil. ideolosv olienl" .' I ". " r, i rr, l,r, ..'..icjt'brce thrt .lrives govemmcnt actiinis. at

    29 ER0ADIR PtRSPtOWl t'h. ith\l.oit i.!trtt

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    Ideology at the MoviesSone grcat comics ancl movies h ighlight rezrll,v interesting insights irto differcnt politicalslsLems arouncl thc rvorkl. n1'ltaaia lTatr

    7984TOT]\]-ITARIAN / rgal is secn by nanlas the urdispuled Grandfather of alldystopirD lorels thc nrost oFlellirn ofrLlO.{cll s loveLs. A lier all, \ithout 1984, howcorld we hrve eve. co.teilcd thc fhrases'nronght Police or Itig B.oLher? Nightmarish.rnd dcprcsslrg. this classic lellsth. storyofone nran's purs it of a dooned lolc alTairasainst thc backdrop of warri.e natioDs aDdi lolalita an state that rel.tins absoht.conl.ol ovcr Dot jtrst irlor alioD b iindn idual ihorght, feelins rnd !lemoi) itsclf .r984 lresenls a blcak pictLrre ol holv adictatorial so!.rDmcnt caD effectirel) andrelentlesslr' crrtsh truth, hrppitress,indivicLualjly aDd thc huDraD spirit out ol'$cietl il gilen i}c ofportunitr to do so.

    Persepolis'IHEOCRA.CY / Xlade irrto aD anirDatcdfilm nr 2007 which drerr conDlaiDts fromlhe lmnian gorernDle t, Pos.poltsbegrnas iD rutobhsraphical g.athic novcl bytranirn born Nlrrjane Salrapi. "Dn"rnagazire..llcd it onc of 2oo:J s best cornicslorS.rlrari'S nrighttul perspectire o. $tatit \!as lilie to gro$'np as r rnjs(hieloLrs,uJeslernised girl duriDg the Islatrl.Revolutior Nh.D IraD sri{ tlie olerlhroN ofthe old monarchy and ihc $rensior ol,rfundr!ientalisl thcocratic govenrne t.Rlised by.adical [{a*ist rarents, \'our1gSaimti secreth listens to Anc can heal-amctal niusic aDd hoardes Nikc shocs irow the rres'rcginrc $'as morecoDrolliDg rn.l unliir l|an thclast.

    V for Vendetta Goodbye, Lenin!

    rlg 0 UT THt ,'lRlltR


    /\\'ARCll)_ / l l];s poftrlar 2.)06 rctionih licr nade bl the Wach.lvski lrothersdevirtcs a fair bit lioln lhe odgiDal 198()sAIan lIoorc comic. ^]rD Moo.e crcatcd dr.Draslied ligilaDt. rclolutioDary V-lo he acharnpiol lor anarchy atr ideolo$ thaLrcjccis all forrns olso\orrDrcDt xDd fa'oursthc absolLrte libe.L! ol lho indivntual. 'r'h..mi. is set i. , {ulr.e Brit.iD that hrsadottcd totalitarianis . Having ha.lliisliL deslr.r).d bvthe dictatolship, V"s.tsout otr a grandiosc aDd extreDrel) !iolentcampaign to 1ea. doim all fonns!

    oorc stated thaL the cornic ltrs crcrted iDreactidi to what he desfised about tlienB tish Pljme MjDister Xl arga rct Thatchcisaurhoritarian stlle ol soverDmcnt. Th.

    CONIIIUNISM/ This lilcable I msi.onrcdis sel in Conrnrtrnisi Erst Berlin ln 1989i{hen cernr.rnt was still div ed. AlerK.rDer is il a st.aDsc bird - liis die ha.dCornnnurist nothr'has fallcD ilio a conrabelor.thc B.rlin Walllell, on\'to a$'akenir nes'llu.ificd Gem n).IQe. to Uotccthis Iai] nroihcr fron the slrock oflosinsher belored conDtry',Ilex mainlai.s lIeilhsion lhat Conndunism slill lrerailsb,! foBing the (rner fanilt to rctrh theirold drab clothes, lurnishins aDd food.Horvelcr, tlrc irretence gets |.rdcr aDdharder to upkc.p as giganljc Coca Colaads,BM\\s and IKEA f!rnisl) b.giDrppeari.g all rroNrd the Deislibourhood.The wesL is laintly satiisc.i connnunismnay have beconre a rcprcssite force, butl|c cmbracirg ol lhe new connnoditrcullure hrs lcd to an iiie\.itible alicnation

    Wachowskis, howcvcr, ilanted Lo cliLiciscIIs P.eside.l Bos| so thcvnade "v-'i oa.|.ninion of liberalism.onseN.tive ri)reii drent

    30 BR0ADIR PIR5PIITVtS r/r. td.ol.rqv issr.

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    BoilerRoomCAPITAUSM / Thjs 2ooo Arneican moviecentres around the Dhenornenon ofdisrcputable brokerage firms t]rat cheat theirclients ol a lot ofmonel'. such fims werealso loown as "boiler rooms . UDfolding theworst e{cesses and impulses of a capitalisrsociety, aoilel Rdon shows how brokerscreate artificial demand lbr the stocks ofaf*e conpe)' and then seDing their stalG inthe conpany to cash in once the stock pricerises. only when faced with the nioraldilenma of having to cheat a cNtomer whocaDnot affold to lose money does the heroof Boiler Roon take steps to leave thecompany and his iucrative career behind.Boiler.Roon is often compared to clenrrdnvGler Ross and Wal/ Streer two other noviesthat sum up the nasty truih that in acapitalist socjeq, creed is cood" (to quoteW'll Street's infamoDs villain cordon ceckol-

    The Storvof Qiu JuCOMMUNISM/ Qiu Ju, a sinple peasantwonan sets out on a $rest for compensationftom the siate when her husband Sets kickedin the sroin by the local vi ase chiet h herscarch, she uncovers a legal system rife withred tape. Qiu ft reveals the laby lthine,buraucratic nishimarc that all govrnmcnisnotjust the Communist Chinese one -can evolve into once they lose sight oftheirpurposetoseNe the people. The movie alsoFovides profound nEight irlto lbw the citiaDhinselfmaylose his moral compass wherhe becomes self rishteous. Obscssed withjustice to the poini ofvengeance, Qiu Ju findsherself suing and polentially disgracing acivil se ant who she has found to besenuinely kind and helpful (instead of theorisinal \'ilase chie0 to nake her point.



    The EldersHERO / Initiated by radjcal entrepreneur Sir tuchardBranson, activist/musician Peter Gabriel and formerSouth Atrican President Nelson Mandela, this groupof world leaders believes their collective experienceand wisdom should be used to address the world'stoushcst problems. Chaired bv former South AfricanAfthbishop Desnond Tutu, th sroup offers a soodrepresentation of gender and cultural difierences:inclrding powerful women tlilG lbrner Iris} PresidntMary Robinson and Mozanbican acuvist GracaMachel), adivists (like Graneen Bank lbunderMuhanmad Yunus and Indian trade union leaderEla Bhatt) as well as retired political heaqryeishtslil lbrn1er tn'I Secretary General Kofi Annan, fonnerUS President Jimmy Carler, retired Brazilian PresideniFrrn!ndo Cirdo.o rn,l rormer.hinFse lorFiBnMirister Li Zhaoxing. Wi$ their substantial clo t,the Elders can dmw attentioD to world issues tlat areisnored by thc mainstream prcss while lvorkins boihpubticly and behind the scenes on whatei'. diplonatic2.tions need to he Laken. ft


    George W. BushVTT,LATN / So mn.i hrs rlre,dv been s,idabout present U.S. PresideDt Bush'sincompetence that it almost seems trite to saymore. The fervent embrace of Prsidentialhopeful Barack obama s seductive call for"Change" testifies to how embittered theAmericaD electorate has become to Bush'slesacy a possible recession, a poorcr niddleclass and a trail of ill-feelins ]eft behind by abelligerent fbreign poUcy. It

    3l ER0ADIR PtRSPtOlVts the iss e



  • 8/14/2019 Disillus Withdem


    The Good, The Bad & The UglyFrom the tumultous u,orld of icleological clashes, get to kno\\'iust eight villains and heroesfrom our political history. By Nadja NIah

    4xk:.,,kn"" Po/ Potto Liciol-a aganrst thc Ii omnrrxng,thuscst.blishnrg the Pcoplc s RepnblicofChnra.Controrrsialfigurc: \rcneriicd nr Chnra!s a grerr relolLrtionary .nd srrrrgistbntrcvil.d b!donesric and loicign critics lir theiailLrrc ofhis thr m.!or sociololti.alprograms, rhe Grcat Leap Forward andrhec'lfirr,l Revolution. that led lo Dillions olIIaDJ historians renain criticalol1lIao, oftenoompadnglrim to Stahr and Hillc,

    REB00T Y0tiR iii!iltl

    ,,J-dt 4mtn

    llauist Punrc Nlinisrer olCambodia(197a, 19791$ho l.d comnnnGtsrouparorceircd rcstutifg oa CnnbodiaD.nnlisarnm in "vcf zero ' by for(drelocatnD ofcity daelleF to wo.kSingledortall nrtell.ctu.lstnd bourgoisc cmies_tornruder Slavclibou., poorr.di.ri c,re. mal rtdlionand nrasscx.ctrtions Lillerl an estun.lcd r.7 million


    Military dcspot; President ol UsandaCl..ged wirh politicil reDrssnm,ethnic prsccution, mass mude.and human rishts ibuss.A snlrem egoist rlio dlDled hnnslf''His EycellencJ", lile anddrost nra.nonsly _Kng ol ScolhndNhrrdcred high trofile political.neniesnllLdidg i fonner LJgandan primcministcrs, rn archbishop, a chi.ljrFriceand his o!!n ..bnret nnrisrcrs.

    5/o/odanSocialist Prcsdcnl olYuaoslavia(rharged Nith oFuption, ablst ofDouer and embczzlemntBrought to lntenalioDal Cfi rnulTrilunrl ro srmd tnaL Ior \'iolainrgO.ncv. ConlDtions and coJnnritnrggc.ocide .grnrsr Serbi.r II!s]nns dning


    32 ER0ADtR PtRSPt(IlvtS r/rri.l.' 1,,r,

  • 8/14/2019 Disillus Withdem


    J;-oy Cc,rlerCh.istinn, SocillistrP.cs cnt ofAm ca(1977 - r98t Nh! ndvocrtcd holdnrg -dnenca sbchdviour to the moralstanda otChrist.Bc.rmeunpop ar becans olpoorhudlins ol IraD hostaae disis a.d Sovietinvasion of Afghanistan.(cr,fisue aDdlollnteer behnrd.espectedNCO Iiabitat for Humanity.Nobel Peace P zewinnerin 2oo2lorcontlid rasolutior, health..rc.f dhunrn gllsadro.a.) $ork donc rlr.olgli Ca.ler Ccntr(.

    Christian, Denro.rarici hesident of SouthA6ica h99,1 - r999) hno becadr.nnrternrtionrl i.on of arcedom and cquxlityfo. his apa.theid.hnpdsoned for:7 yea.s bclore wiminsthepresirlcrc! through his policy ofreconciliation and ncgotiation that sas


    inspntd by G.ddlii doals ofnon violence.NobclPecc P zc wimrd nr 1993lorhi\ \rorl ir p+rhlishirs: nnrlri r,,rvif S.rrh Afii.r

    a))nstonCh.istian. Democratici war rnne PrnreMinistc. ol Unitd KinAdom (19sr r gss)IDspirnrA omtor whose sliltul use.frhetonc coDlinced Bntanr h fight or ard notbachdoM ard negodare l)eaccad tc ns {it}rRcei!d Nobel P.ize forl,;lc.aturc lor


    I.'r il{ilt{il1\\l tititr


    Ktm>/iss.;nxlrEhn KingofJordan h952 - r999J(luided ,ro.drn suc.essfullv thrcugh th.tensions of rhe rab-Isr.cli.onnicLExlelled lle Palcstine LibcrationO.sanisation lrom Jo.daD ior t.1iDs toN.aoli.lcd pcacc tr(dty $ith lsrael.

    33 BR0ADIR PtRsPtfl\,tS tlle idealoq! issu?

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