Download - DnD Alignment Story


A party of nine adventurers are summoned by the king and commanded to slay a Vampire Lord at all costs. The party learns the Vampire is hiding in an orphanage. As the party approach, someone suggests that they should just burn the orphanage down to kill the vampire.

LG: What!? Seriously man! Not only is burning orphans to death so far past wrong it can't see right any more, but it also breaks at least a dozen fire safety laws!CG: Dude! He's talking about BURNING KIDS ALIVE and you're worried about upsetting the fire department? Get your priorities straight!NG: Look, nobody's saying burning kids to death is a good thing! Just chill! LG does have a point, sort of we COULD burn the place down, but ONLY if we can get the kids out and there isn't another way to deal with the Vampire.LN: I'm not sure. I mean, on the one hand the king did say 'at all costs', but like LG said this is breaking a lot of laws. Does the direct order of a king trump the national charter? I'm going to need someone with a couple of ranks in Knowledge [Legal precedent] for this.TN: Arf! Arf arf! Yip!CN: Okay, so on the one hand burning the Vampire to death means fame and riches and lots of young girls to sleep with. On the other hand, burning kids to death means dancing the hempen jig, and I'm not entirely sure that Vampire is hated enough that they'd overlook the burning the kids thing. I say we go to the bar or something until the Vampire kills the kids, THEN we can burn the place down and be heroes. And get laid. I would REALLY like to get laid once in my life.LE: Sorry, what? I can't hear you over the sound of children burning to death.NE: Dude! What the fuck!?LE: What? The king said 'at all costs!' Ends justify the means!NE: But I wanted to do it! I bought the lamp oil! When do we EVER get to burn down an orphanage!? Seriously, now I'm going to have to find a Vampire, help him grow in power, find another rich kingdom and set this whole scenario up again just so I get to burn an orphanage down! It was on my damn bucket-list man! Also, I deserve a bigger cut of the reward because I bought the lamp oil!CE: I put my finger in my bum and now it smells of poop!TN: *whine!*NE: Why is there a baby in our party?CN: Don't ask me.NG: Nobody ever does, don't worry.
CG: The poor thing must be lost!LG: We can't leave a toddler out in the street all alone!LN: Yeah. We should turn him over to the proper authorities.LE: I agree. *Picks up CE* Come here, little fella! Back in the orphanage you go!

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