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DIY culture(Do it your self)


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Do it yourself (or DIY) is a term used to describe building, modifying, or repairing of something without the aid of experts or professionals.

The phrase "do it yourself" came into common usage in the 1950s in reference to home improvement projects which people might choose to complete independently.

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"DIY" and "do-it-yourself" are also used to describe:

self-publishing books, alternative comicsbands or solo artists releasing their music

on self-funded record labelstrading of mix tapes as part of cassette

culturecrafts such as knitting, sewing, handmade

jewelry, ceramics, etc. designing business cards, invitations, etc. independent game development and game

moddingcontemporary roller derby

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DIY Ethic-being self-reliant by completing tasks

oneself as opposed to having others who are more experienced or able complete them for you

individuals and communities, encouraging the employment of alternative approaches when faced with bureaucratic or societal obstacles to achieving their objectives.

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Punk culturebands began to record their music,

produce albums and merchandise, distribute their works and often performed basement shows in residential homes rather than at traditional venue, to avoid corporate sponsorship or to secure freedom in performance.

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InternetArtists can interact each other and

opportunity to make their own films, records ,or other content , and distribute it over the web.

Feminists, Lesbians, transgender empowering them selves

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Indie music of OlympiaUsing alternative media by feminist for

claimed space of feminist politics even if they have gone undetected by the main stream culture

‘Au paris’- challenging gender stereo types in music making

Female empowerment through participation in subcultural activities

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Intractablewebsite specializing in user-created and

uploaded do-it-yourself projects, which other users can comment on and rate for

quality. created by Eric Wilhelm

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Digital story tellingTrying to covey a story with available

resourcesAbout- adventures of life (photos ,videos

sound etc)Recovery storiesLove storiesDiscoveryA place in your life

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