
Dissemination of SBS data and technical visits to MSs item 10 of the agenda Structural Business Statistics Working Group 14 April 2015, Luxembourg Presentation overview I. SBS and GVC in Eurostat : statistical output and products II. Dissemination strategy 1. mission 2. key concepts 3. channels tasks and actions elaborate on : a. visibility and ranking b. user interaction III. Member States visits IV planning and implementation V. Questions and suggestions G-2 Entrepreneurship SBS 2020 BD SBS, I-IV, VIIIFDI FATS ITSS GVC Dissemination strategy processes projects structural business statistics and global value chains Statistics on foreign affiliates Description of activity : validation and processing of annual Statistics on foreign affiliates data received from Member States and other reporting countries. Dissemination of national data and EU aggregates on Eurostat website. Quality reporting and methodological development ensured. Statistical product : Foreign affiliates of EU enterprises Statistics on foreign direct investment Data production, compilation and dissemination of statistics. Maintenance and development of methodology as well as data quality issues. Maintenance and development of the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Network. Quality reporting and methodological development ensured. Statistical product : Foreign direct investments Statistics on international trade in services Data production, compilation and dissemination of statistics on International Trade in Services (ITSS). Quality reporting and methodological development ensured. Statistical Product : International trade in services Structural business statistics I-IV, VIII Validation and processing of annual Structural Business Statistics (SBS) data received from Member States and other reporting countries on the Annex I - IV and VIII. Dissemination of national data and EU aggregates on Eurostat website. Quality reporting and methodological development ensured. Statistical product : Structural business statistics Statistics on business demography Validation and processing of annual Business Demography (BD) data received from Member States and other reporting countries based on the Annex IX of the Structural Business Statistics (SBS) Regulation. Dissemination of national data and EU aggregates on Eurostat website. Quality reporting and methodological development ensured. Collection of primary data on high-level growth enterprises (10%) to feed the calculation of the innovation indicator as foreseen by Commission implementing regulation (EU) No 439/2014. Statistical product : Business demography Structural business statistics development (SBS2020) Develop and implement a strategy for structural business statistics (SBS) for the next decade. Here the questions of the statistical units and the geographical reference for SBS play a crucial role. Statistical product : SBS Main indicators Development of entrepreneurhip indicators Integration of employer business demography and high growth enterprise statistics into regular data production. Contribution to the Entrepreneurship Indicator Programme (EIP) programme. Further work on quarterly and regional indicators related to business demography. Statistical product : entrepreneurship indicators Developing the area of Global value chains Developing the area of Global Value Chains, following the work of the ESSnet (European Statistical System collaboration networks) on GVC and taking into accounts the follow-up of the recommendations of the Sturgeon Report on Global Value Chains and production of improved indicators on economic globalisation. All the work should be coordinated at international level. Statistical Product(s): Globalisation indicators International sourcing Micro-data linking of SBS and other business related statistics Services trade by enterprise characteristics Dissemination strategy for global business statistics Development of a dissemination strategy for global business statistics. Output : Dissemination strategy for global business statistics Mission Provide free access to high quality European and globalised structural business statistics and indicators Key concepts Sell products (visibility and marketing) Diversify products (online publications, regional yearbook) + packages per area (GVC) (cross-referencing) Improve internal communication, coordination and harmonisation (between sections in unit, between units and directorates in Eurostat, between DGs in EC, with other EU institutions, with external international, national and regional stakeholders) (networking) (CODIF) Focus on output Channels Statistics explained and online publicationsexplained/index.php/Structural_business_statistics Eurostat databaseEurostat websitestatistics/overview News releases Indicators 2015 tasks and actions 1.Review of SBS/GVC section on eurostat website 2. Review of SBS/GVC section on statistics explained 3. Update of statistics explained to the latest figures 4. Update of SBS/GVC section in eurostat database 5. Content harmonisation of 1, 2 and 4 2015 tasks and actions (cont'd) 6. Enhance products' visibility (events, news, media) 7. Enhance ranking on the internet 8. Increase interaction with users (from re-active to pro-active) + user group (intra- and extra-muros) 9. Manual of dissemination and editing procedures 10.News section (on SBS section of Eurostat website) Visibility and ranking on the internet Monthly analysis of web impact of G2 outputs and products : 1. number of mentions in EN, FR, GE 2. ranking in search engines 3. page consultation of different channels 4. reactions to news releases Search profiling for G2 outputs and products User interaction Start with user questions : analysis of questions + define user groups (national statistics offices, government, academia, consultancy, general public, press and media) Make user group + organise feedback on products Work together with users on content (fe article in statistics explained) Member State Visits 3 MS visits carried out September 2014-January 2015 : to UK, to Ireland and to Greece National statistical offices : special relationship with Eurostat : promote good and more personal relations, timely and accurate delivery of national data and EU aggregates, and a more visible output Double function : technical : data input dissemination : output Member State Visits (cont'd) INPUT : Technical exchange (fe EDIT, confidentiality, format) On-the-job training, best practice OUTPUT : Expression of interest for co-publishing statistical articles in Statistics Explained (parent and child article) Be part of user group 2016 planning and implementation Planning of ad hoc and returning publications -online publications in statistics explained -Business economy by sector -European business facts and figures -Regional yearbook -new background and statistical articles in statistics explained -Foreign direct investment -FATS -International trade in services -Micro-data linking and Global value chains 2016 planning and implementation (cont'd) Major update s of Statistics Explained articles : 80 articles on business economy by sector NACE Rev.2 RY 2013 and 30 SBS and GVC articles (inhouse updates for the first time) Major update of the globalisation and entrepreneurship indicators SBS section and GVC update on Eurostat website Planning of data releases Planning of press releases Ideas? Remarks? Suggestions? Please let me know :

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