Page 1: Division #1 – General Provisions/Personal Conduct Rules and Regulations.pdfDivision #1 – General Provisions/Personal Conduct . Section 3-16 - Generally . All users of, and persons

Chapter 3 ARTICLE II

Division #1 – General Provisions/Personal Conduct

Section 3-16 - Generally

All users of, and persons on, the airport shall be governed by the provisions of this Chapter and other rules promulgated by the Aviation Director in compliance with federal regulations. The provisions of this Chapter may be changed or amended from time to time by the Aviation Director with approval from City Council. The Aviation Director shall have authority to take such actions as may be necessary to safeguard persons and property at the airport; and to make and enforce such provisions, in addition to those provided herein, as shall be required in any emergency or abnormal condition or situation. This Chapter is not intended to amend, modify, or supersede any provisions of federal, State of Texas, or local law, or any specific contractual agreement of the City with which it may conflict; provided, however that this Chapter shall, insofar as possible, be interpreted such that a conflict shall not exist. All users of and persons on the airport shall obey all rules and regulations relating to the use of facilities of the airport. These include all fire, safety, and health regulations. Each person shall obey the Laws and Regulations of the United States, the State of Texas, and Bexar County, and all applicable City ordinances as now exist or as hereafter shall exist. Further, if any provision of this article is held to be invalid, the remainder of these Rules and Regulations shall remain in effect. Section 3-17 - Definitions

Air Operations Area (AOA): The Air Operations Area and the adjacent restricted area are hereby defined as the area designated as such and depicted upon a plat of the Airport, labeled "Air Operations Area and Attendant Areas: Restricted" filed with the office of the City Clerk. The AOA consists of those areas intended for the movement and parking of Aircraft and that, together with adjacent areas, are restricted to entry only by those persons, vehicles, and activities identified and authorized by the Aviation Director. Aircraft: A device used or intended to be used for flight in the air. Aircraft Accident: An occurrence associated with an aircraft operation that takes place between the time any person boards the aircraft with the intention of flight and until such time as all such persons have disembarked, and in which any person suffers death or serious injury, or in which the Aircraft receives substantial damage. All aspects of the exceptions to substantial damage (see "Substantial Damage") should be considered before making a final substantial damage determination that would classify the occurrence as an Aircraft Accident. Aircraft Engine: An engine used or intended to be used for propelling Aircraft, including turbo superchargers, appurtenances, and accessories necessary for its functioning, but not including propellers. Aircraft Incident: An occurrence other than an Aircraft Accident associated with an Aircraft operation that affects or could affect the safety of future operations. Airport: Any facility or area of land or water intended to be used for the landing, maneuvering, and taking off of Aircraft, and including all contiguous property thereto held or used for airport purposes, including all


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improvements and appurtenances thereon, regardless of the fact that they may be owned, controlled, leased, or occupied by persons or governmental agencies other than the City. Henceforth, unless otherwise specified, the term “Airport” shall refer to both San Antonio International Airport and Stinson Municipal Airport Airport Business: Any person or legal entity that operates a business or not-for-profit activity at the Airport under a lease, concession agreement, operating agreement, permit, contract, use and lease agreement, purchase order, license, or other legal authority, including subcontractors, sublessees, and vendors. Acts or omissions of an Airport Business’s employees, officers, contractors, and other representatives are attributed to the Airport Business for purposes of application and enforcement of this Chapter. Aviation Director: As used in this Chapter, the Aviation Director of the City, hereinafter referred to as "Director," and includes any subordinate specifically authorized to act on his/her behalf. The Director shall be responsible for procedures and the safe and efficient operation, management, and maintenance of San Antonio International Airport, Stinson Municipal Airport, and all City-owned facilities and equipment in connection therewith and for the enforcement of all ordinances, provisions, and rules governing Airport operations. Airport Highways, Streets, or Roads: Any designated roadway and right-of-way established on airport property by the Aviation Director for use by motorized vehicles. Airport Police: Shall mean that San Antonio Airport Police Division of the San Antonio Police Department or similar entity charged with policing duties in the Airport. Airport Security Program (ASP): A Transportation Security Administration (TSA) approved airport operator's manual that governs security-related activities, communications, and procedures. City: Shall mean the City of San Antonio, Texas. Director: See "Aviation Director" above. Driver: Any person responsible for the direct control of a vehicle of any type, while the vehicle is in operation. Emergency Vehicle: Vehicles of the police or fire departments, ambulances, Airport Operations vehicles, and vehicles conveying an Airport official or Airport employee in response to any emergency call. Experimental Flights: The operation of any Aircraft holding an experimental airworthiness certificate issued by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) or the appropriate foreign government. FAA: The U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Aviation Administration. Foreign Object Debris (FOD): Any object located in an inappropriate location in the Airport environment that has the capacity to injure Airport or airline personnel and damage Aircraft. Ground Demonstrations: The operation or movement of any Aircraft or Aircraft Engine for the purpose of displaying the operation of said Aircraft or Aircraft Engine to persons not on board the Aircraft. These do not include engine runups at approved locations and times as designated by the Director. Hours of Darkness: The time period starting thirty (30) minutes prior to sunset and ending thirty (30) minutes after sunrise. Identification (ID) Media: Identification badges or other media that provide information as to an individual's identity, which also may be programmed to allow the badge holder access through security controlled portals that lead to the AOA, Security Identification Display Area, or other restricted areas of the Airport. At San Antonio International Airport, a City-approved ID is referred to as a "SAT badge."


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Movement Area: The runways, taxiways, and other areas of an Airport that Aircraft use for taxiing, takeoff, and landing, exclusive of loading ramps and parking areas, and that are under the control of an Airport traffic control tower. Nonmovement Area: The taxiways, aprons, and other areas not under the control of an Airport traffic control tower or at an Airport without an operating airport traffic control tower. Obstruction: Any structure, growth, or other object, including a mobile object, that exceeds the limiting height established by federal regulations in the vicinity of the Airport. Person: Any individual, partnership, corporation or government entity. Restricted Area: Any area the Director designates as restricted under certain circumstances from time to time, either in writing or by means of maps or barriers, and in which the general public is not allowed. Safety Area: A defined surface alongside of a runway, taxiway, or taxilane that has been prepared or is suitable for reducing the risk of damage to an Aircraft in case of an unintentional departure from the paved surface. Secured Area: A portion of an Airport, specified in the Airport Security Program, in which certain security measures are specified by federal regulations. This area is where Aircraft operators and airlines enplane and deplane passengers and sort and load baggage. This includes ramps and aprons where airline aircraft park. Security Identification Display Area (SIDA): At San Antonio International Airport, the SIDA includes the terminal aircraft apron areas, terminal baggage makeup areas, areas where cargo involved in air transportation is processed, and such areas located within the Airport's designated SIDA boundaries. Sterile Area: The area beyond the Airport passenger security checkpoints that provides passengers access to board Aircraft and to which access generally is regulated by the TSA, through the screening of Persons and property. Substantial Damage: Damage or failure that adversely affects the structural strength, performance, or flight characteristics of the Aircraft, and that would normally require major repair or replacement of the affected component. Engine failure or damage limited to an engine if only one engine fails or is damaged, bent fairings or cowling, dented skin, small puncture holes in the skin or fabric, ground damage to rotor or propeller blades, or damage to landing gear, wheels, tires, flaps, engine accessories, brakes, or wing tips are not considered Substantial Damage for purposes of this Chapter. Surface Area Airspace: The airspace area within which the provisions of these Rules and Regulations are effective, including areas inside and outside the corporate City limits as defined by City ordinances or by Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs), which is the airspace contained by the lateral boundary of the federally designated class of airspace for an airport, beginning at the surface and extending upward. Ultralight Vehicle: An aeronautical vehicle operated for sport or recreational purposes that does not require FAA registration, an airworthiness certificate, nor pilot certification in accordance with FARs. Vehicle: All conveyances, except aircraft, used on the ground to transport persons, cargo, and equipment, or those conveyances required to perform maintenance, construction, services, and security duties (e.g., maintenance trucks, vans, aviation fuel trucks, food service trucks, lavatory trucks, bicycles, segways, and buses).

Section 3-18 - Boundaries.

The boundaries of the Airport shall include all land owned, leased, or otherwise controlled by the City, whether inside or outside the City limits, for the express purpose of accommodating aviation-related operations, including but not limited to additional areas controlled by the City adjacent to such land at any


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and all Airport facilities for the proper operation of or access to the Airport. Such land areas shall be shown on the FAA-approved Airport Layout Plan (ALP) and incorporated herein by reference showing the boundaries of all such controlled areas. A copy of the FAA-approved ALP is on file at the office of the Director. Section 3-19 - Damage to Airport Property.

Any person damaging Airport property, including damages caused by the improper operation of a Vehicle, must report such damage to the City's Aviation Department immediately and shall be fully responsible for any costs required to repair or replace the damaged property. The cost of repair or replacement necessitated by any such damage shall be ascertained by the Director, who shall make demand upon said person, owner, or operator for payment thereof. The Director may choose to forward information relating to the cost of the repairs or replacement to the Risk Management Division of the City’s Human Resources Department and request that they endeavor to recover the cost associated with said repairs or replacement from the individual or entity responsible for the damage. In the event of the failure or refusal of said person, owner, or operator to pay the amount of such claim for damage, a full report of the circumstances on which said claim is based, together with a copy of said claim, shall be forwarded to the City Attorney, who shall, when directed by the City Council, institute all necessary legal proceedings for collection of said claim. Section 3-20 - Health.

In an effort to minimize exposure in Airport facilities to communicable diseases and to ensure that potential disease vectors from endemic areas that may be harboring in Aircraft are not released into San Antonio, all Aviation Department personnel, Airport tenants, and their personnel are required to immediately report any known or suspected communicable disease or potential disease vector that may be a public health consequence, discovered at San Antonio International and Stinson Municipal Airports, to local, State, and federal public health officials as deemed necessary. Section 3-21 - Right of Inspection.

The City, as represented by the Director, authorized City officials, or other approved officials as may be necessary, reserves the right to inspect all buildings, improvements, betterments, and equipment located on, or activities conducted at, the Airport, including but not limited to fuel equipment, effluent and chemical discharges, and any other inspection necessary for the City to comply with health, safety, and environmental regulations at the federal, State, or local level or to comply with the grant assurances made by City to any governmental agency. Advance notice of inspection will be provided by the City as a courtesy, but is not necessary.

Nothing herein contained shall be construed to limit the use of any area or portion of any terminal space by authorized officers or employees of the Airport, or by Airport contractors, or to prevent any police officer, fire officer, or any other public officer or employee from entering upon any part of the Airport terminal when properly required to do so in the performance of his/her official duties.

Section 3-22 - Leafleting and Picketing Regulations.

(a) No Person shall engage in picketing, demonstrations, or marches or distribute literature of any nature whatsoever on the Airport except with the express written approval of the Director, and under such terms and conditions as may be set forth in a permit issued by, or a contract executed by, the City.

(b) Any Person or organization desiring to use City-operated Airport for the purpose of exercising constitutional rights of free speech and freedom of religion, such as the distribution of literature, shall be permitted to conduct such activities providing they do not result in impairing or interfering with the operational functions of the Airport and such activities are in compliance with the provisions of this


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Section and other applicable provisions of this Chapter. The hereinafter set forth provisions are hereby declared to be necessary for the accomplishment of the following:

(1) To ensure that persons seeking to exercise their constitutional rights of free speech and freedom of religion may reasonably do so upon the premises of City-operated Airport;

(2) To restrict such activities of free speech and freedom of religion to certain public use areas of City-operated Airport;

(3) To protect all persons using the Airport from being subjected to unreasonable contacts by any Persons or organizations seeking to exercise rights of free speech and freedom of religion;

(4) To ensure the free, orderly, and efficient flow of pedestrian traffic through the Airport premises; and

(5) To ensure the efficient and safe operations of the Airport.

(c) No person shall picket or distribute literature at the Airport without first obtaining a permit from the Director. A written application showing the nature of the intended activities must be received by the Director at least two (2) business days prior to the date contemplated for commencing the activity and may be applied for no more than thirty (30) days in advance of such activities. The written application shall contain:

(1) The full name, residential mailing address, and telephone number (if any) of the Person desiring to distribute literature; or

(2) The full name, residential mailing address, and telephone number (if any) of the Person or organization sponsoring or promoting the proposed activities; or

(3) The full name, residential mailing address, and telephone number (if any) of the contact person in the organization who will have supervision of and responsibility for the proposed activities; and

(4) The dates and hours on and during which the activities are proposed to be carried out, and the expected duration of the proposed activities; and

(5) A description of the proposed activities, indicating the type of communication involved; and (6) The terminal the applicant prefers

(d) Permit(s) shall be issued promptly within two (2) business days following receipt by the Director of the registration form containing the information required in paragraph (c) (1) – (6) above. The Director shall issue the Person a registration card that shall indicate the Person's registration number and the date of expiration, and shall designate the area of the Airport to which the Person has been assigned. The Director shall exercise no judgment regarding the purpose or content of the proposed activities, and shall exercise no discretion over the issuance of a registration permit hereunder, it being the intent of this division that the issuance of a permit by the Director shall be a routine, clerical, and mandatory function. The registration permit shall be issued for a period of not more than ten (10) days. Any Person conducting any activities referred to in this division shall keep the registration card on his or her person at all times while conducting any activities regulated hereunder and shall display the card upon the request of any Person.

(e) To enhance access to approved free speech areas by new individuals or groups, the Director may implement rules and procedures such as 1) restricting the hours per day during which an activity is authorized, 2)bumping permits for up to seven days to ensure a new user/group is not blocked from access by a user/group who has had use of the area(s) during the past thirty-days.

Section 3-23 - Improper Conduct.

No Person shall engage in any improper conduct while on Airport property. Improper conduct includes, without limitation, using profane or vulgar language; committing a felony or a misdemeanor; possessing a firearm or other weapon; fighting, defecating, or urinating in public; gambling or participating in other games of chance where money is involved; failing to cooperate with any Airport official in the performance of his or her official duties; willfully assaulting or committing battery upon any Person; threatening the


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safety of any Person; recklessly or intentionally destroying property owned by any Person; or acting in a manner intended or that is reasonably likely to cause physical injury to any Person. No person shall dispose of garbage, papers, refuse, or other material on the Airport except in the receptacles provided for that purpose; nor shall any person expectorate on the floors, walls, or other surfaces of any Airport; or use Airport property other than in a clean and sanitary manner. Section 3-24 - Drugs, Alcohol, and Intoxication.

No Person shall consume any alcoholic beverage except in places specifically designated for dispensing of and consuming alcoholic beverages.

No person under the influence of alcohol, narcotics, or other controlled substances shall operate a Vehicle or Aircraft on the Airport. No person in any public area of the terminal or in any Restricted Area, or in the area adjacent to the Aircraft loading gates designated for use by passengers waiting to board an Aircraft, shall be in possession of a bottle, can, or other receptacle containing an alcoholic beverage that has been opened, or with a broken seal, or the contents of which have been partially removed, unless the bottle, can, or other receptacle is enclosed in a suitcase or carrying case. Section 3-25 - Refuse Removal and Containers.

No Person shall keep uncovered refuse containers in any area. No Vehicle used for hauling trash, dirt, or any other material shall be operated on the Airport unless such Vehicle is constructed and maintained so as to prevent the contents thereof from dropping, sifting, leaking, or otherwise escaping therefrom. Areas to be used for trash or garbage containers shall be designated by the Director, and no other areas shall be so used. Such areas shall be kept clean and sanitary at all times.

It shall be unlawful for any Person to search through refuse or garbage material that has been disposed of or abandoned by someone other than themselves or their employees in search of items for private or business use.

Section 3-26 - Reflective Safety Vests.

All persons on the AOA must wear a reflective safety vest at all times except for aircraft passengers traversing to or from an aircraft or transient pilots conducting duties associated with the inspection or operation of an aircraft. All persons working on any Airport highways, streets, or roads shall also be required to wear reflective safety vests to comply with the federal Department of Transportation’s Work Zone Safety and Mobility regulations. All required reflective safety vest must at a minimum meet ANSI Class-2, Level-2 standards.

Section 3-27 - Foreign Object Debris (FOD).

(a) Each Airport employee shall be responsible for the proper disposal of FOD on ramps, apron areas, and the AOA.

(b) It is the responsibility of each lessee or other occupant of ramp and apron areas to place suitable containers, as determined by the Director, labeled “Foreign Object Debris,” at every gate, remote aircraft parking area, cargo, and maintenance facilities at locations determined by the Director.

(c) All persons operating or conducting business on the A.O.A. shall ensure that any owned/operated

equipment that could be repositioned or moved by winds over 30 miles per hour or other weather related forces shall be properly secured at all times to ensure that the equipment will not move from its parked position. The cost of any damages to Airport or tenant property that is caused by unsecured equipment shall be the responsibility of the owner/operator of the unsecured equipment.


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(d) Any Airport Business who operates on the AOA shall be required to keep their leasehold clean and

free of foreign object debris at all times. The Director shall monitor all leaseholds within the AOA to ensure that they are properly clean and free of foreign object debris. Any Airport Business whose leasehold the Director deems to not be satisfactorily clean and free of foreign object debris shall be notified in writing of the non-compliance and given ten (10) calendar days from the date the letter is sent to sufficiently clean their leasehold. If the Airport Business fails to clean their leasehold sufficiently, the Director may have the leasehold cleaned and require the Airport Business to pay for the expenses related to the cleaning.

Section 3-28 - Destruction of Property.

No Person shall destroy or cause to be destroyed, injure, damage, deface, or disturb in any way any building, sign, equipment, marker, or other structure, tree, flower, lawn, or property of any nature located on the Airport. Any Person causing or responsible for such injury, destruction, damage, or disturbance shall report such damage to the Airport Police and, upon demand by the Director, shall reimburse the City's Aviation Department for the full amount of the damage(s). Section 3-29 - Accidents.

All Persons involved in or witness to any accident involving Persons, Aircraft, or Vehicles occurring on the Airport shall make a report to Airport Police as soon as possible, giving all pertinent information as requested by the officer in charge. Section 3-30 - Use of Airport Highways, Streets, Roads, or Sidewalks.

No Person shall occupy the Airport highways, streets, roads, or sidewalks in such a manner as to hinder or obstruct their proper operation or use by others. No Person shall drive any Vehicle across or upon any lawn or grass area, sidewalk, or curb except by permission of the Airport Police officer on duty or except as necessary to service or maintain Airport facilities. No Person shall travel on the Airport other than on the highways, streets, roads, sidewalks or places provided for the use of that particular class of traffic. A Person commits an offense if he or she knowingly obstructs the free passage of other Persons along Airport highways, streets, roads, sidewalks or into, out of, or within Airport buildings. Section 3-31 - Improper Sound Devices.

(a) Sound trucks, sound amplifying devices, and amplified sound reproduction machines are prohibited on the Airport. No Person shall use or cause to be used the Airport public address system for the solicitation of business. Only such public address systems as are commonly used to announce the arrival and departure of scheduled airline aircraft or other matters approved by the Director shall be permitted on the Airport.

(b) Excessive or prolonged use of horns, sirens, whistles, or other noise-generating device is strictly

prohibited; continued use of same shall be subject to citation as a misdemeanor offense. Aviation Department or Airport Police personnel may use horns, sirens, whistles, or other noise-generating devices in conduct of their official duties.

Section 3-32 - Animals.

No Person shall enter the terminal building of the Airport with a dog or other animal except seeing-eye dogs, service animals, and animals to be transported by air. Pets to be transported must be either carried, on a leash, or already caged for travel, and taken directly to the airline for loading onto the Aircraft. Disembarking pets must remain caged and taken directly to transportation or other means of departure from


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the terminal area. Transportation cages shall not be discarded in the terminal or on any other Airport property. Authorized animals on the Airport are to relieve themselves solely in designated pet relief areas as may be established or approved by the Director from time to time. No Person shall allow or transport any animal onto the AOA unless it is properly leashed or restricted by other means as deemed appropriate by the Director to prevent the animal from interfering with Airport operations. Section 3-33 - Regulation of Advertising.

No Person, organization, or entity shall post, distribute, display, carry, or erect any signs, billboards, art work, or any other device used for advertising, announcing, or notification without the express written approval of the Director. Section 3-34 - Open Flame and Smoking Restrictions.

(a) No Person shall conduct any open flame operations in any hangar or elsewhere on the Airport unless specifically authorized by the Director in writing. Any open flame operations authorized by the Director shall be conducted strictly in accordance with applicable fire and safety regulations. Authorization shall not be granted until such operation has been investigated and it has been determined that no fire hazard to Airport property will exist.

(b) Open flame welding within 50 feet of aircraft fueling operations is prohibited. A fire extinguisher must

be present at the site during welding operations. (c) Smoking is prohibited on the AOA, in any hangar, shop, service station area, fuel storage area,

terminal, office, or in any building, room, or place on the Airport where smoking is prohibited by law. The Director is hereby authorized to designate smoking and nonsmoking areas at San Antonio International Airport and Stinson Municipal Airport.

Section 3-35 - Lost Articles.

Any person finding lost articles in any Airport common areas shall immediately deposit them with the Airport Police. Articles unclaimed by their proper owners are subject to policies and procedures set forth by the San Antonio Police Department. Nothing in this item shall be construed to deny the right of scheduled airlines or other Airport tenants to maintain "lost and found" services for property of their passengers, invitees, or employees as permitted by law.

Section 3-36 - Forgery and Counterfeit.

No Person shall make, possess, use, offer for sale, sell, barter, exchange, pass, or deliver any forged, counterfeit, or falsely altered pass, permit, identification badge, certificate, placard, sign, or other authorization purporting to be issued by or on behalf of the Aviation Department, nor shall any information electronically or magnetically encoded thereon be knowingly altered or erased. Section 3-37 - Elevators, Moving Stairways (Escalators), and Conveyor Systems.

No Person shall use an elevator, moving stairway (escalator), or conveyor system contrary to its intended use or any posted restriction(s). Moving stairways (escalators) shall not be used with wheeled carts, wheelchairs, wheeled vehicles, strollers, canes, walkers, unescorted children, or animals. Section 3-38 - False Reports or Threats.


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No Person shall make any threat involving Aircraft or any facilities or operations at or on the Airport or any false report regarding the conduct of operations at or use of the Airport. Persons in violation will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Section 3-39 – Sporting Equipment and Recreational Activities on the AOA No Person shall engage in recreational activities or sporting events in the A.O.A. provided, however, that the Director may approve areas within the A.O.A. for use as employee break areas. Sections 40 – 45- Reserved

Division #2 – Aircraft Operations Section 3-46 - Interference/Tampering with Aircraft.

(a) No Persons shall interfere or tamper with any Aircraft or put in motion the engine of such Aircraft, or use any Aircraft, Aircraft part, instrument, or tool without permission of the owner.

(b) No Person may throw, shoot, or propel any object in such a manner as to interfere with or endanger the safe operation of any Aircraft taking off, landing, or operating on the Airport or any Vehicle operating on the Airport.

(c) No Person may use a laser or any other lighted device intentionally or unintentionally to interfere with the operation of an Aircraft.

Section 3-47 - Compliance with Instructions Issued by Air Traffic Control and the Director.

All Aircraft in flight within the Airport traffic area, Surface Area Airspace, or in motion or parked on the runways, taxiways, aprons, hardstands, or ramps of the Airport shall comply with written or oral instructions issued by Airport traffic control tower personnel and the Director .

All Aircraft shall follow appropriate taxiway and runway guidance markings and signage when operating on any portion of the Airport. Section 3-48 - Dangerous or Negligent Operations.

The Director may prohibit aircraft landing and taking off any time and under any circumstances when such operation is deemed likely to endanger Persons or property, except for emergency landings. In addition, no Aircraft shall be operated on the surface of any public landing area, public cargo ramp and apron area, or public aircraft parking and storage area:

(a) In a careless or negligent manner; or

(b) In disregard of the rights and safety of others; or

(c) Without due caution and circumspection; or

(d) At a speed or in a manner that endangers Persons or property; or

(e) While the pilot, or other Person aboard, controlling any part of the operation thereof, is under the influence of intoxicating liquor, any narcotic, or dangerous drug or controlled substance; or


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(f) If such Aircraft is so constructed, equipped, or loaded as to unreasonably endanger or be likely to unreasonably endanger Persons or property.

Section 3-49 - Aircraft and Aircraft Operator Requirements.

(a) All Aircraft operating at the Airport shall display on board the Aircraft a valid airworthiness certificate issued by the FAA or appropriate foreign government and display on the exterior of the aircraft a valid registration number issued by the FAA or appropriate foreign government. No Aircraft, excluding skid-equipped helicopters, shall operate on the Airport unless equipped with a tail wheel or nose wheel; and in addition the main gear wheels shall have operating brakes, except with the permission of the Director, who, before permission is given, shall investigate the circumstances under which time and place the Aircraft is to be operated and determine that no danger exists to Persons or property by reason of such operation. When any pilot of an Aircraft that is not equipped with adequate brakes receives permission from the Director to taxi such Aircraft, such pilot shall not taxi such Aircraft near buildings or parked Aircraft unless an attendant is at the wing of the Aircraft to assist the pilot. An Aircraft with wings and tail higher than five (5) feet from the ground that does not have adequate brakes shall not be taxied on the Airport, but shall be towed if it is necessary to move such Aircraft.

(b) All Aircraft operating at the Airport are required to have all mandatory aircraft lighting systems, as required by the FAA, operational during times required by the FAA.

(c) All Persons operating Aircraft on the Airport shall possess an appropriate license, issued by the FAA or appropriate foreign government.

Section 3-50 - Proper Operation of Engines.

(a) Aircraft engines shall be run up only in places and times approved for such purposes by the Director.

(b) At no time shall Aircraft with engines running or engines being tested be left unattended.

(c) At no time shall engines be run up or operated when hangars, shops, offices, building, persons, equipment, passengers, or Aircraft landing, parked, or taking off are in the propeller stream or jet engine exhaust.

(d) Aircraft engines shall not be started until all standard safety procedures have been met.

(e) Propeller and exhaust noises shall be kept to a minimum at all times.

(f) No Person shall start or run any Aircraft engine unless a competent person fully qualified as required by federal or State regulations is in the Aircraft attending the engine controls. Chocks shall always be placed in front of the main landing gear wheels before starting the engine or engines unless the Aircraft is equipped with adequate brakes.

(g) Any Aircraft engines that are mounted to a free standing support stand instead of an Aircraft and are operational must be properly secured prior to operation of the engine. If the support stand is on wheels, all the wheels of the support stand must be chocked in front of and behind each wheel.

(h) No Aircraft engines may be run at a terminal gate unless a sufficient number of attendants are present and properly positioned to prevent any Person, Vehicle, or other apparatus from being damaged or injured by operation of the engines. No Aircraft engines may be run at a terminal gate for more than five (5) minutes without permission from Airport Operations.

Section 3-51 - Ultralight Vehicles and Motorless Aircraft.


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The operation of pilotless, lighter-than-air motorless aircraft and/or Ultralight Vehicles, as defined by the FAA, shall not be permitted at the Airport unless:

(a) The operator has prior authorization from the Director; and

(b) The Ultralight Vehicle meets all other applicable requirements stated in these Rules and Regulations as well as all governing sections of the Federal Aviation Regulations pertaining to this classification of Vehicle.

Section 3-52 - Authorized Aircraft Parking Areas.

(a) No Person shall park an Aircraft or leave an Aircraft standing at any location on the Airport other than those areas designated for the parking of Aircraft. The parking of any Aircraft outside of areas designated for Aircraft parking is prohibited without permission from the Director.

(b) All parked Aircraft must have at least one wheel chocked in the front and back of the wheel by wheel blocks or other approved devices except in cases where, in the opinion of the Director, proven procedures, such as those followed by the scheduled airlines, that are equally safe are employed.

(c) Upon notification by the Director, the operator of any Aircraft parked or stored at any terminal shall move such Aircraft from the place where it is parked or stored to a location designated by the Director. If the operator refuses to comply with such direction, the Director may remove or cause to be removed such Aircraft to such designated place at the operator's expense, and without liability for damage that may result in the course of such moving.

(d) All Aircraft parked on nonleased Aircraft parking areas must have cones or another type of barricade approved by the Director at the outer edge of the wingtips, nose, and tail of the Aircraft unless an exemption from this requirement has been granted by the Director.

(e) No Person or entity shall reserve any nonleased Aircraft parking position by any means without permission from the Director. The parking, placement, or staging of any equipment, barricades, or objects of any type on a nonleased Aircraft parking spot for more than five (5) minutes prior to the Aircraft’s arrival at the parking spot is prohibited without the permission of the Director.

Section 3-53 - Repairs in Designated Areas Only.

Repairs to an Aircraft or any aeronautical equipment shall not be performed outside of a tenant’s leasehold in any area of the Airport other than in areas specifically designated for such purposes by the Director.

Section 3-54 - Experimental Flights.

No Experimental Flights or Ground Demonstrations shall be conducted on the Airport without the express approval of the Director.

Section 3-55 - Simulated Forced Landings.

Simulated forced landings are forbidden within the Airport traffic area without approval of the Airport traffic control tower.

Section 3-56 - Altitude Restrictions.

Except for public displays of aviation flight specifically authorized by the City Council to be conducted under responsible auspices and control, violation of any of the following provisions shall be illegal and an offense:


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(a) No Person shall operate an Aircraft in a careless or reckless manner so as to endanger the life or property of others by buzzing, diving, or low-altitude flying.

(b) Helicopters or similar devices shall not operate in such proximity to parked aircraft so as to cause damage thereto.

Section 3-57 - Radio Communications Requirements.

(a) All Aircraft based at or using Airport facilities must be equipped with a properly functioning two-way radio that, under normal conditions, is capable of communicating with the Airport traffic control tower.

(b) Pilots of Aircraft shall not land, taxi, or take off without clearance from the Airport traffic control tower by radio or light signal during the hours of operation of the Airport traffic control tower.

(c) Aircraft without fully operational radio equipment are prohibited from operating in the movement area at the Airport unless approved by air traffic control. If the Aircraft operation will be conducted while the Airport traffic control tower is not in operation, then permission from the air traffic control is not required.

Section 3-58 - Taxiing.

(a) No Person shall taxi an aircraft until ascertaining that there will be no danger of collision with any person or object in the immediate area by visual inspection of the area.

(b) Aircraft shall be taxied in accordance with all directions given by the Airport traffic control tower.

Section 3-59 - Airport Operational Restrictions.

The Director may issue a Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) denying or restricting use of the Airport, its runways, taxiway, taxilanes, aprons, and parking areas for Aircraft operations. Additionally, NOTAMs may be issued to advise airmen of conditions that exist at the Airport that may cause a hazard to taxiing Aircraft but that do not deny use of the area. In the event that the Director believes the conditions at the Airport to be unsafe for Aircraft operations, it shall be within the Director’s authority to issue a NOTAM closing the Airport, or any portion of the Airport, until the Director determines conditions to be safe for Aircraft operations.

Section 3-60 - Power Back for Terminal Gates Prohibited. The engines of turbojet Aircraft may not be used to propel the Aircraft backwards from a terminal gate unless permission has been obtained from Airport Operations and a sufficient number of attendants are present to prevent injury or damage to any and all Persons and equipment. Section 3-61 - Aircraft Accidents or Incidents. The pilot or operator of any Aircraft involved in an Accident or Incident on the Airport causing personal injury or property damage must, in addition to all other reports required by other agencies, notify the Aviation Department of the Incident or Accident immediately, and upon request make a prompt and complete written statement concerning said Accident or Incident to the Director. Any written statement requested by the Director must be submitted to the Director no more than forty-eight (48) hours after the time of the initial request. When a written report of an Accident or Incident is required by Federal Aviation Regulations, a copy of such report must also be submitted to the Aviation Department if requested by the Director. Section 3-62 - Discharge of Aircraft Contents Prohibited.


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The discharge or release of any object from an Aircraft while in flight or while operating on the ground is prohibited except when an emergency situation requires such discharge of contents for the protection of life and property. Section 3-63 - Removal of Disabled Aircraft. Aircraft owners, operators, and tenants shall be responsible for the prompt removal of disabled Aircraft and parts thereof, unless required or directed to delay such action by the Director or an authorized federal agency. When a disabled Aircraft is blocking or delaying the use of any portion of the Airport, the owner or operator of the Aircraft shall make immediate arrangements to have such Aircraft moved as soon as an authorized representative of the Aviation Department and appropriate governmental agencies have authorized such movement. In the event that the removal of the Aircraft is not initiated as soon as possible, or is not progressing at a rate acceptable to the Director, the Director shall have right to initiate action to remove the Aircraft at the expense and risk of the Aircraft owner. The Aircraft owner and operator shall hold the Aviation Department harmless and free of liability for any damage to the Aircraft from the removal operation. Section 3-64 - Banner Towing Operations. No Aircraft may conduct banner towing operations at the Airport without receiving permission from the Director. Section 3-65 - Hand Propping of Aircraft. Aircraft hand propping is not allowed unless no other means of starting an Aircraft exists and all applicable Federal Aviation Regulations and guidance are followed. Pilots are solely responsible for liability resulting from hand propping of an Aircraft. Section 3-66 - Prohibition on Removal of Liened Aircraft. No personnel shall move or remove any Aircraft from the Airport, or parts from such Aircraft, when an official notice of lien has been posted upon such Aircraft by the Aviation Department. Section 3-67 - General Aviation Aircraft Parking at Terminals. No general aviation Aircraft shall park at a terminal gate at San Antonio International Airport without the permission of the Director. Any general aviation Aircraft that does park at a terminal gate at San Antonio International Airport shall immediately disembark from said gate when requested by the Director. Section 3-68 - Entry onto Closed Runways, Taxiway, Ramps, and Aprons Prohibited. No Aircraft shall be permitted to gain access to or operate on a closed runway, taxiway, ramp, or apron without the approval of the Director. No person shall move or remove any barricade or other object that has been placed to prevent access to a closed runway, taxiway, ramp, or apron without permission from the Director. Section 3-69 - Trash Disposal from Aircraft. Airline and/or aircraft operators must promptly dispose of all aircraft trash in appropriate receptacles. In no event shall aircraft trash be deposited into Foreign Object Debris receptacles.


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All trash or refuse material brought into the airport that is subject to the federal standards regarding the disposal of trash from countries or provinces outside of the United States of America must be disposed of in adherence with all federal regulations. Section 3-70 - Terminal Aircraft Pushback Operations. All airline Aircraft pushing back from a terminal gate must have a sufficient number of attendants present and properly placed to prevent injury or damage to any and all Persons and equipment prior to commencing, and for the duration of, the pushback operation. Section 3-71 – Helicopter Operations on Airport Property The Director may require, at his discretion, helicopter operators who conduct regular operations on Airport property to submit a written plan detailing how they will safely operate into and out of their proposed landing site on Airport property. The Director may choose to conduct a safety risk assessment (SRA), jointly led by the Aviation Department and the helicopter operator, of the proposed landing site to determine if any safety issues exist. The findings of the SRA will then be submitted to the helicopter operator for consideration and, if required by the Director, corrective action. The Director may require that the hazards identified in the SRA be mitigated prior to allowing the helicopter operation to begin. The Director may require the helicopter operator to establish a heliport in compliance with FAA Advisory Circular 150/5390-2 (current edition) Heliport Design if he deems necessary. Sections 72 – 76 - Reserved

Division #3 – Vehicle Operators

Section 3-77 - Operation of Vehicles in Public Areas.

Vehicles operating in public areas or on roads outside the AOA (including those crossing any public area or road outside the AOA) within the Airport’s boundaries shall be operated in accordance with the following minimum requirements: (a) All Vehicles shall be operated in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations of the

jurisdiction(s) in which the Airport is located. The driver or operator shall also have a license(s), certification(s), permit(s), or endorsement(s), as required by such laws and regulations for type of Vehicle being operated.

(b) All Vehicles shall, at all times, comply with any lawful order, signal, or direction of any authorized representative of the Airport Police or Aviation Department staff member. Where vehicular traffic is controlled by traffic lights, signs, mechanical or electrical signals, or pavement markings, such lights, signs, signals, and markings shall be obeyed unless authorized by the Airport Police or directed otherwise by appropriately assigned personnel.

(c) No Vehicle shall be operated in a manner that creates an unreasonable risk of harm to persons or property, or while the driver thereof is under the influence of any substance that impairs, impedes, or otherwise affects the ability of the driver to safely operate the Vehicle, or if such Vehicle is so constructed, equipped, or loaded as to create an unreasonable risk of harm to persons or property.

(d) Pedestrians in marked crosswalks shall at all times have the right-of-way over Vehicular traffic, and drivers of Vehicles must yield the right-of-way.

(e) Vehicle Parking (1) No Person shall park a Vehicle for loading, unloading, or any other purpose on the Airport

other than in the areas specifically established for parking and in the manner prescribed by signs, lines, or other means.

(2) No Person shall abandon any Vehicle on the Airport.


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(3) No Person shall park a Vehicle on grass areas, or in a manner so as to obstruct roadways. (4) No Person shall park a Vehicle in any space marked for parking in such a manner as to

occupy part of another marked space. (5) No Person shall park or stop any Vehicle in any reserved areas so marked, unless authorized

to do so. (6) All employees of companies, organizations, or agencies having tenancy on the Airport shall

park private Vehicles on leased premises only or in designated employee parking lots. Only those Persons with authorization shall be permitted in the City-owned employee parking lot(s). The Director shall establish and designate public and employee parking areas.

(f) All service Vehicles, including but not limited to utility company trucks, government-owned Vehicles, and delivery trucks, shall be parked only in specially reserved and marked areas as may be designated by the Director.

(1) No Persons shall clean or make any repairs to Vehicles anywhere within the Airport boundary other than in areas designated for such purposes or within their own leased areas, except minor emergency repairs necessary to remove such Vehicles from the Airport; nor shall any Persons move, interfere, or tamper with any Vehicle or put in motion the engine or take or use any Vehicle part, instrument, or tool thereof without the permission of the owner or without satisfactory evidence of the right to do so presented in advance to the Director.

(2) Persons who do not have proper authorization to operate a Vehicle on the AOA but require to do so must contact the Aviation Department for an escort.

Section 3-78 - Operations of Vehicles within the AOA. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any Vehicle, other than an airplane or helicopter, upon the AOA, or restricted area, with the following exceptions: (a) The driver has been approved by the Director and authorized to access the area. (b) No person shall operate a Vehicle of a class or type for which the operator of such Vehicle does not

hold all required endorsements and permissions required to operate such Vehicle on his or her valid state driver’s license.

(c) The Vehicle is operated by a driver who has attended an airfield driver's class and received the appropriate driver's licenses that has been approved by the Aviation Department.

(d) Vehicles routinely operated within the AOA shall have the following identification lighting: (1) Vehicles routinely operating within the Movement Areas shall have an operating yellow

flashing light mounted on the uppermost part of the Vehicle. (2) Airport Police and ARFF Vehicles shall be illuminated according to the following:

a Movement Areas: (i) Emergency warning lights shall be illuminated at all times

b Non-movement Areas: (i) Flashers (hazard/emergency) and headlights shall be operated at all times. (ii) Emergency warning lights shall be illuminated during emergency responses.

(e) The Vehicle is insured with comprehensive automobile liability insurance in such amounts as required by the City’s Risk Management Division or is escorted by Airport police or Airport Operations.

(f) All Vehicles shall at all times comply with any lawful order, signal, or direction of any authorized representative of the Airport Police or Aviation Department staff member. Where vehicular traffic is controlled by traffic lights, signs, mechanical or electrical signals, or pavement markings, such lights, signs, signals, and markings shall be obeyed unless an authorized member of the Airport Police or Aviation Department staff directs otherwise.

(g) No Vehicle shall be operated in a manner that creates an unreasonable risk of harm to Persons or property, or while the driver thereof is under the influence of any substance that impairs, impedes, or otherwise affects the ability of the driver to safely operate the Vehicle, or if such Vehicle is so constructed, equipped, or loaded as to create an unreasonable risk of harm to Persons or property.


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(1) While driving on the AOA, speed shall not exceed fifteen (15) miles per hour on ramps, aprons, aircraft parking areas, and hangar areas except for emergency vehicles responding to an emergency.

(2) While driving on Airport perimeter roads, speed shall not exceed thirty-five (35) miles per hour.

(3) Passengers enplaning or deplaning Aircraft, and people moving Aircraft shall at all times have right-of-way over vehicular traffic, and drivers of Vehicles must yield the right-of-way.

(4) All Vehicles shall pass to the rear of taxiing Aircraft. (5) All Vehicles shall pass no closer than twenty (20) feet from any wing or tail section of a

parked Aircraft. (6) No Vehicle shall drive under a jet bridge or park under a jet bridge. (7) No Vehicle shall transverse onto any leased area unless the Vehicle operator has received

permission from the leaseholder . All City vehicles and personnel may transverse any leased area in the conduct of official duties without permission from the leaseholder.

(8) No Vehicle may transverse any non-leased ramp, apron, or aircraft parking areas at San Antonio International Airport outside of the designated vehicle lanes unless required to do so by their duties and all regulations regarding vehicle operations on the AOA are followed at all times.

(h) Vehicles shall yield and give the right of way to all Aircraft in motion or in the process of being pushed from the gate.

(i) Only Aviation Department and FAA employees who are properly licensed are authorized to operate Vehicles in the Movement Area as long as they have obtained clearance from the Airport traffic control tower. Other Movement Area license holders may operate in the Movement Area provided that all the training requirements have been met, they are properly licensed to operate Vehicles in the Movement Area, and the Vehicle operated is properly equipped. All non-City and non-FAA Movement Area license holders are expressly prohibited from entering any runway, runway safety area, or runway obstacle free zone unless under escort by authorized City or FAA personnel who meet all applicable requirements for entering said areas or unless permission has been obtained from the Director. All Movement Area license holders must comply with the following:

(1) All Vehicles operating in/traversing these areas shall have an operating two-way radio turned “on” and tuned to the ground control frequency and be in continuous communication with the Airport traffic control tower except when such Vehicle is accompanied by and under the control of another Vehicle with such communications capabilities.

(2) The installation of a two-way radio does not permit the operation of Vehicles in any restricted area without prior permission from the Director.

(3) No Person shall operate any radio equipment in any Aircraft when such Aircraft is in a hangar, other than when radio maintenance is being performed on the Aircraft.

(4) All Vehicle drivers shall follow all directions provided by the FAA air traffic controller. a Upon receiving clearance, the driver shall ensure by personal observation that no Aircraft

is approaching his/her position before crossing. b Vehicles that do not obtain proper clearance shall be reported to the Director by the

Airport traffic control tower. c Vehicles may not park within the safety area or obstacle free zones of any runways or

taxiways. All Vehicles that require parking within the Movement Area, except for FAA Vehicles, must receive permission from the Director and from the local air traffic control facility.

(j) No Person shall operate a Vehicle in any hangar or grass area on the Airport without exhausts protected by screens or baffles to prevent the escape of sparks or the propagation of flames.

(k) Airport businesses may only park Vehicles in area(s) leased by said businesses and authorized for parking.

(l) Vehicle keys may not be left in fuel trucks or Vehicles containing hazardous materials. Businesses operating Vehicles must provide the Aviation Department with a twenty-four (24) hour contact number


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and relocate any such Vehicles within one (1) hour of receiving a request from the Director for relocation.

(m) Seatbelts and other restraint systems shall not be disabled or removed and shall be maintained in good working order. Drivers, operators, and passengers shall use installed seatbelts or restraint systems at all times with no exception if Vehicle is so equipped.

(n) No more than four (4) containers, luggage carts, pods, and the like shall be towed at any one time, whether loaded or unloaded.

(o) While operating within the AOA from sunset to sunrise, or when visibility is limited, a Vehicle’s lights must be turned on and switched to low beam. All headlights, taillights, turn signal lights, and running or clearance lights on a Vehicle shall be in proper working order.

(p) Any container, cart, or piece of equipment being towed between sunset to sunrise must have reflectors or reflective tape, meeting any and all requirements specified by the Director, installed at locations on the container, cart, or piece of equipment as required by the Director.

(q) Bicycles are prohibited from being ridden or operated on the AOA except inside tenant leased areas. Airport Police may operate bicycles on the AOA in conduct of official business.

(r) Emergency conditions existing at any time on the Airport will not mitigate or cancel these regulations. Sections 79 – 83- Reserved

Division #4 – Ground Transportation – Vehicles for Hire

Section 3-84 - Definitions. The following definitions pertain only to the contents of this division:

(a) Representative means an individual representing a company, corporation, cooperative, association, or organization authorized and permitted by the Director to conduct Vehicle for hire services offered at San Antonio International Airport.

Section 3-85 - Scope and Intent.

(a) The provisions of this division shall be followed by all holders, companies, drivers, and representatives providing Vehicle for hire services at San Antonio International Airport.

(b) The Director is authorized to enforce all provisions of this Chapter and City Ordinances, including the City's Ground Transportation Ordinance, Chapter 33, as amended, and ordinances relating to commercial activities and personal conduct at San Antonio International and Stinson Municipal Airports.

(c) All Representatives, drivers, operators, holders, owners, and Persons operating any Vehicle for hire at San Antonio International Airport shall obey the lawful orders issued by the Director whenever conducting operations or operating any Vehicle for hire at San Antonio International Airport.

Section 3-86 - Ground Transportation Fees.

(a) The driver of each taxicab, limousine, shuttle bus, or motor coach carrying a passenger or passengers and/or luggage from the terminal buildings at San Antonio International Airport shall pay the City the established service fee for each trip originating and/or departing from any terminal building of the Airport to any point or destination. Such service fee shall be paid in the manner prescribed by the Director with one (1) or more passengers and/or luggage. In the case of a taxicab, the total service fee may be added to the metered fare, where applicable. It shall be unlawful for any taxicab driver to


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depart from the designated passenger loading areas with a passenger or passengers and/or luggage without having properly paid required service fee in effect and as may be amended by order of the City Council from time to time. Ground transportation fees may be collected through the automatic vehicle identification (AVI) system or other means approved by the Director.

(b) The established service fees shall remain in effect unless amended by order of the City Council as may be necessary from time to time.

(c) Operators of ground transportation Vehicles for hire are prohibited from using the public parking structures unless approved to do so by the Director. When applicable, all ground transportation fees shall be collected through the designated and usual form(s) prescribed by the Director.

Section 3-87 - Designated Areas.

All ground transportation vehicles operating at San Antonio International Airport shall stop, stand, or park only in such a manner and in such areas as may be designated from time to time by the Director.

Section 3-88 - Taxicab/Vehicle Waiting Space.

(a) The driver of a taxicab awaiting fares at the terminal building(s) shall stop, stand, or park in strict conformity to the lines delineating the applicable waiting areas. Drivers shall not allow the doors of the Vehicle to remain open nor shall they allow the doors to impede pedestrian traffic. In no case shall a taxicab wait for a fare by stopping, standing, or parking upon a street not designated as a taxicab staging or queuing area.

(b) The number of taxicabs waiting to pick up passengers at the terminal buildings at San Antonio International Airport shall be limited by the amount of available designated staging or queuing area as designated by the Director. The allocation of space available for queuing/staging and loading of taxicabs shall be determined by the Director; however, this allocated space may be altered by the Director from time to time based on the amount of available curb space or other requirements.

Section 3-89 - Proper Operation.

Excessive or prolonged use of horns, sirens, whistles, or other noise-generating device by operators, holders, owners, or drivers of any Vehicle for hire is strictly prohibited and continued use shall subject the operator, holder, owner, company, and/or driver to citation and/or removal of the Vehicle from the Airport.

Section 3-90 - Aviation Department Ground Transportation Personnel.

Aviation Department ground transportation personnel will be assigned an area or areas designated by the Director for the purpose of answering questions and providing information to patrons using ground transportation at the Airport. No driver, company owner, manager, or Representative of any ground transportation association or company shall interfere with the duties of the Aviation Department ground transportation personnel.

Section 3-91 - Solicitation.

No discount tickets shall be issued, sold, or given to walk-up passengers for the purpose of reduced fares for any Vehicle for hire while operating at San Antonio International Airport. No solicitation or dispensing of any product or coupon will be permitted in areas where ground transportation Vehicles queue/stage or load.

Sections 92 – 96 Reserved

Division #5 – Environmental/Noise Abatement


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Section 3-97 - Environmental Provisions.

No person or entity operating or conducting any activity or business upon the Airport shall:

(a) Fail to comply with any applicable environmental laws or regulations, including but not limited to environmental laws or regulations regarding sustainability or the generation, storage, use, transportation, and disposal of solid wastes, hazardous materials, special wastes, fuel and fuel products or lubricants, or other contaminants, and regarding the release or threatened release of hazardous materials, special wastes, fuel and fuel products or lubricants, or other contaminants into the environment.

(b) Cause or permit to be released (whether by way of uncapping, pouring, spilling, spraying, spreading, attaching, or otherwise) into, onto, above, or under the Airport (including the air thereabove, the ground, and groundwater thereunder and the sewer and drainage systems) any hazardous substances, solid wastes, special wastes, fuel and fuel products or lubricants, or other contaminants (as defined or established from time to time by applicable local, State, or federal law or regulation and including, among other things, hazardous waste and any other substances that have been or may in the future be determined by applicable authorities to be toxic or hazardous) to the extent such hazardous substances exceed quantities or volumes permitted by applicable federal, State of Texas, or local law or regulation.

Section 3-98 - Noise Complaints

(a) Noise complaints related to San Antonio International Airport aircraft and Airport operations may be filed in person, by telephone, by email, or by filling out the online complaint form located on the Aviation Department’s website, Customer Service Center link at

(b) In his/her complaint, the submitter shall provide

(1) The date of the noise event

(2) The hour or hours of the noise event

(3) The complainant’s first and last names

(4) The address of the site at which the noise was perceived

(5) At least one contact telephone number

(6) An email address (optional)

(7) A description of the event or complaint

Section 3-99 - Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan and Other Rules.

All persons or entities operating or conducting any activity or business upon the Airport shall comply with the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3) and any revisions thereto. A copy of the SWP3 is on file at the office of the Director. A tenant may choose to operate under a separate (individual) stormwater pollution prevention plan, but must coordinate its individual plan with the Airport’s SWP3.

All persons or entities that use the City’s Airport facilities shall comply with these rules as promulgated by the Director:


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(a) Triturator Rules

(b) Deicing Program Rules

(c) Aircraft Washing Rules

(d) Soil Management Rules

(e) Construction Storm Water Plan Rules

(f) Lease Close-out Procedures

Any written revisions or additions made to any of these rules by the Director will be available at the office of the Director.

The Triturator Rules are currently posted on the walls of the Triturator Building. Tenants who fail to comply with any of the Triturator Rules may lose their AOA driving privileges.

Section 3-100 - Tenant Environmental Liaison. Each tenant and Airport business user shall provide when requested a person or persons who will serve as environmental liaison to the Director. The name, telephone number, and email address of the designated local and corporate environmental liaison(s) shall be submitted whenever requested or when updated to the Director. This environmental liaison(s) should be knowledgeable about the business’s environmental aspects and provide information to the Director when requested. If the tenant or Airport business changes its Environmental Liaison, it shall notify the Director of said change. Section 3-101 - Spill or Release Notification and Cleanup. (a) All Airport Businesses must comply with all the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Spill

Prevention Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) rules. (b) Airport Businesses must immediately report all fuel and motor oil spills of any volume to the Airport

Communications Center (210-207-3433). Airport Businesses must immediately report all hazardous waste spills of any volume to the SAT Communications Center (210-207-3433).

(c) Upon notification of a spill or release, the Airport Communications Center will notify the Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting Division of the San Antonio Fire Department and other emergency responders, as necessary and appropriate, to ensure that any imminent hazard is mitigated, ensure that the release is contained, and make necessary notifications to Aviation Department personnel in accordance with internal operational procedures. However, it is the ultimate responsibility of the Airport Business to contain and clean up the spill or release.

(d) All external notifications to regulatory agencies shall be coordinated through the Director via the Airport Communications Center; however, all Airport Businesses are responsible for making all notifications required by federal, State, and local regulations for releases resulting from their operations. The Director will assist in determining the appropriate notifications.

(e) No Person shall allow any solid or liquid (including any new or waste restaurant fry oil) to be placed or poured into any interior floor drains, manholes, or other sewer connections, except those fluids approved by the San Antonio Water System, and with the concurrence of Director. Chemicals must be stored in a manner to minimize the potential for spills to reach any drains. Bulk chemical storage drums must be placed within spill pallets to contain spills and releases. In addition, no Person shall allow any solid or liquid to be discharged to any exterior drain, inlet, manhole, or other storm sewer connection without first obtaining approval from the Director to do so. A permit issued by the Texas


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Department of Environmental Quality is required for any non-stormwater discharge to a storm sewer system.

Section 3-102 - Pavement Deicing. The useage of all pavement deicing chemials used at the Airport must comply with the following standards: (a) Airside – Only pavement deicing products approved by the FAA and the director shall be used on all

paved areas residing on the AOA. (b) Landside – Only pavement deicing products approved by the Director shall be used on all paved areas

residing on paved areas outside of the AOA.

Section 3-103 - Aircraft Deicing. (a) Aircraft deicing (the removal or prevention of snow and/or ice with chemical substances) shall only be

accomplished after the Director's written approval of the user’s detailed deicing plan.

(b) Before granting written permission for aircraft deicing, the Director will review the deicing plans, deicing manuals, and training materials; inspect any deicing equipment; and approve the containment and recovery plan that will be used by the lessee for aircraft deicing.

(c) Use of chemical substances for the purpose of removing snow and/or ice shall comply with all regulatory measures, as they may change from time to time.

(d) All deicing and anti-icing shall be performed in accordance with the Airport deicing program, if and when such program is promulgated by the Director. When promulgated, the deicing program will be made available for review by contacting the Director’s office.

(e) Best management practices should be used to minimize the use of glycol through proper application techniques.

(f) To the extent possible, other deicing and anti-icing techniques should be used to minimize the use of glycol. These techniques are described in detail in FAA Advisory Circular 20-117 Hazards Following Ground Deicing and Ground Operations in Conditions Conducive to Aircraft Icing.

(g) For safety reasons, efforts must be made to collect overspray from ramp areas if feasible to keep ramp surfaces clean.

(h) Collected aircraft deicing and anti-icing fluids shall be disposed of or recycled in accordance with the Clean Water Act and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Effluent Limitation Guidelines (ELGs), if any.

(i) Weekly, each Aircraft owner who uses deicing fluids must report quantities and concentrations of deicer used (inclusive of quantities disposed of or recycled) to the Director if any Aircraft deicing fluids are used during the week. The week shall run Sunday through Saturday. Reports are due on Tuesday for the prior week.

(j) Each Aircraft owner who uses deicing fluids must track and record the use of aircraft deicing fluids for the Deicing Year (July 1st – June 30th), including inventories on hand at the start and end of the Deicing Year. If a deicing contractor is used, the owner of the Aircraft is still responsible for filing the annual report. These data shall be reported annually for use in projecting future infrastructure and staffing needs, and may become a reporting requirement of the Airport's industrial stormwater permit. The annual aircraft deicing fluid use and inventory report must be submitted to the Director by the end of the Deicing Year (June 30th). The report must include total gallons (neat) of Type I and Type IV deicing fluid applied during the Deicing Year just completed, as well as Type I/IV inventories on hand at the start and end of the Deicing Year.


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Section 3-104 - Triturator Rules. Persons using the triturator shall conform to the following rules: (a) Triturator users must sign a log verifying name, company, time of use, and name of user each time

they use the triturator. Users must also note whether the doors were closed and the grate was clean when they arrived.

(b) Each company shall purchase and install spill response kits on each lavatory cart. Spills on the apron must be cleaned up using absorbents, not water. Absorbents may be disposed of in the lined trash can inside the triturator.

(c) Lavatory cart waste tanks shall be emptied as soon as possible, but no later than forty-eight (48) hours after receiving waste.

(d) Lavatory waste may be discharged to the sanitary sewer.

(e) Lavatory waste shall be discharged onto the triturator bars, not on top of the grate.

(f) The drain on the cart shall be capped before individuals leave the Triturator Building.

(g) After the waste is emptied, the grate and bars shall be hosed completely clean (no blue fluid staining, paper, or solids visible).

(h) Each lavatory service cart must have at least two (2) tools (tongs, forks, or brushes). Brushes, forks, or tongs shall be used to remove hard objects and to push paper products into the pit.

(i) Hard objects, such as cell phones, flashlights, aluminum cans, plastic cups, or clothing, shall not be allowed to enter the triturator. Instead, they shall be removed using tongs or other tools. Hard objects and other nonpaper debris (rubber gloves, paper towels, underclothing, kitty litter, chemical bottles, absorbents, etc.) shall be disposed of in trash cans with liners located inside the triturator.

(j) Lavatory carts shall be rinsed at the triturator or inside a building with a sanitary sewer drain, never on the apron or near storm grates.

(k) When filling the lavatory cart’s fresh water tank, chemical disinfectants shall be used. The chemical disinfectants shall be added to the fresh water tank while the cart is inside the Triturator Building or inside a building with a sanitary sewer drain, and not near a storm water drain.

(l) Doors to the triturator shall be closed before and after use.

(m) Following these rules does not exempt any individual or entity from liability under the law.

(n) Employee airfield drivers’ licenses can be revoked for rule violations and their employers may be penalized as well.

Section 3-105 - Ground Runup Enclosure Procedures. Persons using the ground runup enclosure (GRE) shall conform to the following rules: (a) Make a written request to use the GRE in advance of the intended use. Approval of the written request

to use the GRE must be received from Airport Operations prior to use of the GRE.


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(b) The request must be clearly legible and provide the date, time requested, name of company, company phone and fax numbers, user’s name and Airport security badge number, tail number, aircraft type, requested location, purpose of use, time to be used, number of people to be in attendance, and whether Vehicles will be present.

(c) Prior to using the GRE, inspect the blast walls and ground surface inside the runup enclosure for physical damage and FOD. If damage is noted, immediately notify Airport Operations by telephone followed up by a written notice of damage observed when returning to the user’s base of operation.

(d) Inspect and remove all FOD within the GRE prior to and after engine runups.

(e) Maintain constant radio contact with the Airport traffic control tower.

(f) “No Engine” markings indicate the closest point that an Aircraft engine may be located in relation to any blast wall during the test.

(g) “No Tail” markings indicate the closest point that an Aircraft tail may be located in relation to any blast wall during the test.

(h) Aircraft with a wingspan of one hundred seventeen (117) feet or more must be towed or pushed into the GRE.

(i) No fueling operations shall be performed inside the GRE.

(j) No Aircraft washing shall be conducted inside the GRE.

(k) No prolonged maintenance, as determined by Airport Operations, shall be performed inside the GRE.

(l) The user shall be liable for any and all contact damage incurred to the GRE.

(m) Report any property damage, fuel spills, and injuries to Persons to Airport Operations immediately.

(n) Follow all other conditions in the Aircraft Ground Runup Procedures Manual.

(o) Wind speed/direction must be in compliance with the procedures manual while using the GRE.

(p) Prior to leaving the GRE, inspect the blast walls and ground surface inside the run-up enclosure for any physical damage and FOD. If damage is noted, immediately notify Airport Operations by telephone followed up by a written notice of damage observed when returning to the user’s base of operation. If FOD is observed, remove it prior to leaving the GRE.

(q) Alternate Ground Runup Site Procedures: Taxiways N and Q near the approach end of Runway 21 are designated as secondary locations to conduct aircraft engine ground runups. These locations will only be used when the GRE is in use, out of service, or at the discretion of Airport Operations. Authorization from Airport Operations must be obtained prior to conducting ground engine runups at the alternate locations. Airport Operations may designate other alternate runup locations at San Antonio International Airport at their discretion. Engine runup locations outside of the GRE may only be utilized for engine runups between 6 A.M. and 11 P.M. CST. McDonald-Douglas MD-11 and DC-10 aircraft are prohibited from operating their tail mounted engine in the GRE between 11 P.M. and 6 A.M. CST.

Sections 106 - 112 - Reserved

Division #6 – Fire Safety Section 3-113 - Intent.


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It is the intent of this division to prescribe regulations consistent with nationally recognized good practices for the safeguarding, to a reasonable degree, of life and property from the hazards of fire and explosion arising from the storage, handling, and use of hazardous substances, materials, and devices. Section 3-114 - Scope.

The provisions of this division shall apply to existing conditions as well as to conditions arising after the adoption hereof.

Section 3-115 - Authority of Fire Personnel to Exercise Powers of Police Officers.

The aircraft rescue and firefighting (ARFF) coordinator and members of the ARFF Division shall have the powers of a police officer in performing their duties under this division. Section 3-116 - Right-of-Entry.

Whenever necessary to make an inspection to enforce any of the provisions of this division, or whenever the ARFF coordinator or his/her authorized representative has reasonable cause to believe that there exists on any premises on the Airport any condition that makes such building or premises unsafe, the ARFF coordinator or his/her authorized representative may enter such building or premises at all reasonable times to inspect the same, provided that, if such building or premises be occupied, he/she shall first present proper credentials and demand entry; and if such building or premises be unoccupied, he/she shall first make a reasonable effort to locate the lessee or other persons having charge of the building or premises and demand entry. If such entry is refused, the ARFF coordinator or his/her authorized representative shall have recourse to every remedy provided by law to secure entry. Section 3-117 - Hazardous Materials Handling Guidelines.

Procedures, precautions, preventive maintenance, and emergency notification criteria outlined and discussed in detail in the publications listed below, which are adopted herein by reference, shall be adhered to in all fueling and maintenance operations using hazardous fluids, including the storage of such fluids. All tenants, vendors, or individuals dispensing, placing, defueling, or otherwise handling fuel for aircraft or other flammables or hazardous materials on the Airport shall do so at their own risk. They shall accept full responsibility for maintaining the proper standards of operation as described in this Division 6, "Fire Safety," and shall comply with the directives contained in the following list of publications. Prior to beginning or continuing any of the above activities, all tenants or vendors involved shall submit a fueling plan for the approval of the Director. The Aviation Department will enforce all or part of the following publications as they apply to protecting against fire and explosions in storing, dispensing, and otherwise handling fuel, lubricants, and oxygen on the Airport. These standards shall cover facilities, procedures, and personnel training and shall address at least: grounding and bonding; public protection; control of access to storage areas; fire safety in fuel farms and storage areas; and fire safety in mobile fuelers, fueling pits, and fueling cabinets. (a) National Fire Protection Association (NFPA):

(1) NFPA 407 – Standard for Aircraft Fuel Servicing, current edition (2) NFPA 410 – Standard on Aircraft Maintenance, current edition

(b) American Petroleum Institute (API): (1) API/IP RP 1540 – Design, Construction, Operation, and Maintenance of Aviation Fueling

Facilities (2) API/IP STD 1542 – Identification Markings for Dedicated Aviation Fuel Manufacturing and

Distribution Facilities, Airport Storage and Mobile Fuelling Equipment (3) API/IP SPEC 1851 – Specifications and Qualification Procedures for Aviation Jet Fuel

Filter/Separators (c) Federal Aviation Administration:


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(1) Advisory Circular (AC) 150/5230-4A or most current, – Standards and Procedures for Fuel Storage, Handling, and Dispensing

(2) AC 20-43C – Aircraft Fuel Control as amended. (d) National Air Transportation Association:

(1) Refueling and Quality Control Procedures for Airport Service and Support Operations. (e) International Fire Code, as adopted by the City with amendments, current edition. Copies of the above publications shall be kept on permanent file as public records in the office of the Director. Revised information made public by the above organizations or such other applicable regulations as may be promulgated from time to time shall be incorporated into this division and shall be adhered to by all concerned. Section 3-118 - User of Volatile Liquids.

No Person shall use flammable/combustible liquids in the cleaning of Aircraft, Aircraft engines, propellers, appliances, or for any other purpose, unless such operations are conducted in an approved open air location, or in a room specifically set aside and approved in accordance with the International Fire Code, as adopted by the City with amendments (current edition) for that purpose. Section 3-119 - Dispensing Fuels.

All aviation fuels will be dispensed on Airport property by vendors holding a valid lease or agreement with the City that allows such operation except for an individual Aircraft owner who transports and dispenses fuel into his/her own Aircraft for his/her own private use, and who, by doing so, meets all requirements of the FAA, fire marshal and City codes, restrictions, and procedures. No company or individual may transport flammable liquids onto any Aircraft area for the express purpose of sale on any portion of the property owned by the City without a valid agreement with the City. Each fueling agent who allows an Aircraft owner or any other person not employed by the fueling agent to fuel an aircraft on the Airport shall provide a list of all such persons to the Aviation Department. The fueling agent shall be responsible for providing at least on-the-job training in fire safety for each of these individuals. The fueling agent shall, once yearly, update this list and provide to the Director certification that each person allowed to use the fuel facility has had the training described above. Section 3-120 - Equipment Maintenance.

Fueling pumps, meters, hoses, nozzles, fire extinguishers, and grounding and/or bonding devices shall be kept in proper working condition at all times, and shall be subject to inspection by Airport representatives at any time. All Aircraft fuel service trucks shall have an approved dust cap attached to each nozzle, or other type of configuration to ensure that no dust or debris is allowed to enter the nozzle end. Section 3-121 - Malfunction of Refueling Equipment.

When malfunction of refueling equipment is detected, all refueling shall cease immediately and the fueling equipment is to be placed out of service until the malfunction is remedied. Tanks, pipes, hoses, valves and other fuel delivery equipment shall be maintained leak free at all times. Any malfunctions or irregularity detected on or within the Aircraft being serviced shall be brought to the attention of the aircraft owner or operator immediately. Section 3-122 - Fuel Spill.

(a) Crews engaged in the fueling and defueling of Aircraft, the filling of dispensing equipment, or in any manner working with aviation fuels shall exercise extreme caution to prevent spills. When spills occur, servicing shall cease and spills shall be removed or absorbed with suitable material. Any spill


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occurring during the fueling process shall be the responsibility of the person or agent performing the fueling act to remediate. If the fuel spill occurs after the fueling agent has left the scene, the Aircraft owner or the entity or individual charged with responsibility for the Aircraft shall immediately begin clean up and call for the fueling agent to return to assist. A fuel spill occurring during some type of Aircraft maintenance, when no fueling has occurred, shall be the sole responsibility of the Aircraft owner or the entity or individual charged with responsibility for the Aircraft to remediate. Proper notification as required in these rules shall be initiated at all times.

(b) The Airport Operations Division shall be notified by the fueling agent of all fuel spills regardless of the size of the spill.

(c) The ARFF Division shall be notified if a spill is over ten (10) feet in any dimension or over fifty (50) square feet in area; continues to flow; is suspected of entering a storm drain, sewer, or waterway; or is otherwise a hazard to Persons or property.

(d) Each fueling agent shall carry on each fuel vehicle at least two (2) bags of approved absorbent material and an approved device for damming or excluding fuel from entering a drain.

(e) No Aircraft engine may be started when any volatile liquid is on the ground under such aircraft.

(f) No one is to walk or drive through any fuel spill.

Section 3-123 - Positioning of Fueling Vehicles.

(a) During refueling or defueling, fuel-handling vehicles shall be placed so as to be readily removable in the event of fire and to permit direct driving away from the loading or fueling position. Not more than one (1) refueler shall be positioned to refuel each wing of an Aircraft, and not more than two (2) refuelers shall be positioned to serve the same Aircraft. When high-capacity Aircraft are refueled, additional refuelers shall not be parked or positioned within one hundred (100) feet from the Aircraft served and then only in areas approved by the Director.

(b) Staging of fuel-handling equipment before and after fueling shall be in those areas authorized by the Director.

(c) Aircraft fuel servicing tank vehicles shall be parked so that a minimum of ten (10) feet of clear space is maintained between them on both sides and on the front and rear for accessibility for fire control purposes. This includes vehicles waiting in line to be filled.

(d) Aircraft fuel servicing tank vehicles shall be parked a minimum of fifty (50) feet from any parked aircraft and building other than maintenance facilities and garages for fuel servicing tank vehicles.

Section 3-124 - Airborne Radar Operation.

No airborne radar equipment shall be operated or ground tested in any area wherein the directional beam of high-intensity radar is within three hundred (300) feet or low-intensity radar (less than fifty [50] kilowatts output) is within one hundred (100) feet of another aircraft, an aircraft refueling truck, or aircraft fuel or flammable liquid storage facility. Section 3-125 - Fire Extinguisher Requirements.

Aircraft fueling vehicle loading stations shall have no less than two (2) 20-B portable fire extinguishers located within seventy-five (75) feet of hose connections, pumps and separator tanks. Multipurpose (ABC) extinguishers will not be allowed in the area of any aircraft fueling operation. (a) Aircraft fuel servicing tank vehicles shall be equipped with a minimum of two (2) listed portable fire

extinguishers, each having a minimum rating of 20-B:C. A portable fire extinguisher shall be readily


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accessible from either side of the vehicle.

(b) Portable fire extinguishers at fuel dispensing stations shall be located such that pumps or dispensers are not more than seventy-five (75) feet from one such extinguisher. Fire extinguishers shall be provided as follows: (1) Where the open-hose discharge capacity of the fueling system is not more than two hundred (200)

gallons per minute, a minimum of two (2) listed portable fire extinguishers having a minimum rating of 20-B:C shall be provided.

(2) Where the open-hose discharge capacity of the fueling system is more than two hundred (200) gallons per minute, but not more than three hundred fifty (350) gallons per minute, a minimum of one (1) listed wheeled extinguisher having a minimum extinguishing rating of 80-B:C and a minimum agent capacity of one hundred twenty-five (125) pounds shall be provided.

(3) Where the open-hose discharge capacity of the fueling system is more than three hundred fifty (350) gallons per minute, a minimum of two (2) listed wheeled extinguishers having a minimum rating of 80-B:C each and a minimum capacity agent of one hundred twenty-five (125) pounds each shall be provided.

(c) Ramp operations shall have at least one (1) wheeled extinguisher with a minimum listed rating of 80-B provided at each gate or stand or at intervals of two hundred (200) feet along the length of aircraft ramps.

Section 3-126 - Fuel Handling Vehicle Marking.

(a) Each fuel handling vehicle shall have a sign on each side and the rear to identify the product. The sign shall have letters at least three (3) inches high and shall be of a color contrasting sharply with the sign background for visibility. The word “FLAMMABLE” and the name of the product carried, such as "JET A," "JET B," "GASOLINE," or "AVGAS," shall appear on the sign.

(b) In the cab of each fuel handling vehicle, the name of the product carried shall be prominently displayed in three (3) inch letters or larger.

Section 3-127 - Storage of Flammable Substances.

(a) Gasoline, oil, waste fuel, and solvent drums or receptacles shall not be stored on apron and ramp areas in excess of amounts actually needed as current stock. Any material of this type that is kept on Airport areas shall be kept enclosed and covered in a clearly marked and labeled housing of a design and type that meet requirements of the regulations included in Division 6, "Fire Safety," or other such regulations as may be promulgated from time to time. Each drum or container shall be labeled in letters at least three (3) inches high with "No Smoking," "Flammable," and the tenant's name. Drums shall be stored on a spill pallet or by some other means, approved by the Aviation Department, of containing any potential spill of the largest amount anticipated. Enough absorbent material to remediate a spill of the largest amount of fuel on hand shall be kept readily accessible to any such flammable liquids storage area. No such flammable liquids storage area shall be inside any building unless in an approved explosion proof flammable liquids storage room or closet.

(b) No cylinders or flasks of compressed flammable gases shall be stored in hangars.

(c) No Person shall store, handle, or transport class A, class B or class C flammable and /or combustible material(s) upon the Airport without prior approval from the Director.

Section 3-128 - No Volatile Solvents on Floors.

Floors shall be kept clean and free from oil. The use of volatile flammable solvents for cleaning floors is prohibited.


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Section 3-129 - Disposal of Volatile Substances.

No fuels, oils, dopes, paints, solvents, or acids shall be disposed of or dumped in drains, on the ramp areas, catch basins or ditches, or elsewhere on the Airport. When drip pans are used to contain leaks from Aircraft engines, the contents must be disposed of in a manner so as not to contaminate these areas. Sections 130 – 135 - Reserved

Division #7 – Commercial Activity

Section 3-136 - Approval of Director Prerequisite to Business Activity.

No Person shall engage in any business or commercial activity of any nature whatsoever on the Airport except with the prior written approval of the Director, and under such terms and conditions as may be set forth in a permit issued by or a contract executed with the City. Section 3-137 - Commercial Photography, Film, and Recordings.

No Person, except representatives of the news media on duty or during official assignments, shall take still, motion, television, or sound pictures for commercial purposes on the Airport without the express written consent of the Director. Section 3-138 - Insurance Requirements.

Anyone conducting a business or enterprise upon the Airport must obtain insurance of such types and in such amounts as may be determined from time to time by the Director. Insurance requirements may vary among different types of service providers and may be periodically adjusted to ensure that the City, Airport passengers, and the interests of the public are adequately protected. Such insurance shall be issued by a company authorized to do business in the State of Texas and presented in a form and content acceptable to the Director. Such insurance shall contain a statement naming the City as an additional insured. All such insurance policies shall provide for minimum of thirty (30) days' notice to the City prior to cancellation. The City shall have no duty to issue lease agreements or permits, or to pay or perform under contract until evidence of adequate insurance shall have been delivered to the City. All businesses shall be prohibited from commencing work until the proper notification of insurance has been delivered to the City. Section 3-139 - Rates for Parking and Storage of Aircraft.

Rates for parking and storage of Aircraft are based on the certificated maximum gross landing weight of Aircraft. Rates may be periodically adjusted as allowed by City Council. Charts of the most current rates may be obtained upon request. Section 3-140 - City Gate Permit.

The Director is authorized to issue City gate permits to air transportation companies and baggage handling companies for temporary access to Airport terminal facilities to offload and board passengers. The permit and policy procedures for the use of City gates shall be as authorized by City Council from time to time. (a) City gate facilities shall include those facilities necessary for the servicing of passengers, such as gates,

loading bridges, and holdrooms that are not leased to an airline on an exclusive or preferential basis.

(b) City gate fees shall be assessed in accordance with the rates and charges paid by signatory airlines under the effective Airline-Airport Use and Lease Agreement. In the absence of an effective Airline-Airport Use and Lease Agreement the City gate fee shall be determined by the approved rates and


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charges ordinance.

(c) City gate fees shall be assessed on a per turn basis. A turn is considered to consist of the use of a City gate for one (1) hour for domestic flights and one and one-half (1.5) hours for international flights.

(d) Neither an actual departure nor offloading of passengers shall be a requirement for City gate fees to accrue. Parking at a City gate shall constitute use of the City gate. All overnight parking at City gate(s) shall be billed in accordance with the domestic flight basis (e.g., An aircraft parking at a City gate for eight (8) hours shall be billed for 8 turns).

Section 3-141 - Express Use of Facilities.

(a) The security of all pedestrian and vehicular gates, building doors, access ramps, fences, walls, and other access points that lead from a tenant, lessee, or contractor area to or from the AOA or any other restricted area on the Airport shall be the responsibility of the tenant, lessee, or contractor whose controlled area abuts the AOA.

(b) All leaseholds, improvements, and real and personal property on Airport property are expressly for the conduct of the owner's or lessee's business and operations. No Person other than employees or licensees of the owner or lessee shall make use of these facilities or loiter around such premises without specific permission of the owner or lessee.

Section 3-142 - Changes by Tenant.

No tenants or lessees will be permitted to effect structural changes, additions or decorative changes, including signs or displays of any type, or repairs to any City-owned buildings without prior written permission of the Director. Additionally, no tenant or lessees shall be permitted to effect changes to any existing non-city owned facility located on airport property, construct a new facility on airport property, or complete surveying work on airport property without prior written permission from the Director. The tenant or lessee shall furnish any and all documentation regarding the proposed changes or construction, in a quantity specified by the Director, to the Director for review and approval. Section 3-143 - Integrity of Leased Premises.

All tenants or lessees shall observe the graphic boundaries associated with and assigned to each lease agreement as being absolute and shall not encroach on adjacent areas by locating Vehicles, Aircraft, or equipment on or in such a manner as to have any portion extending onto or over adjacent property. Section 3-144 - Utility Payments.

Every tenant shall provide a meter for the purpose of accurately measuring gas, water, and electrical power used by the tenant, or shall pay a flat fee for these utilities as prescribed by the Director, except as may be provided for in individual leases. Section 3-145 - Aircraft, Vehicles, Equipment or Parts Left on the Airport.

No person shall park or store a vehicle or equipment in an Airport parking facility, in a parking facility under the control of an Airport tenant of the City, or other area authorized for parking, which shall have been left unattended or inoperable upon the Airport for a period of sixty (60) days or more without a written permit from the Aviation Department or its authorized agent. Vehicles so left unattended shall be presumed to have been abandoned and may be considered and treated as such. Upon notification and demand by the Director, either orally or in writing, to the owner or operator of any motor vehicle, Aircraft, or disabled equipment or parts left on the Airport, it shall be the duty of the owner


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or operator to remove the same at his/her own expense. If, after such demand, the owner or operator fails or refuses to remove such property within a reasonable time as determined by the Director under the circumstances and conditions created by the presence of such property, the Director may cause the same to be impounded and/or stored. The cost of such removal, impound, storage, and any parking fees due at the time of removal shall be a charge against the owner or operator of such property; and upon the payment of the charge, the property shall be released and possession shall be restored to the owner or operator. If the owner cannot be determined, the City shall have the right to dispose of the property by sale or otherwise and to keep the proceeds therefrom. Section 3-146 - Construction or Repair.

(a) Prior approval shall be obtained from the Director before any survey, repair, or construction activity of any kind is commenced on any City-owned property at the Airport. This shall include utility connections, paving, excavations, and removal of soil or fill material or other improvement to land on the Airport.

(b) Prior to the commencement of any construction, an airspace study on FAA Form 7460-1 shall be

completed except for construction within an existing structure. (c) In the event construction equipment will be used, which is higher than the structure being erected

under a granted permit, the operator of the equipment must contact the Aviation Department, keep the equipment in a lowered position to the maximum extent possible, and install appropriate hazard marking and/or lighting on the top extremity of the equipment.

(d) All necessary City permits and licenses shall be obtained prior to performing any construction or

repairs. (e) Any repair or deficiency that is the responsibility of the Aviation Department to correct may be

reported to the Aviation Department through the Customer Service Center portion of the Aviation Department’s website.

Section 3-147 - Nonconcessionaire Rental Car Business Permit.

(a) The Director is authorized to grant nonexclusive user permits substantially in the same form as the San Antonio International Airport nonconcessionaire rental car business permit previously approved by Ordinance. Said permit grants permission and access to the Airport by nonconcessionaire rental car businesses using San Antonio International Airport or Stinson Municipal Airport.

(b) The permit authorizes nonconcessionaire rental car businesses to access and use the Airport for loading

and unloading of Airport patrons at designated locations and provides for nonconcessionaire rental car businesses to access the City's Airport advertising concessionaire's advertising and reservation board located in the baggage claim areas of Airport terminals.

(c) The user fee, consistent with City ordinance, is based upon the benefits derived by nonconcessionaire

rental car businesses by their use of San Antonio International Airport and shall not be higher than the percentage fee for concessionaire rental car businesses operating at San Antonio International Airport.

Section 3-148 - Aircraft for Hire.

Operators of Aircraft used for hire or other commercial purposes are required to have appropriate insurance and permits, and shall pay such landing fees and or fuel flowage as required by ordinance or contract. No person in any Aircraft shall discharge or allow to be discharged from the Aircraft any object within the City limits except when absolutely essential to the safety of the occupants of the Aircraft. Section 3-149 - Mobile Food Vending Permits.


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Consistent with City ordinance, the Director may issue mobile food vending permits to Persons or businesses seeking to do business at the Airport and who have obtained the required permits from all applicable regulatory entities. The Director may impose other permit requirements to ensure the proper operation of Airport facilities. The issued permit shall be posted in a conspicuous place in public view. Section 3-150 - Prohibition against the Recording of Aircraft Registration Information. The recording of any Aircraft registration information by Persons or tenants other than those servicing or handling said Aircraft is expressly prohibited without the written permission of the Aircraft owner, operator, or his/her designee. Section 3-151 – Rate-Setting for Ground Leases (a) The initial rental rate for leases of real property shall be established at ten percent (10%) of the fair market value of the property in accordance with the procedures below.

1. Fair market value shall be determined by appraisal of the fee simple interest in the subject property, according to its highest and best use. Ground and building appraised values shall be listed individually in the final appraisal.

2. The appraisal must be performed by a real estate appraiser licensed in the State of Texas. 3. The Aviation Director shall select the appraiser (City’s appraisal) and the cost shall be equally

shared by the Aviation Department and Lessee. (b) To dispute City’s appraisal, Lessee must:

1. Certify in writing to the Aviation Director that it does not agree with City’s appraisal, within ten (10) business days of receiving written notification of City’s appraisal and corresponding rental rates.

2. Appoint a recognized, qualified and impartial MAI (Member of the Appraisal Institute) or equivalent appraiser (hereinafter, “Lessee’s Appraiser”) with prior airport experience and causing the performance of an appraisal for the subject property to be completed within ninety (90) days of receiving notice of City’s appraisal.

3 The Lessee shall bear the costs of the appraisal performed by Lessee’s appraiser and deliver a copy of said appraisal to the Director, at no cost.

(c) In the event Lessee disputes City’s appraisal in accordance with the process set out above, City and Lessee shall jointly appoint a third appraiser to conduct an appraisal of the subject property.

1. The third appraisal shall control the initial rate setting for the contemplated lease. 2. The cost of the appraisal shall be borne 50% by Lessee and 50% by City.

(d) All appraisals performed under pursuant to this Section shall be of the fee simple. (e) This section shall not apply to the lease of property located within the terminals, aprons, taxiways, or runways of San Antonio International Airport; to the ground rental rates for Stinson Municipal Airport unless otherwise approved by Ordinance; where leasing at market value rates is prohibited by FAA; Sections 152 – 156 - Reserved

Division #8 – Security Section 3-157 - Airport Police.

The Airport police shall have full police powers and authority to enforce all laws, ordinances, orders, rules, and regulations at San Antonio International Airport and Stinson Municipal Airport. Section 3-158 - Authorized Entry.


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It shall be unlawful for any person to enter or be upon the Air Operations Area, Security Identification Display Area, Airport traffic control tower, utility rooms, and service areas or other restricted areas as defined above except:

(a) Persons assigned to duty therein;

(b) Persons authorized by the Director;

(c) Persons displaying on their person identification authorized by the Director or his/her designee;

(d) Passengers under appropriate supervision, entering the AOA for purpose of embarkation or debarkation;

(e) Persons accompanied by and/or under the direct supervision of a person displaying authorized identification; and

(f) Occupants of Vehicles that have been approved for entrance and operation on the AOA, provided said Vehicles are displaying required identification as provided for hereinafter.

Section 3-159 - Authorization for Identification.

The Director, before granting authorization for entrance or operations within restricted areas previously defined, must determine from existing facts or from information provided by the applicant that the entrance and/or operations are necessary for the regular operations of the Airport and that such authorization will not cause any security problem for the Airport or for the lessees of Airport property.

The Director shall, therefore, have the right to require those seeking authorization to provide information relative to the applicant's name and address, his/her employer and address, his/her proposed activities within the restricted area, and any other information necessary to establish the right of entry and fulfill the federally mandated requirements to receive an Airport identification credential as established in the Airport Security Program. The Director shall have the authority to limit the location, entrance, duration of time in the area, and the point of ingress and egress by any Person or Vehicle authorized to enter the restricted areas. The Director may terminate any authorization upon a change of conditions affecting Airport security.

Each person authorized access to the restricted area of the Airport shall be issued identification in accordance with the federally approved Airport Security Program.

Section 3-160 – Development and Implementation of Security Plans.

(a) Each lessee of land and/or facilities at San Antonio International Airport having access to the AOA shall develop and implement security plans containing the following:

(1) A drawing of the lease area, showing the footprint of the facility to include any doors, gates, or fencing to be used as deterrents to prevent unauthorized AOA access;

(2) The location of each gate, opening, or other means of controlling access to the AOA; (3) Surveillance, locking systems, or other methods of preventing unauthorized movement

through the access points, both during and after normal working hours; (4) Provision for escort or supervision on the AOA by a person displaying authorized

identification, pursuant to Division 8, Item 3. of this article. Such identification shall be approved by the Director as established in the federally approved Airport Security Program.

(b) Each plan shall be submitted to the Director for review and approval no later than thirty (30) days after commencing a new operation on the Airport. Plans shall be updated or modified by the lessees with any change in conditions affecting access to the AOA through or from the lease area. Security plans shall be kept on file in the office of the Director.


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Section 3-161 - Aircraft Security When Necessary.

When, in the opinion of an Aircraft owner, conditions become necessary to provide additional security at the location of the Aircraft on the Airport, the owner shall be responsible for obtaining, at no cost to the City, security guards or police officers after permission to establish such security has been obtained from the Director or his/her designee. Furthermore, the owner shall be responsible for ensuring that security guards or police officers have, in their possession, Aviation Department approved identification while working in the restricted area of the Airport, or are with an Airport approved escort. Security measures shall not be used as a means to hinder or delay removal of Aircraft nor to interfere with government, FAA, or Airport staff in the proper disposition of the Aircraft.

Sections Reserved 162 - 166

Division #9 – Enforcement and Penalties for Noncompliance

Section 3-167 - Purpose.

This division has been adopted and approved by the San Antonio City Council and applies to the geographical properties known as San Antonio International Airport and Stinson Municipal Airport. The provisions in this article are designed to protect the public health, safety, interest, and general welfare at the airport. The provisions in this article are also is designed to restrict or prevent any activity or action that would interfere with the orderly operations and efficient use of the Airport by passengers, operators, tenants, and users. Section 3-168 - Compliance.

The Director has the authority to enforce the provisions of this Article. All persons on any part of the property comprising the Airport shall be governed by these provisions and by other directives from the Director relative to the use or occupation of property within the Airport. This includes any permission granted directly or indirectly, expressly or by implication, to any entity or individual to enter upon or use the Airport (including aircraft operators; vehicle operators; aircraft crewmembers and passengers; spectators and sightseers; occupants of private and commercial Vehicles; officers, employees, customers, vendors, and suppliers of operators and lessees; and entities conducting business at the Airport). All such permission granted is conditioned upon full and complete compliance with this Chapter, and all applicable regulatory measures that may be promulgated by any governing body or agency having jurisdiction over the Airport. Section 3-169 - Enforcement.

The Director is empowered to enforce these Rules and Regulations through his/her designee. All persons on the Airport grounds shall respond to directives issued by the Director relative to the enforcement of these Rules and Regulations. Violations of Rules and Regulations may result in a written Notice of Correction (NOC) issued by Aviation Department staff, suspension and/or revocation of permit(s) to conduct activities at the Airport, or being cited of a Class C misdemeanor which, upon conviction, shall be punishable as provided in Section 1-5 of this code, or successor provision. Additionally, the Director may issue a cease and desist order or remove or evict from the Airport grounds any Person who knowingly, willfully, recklessly, or continuously violates any rule or regulation prescribed herein, or any rule or regulation in effect by the federal government or the State of Texas, and may deny use of the Airport and its facilities to any such person if it is determined that such denial is in the public interest. Section 3-170 - Appeal of a Decision.


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Any person or company that receives a Notice of Correction, penalty, administrative fee, cease and desist order, suspension of permit or order for removal and/or denial of access to Airport property because of violations of this article may appeal, in writing, the proposed action to the Aviation Director within thirty (30) days of the receipt of the initial notice. The Director shall have thirty (30) days to respond to the appeal and determine whether the requests stated in the appeal should be granted. All decisions by the Director regarding the appeal shall be final provided, however, that decisions concerning removal or denial of access to Airport property may be appealed to a Hearing Officer.

Section 3-171 – Civil Penalties Charged to the Airport.

Any monetary civil penalty or fee charged to the Airport as the result of any action or inaction by any person or entity that violates a federal, state, or local law shall, at the discretion of the Director, be paid by the person or entity responsible for the violation. Sections 172 – 176 - Reserved

Division #10 – Rates and Fees

Section 3-177 - Establishment of Rates and Fees

All fees contained in this Article are subject to change upon the passage of an ordinance by the City Council of San Antonio.

Section 3-178 - Rates for Parking and Storage of Aircraft.

The following charges shall be levied for the parking and storage of Aircraft at the Airport:

Certificated Maximum Gross Landing Weight of Aircraft(pounds) Hourly Rate Maximum Daily Rate

12,500 and under $ 4.75 $ 19.00

12,501 to 30,000 9.50 38.00

30,001 to 75,000 11.75 47.00

75,001 to 140,000 14.00 56.00

140,001 to 200,000 18.75 75.00

200,001 to 250,000 28.00 112.00

250,001 to 410,000 37.50 150.00

Above 410,000 47.00 188.00

Section 3-179 - Parking Rates and Fees.

The Aviation Department shall implement rates and fees for parking privileges at San Antonio International Airport, which shall remain in effect unless amended by order of the City Council as may be necessary from time to time. Such charges are inclusive of sales tax payable to the State and are as follows:

(a) Long-term parking area: 0—0.25 hour or fraction thereof: $0.00


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0.25—1 hour or fraction thereof: $2.00

Each additional hour or fraction thereof: $2.00

Maximum, twenty-four (24) hours: $10.00

(b) Hourly parking area: 0—0.25 hour or fraction thereof: $0.00

0.25—1 hour or fraction thereof: $1.00

1—1.5 hour or fraction thereof: $2.00

1.5—2.5 hour or fraction thereof: $3.00

2.5—3.5 hour or fraction thereof: $4.00

Each additional hour or fraction thereof: $2.00

Maximum, twenty-four (24) hours $24.00

(c) Maximum charges for a lost ticket, public parking lots (hourly, long-term, and economy): Maximum 24 hour rate per day. (d) Employee parking:

(1) Issuance of parking access card/tag: $15.00 (2) Terminal building employees (per month): $10.00. Effective December 1, 2010: $20.00.

Effective October 1, 2011: $30.00 (3) Employees of passenger airlines serving the City but based elsewhere (per month): $50.00 (4) Replacement of lost/damaged parking access cards:

a. Blue (commuter parking): $15.00 b. Red, yellow, or green: $25.00

(5) Reserved parking, eligibility, number of spaces and location to be determined by Director (per month): $40.00. Effective December 1, 2010: $50.00.

(6) Late payment of employee parking fees: $5.00 Employee monthly parking fees shall be payable on a monthly basis, in advance. Full

monthly rates apply unless usage begins after the fifteenth (15th) of the month, in which case, one-half the monthly rate will be charged. Refunds will be for full months only. Fees for the issuance or replacement of parking access cards shall be paid at the time of issuance or replacement.

(f) Premium parking program. The Aviation Department is hereby authorized to implement a premium parking program and establish reserved parking area(s) for the program. Fees are established as follows:

(1) Annual registration fee. Two hundred dollars ($200.00) for the first year, and one hundred dollars ($100.00) per year for subsequent years.

(2) Daily fee. Twenty-seven dollars ($27.00) per day.

Section 3-180 - Payment of Ground Transportation Fees by Class.

(a) The Aviation Department is hereby authorized to implement a permit system and to collect ground transportation fees from certain classes of commercial vehicles operating at San Antonio International Airport.

(b) The ground transportation fees, to be paid per trip, shall be as follows: (c) Permit reinstatement fees shall be charged as follows:


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Vehicle Fee

Taxi $1.00

Limousine $2.00

Hotel/Motel Shuttle $1.50

Charter (annual) $50.00

Vehicle Reinstatement Fee

Taxi $10.00

Limousine $25.00

Hotel/Motel Shuttle $25.00

Section 3-181 - Airfield Driving Courses, Aircraft Escort, and Other Fees.

The following fees shall be charged:

(a) Airfield driver's training of non-City employees: (1) AOA driving course—Movement Areas, per person: $20.00

(2) AOA driving course—Nonmovement Areas, per person: $15.00

(b) Airfield driver's license replacement: $10.00 (c) Aircraft escorting: $20.00 Section 3-182 - Fuel Flowage Fee.

Commercial fueling and self-fueling activities, not to include scheduled commercial airlines, shall incur a fee to be paid to the Aviation Department based on gallons of fuel sold or delivered in the form of a fuel flowage fee in an amount set by ordinance. Such fees shall be added to the price of the fuel sold or delivered to the customer, itemized separately on the fuel invoice provided to the customer, collected from the fuel customer at the time of the fuel sale or delivery. All commercial fueling and self-fueling entities shall prepare and provide monthly reports that reconcile fee assessments and collections with fuel purchases or receipts, sales, and deliveries. The fuel flowage fee at San Antonio International Airport is $0.075 per gallon.

The fuel flowage fee at Stinson Municipal Airport is $0.05 per gallon. Section 3-183 - Security Access and Control Charges.

(a) The following charges shall be authorized:

(1) Airport security access ID badge: $35.00 (2) Nonreturned Airport security access ID badge: $75.00 (3) Lost Airport security access ID badge: $25.00 (4) FBI fingerprint-based criminal history record check: $65.00


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(b) The Aviation Department shall implement the charges for security access and badging at San Antonio International Airport set forth below. These rates shall remain in effect unless amended by action of the City Council as may be necessary from time to time. The following charges are inclusive of sales tax payable to the State:

(1) FBI fingerprint-based criminal history records check: $27.00 Administrative fee payable to the Aviation Department: $38.00 (2) Airport security access ID badge: $35.00 (3) Air Operations Area parking permit: $5.00 (4) Nonreturned security access ID badge (red, yellow, green, white, or blue): $75.00 (5) Lost security access ID badge: $25.00

A refund in the amount of fifteen dollars ($15.00) shall be authorized for any security badge found and returned to the Airport Police Personnel Identification Office within thirty (30) days from the date the security badge was declared lost or stolen.

(6) Security access ID badge reactivation fee after security violation: First offense: $25.00 Second offense: $50.00 Third offense: $75.00 Fourth offense—Badge issuance/reactivation will be denied.

(7) Lost/nonreturned key: $25.00 (8) Progressive security enforcement fee: $10.00 × frequency × severity factor as described in

Section 3-120.

Section 3-184 - Progressive Security Enforcement Fee.

The progressive security enforcement fee shall be determined by multiplying the frequency and severity of the security violation, by a ten dollar ($10.00) baseline charge (i.e., fee = $10.00 x frequency x severity factor). The severity factor is determined by the location and the type of the offense. San Antonio International Airport has three (3) designated restricted areas: the sterile area (inside the terminals but beyond the TSA security checkpoint), the secured area (outside the terminals near the commercial aircraft), and the Security Identification Display Area (SIDA, the entire AOA). The types of security violations are grouped into five (5) major categories: vehicular violations, access point violations, security rule violations, breeches of the restricted area, and unsecured sharp objects. The table below indicates the severity factor by location to be applied in the formula.

Vehicular Violation

Access Point Violation

Security Rules Violation

Breech of Restricted Area

Unsecured Sharp Objects

Sterile Area

0 2 3 5 5

Secured Area

2 2 4 5 0

SIDA 1 2 4 5 0


Section 3-185 - Operation and Maintenance Fees on Certain Airport Facilities.


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An operation and maintenance fee, not to exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the monthly rental rate, shall be assessed on all leases at the Air Cargo Building West at San Antonio International Airport and non-concessionaire leases at the Stinson Municipal Airport Terminal Building. The Director may periodically review and modify these fees as needed.

Section 3-186 - Fuel Storage and Dispensing Equipment.

Fuel Storage tanks, vehicles and equipment used for th storage and/or dispensing of fuel shall be subject to ARFF inspection prior to being placed into service on Airport property and thereafter as required by FAA regulations. The following fees are established in connection with such inspections: (a) Initial inspection or inspection to maintain valid inspection decal: $0.00 (b) Reinspection after initial failed inspection: $25.00 (c) Fine for operating without a valid inspection decal: $500.00

Section 3-187 – Commercial Permit Fee

The Aviation Director may issue permits to persons or businesses who seek to conduct commercial activities at the Airport and do not have a contract with the City. Permits shall be for terms of one-year. The permit fee shall equal five percent (5%) of all gross sales generated by the permittee's business activities at the Airport, payable monthly. Proof of insurance and payment security satisfactory to the City must be provided before a permit is granted. The Aviation Director may impose other permit requirements to ensure the proper operation of Airport facilities and proper reporting of revenue. This section is not meant for businesses engaged in the following activities: transportation of passengers, automobile rental, catering and food preparation, and construction services. Sections 188 – 219 - Reserved

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