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Digital Logic Design Laboratory Manual


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Experiment No. 1

Introduction to Hardware Description Language and


ObjectivesImplementation of Simple Digital Gates with Verilog using Altera DE2 board and

Quartus II 6.1 Software


The aim of this experiment is to implement simple digital gates (INV, BUFFER, AND,OR, NAND, NOR, XOR, and XNOR) on Altera's DE2 board using Verilog description

languages and Quartus II 6.1

ContentVerilog –  Structural Models

QuartusII 6.1



1. Quartus II Project Setup

Create a new project called “Basic_Gates” using the following steps: 

1.  Create a directory called "DLD_Basics" in your Desktop.

2.  Start Quartus II 6.1. The main Quartus II display is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. The main Quartus display

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3.  Go to "File" a pop-up window will appear as shown in Figure 2. "Select New

Project Wizard"


Hit “ Next” on the first pop-up window shown in Figure 3.

Figure 2. An example of File menu

Figure 3. New Project Wizard Introduction

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5.  A pop-up window will appear as shown in Figure 4. Select a folder for the

 project, "DLD_BASICS".

Figure 4. Name of project

6.  Type “Basic_Gates” in “the name of the project” field and hit “ Next”. 

7.  A pop-up window shown in Figure 5.

8.  Hit “ Next” on the “Add Files” popup window. 

Figure 5. Add files to a project if any.

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Figure 6. Select family and device package

9.  The next popup window will be “Family & Device Settings” window shown in

Figure 6. Choose the following

a.  For the “family’ select “Cyclone II” 

 b.  For the “Package” select “FBGA” 

c.  For the “Pin count” select “672” 

d.  For the “Speed Grade” select “6” 


For the “Target Device” select “Specify Devices Selected in ‘AvailableDevice List’ 

f.  In the “Available Devices” Select “EP2C35F672C6” 

g.  Hit “ Next” to continue. 

h.  Check the setting and hit “Finish”

10. Hit " Next" on the pop-up window shown in Figure 7.

11. Hit "Finish" on Figure 8.

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Figure 7. Additional EDA tools

Figure 8. Final Project Summary showing Device selection

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2. Design basic gates

In this section, we will design the basic digital gates given in Chapter 2 of your Text

Book. The gates are INV, BUF, AND, NAND, OR, NOR, XOR, and XNOR as show inFigure 9. Table 1 describes the output signal.

Figure 9. Top-level entity

TABLE 1: Verilog module signal description of Basic_Gates

Signal Name Type Description

A Input One bit

B Input One bit

AB_AND Output A and B

AB_OR Output A or B

AB_NAND Output A nand B

AB_NOR Output A nor B

AB_XOR Output A xor B

AB_XNOR Output A xnor B

A_INV Output A'

B_BUFF Output B










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1.  Go to File New and choose Verilog on the “Device Design Type” as shown in

Figure 10.

Figure 10. Choosing Verilog HDL File.

2.  Type in the Verilog module shown in Figure 11. Note that the name of the

module must be the Project Name.


 Note that you can replace the XOR function by the module given in Figure 12.4.  To insert a gate from a template. Go to Edit Insert Template 

5.  Save the file as shown in Figure 13. Note that the file name needs to be the same

as the Project Name.

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Figure 11. Verilog module of Basics Gates

module Basic_Gates ( 

A, B, 









// List all the inputs 

input A; input B; 

// List all outputs 

output AB_AND; 

output AB_OR; output AB_NAND; output AB_NOR;


output AB_XOR; 

output AB_XNOR; output A_INV; 

output B_BUFF;

// Structural Module 

and (AB_AND, A, B); or (AB_OR, A, B); 

nand (AB_NAND, A, B); 

nor (AB_NOR, A, B); xor (AB_XOR, A, B);

xnor (AB_XNOR, A, B); not (A_INV, A); 

 buf (B_BUFF, B); 


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Figure 12. Another alternative for XOR

Figure 13. Save your file.

3. Compiling the design

1.  Go to Processing Start Compilation 

2.  The compilation should be successful with three warnings only as shown in

Figure 14. Ignore these warnings and go to the next step.

wire w0, w1; wire A_, B_; 

not (A_, A); 

not (B_, B); 

and (w0, A_, B); 

and (w1, A, B_); 

or (AB_XOR, w0, w1); 

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Figure 14. Compilation Report

4. Simulating the design

1.  Go to File New 

2.  Select "Other Files" and select "Vector Waveform File" as shown in Figure 15.3.  A new waveform file will be opened as show in Figure 16.

Figure 15. Choosing Vector Waveform File

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Figure 16. Waveform File.

4.  Right Click on “ Name” bar and select “Insert Insert Node or Bus” as shown inFigure 17.

5.  In the “Insert Node or Bus” popup window choose “ Node Finder ” as shown in

Figure 18.

Figure 17. Selecting Nodes

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Figure 18. Insert Node or Bus


Select “List” on the right hand side. All the Inputs/Outputs will appear on the lefthand side of the pop-up window. Select all signals (ONE-BY-ONE) and transfer

them to the right hand side of the pop-up screen using the right arrow in the

middle. As shown in Figure 19. Hit "OK " and go to next step.

Figure 19. List of all inputs and outputs

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Figure 20. Waveform file

7.  Hit Ctrl+W to see the whole file as shown in Figure 20.

8.  With the mouse button highlight a section of the signal and double click on it as

shown in Figure 21.

Figure 21: assigning values to a signal

9.  Assign all four different combinations to signal A and B, and save the file as

"Basic_Gates.wvf ".

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10. Go to Processing Start Simulation 

11. Simulation should be successful with no warnings. The waveform file should be

similar to Figure 22.12. Look into the file to verify the outputs. Fill in the table the values of the

following outputs.

TABLE 2: Simulation Results

A B AB_ 
















0 0

0 1

1 0

1 1

Figure 22. Simulation waveform of Basic_Gates

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5. Pin Assignments

In this section we will use only the switches and the Red Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs)

to assign the inputs and outputs of the function.

1.  Go to Assignment Assignment Editor  as shown in Figure 23.

Figure 23. Pin Assignment


In the "Category:" option select "Pin"

3.  Double click with your mouse button on line#1, and select pin "A" as shown in

Figure 24.

Figure 24. Choosing pins

4.  In the location space type "PIN_N25" this is SW[0] in the DE2 Board.

5.  Fill the assignments according to Table 3. For more information, look in the

Appendix (or Altera DE2 Manual) for a complete list of Switches, LEDs, andPushbuttons assignment.

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6.  Save your design and recompile it. You should get 2 warnings only. Ignore these

warnings and go to next step.

Table 3: Pin Assignments










6. Programming to Traffic_Sys Design

In this section you will program the DE2 FPGA CycloneII and test your design.

1.  Connect the USB-Blaster cable to your computer and turn on the board by

 pushing the red button on the board. Make sure that the board is in “RUN”

mode not programmer mode (This is a switch on the left hand side of the

 board). For more details, please refer to the Altera DE2 manual.

2.  Go to Tools  Programmer  or push the programmer button located in the

top right corner.

3.  Select “Basic_Gates.sof ” as shown in Figure 24. 

Figure 24. Basic_Gates Programming Tools

4.  Select “Program/Configure”

5.  Make sure the Hardware Setup “USB-Blaster[USB0]” is selected. 

6.  Push the “Start” Button to start programming the board.

7.  The lights on the board will indicate the chip is configured. Test the chip

with the same test as the input.

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8.  Fill in Table 3 and make sure it matches your simulation in Table 2.

TABLE 3: DE2 Board Test

A B AB_ 
















0 00 1

1 0

1 1

9.  Go to File Close Project and exit Quartus II.

Assignment: Write a Verilog program to implement a Full adder.

Sum = A xor B xor Cin

Cout = A B + A Cin + B Cin

A B Cin Sum Cout

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 1 1 0

0 1 0 1 0

0 1 1 0 1

1 0 0 1 0

1 0 1 0 1

1 1 0 0 1

1 1 1 1 1

Full Adder



Cout Sum

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Experiment No. 2

Implementation in Verilog (Part I)


In this lab, you have to solve the following problems during lab time as a group work andsubmit your solution at the end of the lab session. For each problem, you have to write

the verilog code using Quartus software and show your output on waveforms and altera boards.


Problem 1: Design a 4-bit comparator ( X>Y, X=Y, X<Y) The comparator should have two 4-bt inputs for x and y, and three outputs E, G and L.

When X= Y, E=1

When X>Y, G=1

When X< Y, L=1

Display the output of your program on:a)  Waveform b) Digital LEDs

Problem 2: Design a 2*1 multiplexer 

Hint: The input (x and y) are 4-bit width.

When selector = 0 , the output F= X

When selector = 1, F= Y




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Problem 3: The following code represent a 4-bit binary counter. Simulate the below

code using Quartus Software. Download the program on the Altera board and show

the output on:

a) Waveform b) Digital LEDs

module problem3 (count, clock);input clock; 

output reg [3:0] count;


always@(posedge clock( 





Problem 4: You need now to display the output of the above counter on a 7-segmentdisplay, using the following code:

module problem4 (count,hex0,clock);

input clock; 

output reg [3:0] count;

output reg [6:0] hex0;


always@(posedge clock( 


count=count+1; case(count( 











default: hex0=7'b1000000; 




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Assignment 1: Design an even counter that counts from 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and then back to

0. Display your output on 7-Segment display 

Assignment 2: Design an 2-bit up/down counter.

Hint: You have one input (1 bit) x, and (2-bits) for output y.When x = 1, it performs an up counter and counts {0, 1 , 2,3}

When x =0, it backwards one step and counts down {3, 2 ,1,0}

Your initial start should be 00.

a.  Draw the state diagram of your design.

b.  Writing your Verilog code.

c.  Show your output on waveform and altera board.

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Experiment No. 3

Basic Gates Implementation in Verilog and



Implementation of Simple FSM with Verilog using Altera DE2 board and Quartus II 6.1Software


The aim of this lab is to implement simple FSM (sequential circuit) on Altera's DE2

 board using Verilog description languages and Quartus II 6.1


Verilog –  Behavioral ModelsQuartusII 6.1



1. Quartus II Project Setup

Create a new project called “Simple_FSM” using the following steps: 

1.  Create a directory called "Simple_FSM" in your Desktop.

2.  Start Quartus II 6.1.

3.  Go to FileSelect New Project Wizard.

4.  Hit “ Next” on the " New Project Wizard: Introduction" window.

5.  In the " New Project Wizard: Directory, Name, Top Level-Entity" window. Select a

folder for the project, "Simple_FSM".

6.  Type “Count_Four ” in “What is the name of the project?” field and hit “ Next”. 

7.  Hit “ Next” on the “Add Files” popup window. 

8.  The next popup window will be “Family & Device Settings” window shown in

Figure 1. Choose the followinga.  For the “Family’ select “Cyclone II” 

 b.  For the “Package” select “FBGA” 

c.  For the “Pin count” select “672” 

d.  For the “Speed Grade” select “6” 

e.  For the “Target Device” select “Specify Devices Selected in ‘Available Device List’ 

f.  In the “Available Devices” Select “EP2C35F672C6” 

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g.  Hit “ Next” to continue. 

h.  Check the setting and hit “Finish”


Hit " Next" on the next

10. Hit "Finish" and go to next step.

Figure 1. Select family and device package

2. Simple FSM design

Design a sequential machine that detects four consecutive ones on input "x" anytime itoccurs and produce and output F. For example, if the input is 0101010101111111 the

output would be 0000000000001111

Figure 2. Top-level entity

Signal Name Type Description

x Input One bit

F Output One Bit

Counter Four






TABLE 1: Signal Description

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Figure 3. State Diagram of FSM

Go to File New and choose Verilog on the “Device Design Type”.

1.  Type in the Verilog module shown in Figure 4. Note that the name of the

module must be the Project Name.

2.  To insert a gate from a template. Go to Edit Insert Template. 3.  Save the file. Note that the file name needs to be the same as the Project


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Figure 4-a. Verilog module of Count_Four

module Count_Four (CLOCK, RST, x, F);

// Input and Output declaration 

input x; 

input RST; 

input CLOCK; 

output F; 

reg [2:0] State; 

always@(posedge CLOCK) 


if (RST == 1'b1) // Reset state 

State = 3'b000;else 


case (State) 


if (x == 1'b1) 


State = 3'b001;F=0;




State = 3'b000;F=0;



3'b001:beginif (x == 1'b1) 

 beginState = 3'b010;F=0;




State = 3'b000;F=0;



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Figure 4-b. Verilog module of Count_Four


if (x == 1'b1) 

 beginState = 3'b011;F=0;



 beginState = 3'b000;F=0;




if (x == 1'b1) 

 beginState = 3'b100;F=0;



 beginState = 3'b000;F=0;




if (x == 1'b1) 


State = 3'b100;F=1;




State = 3'b000;F=0;


enddefault :begin


State = 3'b000;F=0; 


endcase //end case-statement

end //end if-else statementend //end always statement


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3. Compiling the design3.  Go to Processing Start Compilation 

4.  The compilation should be successful with 4 warnings. Ignore these warningsand go to the next step.

4. Simulating the design5.  Go to File New 6.  Select "Other Files" and select "Vector Waveform File".

7.  A new waveform file will be opened.

8.  Right Click on “ Name” bar and select “Insert Insert Node or Bus”. 9.  In the “Insert Node or Bus” popup window choose “ Node Finder ”.

10. Select “List” on the right hand side. All the Inputs/Outputs will appear on the left

hand side of the pop-up window. Select all signals (ONE-BY-ONE) and transfer

them to the right hand side of the pop-up screen using the right arrow in themiddle. Hit "OK " and go to next step.

11. Hit Ctrl+W to see the whole file.


Assign the value of the clock by right clicking with the mouse button and go toValue Clock... as shown in Figure 5. A popup window shown in Figure 6 will

appear. Choose a reasonable clock for this design. A 50ns clock period is sufficient as

shown in Figure6. Make sure that the Duty Cycle of the clock is 50%.

13. Assign several sequences to input "x", and save the file as "Count_Four.wvf ".14. Go to Processing Start Simulation 

15. Simulation should be successful with no warnings.

16. Look into the file to verify the outputs.

Figure 5: Assigning Value to "CLOCK" signal

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Figure 6: Clock Assignment

5. Pin Assignments

In this section we will use only the External Clock, Switches, Push Buttons, and the

Green Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) to assign the inputs and outputs of the function.


Go to Assignment Assignment Editor .8.  In the "Category:" option select "Pin"

9.  Double click with your mouse button on line#1, and type in TABLE 2. For moreinformation, look in the Appendix (or Altera DE2 Manual) for a complete list of

Switches, LEDs, and Pushbuttons assignment.

10. Save your design and recompile it. You should get 3 warnings only. Ignore these

warnings and go to next step.

Table 2: Pin Assignments




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5. Programming to Traffic_Sys Design

In this section you will program the DE2 FPGA CycloneII and test your design.

10. Connect the USB-Blaster cable to your computer and turn on the board by

 pushing the red button on the board. Make sure that the board is in “RUN”mode not programmer mode (This is a switch on the left hand side of the

 board). For more details, please refer to the Altera DE2 manual.

11. Go to Tools  Programmer  or push the programmer button located in the

top right corner.

12. Select “Count_Four.sof ”. 

13. Select “Program/Configure”

14. Make sure the Hardware Setup “USB-Blaster[USB0]” is selected. 

15. Push the “Start” Button to start programming the board.

16. The lights on the board will indicate the chip is configured.


Use a 1 HZ clock from your DLD Trainer. Test the chip with the same testas the input.

18. Go to File Close Project and exit Quartus II.


Q1: Design a sequential machine that counts the number of one's when input x

is equal to one and display the count number on LEDs.

Hint use only a register of four bits width.

Q2: Implement a 5-Bit Binary Counter.Hint use only a register of 5 bits width.

5-Bit Counter



Output:5 Bits



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Experiment No. 4

Implementation in Verilog (Part 2)

Objectives:In this lab you will practice on verilog programming.

Problems:You have to solve the following problems using Altera DE2 board and

Quartus II 6.1 during labtime as an individual work and submit your solution at the end of the lab


For each problem, you have to write a program using verilog code andQuartus software. Show

your outputs on waveforms and altera board.

Problem 1: Design 2*4 decoder: Using two methods: a) if-else statement b) case statement

The following is the truth table for 2x4 Decoder:

Truth table for 2x4 Decoder

A B | D3 D2 D1 D0

---------+-----------------0 0 | 0 0 0 1

0 1 | 0 0 1 01 0 | 0 1 0 0

1 1 | 1 0 0 0

Problem 2: Compare between three numbers and display the maximum

number of them on a 7-segment display of altera board.

Problem 3: Design a multiplexer 2*1, the inputs of the multiplex (x and y)

is a 4-bit width. If selector is one, then it will pass an output from a 3-biteven counter. If selector is zero, then it will pass the output from a 3-bit odd


Problem 4: Design an even counter that counts from zero to 18 and then go back to zero. Display the output on two segment displays of the altera board.

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Experiment No. 5

Introduction to Digital Logic Design Lab using Basic

Logic Gates


To study the operation of basic logic gates

  To investigate the behavior of simple logic circuits



The components mainly used in this lab are various types of digitalintegrated circuits (Digital ICs or chips). These digital ICs are classified not

only by their logic operation, but also the specific logic-circuit family towhich they belong. Each logic family has its own basic electronic circuit

upon which more complex digital circuits and functions are developed. Themost frequently used logic families are TTL (Transistor-Transistor Logic)

and CMOS (Complementary metal-oxide semiconductor). TTL has a well

established popularity among Logic families and are used in this lab. CMOS

is widely used in large scale integrated circuits because of their highcomponent density and relatively low power consumption.

TTL ICs are usually distinguished by numerical designation 5400 and 7400

series and the power supply for TTL ICs usually is 5V. The common CMOStype ICs are in the 4000 series and the power supply for CMOS ICs ranges

from 3V to 15V. Table below shows the standard logic levels for TTL gates

Logic Level TTL Volts

LOW (0) 0.0 to 0.8 V

Undefined 0.8 to 2V

HIGH (1) 2.2 to 5V

The most popular package style of a TTL IC is Dual in line package(DIP). An IC has many pins (input/output pins and power supply pins) 

and in DIP these pins are arranged equally on either side as shown in

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figure 1.1. You will have to read the datasheet of each IC before using it

in your circuits to know the function of each pin. The pin numbers of anIC can be identified easily by a notch or dot. The pin on the top left side

of the notch/dot is always pin number 1 and pin on the top right side is

always the last pin as shown in fig 1.1

Figure 1.1 Standard DIP package

You will read some numbers and letters on the IC's such as:

74H00: which means this chip contains four two inputs NAND gates.

H means high speed.

74L00: which means this chip contains four two inputs NAND gates.

L means low power.74LS: L means low power; S means Schottky.

74AS:  A means advanced; S means Schottky.

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74ALS: A means advanced; L means low power; S means Schottky.

 Note: the 74S… series is twice faster than the 74H… series. ; 

Following Digital ICs are required for the experiments in this manual:

7400 Quad 2-Input NAND7402 Quad 2-Input NOR

7404 Hex INVERTER  7408 Quad 2-Input AND

7410 Triple 3-Input NAND

7411 Triple 3-Input AND 

7420 Dual 4-Input NAND 

7421 Dual 4-Input AND

7427 Triple 3-Input NOR7432 Quad 2-Input OR7447 BCD To 7-Segment Display Driver

7474 Dual D FLOP-FLOP

7476 Dual J-K FLOP-FLOP7483 4-Bit Binary Adder

7486 Quad 2-Input EX-OR

7493 4-Bit (0-15) Ripple Counter74147 Decimal To BCD Priority Encoder

74154 4 To 16 Decoder

74194 Universal Shift Register

In addition to the above digital ICs other components such as SPSTswitches, 7-segment displays, resistors etc are also needed.

The basic gates are the building blocks of more complex logic circuits.

These gates perform the basic Boolean functions, such as AND, OR and NOT. All logic circuits are made up of combinations of the electronic

equivalent of simple series and parallel connected switches. At the end of

this introductory laboratory section the students will be familiar with basiclogic gate ICs and their equivalent switching circuits. Also they will learn

how to implement simple logic circuits.

Following are the tools and equipment using the Digital Logic Design Lab:

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Tools & Equipment

Circuit Maker

Circuit Maker is a powerful, user-friendly, circuit simulation program thatallows you to easily draw and modify digital circuits. Its powerful built-in

digital and analog simulation capability can save your time and money byallowing you to check your designs before you build them. A simple tutorial

on circuit maker is given in Appendix A.

Digital Trainer (ETS-7000)

ETS -7000 (Figure 1.2) combines a multitude of features and all essential

functions of digital experiments in one compact unit.

Figure 1.2

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The unit mainly contains:

1. DC power Supply 

Fixed DC Output: +5V, 1 Amp and -5V, 300mAmp

Variable DC output: 0 to +15 V, 500mA and 0 to -15V, 500mA

2. Potentiometers: Variable resistor VR1 = 1k and VR2 = 100k

3. Function Generator: Operate in five variable range frequencies from1KHz to 100KHz to Provide sine wave (0 to 8 V pp), Triangular wave (o

to 6 V pp) Square wave (0 to 8 V pp) and TTL output 5 Vp.

4. Eight toggle switches  and corresponding output point: When the

switch is set at down position, the output is LOW (logic 0) and at UP

 position, the output is HIGH (logic 1). Used to input 0 or 1 to logiccircuits.

5. Two Pulse Switches  (push buttons) with two sets of outputs A, A’, B

and B’) to provide High to Low and Low to High clock pulses.

6. Speaker: To produce sound.

7. Adapter: Used to connect peripherals to the digital trainer

8. Two 7-segment Displays with decoder to display decimal numbers.

9.  Eight LED displays with separate input terminals. The LED will light upwhen input is at HIGH level and it will be turned off when it is at Low

level. Used for checking the output of logic circuits.


Solderless Breadboard

The large solderless breadboard is used for mounting components and

ICs (constructing the circuits)- This removal breadboard has many stripsof metal (nickel plated contact), which run underneath the board. These

metal strips are laid out horizontally and vertically as shown in figure 1.3.

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Figure 1.3

To use the breadboard, the legs of component are placed in the holes. The

holes are made so that they will hold the components in place. Each hole isconnected to one of the metal strips running underneath the board . The long

top, middle and bottom rows are usually used for power supply connections . 

The circuit is built by placing components and connecting them together with jumper wires. The ICs should be placed on the board in such a way that the

 pins of the ICs are electrically isolated (no connection between pins).The correct (and wrong) way of placing ICs on the bread board is shown in

figure 1.4.

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Figure 1.4

Logic Probes

Logic probe is a useful device to detect the logic state of an IC and providesa quick, inexpensive way for you to locate the fault. The Logic probes can

show you immediately whether a specific point in the circuit is low, high,

open, or pulsing. These probes are usually connected directly to the power

supply of the device being tested. A logic probe has three visible indicators -

Red, Green and Yellow LEDs.

Red LED (HI)  –  The voltage is a valid HIGH (logic 1) 

Green LED (LO)  –  The voltage is a valid LOW (Logic 0)

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Yellow LED (Pulse): The yellow or pulse LED comes on for approximately200 ms to indicate a pulse without regards to its width. This feature enables

one to observe a short duration pulse that would otherwise not be seen on the

red and green LEDs. The brightness of the HIGH and LOW LEDs are anindication of the duty cycle.


Used for measuring voltage, current and resistance

Building the Circuit

The steps for wiring a circuit should be completed in the order described


1.  Make sure the power is off before building your circuits

2.  Connect the +5V and ground (GND) leads of the trainer to the powerand ground bus strips on your breadboard (long connections on the

 bread board)

3.  Plug the chips you will be using into the breadboard properly. Pointall the chips in the same direction.


Connect +5V and GND pins of each chip to the power and ground bus

strips on the breadboard


Select a connection on your schematic and place a piece of hook-upwire between corresponding pins of the chips on your breadboard. It is

 better to make the short connections before the longer ones. Markeach connection on your schematic as you go, so as not to try to make

the same connection again at a later stage.6.


Get one of your group members to check the connections, before you

turn the power on7.


If an error is made and is not spotted before you turn the power on,

turn the power off immediately before you begin to rewire the circuit.


At the end of the laboratory session, collect your hook-up wires,components and all equipment and leave it in the same condition as it

was before you started.

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Equipment & Components Required for this experiment




  1 IC of 7404 NOT


1 IC of 7408 AND

  1 IC of 7432 OR


Part 1: 2-InputAND Gate


Insert AND gate IC (74LS08) on the breadboard properly and connect its

 power supply pins (Vcc & Ground) to +5V and GND on the trainer(Refer datasheet for the pin layout of 74LS08)


Select any one gate (out of four) from the 7408 IC, label its input as A &B and connect these inputs to any two toggle switches and output (F) toan LED on the trainer as in fig 1.5.

3.  Note the output F for all possible combinations of inputs A and B and

complete the truth table 1.1 (the ON/OFF condition of LED indicates thelogic level 1/0).

Figure 1.5

Logical Output FInputs

ExperimentalExpectedA B




1  01 1


Table 1.1


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Part 2: 2-input OR Gate

1. Repeat steps 1 to 3 in part 1 for figure 1.6 (with OR Gate IC 74LS32)

and complete table 1.2.

Figure 1.6 Table 1.2

Part 3: Not Gate


Repeat steps 1 to 3 in part 1 for figure 1.7 (with NOT gate IC 74LS04)

and complete table 1.3. (IC 74LS04 has six gates inside, each gate hasonly one input. Select any of them and connect its input to a toggle

switch and output to an LED) as in figure 1.7.

Logical Level of FInputs

ExperimentalExpectedA 0

Figure 1.7 Table 1.3

Part 4: Implementation of simple Logic circuits

1.  For the logic circuit of fig 1.8 write the Boolean expression for F.

Simulate the circuit using circuit maker and complete the output column

(F1) of table 1.4.

2.  Obtain the simplified expression for F using Boolean algebra and draw

the simplified logic diagram (Using only three gates –  AND, OR and

 NOT - 1 each)

Logical Level of FInputs 

ExperimentalExpectedA B


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Construct the simplified logic circuit, note the output F for each

combination of input and complete the output column (F2) of table 1.4

4.  Compare the outputs obtained in steps 1 & 3 above and write your


Figure 1.8

Table 1.4

Inputs F1

Step 1


Step 3A B C

0 0 00 0 1

0 1 0

0 1 1

1 1 01 0 1

1 1 0

1 1 1


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Experiment No. 6

Combinational Circuits Design Using Utilizing Basic

TTL Gates


To design and implement combinational circuits with different logics from a

set of statements which describe the circuits behavior.


Figure 4.1 shows the block diagram of a combinational logic circuit. Itconsists of input variables, logic circuit (Combination of logic gates) and

output variables. The logic circuit accepts signals from the inputs andgenerates signals to the outputs. The operation of a combinational logic

circuit can be specified with a truth table that lists the output values for each

combination of input variables. Also, it can be described by m   Boolean

functions, one for each output variable. Each output function is expressed interms of n  input variables.

n  inputs m   outputs

Figure 4.1

A combinational logic circuit can be implemented in many different logicssuch as AND-OR, OR-AND, NAND-NAND (NAND logic), NOR-NOR

(NOR logic) etc. Since NAND and NOR gates are easier to fabricate with

electronic components and are the basic gates used in all IC digital families,

 NAND or NOR logic are extensively used for implementing combinationallogic circuits. In this experiment students will learn how to design and

implement logic circuit using different logics.

Equipment & Components Required




  2 ICs of 7400 QUAD 2-I/P'S NAND GATE


 Logic Circuits

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  3 ICs of 7402 QUAD 2-I/P'S NOR GATE


1 ICs of 7486 QUAD 2-I/P'S XOR GATE

  1 ICs of 7410 QUAD 3-I/P'S NAND GATE


1 ICs of 7411 QUAD 3-I/P'S AND GATE


Part 1

For each of the design problem stated below:

1.  Obtain the Truth Table from the problem statement.


Using K Map, obtain simplified Boolean expressions for each of the

output variable and draw the logic diagram using the gates specifiedin the design constraints.


Using circuit maker simulate the circuit and verify the truth table.

Part 2

Construct the circuit for problem 3 and experimentally verify the truth table.

Problem 1Design a combinational circuit with three inputs, A, B and C, and two

outputs, X and Y. The output X becomes 1 when the binary input,

ABC (taking A as MSB), is a multiple of 3. The output Y becomes 1

when the binary input, ABC, is a multiple of 2 and 3 both. Do notconsider 0 as a multiple of any number.

Design Constraint:   3-input AND gates and Inverters ONLY.

Problem 2Design a 3-bit majority circuit. A majority circuit is a combinational

circuit whose output is equal to 1 if the input variable has more 1'sthan 0's. The output is 0 otherwise.

Design Constraint:   2-input and 3-input NAND gates ONLY.

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Problem 3

Design a combinational circuit to count the number of 1's in a 3-bitinput. The output represents the number of 1's in binary i.e. if the

input is '101' then the output will be '10' representing two 1's in the

input.Design Constraint:   2-input and 3-input NAND gates and 2-inputXOR gates ONLY.

Problem 4

A combinational switching network has three inputs (A, B, and C) and

two outputs X, Y. The output X is 1 if the input number is a prime

number. Y is 1 if the decimal value of its inputs is not a multiple of

three.Note: The two input combinations 001 & 100 are forbidden.

Design constraint:  2-input NAND, Inverter, & 3-input NAND gatesONLY.

Problem 5

Design an error detection circuit for 3-bit input. The circuit must have

two outputs X and Y. The output X becomes 1 when there are two

consecutive 1's in the binary input. Similarly, the output Y becomes 1when there are two consecutive 0's in the binary input. In all othercases the outputs should be 0.

Design Constraint:  2-input NOR gates ONLY.

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Experiment No. 7

Arithmetic Logic Unit and Datapath Utilizing Decoders

and Encoders


To implement and investigate the operation of 4-bit binary adder-

subtractor and magnitude comparator circuits.

  To study the operation of decoders/encoders and their applications in

digital systems.


One of the primary functions any calculator or digital computer must

 perform is binary addition. A combinational logic circuit that performs theaddition of two bits and produces the sum and carry is called a half adder  

(fig 5.1a)

a bFigure 5.1

The circuit that performs addition of three bits (two significant bits and a

 previous carry) and produces the sum and carry is called a full adder (figure5.1b). The names of the circuit derived from the fact that a full adder can be

implemented with two half adders.

An n-bit binary adder can be constructed with n-full adders connected incascade, with the output carry from each full adder connected to the input

carry of the next full adder connected in chain. Such binary adders areavailable in IC form. Figure 5.2 shows the block diagram of 4-bit binary

adder IC (74LS83). It can add two 4-bit numbers, say A (= A4 A3 A2 A1) and

B (= B4 B3 B2 B1) and produce sum output S (= S4 S3 S2 S1). C0 is the initial

carry input and C4 is the final carry output.

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Figure 5.2 - Block diagram of 7483 IC

The 7483 IC can be used as a 4-bit binary adder-subtractor with somemodifications as shown in figure 5.3. It can be seen that the 7483 receives

Figure 5.3

the first operand A directly and other operand B through XOR gates. Each

XOR gates receives mode input M and one of the inputs of B. When M=0

the circuit is an adder and when M=1 it becomes subtractor as explained


When M = 0, the initial carry C0 = 0, one of the input of each XOR gates is 0

and each XOR gate passes the other input to its output (because XΘ0 = X).

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Thus the second input to 7483 is B and the circuit perform normal addition

as follows C4 C3 C2 C1  0  +

First operand A = A4 A3 A2 A1 +

Second operand B = B4 B3  B2 B1

Sum output S = C4 S

4 S


2  S


When M = 1, the initial carry C0 = 1, one of the input of each XOR gates is 1and each XOR gate produces the complement of its other input (because

XΘ1 = X’). Thus the second input to 7483 is 1’s complement of B. This 1’scomplement plus C0 (1) becomes 2’s complement of B. Thus circuit adds 2’s

complement of B to A (i.e. subtraction by 2’s complement). 

C4 C3 C2 C1 1  +

First operand A = A4  A3  A2  A1 +

Second operand (1’s complement of B) = B’4 B’3 B’2 B’1

Sum output S = C4  S4  S3  S2  S1

The circuit of figure 4.3 in subtractor mode can be used as a 4-bit magnitude

comparator for checking the conditions A = B, A < B and A > B. For this

you will have to design a combinational logic circuit with C4, S4, S3, S2, S1, asinputs and E, L and G as outputs.

Output E= 1 if A = B (When A = B, S = 0000)Output L= 1 if A < B (When A < B, carry out put C4= 0)

Output G= 1 if A > B (When A > B, C4 = 1 and S ≠ 0000) 

Decoders & Encoders:

Digital systems contain binary-coded data and information. Decoder andencoder circuits are used in digital system for changing data from one type

of code to another. Since this is a common operation in digital systems these

circuits are available in IC forms. In this experiment we will concentrate on

BCD to 7-segment decoder and a Decimal to BCD encoder.

The 7-segment display, used for displaying decimal numbers (0 to 9)

consists of 7 segments a, b, c, d, e, f, g and seven inputs as shown in figure5.4 (a). Each segment is a Light emitting Diode LED (figure 5.4 (b)) that

emits lights when current passes through it. There are two types of displays

1) Common anode and 2) Common Cathode. A common anode type ties allof the + voltage sides (Anode) of the LED’s together to a common point and

this common point must be connected to +5V as shown in figure 5.4 (c). In

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order to turn on a specific segment in a common anode type display, you

must supply a low voltage (logic 0) at that segment. In other words, whenyou apply logic 0 to a, b, c, d and g input lines, these segments will be ON

and you will get a display ‘3’. In common cathode type display, the cathode

of all LEDs is connected together to ground and a logic 1 must be applied toenable a segment.

In order to display a BCD number on a seven segment display, a BCD to

seven segment decoder is needed to translate the 4-bit BCD number intoseven segments (7-bits). Since this is a common operation in digital systems

such decoders are available in IC forms. For example 74LS 47 (for common

anode display) and 74LS48 (for common cathode display).

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 5.4

Equipment & Components Required



  2 IC of 7483 4-BIT BINARY ADDER


1 IC of 7421 4-input AND GATE

  2 IC of 7404 INVERTERS


1 ICs of 7486 QUAD 2-I/P'S XOR GATE


1 IC of 74147 ENCODER




1 IC of 74154 4-to-16 DECODER

  1 IC of 7432 2-INPUT OR GATE


2 IC of 7420 4-INPUT NAND GATE

  1 Resistor pack (contains 8 resistors) of 270 ohms


1 Seven Segment display –  Common anode type.

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Part 1: Parallel Adder-Subtractor:1.

  Using circuit maker simulate the operation of circuit in figure 5.3 with

three different inputs of your choice (with M=0 and M=1) using ICs7483 and 7486. Show clearly the inputs and outputs in table 5.1


Construct the circuit in figure 5.3 by connecting the inputs A (A1

through A4) and B (B1 through B4) to the toggle switches and the sumoutput S (S1 through S4) and carry output C4 to the LEDs on the

trainer. You may connect the mode control input M to GND to set

M=0 and to Vcc to set M = 1.

3.  Experimentally verify the results obtained in step 1 and write your

comments.M = 0 M = 1

Inputs Outputs Inputs Outputs

A4A3A2A1  B4B3 B2B1  C4 S4S3S2 S1  A4A3A2A1  B4B3 B2B1  C4 S4S3S2 S1 

Table 5.1

4.  Keep the connection of this circuit, don’t disconnect it, you will use itfor the next part.

Part 2: Decoder:

1.  Refer the datasheet of 7447, 7-segment display and construct the circuitin Fig 5.5. 


Experimentally verify your results and fill it in table 5.2.

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Figure 5.5

Note: Seven resistors are used to guarantee that the same cur rent flows through al l

segments that are cur rently on (keeping all segments at a un if orm br ightness).

BCD inputs a B c D E f G Decimal display

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 1

0 0 1 1

0 1 0 0

0 1 0 1

0 1 1 0

0 1 1 1

1 0 0 0

1 0 0 1

Table 5.2


 Now, go back to the previous part, disconnect the inputs from theswitches.

4.  Connect the output of the adder to the input of the decoder and displaythe output result.


Experimentally verify the results obtained in the previous part.

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Part 3: Magnitude Comparator:


Design a 4-bit magnitude comparator with 4-bit adder-subtractor

circuits and other logic gates.


Using circuit maker verify the operation of the circuits with three

different sets of inputs. Show clearly the inputs and outputs in table 5.3

Inputs Outputs

A4 A3 A2 A1  B4 B3 B2 B1  E L G

Table 5.3

Part 5: Encoder:/


Simulate the operation of circuit shown in figure 5.6 using circuit maker.

2.  Construct the circuit in figure 5.6 and experimentally verify the resultsobtained in step 1.

Figure 5.63.


Verify your result using the 7-segment display.

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Experiment No. 8

Sequential Circuits DesignObjectives:


To investigate the operation of various types of Flip-flops.


To design, build and test sequential circuit from a state diagram.

Introduction:In the previous experiments, the logic circuits introduced were combinational.

The output of these circuits depends on the present combination of the inputs

and these circuits do not have any memory cells. Memory cells are very

important in digital systems and are used for temporary storage of the outputs

 produced by a combinational logic circuit for use at a later time in the operation

of a digital system. Logic circuits that incorporate memory cells are called sequential logic circuits; their output depends not only upon the present value

(state) of the input but also upon the previous values (state). Usually a

sequential logic circuit requires timing signal or clock signal for their operation.

A clock pulse is a signal that has two different voltage levels as shown in figure

6.1. It remains at the high level for a time called the pulse width (tw), and then

returns to the low level. A periodic pulse train repeats itself in a regular

manner. The time for one complete cycle in a periodic signal is called period

(T). The reciprocal of the period is the frequency (f), which is the number of

cycles per second. A second characteristic of a periodic pulse is the duty cycle.

The duty cycle is the pulse width (tw) divided by the period (T) and it is usuallygiven as a percentage. These definitions are shown in figure 6.1.

Figure 6.1 Definitions for a periodic pulse

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The flip-flop (also called latch) is a basic bi-stable memory cell widely used

in sequential logic circuits. Usually there are two outputs, Q and itscomplement Q’. They are called state variables. State variables which

change only between logic 1 and logic 0 are called binary state variables.

There are various types of flip-flops such as Basic R-S Flip-flop, Clocked R-S flip-flops, D-Flip-flops, J-K Flip-flop etc. Flip-flops are seem to be

everywhere in digital systems such as counters, memories, registers,arithmetic circuits, timing and control circuits, frequency dividers etc. These

flip-flops can be implemented with logic gates. Since flip-flops are the basic building block of a sequential circuits, they are commercially available in IC

form (D flip-flop IC 7474, J-K Flip-flop IC 7476).

Sequential Circuits

The behavior of a sequential circuit can be described by means of state

equations or state diagram or state table. It means one can build a sequentialcircuit from a set of state equations or from a state table or from a statediagram. In this experiment you will build a sequential circuit from a given

state diagram. The State diagram is a graphical representation of a sequential

circuit. In this diagram the state is represented with a circle and the transition between states are indicated by the directed lines connecting the circles. The

 binary number inside each circle identifies the state of the flip-flops. The

directed lines are labeled with two binary numbers separated by a slash. Thefirst one represents the input value during the present state and second one

(after the slash) represents the output during the present state with the given


Equipment & Components Required





2 ICs of 7400 QUAD NAND GATE


1 IC of 7476 DUAL M/S F/F


1 IC of 7474 DUAL D F/F


1 IC of 7486 XOR GATE

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Part 1. Flip-flop circuits using logic gates

Design the following flip-flop circuits using NAND gates. Simulate the

operation of these flip-flop circuits using circuit maker and verify their truth-tables

1.  Basic R-S Flip-flop2.


Clocked R-S Flip-flops

3.  D-Flip-flops

Part 2: D flip-flop IC 7474

1. Refer the datasheet and study the functions of input, output and control

 pins of D Flip-flop IC (74LS74).(The 7474 IC contains two independent positive-edge-triggered flip-flops,each has input/ output lines as shown in figure 6.2. The information on the

D input is accepted by the flip-flops on the positive going edge of the

clock pulse (indicated with an upward arrow in the function table 6.4).

The preset (PR)and Clear (CLR) are active low control inputs (bubble onthese lines indicate active low –  a logic 0 on the PR or CLR inputs will set

or reset the outputs regardless of the logic levels of the other inputs)2.


Connect CLK input to a pulse switch and other inputs (D, PR and CLR) to

logic switches. Connect all output to LEDs on the trainer3. 

Proceed through the conditions on the truth table 6.1 and record the


Figure 6.2

Table 6.1

Inputs Outputs


















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Part 3: Study of J-K flip-flop IC 7476

Repeat all steps in part 2 for J-K flip flops (IC 7476) in figure 6.3 and

complete the table 6.2. The 7476 IC contains two independent positive pulse

triggered J-K flip-flops with two inputs and two outputs. A LOW logic levelon the preset (PR) or clear (CLR) inputs will set or reset the outputs

regardless of the logic levels of the other inputs.

Figure 6.3Table 6.2

Part 4: Sequential Circuits


Analyze the state diagram shown in figure 6.4 and complete the statetable (table 6.3). Assume that the states are represented with JK flip-


2.  Obtain the simplified expressions for the flip-flops inputs and draw thesequential circuits with least number of components.


Simulate the circuit using circuit maker and verify the state diagram or

state table.

4.  Construct the circuit and experimentally verify the state table or state


Inputs Outputs





J K Q Q’ 



















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Figure 6.4

Table 6.3


Input Next stateOutput Flip-flop inputs

A(t)  B(t)  X A(t+1)  B(t+1)  Y JA  K A  JB  K B 

0 0

0 00 1

0 1

1 01 01 1

1 1






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Experiment No. 9

Registers and Counters with Design Applications



To investigate the operation of different type of registers  To investigate the operation of asynchronous and synchronous




The term register  can be used in a variety of specific applications, but in allcases it refers to a group of flip-flops. Each flip-flop is capable of storing 1

 bit of information. Thus an n-bit register consists of a group of n flip-flops to

store n bits of binary information.

Different types of registers are available commercially. The simplest is one

that consists of only flip-flops without any gates. Figure 7.1 shows a simple4-bit parallel register with D flip-flop. It is called a parallel register because

all bits of information are loaded simultaneously (in parallel) with acommon clock pulse.

Figure 7.1

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A register capable of shifting its binary information in one or both

directions is called a shift register. Figure 7.2 shows a simple 4-bit shiftregister using D flip-flops. Each clock pulse shifts the contents of the

register one bit position to the right. The serial input determines whatgoes into the leftmost flip-flop during the shift.

Figure 7.2

In addition to the flip-flops, a register may have combinational gates that

 perform certain data processing tasks such as shift the data right or left, parallel in parallel out, serial in parallel out etc. Since such functions are

common in digital systems, TTL ICs capable of performing these tasks arecommercially available (Example: Universal Shift Register IC 74194).

Figure 7.3 shows the block diagram of 7494 IC. This bidirectional shift

register incorporates operations such as parallel load, right-shift, left-shift,Clear etc. These modes of operations are controlled by the selection lines S0 

and S1  as shown in the function table 8.1. The parallel loading isaccomplished by applying the four bits of data and taking both mode control

inputs, S0 and S1, logic 1. The data is loaded into the associated flip-flops

and appear at the outputs after the positive transition of the clock input.

During loading, serial data flow is inhibited. Shift right is accomplishedsynchronously with the rising edge of the clock pulse when S0 is at 1 and S1

is at 0. Serial data for this mode is entered at the shift-right data input. When

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S0 is 0 and S1 is 1, data shifts left and new data is entered at the shift-left

serial input. Clocking of the flip-flop is inhibited when both mode controlinputs are low.

Figure 7.3

Table 7.1

CounterA counter is a sequential circuit which goes through a predetermined

sequence of states upon the application of input pulses. The counters may beclassified as asynchronous (ripple counter) or synchronous depending on the

way in which the clock input is applied.In a ripple counter the clock input of flip-flops are not triggered by the

common clock pulse. The output of each flip-flop connected to the clockinput of the nest higher order flip-flop as shown in figure 7.4. Whereas in a

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synchronous counter all flip-flops are triggered by a common clock pulse as

shown in figure 7.5.

Both asynchronous and synchronous counters can be constructed with flip-

flops. An n-bit counter (asynchronous or synchronous) needs n flip-flops.Since the counters are important part of many digital systems these counters

are commercially available in IC form.

Equipment & Components Required






  2 ICs of 7474 DUAL D- F/F


2 IC of 7476 J-K FLIP-FLOP


1 IC of 7493 COUNTER

  1 IC of 7408 2-INPUT AND GATE


Part 1: 4-bit Parallel in parallel out register

Using circuit maker simulate the operation of circuit in figure 7.1 byobserving the output for each condition of CLR, PR and CLK inputs

listed in table 7.2. The data input A B C D may be set to any desiredvalue. If no change in the output is observed you may simply write “Nochange” in the output column 














Table 7.2

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Part 2: Shift register (Serial in parallel out)

Using circuit maker simulate the operation of the circuit in figure 7.2 by performing the following


Connect the CLR input momentarily to 0 and then to 1. This willreset the register (output becomes 0000).

2.  Load a 4-bit data (any desired data, say 1011) through the serial input –  one bit at a time starting from the LSB. For loading each bit youneed a clock pulse.

3.  Study the operation of the circuit with different data and write yourcomments.

Part 3: Universal Shift Register (74194) 


Construct the circuit of figure 7.3. Connect all inputs except the clock to

the logic switches and outputs to LEDs on the trainer.

2.  For each listed condition of the inputs observe the output (after enabling

the clock input) and complete the table 7.2. You may apply any desired4-bit number as input (A B C D). If there is no change in output you may

simply write “no change” in the output column.

Inputs Outputs

Clear Mode Clock Serial Parallel QA QB QC QDS1 S0 Left Right A B C D







0 0

0 01 1

0 10 1

1 0

1 0

0 0













Table 7.3

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Part 4: 4-bit Asynchronous (ripple) counter.

1. Using Circuit Maker simulate the operation of ripple counter in figure 7.4

 by performing the following.


Set Preset= 0 and Clear= 1 apply clock pulses and observe sequences

generated by the counter. b.


Set Preset=1 and Clear= 0 apply clock pulses and observe sequences

generated by the counterc.


Set Preset = 1 and Clear = 1 apply clock pulses and observe the

sequences generated by the counter

2. Convert the circuit in figure 7.4 to a BCD counter and simulates its

operation using circuit maker.

Figure 7.4

Part 5: Ripple counter using IC 7493

1.  Refer the datasheet and study the functions of input/output lines of 7493


2.  Make necessary connections to clock inputs (CP0 and CP1) and resetinputs (R1 and R2) in the block diagram of 7493 in figure 7.5 so as to

operate it as a 4-bit binary counter. Write explanations for yourconnections.

3.  Construct the circuit and test it by applying clock pulses and observing

the output sequences.

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Figure 7.5

Part 6: Combination between counter and universal shift register:

1.   Now, keep the connection of the previous circuit and connect the outputof the counter to the inputs of the universal shift register.

2.  Perform all the operations of the shift register. Make all the necessaryconnections of the shift register. Put your result in table 7.4.

Inputs Outputs


ClockSerial Parallel

QA QB QC QDS1 S0 Left Right A B C D





0 00 01 1

0 10 1

1 01 0

0 0

Table 7.4

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Part 7: Asynchronous BCD counter using 7493


Make necessary connections in figure 7.6 to convert the circuit in part 6

to a BCD counter. Give reasons for your connections.

Figure 7.6

2.  Construct circuit and test the operation by applying clock pulses

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